CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 13 Mar 1896, p. 4

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on the Elgin i;;;,, o! trade vam m; offeings, 71,040 lbs; 19,480 lbo.. at 2icents, 13,560 Ibo vitidrawn ait that offr. Butte Veel sold for 21@22 cents; anc ugo, l18019cents. -' al kte sapees tetoheilegisla- moutve, and judicial appro- bim s. It passod the lHanse, eb** bused fee systeni in con- 'uili 1U. B. Mmbsails sud other -.outoffciais viii pass oui o! 'Oigepe vith the presout fiscal year, 4being July lai, nexi, thase, wUiaayl ho piaced on saiary. The informai Whte Hanse recep- ýýXfflvhich vere auspeuded whilc ý.OoCxey' Amy" vas niarchiug ou î Wmmhngton, froni prudence, caution ,;,c bua, on the part o! the aUthorities, 11M. acoordlng to the viev you may keo! the mater, vene nesumed ta- ds7, and the aunouncemeni nmade ihat «eoh Monday, Wednosday sud Sa lin- "*Wduring the reninder'a! bis terni, tlïï President vili, vbea lu Washiug- *Mt golinto the East Boom ai 1: 15 p. Io, Zo the purpose o! shaklng bauds lth suob persona as niay bc there ~a"ed. For nearly twa years the ]tmèable booti o! shaking banda ,vib te President bas been deaied tkf Yoa. iitons ta Wasbin"ton Who nsfot of suflicient importance ta ýZ» »Aoooed a pivate Interview, but rSaestoration will -prababhy not tJag&y increase tbe travel oven the .;*eWboadis comir.g ia Washington. ,,,,bore are lots of people ighit lu Vushington wbo vaulda't tmm au boUir heel te shake bande vitb Presi- ~dg4t'Ci.veiand, lei alone guing ta the *White fgouse tado ih. Where there are a number ai candi. i4lee« for a partys presideutial ,1 »Mnation, the mn uwbo la inithe -Ims la alwsys thie target for the fienda 'Ï aU the ther candidates. This bas b~s eeon so sud wyul pnobably rà»4ays ho so. itaccouais fan the '16oroue ight that ha belng made upon McKlnely by the supporters o! ýi 4ie othen candidates. Thai McKiuely las la the lioad tsgeueraihy admitted. b» th l aim ihai bo alresdy bas Menug# support 1ta nominate hini an t1is tire ballot la ansver ed by the 'ightI that la being miade upon hlm. feaverage politician la nothlug if MMe 'practical. If McKinely hadl qpMogb'vote. to nominate hlm already la aght those wbo arc nov so openly VMMuig aginst hlm would ho faling eVer eacb other la their eagorness ta 'jioe their loyaliy ta bum. Tbey t&iak they cau heat hlm, or you uîay 'b. sure tbey vonidu't ight bini. !%ÏY en at teo hono the aide o! the MMa that gets uaminated, sud vith the Most 0o heihiereila iltile care aste o sethe min uta. lu Wahtngion acide tropi the prejudlced frienda ai '*eKlce1yýIh la genersliy believeil UwI Mthe conibination o! the fieid 4dAMMUhlm ie goiug ta be ioa uiticb SWothfe Ohio Înau; 15ut wlicibir the "~d~~i-oare ieadïngi-tefiuid M* W in, ln a question about whlcb theie la mucb differeuceofo opnilon. Ii. Rend biniseif la supremnebycon fidet that ho vili get thie nomination, 'bube doeaa't tel vhy. lu fact, lie ~Opat taIk ai ail for publicatioin ou *lAt aubject. _. A wv etweeen Presîdeut Clevelanîd Mud Seretary Oiuey la, acconuing to Çgr=et gosaip, mare likely to oecclr th a wa vr beiveen the United Siaieâ Md4 Spain. Ia aial about Cuba. Lusi WOU a staiement was givento ta he .Pres givlug rossous wiiy tbe adînini. aération vonid not oboy the con- *=ornt Cuban