CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 20 Mar 1896, p. 1

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~îufp4?ifr Vol. IV. No. 23. Libertyville, Lake County, Illinois, Friday, March 20, 1896. L IBERTY VILI.F LODGE. 0o.492. F. & lA. M. R'air ,una 'r- rd&sl tiatiîrdays f-al îrth.XsîIrgirtl'r c',rdlally w0c'orne ,. W. M. HIEATI!. M. W. E. H. DRtowN ,.:. Dr. Charles Galloway. Office ove r Lovell's DrugStore DOUR FROI 1T03 AND r. Tl' MI1'. M. Libertyville, - Illinois. Mies LULU M- S. PENNIMAN. - TACU E£ O0F- VOCAL AND 1 A LSO DELSARTE INSTRUNENTAL J. SYSTEN OF ...Smusic.....ELOCUTION.. lEST METBODB. MORT BEABONAJILE PlOICES. Llbertyvllle. IllInOlS. Dr. E. H. SMITH, D E NTUST- Office over Lovell1's Drugstore a(,Ll to 112 . nm. sli top. m. DAILY. Libertyville, Illinois. Dr. J. L. TAYLOR. Office over Triggs & Taylor's. - - <11 lu,- - 7 iîî Il, a. 11. i1, 4 :9. , ,ti, . i (]»ji'ie -,irîsl a V î.îuî, ' Libertyville, Il linois. Corr Pleads "Not Guilty"1 Klckham bcantan. HI. Attorney, Cets a Contînuance, The Circuit court roorn was crowded to the door Tniesday morning. Mien 1)nshed and Hhovcd to obtain a favorable position, anti cîaned their necks to get a view of Daniel S. Corr, charged witb the murder of John Dillon in Juîstice Sliatswell court rooîn. It was Il oclork before the prisoner wa.n brouglit into court and am he liolbleti to a scat the pcttors were rewar<led for their long wait and got a vi,.w of the man who is tu stand trial (in the s'riii charge inurder 'l'le lrisouvir sbuwed tlhe efte<ts of ii', confinemenit. lias face ',a', pale ad fatuires drawn. 1He wore a long gray ulster tightly brttoned, and as lie I ook,'d idont thiei troW<] cd1 room he ir,'w lis i',ngers uervousily Ilîrougli lisi gray heard. The- judge e'aplained to the lriioner thut lie was -iargped with mnrrder and the, lisîl]qufo-.t ion "giiilty or tiot guilty' %vas pût t1 o linm. orr gazed abstract- I- l it theIi,' îg,- aadimalle'110 réply. Trii.' questioni was put again, where- lio it- r ilii rt te-rt-d smile intelligiblIe w' rdis. lus attorneyv. luî'khanî Seanlari, of <ian.,tth sit] audibly "not guilt 'v.- <urr lookî-d lit tihe attorney lis ilfaaî,,jilandI t1ln ai as lie Barmaid. ln Belyldere. A saloon in Belvidere, Ill., for a drawing card, lias barmaids to act as bartenders. 1ev. Crane the evange- list, extended an Invitation to the bar- maids and the W. C. T. U. ladies to attend a women's meeting Bunday aftennoon. About 300 of the latter and one of the former, Mi8s Tille Maaas, vere present. At the close of the meeting 1ev. Crane requested the barmaids, il any were present, to corne to3 the front, as he wanted te taik wth them. Miss Maass respoeided; Rhe ia good-looking, waR qulte elegantly dressed and as sue Rwept up the aiale to fate the evungelist there'waA quite a tlurry of exclment am~ong thie ladies present. 111 amrnonu a barmaid," Éls Mase suld to the divine in anîIndignant tone. "A barmaid in the old conntry- lsaa girl wli<, watts on rnen at tables and i8nt considered nîce at ail. 1 don't wait on customers that way. 1 just tend bar." Don't you know that the Bible says "Woe unto lîm who pntteth strong drink to bis neiglibor's lips,' replled 1ev. Crane. "Well, l'ni a Roman Catholle, aald Tille. 