CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 6 Mar 1896, p. 4

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RIDT, MBCH 6, 1896. M. WOODMANPulse. ttho post-offiuieAt LL.lbyvtil., mfbol.a second-elass matteu-. INO ]RATES MADKN0Wt4 ON APP'LI- CATION. 1%. House hu asged thebtîilluithor- $ftg the leasing o! the sciiool landsu SArzon.-, 'V-r thce i*ýiuI"t« V t1, ~4 the StIiaUtilS (XilCtU' -ttuLit Why did the deiegates to thte re4lons coniventions receive 1ilistrutc- lois'Smply because thecocnimuittee Ni resolutionti were 'iustruutedt utu oInstruet." Menators Mitchell, of Oregoni; tur- rws, of Mich., and Turpie, o! lIffiana, tom a sub-Cominlttecc utiteutd tut booider aud report to the fulitcin- àiuee on eiections, Uhe re.wttuîtinupro- 40 for the ciectiotu of acuuatuuus hy tlrect vote o! the pe'ople. The Aabama lugisaîtive vivtitn tel iueu a goutd mnumn t cî ut a I tts pr ite -whlch precaded thtu ticu.tiii tf Sen- place- youtr <u-ird tutus'.w uiti havei- t ~ ator Morgan le tikley to lie iinveitigit- mulde tiriug the %inoter mntnîs. ed by a senate eounnittve, as it is tuu .tov, Co tîpuuoittîunvttiuictettt. Scertain that Seiattr Alietie reeottiutt IIEul tAIdSTOW, Wtuukugan. ~ortheîneetgttio - ii le t-ttutedl (ttlest Tuetauuves -iug, Fiuruîary for th invetigatonot-l lierepu-te 2it i utti tfNlrre. Gteorgt- totha senate, anti probhabltit tfuNsli t)arli mt lIto- hutuut-lit thue ttuwn of tbe Voted fou- luy altthte îtutiuists utnttilAvtou. lit-r ilitutiesuitaL a liîugcuiîg atît ~' repubicatus.ptitît tttt, liviung a -iuuetr. Mu-u. The A. P. A. hi ut-te siiffi t- Dau-by wuo t ttiutu of lit-r deatî 55i veau-s. 1 i îuuîtlîs atundasy ult. The ,victories It lias uicui y at-tîrîtinlithe fanily bavet-hte ttyniatty tf ILIl[ ulo REoee. Itla is oîw tuyiîîg to ptruvent kuew lit-r ini tei-r affliu-t-luuîa. t?~he stattue tf tuttu- Mituette. Il presented tri tht- V. S. ity tii- ttituto ROLLINS. Wi-sconsin, tu-tuu ot-ei ai ugutlace dfti t-teorgue Wtit-r sliiIChi i-go, theatuatlryhlat utti- Cuutittu btultl- Stur Ing. Represenitativc- Linouî, tuf Miti., Mu-. aiut M r-t. W. Iailutttt, u(uit v-t ~?wlio ied tiue A. P. A. tutut-ts liitt-e liglut go, atnt- lsitiiig bis ptaretsaotf titis *whlcli re8liltutilita uî i aeîuulut-it tu l'laveu. the Indiun appropr-tiaton lbill iprot- Lututliuuu-aulmuy uue teti ut-ttural blting the puuyîuut î y theloveistrn- ouf Mu-s .. Ge-orge- lau-y, whtu dieut Tuuts- tluy tiglut ualtertuiutlong iltit-s. lier 'nmeut o01uuuY monIYt-yttttuutthe tOlie u-t-aiuus ut-ru'iutu-u-u-einluthe- Mtmfa- Indian schools, iîtsoutl-cia ru-ctuitiout villeveetcu-y. by wlulch lie expectmte) ttliuit onut tic Foir a gotut muoumtent et a iow prit-c. -Father Marquefttsatuue, tun the place yuuouutr rîtu w and