nesolttion adopted by ýCùngrmcs. That tatement vas wrtten b7 Mq cretary Oiuey and vas publisbed oRiiydeciarlng the statua of the Intention, slthougb bis name 'aDisned lu conuection vili it. day» Iter President Cleveland a atatenient sud gave it tailie la vbicb, white not dcnying 'th qroctuess o! Seuretary Olcys nut, ho ssid that be vas not hie for il u<r reiuted ta t. Mr.Cleveland diii nît deuy thai Position tovards Cuibs lid beon y staid Iby thl.tira.pblcs of Pa., Dov lu Wathington, *ho Wva mopiber of the Bouse in the forly- eighth Congres., bas been going over the roster o! the Blouse to which ho belonged and that of the present flouse, and ho found that only 31 of bie old coleagues are membera of thia Bouse. Snrely that ought to satiafy the inost ardent devotes of the doc- trine o! rotation Iu office. Sabbath Deseacration. We, the women of Lake County W. C. T. U., lu conferenco assembled ai lvanboe, Feb. 7. 1896, gratefully se- knovlodge the divine guldanc ini thse conduct of our vork during the past year. The folloving resolutions concern- Ing Sabbath desecration vere adopted - WnrEBAs. We regard base bail play- ing on Suuday a desecration o! the Bab- bath, also breakiug one of God's most potent lava and o! a degrsding in- fluence !rom a amoral stand point, there- fore bc Ih Reoived That wu urge the enforce- ment o! the law "That bail playing be prohibited In Lake connty on the tirat day of tbe veek, eommonly called Sun- dry," and R",oleed That tii resolution be publisbed In the couuty papers, there- by warning ail against such violations o! the 1ev of Illinois, vbiecb speeifles thai "wbore the peace and order o! au- City are diaturbed, sad violators of thc lav may be arrested and fined - not tn exceed $25.00" CHABITY RA17GtT, Supt. of Ssbbatb De8ecration. VOLO. Abert Paddock bas beau conined in the biouse a few days vith an atiack o! tbe grip. Grant Lnsk bas just rocovered from quite a sick spl. He is able to get arouud again. On Mouday afiernoon Jason Con- verse was much vorse. Tbey thought lhe vas dying, ho revived again and at present vriting la more comnfortable. Mrs. Fisher bas sold ber place In Volo to Ben Miller, vho wiii take possession at once. Mrs. Fisber bas bougbt a place lu Grayslake. The many Volo fionds of Walisjr Gale are sorry to hear of bis ickness wbich for a tume vas considered very serions. Ho vas ln Volo to attend the funeral o!f>lrs. C. G. Huson aud re- iurned to bis home in Eigin tbe day afier the funeral, cotraeting a coid which caused tbisi long sickness. Thse 'last report be vas some botter. On Sunday afteruoon March 22, ai 2:30 p- m. Rev. V. C. Cook will deliver a Temperauce sermon in the Volo M. E. churcb. Song service at 1:30 p. m. Ail are cordially Invited to tbe sfter- nodm service also to attend Union Temperance Rally At Waucouda lu the eveuing, vben the Loyal Temperance Legon o! Waiconda will belp to make tbe rally a suces. Ail will be vol. coule. WARREN. Jobn He tiers bas gone norili ta buy stock- Remember the entertninmient ot Grange Hall, Friday, Mar. 13. Cliarles and H. L. Wilbnn vent to Chicago on business lest Satnrday. Chas. Tucker shipped anoiber car- load o! stock to the ciiy this veek. Mrs. Payne's nov bouse Io uearly coîupleted. Sirang Bras, are bustIers. Geo. Defores, of Bussel. vas