CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 13 Mar 1896, p. 2

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NAIP T IN tCaO. citisetisu beseInsinjury t 1vB eau ns XMA *57 lgtiy bi-ss>e. Ge ui-at pt, T ed-ii building h n i t fraîp IM elgorter hooicaFor ollis, edanti Waow te onueis et thfie aer abn- 0"dt eseneigbrhod n pelebav *=q4ail alaturqu i n-ahe a ie t Ibd buildinsgiecte ra ereo 0uh sasisermov a lsud anhd co- i nelgu' ko twedauaForsuh.and uî etnheu Ihersbcaneasoiya-c'uî kijge mu aeau'ea n t ichitt iet -c- 6màeligteildetngeoi frentt' lîlaeego Ru 0 cue er'u A vnce Md te ctu Thir pe wbe cppld sliluGex ra. %a n timontes onslene ril de Kay ü bas sabnatted le the S151. De- gàh tant lnletestiug report upon luter W*i * ofetet h.X ray, accenapanieti À 'pamphlet lu uhlcb Prof. Roenttgeni, S4poçvrer. exptaius bis researehes. i dçisiii generil's report givea malt! M> tuba aie been tiscovereti by Eure- Mbepermentei-s ich ni-e îuknown tbie country. For instnce, lie reports ta'hy bave beanu ssedt t delect tais.' s-fIer au expostre oet toty-ive utes, sud au Ansi-ian professer lias Ii>ee hat hbeyeauan seb.' usedtut D'flSaeuimonda. A Beriner lias ide.a lpecial phsotographile paVer forth.' toeception et the ri-y. Iu couse- li uteianon- uneeassary te maire n tle, aud se lbhe revertsed impressier Ehikhst ta the negative la obviatet]. More- Wqt, It bas beau faund tbat uany pietatres ~Wb 4uat once lu thus manuer. by JOWi.I packel etfte sensitive later, Litte. C' v"a pent-ste nl et the layera. [tee Bender, lu Spies, bas auieeecded ln WW*pg te raya tbrongh au brase coutter, *0 ffItiug pliotograpti ahewnug the ln- WrWo on Oue aide anti n bilalurelief 'AZ AVT TUEGOVEENMENT. *Ulit Politice Nad a Rend in Dis- ibameu at Baircetone. ý'Yb. ihtlAmerlcasentiment n Bar- a . acreaang insteati of abating. ~~~55-l ewsspe'sare tanntng the MI.Ti sate the United States cati paly out 40AM00ment Into tiie'fild and bat "American navy ia but a trille auperior Êý l Si anial. Carefut Investigation dkaws couclusively liat Spausb polies Ï*y, bil a bhWliUdla thse Barcecona dia- lnluaaue& M eaztilalth inlabitouits uire. Cý$a and uthle Catalans nîmeet te s »Ma are re#fflWcana, Tey are les i-ily appo.ed ta lbe present Gol'ernmeitt, ant] We Aklnt demonsiti-tieus againuit the LItoliStes s'itb the direct pupose et W@bO*frsang thei. Geerment anti posai. :,:,a" lits overthrouu, There la ab- ~te a mtlutslsmover th Cuban ~t fi-cotla, tart fer Cubît S4imteven Wren a cliesi. xiiiii lis SE U? 15 TON. &xeby lite Qqp.l ontoithe fa Salivation army, buas rda manifeste te the hendqîîarters Salvallon army in New-Yoi-k. Pçaîelt Booth aise bas ia manifeste lu w Yr la, n-hidi lié saye: "I. of tb. American tt'oops le uit- qui n'arus the au'my agaîtîsi the' totinsetofthe ati-Englisb i~capres." He aise ayathe. gen- =*hebasaIlae omsud soreîy uoundeti 14& hé lu dele2mlned te carry on the gevr 99ument withoul respect te perses". FPLAXES IN A DISTILLERY. flM~aevilh.Fletcher & Ce., of Ctu- 0(noluati, Loe.02M000O. At ijalnati fire n'as dscovered ini ý8W»qe lri of the fIVe-tery n'ai-hocse àM Ibllerz ef Mlhalovitcli, Fileer' & I.Tise entlre front part cf lb. at-uc- M oe stateda, s'bIl$ lscontente, aud Or Meiliodist Chu-ci, ad- g..Th oitsla asti- - ~ ~ lq e $ W ,000Oo nua bl ony lierDoom las ealci. rie maie t the uniteul States - oniatise report that the'Sec- o!10tate for the. HeusfeDepartneut, - en' White Ridley, ba refused the case et Mr". Ftorence May- *e Ainerieau. setencedt te1impris- tee- lite, ater bavtng beetuceut ep"uieng ber buabsuti. id'i Est SPonah Osions. utsa given by the Ministeritl Noiquy 10 I*Iïô t rO xt 11Ut. A11134%&Mnera lietuaEandful. or Dollars foc Snowballa. Three years agi) tiesesrlng Peter Wi- borg left bis home in Calfornie, for Oook's Iuiet. Alaska. For nearly three years file wvorked unceasinigly in the gold regions. Last November lie came back te the States on a visnt, bringing with hlm $48,- 000ilugold duisa onuugets. Atter bank- ing $35000 in San Franciscoe bestarted out tu. bave a good turne on the retnaltutg $13,000. He @pont tour mouhbs ln the Restera aud Southeru cties, spending the lai-ger part of bits pocket înuey. Thuri- dey night Port