hauive if matdt grlndtattelaw auufhuuiziug fthe tlturiîug the ssintcu- noufs. Courte- - groad thetthe îoîuteuuc suliett-d. plactug o! statuesii ic Ce aîitol ettyt, FîtE-t BAmauerOW, Wauikegan. ~tiat thay shahlutu ctilsofthfle States Mus. Turante t-mne bornue uectntly prementlng flcmn tunît! Vint Fuittîtu-frotnChîic-egot tiîcu iteu itedltatire >Marquette wa nuti a titizcîî tf fit- uuet--klitu a ostitable (timinug tlîut tinte £1ýe f Wscnsi. f M. intn l, site him uilttite autet-tt putiation Iter- Mauere recognuitionurtu-tuthfe Speamker sîde. Sitt is gtttiîig eitug as au-l ius ha ceauprobabiy get ies resolutituti <-uhitibe exltecteti. adOPted, but the geanerai l liet-f la fat Speasker Eeed wlt not uetogiuize- hiniiuDIAMOND LAKE. or Vbe purposie ýf calllng iule. 1 Peter L. Jutugenstîn sent hotorver 1 e SUUduity. The old jeaitîuty of tic llouse Gilhburt Lutte la-<lu-k s itlî intlmaitm t0lUIarles o!flice Senate buis agein o! the bltuwi. .rkaout. The reslt o!flua luhMr. C. Bilatin & Co., tut Chicagou,a-eu-e jutbresk wastlie stu-klng out o! ttf leu-e Mutuduy lest. 'caueo! tlie îegieîative aiuxccîtivc Tute rush nt Ltigiutonin utcfits appropriation biih wiu-h carrieti tahecigth tlitu remcof. naony io pa itnnatsuiarie toeli-lts JohnutSimpsotn, o! Nuttula.Illt., o! Senatoris -eho au-c tuti chilunno!f 'rwt etr ttunu', onet tufsmuitatnti one 00ommttees. Thisuumîusft nti lut- us- - iumbe, art-itue tuat-t-ek !fierIl. Bau-tett. taken for ue!tunainthflc part o! time Beu-rt-oxIbuhal uit uttavttof -!Ouse, for it lent aîythilig tuf tite rliunuituiNni, ottitrt'.ist- lut-is mnuuuu-iî un klnd. t le commun, es-eu-y day ltog prttvt-u. - oUing, by wicb flue flouse uxpecta F.-1T. Cuuu-itutu, lutt atu tr huiititu-fotu tht- E. .1. &t E. ly.,suas atfLvtjftu Io suced ilin havimg te saarietf Moutuiuy. Ita own memberei' clerksmadearenta tt Ilke those of Senttore cteuka, ixuaica(lj ROCKEFELLER. ci balintilieu peliouiy so lonig ma St t-A. M. riggs tut-s'- --itul. - -Quags-s s asss n.Thli gtii-t (1i ÉTuui u Gtuitoi i stuttu t tý-vuiva l i -tluIng lent autnuu blu1 ut hi ti tu- uityIjui s'. eu-k. fiutunn Tit-u-uier tw t-- ltut.Vunliturît tf Oamk uark, iras - lui-t tt rtt st- ~- t u . tîtlut it s t lay. fitur orsenîtttu- ti ch-klerel;akt-s -v u-ut- týtt u-ttf EvILitiutu, la s lit- t(%N %"'yuug -lier uutlt- ieJotub Cruîk bttc --Weil thaf fie Senate suoutd purt it bmtuk )ttîj(utkattli u-uttît- iu the brille andti tut wiucutimu- lltl gutt aitk the uast wt-ck suitt a vett. t6 conference ttîty ettu ;rutittbiy Peîter Lit(lell ianud fuuniy tre i)utîl Buicceed lunliavlg tf luHotuse ceuks llimit-iy su-tted li thelu- mesu-bhorne. put upon the stute fuilugam tte Ift.)az- uti fiuiilv, tf (iuayuluke, ieiate lerks, andt îen pat-k alhelutuittit-ml