CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 27 Mar 1896, p. 1

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mw'p Vol. IV. No. 24. IL-ibertyville, Lake County, Illinois, Friday, March, 27, 1896. SI. - n À;. ftij A. M ReýJ&Communetion&i BaturdaYs of eath month. Vlsiting eordlly weloomed. W. M. HZATF E. B. BROWN. 860. Dr. Charles Gallo, Off ce over LoveIIeaDru@ ROUES TROX i TO 3 AND 6 TO@1 Libertyvilie, - 111, Mse LULU M- S. PENNII - MCHEU 0or VOCAIL AND ALSO DÉI ..MUSle...I.ELOCIJ M U EUT Oi>. NOS? EEAUONÂELI Lbertyvili.,IiInois, Dr. E. H. SMITF DENTIST. Officeover Loveil's Drug HOUR& 8 go12 a. m. and i to Sp.m. Libertyville, Illino Dr. J. L. TAYLOI Office over Trlggs & Taj D -NOUBa-- 7 80 10 &. M. 2 to 4 »Cd S. to 8 1 Besidence on Broadway oppos Libertyville, Il lino Mile M. ALIÉE DAVIB gradmaae of Americau Com of iusie. VOICE CULTURE AND MAI Uibertyvli.e. Illinis. Dr. A. L. TRAV N0055 21L1. 8 A. M. 1 TO 13SSIND7 'T Special attention pad to th trestiment cff(Jhroniic iteui Rockefeller. - i PAUL MAC GUFFI attorney and Councellor ai fIOTARY PUBLIC. Libertyville,'Iliinoi W. C. Reeves. Pbyaldni and surgeoi Office at Hardens H- One door South of Pestof Rockefeller i UNION HOTE[ WHEELING - ILLflNOIR FIRST GLASS HO' ... HaIf-way House Between Chicago and the 1 Cyciists Headquartt Good accosamofaiiuss for Irat John Beh p - LAKE COUNTY BANK.. Wright, Parkhurst & Libertyville, Illinois. -o- Issues Interest-Beai Certificates Payab on Demnand. IF YOU NEED... (Mud 01 coure Fou do needfi Winter BIan< Fur Lap Rob, Heavy Fur C or snythlng ln tii. lin.o! harces beavy or lisht. von uhould flot fill o se the fte stock dlsplayed by CHARLES KAISE goie sm doon repiring neatly, promp uubetantlslly. Everythingas represi W. H. APPLEVI * ..AUÇTIONflE Libertyville, Illinol Having had mudi experlence tioneering la the. past seventeen 1 amn prepared to attend sales part of Lake and adjolning C( at veryX.ov Bates. Satisfaction antee4. - Give mesa Cali. Fur a good monument at a loi place your order now and haveJ Lrnthe winter montha. pnece soUctel. Pa" BAIBBTOT, W&U 1 I(PWPTT.LYUT LYDGE N. 4 Spring is coming ""~..AND YOU WILL WAM A CARPET OR FLOOR MATTUNG - Our Stock for Spring Nus Arlved. Our Pries areAU Rigt Sold over five thousaind yards of carpet ing 1895. Our freight for car . n ting was three times as mc as ail stores in Waukegan comblned. What does that mean?'ý OnIy this: WQ ssiithe carpetsl Wh fde. Our p rice Is the Iowest for îýny graae f 4à pet or matting. When you are In them4 for carpets or, mattinç ,Iook everyh then cai I on us, and we I do the rest. A PRESENT WITH EVERY 50c. PURCHA8r&,z' AT WYNN'S, Waukga. 1 ') 1- 12. F.