111 don't cure if you are," was tlie evangelist's reply. -I*m telling you ",Its just ijecause people are jéalous WANT TO ORGIANIZE1 PetIion the Board for a Voluntees Fîr. Company. There bas been a feeling Of unresi îwith a nimber of out business men regardung Our present lire protection The engine-its a good thing, but i wanta Borne- one t10 "push itilalong. Rank Appley, the present marahal hi spent considerable time and soin money lookung about to devise thb best means o! organization and leari froin the experlence o! other companitF in mmall townsaund cities, their viewE Of volunteer companies, mode o! elect- ing or appointing officers, etc. Mfr. Appiey says - After having talked vîlli men wbo are considered good anthority on suchi ratters 1 am cunvinced that 10 organize a volunteer cOnîPany sud allow tbem to elect tbeir 0-n offcers would put men in controi who are good fellows and popular, regardlesa of their competence, and ur tire company would be cornpose IargelY O! boys.'"fHe thinks men of some experience should hold the office', in the department and 10 insure this he lis of the opinion, the officer should lie appointed by tbm' board. On the obber hand the petition below, liaving 33 signatures, 1. com. posed o! good reliable Men, none under 19 years o! age and Rpeuks foi MISS M. ALICE DAVIS.IIII 'n(L g'ltistaI tiîey are making ail this trisuible L113EatTYN'uaLILL., litat-ur 9, 119,G. 0,litM<ISS M of EA VI-i-,m ',S.r, o tur l.irmadsaikli tttbis scat for nus," waMiss Muna I tate- Te the Honorable Prealdent and Mrdattof m.r.....aîim,lirm i]Iri-îiî>- ,xhlaîsteda. Atttorniey s,'ari- enthouri] of trustees o! tlie village o -of I lEli r.-laîionhIl emplitlam'd tir thetcourt that lie 1ev. Crane pointed to the women Libertyville, Ill: -TEA(']Elt OFi j rîsln-Iet Nr. Corr a few mintes present and said, "Rare are 300 o! the We the underaigned resitient', o! VOC UTUEADhlînoîs. lrî-viols, IliamI le iîaaino opportîitY best women o! Belvidere. Do You Libertyville do hereby respect! îlly Lîbertyvîlle. rati. l prepairiîig a mîcti-use and stated that thiuk that is wliy they oppose 3-oh?" petition yoîîr honorable body, tu aîlo' tiie- îrisori.rnie îar ule tai fîrni8sb "Well. itsm the Irishi I meau," vau us lu fîîrîa a vulunteer lire company, Dr. A. L. TRAVIS. hemiaîsar oasta, rmtain Iim as Tillies rt-lly. "OTley are jeaioiis ! aid l respond te ail caîls for tire TO 55 T h attoira' V ah îri",înt. atmai thrreftrî' liebecause wa are Garman." and drill caîl, 'lithyour tire angine. floUas 1 ii. "MI Tl 0i .iMaskeda a 'îîîtinrîanca. Thus the conversation irait on for and 'ae liareby agrea, te abide by al SpA'cial attenîtion l'il t r thar The Juîdge asked the Statest Attorney, some 11111e lime. Tillie hlld er 5&3- iaws miles and regulations, made from treahrrt ît (f 'larOr,'liiiezraaIti.Ar. Hevdat'ker whut lis view o! the aid soe did the evangelist, and irlen time te lime hy your