ft-e tChristianmîEumttuavrt- Ma- its for inceetidapproupriautionis ttuukîtat('tme mt--traitestr.and I- ant for cu-rk lire 011thfle Senete. CoMtn l I(,tmtîuy.tSija II LttMudt'WitKiigge rt-u-aivla IVAN HOE. aliplacut tuf !otuu-eeîmuuSuViumg nuteblites aiiut! tht- iigliîgratte liot.uau-Imoi Mfr. Janaca Davis lues inotueut unîtilt(,att-iitt-. (,()1110 andti ec hlmia!you told homesfead. su-ltutt te t-iitc. le sili tueut yuu Henry (irabbe weît t t hi-tugut tuturiglut. busineass aturdey. Dr. Tutuila guttutîs utiruiveu ltait Fuiduy. Ku ra. Andrew Wagner sent t tiltuimy Mu-. Travi-u us visiting ht-r (IIoti uîe .<and Sunday lu Chu-agit.utMutltWl.,tuiet'tt--ilur Mise Cora Wagner 1.4 t-a iig %su l very htoon. W thiik lur tîttor Mim. Chas. Burton iuiuagto. arxtt utinattiteut u--su-aIi- thm Lincoln Lusk basmusntvodull ttutu t lu<- t ds-eu-ysue,timmt-. ivlh fartaha lias eute-ul iiit tilius. 'Lihaty e lraiuu Emittvu - 1Mr. sud Mu-s. HerryPaynue tre tml])y -The Chmrul-~itiantuCt5s u luît tt OVr the arrivai tf a fiue Ituuy gi. rtttgit rtuuuulatthe tuu-lut-t EuîItýttvou-e Mfr. Edisonin tanuatîtuliaiu , i iteut the itrttigetlIliu tnfl te tutîtIu tq @fillied. Roulner Hendee lu-nu fiertheflic -umiuug ITul rtg-uu iv'aasu-tIl tutriu-uotnand Bey. M. Motore- idelt a uuau-tt-lt Mu-. iigget. a sattti ttr,-t su ticIu the cil eztttnded uy titis u-îuurv t-î ou Ajuu uîfyIuufutk .if7:15 tha hlmi a few weks igtu. (tltu-Iati tEtitîctu'. tirlmt-tiuug was lad 'The deaut t!ofMu-s. <C.Vt')ytusams uvlt'v..Stt ( lHutilbty. Thtis 'Vey uddu.Thefuerti amFr ituy a itt ltt 1)iy tti] l'truasty Pt-of. aver suduttien . Vi,e i(uitul. als %vtay .S. Wtlt-it, tittilt- rhvit- lrettNeed afberaootu ut Wîuuît-î uofl"i - tt mult-tii-r îtIiutii 11Olu r <u r ar Mesure. Itîta uuulut-i-l.Tte'ilu -ku.Petpltiti - u uiututem i- tni and GY(lly Iiiuîibmu %%tl stu îtLie uuuguu tîu1st9mr- " luruit tt nai'-l tuedou reeenitîy to take tt- t-i t--aaittîit .u-ut.Anjutl-st- tttte au-val thon, tutsotiit-loto\tliuton. tt; I'ti laukt in twtt Edgr tano latuu ti ut ttulimteut r iituttils it lit-J,-sut-ti1itX1 t-tf agather Rendees lfeu-m i.suli-u u lttà j a rt- int- ;INt ttiturgu- lt ti>iltîtu- t ututIu-,et- aud Arthu tî-litfy ai it aueutnti tîut -t-el]i their plat-t. iMr'Laitdi tra. Eu-tutst Ftitriii-uti if i.moulet-trubet,,i-lu urite tri rîlu- &* « aietu fewtluurs ret-, -itly s'ith tiCi s ututdi rie u t, ii t i mut ny dut hiz grad-Prensti,1tuantMi ave thttumt- large flutr l u Anthony Pctnmx. tl<ur stiuernib< cuIl ti ti'u I.NDZI-ENtT>I WilI Joues Ilefna-ni, i làis ia itîite-ut tf wuitiut19 ltturs, as fliat givea - aaqulntances auîd relative ieu tIis altenw n miiii etrl plise. Ili as tiecu îruuvi-iiuug mtu(ril l"uuaîy raet-tm. If Allie fer eheaper YOM a la oreign conntrit-s. -thaîî wrt-lt 1 ttt.