CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 13 Mar 1896, p. 3

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REV. -DR. TALMAGE CONFIDENT THAT MERICA 18 FOR GOD. lie Belleves Titot ThiI Continent Wols -fteferred Teotu. cvlat[Onansd pire- aenat* a Giowlug Piclure of Our Fu- tare Posibîlitile and ProsPects. Sermon et tite Capital. Ttis tiottnse presents a subliatta tht-tnt- anti lac!f national imtportance, anti coming freinmtecapital o! tht natioutmtinsl bave s titriug eUt-ct ttronittont te atnd. Dr. 'Talmage chose fir listeltteveballon £111.. Il. "And I ti-hul ilnutoter beast eoing up eut o!fte eartlt. sutdie ihall two bornaslike~a ai, andliutftae ss Io Amen-autiemtonet uiite Bible? 7Learned anti consecratet melu n-be bavs sttut-tite inîpireti bocks e! Daieltandi Revelation more titan I bave ant illner- stand titcoa'etler sgt-eu nîaYing taIthe leoparti menioet u inte Bible meat Griclia, andthbe bear meait Mcdo-Pernsl anluthe lien meaut Babybon, aud tse basa o! tbe tait coning Iup omt o!fte earti wit two borna ie a Iisnb andthie voici of a dragon menseOut- contnry. hacaudt among 1f et- reaisons l seemetat conte uj out o!fte tart ivien Columbhus discov- ereti i, and tin ts beau for te moal part nI peace, ike a amit, nnless assaulet by forsigu !ca, luirebicitcase il ban hallt wo bornua îrong and1 sharp, aduthtie vice of a drnaou bnd enetlgi ta1 makle ail nations hear thtet-van o! ils indignation. là it rasi sonable 10amuppose titat Cnt1 ivuit lt-av onttfreux thteupitecies o! hi, eok tii witole awesterni bemisphere? No.n.'l beitebtianother bhasl comiug up ontioftel catit, antihohadtitavo boti a lite s lumi ant ieb spake as a dragon'" Cerman>' for sehsttirsii. Englatnîlfir f - nufactories, l-risuce for manners Fgypt for atqities, ItaY for pictoras bt mecAmericadfr. od t Amînica fortCnoGot0 I start withthlie cbereng thougit t I te mort baptai- bhock Oit et-t to-titi> te Bible.,te moat poPtlar mttsitutiOu 01 etl t-day tsete churct, amu th ie mes popubar nainti on esrto- day la Jeas Itigiat fro t tiis auieltnce hitntretis of met andi acten %vottît, if n-et h, mat-ciior ant ide fsr tint. Am 1 taoe aliticut lunL-yiug "Aitterîi for Got?" if te Lord %vitble lue, wiI bniauv te sîrengtlit anltielctI O! Il long ine cf fortresses ta ha lakemt nadtîir i you ayw>'rt-eis for stîyiumg il eau Ie île andti vilietac ilit. lt-tet s tiicite 11th!l >att1e for Go-i sa-tletît%%- n ana aI Bttll Ilu or aI Gettyrbtrg. Tlitrt- is a Fourtlit0 Jtîlyisit s'ay to! tnag-giig abolit tiis cour t-y, sud tho-t,st tint-ilanti plîeket ir lbh., tver lie-v titoughli l us rns th American caît-e. 50 rtuct..' mhalI11 Glada-one saib te me facetilotîsI> aI Il pi wardeu. -I b-art- ltIte biaeitl u y Amcrin a les are lie arge taI nit olne o! ,he-m is taken dnt te entîre liste perceptih!y lestetet ntad t a dinnet- gi e n bu PartssunAuterican offeet for sentiment, "blet-it- a thie United Stat -boumîietion tenert-litb>'te sut-c the eqoiucaxea. on tihute est by prime' chaos anti on the aest by tae day o! Jun ment" Te efec ofsucit gtandoubeni le t disredi therealfact, iicit i no remndos tey eetinogarnishin ailitat->'or religiotns, is t0a niet-estini an enemy>. aut I nuil bave no psrt suit a-texnpt nt beitlîtmeut. Titis londlu ite tik-en fer God. accenti te Harsel, te stattîticitun. ias 14.219.01 "uart- miles, aavtilià anti a Icuglt I noua 'bat te itnuiscient eau apîtreciti Four Etrîpes tlitt toeitier. anti capable holding sied fied:tg, as il svii boit ti teeti, te Attînnon, te stttli can, if te %irit continues lu existen aud dot-anet tun afotti o! soute nIh inoritirt-rigt cnnumt-d b>'te ires aires b'iuruiug luntetchat-a o!fte planet--a bie, I sas>'.o!fiholding ant feediîîg ut- tan 1.00,000,0<10 inltabilsuls. l'ory muetIrmtui-tber ilt mnel bebt-id for Got wtlb su aken for Ued, anti tht- lest 50 00.