I cf Hunion, tram the warst Scetla dâown o a common Pîmpie..' M1e bas trted il in over eleven i vhnudrd es, suad ns-vsr tailed exoeptiin twOýcuaes Ittoththunder hurnor). l-evlsanowin.his M -eSsion ever two husnd wetificates cf«svalue, zil withisn tu.iW miles of 4ileson. Send postalcul for baook A benefil le atwavs ex'>eioesed tum -the first bottie, aad a'tierfect £ue is-r- ,aIs-y wiaen thee nîght quastty lataken. Whenthelungs are abitctediit.cans abjSdt pains, Z ike n iepassing dneugh theut; the sarne wvÊhtishjeier or ýBwes. This is causevi bythied!utbelng ,opped,.walawaysdisappem in a week * ur. akmng i.Ra h a If the.stemuach la foui orbililettwW miuse iqueamish feelings at fit. .4 O change of diet sver neceehy dreh.tjsu can get andu efift -icSoJdby UDrugusts 'E AEMROTUsILCO. iise%is t e wiuis mM«Imisem liIfla edast* eos A witm"oiwn uportlng man, whe la too madealIo allas' bisrinte ta b. prttad àme.erelates the, follow- ing experlmeos:"I waout yachting on the roux" t i fJuly. sud 1 got very înueh exkatisted. isaving 10 manlhage the vy#_btl ii3seU flu kt nor*tiieast gale. à dld nuf bave ain OppQrtuaity ta esit properly, coneuetly âky stoia<8à was very tired, so tuaa w1wn 1dîd est. 1 ate too much, and bat resuled lu a conditioun whiehws'es followed by severe fleura igit la my head. My experleuce with Itipans Tabules previously taughtime tbat pomelbly thse trouble nulght 1w reniedied by treating lte elornaclà. Iefore Lt iid talen thje Ihird Tabule iny neus-nîgia iîad gone. & d 1 wnu feing pretty weil. i aluL euraig-i very bnd, and i could feel those Tabules weré worklng upon lily digestive organq, and as tbey wo'rkeîl ni lis-ad lîvîpros-ed lu i~ivt'ia"v "S sl vi druçn~sua vbyhimail il I ivirî,cstmeL.N....YvvLit Ss, 1v ) . . m , ' Ù o. I -I. I tJng Aivutlars-, »bbaaêdo Dot faiS t tl@ Iis impft. &dvaeUtj»n1Ume sa koew whbt mdlnua&pSy tUm base- Af N ITATION. M eu V Pleu. t. PublIaSbmhe.fol bewlzg Announamant. Al wemen susfering f rom any fora of illnum peculiar t teir sex are e- iqueutedl to commun leste promptly witb lim Pinkitan, at Lynu. Mass. Al lotte-m are ne cecvcd, opened, 2edand an wared bymnomen ouly. A weman can fneely tatk of hon pris-ste 1< itas-ma te a %%Oman; titus bas "been estab- I lshed thse ebernal confi- dence be- twcen Mra. Pinkitau and te worn ofe Amersea. con- fèdence has ilu- duesl more titan 100,M) us-men x> w-ite Mnlr%.lakitausfor mdviSeduriug the la st fi-w îiiutba. Thiuk suhat P. -volume of cîperience ah. has tro drwi'. ram!1 No pitytuila living eve-,-truoatedsi) u, nuytcases cf1 lentai-e ilsui, an.!frottis svast experi-I ece s rt-v s- t is more tItan possible Mm h las gainu-d the s-rny kuowiedge that wàIi lIi-v onirras-. Site is giiid luhavi- su -uirite or cal! MronM b"t. Il ouvîîill insi ler a wmm hultlet syp m intIltasgreatdesire bsn elame ln nîvi ,%viat >Nvin need, aShe will trantktv tM l -ivu w)v-i-il.