-'. _ st Baturday es'enlng M. t. Wjutz U7.0, gave a blrthday perty. fils hiutlî- jueag en the 2tth ritFeli. it suihI otria lips f !lttmtartket uvth fix- hi~U~~q 0heb 1ore ha iasuAiothar. tuesi. I lit- t)lîî iing. L à le a Joad, the Misses A. CIIdsa, Aua&ioce,,lUI. - M Hadn't Amked Bier. 'Eu-I want soe sou- f o!r presemt: Too Louifi for a young lady."t "Wbat do you t1lmluk o!fIliese tr-oui- "Sweetheau-t or sisterr" sers, Parker?" n i-rby" "SimpIy dea!u-ning, ii erby" "Er-why--be liasn'f saîi whtdh site -- wl be yt.-Cincinnat Euiriut jrpr iaAr Half Pay. 1Engtish Bport-Wrreach Sports aah i p tWil you pliesegive mue a penany?", sad ajramP. "i4 n hif." ."Yon can Bea out of one eye as welI as I can," replef the gentle-mani Impor- tnned; "you au-e oaiy liai! hujati." "Then give me a biut!tcriy," Sali te tuamP.-London Tit-itilts. Victim Of Esuloon Sleeve.. Mis Kltislu-Wetl, Stalleati dtr i gle up he le-atborate cituretu wedtling afteu- aiL Miss Gaskett-Wby? Miss Kittlsh-Tuuey mensunedti heý churcb doors sud four t ttiy were't wlde enougb to lai lir lu wittulheu- golag-awtiy griwuon-Ni-w Yoirk W&fId. EXpencive. Treetop-I wanted f0 stny ln Newà Yortk two days9 longer, but Ieouîîi'. _lector Achille-Ab. ha 'ave sat dosvn. Hayrlck-Why mot? ýNùw watci me kili hlm.-Lontion Pick- Treetop-11orgot tri mrrtgagc flue farmta e-rp. betore I started.-Truitb. A Modification. ReassuaEnouch. usbanti (fulrusly)-Ilere,'s nuy lui-t _sI-' m weary of Yotîr et-îrnaliy meerscliîm Ipipe brokan! 10w la tflue referrlmg f0 woman as flue "gantIer manie O! sensa tîl t lai iaptenl? gex." ite-I l o't kîîow, excepi ituat wiueni Guffr-Wllsine th biyel blom-I grit UP this îuîoring h founti youu- er craze set in, theY'ra n'ore like gentsyor rrsîocunipie n te îfront hallandl tbam ever!-Exchange. yj piace sOý4o h alrnatl - 'here Are Others. htusanmd (1111,d y> O)h, we:I. acci :e as WilbaPPcî. t puesuuae iptaelias bhen an earthîtuakc onr Foint-tuuiiîg-Nest AI tuYor-k Wt-ekly. t .Dld the ulsionary hruîag lears 10 He-Of course, ladies au-a muai baxad. semer than men. She-Naturally. - Ble-No, artifically. Ine e t,,or the natives?-t "Nobut lue matieitheir oouhs w.iter."-Dt-olt Tribufie. Ask Papa. George (iiervously)- id like teiRt ln the ssonld, Kîtty, tri marry yu, but h dom't know bow f0 propoRe. Kitty (Promptly anti practicailly)- That's ail rlglut, George. You's-e lin- Ighef wltluiduie; mow go tri papa. brui- don Ftun. iturely au Error. "That's a cartious printcu-'s cr-Ou-," suid Mu-s. Part rîige. "The f ite o! ibIs naw book lsapu-lnfed 'The Viking Âge.'" "Weii, why. nof?" asked Pariride. "Whaf oughi t If0 obe?"I t'Why--uBiklng Âge,' onghtm't If?"- Boston Globe. i .TaM~ng &bout troubles decreaies - I% tl Iflbel#& and liucreae 1. 