<IintabitanIn mut t uli e 3silo lt ar "p te religion of tlite bli-a0 000,000 . Net nînoituse lunlisting tef tresa 1:fave cannttuo bult.l muet bt-bdianfil tliarcitaigt-'s trumipel I livitng atîd deati arise fron ttiis fottude'i pis net. A Nation'a Momnlni. Yomi mutet-~ttt mbe t lis oui>' abou o'clock in bbhentormiug of ctur tih lfe. Great itlssaret-a10flash ant i saliotîg mmare cailith ie 'Bat]Inluo o!fte Datotas antite great "Colum Plains" of Washintilon State. andt lt m'lit sve punt oîr seliîoolhty ingera ou map, aut speliet otnt anste "Gmet Air Ican tenat." in. titrongit systemistic consiiniaiting irrigation, 10 bloom 1 Ctatsvotth barit andtiho madie more1 ductive titan tent regiona depeudent u] mncertiin anti epanutoticrainfali. tosa rt-glen asiel ais tose regitto reati>'cutivtedta10lbe luabilte!T vas a sublime thiug sait b>' Ht-utyC white crosaitug titi-Alleghteny' Moîutt audlite nas saiting for te stage horse ite rea:et n hiemuloot on a rock, at ùtIdtLt l0litg offile ite vîley. stimit'itne saidt e hum, "Mn. CIay,'w at-t-yotm thiininisiotit?" Ha repliad amt llstenîtg 1tte oncomntg tamp of future geontlutioof Anicn." i ynuîidOuti oî ttue misitttary scitemv sut-h au infinitudefie !a-aie? If te o'! bringiug el ontitatt 0Got is go gr eau 1,()()o,(00,(»)0 bcecaplureti? lu cottlt,'.alreaîby llanleilandtta10be conte.,1aganisfl h as bltill lîs ala Brahitt, nti te inasa are aitE blitu-tmtt lt-t-selunthem temples, iautnmeditni.ii, thtunkin luttîen wtb tht-t-et witîe e!fitimtatublontd aIit uovW anti Casvtîtîit, ant i utnfr-ait &M b.w einy dtirmiards d>1 But *bb Winl giseun die, tatîbsilcu ofhow mai» itc*rts kre crushei nuter te heel of 1h15 worsl demon of te cenuruies? How mllD itoffl blated? How msuy cîiltren «ria- cd out ou flie avent. scearseti Vit stigma e! a debaucitet scsry?Uniulil ée worm of te dsillery liecomes fite worm tat neyer dics, sud fle amoke o!fte hitett aine vals becmes te smoke o!fte ton- meut l lt aseundetit up for t-ver anti ever! Alcobolisin, swearlng-uol witit baud up- lit ted tewarti hoven. for from tit dire- tien Il eau gel no beip, but witit ightl baud streltet down towart the- perdition fron whiifilcamne up-ssseanug fliti l m-i nol ctstse as long as titere are any homesteatis tu despîtil, Ray maguificeut mentn sd ivoirientudestrcy, mny lattortal Beuls e t uiamn, au>' more nations tu baik, au>' more civilizatiens tu extinguisia Wickeadsud La. Titan there in whal lu America ave eaul t ociallam, lu France cemmunismn, sud la eRuszia uiilisu-lte tree names for one j andthie sainte tig-and baviug but lwo 1. doctrines inluils creati: Fins!, titere in e ne Get; second , ter. shall he uo igitt it o! property. Que bit their chie! jounal» printed itinssentiment, t"Dynamite cau hi matie out otftedeati bodies o! capilais bas Weil as out of ibugs." oue o!fte lesad- e rs o! commun uinm eft inscribet ou Il prison Wall, Where lie -batl beau justi>'in- pcarcerateti, these wonds: "Witeu once ynr -are deai, tera lu au anti o! everything. tTiterefore, ye scoundreis, grait aitlyet y you eau, oaly dont Ict yout-elves hi 10 grabite, Amen!" Ilicre are lu thiî ,f country isundretis o! titousantia o! thest la lazy scoundreis. Houest men tieplore il ,,-itea they canmiel gel work, but titese 0o re whom I speak wibbnt de work when thai in eau gel 4it. I tietito emPbo>' One, wit t1 asked me for mont-y. 1I asit, "DoavuIr bL my celar 1I(bave &sente Woodt 10sitw, aud1 b, aill pi» you for it."1 For a litte inhibe1 iteard the saw goiug, aud tht-n I heard i r no more. 1 weuî dom-n s~irasud foun( ~tite Wood, but te workman hati tisai speareti, takiug for cempan>' both uck