(I làhies-re a e chanees (,lit of un that she n-l tell ,yen-exar-tiv '.u tt lvid,, for relief SI o goodj wil. ti l ir sdvice lias re1ie,ed tousinuî. biur-lvuv'v îviiv oran. e-lob-or pýOer, usi, cry f-ii-li if she dse's it taie- ai1tvage- vf Ibi-SgenDeroes oser ,01 avsaat nie. Noere-nin 1ic b istorlonwa ~ieines- m te demadrîv(mevît'panîicuimarmev±y for Icutahv li'e 'iequalic ata - tain-eil its- Idia E. l'tnkhams âVege- table Cumnpouil. sand moier litIse histo'y cf 'vns tinishaa is rderful Compound lia-%lIthe denuuâd fer il, been- -un great as il is to-day. ql. - Oreatest Med ical isOMe.. of fthe Age KENNEDYS MWEDICAL DISCOYERTI. M M LD ENEDY, Of 1 1 Ma , 'Has discovered Inluone ift etuu- icmn, cevyUr ursivr yo u do the n*-iqendlwng Na'stthe Mrchant. liewsnte ta mako asa mué hihe can by eligyninferiur indinga -which ho Y'O'U are*v:.ust us good " »S.&H. & M. âwgido i é kriviendîagInmiW on Iaving Nia. X'dlveteeus Rkiml Binvingmtlandyu Savre the nending. Il yow deaien wl mt suppiyymeauw wlli. Sasd W rsampes sig labels and mtsertali. AmiYOjjP SALIER FOR If yopart t.85fordwutssex - &amine thse W. [- Douglas Shae, -ri 33 se. wht a gasdtbaiyenCviam buoyfor OVER M0 STYLES AMD WIDTHS, COISORUCOS, BUTION, and lLACE, umade luia a lsunde of tue heslaeieted letier byakilsedwoesk- uMsn. W. auoke and tiiau an>- otie r manufacturer ltu tho sorîi. None genuitte unienuante and pr<ce ts slanipcd osn telisitoîn Ask yeur dealer for our 185. 44. 03ai0, mso82.50,02 Shuca; Me.50.03 sud 81.75 for boys. TUIE 00Sou m ie -à cant- v.s-e yu. àamndt h OGL'DIAT CRIPPLE CRteE.. Ai C*ho Beet W&Y ta Get l 'Irelaa Ovs-erthe se .ta Fe Route. Tite labuicusl>- rieh geld mini.g district ot CrippleCrs-ek, Colo., in atlracling hua- dredu -üf jpeople. B>- spring te ruash bide tair, te bve eitonmous. Thaltisanre le am abusudruce ofgeîd Ihere ta demoea ed beyoad donlat. Te rMsé Oripple Creek tIvkelt.eSaa F. liante tisss <Chicago or Kammai Cty. The ea&gr standard gauge uine dis-set te bise s-p. Througb Pullmais aleepersa a free r-bair- cars. Thti Santa Fe landm yam riglut lunte iearI -oft nipple Creek.. Inouire 9f ueastfflîr-ikel agent, or ad- drema G. T. i'uet . P. A..A, T. Our- Lake 4loinmussatc. The eornnneni-e ut the great laites la rapldly exr-eedlug tihe Anserican comn- merce en tihe e-eau. Th.e nuimber etfs-es- sels now contrat-ted for or building for 1M06le sixt>'-liv'e. with a vainabion of $8,549,000. Of titese ferty-two are frelghb boats. witlî a eapcil>- et 136,600 gruess toue. TIs couet 511f> building for the year n'.Ililbe oui>- 105 vessels. wltb a total valuation cf $6,040,400, and inost of lb-se are pasqeuiger sud lleasure boule, lu bhe r-Ivxit-irds twenby-fonr vesselm arcelseing uoîsstmnted, toe oal $537650. Tbhé- gi-st vssscIplanneit lu tIti coat yardg le 280 tedt long, ushîle thte sniailest of uhe luke freighîlema In r2Wl fi-et in leugîui. 