Townsênd, Wasli., on the steamer City of Topeka on bis re- turn to Alaska. W'hle -the steamer was lylng et the whrf lie amused blmaelt by thros'lng double Iiandfulse silver dollars at the. boys ou the wharf. Every boy who ceuld hit.the ec-ceutrlc Alaska mnter witht a snow"al received a bendful of coin in return. Wilborz appeamed te enjoy the sport as much as the boys. As the boat putled out trom the wvhart lie plted the boys wth mosey. Thbe steamer City of Topeka loft for Alaska, baving on board 350 passengers, 110 doge and a fulcargo of freigbt. Many ofthi-e passeugers, &hav- lng paid t'heir are, are going to the Yu- 'kon country witbeùt a dollar in their pockets. The steamer Aiki, with accom- modations for 420 passengers, will leave on Monday for Alaska. Passongers came sabote freon the Topeka aùd effered as bigh as $50 apiece for large doge te halî sledges te the gold fiel&a after reaching Juneau. MEXICAN COLON Y SCHEME. I)aughter of Briglam Young Plan- ning an Extensive Sechernse A stceme bas been tormulated foru extensive colonization et British nul Amerlcan faruers and agrieultoral labor- ers on several immensè tracts et land neàr 'Vera Cruz, Mexico, irbicb are ow,îed i!; Miss Virginia Young, dangliter ofthl. ate Briglisu Young by hie first wife. MIss4 Young, who bas been visiting at Vers Cruz and other points lu Mexico ferr5.'v- eral uontbs, n-as in Kansas City for a tew days leset week en route te Englan, where sbe malies ber houe, and spoke guardedly concerning ber plane. The lande lu question are part etflthe estcie whlchhe lie lled te ber et is decma-e, sud their estiuated value rune up init, the millions. Tbe present pens ctiti plate their being werked ou tbe oshare eysteu, Miss Young turnisbii, lthendsi1, for the transportation o e il.' uoîtt', Who will number over 1,000 ett lb.'slart. sud aIse the uecessary ine.ans for thte purchaze ot agricultural uwb'liîîery asid tbe construction et habitations. BALLINOTON18 BAND>. The New AAmy Wltt lBe Calied "Chris- tmap Crusader."0 Witbln a few days Balllngton Booth i-ll -bave torunlated deinite plans te bie- pursued iu the management et bis nen' organisation, and will bave settled upon a suitalale naine, says a New- York corre- spondent. Its naqne will net be "Chris- tian Crusadera." That la the naine chosen by the fermer seceders trou the Salvation Army undea' Cemmissioner Muni-e. It bas been deltnitely settled tat the uem- bers salI wear a niterm, but ter.' will bie ne red lu the cotume. Commander Ballingten Booth willt male New' York bis ieadquarters. He bas already secured offices lu the Bible bouse. He n-lIt take possession t one sud cenduet aIl thte business of the organization there trout non' on. Commander Bootha stated the step lie is te tuke lu transferring the prop- erty lie bolda tute Salvation Army meets wltb the fuit approvat et ail the bit sula- sciibers. Premier Crîspi OuI. The Italisu miuîeti-y aulenc ils rea-@ Ignstiou u inte Cliamber et Deputiea t Tbui-sday sud Premier Crispi atdati that it bai beau acceptaI by the' King. The Ciamier ot Daputies n'as cion'ee anti the. gallerles n-aie peckoti nith eaiteà apeclato-s. Tlie cros'ds about Mente Ci- toil, upon s'hieh lh. Chamber et Dqt'î.îd tiensaends, every nos' sud ag2en rai-ut-t cries of "Don-n niîh tht' Governnîe-nî," "Deti te lIami-suii" etc., etc., antifi-ont 'tie gafiereè i,-evè7ieus tetht' entry otiieh ministers, -'a-numbet' 0, [icisous 'aure-e ejecteti hy tht' police'for etteriug e-îîtiti- cries. Almost imm.'diatehy atter-:'i'e a pearsue eofthticPremier, n-be nas g«ýi-." et uitb cheering by sou.'etfbis suppr' eri§ set by ciec et tenision front bis oppenenta, b. matie bis sunouncement. l s'as folloe-et y lent ebeere, n-huitl s'ee earti by the croi-en-a etait. anu, being underlot net'.taken sup sBai echoearta-anti nide..Crispi gazed ei-ami- ly upon te ibouting. ebeering Depu'ie"u, sud n-heu bc' nas again able te inake bhâte- self beard lie stdet: '"The uhiiters n-Il cemain 51 thir pons tetittheir asuc-ft-ie sors are appointeti." More cheers anti ditouts et disappreval teilon-edt Ibst515h- ment. atter n-hidi the Pi-t'ident tif tht- Chambei- sakedt al lie Hbuse atijeur util lb. Crouvu dacideti upen thé as.