an' saw. Socialisit. contmîttlstttanti nihillu nt mean -tee, wickedti teacknowiedge 00c la aud 100 laz> te tarn a livinig," anti ameni nu temigitiest obstacles 10 ha overcome ai ,ut tose orgnttizeti elements o! domestie, oc a8, Ctal anti Itolticai ruin. n Titere aise at-e te fastulesses o!fitfie ut il>, and attelant, anti fiant, anti poitico corruption, anti maitiforint Iydra htetcle Ca illioen armet abomxinations all over th titin. Whiie te migitiest agenciez ft le rigitteousnses on earît ara gooti an iehealbhfstb newsspapers anti goot ai ýleheaitidui beoks, suit our citief depentenc ils ftr intlligence aut Christian ac)iev, unmen t ilaupn tol emr, aviat word antoug Il ofmore titan 100,(M0 avrtsinl our rocai n- lary cao titacrible te .uork o! that arc] ird an gel o! titiitef. a orrult lieralur( ite WV'iat man, attemptîng anylting for Gc ir. 8t11iditumanil>'.litas escapeti a sînoke o! 1 la- fluth>' 'uiug? , iat guet ccaase bas t ur caped t is iinti'rmenl? hat otiter o en tacle n al ltelanti se aPIîaiing ýBi 'e? 1 caunulananti- mire rtin one-itaîfthte hi iv- tiemauls, te bastions, thitrenettmueun r tht- radoubts, te fortifications, to lt stormeti anti crercome if ibis Country ira ever taken for Goti. The t- stnica are o! an-fui that if mc itatinothingbalttenti r-sI tipication table antite aritbmetic, te' îg- tettpt lia erangelize America aveuitibe lic aiurdity hiigiter titan the lower o! Bat are itefore il droppetionu tht- plain o! Shii ug. Where are te dtilletîreops 10 mat ig, against tht-se fortiications as long as t 1Ste continent? Witere are te batteries tfi inuceau ha unlmbereti aganal these aWall Whert- are thiegunsofo large enougitcc lig 1er 10 stornithtace gales? Wtll, el ý((; lok aroonti andtisec, tht- final O!fail,aIN bal ist our leadter atît ivili be our leader ut] ule. tli e nrkis donc. e of A Great Leader. tati Garibaldi. vuitît 1,0W0 Italiens. couit is- mtore titan another commander wiilit uce 0440 Italiana. Gi-n. Siterman, on ont- si baer antt Stonewail Jackson on te otiter, et ,ady with 10.000 troopa. coolti do more lb pis- sorte other g-ni-rabs mitit'20,000 trou tort- Tht- rougit l.t-Sinluwhiicit Washingi yoîî crosnedtei e 'Delaware avit a few hb h as frozen Inostî as migitier titan te n i0- o!far liat, tint-irg titi- American ravi wed tien, cause trotigi the- Narrows, a gut M0'- cct'o- tst - itkfè H all al. i for- leader, lite mont gi' ti Icadera, iva b tbe lu au obscure plat-ietîil vis a ban bits home, about ire ruiles front Jerusaio riug Those wito m-trt-ont o! douostit Inii sai t tiat there aras teliar commotion9 music taIt came ouI of ite cloude, ,u 7 thougi te front toor olfhtaven bat he iosnetopi-n, aud taI te camels iteard OiSlraI infanttile cry. TMt-nlite came to t-ar fait-est boyitcod flinttmolt-r wais e ia protitioo, anti front 12 lu 3W)y-rs e! hia asl off lu Itîdis. if tradiatiotts tht-rt-are cte tratu', andt ieti rettrîtt i)Iià laiua le aud, anti for tîtret- years lnItaiaîtii rnad surroundet ity bind leyes tuaI lie 11111t, lite et. antit-ptpie lîtilttutwta ot gave rubicunt itaitt, nantitotîgîtea pro- ite oocet front ience 1510 somîg, nadtI t upon aviont- fitutrals lietenopîped fititIe im sl a-give back 10 bt--ri-t tîotera titir( rial boys, abd toet-avioat>fart-rt-t pîseE Ciat Iiatrestoret loto rbylthic tiroit, 'ains m-itose pîaralylic limita be hat afrrtet t-nS bî-athfui circialioti îtnteraICape lisai. but flaning ecrangeligt tvt-rYvll aruts itusbing cryimtg tetupesta andt trttitg riald icg cas imb slit sapphtiri-.antifuot whtreacue o! s race subuittedtu t court r d"Lfiled i ih bowling miscreants, anti fav tt-marlyrion t aItht- igitt o! ritict it le faintît-anti fel brick in te heaens, te On tht-n îreating titi- louta itomtatrd, ret nuovy tocunltain ut-uts, 1111 ht-art- ret. ' -Winbat-k agalu. mort- a favorite ta over- ittît tver iteen; bul, comimig agatu, I t- r0 on earIa nuis', andthIe nations are gi etî oin. tule is standard. _.