'lh-se figures, et course. do not lns-iîîv thte work lu bbc unsy yarIs. Il le vsideuislIaI tie gleat Inkîvs il.r- l utrtilsli the- triaffle ote of tise future frouî i ttinom, and witit a slîip ecanal ote -Allaulie ecoat, WIsiscl nus eeetully be eenslmucted, tise nexl generalion will oece their waters cos-ered b>- a fluet wlîaie fnumbera are beyond the reacli 0f jmaginatton 'gtE preseul. O14 gentleman (to bcy 'u t*.f#0 ___________________________________ M ______________________ PRAISE, MOT MONtF.. BEART DI SEASE FROM The Digrerence Between Wern-g for' CTJILDIIOOT). >um and CashS. PratsithPe Journal, Quincu,. lUt sets "If yen wlsb b c urea girl of concet' lPaul Uros, of U24 14oulh Ttirid str-t. said a womnuwb. kuew wshat atie was Çititt-y. Ill., is s-cil knowu lu many ovf talklug about frein experlene. i"et ber the Journal rentiers. He in 29 y>5ars old. wam beru aud alutust raised inu Qitîcu. At try toe aru bei owu living. As long as present lie is watchliiali u the "'ovrs she does not nsk 10 lie pald eserybody ferryboat. wll praise lier work, but let ber- lry te Many wuli have knownu 1atil gluve in- seli er sei-Ice nuitthen ec!"fane>- kuow tiat ie lias been iîeîr di-ats sel lir srviesandthe se!"door ses-eral tutti-.. ueiîîg tiniti .rong The speaker had been renred lu lux- aud vigorouu, th iiit ner asked ii hivuthe ury. She was a brlgbt, aecornpiislîed alter eves.iug wlîat pitreician had îired girl. wbose gi-ent fnililug sn slfcn-tuu. 1-is relt>-awtoulslid un. 'This in %v-bat lhe sa4d: ci-l,. lier Ilttie gifle huit been su Weill -Dr. %*WlI!unvu Pink Pille for Pale Peu- üuils-ted In an amaîeurisb wany Ibat p!e are ut>- dror. 't'hey beat ail the pi1- sine belies-ed ierseif able toecoîtîpele iiauinluthe v'vhiintry" êuer-essfuily wilit pi-efesâionaue. She W~ben uskeil if lie wouidv objeet. te the Journal puîblishiig au av-vouîîl of bis ui-,, wag lways oeady 10 sing n soug or rmc Mr. Urus, repli-il:, cite a por-ut or paint a pictître, and as "Niai a bit. 1 woiild be glavi if yvivi site wa8 a soclety guil nd lîud a rit-b, wouid tel -bat P'ink Puis did for u- jr lsrerinest father. lier littie dolugs were migitt lie thse means of reiieviug utlwrs orte faoraby nticd Intheloi-l p- vho sufer.as 1 stiffered. ofîc ta-omiti noicedlu Imeioci p -l 1badl eart disease: of coursýe yoi psers. Visen lime change of fortune <-ure know Iliat. Wheua a vhild 1 badl palpita-i and site was tbrowîn upon lier own - 'c tieu ofthlie ieart, aud in afller y carsail sourc'es wîtiiouî a uîoineuî's ninug. thecomipicatins tlat heart digease pro- S-te bli toleucr liter on-f living or serloîts, for t'>- n uuld at ouI>- a fi-w slarve. Tl'le si-aies fel-or were rudcly seconds, but as i gn'w- older te palpita- l!leîlfoiuer eysl. " .