0. G. T. Open Meeting Wiit lue hetd At the Town Hall, on Saturday eveling, March 7th. all are cordiluuly lnvited to attend. An ex- cellent programme wiii be rendered. FOX LAKE. Marchisleheu-e. Another snjow stornu. MiSN Blle Caille spent Suinday at homea. A. Xcerîî iu utle a trip to Vo rec-ently. jWin Caine is inuch i ipuoved iii, mr %-at u n ju Mulr M L. uuligutr visited wxttu A. Rit-hîtr(ls uaud !tutnuy ou Suuday. Mr. anti trs. Walter Atweti visited at Mr. E. Bu-ow' uaSniuay afternoon. A nimbher- tuoit this place attended cli tu-(h at Lake Villau Suailty cvening. EIder T. J. lttlomuîn wiil preach lit Fort 1Hilltext Suiiauynoruing and evening. We arc glati to tearn that Itttî Ray Me-ade uvît tuts beclu vcu-3 it-k iLa - puoviuig. hru. A. Tweed u'visitcd stittu Mu-s. A. Menude (,il Muuulay anud atso calldon tici auut Mu-a. W. Haniton, Chiarlest liacu tas tiaovü,d on the futuni ow tut-t ltvJames Atwilt and we ae- Diuuirmuutt ili ruuu il the prescuat Joliet ivound Drain iîle. --LU M B E R Washington Red Ceder Shingles, Sash, Doors, ets. Estimates on Building Material of al kinds fur- nished on short notice, and lowest rates. The Inter Ocean L;Ille Most [Ptipu:ar [epuicaa iNewspa2per oi the West aind Uns Il Largest Cii cu.ation. T> 'it. i VNIAIT- [>AILY without S.unda3ýý.........$ 1.0d per yezi- î)AILY (widh Sunday) .-.i ... . f,6.00 per 3-car The Weekly Inter Ocean $1-00 PE R YIYA H .... .... A, us, JrTIliINTEU OCE A' u'N'u'r t-t t- tim-s in ail r-e-,,uts. It sj tu-es uu.-tltutr [1 i.t1 r t in l îîs ALI- THE NEWS, AND) THE Bt ST OF L1RRENT LITERATIJRE. The Weekly Inter -Ocean As a Famiiy Paper Is Not Excelled by Any' Ihuaq so'ethini of jntltrt.,t tua <--iet m -rih r or tCi fm 7717. lis ZJ1-ý YOJTHIS DEPARTMENT u, tue very lurtout ls kLui. ltsLITEii- ,(1HYFEAIURES au-q uuueliald It is a TNIELVE PAG~E PAPER aud contaiu, tue N-'ws of tle World. POLITICALLY IT 13 REPUflLICAN. ant i gv.-s ti re -d.-rs te býaýfit of the able-.t dîscussions on ail tuve pua utuC t topucs. It ii uub ushad iu Chicago and lua in u'ccu-d with thc peop e cf the W- St in both jo.ticq sad tuteratue. Pleais reuuu.mher tiat the pruce of TrIE WEERLY INTER OCEÂN La 4>NêX t0-I'1E DOLLAR PER VEAU. ÂîiJreïs THE INTER OCEAN, Chicago.__ TWO PAPERS FOR THE PRICE 0F ONE. ESTABLISMED ON 1841. i«jublished b azPMIlt FARjWRa t'tuiSHINi)iie u., t66-ifuSAdamiStu - We have made a Speclal Clubbing Rat? with the 'tOld Reliable" Prairie Farmer by whlchwel'can furnîsh W tu.ongwth the SUûPPOSE WB SIEM "MiY dgr," si f ult vio s ee houldrernember that It tak tiqto The ____________married thtee YeRrt< as el beamed set type btfore a paper can be priuted. aM«u the table oni ber lord and mai- You will gueatly oblige by handiîugii ' DE 6I~1 