honorable body, Rockefeller, - Illinois. malter was, sud as Mr. Raydacker tbhe good-looking German lady bar- in regard te the tire department, and at'qrliesa-cti the Court granited tbe en# leftIthe preaocher shec wa in do aUin u our pîawer 10 stop any muid ail critii,îancc nithout futher delay. icars. __________ conflagrations 'ahicli may sftart lu PAUL MAC GUFFIN. A conîstabrle toîîcbed Cura ou the AàttornLcy amd Councellor fit Law, ,rbouldrandtI ldI] uMi lu conse oni." SCHOOL NOTES. Libertyville: Wc to elect the lire NOTARV PUBLIC.lie labiraly a1'rtose, shouk handsir 'ith Loule Shierman bas bcean absent for rnarsal antI assistant, tiha eigineer Nr.OIiaTlAû h-Ra tPUBLIC. bt-'n i is attaruvy. an inîtî ltm cout ro! the, scveral weaksi. 5,1<1assistant î-ngineer, and sIllihothar CamVnymaIâ LOiag.--------------------------'îîmimtroîrm.-As the Ooidmnnpassed Arthulr Williams ias leftiwhlOirxl teoflcers asis ay be required. SaitI office with Lake Counly Bank. oltîîomf sight the ecvul moi-ai0l oarsustia tilla furm. 80 lie sasAt lea oFiners alayte,] teromne, tas' unda- Lieryvll, llnth.Ie tiorr. di.ssapoiîitcd Ihat thc cuasa one heurt is lufth to, ourn bis absence. signe tbhe ndes in, uofaes o he- ______________ Illinois. in 'atichsrr mumît'birterst lias ireen The suptervisors votad to gîv iv e theOur o ars ietl, b o mcreo ~. ~. îaaîîattc-t as coîitlnied. village in thie Cointy, as they moaka readiiy obeyed anti baller service W C.R e e.Notice. applicationi for Rame, untîl they are given- sud al Pr serve as volunteert ihmand tia lrg- -ara. [li.,i al Ire aitaaial nmeeing o!ftisposad o! tne cage or cell, recently lirememi, mithmort conipensatIon, except Offceat arensHoel lIi- Lilaertvvillt- Birial Gr,,îuni Asso- taken from the oid jail ut Wuukegan. te the engmneer and assistant wlan1 Offie a HadenSHotl Oia:ioiutal -eTown Hall, Mardi 3lst, LasI Tiimd.ay lierae'aere RayeraI who making repairs or cleanling angine aid <ira a rtlit 7.30arp.riit., .for the iurpose (Of displayad orange ansd green l inorfbose, and for ail necesssiry vork asida Rockefeler - Ilînoîs. iliagaîflia-îrs anad ,a transatI sîch o! the mai who droî-e Ibhe sakes aid from atfire or drill caUl, a bil l ncluding Roakefalrer Illinois. ls innv praperly coic !rogs ont of Ireland. But straîge to waork aid repairs is lu ha made by thet hîmîrre the' nitet-iîg. 'Tht', 'ahIlac un sayonly one dlsplayed the colors enginear and attcsted lîy the tirer UNION H OTEL. 1laiatma ar-aa. Eservone ilte, o! tise Emerald Isle. 0 marshal and sîîbmilted lu the boardt N\IIEELIN4aa-IL.iISAXOS.____ The bîgli acbool debating smcity!o! tnustees for order oft payment uit a FIR T C AS HO EL. I-auThme Gaimvin FamilY airactei l lIrers fior the cnaîuing two 1megulr meetiig ofthie village board. V FIR T C AS HO Eaa,,rt ol n rhig Irra îîe w'atutelo weeks.'Te resrîlt o! tle election A. J. Amsinî,L. H. SoIiaut'k, ..HaIf-way House . . . t;aag sr,r-r S-unlaiy ntgbltîî hfeair was as !