Genuine Pure Buckwheat Flour right from the buckwheat fields of Minne- sota. We guarantee it strictly pure and the best inlthe land. Also a car of the 'Big Joe" Flour which excelis ail other brands. If you try it once you wilI use no other. Our Grocery Departmeflt is full of choice stock and we are recetving more every day. We are headquar- for goods in this line. Our deliclous home made Sausage goes like the "réd hots" at the worlds fair, and no wonder. Beef,Pork,Mut- ton, Fish and Qysters always on hand WE want your trade and are bound to get it by giving you the best of everything at Lowest Prices. TRIGGS & TAYLOR. 4 PIKED JP HERE AND THERE. ,R 44Local items of nterest to Libertyville Readers. Go forth ln haste~. Everybody wil] see 'îBound ly an With bill1.s am pasto. Oath". Proelalm t,, all cratlon: To TIENT.-11011e wjth six living That men are wli,î Wlîîî alINî-rtise. rooms, apply to 1. B. ]RAY. 18-22 Thtis -la), andli'i ,ralf.Iemember -Bound by An Oath' at The best of our local talent ajîl ni the town hall Tbursday and Friday peur lut 'B'îîîîd ly an Oath." CPienings, 3Mur. 12 and 13. Arthur Crosby. ,t af glt a Services ut Preshyterian ,burt'h ut here suntlay. 1) a, m.* and 7 p. mn. Subjetu In the Mirs. S. C. Bild CI . le. %Wrigiit raorning, 'ýSeeking to, Secître thei ari- on tl, ic lis. .Master's Deati," iu the evî-ning "The Reilationi ot Trulli to Freedon.,k Mrs. A. fi. S trong, of Ciegî, Mr. G. W.Coon, sîieciai agtent for the- ti t,. a yi lvr e the alia.4weck- Is .îrîî, western National Insurance, .1. J1. lloirki., of tin. Antioeh C îîîzîany ,of Milwaukee, was in tow-n itil~> aIThi il. 1 liF.l>ET ~ ThIoluy and paid the bloi u ll on Sut nlay.Mr. S.eS. Wbeelerut banahjch bitrucî join Auîstnsilipi->l a carlond o f Saturday niglit. cttle to. t lUet! iion Stock ardms Miin Nr. Chao. Austin 15 abtle t,, lctiut. ilay itiglit. Oruti Smith, of Ivathoe, wss h-r,- 1fru. . .S. spm, 'of Rli d out, fo rmeîr- IV fof ,, s place aias 1in towv.n ion Fr dy . l ulkley h Im i n sick w iththie iitst. gril) u h rcoverinig. %I ivelrltl ,,ît ta, tir titre - ny A. I;. I i ,uk went to Chicago, Weues- ,ttl, rîl atIi-. t tvi the b~ptîslt da. Ii a as a tclegate t., the Con- a i.k.gres'iî. ual convention. M r. ia tti rs. tri tI ie are î-îtertai n- iiigtît-ir daiitîtt-r Mrs. F. tiinty, oif (all îu IL B. Eger and<lsec the fine8t lit f ýsti,'i es and ranges ever shoafl i lit *t~i' t, tiI, riii, roof inLilertyvsil le. JN IN AND SEE iRGAII Good Goods at Low Pricest BA R GAdI NS See what You can Buy for a Dollar'" 8cai Tv* + 1ii nLtJi., 'r ai. etc! i lot a X Ia -.tat f Vrti i-;li)'t,, Nr,. AlI rit11 itIýrt,îitiîl-Itl ,îi r tir 1 A1>. ii)N I. W. of A. aM ilgive a, , a FIIS ThItiiglti,-t t-ihl 0i- luth tar-iaislu ii xi, 'uttil iii a Itii ~l,a , Ir M r., ofiIir ioiiutltDatkoita, iIti-ta al t 'tik 5ci f r r a f uli v Ilîtrl , s te l li l ii iL o n g ~, u ,aikg ,i i t t t u i J t il t v kd a o c l t h e o w h ll t. P t c , I <rov, Ltki.