CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 20 Mar 1896, p. 4

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M~N ENTr. _ Mn. W. 8S.réevsftud i la ef ____ - -a few days ÏhlBwek. - ,Mna20, 1896. J. Stafford, o1 Waukegmf, W"aU guest of J. J. Freezer lent Tuesday. ~UI*'MIS ~'ubWishers. W. are glai to report F1loyd'Wilbu ~*WOODMAN vtîo loe been on the. slck lit the. put lb.pot-ofi41 t lhetlll. eek rnuchbobtter. te pst-ondfteesetlteryl. Everythuflg sold Weiltet R. M. as eiod-las mar. Chapln'm sae lit Wednesday, covi as iiT5 NAD K5ON ONAPP i bgh as $47.50. Hauk Âppley of Liber- CATIONtyville, wat the anctiofleer of course. CATION.___________ The dramatie entertOinmfuflt given on tc E'rl bord f tedeby the. Guru.. L. S. lest Frlday nlght Eli badofta e t GrangeHalvsadcdduc<5 'wms t..dy, ls,00 poi3ini-<aud vaslstened tb by a fuli bouse. Ma. for 13 cents. Lab's orchestra furnished 1he music - and gave nmre very fine selections. Tbey pay for a party March 17, at ~4rbe gossip bas been caused Wadsvorth. 01v. the boys a cal If oelteT rittefl by SecretarYy 7011 vnt good music- tO Senafiot Haviey, chairmen Miss Cota Wedg. vit finish ber vinter termi ot schooltul district No. 5, bocmnittee on Milltery Affare, Ibis veek vîh credît te berself and 4 the biil 10 revive the, grede general satisfsaction 1tii.h district. Il b$haut General of the Armiy for ls boped bier services may bc secured d'à«, on tbe grolltid that Miles for the spring terni- iitlttled 10 lthe honnir. Fred PotIer whe bas finlshed bis _____________ inter terni of sebool In the Stafford eruegoý tvo knoek dow ns in district viti vaea w eeks vacati" .e'nlevien lhe il cmenethe.spring mêçuîve essin k i oshte termn. Mr. PoIler 1e dolng gond vork. .oonfitmed the nominationis of A F A :Meao0f tKentucky, 10 be .T. Hes okaL trp oDAY ag wr of tie Laud Office et Enid, Jod..Arsto atpteCîco p1a, sud of G. H. Nemn0f tMr. J. M. Feole umede a businîess trip M te, b. Indien A gant t Colville, 10 Chicago Monday. &" '. hure vas no personet tirs. Alred Stencliff Js convolecig ",to eltiier, the. figlt betng uinder the. cire o! Dr. Taylor. r-Mdeý for lhe pritlciple o Homne julîîm Hertel took a trip 10 Chicago . a nderso's case thec vote Wednaday te resime bis vo lihee.. % to 24 andtun Nevme's 28 te 19. John Scitoder, who s attending 0 MUate Comrittee on privîleges schot t Valparaito, Je expected home eutiens by a vote of 5 te 4, Friday. orlsda avorblereprt ot te eAbouit twenty-live couple ver. pros- ptaed a fvorable eport 01 the aIti Leap Year Dance. The sup- ýt..oIUof proposiug a coustitu- per ved served by tirs. Movers aIt th j4 smetduent providing for the htotel. 