--t cessera efthle mil ste e 'e at jitsa anneuneti thei- resignations.t apautuh kHala Showu. Tiare ware'renen-atidistui-bances at Madridi Wetinesday anti temensîra tiens et popular tenger againul the Uitedi States Goverumeut, The stuidenta et the uni- veralty seem te have been the aff.'niei-s1 ior the leaders lu tbe demeusîraîieu. lu' spite oetheb. pecial prohibition tireeted i againel them by tha Goverumi-tt, the éaui- 1dents anti other iniahitauts intinîge i lu , renewet manifestations oethIeir îuîriead- Iy sentiments agaluat the United tatînes, Theyasuseubieti beter, lb. Madi-ltUni- versity uni there pubiicly borne-t as Amerlean fidg. Tise police diaperseti the meeting attes- making several aireus. As a result. the cabitceuni-il tevid te1m- porarihy te close tht' enivereties. lle jaise tecidedt le ireste a sPechîl budget t oi- naval Si-mameuta. Skeveaiy-ene Bodie FOanî Saveuty-one bedies et vit-ill:tif tIi.' *Cleoplins cetai mine tiiessirert Katto- - sita, Prussiaus Silesia, have Itu"' a brought to Le s surface. These tut itI,- lue beau-s et tour vohunitema sube bhail huu'engagei len te n-nik o e-taiut' antI aului vere tirer- -coma by thebeaet canset1)lu! b' fireela -tht' mine. Martial Lus' iu Bondai-us. The bouturas Cuverultliâ asti eciter. cf d the depatitsi-tfoftltet guuiapj, ,na. t lle, Chelutet- ui'iaist, :>unehe îOt]n i Clou uender mtartial luta. 'l'ittlias ibe-euttakien' as etu remilhîtif the- revoilnlleu Ofe theIlieouigts agaituat Ii.' (,,iinseut et 'rt'-side-o tt'fl:tt. .tfNii-ar-luuîu ]Eglraordiùary FIi det Gog& The 2sw Megt-Lan, off Sauta pduWts,.sq, léil fioit (Jtte. 9i1.e , ouiituv b irats. OHIO MAN FREEO AFTER MANY YEARS. Was Seulcnced fer Lit. on Clrcum stautiai Evideuce- McVicerp 4"Grand Otd Man"' ot the Dramea, Dead-St. Louis Eplscepaitans Shocked. Wu*s Probabty Net Ontlty. Oit the recouniendatien ef the State Board et Pardons, Gev. Busael ot Ohio îîîrdoned Jefferson Moorebead, n-lion-a couvldted twneuy-seven retire ago ot mur- der lu the second degree and sent te State prison for lite, le makiug the recoin- meudation -the pardon board sya itlai baiscd upen the probable innocence of lte tîrisouer. Moorehead n'as seen te go liet the n'oodset Muskingum Ceunty ou a tauutiiîg expedition wii.b another young man. The latter n-as neyer seen olive again. Uoorehond said they liad become separatcd lunthe woede. Hie body n'as fonnd sointe meutha butter witb a ballet hale lu 'bhe bead. Moereheati nas tried sud cýonvicetM ont circunstantial evidence. It ia totnd tiat the b uet hole iun(the skutl of the vittins .ouil net have been made b>' the. zu n wbï'b oorcltead carried at that tut'. DEATH 0F M"î'ICKEIt. l'eteran Acter and Manager Paums Away at Chicngo. James Il. Mî'Vicker, the veteran acIer aitd!manager. died at bis hote, lictuge. Saînrulsy afternoon. '.%r. MeVicker n-as tricken with paralysis foutr ueeke ago n iile sittininlua chairatitoe.Hle n-as uoitttillelte oki'pbis itotîe.sand tibe grad- iai taleir.' etbis Itowers bei-sue apîtar- eut. His criti-al cotntditioiin'as net madte knuwuiit ýte .'gctcr'îl tpublic. Fer the lass week lie %vsutnter the almeat con- stant iiillue-nce ot epitte.î. The profession generalîr toved triai, antilie n-as kuewu as the "grand eltiman" et the draina, froin esat tecoasi. Ilis Engisb trie-nds n-cie aise logion. Ni r. Mec ker otteti proveil a goot] Saiiaritan te atrsiiîed ai- tore, prnnipted by retoliections ot ails ù,X esrly slruggles AI the tme et bis death lie n-as a neaithy manîi andi onnet cousiti- erable realty juinUirage and uiciiity. Hi.; business investuenîts. aide frotnt owner- shiliofet McVit-ker'a 'lîheater, n-ere lsrgely lu reai estate. HELD SERVICES ON THE STREET. Canon Davis, of Christ Chnrch, Bt. Louts, Opposed by Hte FtocL. There le a pervet-.pbte quiver ot ext4te- ment oun-te aturface et Episcopâlituilsu le St. Louis inîtit'ative efthte streng unu- dercurrent oet eltltsitien te as tSttlitig iti- novation reeetly introduct by Canion C. 31. Davis. ot Christ eburcli. Canon Davis.,'nith lwe assistant clergymen sud teu incubers et the Brotherhooti et St. Andren-, appearcal on Twelttb street, sur- pliceti and caasocked, sud, termicg s bol- Ion' square. ith