ýiit.l, 111.; atilt, n it IH-> ol,iv Nt,.xk. fjtls -.rtigellleDaY, 'l iuIay Marcha 17.*5 1158 vers itiitel, le. si, I,itig. il lis . iig t i NIi-ýs tili I uI rsGriii, W5> i i E I.lBosampskfî le lljl un -I H. Hi-e, irTy mi Lal - II.,,îî,,fî,î-ark for moinettîfinitivi lleIt.r1tiiiicvltt ai-tk. rates tb local anti trigt, 8 Prive 1,2.5oI a ,lsvor $2.441 tidy vit Il ALt.I,îtSrÀstLtIV. (t,î1ltuîr. po~Itittt.. )IItultfor the adin uneil t dili jer ant Ilo, ra,-fi-ldr. El invii lv,îîof Je. fferson j, ne If f tIE luDEPEND ENT. 42 FuitSsu Milk ~~ .~ 1 trîtita omreiavvt, r'. it[I i1Park xttilrelativÉ's andîlfriends Gooî,l ity speaks fonder than 4g utLiiîrystI,- îiirot i imtth-. i oe i Itr Nu-iitr taIoe. I M il l; ut .t î rîx tYi- etilti. w iek. aus Jr uod ot tae4 a 5ev ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~a and î lt f uau, tîî,î. lî.Ilitslî ttl satîtiirii.x il. IB. Eger liats iiîtlt ait,,tte-rnuit, sîîîstgi-ut m uts. Piork M et . L artl Ilb - t¾ E.,,tll ti rl ir to itii*.int, l, lul i o r liii, store. A. cinuîiet f nS t 1) 5 The Mil. Il. pleivt.t.-.><]mit E. H. lir tilti ri.galt.tIII t tî, i. il. ;. T. Ith. , îî,8us q.3 pli-atheIII ___as II 4-_ iI If.Itir gooIils alk when yoti msec tlem. pulîîxi tht~ ,itiiittS ii I God e- îîîtl > .Our priieslî,4iiak for thenselves. Bua- candidates fiir utile,-. Rates vîrv ri-as fso) .mirýt j5 l ti iainas 1-7,ts, iruze;liios1ts. ail.ltt-refl no htYýit a fori util, -andl .lilxîril. Nr, lI.La n.îrd Cîi-I, le oe;lio,1 wade. lAt hieîîtill.kitA.rhujoto1jjj-ý ,,, goii .., iIavi,-' stielt a few da3 5 licr duzi-; ligs 13 ets. per pouiid; nix- livt brt aitti her soit I. B. Lewis,<ur cdnunIs 10 ts, lier potinda etWalrondso. -o Candidate for Collector. COMINO EVENTS. Mi-il liit il itigrtplitr. IA i-use lu assuloipsit was tnied before 1 hereiiy annouien -lutf as s cani- h dmvat ie ercii fra date for teotimue ut iilleîtir tfr the -Circuit CiutilMind,,v M,,r. 'à. ,Ti-icî1eastieuauigfraJustice Payne,, ot Rockefeller, on Mar. Town of Libertysille stIject tii the supeîrvisonrs Meeting- Mtiitluy Mar. 1696 1r-siittliitiai ,altltati-. It la sale b' 4, betacen J.