01ý f Senators by direct vote of tMr. Fred Hoffmain, of Iowa, vho bue ,,*Ople, and Cbalrmauii Mitchell, beeli visitig relatives et Elgin th£ ~g 0 lieresoiltili, 'es ast veek, bus returuied ln order tc ýîr f te reoluionWasgive oelie prop<ittylber.. ,%Wk-of preparing the report. Tii. There Jetbcb a weddinlîîgenthfluI Ole. did net divide on Party near future. Nov, boys, gel yole. ol t h. five votes lu, fevor belflg cast muskots ank lin pans ready and giso hr.republcassuad Ivo deuno0- H.'L- a good séI'edoinîg. p.Md lb. four eginst by tvo The Ladies Aid il give a social il qibïmens d Ivo denocrats. There lhe Tovwn Hall Tuesday evenlng, Marc p, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 2 1o89s6on il omîîe.for the. purpoâe of mettng a *o poulist on ti8 comitte. an to t uila, on. rug and othi articles 1.11 from lbe fair recently ble x. Senale committee on Territories inulhe hall. ltefresbimnl1ts, consîstini *oee favorable 10 lbe admission 0f of coU,.e and cake, vil be s.rved for t] small muni of ton cents. Ladies,d IF 14aes than lhe House Committee. not forget to brlng sometbing toeset. bu. ordered fliet seuator Gear's I teor the admission o!f1New Mexico EVERETT. '1v*oably reported te thte Senate H. Lancaster vlslted Chicago W04 g uturned the. bill for the admis- uesdey. àm of Arzone over 10 s subcOm- Miss Guesa Zever, ef Chicago, viso s of Ihree, al inovu te favor th, et F. H. Zervers Wednesaey. e u bsde ntme ie W. J. Wells and W. ticLaugillin, IL ut e admltt<>dt e sautiiooHait Day passed tiirough towu on Mo âW willI ditdtosaeo day. Me* teur future. jjnless there Jesai Eh Frîntz sud bis dîngiler Buela 4"change of opinion on the part of D.erfield, caled on relatives intt *ts povers that be nonew e'm tates vlclnity Wednesdiiy. jjeathrzdthis yeer. F. B. Mason, of Liberlyville, minir au»thMoried arano telated lbe keys te our lelegrapb OU ISuo orrti ChaonFinancet ane durlng agent Murrie'm abseniceSuiad sui Comltee n Fnane, ed Mayor Iledmond on Moudey, wv àpes.t1tative Diugley. Ctiairm[iliof th aid of bis "'Blllv" quetledt W Rouge committco on Weys sud iscrap,, vblch perchance two cnit tob ha uetne o eece hacdmuually agred te hod le fi( li hSec uery(atie, ded t <mcce of bis office. Tom says every Ih] «à Sretry ariileandut ncemust b. peace and tîarmoliy ash 1» air vas fuit f ut îîîîrs aiiutint 1as ue Is et tiebed o!thie muelcif witeui pos6el seme sort ef a tîaucîal gevernmcet leOuîr ity. Di, soxethiag in the nature of a Zerver Ak Co. ae, treating the tmpromise belvee the adminlistre- terier ef their store to a cuat ut pi W&1 and Cougress. 'lîjse slluglt and llnisblng the ceiltng sith mi 4-imw, hwevr, sym tat he en-stemp vork. This wili bc e greet ~knvtiîvvur SLY hit 'i' '01-provement on the building and «Mes, as nerely 111o011rceîtiuie greatly eurich and beautif y the Mter. teriot 0f lie samne. Ti. vork Jis n patte___ ly belng pushced forvard under lmnto 'îiîuuauut i.c.,liis e-supervision of Contrator Mulp. Mvdfrom his aduîiiers li that hîuile beggage tellvered totheit respec ýýqr pitcbtork a.