% -enîtan cit lions gradually grew nurse until tllvy bee-îrnî- self supplorîîîîg withliît srvînc wuld compilel>- prosîrale nie. Ttc-e palpitations woiiid soitietime st hurtv 11iotlýi-îi>-ug -icinzces, and te mutre jjiuies. the tlocid nuld rush te lu>- li-ad <ilNtelslie 1,; tiie- ioure utfIli-se ex- and l i uld lecnie go dizzy aitdl ry sightt îsi-ri-it<-vs shlia îs. becausse sut- atuempîs hi-v-aie se dimmed .1-bat 1 v-uld nutl iea titîirv l-relivsl-rvutil li-r i reaîli, anîd t seemed lvi me tat ni> Th. isv puergi. %iu i'>-ini ulob lieoem.r olî adi-g ltilî l ellart would biirst. AIt inies 1 thonglit im'svl sulilgh,it.iia sî,Ib-anîd tld the thar 1 wis dyiug. Whiea n y beart failei trutli uit hl nIit&l luist.a 1il lu le dit.4 lswork rorirly lu>- llosisibetaute ifflure and hhat ratiied othpr trotibWss. fite ieul-ned lier leoît. Sie wnttfront . vI dcîvred witlîfirst une isiysieiau aud 1Iti- vxtreîioof Ihimlinig Slîs-d d10lin>- diu naîîvthér. liat the dotrs ul>-aggra- illîtig luelitaI t b Llqeîing slied do, uoivl- svi;d the disense. Ose vIa>-.lw0 yeavrq ing of v :lie. and lluully sidîlthie-one n 1vi.t aw an article eenc-erunn Dr. ~i tlItjiig sle voisîjido î'.ill utlitie outiM lia t"Pinik l'uts iina newuîvapvr. a nu i sL ma de ust-up i i et v r>- tieiv-vit--- I vik vi M li-h-is te (0e'p tboutse.and i lilj. le- Lird ilvat I dii. 1îvîok îbnv.' tvuxi-s(If thui i-vîîs.- site bd fv iili-î-iteretalent liai- l" k l'îIls. They- mntoi>n-yrlies-ed nie. ilmin îg.sipk.v-uevl sInlu aliiilir gb btrivivtl-vtviu itlie palit a tins iii i-h tibula-iotîhe1e ê-igia er'q artand lrevtered Inie te aa:?e of gi-ut-raI anîd tl-l ew-ýIterai--artil a i't4)SuVt- 01Ilirved taI Isas s-tirely crn-i, t-ni.'. is-lu --C*ll-.i'vs titrer OceurL j but after about voigbtow-ri mevnthes 1ne- liv-Pd a alightfl nî'vm(J> the liîest. I aI litie '%Von Afle e tah. uciii.- guit a box of tise Pink Iillu., nhiels ieffi-vtiialyreines-i-si listrouble, sud I The-vlivittlv %%-onv 1v>-aaklng aifSv'r bi irrul>- bels-e tIsat ha- taunlinsix boxes t.-a i h w:s, the-.vvvv attr M-l Ind~ - e- of the pilla înet".d ý, t hree in thet- iret lvk-ftlte . inusSpavin. Tldre-edîly-s ut- plai-e, t weild aever rhave s-14erieurei titis tv--r .. dî tiva vif itIii-Cidi bis caipilal n-as "Mss> limes InasueI Ihankesi God for 1A-tviel ytht- 11001S lutgrelbt forcýes. basing direr-tç U:. rWilljat'lin.îl fu il-s ufle itnslied ni diressaîl thet-lunie, ferrtisejr t'eeored me te healît tmid tsuy. lat lt asut <t tseftnstmani. ipts-ien asbraîight me happines. ý-IaI i a uit f tbe nffl . - s aboo tîpurifier andi as a tiais'. 1 i-il il vonia hoirse- andi. suusoutudiutg it kuoe friotebig tarni quaI tht-se pilla. l)u*. a illi:int cavaulcaude oft -ofilct-rvî and "You -cmii sa>- ia the Journal iliat Pal'a atvieilvîiiuv. usnt forth to 'baille. Tlie C.r-4-11deln ail people rueIr>- Pink. Pilla, NlbVuevW '.rerî haui--strjckuvnand lied li for 1 w-ocdd Poe gladi if otitervi cssId le biemsed s 1ltmvue bei-n blessed.' tlv.itiiiv.Dr. Wîiam Pink Pilla for Pale VPeo pie are stow glusen le thie publiic as asu n- Ielisi's Grea-en lverusiîy. f"ag bloofi builder sud nerve restorer, The Univs-rits-out ilerlijlitas 5.36() curingal lorans cf vwakness aniaag fraint stilelntsi tiis nvinler. pour lîudd,a sabery condition of the blood ar abat- I~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~mm urdsgi>-l tIeu-îuytiooy eri erves. Tlîe pills are noël Moy al vn Wt-.i rte gul hooy deaiers, or -wil libe gent post paid en re- 1,8'2 tan-. 