- N. iarrus, plantiff, and Repîthblesu ionliis. F. E. CLARiK. Tî,an (tetusSttrl.Mur. 21 !0;.tty fle umaîitivseit-ct illl lie aitiH. P. Brllett defendant. Case of Hait Day Saw Mill. Townt Autoîîrs î-itigTî,-ii,v Mur tIi fI. eet (tt.k lt""tter aud tishnjan. planîliT was aittllr,îwn wlthout argu- We1 Saw 1)îst-a s onîîlvnitanîlfotui sle. 311. ('oî1)l'v &.CoC, ire offering soule Yrare, nîit. Ano The lHaif Day Saw Mill amiii saloga Toii 3Mî-ettig--T'tîitlîiy, Air, 4. irgains lu îliîtitiîig. Undlerwear, Boots The 1. 0. G. T. ailhaldanuopen again Ibis spring ausiiiii. lirîîtg oui.t essr Siiià(lýtty Ilril 5. '.,îî,îl Shoes, ICapisGliives. Mittens, meeting ut te Tiîwf Hall, Satur- I atIv your loge; tirât coult, frsl served. (14-21 jVilltage Ele.tI1-iuTuesdltîy Aptr. 14, '96 Blanikets, hrt-su Goods, Carpt-t, day ev>euitg, Recv. Hanilton, a promîn- SultiilElutiii Sanriiy, ur. u. Grîu r s. tlent temperaitce a,,rker, wlll deUvyer P y oufr Taxes. ,,,dlitrititait Eniii-axtr lviu lk -,, aîi, A B oat lr n add.rel; a mtusial and llterary B a by A ('o.K sttre evt-ry Tîitesîlaç, Tîturu- Lake Coutttîy Proiitiîon~ il Everybody cordially iusited. day and Satirttuy inîtil Fei). 1 . E. il. ut Liet tlMarci 14, '96. Ilîtoit tand tther Waukegnites o! Wells, etlîector. Candiultiusîohi tik rniluan i,iiiti-ec-dIelei t The lNDEP .- The irst o! the at-ek governinent au- î,iaiitit. s hu it- iiaeibîi F5,P itulthorities dtîniped 7m8 tiarrela of beer NOIE1ofe o mlm MioeMil)m.un h ffcssd l kîîia Sîlurlay lto the river ut WItuciîng and closed phoitograpie onîit, ai nlt tii<iiulileet, i îji,iîatitt, ad ive l-t. The- Lake Coîlty P r&îhîl itioniluIS np the brewery. MW ttei.uig bide fuir in every respect lt4veyho ii-aiiiî,î otsmeiigu Ie to lblecoine a great fislîtîig resort when the Zurich suioi. ut a very iîîw figure-. F - itali. Liiar1tyviie. Stirdu. ,Mrch14 the season topens. irihubly Grover This le a irtclascuvute for btilite CYCLONE FENCEtIÈ . tii100aiti. foir the- purluose otf l--lo iIfîdIitago lc one tii engage il, a Itiyitg bqîiueu. ut ,Iýgt' taec uît,,iihadWodrlil thppnd a sery unisîl etiat. 1 Isv t tatuue ti t W.tgt- i I~ ll ti5t-t lh udwnlrh,,i nd My patrnts, ltaI IaMill -iiîtitate t, -~-).4 tîtî t S; riiigiieitî, Alril M, ali Tre or- afler the cunilaigit ts uver.W tuile pi-tures, atter Apii 1. trîti ll. go gtiiiii , tilti ,.itiy u'uilttee.W if! do nîtîtstIl Iietre. Ily LI)ti Mlt- -îît Mr1t2 86 rbtr The New Ei.glaiil sttler sdene AL. R'. IiiKIF. '> MD ac0 ,196 rhu tuinnient given hi file ladies aid Lake Zurichi, Ili. T ----------- . sutt si)s"itof Mr- anttiMrs. (C-MI society o! lîresbyteîîmilî uhuîrvihWednes- - CYLONE WOVcEN WIRE S -lrit rîtîîlon ut tîttir home in, titis'dye mlit as a granid succes O ur Clubbing List. -..UOL LYU-- ICU4. i. i ,ittiOtt.Ae1 7a, Blefore the entcrtttiîiiut a greut tit- eeiittiltlo, u aleiti ti ,r Th( Cyclone %ovon M'ire Fetîce