the canon lun(the center holding ülof t a pt'ecessional cross, helti a briet sierviee. patterued sster that et the Salvation at'zy. Canon Davs and the te-n brotihers et St. Andreus'ltted their vaicei in soeng endl rendered snc got] olà-kohione-d hymne as "Onward, Chris- tian Slir, Iss Lover oi My Seil." "Btock et Âges." "Nenrer, Ity (led, te Thee"' sud "Stand Up, Stand Up fer Jettes." TRAGEDX IN PEJN NST$.VANIA. D)esperate lidrrer Coutmis tSuicide to esateCapture and irei-. Williami Ethinger, sn uotlawv living nu W'oodw'ard, Ps.. n'bIle resisting ai-iest.d huiMedrn-o coustablea, sutd then, &fier at-i temptiug 'te mortier bis wite und hiltiretii n-ho n-eebarricadaI n-itir bini. b.' coin-t mitted auicidinlultIvies' et bis etapters,i standing on lb. t haeUbholt et hiea blazier- bouse.lHe beli a pont'suai sy fer tu-n heurs by burliug dYnamite fri-cmtle avin- dows.ot bis bouse. 3Mrs. Etiugea'anti er( tn-, childi-en s'en. nitnesses o et lb. utatî fate efthlie tinbanti tint] ather. T-ie ira't lens tatwo.- year*.~bsur.ataa eluhbedt tree uen o tdteath, ant i luebd hot futur moi-e le figbla. People Demaend Hie Dentb. 'lh.' iltina causeti by tht'nager et tii.' pt-tpli.'a the condtinofe the Abyssininuti tanpaigu. bi-oîgbt te s clinmax hy tbe tiefeat etflte ta lis arcs utater (hen. Ilaratlert, contintuesinle urly every kirge -it o et Ily. At M1ilan a lai-gi- moi, maýrc-led ttlii-ugh tht' principal streeta. mmushng Wintdows rigbt sud lett, yell !ug axecratieuta ou Cisiantius minis- te-i- anti cilitis for rhe trial andttpruompît extucutien ot Gan. Bai-sieri. Cigaretteiet of(ifVa L a r. Acoupait!, colupesed . b Ju Dcv.- i-eaux anti six farinera et Douipiaa Cotte- ty, Kan., wIil manufacture cigarettes fi-out masasatras leaves. The oujeûtin teO save thse tays of the nation s-ut furulgalscer- tain cure for the cigarette 'habit. Farin- e"- n'll plant seversi bîutdreti acres tu sassafrs. * MtseetfmalleAllegeul. Fi-edarkk Collinsa anti ex-Couaty .Iutge S. Ballard n'aie arreateti ut Chadron, ,%ebh by Deistt Maral Litidiarti, char- ail arilliseututua otîJectiOnaile matter tirusilu the mails, Il lendiarget they ad- vertisesi extensive-t! a "sure tible" ms-- tem, of mai-ket piaying t-ai-de. iParvie Delver. liutfUp. Wii Pus-vis, tie notorions Pui-via, Miss. whiite cappai-, attriendreti te the sberiff. lt-iivis n'es reseencaute b. isuge lest December. Before tha day et bis exece- tien hiets rieuis suinitaI him awsy, lHe gayp hlue as beau but n a fewmiles fi-nu houa, duiesed ne a womnln. licyt Aspires te B. Goveruor. It wuasutiouet tBoston that Cbas. H. Heyt. thse îtays'iiht, aubhbehaiaways basuIL aDemocrat, -basaumea Republi- eau. Mr-. Hoyt le s Nen' Hempe)hut'mou anti bas twîce beeui eleetedti e the Stuite Lagisiattlre. Nosvi it l asieue n-uta ta b. Ilepibliau gobemuatorial nomninationi. Blg. ittze at jcbnetewu, Ps. Ftireai at . à,ttuivii, L'a, rageti futrfoui heurs Wetineaday, un-cut sway propety s'orth $115,000 anti causel a reagu of ex- cîtemnt second &lie te tint attendant tapon theb.fooulg of 158%1.Thefiantes s apra se rspIdiy thit peo<Ie bail boreîy'tîet. e escape s'ittb eur tîvea. -C-0"e t e-Ia'iu.Cr by the. Departant. The Intelligence bureau cf the Nayy De» partaient han justt lusued its aunuat vol- umeleftsa ou the year's naval progrea. The leadiug tenture et thîs auniber is a set ot prelluluury notes.,on the Japan- Chines. 'ai- coupiledl by Lieuts. M. M. Wltzel and L. Karuany, taho were pres- eut lu Chinese waters dürlng lbe pregres et the trouble. A chapter ou amati armaé shows that the Enropean powel's bave round a caliber ausauî as .17 entirelY teasible for a rifle,,aud iluftaet are look- luir fui-nardtot still sualler cajîbers. The British autharities bave bee-n making mauy experiments to deleruine the peue- ta'atioîî et the tjîlets intu different sttb-i stantces nitb a vlan' te ascertalniug tbe beat protection te afford te tr.