& THEY NOMINATE For Circuit Clerk, REPUBLICAN CAUCUS înd & lit) Ruiner has it thalt L. Il. li)rkw bretta.rn .M. W. Win. E. Miller for bupervlsor Wth- feimerly of Lukt. Zurich, %%il]Il.î C. C. Eulkiey nominated for Super- out a Murmur of Dissent. candidate. for Circuit ('jerk. N,,.. visor. Democratn are scarce thîs year, but Bro<.kway is et a iaioe alilît.v, iletu hie ii>tliIisllit in Cancus way. Libertyville township bollutsi a few and holits of fr-jicti., î.sp)eciatlly uiltefil(. îrd 1), .riiatiiit te) fileîîall as wheu thtiy put M'm. E. Milier l iwesternî portion of the couî,jt. ij j'ie il, u Hie l i(' )Fl'E',DENT lafit i16torO nomination for ailprvisoer they hhowed was princiî,alilf tie Duerfi(l h iI,,,I 'k to Juift i]liltjttitoniiiilîac P. M. good Judgement. Eldlron it well iked, for a numinihif o!yiars uaîiilafttîr, or ithei, lllîri. iiig toi',h il fices: Super- liois. bhas erved one terni sud hîs finonda s'ont tcii Wamhiigto,îîB. C., v.hri' lit iî,,Tî,wiî (lerk, AsssColl(eter, argue it As only right te put him n w as eîuiplîîy.u(1l iitihe pensiuon m,.Colll iiixilur (of llighiwîys, ficiiol again as ho bae donc good work. He is a litong iiiiii itically. a,l îj tii , ('iiitabi>I, t,, iliivauney> IMAN. (1. .Lynch called the caucus te the riner las tfil Iiim candliilae.y j, andi>i ji,, il iaaster. ordler and vas made chairman, with authentie blie ylgetl a tr<iltg .saj%, ,t i ,,t liiko iîwaeiiv re in :LA$tT£WM. Howell as secretary. The chair- ait the poils froin îtiiis evtieîî aitt, a'eliiîîce . J. L. MAius,îu Ws mialle 1111 OF man appointed H. J. Cater aui E. H. ______________ 1,hIl alild Peint Mc(iufIiiî sucre- ITION. lWells tellers. TOWN HIGH SCHOOL. ari' 1 ic chair appiî n teil lWarren M. TEtS Nominations followed for the respec- IJiii, and Hieard M asî,î teliers. tive offces by acclamnation as fellows: The Idea Meeting With Geon ()t, lu .iltforî,i ha-t101. lt'. Bullkley W. E. Miller, supervisor; E. H. Brown, eelFa, ,.- 1'-Il'>1ol('- olit (et GI and on tuhie Town Clerk; W. E. Howell, Asselssor, balllovtr.r.- îtîîkîçyrîi'cived i42 1, L. H. Schanck, Collecter; Ueo. Lynch, A meli<iil dieitriitiliiir 0tii , ilta1:Iwail dulartd ile îî,îîinele. Comnilssioner et Highwayli; Edwin several dhiîlîistric'ts île i li,rt ' %ilIl-' Mr fl'lklily altersr 5,,jaj attempts gStore Osborne, School Trustite and Denisi township, for the suîijiîart lif at tiil, ,,to iu attenîtî<in ifith( chairman Limberry, Constable. ship high selioloi ,il i IilIoiîhtvd.i il î, uî, lou ',aj, id Il( id net i DAILI. The chair appointedl E. H. Nvalls, le a grand thing 111( it' rv uitI-z' Niii i w,!t, t, ,iuiinutjorî, su hereupon lbis Als. J. H. Blradley and H. il. Cater ti)aîet as bave a chanice té) vote fîror ag 1 fs rit il,, iîa,ted t wallete late for Town Conimittee. the proposition Tîuiaiy lrii 1. 