ii îîtî'îlih, 1l diyui. Tîte tutientil aus muxy partouk oif Bostontt aked beane Firth r oifiti- l(fm'l11(f l i t-ubvt fîrîn fetitiicn etrtl.t .i utcan hiid I i j,it tily trin ithte hoine ît sud bruwn brcad - Tht utale quartette VEE'AVNIIsttîatiliri asilisir- 1 ~~, uitpittiiil tttit- (îttttVFatai,li nglitgllr, Mr-. A. 1. Malor!,ý brought forth niucti iaigltt-r by siug- take any tv iiir Itfo1ta î i ,r titi- .1 IivrtN, 5ltue. %%',- a ait to> ittip Iîy Bex NI,,,' nI1iîîi tltg. Iîeruel utg scme îîleusing sî g-.. Mils Alice ennuin g yt-ar aiM ittei lx itEFNDlEN T lt Igooi iiei îîttî~,, ix ustlllt iîî tyl. Foîr 1Snto afDy eieltov REDI5tEiil)I.TES. Thé>'uiba'iigurv trur it! uovusui.I- t1t1a mil i1, ilit tIti-Liberîl ville ceniterisISntutHI art Iutovr few o!flteimorei 1iuilàtewsaaltie-s C.. .AI' lILE. . uîil i'ptil lii, tS>ocial atil auttioti ht-Ici ut ice seetions attdlr i>-Iix ecimuch andIiaguzinleui. i% leitire t,, ti i i% lesi ret i, ti-i tuit fi , iielî lit itlfur flii oftuîuii î r. tand>lMn,. Isauc Heutît. . alillause. Alter the ititertttlltmeiil te extra mtest*ait-tlibu cs,-,rlitii lii- 'I itttltr tiiatlIiuf the- Ladies Aitl> the hnngry puNie-il ii lt-e roo'îibelow dnctlng.$ font filIe îriees 1 îîniudý r NE. .UiN E it Our clubraise î î.îîî Ajtr __ FIN_____________Ma',_______________ a st I ttu- s luit h scialiviyand fiiittîîî tînciagulît beans antdI r x îbrcad En s. Iris etîtîlixh lad ,uie i-îasittorcttder tijeir acre lu ortiur. The liîulesterve -- -- jui, îuîîî~t.. 4 .u s , ...-.. xiii, n lîks h, Mr. tinîlMrs. 14laiîiruiit fo i te nmanlieriislh the Int-r (iii ut,.lfo I a. tiiig he t t- e al ' Itlitt-rtai iietl tîtose Wholt iiI(t I l 6u-ts 4>t> 4 MO 1 .......... I-mi 4< ) FU R ITUI~* IR E l f.,,,if;r:'i oISit ftlicir hoîtesats;-l -V -RtttituI.-R 1 2 tljan k s to Ir. it -i giie sîal . -. I- I. lall..........e 4v. ___________________________________ Sti-rai. uit,tit ttib ut9i-2Fatleolî3 ts r ii m s, tswii loiilIy uuîiseitiiitut utt a-. LtriMtîrrit- lias an atlack If gril). Stlt i- x- tis 't 11 C' ck't5 -es, E,, îîuiig'atiutionîiir, îlurîluy provitjg titt u Mu eSt- -sl l-agi. i l ecay. 'Natiuual Triiuti-. Waslî. 1. (t.. - :o oct au> oiinou(lll r erw i C i - jddla u.iri........... 1 k17-1 1 i aatpI iii tîtut f t tîer ,litie lu , îs Htitry Lancîatr as iii Lii i-tyvi le 0ra; ý t i-.... .......... . :. Wallpr et s l'a itsxx -lt t ii ietlttu f laita. tni itTlu ay.~hî i-ltitiii Ytl'ra iti '- at- 72 ullr, (.is 1 latî.,t(te r isust icTigdwech iî tgiuilt -- itisIl* .1 75 295.P p rO lEiFa t is le in ft Clakutti-ut ilxiw.. 3u- icBuukicases, Varîislies, -uit, theIt i Ix lility îof 0crgtîîtilig ttgrcîry husuless. 