1,258iS nedicine. andtî 1812 neipt ofpriee, 50 i(elts a box ons isIboxes îtlillo4eity. luio linuired andsi nnel>-- for $2.60O ttity are neyer seld in buiS. or ltw<s other% bas-e permtission t0 hear lise 6>- th 100), b>- addressing Dr. Williams* lectures mwilhout bcing matrlcniated. uice-J.SieecayN.. l'ont> of the ltter ar-e ladies. Tno hua- Cavais-y Herses for England. drimlanu i ultlen Auscnlirans attendthb- For ses-eral days there have been ru- rs-gularr-oursis, liftleem s ut"csand îwo iports le bthe effect that îhxsuads ot Afrir-kus. Lorsés for can-alr> use have beecu uder- ,id b>- the Brtish Gos-ernneul, le be The Medern. linyalld Iwi'rchased ai the East Buffalo market, Has tantes meditinaily,, li keeping witb aud an Investigation lu quarters wbere ouber lnxnries. A remedy mnst lie homes are sold gained te fellowiug ilu ieasaully acceptable lu forai, pnreiv gormatien. trous eue usbe knuwa. .ays n-bolesotne in comuposition, tmuly bene- tise Buffalo Times: dtial lu effect and entirel>- free frent "Cavalry herses? Ves, us lias-e sold es-er>- objectionable qnality. If reail> btudreds of Ibeni in tihe pmmýt.two weeks. Ill he consulta a pitysician; If conut and lte orders are entirety -separate pa ted lie uses the genurc farnily laxative frein the rillion-doiiar order for cab llyrup et Pigs. -auid-coacit iorses. I lias-e been overrun "sith Inquiries about that Woelgu order. Nealy -Tuwued. 'but ise got il lu lIme to show England Dr. .lolinsou îsuîd a preltty compl- nsbat good herses are, and uas a resaIt meutto M.%rg. Slddons uvhen. for the me- -Welmve a&tman isere wlî Estaplcklnag up lmunIlue bad ne chair 10 offer ber: es-ery herse that will flliitiheill as cas-- "Miadam, >-ouî wbe no otten occasion alry bolue and tibatl ie coin get bils a isant cf seuls te etiter people will band&on. If we eau gel euigb ttliat mtore enaill> exc-use tise uant of eue tind se ran oulde the cals and coachi yourrself.*" onder. 1 IU Dont at liberty te tell yen itiiii5 ' lailng - --"eosau utm.ft thle YounugEnglîahrns business, lie- blautaatTha,-1uivii ,viu s nu. uains esm caume be did not wanb il knowun. but the .Km 5nu wbu tmmàUc«w,,IL& as~ 'i c uusual and ver>- large pwuublsaes et _____________ lbatpartîr-ular kind of herne -eeuld uol -llw-r,7,15, but gise il aa-y wuv ie be 'a buytug. setamo su ses Ut- = galace 1 retu..ed front Englmindi ihave 1ita..Maat~fr. toi ftuh 5. Phi%- P&. been kept on tîje junsp plcking herses ~ Wiaiow. 50s-~~~ ~. ~ mfr-ouipiiieuî. 