î a soulveiîir et tus reoidelices, should ieave tbeir Orq ona pech. if.isveyju__ id' t Î_ at-lb. otite. ofTom Eedrned-a." mSnUt Cro<f i ry oluîoetbav brrowv express. Tom basrmade ,,BetorCrocrel, co'd lot averangements vlthhcur raitroal ageu "ovn that lbheIBritish Ambassador deliver auy baggege lie preseets eh pould enter the. diplomatie gallery fTor, tierefor.e have yoers cheeki ,W the Senat. junet as he vas cîosing a To, and h. v111insure prompt f4ioe houe's speech Inlu avor etf mlver, Uvery ot your baggage or express. bo1uatti. lngugevblb l. medas The dance given by the. Sbady » àthe.. uae hchh da Plesure Club at Wheeling, on W& t 'Î%ritiah Ambassador entered the day nîglît vas financlally a ue ~aXIery vas nerely emeetftiiome odd Il vas veili ttended consideting iýo.noidenee5 vhlcl are, eonstantly coudition of the roads. Joy tvr2ifg up. MIr. CocrellIlhed been vbioily uuconfined and the. gay1 tripped tie "light tantastle" unti %poeking ef our living Ibrown urnt "ee sme' nours t ofion. Monroe doctrine in the~ face o! Engtand occassion vas grand wittu not 1 and 7et hendlng oîîr kuees te accort aveet harmony under the mr direction of professer Horeul -th. Englistu gold standard, and vas sud the. sumptilofls epast Tpâre srgquung lu favoT of cotueng Our tb. midnlgbi pread vas a teatu: l ime honored adherence to hlmetallism lihe eveulug vbleii vss enjoyed1 ,,*ben the burly i orm etftthe British H. Lancaster held a raffle on ai ,.,mps o s sB een te enrthan eoverlieet Higiiwoed or " IYplèhatuc gsllery. Just et tiat mom- Berllck ver. tue lucky mon,Y -fflt Mfr. Ceebreil turnd toverda the dravlng lt volu o ik 1lomtcgattery aud conclîîded, as e4gty-ulne vhile the. big 1 ltoughlie . er. addresslng thé pistel" teli teBerllck on No.,t four. tir. Murie net caringt <.Abessdor'"O0r cise 1et ils haul theviolin tureed il ever t( 'ovn ld Gloty,hitte gold Lancaster for disposal. It 7'standard, and cry out lonîg liveethie*,$tradulis" modal contmiiug exe Qmten of Euglaed and tie Emprcss toile and great carrying povers 1- c lnda."The mbasoÎ8facewasvalued et $50.00. Smipasuve, batt here vas a tw'lnkte lu Ai lalst vinter Mr. Oco. A. MN ý ý#âeyes as b'.o 100k fils seat aud Lebenon. Cenn., vas bedly ai eoluiuvefd the s'milesexound hlm and vti riumatism. At limes it, severe that he could not sto ,n lie1 h-floor e! the senate. strigitfbt vs reuvr week corne &HA. ece whet we have il.oidrmmo b f ae iotiW befre ryig emewormeottyesiboidore a paper cao . rdi l __________ wfr<'trin csohee.Y.u 1tlgreatly oblige by snlaita let IlUMOROUS pARAGRAPHS FROM SMITH & SWIFT. yu copy early, Copy for &i» s hit TH OMO AER. Mr. M. Il. Colby is et Evauston pack- hereafter bc in our handa netoti. jîîg his iousfelold goods ad wlîîniove than Wednedy floon, me w e au C II ý'A D E T N vote Th'urouday to setting up the lae