-pa, and tbe results are ail set out lu Ibis chapter. The asrl'ising extent te which eertricitY in non' belng used on board men.ot-w5t la etriklnglv exhlbited lu aunsarticle con- trlbtttedl by Lieut. B. A. Fiake, the In- Tenter oethte range inder, witb many Iltustrations et ail sorts et instrumients of precisien snd measurcueut sud couve- nieuce. The boiter et the future, that of thie tubuittus type, is tberoîîghly discusfted and il luat rtedl and its merts compared witb the *reuet style (Dr tîbulotîs botera, and there is the usata ligi et nen' vessels entder construc-tionuby ailtiihetnaval pen'- ers, with descripttions oft tleir tiovel tes- i nies. MOLMEEV LAST HOPE GON . Pennuyl vanta Fu Preane Court Sustaotfls the sentence of i)euth. The l'tunsylvsuia tîPr.'ue Court, lu i lt'- jt lty J1ustile.' W' ilus uts.overiuled ai]l.-- îitjgnitenat soferrr inthei.'case ot H. 11 iLlisiena'itee ,-illrte des h fur nimnr- dil Bii enjamuin 1F. PI t cl. sudti voiffirmed tire judgmnet of thte - ,tîit t*low. 'The opiio jtays tiSa t lit> ubsaui lierrîti-has Iteen l îittted oit andd hat th.- evitietce fitl Ilsutstainîeed thle -eilttt. 'l'ite tîsters in the' case are in the' bautit of Cev. last- ingS, Who. jt iS t.eiieVî..l teil tfix atl early day fer the exectttior etolte rterieus lieclalon eft' ltîly's Kîtîsi. Humbniter. King eof Itai>. lias decideal that the % var in Abyssiniît shali b.'cou- tinued. Tihis [tout'!. non-cNrt-r.ei ar- quis di Rudini bas r.'fnatd te t-ari-y ont, autt gris t d 1titiclis are hilîg extîcri- ecteainut Ihi'forîîaliîttîottta ut.svialîiiet. Tlhe' revoluat itua ry cistu niu-es at 'Mian antd l'avi-a citntiué.'rThe aliiera liavit refi"ed tt) att-k thSe rioters. "T'e mob ai t lîvia demolilied a i-ailia vblrdge lu order te preacnt lthe ttî'tartur.'etftroolîs foîr tht' trut. Thety totre tût. rails frein th lctrac-k sud tii ien-thelîctîtbihe'river. Disatatileti frein t he sesnt oet a-an îuî,untce (bat Adrîgat is tîw otv mfijlt'tely itivesteti. arniy ii Atrita, espec-iîihhs-aioug the. Iructs un A.îiara sut] Mass'iwalt. The fein îg a gai ti t Seitîr t'rixslpî ta very strettg. T'P ali,' btiassador ttf tte otthe cint rai pxiuers tietla rei tuat ithi' trile alliant-e n-sa ilneway affeited by the Atlena disasîi'r. ltutiy's alles tiivei- etuttted îîarliîîînrly onu ber militai-y streitgth iti case ot a gis-at Eureipean n-r. The defiît tof t44i' Italian aria lias out chatigetPdîthesituation iu any degree. PT. BARNUM'8 WIDOW BASEL.YTH-E WEEK'S OOINGS MN SENATE DtCEIVED. AND HOUSE. Me Routauceti Fearfulty About mis Magntflcent Relates -Nen' Hautp. shire Mourus a Futot. Jurtat-Ken- tucky statesutan Dieu. Mr@. arnum Wou, Uutbugged. P. T1. Baruun's uaidow bas discovereti that ensiles in (ires'.-.'are very ike costdes Iu Spai, sud Ihat the otl tellow that tear' kd the Greeks eveit beariug ifts bat] a 'welt-develoised frontal botte. 1 t wnsMr. Ba'nuui'stfavoti-te taxitti. "Neyer mmd bon- Mstcbyet tbuubug the tueofle, but ain-sys give theni a gooti show." That wosn-bhei-e DmetiIns allas Bey feul ilhort; lie- 101 tcly Ituruabugged %Irs. Bar- nutt, but lup dit]tnt eveti givi' ber a fair show. Aitîlnau, he leeoiniing baek te America wuitliîtttn-iting fer the Otyup' Ian gaines. Sh.e i atout ta leave be-r bus- baud, is boasti't] îstatî's iavlig failet] tu ninterialiîoe. VENEZtIELANS TUA NKFU. Letter of Apot-eciatton Betuar Pr.'- pared te Scnd te Cleveland. ('uni-am, Ve'neizuel, isItpat-bh: Pi-cal- t(l'nt ('tests, lins lte'it hstkc'd by bot h hrtise-a of i '.tgretts ftor hie vigortît ie îîs- age. for lus iriiitieus in stiptressing the rpvttlîit ittttnd fttr lus att itui'etutte Guiiaa tsutiilrv tqueistiton. Ilii an alase blàciîO-ngri tut ii t ttedonhaiug tht' îîitd tf thle VIiitetî't itit tî's titig i ts utli i itra- tutti. A lî'lter tif Isltt tif lus se- è,atîîe is tt-l iztraftet,-t t, a'senut te dlsînttitlî iiisaysthle puniitittiont tf itt- îîî'î,ta frtnt Spainîî sttitintei e Fglisti ide ut #i.'botuin;ry disptet,. DEATH CAME SUDDENLY. Chief justice Dace.ofN'ew Uaug- sbtre, Stircken wtth Paraly-sîs. ('iiif Justite 'hatrlts l)î,'.if.tthe' Su- ureine c( 'ttrt o ewî' Hampîtî~sh.ire,.n'as stiikeit uitît îtrîly -ils iii tié-ti ,stt at lîtll inîsfttrd I 'ilîitIti - t iti t li-t lnot t in- ttei a tely . t1titg.- DI itti. suit lu t; oi-fe suI, nditl uas t'. îiîauîii'rett- t'e l'îblea4t liie' tistlîîtîiîtîî tf bav itg lus',-thtie' ttly NNw Engiaitd jtiîgt' ta îr qietd bu the Bttith-,,trta. A t thelie Il i,f lits etic h lié %vstsntibis usa>- tt, i 'tut-,rl ti'iltpt'id thbu li suteîrniî of tI.ithe jîurt'ii'nIloit. WILL NOT ABIDCATE. King Huutbert Han Expressed No Intention etflletirlng. 