1 l,IiI l) t, , tjiîiraw lisnime. It Was i plan list ,>have. fle s,",eral ie neaai, u, 1I I r. Bulkey te object aud R. CountY Meeting of 1. 0. C. T. througheut tt' towlslip the salflas8tl-ii, huir gain declared him the iYlOr'S. The Chapel, Rockefeller, Il, wsatt eiient, anîd the- selolars froit hli'scr,]iii uîa, iii-liî cfectually settled the p. the PA-en e of the county meeting of nelools (-ai taile iup th itiîghi.r nini,i. p.e M. od epar at a bdaranches in the, townshilîiihiiîii. iI iiurtgiven Nir. iiîlkley in Mareh 21. Tlhough te riads vere Soute suggestions ihaie buin oîi ilî. il1; , -;11indicationîîtif lits atrîaîgtlî bal a large nluniber of the enîers te the' fect fihat; thuv tiuwuij itil ii.'i-iljeanls aloil it liast heen of thléorganization wî're pri-sent anid ieltrt iiriia.1 i >tlle's i .îaî.iîiiettle îpiiia s. avery nteresting meeting was m tnthe. fini sliarî,l' tti ,i 111 ili111,1i)tt tt) îlictiin tils erao~resait. Chiot Tenîplar Wiiiter called (or 1,îd;thtet I'ili'l v.Mant lieu lilgh It the meeting teorder at 100 p. in. suita Hchd l.'lic idea t ;', gîîîî Ii.î' at l it- i.l aiiai, ,ili,',eî inl the neîessary business vas tran5acted. j wîîrtlîy siuport. A itrgui. toilîîria ral. roj ail ilithtei>(ait riesulting ItMONY decied toi Il te next couinty Iîud tIen li iii î'nalil i St iv'iere iet,. Lia Clork, %W. C. Triggs;I meeting et Waukeganthie third lu ihrelcti iii îti tiî',i','i . s .iiiile;Cil'ti.1.E day tui April. The selerai lodge8 , he tatpri', î. of tei uni ta. fii' t ir l, Si, i kt tjriistii. F. t". Bîutter-r IS. represented were Lihertyville, î to'<f Iligliu nys.R.p teller, aukegaîî, lighwood sied Alrseui aI e O .MAutiu>ihl The fullowiug prograni was jSOME STATEMENTS 'jil i a e- H sit lid lt,- <ilners te renered. ! . iaiit> i1, i 'the, inomination,. imatisniArEse.rArd a Few Questions te Sam. M. ,i.. ii;l, i ,,iî,,îted the ilairinan, g IIECITATION . ......... ......à[. LEwIlis Galloway. ii.\iti. o arte-ositiîhle, uhich InOIS. SONG.. ...M....a. g. WINTERyS fiLECITATIlN ..... . XiMass PENNIMAN %We lhaveIla rhght lt iilîsk lietil,î r î,: r , l. a i l aîk t iiind autul lîefîre fi SHORtT TALK ............ Ma. Sue, aRMilk Shiplîp' s..î'at,î IiilritaNr iI. li,ili u, ti rîtest tBallard putt I N. I)ECLAMATIO.S..........Mali. Mu hEi/u iat itlire)iiitsi et iiî,t 'uiiiti f its titai.,,aîaaa.ii i , 'a,,arried.c t Law, PAPEU ......... OUSTY EI Srarsy iitîoaaenltnl riii. tM .a;ik tta'leratsttd tiEUIMAN SOLO ............. üIoiiiiiiiiiitittioii oni its fuie lias a Jugal Othat t vi a a rlitvoeo ly ballet lat CORNET SOLO ............... t'ataRrI tE spect. Sectionîîf;, artic'le -,. ritaIs ,,iihet, l.ttil-i, jailils shiîibit rE - - ~~~~shahli îlteiu'IL,'î oî.'ai a.t ote u,. It-t le- iii -heckî.