t A D'otIN bis auity uto Charles AP- news. We Ilionto pri tte.I4FEO ifjagat lgeIBtu oeorbUieg 6h. W01 14 pîcy's lbouse. corner îif Mil "uk"' ENT Thurolday atteruionO, se It îl Aroec ob*tafu1 ts Ave., anid Fuir St., lu it t e ar fuIture-. reaeti ouT readers on tlie-Fritay ii. ,»b» d7 wln a7 rgular uîeiig (>e week, te atted AE 1 i.qr AG M Ba ealltr. thie uouty c'onventlion eit Roikefeller Wedding Carcls. Mereat (on discoveing. a mn L siati'daiy. Irîey lcave thîir i-l at For Weddtng statiouery of! thafluiest FARMS AND TOWN qnality and workmnensliip, always conie his eetar)-WhO are70ou? 11 e. in., sharp. Ail membels desîriîg teIDFNETPiii 11-l etranger'-The gis man. 1 have cne o pes crne - to t hage ZEpeNEt i'îtiîoni favyi"' to ace by yoar meter how mach gamigo Jii hiiise Chrmm or ate wit l W apllg nrinptiti(îil itaiî.fur-__________ *rg hve-GOd rigrte aconS! I wsIsr.sotia î< say reneuut îh nythiuig eîgreved wîîrk eaieci- 1&oa a e od arug1.liaI mo att. lo 'oithus lr r al wel1asMplopr tints as ao liert'i hopn yoa were ol uglari-LOeaucl in iiile. tiliied iiitClîLeago. lleuipîibe. Y - ~~~~- ~Duriug the' iter (f 183. F. IL g aaiî' its~î'ii~ A iessonable Inference. M<artin, of Long IBearl, West N'a., <con-___________________ Manchester 1 think Baaggs his con-tîilî*tî'î r v olilwtleileft luth, List YOur'property witlî me and eluded thatlttil bout time orne of hits 'wtilila ('[ligli. liu opeîîkiiig of bow litel idYllf utmra daughteru were gettigmari'ied. .euired it lie io sm: -lI îîeîlseveretnsoal rts Biinha-idbctllyo e lm ins Oîgh syli toluit founid u . ~~ Blrmhgham-id h.tettrOliefhlm i l 1 langlît a blouttee fChtr- IUM P iinE4 S Ainotug iliunerons clîoice ýbar- Manchester-]No-; but he hes givefl lîerlîiiuîs'o togli Rll'iitdS wlh'vh re- -'gainîs, I have the ýfollowing Cho-lit.v<d Uio' aliiost, ii-taititly. ailinud a SPECI F105 are cientillclly Lietvl CtPrpty liWi7 lmptw d. PtSblg hoL ortilili' trouglitabount ILeuuiplete prepared Remedies ; have 'n i stit.. ie iiiil.riioui'e rty.l lcle-Telegriph. <~(lire.' Wt'îtîoiîld th a ('01191i been used for haîf a century w.o.'u.'r. rîtr.'"'Ss. T'h.eont leuit. or <01<1 lis' tkis reili'dy lio 31 51 i thet~Qaces yl<'ouit' wilÇl~ 0 rn6~îi> '6 Bobby-Popper, what do they have'to net iid it îîec'esiiaiy to try severel ut et; qsucs. lti.i. h.o ti lli have a man t prir fore Congresa for? ku.s î.for iu gtreje. btbas ieer.1eie....Ilf*ilAt-1L TIî'liîi, rh r ylîr" îîîi"latau, Mr. Fery-4hey dott e tke Ie lî<'ioi oii Warta Yerket for verotle... 'neurs iud] nisiut3 groîN% l ili fîivor . hmam ~I m si >î " i i rs b-tir i r '.nt. look et Congren aud.tbefl prayfl for l3--Teatins. COuc.Uriiog,wakefuilf th catT.Ohiufflt Eqlrr 1o1îlrity. 'o)r sale si 25 anid 50, 4-warrbea, of Chu<>enor Adul.... Farm Proriertv. For Sale ýeth cu tr.-Clen<'iEn u'u. e ts lier hot le byIL' I l. ovelt. ?