HUMO)RoUS *ARAGRAPHS FROM ter, "tell me what lirat attractied you toe ou op arty, (5opy for aisiis m51END NT TII! COMIO PAPERS. met What pleasant characteristucdld heiafter be ln ou-lbande tuot ttr 1 posse. which placed me aboya otteer thafl Wednesday n- n ,wucati (le for Wemen In your lghtr vote ThuittdJy t etn ptelti gr.....s Ineita omliag lb. t" oeIi And her lord and master simply snid: Pews. We Alrn to Prin't tie N1"rerNo%- Ov«-&~ T&t à Ch*lu t tha"I gve I up.ý-Lodon it-Bte. NT Tursd A !terruioon , t iio iter risi OU M 110eaa in0A u aeIThaé "rivot p"Lodn i-Bt. h ur redeu-on the Fu-iduuy nitdl. e p ie ON«" Wi a" 011114The Men toBl me. Trv itfo iltEsbr KBdi5*"Wbat makes some q)rjs look young wecdîng Cards. fo 09 wlth thoSound. B long?" tobmeTbywnt FrVdlnstttnyo!ti Th Hn.Milien- O harley "The man are j bae hy ol o edigsainr o h,1ng Te Hon.a bil fllietPohe bounds propose."-Exchange. qnality and wou-ktuîuhip, alwayiseie ob W rkit.« Oxser had a bacefr. itbtheto the INDEPENDEI'ilitilug Ofite yestrday, I hur. porHha. ie Winter Girl. WVachAllange aotlilit un ulu ftuotv , p> B -oke bis wisbone or something, 1I ni s Aiyth, riti guv-tw. kstîue ear.-D etuoit Fr ee P ress. alty) on as i p w t.'u uicaN ca o luid)t-altutut "Plenty of presents up at youu- bouse, AND RENTINO;Jfilj.ri I suppose? Wbat rinas did yonr boyAN E T G lîka b)eat?" "Thooe thât our nclghbeu-'s boy re- ecived."-Excbange. GNY Pa~sMJnpiaoyOArtb~ ,~ HJUMPIIREYS' G N Y "Adyaetenice stbotn h prepared Remnedies, have FARMS AND TOW wond yousare bisuaneetbo u hebeen uaed for haîf a century "Yen, 1 gnonse that's so" ait Jîm mile- --wlth eritire success. [ _W W. opiffyi'iPOIL boy. "Isn't il queer briw we botb man- '*Be la my warrneRt friend." 1-reers. <tiem~ iuf luammatinn, h aged to gpt into ftue utume famly?- "Yen, I beau-f you weu-a wrapped up S-WorMI, Wu-,,r iueitie ________4-Ouarrhels, of titildrtun o uIdLt.....- ia .Every-Day Exercine. In Society. '#-CO ChM4, tOiti,. irnuhitts. .. "A1Me you going tri eelebrale Ne-w *Wa îeuoi far its r i -ealTot.ih ukirheuSaii.I Y URPOPR Year's day?" Inquiu-d lte suitan's c-ou- Mien Oldoud'si" le-Dympep.Ia, Etituuau-.t uutip.tiuu fidential adviseu-. 1-upý r1.rflpr. ywt ead1w "Wa d oumI ? Ye,1undeustand iue Is giving a I1 1p.ri " LPuhf, ,rctt .t ih eadIwl tWha doyou uueru? * srte o!attanoo tesc."Deiott 12-Whites, TuiSe. P rotututu ind sele o atenon ea;e"-etol' 13 <roup. I.arvhuuii.. .... fituuur.aa customer, a "Wby, au-e yoîu goiîig to retorm, 30u, Free Pu-estu. 1I1-sait Ery0i1a. Enu«Mptitueu. know: are you going tri sweau- off?" 1i1-E-theumatixm, or îîutnt~u uutt reaso n a be rates. 1 have ~ otan mre usalTheir Chrlittige. Iresent. 1 16-.Malària. Chffi.