-l h-oiositt hlm ivere tht- Scotch Ç8rian sentment, asld Moomita,________ bav4ng retreated lu 1830 fromt Fayette, N. Y., to Kirklaud, 0.. and Inlu1M3 retreateti SpANlARtDsSTSONE ANOTHER to Miasouri, and lu 1M4 retreatedte t Sait CN OSUAF Lake City, non, divorced fromnjÈts super- AMERICN euLTL <~ flity of wives. wiii soon retreat int the o Pacifie. and ne basin amaller titan au United States Consulate In Valencia l oceau couiti watit ont ita pollutions. Iluit- a ul 30 n i-di eracy going down under the work of Sia- Attecked y uin MbsdWn to ter aud Peabody funda and Sabitatit down Snashed Princetou tudents a schools o! ail the citorches of ail denomni- Burn the Kluz in Fiigs. eo itations! Pligilisut uow madie uniawful l am by congressional enaclmnent, the bruttali; Nb's Work at Valencia. li custom kuocked ont lu the lirat round! 1 Spanish haîreti of tte Ui7t'ted States Con- Of Corruption at the ballot box, by law of Iites 10 break forth afrt'-sh. Iteneweti0O registration and oter safeguards, madie demtontraliona mere mad- Thttrsdav andt"11 aimost impossible! Churches twlce as a moit stoueti the-Itlt States totisulate Pl 1large as te olti eues. the enlarged %stpplY t Valencia, lu api;te of the tret-antionttaof S2 te meet te enlttrged tiemand! Nihiliîsm, the atttiorites atidthte alerttess of tltt re gelîluz a stunning troke by te summnary plc.We h o oiid l b l excuitiou cf ils exponeunts after teY hall jpolice po n lite loui frttead ilsrah-'il murdereti the policemen lu Chicago, r. ec rptipoint wett linte nuaate ainta ceived ils deatit bion, from te receu t paatia wereBut a deIt, ord aheainat treaty avhich sends back te Ruslais.teanatc.Btluotb-reie oi gi were an-are of it a final, ititiejttî-itiati miatant criminels wito iad been regargi- bpen executed anti lite tovluHg, yellipg Il tabeti en our American shore. borde ltad galteî-d it Ilit,- str(eel. Stones a Thte very titings titat have iteen quoted wee thow whitit suittied te windowsIl as perils btutis nation are golttg 10 teip of te consulale. lThe pilt mili)i .1ai ils saivation. Great Cilles, so oftea men- ftrong charge anti disi)erit-î te crowti. tioneti as great obstacles-te center of The tniversity bas bee-e citactiuttdler or-IL crime and te reservoira of ail iniquilie- tiers front the Goîernintnt. utis as feat- " aare to ead iunte work of gospeliiatiOlt. cd the meetings cf tht- ,utieuis voulti be 1 Wito give uMost te home missions, 10 asy- a hotteti for breediiug tiisardt'rs.f lum,,te religious education, te ail styles tvae ttii t wrt- ttdt-l tuant. i of itumanitarien andi Christian 'ntttu- tient Ianîders te utîtke thiir way te the tions? ThCit iles. Fromt what pin*5 did United States vturtaniale. buttht'y %ore asa lte mont relief go &t thete ime of Johns- oft'-îi frit-tratesi, als the attlritit'4 bat r îown Bood, aud Micigan ires, nti rectit I sipt-ehi orier.;t te be onttthe lottk- t Charleston eartitquake, sud Ohio freit- ottt frtiti>-v demntatîitt iagaiiat tht itets? Prom the citiez. From whal place property o i te Ii States. Sîtecial dd Christ seni eut his twelve apouties %toetotvas affordedth ie btuilig ln tol goopelize te worid? Froua a ity. whi,-h tie ottice tif te consul i icateti. aWhat place wili do mure than auy otiter iitit a V itw utete salu ttiul. The ntoit. ao place, ity ils contribution o! Christiau boive%-r, g-ritered lu front o!fte tîtiid- 'I e &ad womnen aud means, luntis work lxbfr h oieleenaeo vli jof taking America for GoNe-or as g,ïig 01t. antd stoîtea bcgiit tolt),ifront Cty. Thte way Paris goes, goesf France. tee '-t. witithlie retasit îîîit naîty titt- <jThe 'way Berlin goes, goes Germauy. Tite dows %%t-rt' brken. Tite îrowsd %vas cîteer- p. way Etiiuhurgh goes, goat Scotianti. Theted on<b.,s.