caling ou relatives sud !riends the tiret o! the week. Rumor bas ht that Elmer Rose bas bought a cage. Quetition: Wbere Js the birdl? --The W%ýarren Cemetery Society meet witb Mrs. D. B. Patterson Wüdnesday. Mar. lSth. Henry Taylor bas rented the Stead- man !arm snd moved bis !amily there the firai o! Msrcb. We uuderKtaud that Mr&. Payne bas rented ber fan to Mr. Craft, of Wau- kegan, sud that Win. ONeal vili mave ta the Oittenden fan. Mr. aud Mrs. Chas. Doyles, o! Cbica- go, attendqd Graudma Smith's funeral iu Wauikegan.laBt Saturday Mrs. Smiith was one of Lake countys plo- neer seiflers, and vas bighly rcspected by ail who bad the pleasune of ber se- (luaintance. Sbe leaveb tbree childireîî to mouru their lues, Mrs. John Wool- loy, Mrs. Geo. Wilbur aud Miss Lottie Smnith, besides s large cincle o! rela- tives sud frieuds. It becomes our sad dnty ta chranicle thie deatb o! little Myrtle Wilbnr, who died Sunday at the borne of ber par- ents, Mr. sud Mrs. Heny Wilbur, last Sabbatb morning. Bble Vas taken sick lasi t ridsy eveuiug sud cverytbing was donc that could be, but wiîb no avail. The trouble vas aid in ho in- flamation o! the bowols. The fanerai vas belot froni tbe !amily residence la8i Tuesday atIil a. in., vbere a lare concorse o! finonds and relatives gatri cred to psy ibeir lest tribute of re- spect. The ev. Lester, o! Waukegan, oficiated. He dlivered a good ser- mou, vhich vas vell rereived sudt ap- preciaied. The urceobi l. rise soes ook, Btool& -e, for 14,000. The. purobasr, John Henry Wester- fleîd, amerobant, vbo bas considerable experience farming, takes Imniediate possession but Mr. Waldo vill superin- tend the spring work until bis successor disposes of bis city grocery. Tbe people of Vernon township yl greatly regret the departure o! ibeir. estpemed citizen aud worthy super- visor, but Libertyville bopes to gain this higbly respected gentleman sud famly as permanent resideuts o! our lovely litile city ais Mr'. Waido says ho knows o! no place wbere ho vould profen ta reside. The people of Vernon sud Lake connty are glad to velcome such sagaclous business mou as J. H. Westerfleld wbo viih bis estimable wife, son and two acconi- pl!sbed dangbters vill become desir- able adlditions to our beat saciety. J. P. Williams says be made a weli last Mondsy for Mr. H. Lawrence, aud before ho Sot fairly started a !rîend came sloug sud said-"Hello, Jîi, h vant you to dlg anoiber woîl for us, like tbe irot one. Its a da1sv. "-Adv. t!. Duriug the vinter o! 1893, F. M. Martin, of Long Reacb, MWest Vs., con- tracted a severe cald which left hini vitb a cougb. lu speakiug of boy bc cured it ho says:"-I used several kinda o! cougb syrup b~ut found no relie! until I bought a bottle o! Chain- borlain's Congb Iteniedy, whicb re- Ileved me almost instantly. sud in a short time brought about a complote cure." Wben troubled vith a cougi or cld use ibis remcdy sud you will not fiud it necessary to try sevoral kinds hefore you get relief. 