8uiti~ii nui atl îiilliti7 .tê 7 Iti ltlinr- ciiil>ttY M"' yeveîîiiitg lt Wheu yoiî aunt the ii-a s It the Haret-r Wis-kl..............., e ~ Citrtbe, (lsuîî,a lîîiii',î>..........a Ii) Extenision talî's, l'utty, tîtur ithegîti iiittlil tneiug.StîtecinuTyldtIll forget ter hTollY~tU DiOiTg LT. i)sî irig u i ieuorgaiitizli.iititul lut tht eîîîî,îbrs otu hul aurk. Amure-aitFarmur .........t 50 1 Ii Etîs rl>i ~ Ie ,-- uiuraîueî,ti- The Shady Lt-af Pîcatîre ('lui> Mill M gzn....... 211) 3 ii i tI(~,v>ltthim gnofives u jc ot e aduce t te Chcg ils ~ ~ Rockers, Minicjrs, ililirovixîtof titi Vilage boartid. Il Was Vhelg aca 17. Do;linIiis. it. a 'iii-r ou r al .... ...... 1 111 2c80 Co ck es, M i ttr -rs, tg i-i aiI tti tt-titr x o id tk - T ck t i5 n ts îîîa'5 tit u- dur t n ,ttl............. 'P 2 45i mentiuned iu the aîuuue list, calcit tir iiaî, uîiî-us. toua re o . leisoltin otce addresé; ns, as ae eau givi- yolin lctial Uharaber suits. Etc, Etc. lttit iti-efBoardl sîtoildappit IsouinNoIe rats o an pulictio li th Wold.Notice is hereby gis-en that tlti iii- raestii î i ubcibern lii e irof ît-iiur..A ]ntiot uiadjourisl IluI - huavempeitgli e nîil We gve e sisrlur hi~ f ~'.t liplihi ii l-ilîr"",s tti""(s hFrnîz cmo., whcthvt iîiiif Fumers' Mutttlily, litckfiurk Ill.ii. oIIto i 1ýi)(rtin tti l ruz&C. h Anjeriian Furmier uor et- intiîil.îiitui,<tb Springfildîi, Chiou, am a preiniiirit ISSAC HEATH & SONS .tetiilintitti' li i miitl u io arliesonta eera linois, ttlstii lu ll Whto îuuy fur the INDEIiENIiFNT Libertyville, Illinois. a dsivebymtlagvnit one full yeur, tnrictly Cashlii Advatce __________________________ snsî ,,itiuuît ontiftîrns. 1lviii Fred H. Zerwer wilt contintîuetit-, a urk Ill itttl tight, 365 tîaysinuthelusntetus ut the old stanîd wltire at A Winter Song. yar Iite eta inl bd a îî prsnsiielteci lu the firi îf Ei Raî-îtr. l Bruis top ., n,,O ainFraîtîz I&Co., une requested lu, ,u-ll R alh Daby'SBarbr Shp [i> a-rI li ifi, iii -,. >Vil x îînk for itty itottril, alieh int tit-r aeconittu un or tîcture Miirut5, -lut ituisît iiati-i idSuton i. i ta loff iuitl ii'-1 ufit lusta1flue oniwiîji. ly 1896. Ater tîtatae the bullîs ai i h IsI dur eitit W. ITriggu Sîtîuî-Store, Andi î- ii turliii-. ntattei. aAvi tîur Wiitd MilI. 1Inaîît triteci over forcoellectioni. Ail lt- ulýr- it ilt itiaurs g-t Yi r lii ,>1*.. i -. I> - I Il ge. -c-i m iaagairimt aia firn t wil b,.(1111. ShaviflE, Haîr Cuttirtgand Dres il ln . t-,>iin1iitiig prut- îur.