% paftizert itnthe streets andti id wai Loadon goes, goes Engianti. The front the ntîigliborit oîtset.'Te îplice way New York andi a couple olfer citienileat nio Ilîno-it oharginthe litentersa nd te go. goes America. May lte eterual Ged motoa te-ivdsrei.ahugti- dwake usn up lte auedosise iles is ire îfittng as tose in lt tîtrew ' titit lte vasI sud overtopping fortunes lu titis_________ e country, and tlîey say il meana cuncen- ITALYS DAY bF WOE. 'o trateti wealtit, aug iuxîîriousuess, aud dis- - P-play sud moral ruin. Itla my observation Whole Country ls Arct.cIby the Over- tat il is peuple wito have but limited re- whelutinv.Itefenl in Abyssinia. ýai sources witomalake tite moât aplurge, anti 1 ITithe ewf terrible defeat te ils arrar ýd asi you, Whto are eudowing colieges and inl A iaast set ail Italy %vilt i v it te teoologicai semlinaries? Diti mu ectr b ear excýitetu'eni. Ircîttier Crispi lias t-nîere.i 'or of Peter Cooper, sud James Ltenoir, and bis rt-agirti.ui, n lîcit 'bas bt-sn ac"pi."d td saintei William E. Dotige, sud te Law- by te kingaiti .î las anuotueti tarte tdl rencen. Amos aud Abitt, while 1 refrain C'hitaîter if 1i-iýitiesvili hca itkedt iîtt- 'ce freux mîntioning living henefaclOrs wito, peticit lri.uti tandtthe other utembera of re- quils as generous aud Cuiristian, are lu his cabinet f,r'rss misnunagemnent of le Iis as.ambly at titis moment planning 'iae Abysiiniait -antpalglt. Indignation lu- witat tey can do iu these days, aud in meetings hav ve i t'htul-d aud riototta den- 'b thi-r lent wiii aud testament luntis Csa- onstrations itîtît in inost of te cties, andi >e-? paigu taI proposes lnkîug Azuerica for fron thte nr-tll:îistoud cries are sentt ud Goti? Tite witiows mite.,itonoreti of te np for vet ueiiîeIou thosemite have l" Lord, ta te bave ils part iu Iis continent- been re-pous 'nie fi r titis aulent aunnýhila'- es ai capture; but we muai have more titan igdfa.IdgainaantteGv eh-th-t, ndmore rigitt away. Mas» o!fte errtuent i int-iî'o-tîl l'y thte calling oîut of 'lit men that expect te gel lite biassiug for 8,0 e of the rtéserves o! 1872 for ilt- bestowing the widuw's mite wili not gelttiv() enrie ~lt getmjtiyo ta, ite tiesiug u lte lraI lace .tiey tese men aretiat'ied sud have famtilles ite mot rwidows, sud lunte neil place. tIÈer il have no "mightî." 60A Grand Assmiliationt- t- Tite lime is comiug itasten il, Lord- ýat- sud I t'tink you and I wili see It, witeu, an1 as josepht, te weaity Arimataean, gave bel for te dead Christ a costiy mausoievut, iar. the Hen inanti meno! h OD tie try wililrise u inteir streuglt sud huili bat for our King, one- Jesus, tetrene of titis ml. Another ting quoteti for discourage- us ment, butttwhicit qot for encourage- hol fron Castie Garden we turu back by the ai iraI poir sip te foreigu vagabondistu- ne are gettiug people te vant majerfty o! whom conte to niake an bonest living, 1do aîoug tentsoome cf te bravent andthie ha, bst. If you nitouldt ru back front tis te, landte1 Europe te foreigu ministers of ýaCt te gospel, andt he foreigu attorneys, sud tan tite foreigu uterchants. anti the foreigu C Inlt FI T tPB. philtiuiropistn. witat a robbery o! our Kitl t 1 gt >FI .T eton puipits, ont- cout reontis, our storeitouses lat- andi our hencfileent institilon, anti whaa depenting upon tent for suipport. taeit iitp ~puttli bak o i-erymontar, mrci preparattous te obey orit-rs ini Milan anti tn-l fui mo rl onti relig on îtrs o!rt,-eotiter places were te 4gaglifor riotiug, tlu aI li m itrslcandteiging iterestofaltu-e