1hi bas been in thp market for over twenty years and coustantly grovu in favor and popularity. For ale at 25 sud 5o cents per bottle by B. B. Loveli, Libertyville aud G. C. Rioberts, W~au- couda. Al iast vinter Mr. Geo. A. Milîs, o! Lebanon, Coun., was badly afflicted vitb rheumatisiu. At Ues il vas so severo that lie could not stand up strsigbt, but vas drava ovp.r on oue aide. '.1 tried differeut remedios witb- ont rcceiving relie!," ho says"util about six monilis ago 1 bongbt a bot- tle o! Chamberlainsa Pain Balm. After using it for threo days my rbeumaîisin vas gone sud lias not rcturued sinco." For sale by F. hB. Loveîl, Libertyville. and G. C. Roberts, Waucouda. Auction Sales. The undersigned viii seli ut bis residence Libertyville, Weduesday Marcb 18, at 9 o'clock. The !oliowiug properiy viz: 7 choice cave, 6 new~ mlch, 1 apringor; 1 gray mare 8 yearki aid, 1 bay driver 6 years aid, goad ladies borse; 1 surrey, 1 roud wagon, set gravel planks. Ternis o! Sale: Que yours ic ou suais over $1100. Approved noies. 2 per ceai discouînt for cash. F. E. CLARIK, Prop). W. H1. APPLEX, Auctioneer, Beiug about to quit faýming, thie undersigued viii soli ai Public Aîîction without reservé, ou tbe Ste pheu Baden farm, one mile nortb ofa!1okefeler. ou the towvU lno road ou Wednemsday, March 18, 1896, comnxeuciug at 11). ni. the !ollowing property; 6 cava, non% mich, 2 vith calves by their side; 1 faU cal!, i prince colt, 5 years odi;' 1 single buggy, i horse wagon, I truck wagon, I road cari, 2 hanse treüd power, 1 large !eed cuiter, 1 liaîd fecd cuiter, 1 sulky cultivator, 1 corn planter, 1 drag, i grindstone, 1 work bench, a lot o! carpeutersi toîiis, 1 sbaving borse, 6 shipping catis, 2 manure fanka, sud quautity bousehî,ld gooda sud other articles too nunimenous to mention. Ternis o! Sale-on sunis o! $10 anudnuder cash. Over 11(1 a credit -of-one-year wiiib- f'e-i good approved notes beariog f, per cent intoroat. 2 per cent discount for cash on sumos over $10. No property to be removed uintil settled for. MAx KOEISL, Proprietor, W. H. APPLEY, AUCtionécr. Beiug about to quit farrning 1 wiii seli at public anction withont reserve on the J. D. Johnson farin, one and one-bal! mile south.vest aif(iurnee, ou tbe Grange Hall road, Tuesdlîy Marcb 17, 1896, commeuciug ut 10 o'clock a. m. the fallowing gouda viz: vork teani, 8 coa, uiiikeri anîd spningers; Il shoass, Poiand China boar, lumber wagon, truck wagon, road wagon, hay rake, chîîin gear mower, nov; nieado'w king nîower, tvo-hanae cuitivator, sping taath; single cultivator, lever drags, 201 busbols o! potatues, piow, bdfy rack, wood rack, double haruess, heavy single harneos, staîks, strav, .2.50 abooks corn in stack, qnantiiy o!f liay, Corn sheller, vheel barnow, 2 îniik cau@, nev; barrels4, poils, !orks, shovels, sud many ailier articles too nuniorons to mention. Ternis o! Sale: sane as above. H. M. CuAPîs, Prop. W. H. APPLLry, Auctionecr. The tiudersigued viii seli ai publlic auction ou the Hanry Bousie fan b all mile south o! Rockefeller, Thursday, marche 19, 1893, commoucing at 10 a. ni. the folloving goods viz: 14 cava, spingers sud !re8b nihîkera; 1 mare, -1 _. la- 1t dorbe a mAra "Id.sulk léor bogniel iabcd ai lasi. Tho ear vàllWdelness. tbank (G-I, ha now farever pasecd. What afaiih abe badln .le5,us. Loving Hlm wth ail lierlurt When tho'Angei., iîroighttti" simiiîî'îî, Willngly did mlue detiart. She"'s bld ibe worbîl a lonPIg far,-w 'il, Shes oue wltbl sutierillg lnî,w-. And nover lmoire " uni. îi ig giiicc r, WilI shaP~lie r plia, 'liii irrw. Altliouit1w .A iela liavr' il il 'r, Wliea tho, Jarti ig sIc' îlid tetke, O! ber youiîg amiî iii.l'nit-Ilriîi. Th'Iost e i"rîtend' 'r vuiAîs tiiiio a Shes rî'a"Iit'il a tiin'i,»on,' t i itti, Ir. Tii)ee'ery jîlgrini' Iwaiitot. Froîîîitsblriglitst"tni.ii Tlîus %! vi iI onimit t .