}. -rtuutti Agite . Wshl ngont ar titan u *al"- She-wuat a l"eutlfîîi suai-bowi! Tt 1-4 ataryl,. Igiule.7, (oa.1 lnt aiutt tBti several lots in Libertyville WashngtnSar.wouid look weii on u uutalue, wouîui SESWhuttpIil «oesh,... .. .... .....frsl. Lrehue lb. Chie! Merit. nt lui-Kidunr Ssa......... .-..... .. frsl. L gehu , Dot T? 1Ji1ý-irrvo* OflHi,.............. lot and barn for sale or 1e0-It would look very svtli, iîtdeu, 3ES Urimary a .......... * bt t s riocxs'îss-efo- s.31 S@te Tbroal, Qu iws Dih hri. rent. If you want to buy IShe-We niglut- club tîgttuur ati for p Lake County Real estate btîy it fou- a Chuistmuas prrit ota- be sure to cali on A Picture System. L u .. t *tH. C.PADDOCK, 'Oid mîan liggliis nmust lue n wftlly 1PlSutNDti.ih3 - fodo is4 4.1 aeote oie LibertyviiHe, --Illinois. È tut taking lier phture out o! bis >O-cket' and lookIng attItuts lue nries aulotug in the cars."- m"Yes, tlat's asysttu lie lias. il ru'- I1I mnds hlm tri stop ln atîtl ortîcu the- gro-S PIM ceries."-ltitlianapolls Jotu-nl.iAL For Wona's ht. SR 1I TAD Tramp-1 nin't inzy. l'in -illing to work, but 1 don't fihid ar3tliug to do1 Gj Schanck & Son~ 4 C , Gentleman-Wliat Io your line? "Your new automobile' carrnage la Traxnp-iunuing for oilice on te' Iery swell. But f bey telnme Tt does woman-suffrage tic-kct.---Judge. ~s - flot go?" Made Ui,lmier FuioL "Yen. It is the only one oflits kiiid George-Ton would ntarry.tîte lug-Pr i e C ty S d rs whtch ls absolutely safe for passen- geet fool ln thte wrirld If lie a keti you, P are C ty S e e s geus.-L'Illusfratîon. wouldn't you 71 Bradley Plows, Harrows, and Cultivators. A Oeeap Duke. Ethel-Oh, Gecorget lunt le go sutîtien. John Deere Plows. In ber-Impotet ragehbergu-ace cpuld -Tii-Bits. ___Sattley's Hummer Sulky Plows and Cultivators. only scowi at the drike, bier husbaid. Il 14epended. iesoeDs uvrsr "Thus," sbcuiebtteriy exclaimed, "Io wbat Wlson-t suppose the), make if vcry eso D cPuvres a woman gets by buying wbat suie Uvely for you At college, dritit they?1 Keystone Corn Planters. 3 styles doesn't want just because Tt'@ eheap." Stilson-Yes; Tt ahi depentis Oen how Morgan Spaders, 2 and 3 horse -Detroit Tribune. 1niuCbàyou oweof cou-se, th e ra thte Fs r'.RcnîW gn n r Borse Talk.lts-ehieu.-Exchange. Fs rSt Rcie aoners&adTucs.gisSr Wickwire-T'here eau bc no donbt Strictly Biz. Stvr&Abt' ugeS r that the hou-se ia rapidly passlng. Miss Astorilt-Ilase you slbktoltr ries and Combînation Wagons Mudge--Mebbe, but the one I bet on Papa yet? TIMOTHY SEED, CLOVERand don'f seemnto pas@ anythlng -ary much. Lord Forgivuz-In a mnatter o!ftI"" ALFALFA, RED TOP, SEED -Indianapolis Journal, magnitude 1 file sealcd proptosais IniC R ,EcEc duplicate.-Exchange. C R ,EcEc À 1 Il

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