'rhti' iîne 'lrihîiîia loi,'Iy deiuedth at Kitng iHîumbert lîind -zîret'ssî' i ltainten- ttion ta aI itie.. 'lh.'rer'îî't gi-t-wt-ut et the. fatthuit the kinîg stiti ".Ny site puîty îîîgotinlte aut h t. the 'gi. laitt1I aili e-s ait anti-FIr*,'Iti u t-. leeit -:- Iudt" ceti-y sud Iia ltte'inii hI-h i t protesta agîtiîîst Fre'nch iiiteîrferett.-inluIta liagit at- faire, anti ti'an'5 t tîtt l"ianiî"a att t- prof. Daniel tirsiue ElliotI, 1V. IL S. iet lanEtr E., the atuthor of "Noi-th American Shore orth seth Agin Ete r. anf Ilirds," saileti front Nenw York via t.he i tea'.iîlîne h' il ne Nhew Yoi-k ou a hîuuting expetitinte thaeto de-tb haset'tiiret] tt-e Kentuc-ky Legia- intarior et Atila tu set-ut-ebig gaume for ltture sud tukeun abondnthe ii.' ltpat fttr the Fieldi ColenbiuuuMinseta, oet1Chi«l'United tt e*iuI, Stunitur. Seiaturi-ltoss] '-ago. île nili have untier hci aiuti 150 W'uossinger i-1.tst ofpueîuîmiauit 1:40> tien. 'tlîîday tetru:iig. lt it- htitt lt-i IIfor Anohe cngist Sond. siverul tit>s 551h a liait t-tlt. au bcb AnetherCensutae Stene. iuîîtedî îîuîttîuî'uuuuctin. li- usas, mate 81iiuisb bat-et] utthe'.United States cou- uîî,i-îîîi,mt'îthe ttî,' tiiatiîtif Kitur- tnui'ate break forth afresh. Ileeta-iday s,-,ii-su tît Bîu uIktt le ieîîsutuat ions averc matie Thiurbt]sy suitd a-cii -lt'-î' unmob tontîîetitht'tUnited]States -nisulate ut Va'neainci lut-tle eof.thei-e-ctutiîsofut Short iespite for Dunlop. tht' autherities asdit]hIe ahi-itut-asoftife115 Justite Brotwnu t-f the' Suprigue tutiti-. police. Sat:urt]sy uuliht issjuetan ortier l inith Ric Vene oun. v ti f Jotsepih IL. Dtîîliî, tif ('hicagtt, A gi-eau strike bas mast hieeo mati e tteet-ti tofsetitig tibsce ne n-spaperis Haus l'eak, et'ari Stî'amtbost Springs,lîu'th the tUtited State-s mails. hiis- L'oIe., by Riit-titimuitb nt M-IînblI lice Brîsavn's tii-uai-makles JutigeCrotta- a tunel otit-ht' Nuuth aille o et utplak a Cep)'s i-trtliicntisui leAttornuey Ferre-ais velu bhas hiç-n i'urt ahi-ty f.'.' in itirh, 1 iU cf exceptionstipi-rate assa supei-sedeas twe'iî>--tit' 'Weet etfss'duch i-ics $70,te 1sad Lucaîu.Brîý.osi. counuisttda Uitnýtop- te the' tuti. .îasrieftilm l inti'ty tiys lu show Love Latialis et ttepfathers. czttise Whiy tht' anpers'teus shisulti Li Ollie.' Meyf-.'is the' II .- i r-t.l t teîlaugb- mad Ie ii..'i ii-it. uuiuai'uut t uiiat]i-tbt'itu.. taetIoi- Want Iutmlgrstioni Cheeketi. î'u frîsîi iC'ltveland. -a ndut it'stî'îfuuthair s siin Ir (t 'itilt,er Bi id. at Topeka. tri,-, ly 'ii-tgit!- 1' ue tuîl t i lut'puhte Kasut, la tîn -i 'ug us-ort s fi-cuti 1. 1 tutus iii 'uke't, a 1 1 iluit c1 ac e i tt t ha latuiti-tra tout-iig !ht it.' itiil f l t th. t'ouie si-e li Chicago'î. in K(aisa'. lit' asyt-: "Ninet.s-fire- per Ove Fity iuidige urnd, cent et the foreiguiers ai-c fotr restriction OverFlfy Iuuuilnte nrnd. t ofimmuigrationî. ant illbi- ther 5 pei- cent A teirible cotîliigi-aticttbi-iks c-ut e tnats it îrolibitccl a1togethî'r. 'ta' Amer- Asperen. SouthuIlutlati. Si-verai cbLre- i s are altuosl a uînit eut the' restictioin t-s.,i îthe stoilfce aud ffiy builtiouse1e tif iiunigra'ti<ou, as uit tîy Z')lier cent et tetutroedt. ____theni waust itl itipi-tl etireiy.' Xany HuittIn Colliaton, Foui- tersttauvewre tatalty burt and Ciicg-Caîlle. commun te ptrime, tweety-iive otIte-is seriousiy tujui-et by a $3.50o te $500-, bogs, aipîing grades. colIlision betaucce elettrie i-ara aI St. Louia. $3.00 te $4.25; sibeep, fair te cisuice, $250 Th0 et -i vh dan- oounJ te $4.(K);n-le-t, No. 2 i-tit, 64e te OM. . Aikee sud Samuel Smithi, Richard c'orn. Nu. 2. 2&e te 29e s, 14e. 2, 19e Leuiogan, inanrance agent, sud J. L. te '.'e; iy., Ne. 2, 39e te 40e; botter, joues, t-lain agent etflbhe Missouri, Kan- chte.@ erpoeaui-, 21c tut 226; cgge, frei-sii sas atud Texas Ralroat. Disobdiecea 10, te 12c; potatees, pei- buWhel, 151! ta etfni-ters etanseti tht' tilsuter. 2k; brootîs cerni, 2et-,ul)4eper tunt tor_____ pouer te eboice, Reported Arrest et Rhodes. luiisut.eis.