îrlmrvs:J.WLyc.pri.Goon Fitail Itrn 'r-a laa-,e. aa-Ia tlial~ a, 1h- ar' iaai hey ham a ale, dent; John Devinea, vice presideut; E. W. Baîiterilr-Id. t. H. saîitht. Cycîst He d tu aes., uiî u, rd.en-rasil ihLd tm.scrtr~ Lonise Ctr .Mis. J. 1-. (ia- le. 1 tht alt-rie. iae "Ma-lîi i'ait i-t. îarîr. taCateC. H. Boyas . .imaaIe Cyciss eaQuates. tý srlip.. heMetodsto('Ig'r, dior R. Z. Luslue. Arthuar Laiwaemîe. 8 lraaI laaaaaaa Iaf,, -r ---aalîaa at lmat pacet' îaaaua îilr,'d Itl itker s is eary irlen a scbool is Albert LItchlieId, 1. N. 3Maîlary, t John eh n - - rop.iaa tii' tiitiy lalai li-aieai a iti lii'1r bigigcd luresorl te sarcasm uand lire-I W. * alîa ...Waa Johnaark.1 I p. 10 meetIliavpltilntstît .Peter Bock. J. il. Ca..- Vieitincb eta li taeet(100. petton, Il. F. W -'I ariage* I uoed Thing offitssc as 'acre publisled in the C. W. Taylor, Vs.darl-k ~ (tir-Iisl, ir i Il ic acigiIl LA E îî e'Iýigl* îe)aîIarit ;cralIsîns rotthe IXDEPIENDENT. oOe Frank KIii'a, .L.Iaaas ij ~-~*rYti aIîla ,-la-ir- ! ia , aulrrjaais ta,, tiak it l nîr hawell for tle W. H. S. (o... swlft. C. tFitalOý-k. - hi fit Ie jB Masaan.Waon .- liait g,-0r\5r:,a I ar-a r seelsir ',likely I te' Ibeur I ira mmd thit sarcasitia' W C chn Jlîta ra a, t-.Ctrt'. I laIlIr-,i - aaeti ii rlt e Ir ar onu il'ou arI I-e T H -a.Ja aa -at.-r WAright, FPark hurStt & .a.ilî jIt la, lraa ilrîraa)Ot iit- alisai rre- g(ai)(1sllî'l)llg. ILaL, .lvua Librt viIii lii a' , il. Tît, Ctic a-agoA* .1 tel ar aIlini ts TIei,. tiai mg sîcieîy renderedt in M h -atra, aa',lîlai vliitlIaraila.t3 tî--leîIlrmilum us Firiv.Tle BOL>N D BY A N OAmTH.f lia It la, egi -c imaîri t h. î'iaîrgî'trîlfo i, equestion aîu us "lîcaul votlThîtt WVînsaits 1- issues Interest-Bearing tr;ta,l,artillîri waa.-s.floam mThehergeWrîrlti hi'a BandeIttî 'rIais LbertyvllIe Dramallo Compauy's b C ertifi cates Payable !Iail.lltrIloi lIae îiaial altjli itl ialti(d Tr.'he speakersTI Icreias as bd-. onDenndiaa I tar- ra<a,'a.aa l1rlia.ticîfîlltî'as; Negatuve, J. W. Lynchi, R. E. Tlursduy and Friday riglt.aa- onDe a d.hlas r Irarîllai îagaage caîrs aunaiplace Herrit'k. Affirmative, Joint Lynchivertised, tbe Libertyvilîr' Draaoatleci agentaut tihe vta riits ta, check Matry Daîvis. Tise decîslion 'aas ii, Company appeared in "Bonnotai 113 An d F Y U N EP..tlai wlicels. Thi' i'arges callecled ,fuior uto h- thefironaaive anti asthie <lth." C ~troa~ raualIahe wlii'eàli-i i ai îri tiginmuta 'aty he! j iages were al ut the saluner sex ih They 'acre greeted by a fair auitîG îu 'la ai iitfliIî-it,-atrit aue) iethIe -adiîtlisal ix 'ýspemîkîs w,'lin iiregard btIbm'eutivant'e- ecc eaeh nigit, aid if niot large, thue W nter Blan kets, plairas,'the liai dîai. Cyîlîsts W'altamnent oft due 'jouWnnides in tIbm'audience was appreciahive. t F urLap Robs. îsair wh-iiailonir trati look litetr tht'îuasrmrity. Sume charuciers irere takel ravs in- F rL pR b s tliutia, i-i eua, aar tIse liaso.iiit'ases'sbr-s who had a very shotrî taaaa iin H eavy Fur Coats j -,t-a-îieîa. Suiuday School Inatitute. w btcb to prepare. Witt thetsa mv-~a'i Or rayl m la la- îa,,a ua na.îanotiirrrrou i iin xilI urr enter '['le Lake Cîaîînly District Sunndr3'tiotî the play was gond.