te agitation beng led bY the wouteu and S tflan!Tis itittierth lng e o a mvina- ýitldreu, ant inluaone inst:iî'te men xcru prdc n7 rmn îg e preveuteti frointle 'n';g the iditom - thlenilcen styeoni100 years the m'1'hg- emfaoeti tîioteri i-uc beet te ubl niicet syleofman sud woman te woridTh ostneado.1l v.i le. ever 55w. Titey m-lu 'have te nil o! one police mb iteil-seîa atîti i -ît trtcit git race, teeouec aot rce tethe- soldiersanimtîerots.,rsî thoiu and kin u e le u tc of anot it e ers racef ite itn se ves in i ttti fre tîy utîini the Un ited , a n o t i nr t e s eo ! a n t i t r sl t e o f u e r o s t y o ! t t - s t e e l i n t h e - i t t t t i o ! t e t i t hihmoa ote, h-settei ante o!anoter, *lite Tiese demonastratiotta night have iteen biett e itigit mcaracdtro!anottar, enti expecteti from teexcitable it1tn peî bish ten titinatndtiu anti wminsl orh ieu tht- atd Irutia tatrat tîîoî thtentt lit th-drbrati ntinere sd mscle nitdit- titrougitbati maoagouiett tt tttandu 'ever tertwining o!fte libers o! ail natioîîalities, poor ge-neralaltiti ut Atiosai ie atmy-it tige mothitig but te utw eiecbric photograptie Atyhunalbl been entrl,'llt ta de- ~et- apparatos. thal eau sec eleir trotiglit ' cin îi bso i iito t ive body, mind anti seul, eau taka of theitntit t iutt lu kihilleatiswoftivt itoil ftaolnt 'wyadequate picture. 'But the foreigu popît- saii nuîtto n d fool stitrea ofasiil the ate o Iîlof Anierica l is ta oeeevnhsurvivors ilus hatiesa pliglt¶. ftrsitua- of il urpoplaion ad wy il hi fus ionissuci t tat îhey ,-antttî, ht, to e tlt about foreigu immigration? Eigitly-nine abltie 1hioldtieir groond llili tutarrivai itosi- Atericante10eleven foreiguers! If igit- ofattiicieuttrein forcetrcn ts. tva nif te lih îy-uiue of os New Jerstynnen, or eigitty- shottld li sentt. 'Te report tjiatt (;lii. Btar- ouly nine o! os Newe Yorkers, or tigity-nine o!f ____________ s ite us Ohiosa or elgitty-ttine cf us Georgi- anti ans, or eigitty-ninit of us Yankees, are not [mot equai 10 eleven fort-Cguetn, ten we are a u~r rua- ntarvmng, liliputian group o! humunculi CA~A here, tat ougt talobe wipeît ont o! existenca. " roll- Usefui Wespoua.- r te But non,'what are te weapnns ity - ut a s ic it. n oer ou r om n ipo ten t leader, t e- u n u reai obstales lu the way o! our country@ 1a d evaugtliza lion, te 10,000 mile Seyat- l ,iike pois, are 10 be leveleti? Thte irst colont- tookbat, witit ratnge enotîgitle sweep front '4lA5 t In lie ett-rnity '10 eterttitý a iste Bible, millions t li so! its copies going ouit, millions on Miii- li I ons-Ibis te utotarcit o! books,. litIba s Aalii i lie-mate ail te tifference hetwet-n China -Ati-lite titeti Statea. belweeu Africa 6ALLA ar ke e hie a. o11 ial hile iu@ tvd .li te tie tnt Iescof 0 DM*oatloa lu Cuba-]Reportt of Lacent Batties. T'ho reopeuing of telegraphie commuai- mi11on w'ith the region of Pinar del Râe. Cube, brings the tiret detailad informaationl :f affaira ln that province for several weeks. The ricit Vuelta Abajo tobocco distriet seema to have ben put to the trch, and ia apparently reduced to a deso- îlae wildernesa. Whole tolvus have been obliterated and reduced 10 a iteap of ashes, and titeir juhabitauts are wandering heip- lea over the face of thte country, manY f titem etarving. Thte villages and towns of Gabanas, Bahiala ondan. San Diego de Niunez, Sauta Cruz de lus P'inos, Loi lalacios, I'Wo lReal de San Diiego and San Dit'go de ius Bancs are kitovu f0 be redued l u aglies. Ail of thteqe were im- portant aud thriving centers of popule- ion and business. Thte at lovu whictt has succuîued Io te insurgents' torch iSen Juan y Martinez. Thae tobacco from titis town ts afninth ie world over. Its cultivation broîaght great