ýllu t A ~ neighliiir, graindii ii ig 1'i.riu A tFt <PSu Dissolution Notice. Notice is iîcrchy given tiî,îi the min dersigned cîiîîpiiaiîg tiie'finît <if Ell Fraiz ,&-Co., mlho lias o ein carryiîîg oin a gilierai iîircliuiie business at Eveitt. hliii, is tlitis day dissolved b3- ntîital iîgreiî.nit. Fred Il. Zerw'ir viii conltinuie tie' business ut theuioid sand ttl wiîîrui- il persons inileliteil tiitite' iir iiofi!Iit Frantz & L'o., tire uiei'itii 4-ttl4" their accaîtt on oPr I u-i ire 31aireit 5, tîinned oî'ir fior i M<it i iii. i iii M(ttlti1l'lyT it i iiil'i'1 ii'î. Y . 1 î1I. Z i1:i : REAL ESTATE TRANSFEFIS FEIttMtA Vî"îrî(.% N\ Bt.srtY-':. Moi-s 1î'414h Bi"dîi b, iI.î i bitta :18 tiiIf;bluit h Aimtoudi' add III jsu'î ii). 1-"12, q'i 3 Jouît . ýi Mi stiiv tii .!uitiW'. bhk 20 N'iliiiîii Parik -1 c Jamnes Il. Ilolîlîs, rtii'.ti Mîr4. A. A. Lii ha vir 1 h1 h il 96 So WaX'îtik iii, i Mirgiînut A u i î it . t Caiy lit '20,1, ,12.wm'I .... Fraînk 1'. lIaukitis titi w tii ElizLabethIl . B]k tii1:t1hi <iii1,0 il 14blIk 752 bigilîuîi l'un>i- ximi. Coeîc lîîîî"uttl I ,t i ' i 1 L Drevers stîl iw il. Sanie f> ttltaineutd21 1 Clu î: .i't suit> w Cd....... Churetîe E. Smtiitht tu I1lî1ti Mi. lieîîrv iîtn MSantitI 'i it*, "<iWahiiiiPa'trk %%w d. Caroîle Trr v tioi 'î'î Hi. Adaiîis">n n ni1SA, liIl N. d youn copy eaî'by, Cophy for a.l fisi îîîîsîND hereafier bch o r 'hsiitsisluit 1i ti-1 than wo-.tIlîetwiay <iut. w .it de fo vote Tii rsiay tii 4sett iti, liitii' iut i or liews. W z tii pJ) ilot tii' e 1)'.' 1 nNT Tliuirsdiiyautetr ti oîii.s ieit îiili jEnterp'i reacb otîr readers ou tiù., Fi filay i3' l.ri . Wedding Cards. T yi o For "iXe'iuitig a.tîte' ftii ti:Job NXork......u. ta the I Iv'i\i 'i lii itiii i) ...i' .__... ili UIivtliitg îwr".'u i u t c l"II HUtY) 011It « lI' b.';11-an t.i. I:1; R ealEF state gAND R ENTING HlUMPHREYS' ÀAGENCY*U SPECIFICS ara scientitically prepared Rernodicit; have been used lfor hait"Et century with entire success. iprfIFIC lFOR 2-Woris.,, u'rm Ferer, Wiirm t î'ie. 4-Diarrhea. oc utîtiti'on o dd ?-c'oughs, tuu. 1'i,irti.... ... FARMS AND TOWN, P ropert Y 9-Bleadai-i.e,, St.l,< ai' V'ui I ST YO UR PRO PER- Lty with me and 1 Il ii-<'roui,, Larîntl...<.ui nu. find you a Qjstomer, at r nj j reasonable rates. 1 have 19-'airrh Iuf <,]na.i Inititoîa several lots in LiDertyville 20 I'iioi<g 'i«ah ' for- sale. Large house, 27--Khilaey...i......- "25Nni,< Iclih ..'... .. lot and barn for sale or 35 <utuSo Troait, a nyrett. If you want to buy p Lake County Real estate 1171 for GIRIP. be sure to caîl on H. C.PADDOCK, Libertyville, --Illinois. of Hamelin by the magic of histones, drew the children of Hamel to t;se sicle of the hili; tihe myriad sono of Adlam- have stooci aghast at the high prices asked by some dlealers for their go ods. .1. ! !P t' . t ':..* l t . , FC. SMITH & SON. C. M. là ST. P. Ry. Timr TAS LE. HOW THE COODS ARE TO) BE DIVJDED YOU ARE __ Siilr-,THE JUDGE. lIii>' HERE ARE SOME OFOUR PRICES a a . sem. ' '. , m. iain. CIlaoi"îe 721M 331 4 15 5 2,, 6. e >1 1 ) S11iju'nun'rî illie 82Ï t'> 1)> 4 I'6 tii 7)1 S ti-2:l.. .t ti Iut ii9.nîî 'i1 i. .. .... 