-Voaghu, Ooids. 92olchtt "'>'"is ...r. .......lwaîîk'".'-,r' 'ail, h a'ý. large Di4 What He Could. Litîi'ityN ifl" iiil G. . Roberts, at 8Seutlii TS, thaché. Paach.... "AlIw.tfor rny client," shouted celffli. -'fe&daehdi, 5lCk Beâdftch, Veý'L5o. 'barn,-. C'I lî"".c",lwils Ne1 ' *'l t10-DspeBula. ailusole.ueotopallon î'i2 i"'lrl'.ui i' the attorney, Ini the volce of a man 1 1-4,uppre.aed or Poluful Perioda - "i-i.I'lII"" adiiv ai rnd 9 who wa paid font. "la justice" C. M. & ST'. P. RY. TIME TABLE. 12-%Whiten Too refu eiodi ..........hllsiyilW"i aretî "e I arn very sorry 1 can't accommo- 13-Croup, LarvatIis. Biazi.eleu~. ' "' i' a la. ' îr1, siirtil f date 709," replled the judge, "lbut the GoING NOILTIl Sîin,!a) iol h I rylea5.EM'~ptO!nx I.'~ý,1l IS-R emala i . Rhilee e ain .. No<"if. i ,I l iiiii v i' at'lner gud l- ivaw on't allow me te give hlm more e> .i.'fl.pi.j.... 1 &-Cbalta. h t. eii, nfld lle .. l -iv. 'lalii> , I. l-- 'r asllland.îhuiafl P'thon fourteeui years."-Cil2Ilfti En- c iiîi. l'n' 7 '30 O9 304 05 52n '304 6 i 200 19-lVehoopluel(' ii, .ri'o' i.'- lli nslir. n Le ëorr Sî"rir I ls 210 IR 4 41G 60le 7 23 9 16 2 - h oig(o g .......... Dî'r'ik'll 514 Io0 3 ô id 6 14 7 27 91 21 27-Kiduet . ................ ... f1>1 Wti ult rrttL k Bow lit Worku.Es . t 842 id 2-,il'5 <I21 7 33 927 S-Nrvu28Ihi..**."" Rtondout 8 44 135 53 12 6 35 7 40 9 31 1 Se-Uricarir Wehne.............. Cîîuiity real estate, be sure to caUl le WilIy Ioney-Lender-You vent £10); LiBERTITULLE 10' 451 bitO". i0 9 10 34-sore Throel, Will,.Diphbi.... te here'.the rnoneyt I charge yon 5 per Warrentoxc l 564 I619 011 cent a monti. And yoD vînt It for ea(lîirnl' <>~ 3 < e 1 3 Ù,11 77" for G I 5H .P D O K ho yeur; that just leaves £40 comlng te Russel arrive') 9 19 ô 49 1(1H. .P DD CK II for two years tbere'd be smretbleg Sisseil 8386 17 4 59, PIIi'ND 0.hAlW~ , ..LIeLvhv îIos in stornng to yen, eh?-Ljofdofl Judy. WaiL4sworth M 99 527 ô 0* Gîirnee 9 0 5 34 ô13 ehWarrento!> 9 16 5 38 aiVonten Worher.-Trhe Lady Barber, LIiERTYNILL~E 615 1 7 :9 2 1IV) 4 58 ST ~~~~~Rondout 63'> 7 4a 12 4a05 4665'IEei etepadppro a elnb h al er ~~ ~~~~~Everott 6 -26 7,1)12 46 5 54 ô 28 vrsnetepi ie fHmlnb h ai ild Deerllî'ld 6 3M 7 r9 1 - f5hstoes drw te 14 ld Sh,.rmernlllV.6 36 94 ICI 5 À 3 o i ons rw h h ren of Hamel to do SUNDAY TRA71411121INS~ '3 the side of the hili; the myriad son s of LvVetvlg,:10 i.A. llaii hît Adam have stood aghast at the i~v.~éMoagO52«a. A. liir,tyl <a. Lv.ChloogO4Pu.ArLItvil533im. high prices asked by some idcol-. - No.*36. ruens undIila v m i £ isImI îtth. a.ili stop 01 signial as fo Bio.- tlî-si'll 1 07: dealers for their e M. Wadswoi'th 12:17; Gurnea12e3; tRondl tut,'1,16, Everett. 12:42; D,-rrtllii.12:48 Sher gos inerville. 