iveakthta te people of the district and gave usa- teriai for a large commerce in the towu înpl support tuo o-er 1,000 familles. C arillo and IRojas, te insurgent leaders, at the head of about 700 o! titeir foiio«w- ers, re(entiy attacked a company of the Sieilia batalimn andtihIe local guerilla force of San Andrff, near Hlolguin, prov- ince o! Satariago de Cuhe. The soldiera were proteetesi by a eouvoy of Provisions5 aud supplies. madie a byrilliant defense aud repulsedth ie insurgent@ witha as 0m f twenty-fi',e kiiied. The enemy retired with many wminded. 'rTe troops bat one lieutenant kilied andi seveu guerrillas tvouuded. Salvador. ltom, FIonseca, Romualdo, Agui8iero jind Chango. insurgent leaders, at lte istof about 4100 men, reeently at- taceti( a lieutenant and i evenrty guerrillas, otho were otnt foratging. The insurgeuta fireti frnt the cane fields and ebligesi the imoopys reltreat vitlh rte ioss of a lietu- tenant anti four men kilied andi seven pri- vales woîînded. Aguiliere wvas kilieti aud six insurgenta were %voumdeti. SPAIN'S KING IIANGED. PrbocetounasSwing Hi.1,i luEffigy aud Rip Up Hies Fiag. Studenîs of Princeton Coliege itanged Aifonso, the King of Sptain. iii effigy, and, ALt'ImNSO MtIT. isîtaius Infant Bole-.) fter tiraggimg tht- gorgeons bauner o! nia. dous lhrough ttc sîneets, tore t- I l""iee. Tbis asltae ansven o!flte bnI>'Ameni- sun boys 10 lthe ata o! violence against te Uniteed States on bte part o!flte %tu- t-utas aI Bat-celons, Vabent anti Matitid. AIt Leativilît-, Cole,ltere aras mont iu- t-use excittuatwmhan lt t--news as re- teiretcf lthe bunning o!flte Amant-an liAg by the Spa«nat-ts. A flng o! Spain was liscoreret u inthe stock o! a dry geoda at-rt-taulandtihetacrowd ti pluttu'founti kintiuing aeoThe aoot iras igniled. and whiile the- crowt sang "Amenica" aud ,C(otumbia'l tht- flakg of Spain iras but-ut- A DISMAL FAILURL. T'he Baron Hirseit Hebrew Colon>' lu Connecticutl. A Citeatetit-it, Conu., correspondent raya: As fat-mers lthe Ht-brairasa-ho came to Coonerieiut foot- yeara ago ivith the aId fuid - -bave. dis!R41bl failet anti mont-o! i lthenthava giren ap lteit- vain ahtempt le ill lthe rock>',hart-en sou o!flthe Nutmeg state anti have atopledthliteasier - atît mot-e lucrative - vocation of sewlng fer Iti- Newr Yert BARON tlitstSI. aneaî shitBt-ave- ]y' ttey stnttggledti irougit sert-rai wlmutet- on vot-nout ftutms lutuuthIdowu itousea, anti avileiel lasît-dtilitesruggle iras a paîbetie oeî-. Tht- lt-h-t-ma mho came itreeraae not ittet for lthe tuggetlifa, especiallin lusainter, andtihie avonde- ia tal att>'o!ftthentsutrivet ont- colt season. The setlers toulti nul lt-at-n ito le itt. Mnýjs te in Ilaîcornefront ceiea anti itat mate a larecanieus livitng b>' plying temr ueeî', antidil iras natunal ltaI lte>' sitoaldtarlt-nagalu 10 neaviug afler their otiter ventut-e4ad itrovetl a fallu-t. Witit se man>' more "bauds" looking for werk ln tht- ciîtiig feclories il is nol 10 te prasuntedthtitwia ges int hsaltidepartmat e! bnutîn> ili grea l>'ativauce-aaother lessen itt imtmigratittu. SPAIN'S NAVY. Uncte Ssom lias No Needti 1 Feuir Auj- lhiug front Il, Thc actiotn o! Congrena on lte Cîthan t-s- oîilioeu, mateiut O! luterentlttear wjant lu ttWmroug a nit v>'ylthe pei-ittiitîit-powet- htai t em- 1.ati Siatin's nmutit- tatins oune tld tileship), luttnt-lit-t im 1887. tir nearl i>'nt-y (a-s mtgo. bef,îrclHarvey'- i zes at-met-liati -eva'tti uti zi-ttti-art o! ptroltebing tBieni tf sstr.Ti'tls ithe P- laye. Site 'lîts a ditllalutito f 9,1)4 -inrlek tai-e 1j-in-it9gt1tu4, tise litci niis anti lb) sîtutller pites'. SWtpsa aieobits temi finI--lat.