« Ôraiyt:ln ftIti l' irrîmaO-sthe ira' -athe NortlerilPacifit'.SV'Iutmu iimstittile ililitldailîl letirî.g Arthur Bulkley ras îexcelleutA andi wa y r1iy O, hO Ils ýOt fal tO a.- the11et k ,lI Itis nIiiiiy I vlalialîtitairoftrIeia- ock iUt lvaiau'e. SutiafY, Mardi '22, 1896. 1usd a good conception o! the part. jIîiai.1 lilinoiîs Central, luit chIers iTli tiillrawirag lirograîlu lias becipre. anOloa upie i i(liii CHiARLES KAISER. ilitaI,.atîvm' a'aiiietiiaîtwii lishe clii-: paîrmia: mii(alu-asrpseiitaiîliua vagoandNI)tli"tfil.It %il ilithe AFFEI0u4 taces. Haeiras "onI o! siglat. --Saini He al"o Iqrr.aila Ina. r I ygeiny sud [-gi 1aîaliedrtlwestrrthe l n il Caee,îtand TEItiOON ~-'hans uitta at i I I c'aîrge- fraor'yulour iritt3'crrtugesi. - Srîltuai-S(ME 1PLANS FOR BIETTERI-îldibntatm uia at"lii I 'ir -raîîî,î-tttrîîî rathe t-s' oairoatîs WORtK IN OUR'lSt'N laY graîrt." Misa Rarde ditl immenase- aiaa __________ SHoolL. iispluyad a ivouderful !acîilty ft alk- t ta tlailj'ie, p vlit'r thie ,thet'-î, ii:iNh E it'SE .ia J- rrraîds urairuiiiý( rntî'îarr aakimig lIai'charge 2ir ltEPolvstT iOF 4HtitLS îîx-sups 'llt ~ Ms W hne re 10 Eat. frniam t i argeî- îîîtof iiporiitsana] on Sp si. GIVINOJilE W( 'K ladbrpt'-l,8li]Ar. la i a aiVa ilairuaale Iat-rîît'lilliîîîai iati.s.s-'ING CONDITION (OF SCHOOI. Cuisci-er. Prof. Davis looked i s air-1 iiiaie he idenui ait] vid.-2:"M THFWOL.F IN <OUIRMID$T---------. «jectad as wiie hhard Clevelartai iais I-ai:,1il .iTownshap Republican Caucua. IEv. J B. MAcOiuKEIN cîaected 3-cars Ligo, sud talked Scittîs A OO MEA nate- rlar-r-i gi- t1 lc :46 "PItA(TiCAL PIINTS"J. H.CaOtasimnTE a, iii îî-,nll-ltmii-:ir r'aaîîcrîsîîcîat i IIaENI 'iAMllSTIEADPAEtlîrumglma iunîi o!fîvhlskems4. AHe va-iL It millp:1 Yý1l e) g t' t e ;- R V. Ma. 4Ps'(;,i;i. grot] i1m bis part anti D. N. Mallriry' il ~ r ' ît, ' a aIlarI% i Itall, in îs LUbrt ysil le, Ill.. 0uni,:lri-HUMEF.DEP'T 1W 'LlK .... E. D. Ilu Basi i alle a gaI lait liver. J. M. Wor riaiala saîiriliay, 3lurt-Ii i 1m. aI 2 'clock Il. ::-2sr-A NORMAL DRILL.111-.-C W. Hirsos irvas the cooî udtiIoîîk advautage ail Crystal Restaurant i.raithe plrîse cf smleing candi- :t:k-DIS.'tU81lt>'l'irmuETAàt'aau's .MEETI.'ii' ituto ogt ot oa is iatesfr sthelii'ftllraiiig irliters: suprer- .EVENINti.litttîaiitogI1sm oalit. Conr ii a i-aatru onasesr, olc or,7taSONO SERIVIC'E. PIAYEII ANDA- 1-MalOrY iras a wiketi villiailiaiaai i('larsat rwn(liaa'axaestiti,]ollacaItTESTIMONY MEETING ddaloi of! mean thlîîgs, bu limier- arnSt,.,îîadrr Vr-1hs stIuol trustea. commissionar o! higli- 7:soF-ADDPîgg elleh18t1 mention. Waîkegan Hiss. 1Pound maters If ssy ara deired, and Ih la expected the District Preadent Ailin ail the production iaa good, Pnices 1e it your pockalliook, te transt auoh ether buitanessa May flte Northeru i)Jsrjt of 114noisan ud as thay are rebearxlng every night !rom 165cents up. ço beoh» htviihiso ig.rpl. E ePINIIIIIasu 11149tb411 001111. 