î fionet t ank. Circuit Court Proceedinse. lrouiht or dftiîietc. ue." futh, NIrt.r 'ir,ok Nsjd that lis. Below ve print the proceedinga<of. A vlunttary tts-iiciatioi ii.i Itttti ,ii I lgîs ,itititdcaucus ri UneCircuit Court. Ail cases î,n the!rstanding l in itien tti ut .1 leu. lietiiatt iiti i,-r îiill hi'-îmaille a motion dockit flot mentloned tn the foliowing The 3Milk Iljjirs.sociatti ,o, .tit"î i tui t %%;eth l st-ti>ided. ti ai . li lre continîîî.<land, veare aillet tevoliitair a tsiiiattiil. ' tri, tiheeltt)pi)ttiers.iit nditua ai. gi ve I inl p artial i ,I i f fti- i. citu ot s ne îîr Il( i, l, iti t i ,, tt , 1. st ha%î i iag Ilit iti% iijj)irt r.tu I otei .at-.agent, clin ii,! i'ltî,'r li%( )À th.iTh'ini, i liic iîîîn.îtit aîa1,,iited E. H. th t-F.iPi.KS i A..S. vestibulleoif attil -itiî'vI, , W is... i ; tli,'vieat1t1 Il. .J. Calterrle rfire. Th, P -iii li .. vs Frnik A1 in,,ik iiiii. Jeece- ati, ,)tîiiIti' W]titt i.v mlnt fle asailt 'uuitiltin t i ui i , traitl': On(le naimie a .-ll. mor,i jîta sta ,ý, -_____ _bi flOis. ,, iiltï of asNaitii and l t*'n : tt uim 'ta., tie sevuit w l ue î.talli, et(il, î Superviser a Proceedings. i l'h.- îiii'v .Mre. la1ri et .1,tireuioitf,.ltt tlit tî The î. li'pricin"'ltgs lt tii, board o! 1-nf; gatîtyt Ilo ays In t',,iftiad. :Gallîiwaiiil tî itiiilit i lat aa , '. i'ui ais ar, lta, i oiff lahettthis -. Titi v,,j it MSl. -n iu t kikul i'ri er.: ai flot cali ansu. r. 'i l , ta j aa' . ,aIlircd vhy gi w ittity: 2- dayrs in Ciitnty tati. ýT EL. l't 1'îî sî -Satttiîi- S aartza' sOi ulu ir i ltt1'iît'Cttuittthet','i' a it a ,, a.1 it, îiî-,ia til~tî jt- iuirl e nt eV rl, mn ;iut,'. i-it giiiit y aire hr--u ,îîît:ii'.i fu liafaitd ',tire u i -i it,x.bonds i t ,î it, îlaiiitig h, a t lt e ~v f i.% t 'lu 'Iît.. ats 'At the ad aes Thi v,.6.,.1). B,î,'t,. ..t.i,îîgi.provitiiiag ttfl ,'-irr.~ii , i s q a' ua iir iii'tung Iat ,'ir the si :ers. ciii F. Sauit-r; s.'iingiiît,î,r il) itiiltri: ait lists,,, . , iai 'tik .l>illl)(îI't i i s ats e ti)t-ac,,lii ce o! $311 li h i, it,'a Su', uil1 t,,i'.,'hipap r îtîseh trlr. Thi- P.'ol î IPolir liaIt,. --liriéeig iiai,,,r t,, Asoiaittioli n i l. is l 'ia,',r tl i t i g tie-- tar', aîtag. î. iluî ) about ha jîîtçrs iiaî,.'ats iai l inil..'i(i ltu.lilig iiithue ,ani. ts i , ' i , a,.ilalit ttull> it. T i hi ,,' i iit iîing (li Prop. ii, i ist. eit and i.lstii, nd i aiiida> m iti f i. i uun' u.'J>iv Niar. iauiî,a etw,' -i , i., t I~'~ aai i . tt~as, ia .'lit the e ii.- '-,ile vs H. XeIyr, .a'iing li,, t iiia~siiai,t i. ,Ill Je î t..,, ia n . . t 1w >. las îîitta f to r mtinons 52ranal eost. tSinti' t .'ijiiiig w tfathem 1114 Î4 suil a' nd li'iast.nfat l , il aiti. . Xii'it'iiiriag t> V 'a,,i, tati '. a; ,a,r,1 t,> ..i'rt'i.