î six sec- ttib-ciass a sitot-foty-timî- tîtinti nIattacruis- t-na.Jin ot-patio beats shite aafort>'. Oit tht- whIole ont- nar> bas abaelm tel>' notbiug 7 ii fear froua ltaIo! Spait, for he int s-laI ave have to set agaluat it: 'Ne tave tto bjesan lmsix liral-clas rassi-la, t-et e l lthent btter haltba iyuethe-b av «h ili truter forne powner anti speecqtîal tc bers. 1"a* et tbein. tee, la bel er at-met W'i-hb«" tv.a fisIt-clant. titnusec ond-et-aU 4t.wn-oue tti-d-elat ct-uis ara. Weautê oWea'ai, bat tht-e. lnrpst h ot , bat-4he-*eciency e!ttis close el e escis b"à érret ben sitea. Theime 8~ *oars jqry but te taaI *luiIM, I ' àdi e al Me cal Pol li rua ah Ov ma lik Et nl un rq nei to il a ef of pý al el ti s ti I -eneit XI., Empereof Sbýï td King of Klnp buIn &lAbl* tmasrch of Eltiia, th e 158 seing aillte trouble le1,17 bjt l owiug titat coutry' tg "prosct tlit bas au ides, that le in ipahie o! prt-oecting 4liseU.! ý ses te do il on buis own grouflL àan tra'te off «Il bis real estite fo tItou" o!fbte Enm'peakndtt. Tb-4 aer i, perbapoth bocmut lais inarclh la aillthe wved. He cliM, bine descendent o!flte fanios teit, ant hal bis realms autthe tpii of ftue Sripturce. Watbev May b. lunfinat caim. It la truc tbat tk has lthe oli-utinat ides et be te1 tAz. He itausitesuabetiteaeoBéa Curepean poer al lesson whlcb I, retr fat-ge. H. an couseil Ml minîsters o! utate anti poîattt«el ff. ta open thitaIt yes vcry wlde' aie lthaI inhlm the r bve a Mi oplay wfth. Menebit la cswtaiw* tise te the Kng cft11.1>', o«d ltl, len ho whil b. thfe moal bOlODW~ ntheII gaw'cet êm euu lMi »*ers are ever pbayng. He ï*w L48 lu his father'sklngâoanefW tcîttier aia beggr wh b *0~ fane>' te ant i rrled. H. ed afer bavlng alpent Mie you*h i tS Df avibtiativenturet, anti utac. Df Aby"mnla tiinla1880 Mcnak et-or ot Aityssinia anti Sho sand ti lultasel! King of Kigs. l9e0 abletela do tiais wth Itaau enec, but bh aler luug asie" aula, ane'-he laid. Ialy tictirsi W sont bis kingtiosnTih. ceuntrY b. sn very t-tcf lingobti. lnzul4aiut 19yff ion ant iIn crn>'way a tidmfIa , ÉW I.s populationale 3,000,000 MRS. LELAND STANFORD.i Vomam Wo Woa e u'et Cees 4nu Xerao! Litlgallo., Ttc Supreme Court ticcliea *êIU ford Uivcrsity case aa ory for etisiatien, anth ii e Ma l vite bas practcaly satinlicct tI iven awe>' a qaueeni>' fortune, higitar g Soo f o ium ty>, le *O n o! te cougr±natlena s, cli1 ill h. ahoiviret pen lier Iran OU o! the contIty. Thte cass ,wm , nc. Hati Il been ticltkt aIii8t woniti bave lest mrtôi>a è andtie cver>' lite prqpe>of the Univrsity' aI Pale Alo wonld iav-l aivehalae>' andth ie mioeytutasil a te United tiBates Goermt ' Thte casewas slartledi Cilfo force the- Stanforti estaie, repr@MdU Stataferd' wlieow, le psy tlathéb1 States some $15,000,000 as tie â Stanford o!fte debt dtis tnit tat b>' 'teCentral Pacific RahIUwsr.' prinniple o! toctitleltis' ' bulty Sîsufont wonen l lte ower courba ai lte Sapreme Court itas adlinaitb cisicus, wihi are brialty tiat tb. itobtieni e! th.Central Pacifie ara dividuall>' hable fer lteir sitarea I teit. s Lji luîg Chtang bau 1.11 Pekia 1*' tle conuton o!te cutr aI M'oSai Dt-. Bthi, m-ho m'as vce-pel lte ri-ibeitatin deatiet.: Ser'ai cittitche, lthe patle8CtSl q)niîiinga mt-ereleft in asdie bf7,8 A ep e r e , l ,S e n tit H o lla u tt . i l , . 4 Tit-er mas neo t-th lu thse 70 " , Prince von Hehoenlhoe, Ifs Gkttbq* ce'iktr, 1usd at-rivet lu Loulo- ostsesaggregainga $1.5004 for oui>' $190.0t», we10 eauas0% ln u-aa>aqiib.Ecuttie?. 0G'o CI exisaamongthtie poorln Cenq Seveu>nty-uitodes of Oleopitas coali mlie tt Silesis have beautfouait, tty pensons are sulll A. J. Balb'ur,.Sr*-ut biB state tutchoeleet (Iti net bekeve aatbi b>' Great Erltain ak proposieA . I fuO etall lei*tffrtelalit ~l a mon

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