1B]in# t >eOtWe, ule epem - -"W8~~~rds ef.erILi et n, Il. as le 1t- ir r d Spring is coming 'q«Mm.AND YOU WILLW A CARPET OR FLOOR MATTING Our Stock for Sprlng lMas Arrlved. Our Prkces arm AU RISI SoId over f ive thousand yards of carpR, ing 1895. Ourfreightforcarpetsiu~ tmng was three times as much as ail stores in Waukegan combined. Wliat does that mean? OnIy this: We seli the carpets! Wh d4 Our price is the Iowest for any grade o pet or matting. When you are in theY frcarpetsor mattin4, look everyw ls then ca il on us, and we Il do the rest., A PRESENT WITH EVERY 5Oc. PUR CHAt AT WYNN'S, Waukegar - GRAYSLAKE. IMILK SHIPE'S Mio Amnong tlîis weelts visitairm 10 Cicoa- go, we ntoticed Mr4. Biîridwu',, Mr. andî, Mmr. Thonisoiî, Sr., Messrs. 4;eorge The Organizatbon MOM Thonison anti Fred l<îelrker. with Sucoes. Mr. Geum'ge Ria'hardson's lorî'e ta. The Milk Shippers' Prot* gether witb Iliruelf. fail'andii, lionhse- Ass8oviation is meeting with ftlaý liold belongiugs were inas d flie pa't week to bis lut ou Maple ALseun,-e. siw'ccss througbout the conly.ý. TueY. . S C.E. ,! ht' 1 mneting ut Anitioch on W.dau give an Easîer social Saturlay pre a el tede n iee~ ceding Easter Suilday. Pat', irîtlar'largely iucreuaed. The miik u4, will be given in ne.xt ývecks issue oft in the norlliern part o! the congl this puper. 'aida awakeTh rst mo 3fr.Fisher anti lier son-i.i-aw '%r.M ing c. ie prese 1 .oim Hintz hein guorganized lothof A. J. Leonard on Mîip]c Ave. hetmeeui Ceîat,-r lrotecting the shîppers insteed ci and Sînisser streels aud Lare havimîg IL ti'lliflg the sîîpply, meetawMMg. bousIe but therpoji. upproval with both shippén- Mr. and Mms W. Merrick, ut Spriiîg. dealers. Under the by-Iavm «-, field, Wis., are viiting the latters laregent asscaintesi" parents 3Mr. and Mrs. 1ip Mrs. Merrick and two of ber cbildren left perlcctly free te make aul lia have bied an attack of gripple Isii,e t'oitraicts. Anid the asaôcia*ion 4b their arrivai. inteiîd ini any case te lnterfemi Mr. Woolever vente huck troimhi', tweeii shippers and dealers, "e go last Saturday. liacketl îîîî is li th.- e irei1rîcst ftesîpr h a hold goods pre-laniî<ary t.. gtilig to,, , Iasipr h Clinon, lmîwa. tt, iiake biseîhome,,. f i m1uts of the different roade à reported LrIlli so.ute vhiait iiî,rovel iîncîlauds vith the 8880016#0% and thunks sciteviIl msou b le s'ell we uiay loouk for decided. improvem enougli 0te laken tg) Clint<,î. uponthe present condition ci Mir. Knowleg, of Mouaville. uns Don*t le the lusI te jolna. vlmte<lby e lire lasI week, whicbh lid-1 ie. yn fi0 f or11 M1 the affect of ruziug lih,îis r-N. We uiues1u1H ~ o yu ou.4 bave nul beard the tfull paîrliaulars, iiig le lu be cailed in this lau2t but we tully synîpaîbize withl IMr. the fleur future and the whole uý Knowles in lits iisfurtune. expîaained. The represetajvý11 Last Sunday niorniug oecîîrr-d th(, the is,,iîînwlll attend a KMs deah of litIle Nlargy Giitinre iige-îimeecting ut Crystal Lake on Tuà 3 years. llririal took place Moui1111y int of next lveek and on Wedeg tbm'Avon Center emetery. We syru- pathize with the bercaved faîuily luiTurner. Tie farmers seem te bo Iheir sud affliction andi realize It ,,,,a alive to their own intereuta aa4.A -The Fairest FIra rs Whutbt-r First ,a gooi thing when It is presente& ne little Margy was tu,, g'î'd iur tiis nair r',îîsîatration. world andi sals tenticrl ifitei rp 1)_______________%_ the band] rf Jesus n iit,, the mwrl, bcyeiid. WAUCONDA. "-Tht' 3'oung iav ,h and tiheaItgedl . .Hmn»d&nt~~lk muet die.