1 dont bas-e lime lu rend sorens5l.pina~sssiaimasm*ia.My' ettere, to eut, or te brsthe (tou)- aura gi~II~lI5 frtafb-, ni go crowdedl" Purify Your Blood Nous, as vison uarnue weatiter cornes snd lte touelc ffect ofcoeld, bmacing air ih gene, your weaS., tIbm, Impure bloosi nu-Ilnet tumuisb neeeasary streuguli. That tied feeling, lesa of appetite, wili open bise uay for serions disease, ruined helitit, or breaking out oft bumers and impurîbies. To maire pure, mih, red bir-od IIod's SargaasrillIa standsulle- quliesi. Tbonsaiîis testif>- b its mser- lis. Millions takre It as tWer Sprng Medicine. Get lîeod'i, beemuise A Wonams tËveuge. For a certain performance of au opera by Verdi, one of the sopranos was to taike the role of page boy. She was ratb- er disllked ou accounit or ber bitter tongue and good opinion of herseif. There was a dress rebearsal in whlcli she appearm-d la boy's eloibes, and, hi- iug lu bad tewper, Insulted the leading tenon. lus wîfe was present, and, belng ef arather vilîlive ruru, resived upon revenge. lier quick vye liad found out tîtat mmli of the new page's shape was artificial, su she malde seule banderillas n-it!] eoo(r'ýd iper ttpd long needies nnd waiîed là fthe wings durlug tbe evening perforuîuv-e. lowp carne the piage six or s4even Muinutes bc-fore bei' eaîl; accompilces lteld lier lu conversa- tion ivbile te wife of tîhe tenor stuck a Ianîerlla Irto the. caif of each leg. NedilesateB ay ihe needifes penelrated ouI>- pudding, and wheu the >ouug page boiîîded on 10 greet lits master-te tenor-wlth song, there was ortei a roar fromn the bouse anui sui-li a scene on the stage us are better liagtnv. itan de- Otop, Thief 1 iit.p ni minainiilavly. whIlm. 1,-teslng N ivli rvngtb, before it oltrunit yoiir povwer lirr,.,vîr.and rer-orer Wliat Ilrîiok froîi 3ýe tIi vriemafentand promptest recuperalvir if Ivvvgvitality I 1- ll-dettpT'5 Htouvseii lIItvt-r-,. vhlv'h reuews vigoT. flv.,vlv and n.re titiit iii- ivv-vause il 8res rail v Ity ti thovve fr v io'v s.le e iierruptIî lvîîIntrf-di-v.stii gi--- r.ý, vJtlh. Une thei liltti-r for dy.1jiv- ii. .îriv.rlteunialiranduivdkdut-y cou)- To 11revent Raperfimeus Hairs. Svvtiff-i-rs f roui sulserttuous itairs aire ofi î-iî iii lu-h exercied liittir iindls ls to %via ito lviie un tteir face Ilu orîter te ki-i-1 il sîîîooth andI rleur, espeeially %%Ifn ivnl is linedi 10 lerorne rolîgbi- as so itiany- akîns are lucliued to do- aiîytln u of agreasy nature natltily liang ia xcndency to lucrease the gruNilt..tiut tlîcy wjlI iind that a mudl- vlo"usei.vo.f lemio nundmitk, useitpar-h (iliie arter w:îsling, %vili go a long w:ly Iovard lîiidi-ring the adveut ef pimples anuitkeepliii, the akîi luntbrt condition îiueyN'.Visli îîu attain. Ili uixiiîg titis %ery simtple appllicaition Il oni>- relilres .1 qua irter vf a plut oft ilk, lem riallier titanilvore. andirte julce of a n-lo lemn.îîThijs mixurîe wili keeju good If well corkevl dowîi for tise or. îwrhaps, ilirie days: but if possible te do se, it Is fart, ietteir tlvi iix it freshly et-ery day. 0100 Reward. *1& lTe readersof t hispalier sUt lceplessed te leariuval ir-lvn est idddiseasu Uviral ience tvà. iren ahi.hte m ntelauiltIs stagesi. andut 1111% is -rrh, Blars <srrb Ctire ni the ordyp-.ltli-ecure newlsmra ehie med- lest ftr.