1M52; rrrlu nchosi ràaà1 9p.m oon ,of Auction Sales. îlispn1,satîii, grî,',riei4ireF.C SM T Tlcuidersigiîed tîîvuîîg utridtoiilio>"t freei it the' 'iii f & SON. [a ,q u i t f îr n i g îi tt s u It l 1i t b i î tii aictlîii w ithojît reseri e ti, the' higli - est 1idder, on theî' lrjît. fîîrîîî oneîî and one half lîje îuîrthîut il mîur, îîî,î HO T HE GOODS ARE TO BE DIVIDED YOU ARE ipu- tssuNo ilstci i itli Wi'it, oflvtl'u dio H GE lile 'I'liiir.4iaN' Mîîrelî 26. l oINk ,iiiiiii iiig T H E JU D . Lay. lit t ýI«I'I'oîk p. u!. thieîIIhlîiWiIîgý HERE ARE SOME 0F OUR PRICES 'itît tIrip etm to-wit : 1Cl InuVN00~îgîs tue2 î'îîr (.it htifer, tii rne i' 5 c-is ut)1. C 1lsk i ei i ' r 1-v tait ,11 "iar 111111 itul e 91 ftoers ........ 25 ont "Don't go 'way, girl 1 allolibave fI Rie' t 7,i5 t rke s. set tt ille lî*îî's.I w'<tî,rî t i' vans iii..... : IT in , b l;îiii.lrv tar4î'..... _ î7 ilug lubed thîs gent I two aecoiîý5'.'-Slt, I vC ,rii'ui ick iiW .litiîy raieî. -I-1)ii SpdIalil 'i î i.ili 1tIl ............ (15 Il'ria i îpirî.d lovii'hî6' lo g P u'.pa tý. 't diags. h, iî' uii t alu)431):,1*, ......i oi per îj Ctsildi;h I.fUt. trîîî'k sîîjgon, îiuiii 1 'ît u nooe aa e t5 c n h as 3 n- it,, u rr,,utr-t iI Our younget là strugglng leto bis vîîrlyrîik lti .-"'f uhum. i'Jpa eaat5 teDas dunt, stocklegs. h1iul"II14iiiiiigiiriali seI'î'it. ilîii i"Mils flour at $1 .00 per sack, are worthy of your ietal "SBe. what 7011 are dong," gays btsiîtîîn 'lsti, n li lii'I m n-mammi. *'You are patting your stock- 3I uuilk eîuî'î. vii a . i. 'l, pîils most careful consideration. You wilI find some- wilt Ing on the vrong tiîî inln i' u0 ii <u 1rîlthing to pi ease you.... ele- "I doit on parpeae. mamma.. I'vc got toi,)ii'riiirist(,i , i'it'.'irinf apd-e.1 Boitn Sale '<.Il iîuis iii l, ii iîl l ' ii , rptd- a bote on the ther lde.-Bsol I$111nilui i ill i' s <-11,i Il[ iii tii. ovel' *p -îîîvee ii,îîukiilîle it, nWe are agents for good Insurance companies sa or pousiblOe Epl5flBtlOii. ,leur ilig 7 lie 'î'unt jli t 2 pI-i.i t tve "'The worst tyrent possible Io a11hiljsiîiut îr <asti. Ni, li il'u'î u get our rates before going elsewhere.' rdlers erated slive." 1 rlt N(i t L . .1. L vîî\fi' . Ii le r- go many d evoted lovera make sucb liai' tiDu..- , F . WHS O N . ut t<> rld husbaeds."-Inilefli 6Journal. 1'1'1v iiî'nilialî;îig luit tuu'uî -':- sol te et tu ebt. re toi hi igliest idItýr. ,iu t1If tde- *,Soe7yenwailt 1 Weil one of rny Grge îosnfî'î. iî'ji ,i 3. daugbters, eh? suppose yon taike th',' î,>jîe uîo tii est iIII uîîier, tod t% rLeef etdet" toliti e rtî ('s ,f liaiiiid a e dees- "But, my dear sir, my delits are not Triîlîi>v . Marvlu 21. I".iiuii kg the ter.nlîî>'tuiîli îiiiîiiîl %1t,îtli iltivtrS P R 1 N GT R AE g h oi te ._ _ _ __ _ _î ili %%Lag io. 4 inchti tire Mv . gi ' t le_ - __ UN" W Ji NJi bil th ' The. )tes of ilsical berger 'ed for tire of by cl viotin i last id A. J. if îrrje t No. -horse