2 Durfi-Id 14 34 1-)22 5 IMI <u4 7 27 9521 2 Evr't 4164 ii;61 7:î i'tiiu 1.'u It' :'I' i. r u î........... 1 LIBEaRTvn.Lg it) 45 6 .5,s7 e 10 Warrinion s85 1% t r, : I.' -ii' I' i.r i ' Cii e 59iii , .1 i'42 i7 Wa'lnwortb s9i) i.i.5'i3i3 ituutii îî,-lvi'i '. ,1 Our- uncolored Japan tea at 50-t3. and tha Daisy GOUM. SitUTI Siiey; Milis f lour at $ 1.00 per sack, are worthy of your M ini'i17 I 4Ilmo-st Car egul consideration. YOU wili find some- i'inivîrtli MO59 5z7'22 T u il 1n'1u s 5 :14iii5!1.) 'to please yo'j. . . . LrBERTYNILX.E f. Pt Ill 9, 12 t'i 4 7' C 7 11 4-. t l i 5 .4 7-n Di%î cît2. ý 0,'1 We are agents for good Insurance companies CIuiuîuairIlve t 1î 1t, '25 i1 4 5 ut get our rates before going elsewniere. SU.NI)AX' T'. INS L v. U bh lti 'II v 111 , 1 u t ~ n Lv 'V' F.C.SMITH & SON. NO. 3), nom. Suhît' 'I .o- o.îII j stop on uiiiniu',fl ' Il 1 - 7t2 Rctort litiltiant. "George is looking vu'ry itanilsome sud briliaitnî hua everiitg'" reniariseu me an hour ago."G.,H c a k&S n "And you've refnsed lîjîti!" Wtîver- bey Mý%ag-azine. ~s--jz.. Dnaty hiodvs Vas, l'u c tieit t'l î' on al niy ife.Prairie City Seeders. Mrs. I>igoiid-Yon r tutoiti 'r <i iu' t step On Yuiu, did she? Bradicy Plows, Haîrows, and Cultivators. Dusty iiiîaîb-Ye'p; slie %vas n si,'-I John Deere Plows, mother.-l'uaI DispatlIî. Sattley's Hummer Sulky P!ows and Cultivators. 0.11Y Way Ont. Keystone Disc Pulverisers "Wiy,' (lenalandcd tuje couîrt, "Id yom kîli your nf? Keysk3,ne Corn Plan ters. 3 styles The defenii:ni's hieto1l sailliuîuîîtî lus Morgan Spaders, 2 and 3 horsa breasi. '<We werc bath apposegl ta dî1vre Fish Bro'S. (Racirci Wagons and Trucks. he fatered"-Detroit Tribune. je Stover & Abbott's Buggies, Sur. A New Nut Cracker. ries and Combination Wagons 4.T iMOTHY SEED, CLOVERand A LFALFA, RED TOP, SEEL) COR N. Etc., Etc. jfiI~Joliet Mound Drain Tile4 i. MB IWashing2ton Red Ceder Shingle;, Sas5, Doors, ets., Estirnates on Building Material of ail kinds fur... n islied on short notice, and lowest rates. ano sd othorarils Tetaf Bae-Ail suns o! $10 andi under, cash: over $10 a credit of one year vhlh hi' given, 3 niantha tume vîilbit allowedu on the car o! Wlscoanp3 ou-s. Nu pnoperty to ho reniovod uxtil settieul for. HÂAav BOUSE, I'mnp. W . H. APPLEY, AUCtionleer. Mrs. Doorstcp-Bridget,%vlierearc tlie _______________ uis for dessert? Dîi you crack tiielti? GU RN EE. ltidget-Shinre nu' Qi' dida't, iittiii. 0. . Mrga, Pofesor ofllerewOP' coldn't gel me teet' t'roa '<'ni. and Gneek lu Drake Universiy Des- Knew kils Dn(y, Moineis, Iova, viii give anc o! bis Tomu-I shouidln'i thlnk ,you'ul patron-i popular lectures ha Gunnee clurcli, ize those 5-cenit barber-abop li vhîn youi 8aturday eroning, March 21, suîijecc. knoW the union la llau-aor our the 10. 4Wbat Moses I<new."' Every miecnta sheuld avait thenisoives o! tiis ratoe i aOP& opporuatylo le»ru about Uic ancient Tim-Ob0, ibat'. al ight; sure, I onlt- oM s0M MM -. M j 1ttbuw go ver MO face once.-ROj ESTABLISHED IN 1841. Pýubhi*eîd hy THE PRSMJtiE FàSitES rUBLISI[IitG Co, 166-168 Adms S6a WithIndependent one year for$2 lit u8ll>E b ID. il.. 111hjlà 1.n1.a tt~L Ever since the paid piper

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