îierll. Caturti tg_ a emstîttional disea.'.e. reituIres a nuaUa4boi treatment. Hlit". calarrh Cum eh Is lIàntehlsly. acnt vitrer-Ily upeu thle loned *" Xgoassurfaces . the syten.t. er..by veste Meo mdallon of tie dîease. aud gisl,-b 0, tenlhb bulditng up tee mswl and aesig natre la diong Iln wok. Thse popti.hsnsave me ranch faili In Ias cugattse powelle that lbey ofter One iiundred Ddtsvs fer iny CM tat Iltfalla te cure. 8-3nd for li.t -et Tr-stnnll. Âddreis. F JHYC. Toedo, 0. MSoid by Dnwzggt4, . ie. To anmn.Ss.t.me Peiiisyls-ania proposes te abandon lte *dislriet ar-bool" i rural localittea -famouis- maute "utile mui scbool- tîouse"-mnd rhuujr-ê the eh~oot In the Midl o 111e t edt ewn5blit. Beatititiîl biriudq roi rsnt fowers are uatiîre's eharin. bar a iivsirvey levely - - plexivvn cr-eies freni uthi. ise of Gleun'a Stiphir Scaju. %)f îriwiiriri. - Dijon, Frimeae Ias a pvpiar tree iîtît a record tbLt -eau btc t raced io -22 A. D. It Is 122 feeut big i% nd 4Z féeet du cir- cuuteremce at tise be. Te restoeagray kir 1teils natural neler as in youth, caune it ta grois- abundant and tronç, Ibere e ito better prW..mtion titan Hall a LtUe iwser. Every civllized nati.on lualte wod,It es-en China and Japasu, uow hma weather bure«. "Brown's flreuchil lTrochies' areunad- %,siled for relieving cougbs, ltoarseuess and aIl titret troiubles. Suo 0u13in boxes. People, as.à, mIe, lit-ar bicIter with thie rigitt titan titan witlt their lett car. Pisos Cure for Ceasunipîltin s saved rue large doctor bili.-C. 1,. Baker, 4-)28 Retent Sq., Pitiladelphla, Pa., Dec. 8, '95. It takee twelve thonsaud umicrobes te formi a proceapion an Inch long. Spring Medicine Tour bOecd lin Spriag la amost certain to Le fuli et liiipnitle-the aceunuulat on of tise Wlnter monts. Bad ventilation et sleeping ri omq, Impure air lu dweil- imgs, factorieviamnd sieps, os-rr-eatiug, heas-y, Improper food&, allure of te kidneys and lîver properly te do extra work limtitrust tupon tbem, are the prime causes eofitis condition. Il ns of thse tmntt importance titat you il I a -s--- WHEN YOU WANT TO LO ON THE BRIGHT SIDE 0F THINGS, USE USE POND'S EXTRAOT OINTMENT FOR Pl&~R DOrrLSs ONLY. Bu F p WRAPPM~. SEE OUR NIM E.POND'B EXTRACT Co., NEW YORK AND LON<DON. -nothing but water. Thar's ail you uýw with Pearline. Don't use any S." with it. If what we dlaim i i true,.tW Pearline is better than soap; * soap doesn't have a chance, to. - any work. It's only in the w .jBesides, some soaps might s Pearline. You'Il neyer get ine s very best work tilt you use 1.r as. directed on the packageý you'I have the easiest, quickest..u economical way of washing and cleaning. c Ail erma ine -noap i. tb ;rMtju stands se high i. -th.opas thoul$ifui - m - - 1 1' osaOf PeOPI. go to work i the wrong way te cure a Ul wiuSt. Jacoba 01 u Mi Be'st Qualityl1 Larqest Size LowestPri*ce"