tblrty- t i ise to Mr. ettlent Siiitui 1 luIs, of ltlloted and Up svwith- S-iîîtit ba bot, iniatisil ai110<.', rtyvîtte, BrI lie got '.11 lis tothe it, oni; îe viter secuTea ter and Adv. rk's Min realîstie Pay. vaiosi llk tàoik, sw <ter tu-miigli, vros'~ Brib-0'ood. HOW ManY sets? <-1> sa', 700<4 tîîslîtls eîîrîî in <'ru,. îi;i Srb-One ex and e boardlng-holise ruike. liiy nrac'k, 11) sîjouts. Itien n11 li,1" elkn-otDsae.4 broud son s, set w îîgî i sprmnugs, n ii0ad '~. " m a for the G nu." biikes e dril l, 4>slor ile suit ('rOsi îr i i e CtîS e e s A wVestern ba-ailtesm laslslgncd nî w , ilkiiug tt",suilky 1ibia a pet aaitcher. Tis tends 10 evt' F. t1.. 161 iîî'hl,'î'îl cuttr, im,lI<' <11 Bradley Plows, Harrows, and Cultivators. ep maltera vîti certain magazines wbeü feec i ter, 19) horse' powe<r ito jacks, appareltll sîgui pîtchers as poets.-.%(W Taylor pilver, edgier akliJo n er P ws York Press. il], <'rn sieltir, tmiz sa%%. griil Sattley's Hummer Sulky Plows and CultivatorS. York Presa. strune weber wagoni, 12 î'tîiî'e <'<ii . A i-ack s1aP. blieer cati, wrk hise 7 yann iiliL Keystone Disc Pulverisers patient-Say, doctor, tbat's a w'hopi aork maiire Ill '<'ars utd. woî'k Mnrir ytn C r lner.3sye p-tng bill you seut me. tue-I 6 years <lil. 2 tolais Vi'ir 'it><ý K ysoeon lntr. tye D)otor-I'fll Dot ln this business for tiriver 4yeio ld good siil ire Morgan Spaders, 2 and 3 horse My healtti. 2 set drags, puilverizer, priuig ti<th Fish Bro's. (Racine) Wagons and Trucks. Patient-No, nor for mine eltber, 1 cuttivator, uii i'i ethie" urthiule toi> judge, by tbe wBy 7012 are Wonklng nie. l nuînerou t ineutioJi. ' Ouf' 1'SA LE:. Stover & Abbott's Buggies, Sur- -E ch ng . il sîims eof$10 ant i udî'n Cilu, e'r ries and C om bination VW agons -Exchnge.$14, a credi, of oie- yeur m5111llib givi Mîliclons. On apprtmved bankable niotes, lieari TIMOTHY SEED, CLOVER and A.-Tom must bave bad seuesvful 0t per cent interest. 2 per cent discunit ALFALFA, RED TOP, SEED cold vien he becme engaged. for cashi. No propetty te be removdC RN1t.,Ec B.-Wiy? untit settîcci for.JoitM ndDanT . Â-BellailIwien one bau a cold one GEO BROWN . A SON, Priîl'4. Jle o n rif i bas Do tato..Fliegende Blietter. W.H.______utiner Smitîî & Swift are goiiig uýt oft' le- Washington Red Ceder Shingles, Sash, Doors, ets. fo hTbtey a sltiu f orit.ui-i sic Estimates on Building Material of ail kinds fur- and seea iitlit tuav(' 811 1t119h "Mne -ished on short notice, and lowest rates. vent ___ eW. H. APPLEY, ESTA13LISHED IN 1841. e bertyvilie. 0;;noi. HavW.n bctuiles.p'uMi'.n ii s [yT ar Ld .1, tioneting in the aé'imitmi n I arn prepared le atte-ilik.ii i part of Lake and dîuiu' il very Loy Rates. Jaifu'tiI auleed. 01v. me e Clli. A vertige your b)U>sliess i 'l'lie IIID~ ~ T ENNT lpaYâ. 1

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