-4atte.pltliitu. $300 t On the- Lotn Stîîck Exchange NMon- $4 ho.ltget-h .oueligit. r$31111 t. S4.25: dui>- setis Africat i st't'uIities uet-e flet, sal vonîlnt-u ut'ut .. ilute-.0U t..$75 osuiug te a rinero'tbît Ct-cil Rthodes, lbe auheat, No. 2.,-Île te -72e; corn, NO. 1 ex-Premier et Cape Culuîuy, anti vead- n-hite, 28e te 29e; outa, No. 2 n-ite, 23e uinieli-ator us'ttl ai-i (Gie-y, uft tilt terri- te 25. totiy eoflb.' Britishu Soulth African Comi- St. Loi-Ctittle, $3.00 te $4.75: 11o99, pany, bat] been arrestet. $3.00 te $4.25; n'bet, No. 2 iet, 74e v')____ 76(-; corn, No. 2 yeilon-, 2(k, te 27c; 05tt, Bold Robbery et Dlautonds. No. 2 white, 18e te 20e; iye, No. 2, M;u~ onduy evening an ueknon-n man te 40ci. oace ryi he eefryda Cinciiillati-Cnttie, $350 te$4.50; horvs, anatehet]a udt-ny5lu 00ub frn'et oty dia- *3J.o0 te 1$4.271;ishcc'p, $2.50 te 83.75; enti e valretoreut Denverfi-ou Gote- tubent, Ne. 2. 73e te 74c; coi-u. No. '2)bi ea jealiestonreIDeuver nti mters mixeti, 30t- te 32e; outil. Ne. 2 mixetu.;s! h hie sae. le au-asfire igpnhy cterkc te 23c'; -yc. No. 2. 4le te 43c. Tibie(ff ' retJairlne]l.'fr' gtyuen- Det-it-,Cattle, "$2.1)0 te $4.7.5; lig.ig(eig îîes $3.00 te $4.27); sliucp, $2.00 te $4.910,: were Loceuinu lth euone. auhieat, Noî. 2 e-t, 72e tu 73c;- coi-n. NO. Tt 2e' iit-t t ae euo yeiioav, 29àe te 31c; oes, Ne. 2 n-bite eduel vere- teft lhuke-t in thelu' houe, a fen te 24c;: ryî. 39e te 4lc. miles trîtm l'e-netn iliga iihene Out., Suns 'loIt'ti-W'hect, No. 2 i-ad. -42e te 7-le; day uvîil.' tise paîrnts uvtu te visil a coi-t, No. 2 yeiieua, 28e te 30c; uttî0s, NO. neliltor. 'h ibeitusetoelek tire andtetlt 2 -%visite. 22c tut 24e; r>'., Ni. 2. Vie to te 2e; ftie isaitui tc -cIt] ut' ria-iltthe c-bih tluis-tr seta.$44i- rta$4 ..-d.-.îa-c rt-' iutrt ] it l . te i$kj coi-n, No. 3, 211e le 30c; cals, Ytt. Thanlis te Grever Cleveland. 2 au-ite, 20e te 2c; bai-Iey, No. 2, ý*tie te At ils Mtîich metetingthelI. NewvToi-I *e1c; iy., No. 1, 40e te 41c; pork, u3eCt. Presbytery veteti ils thanke te Ghevet $9.25 te $9.75. .Clevelatndiftr lis pi-eeues St the home~ Bttffale--Cattle, $±e50 te $4.75; hotu, mîesetîs umeetinig lit Cal'uegieHttl1, and $3.00 te $4.75; sbee, $2,50 to $100; for the atidresa h.' teliveret aet, No. 2 ret. 77o te 79e; corn, No. PadnA it BrN hig 2,yeilos', Me te1*c; cOas, uNo. 2 nwite. PrdnAae Mr ehtg ~5e u~ 0c~_- - '- - Mrs. Jiadson Preelaut Ivae arresteti at A Coutprehansive Digest of the Pro- ceedinge la the Legielatlve Chamn-- bers at Wahintou-MNattera Ihat Concerta the People. Lawnacakers at Labos, The Senate Wcdueoday began the cou- sieration of the Dupent election case tront Delaw-are. Bille n'aie passait for the purchase et sites for puîblitc buildngs at Hastingasud Noi-folk, Neb.: pension- fiug the n-dow et theIlate United] States- Senator Spencer as brigadier Ceni-at ai $75 Per nieulli; for a public building et Ferguta FaIts. Mina., le colt $1-65000, te reerganize the cuâtoms collection tjlatriet et Alaska; compensiating Eiibîî Ioot for assistance to lte Attoniey General. Tha Bouse spenit the cuti-e day fixing the salaries et United] States d;strict attorneys5 lu the amendaicnt te the legalative appro' ptiation bill te abollela the tfée sytem. The lan- at preseut fixes the' maximum salai-y from teesant $6,(M0. lu enly ou. case n-as tii.'ret'otmendation et the .lu- diciary ('Cînîitîee ileuarte,] frotît-tha w-esteri'stitrict e o 'frsyva anber. the salai-y i-.ctcîîîîdel nac ince-esed front $3.5W0 ti $4,I.. The saies for the district attorneys uver.- ixî-îas ti' ten's:Ililitinl, îîurtberri.$5 so ufflera, $4.000; Intlaust. $5000; tutu',,,ortherîî anti southerti, $4,400: Miebig:ia, easterv, $4.000: western, $,a).Minnesota, $4.- 01); Ohie, ucitheru anti autei. $4.000; Oklahomna, $5lMu (iegiaD. $4.000; Wls- consaita. tt'ru. $4.iuîîu; %vsu'lru. $LO00. Theflotutse' Thtrsday su riiii"l for tout hoti-s tiser theî'salaieo-s-f t 'iti'e-d States mar4iland tuth i'e titer tt'nurc's oethie amndaîin't t tfitlie lt--istlat is-. tpi-ropi- flot-tiibih hah ,lish tIie'fet' a> a t 'n ltie cases oet uitu'i States'a tto'rne-ys aud mai-- shjs Salaries ufthie niiiiais fixeil au-e lîlt'îi .ali sit h oîîsi f tht.'district a tti-ni-> , h jeu SWi-iltucla r. a ctat Il tiSe tlît'ig isrîtsliîiii,$4.500-, etat-rîttiî-trrt-t ttf l-îi'î.