î- ____________ sted butevuer, ls. et. 1,l,' t l>[wIttt 1tiLuth-t Style 0ctli'Itu .hi.tii i k l I-III, itth. i, I Iîîniugttiti etitîîr1it8.8Fei)F. lit, TONSORIAL ARTIST. lii î>uîîîy tuîits tntI-.Dliring the iun itter ofs893,a.M EcAuiitA ,rz (i vi- Ileut triai, I1 iMiia you. lt %it- 1 .vln . atn fL n ec ýetV., o -FtkmnH. ZERaN -.t PlhDarby, -Libertyville, Ii. ndri[ Wtut>t nis,qs tIi ix tt l t ravtetil s ut-vin -ttuwîtlcttluit hinmî i - 111. AiI it ît t I siittantid,- ait a c utgh. I i peakilg o hi v li c AItlattlwner Mr. et. A. Mi II>.. e i Feed MiII Notice. A>Ietî ollys kIý. kiicii tf cîughuyrup btntfouîîd utu wth rheumuttsm. AI limes ituwa su'o aeill do t-iiNt)iflidî,î,thtttigfni(cornîî rîrr. relief itîtil 1 bîîught a bottie o! Chant- severe Ihat he could nul standil u Wc g~~~~riitg uit Anîl gis-uts nemitilu iislititî. Ierlaltîs 3Coig I teuîedy, whleh re-sragtbu sdaw ovritit- and lc4,b-.-nixtd grtaintstir i-nshtîeti Wi-îtii ly xaikts tt s n u tra lived me luotoliustantly. aînd lu a tsie j btlrledfrewnoremedesot- uand groumd) Muuiduys, Tîtestisys, Fr1- With liîî-nnîusnlierîuriat? F. E. W. short tinte hroughl about a compteeaide - n riedif, htemle y "ntti uu Stînlas-The giaes ar o huuk.cure." Wheu lroubied wilh a eough abutsix mouthe ugo 1 hought alhit- ad pet fpoe.-T oesred hom idyOr cola UseN i rmd at ou dUîe of Chanberlain& Pain hSlub After eud lelYofpi. nNX& SO. iTihu ned h s ldyslf.i l eemr ol e e i ng i or ltree daytt my rheuuîatisln <i I CiÂNK SO. assisled us durlng the siekes, and kînda before yott gel relie!. Il hu ez gone and hue not relnrned siuce." laIe bereavemett Outr son, Arthulr, beau l the markeltfor over lwenty PSsae P. B. Lovell, Liberlyville, FO CEPT~ oit i' , 1y , sde#P 011l"341 ovu In faT . . bonts, Wanoda ns choice Salmon ins choice Peaches ;ans choice 2 lb. Corn ýs good Roasted Coffee s. Japan Tea >s. choice Tea Dust bars good Iaundry Soap allons good table Syrup .lons N. O. Molasses ottles Olives bars Toilet Soap On ola We are stili selling Clothing-at R&.: duced Prices-- It wilI pay you to' an Overcoat or Suit of us now for next winters wear, we can save_ you$ $$ have the boss Buckwheat Flour ther car of Washburns Super- ve Flou r just received,::ý--=. These are only a few sarnples of the many gains we are offering. Run in and see us M,.B. COLBY &Ço. fE HAVE FOUND IT! ____WHAT? The pl ace where the Leading Wheg for 1896 are to, be purchased, ýi where you can get a First Cia Wheel made to order. EPAIRINGI. Ail Repairing can same place, and on sible notice. be done at the shortest C. R. SHERMAN, .... Jeweler, The Best Place,COIN K To Buy .urAber, Coal, Mill-Fe< Farm Wagons & Buggies, IS AT WRIGHT & SON!$ Libertyville, 111. We are Always lîreparcîl to Supply pour Wants in Agricultural Implemfents, Grain, Seeds, Lime, Drain TI Notice. ILLINOIS., - LIBERTYVILLE,