- Thriistgi v raili 1:31h -the' J . oîi u LNunda- rJé spirit utthataged pîioaieîr Mr. lt.irv'Tedv Smitb. ,wafted lu that gre,ît biî' voual* that btîurîîe ftrai ich îa,, îravelîrr . (rovciiur %vent tbDeeator1 returils. 31r. Smîith wwt'blrîî Miii ay Connectict se'dutyuiaac 3-tarI , L. B Iangs will leave for the la laut Octoher anti had l aîuast reach-linîlIL f m t1535 bis four sc'ore 3-cars. }'urty-iiiiie 3-ars M1r. Chas. Clark is moving onlo ago lie canie tlullitiois aindal l,] laiSeymnur'm tarin. . living on tht' sanie fiiîeNer sii'e. 1NoÉie the Waticondu photograpà His last illiiesm a n Iaîg îtîiiti,,i, tard lu Ibis iss8ue. buving seized juint tir,,ye-ir aigout ,11 E. Green transactetl business la 1I during ail th,ît time la,' rutca', e th lb,- lliitMnd very i>est o!f,'ae. Ii lau îîgîîr-. ter'. riigtî as lnu Ceuny gave map tlirer m8ia,,-', ý Cin -,i rs. J. Benniett and son, of, 1 go anid iaine bla e aa-t,, aa i-',-r Iiiiiiajil Zria-la, n îre liere la8t Sunday. bier agedl mo th,-.'uar, nw diaio t-lib%- Cais. Laliiîlitr, o!flIcRenry, Wv needs liervt'are aîa,] saaîpaart saia," Wanouaaavisiter lasI h'aturday. bereil ot lit-r lital ,,îa, Mr. iia i alla a Y. H. Osman. f utnuuda, vas1 huricîl Siiiitlèi.vMairia Zla.llI,-i tegio-st of NIr. Il. Harrison leai wftlt.. Fort Hill,','iia,-trv . Tiit- a aial mer-1 vceeN were ha-ld , lia,'he Fort Hill1IlH. Mairiîan hud an miction sal01 7btirtb, R,-v. Ilszey alaîîhrg l- Htii,,ymf Lernoomi andtievening. - ' deceased leaves aiagi-a 'aif, ,îalandfIr M W ~o,,,h<îîse and Mise Jg of Fort1Hill, AMr.haarles Smaith, (Il W.EvasoudaniL. Lincoln, oet] Giage's Lake, snd aîai ri iiKaîlsi'mIIia,l îîoîHery.,M ieeoouoîr strets last tuertîns graad-t-hiId rera t,, 1iii, u 1 v thei los. Ma liereli iiipeavT.Ii, carpeliters have been repaigi a0m1P ailtht- Pratt bilding» the !* .11NUs la laleok THE WAUCONDA s TUDIO W1LL BE OPENED Tbe Epu orîh Leagua gave a bo ýsortrl ut the home o!flirs, Bat", Sitiarala3- uveîlig. Tise W'iiiiî'iîtaa Mlitary Bond-ý gi-c u grautl eoiîcart about Apr i Ailms,Lara arum] Early Harrnii.o tîîrmîî-îlasI Tîueaiay !rom EIR ai 'anitene tht-y have beea ttndùx«UgZ' Mr. îalah ir iS.A. Bang@, 'vIte- 1î-î î s l ) e iîa a ] i g It h e i in h e r l n " 1 0. A pril i, m u I'aut tltt' village clboe aiaîv.3aircl and itt]audit oiaiusq Special offer for April 1Te'rîîîtraîîîe Rlly lu the 3W 1, 2, 3 and 4-One doz. Itaîl i lt ay evenuing. iI o f o u r b e s t c a b in e tt Fua liii sarsi, a s .U i na g ?4 photos, and a 14x17 'ritai. crayon portrait, only ?ù l. I'. ('aaur lasîîrhadl, $3-00. Special prices 1, 411thei1LmirIir ua 'it'ote au, on crayon Portraits and iglh hb, Ruccass. picture frames. Satis- I Thocquestion debaed am faction uarnteecL _ ýpl.uv. in mliv mý 1 1 ý § 1 Jà vi k-

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