$'2.5wJ; MNa:nt-,, 51:Nesala. 2.55)Ne .w .1r- ge'y. e2.,511; iîi-tlt,-rî ifdt. N:ewen Yotrk. $'.151. lth ii. f' s> tt'iu bott imtriu-t atiocrtît-ysansd t w, eiss-cie ai- is et]t'-s. nutt , 1.10,sd uln-rt. nhic-h. lit siticac-s, ta.lIed tbe compnîsatitn teas ui la ,iJansd $1h.1cKe Irist.-ntt utitfîh-iiz- il tbe rate otf 10ii i -tliea pt-r tuie tac-h suy.Ille ameeDd- me'n Itu saitioiluy t-v s s d tuart-h is bel- atiiual trnt. liiig ,edît-tsk.Il[t iled tise f.'t"of I-î îiiSt a te's t- a --îtîi-és c'on- sîtlîra biv I.,low 'thb.' îrer'-îî tit iisI te. The Si-FtuIl,'aa't i.fthe -ig biîha sud ies- it.u'T o4..S't nlit'b.î,afteitet 1h. gt îtit IiS.S7-.on het, lofrau-a thean [tri-m#t' tii *f tht-'th.rty :h;rr le..gree ot Svottili r't' Siusiti-> for the souflera jit-tîwliti it fil ii. jiiteil Srtics;esiab- l:autig an alitilital landît i n ?Mon- tana. T'l euse ccfirfi-ethet oles'- lug nuiniîuiuisna:Samnel 'iînattt. ot New Yoi-k. t;hlaia' tttl ottht' I iit"it States at Bombaisy, Indits; Geotrge S. Wi!sou, tealie îîîstiuasiî'r nai Maverti. lissa. Comotones 'lTtonas (). Seltiige. iti le s ri- îlmdmi iu thse ttva-. Alan a iunnner al' proccu- lionîs ln tht' amy suduay. Th, iii itie iassed Ithe leglahative appt.- pri-ain 1,111 FrittsY. MoNt-if the ime, lui,,t'ae%'i-. %sas toitsiîîîi et t ht' t tnidera- lio ofu Ilte lit- s uenut t it u tZlietee m stlîîlit tl'th aistf .,t 1 ul States at- tornetys andtI narsalai. Thits suenduiects usas 1,trft-(titd antidiadti'j cl. A billn'as pst-set.] ittý,ýitilish h--iii sliî aymuiu'o eua- i'ta.tht' pur -p. tai' tf ash h u.î s àt.uprotes-: at-î iwu i ' t s ui-cl ýl orîv,'re ewiti- dieu out otif . cîîîthep us un îln iîarrvri-y ;par ils> . Sur. Ituli askt-]il tialittious consient ftiti- Iv-t-u'itiîratiîuîîftifltbillflIterelier. 4;(-n.l'ai-lit. tf liabiliiy fori- 1.I1ei expend- t'd lîy IXit. .1. NM. ('b> îlein ch.- rî'sc-îîof a tsrty o tu iciuts aubo e-s"stn-stind uci th- Bitter Iteot cs,îîntilî n lu 18.t Mi-r. SSilsiîtiobjet-ted. esy;î-art theii.Party liaddI îc'îrt,'îl scitizen ut! lilaha anti bau left huma tu die'. Tue esei'nîig3e-umiotuas8 devit'-t_ ti the'clstcauJtfîrvj 'Tht' littit-te Shtuti-ay tisi"i tpon the t-îi-ît"fli !ti'e hîrhtioft!ithtrte'c- forer il1a'itiat--i-tici'e . l-h.' largesu ot te stiptîly btills. i'irrr.isg lvpr $tii.tglO.- (li. Ast -lsof tt'tmo,' s"n ndue i4 uuiru", ii,-i,Iiîuitt' if t ,urth-î-lase ltaii-ti-.l'lit iii'y' is t itfui-e poitut ot oreri. 'fiT i'iîliiv'itt'tl î n iiithe clai i iîfaeillitlt-. 'M r. I i--lu-ry- îi'pm.p et M isautri. eîtî-i tt-ltii'tial ftlght agaitt-t thet' i tîro 1riaî iii o.'$ !iitOfour spetia ti tI îs o etl't rtîi kints fi-uni Nexu' S',tiktttNe'w r:It.Si tii ilar ap- prpniatItitlist-for this speî'îîul st'rvit-î'bave bet-ti ýiirrit' iici' 1877. 'Tle bill alise l'ai-rit-a 11.U(10tioi- peicli at--a-I-efreon Kîansta 'iîy tiuNewtoîn, Kanî., tuttI$100, (00lot r iti rviicaîe fi-unC'hicaugo tu Coeuii B iliff.«. TItis ucomipensation %a.s.,Ir. I)ec-;.'ry dei'lareal, lu addiition tu tiite reg- tîùroti- teia'tiin. Distric- tfC'olumubia busincsîs coaulaui- i-il tlit- major liortitoniofîtMontiaylunlte litonns.. Among the bills paaàîuid uvastutu. t, do rulise teh Ote o t fgîta fritî lt SI a t Thtiat fis wanslt.tttto f u ut ltong tiglit tgaiuiit tht' gît î'îîilîuuîîî3. Tihe t-i,îsilleî'iO tu tt tion oftttut tliIr.tria. tiot ill wa uîs continue-t, btutt,ixiportant ausenthinît..aueeadepteti. The- speaker suiieuutet tish îe piutuueît Eu!f i-. lieut. duit-ka (Dents.) of lCettue-ky lti ltheBank- iuîg tatiditiirt-uity Coustttce-. A regatit. ttinuas adopnttid c-lliiîg on the Sec-relai-y tif aviri-ftti- ttiiestes if thet i-toetrepoir- 'néi; tiie breikusater ut Cle-veland,0. A bi.l aurs tîlste-i lt, iciange the limes for hodinîgvtuttin tii .'uotuic rutisticlttf eCulitoritii. 'The Hbita ilet,îlooek nipDis- Ltriî-t etf('îltuibiu aittera. Pcuutiiig the cotttidteintl ofu tlheie il ijîurru'. Rie HalesEutad Count Le- o iOItel la fi uigitrouautî'r i- ot Eeglîtid.Ilie says fle Ilngiisht susu vthe' Zuslus aliulti be'liercledtoz tei-er us w il 4 S 'i

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