- r> au. iîag tliet li îîalîi,,iPt' l'. .3ii '-'s. iia, ltt 'lita.,tîîîs i , '. i'aata,'n alat i a', ia" jiia'i ,lita' t i ut>tt it.ecli " ' a s ': 8 5 i îi i oa s til > Ii, t i , . li i , . k î î u t , i a i t a ' , t i e, a lea i't1,' i , îîi ,l i li i'> a,i l t u e a . il . . COMiOM I.A%. e vssniis, . tttas'. li i litt. lrYîa, aj., ta ., i iai ,lt ait . fie i tu A't i le- I C o. . fnrrîgan saaituîi.uasi',î'tt>e ilt1'. ,il]lttîi,, i,'. i ,1a'i' ii, l"- i tgi' 'ai il .. i u ui t-Ic i J utry Itrial, ',.'rdii'xfur Z i ni. srenîî iaSi ao,, allet.] fî,) tlwp iurltî il uii,'r lt' iieu -il* ie i l ,. 'ttia ,i - ',,' t'a .u\i.i igati i .>'ati'ra i n~ ring 1 Jsae's liuil i E a'riBieilîn(I'tll(q tJi ii tof i,î it, u 'r t, ia','al )f'i,',-t- tV atrit. I :ie I ,V,eai: Jury trial; vi-rdil-t fir,îr u i'f idiitt.. ,, ttu îi g ti saiiia p1 >(-,tilîu te it a i , ýr. Latîninale Fagan vmTti tiala Mi]lwuikî-1Mi &St. Paul RatIwaj, tr,.iaiaiss onu> t.'i ca' ptr iii catrt. What s a Slîng.t' diseaissel. I W ilitiltaute '%1r. iaiau'Tvagta Ihi'. iii iii , Nr- lîilits ai tir',iviofa . John Kasten. vs Fraaîlu Aitsa'kii. ta'Si.-sissiThe mshtîiîî,.r siiîiy hlis etiit, it t,, it it, ut ai> lu,'ilakiiluit i la îtîared m rntii'iu.ii; ui iNW siaua. appoint îîlîu iiailiiit, tus aîge'ut. thei,', tala'uiia tao i itu'iira.wtt,,o sais Sîauîau",, liat Pi Jaînis Nivillu', vs Milbiirî Mithitaîl inîs,îr ,v î utIu'îr- tu iuuît tt' '.aa'kt aîî iillisi uaaut anî,i l'ol, assiunii.ult; i>ntînut,'it. r1'.l,, .. riuglit tii iail)o:it unit aigu-u i us lai t \ l i'ti'a(iltttag it Siuatiay es,'i,l alîîss Ges, 1..orgo W. Chtanduler, N s ttIil '.qll iliestiuultii w. u crv N il, , iii llt lii l a,' -l! 5',', if gives'i- y uiiiiofuthte c ut aI. sapeal; contiatiii . ;i ii os. i'i ol)),jT e s b e t m li i les , Julia A. Murî,h y cnd Margar,.tt L. MIirilii1 if eanai his a oru l t ait lHu i >*t oi a a"Iiu If i%.l', 'ilia i hj ectoliuails-th ol tscase;: iimaisseit. tranisactian i t oniuttii lit is'.t i iaat i'x),iiiaiig tîu tie- c lus, 0 Juifsa A. Muirîhy.t ai. vs Aaieri-an Stirvhti ceai) imagin l îty aite îaifi' .îuî, aafa,, ltiaik,*tilt-il et- i, tulge ontal, l Ca. a uii~uratoai vae tistaisi-t.' îvoîlii lie ui'aîî'jtli Ir l(ilu-ua 1t i liiliai, iliileiii iiaiitlî lN' anuaîllstc uT Jante M cAlster vs Frank t. Piutint*ilr, ('t ai u li-,1 tt a t alliailtî l i>aauj iu',i i le' ti"a ittiii a iniug. ".zind iiu',, itiy Assianpsit: itiaru by (Court u itdgî'iii'iet" u R. for Plantiff. igh t. ~~li i'a ~il prit'lio'-lia 'r, ait, i .van WVibur LiibrN 1 %ileliNu,',', i ay l i uîîî' 'i L at i liig use"' A , a îl wus tly lund iissiiiniml jit iti lii y t', i i, , i -ntt-t fier îr u'uuisiiu iit ittt ,tî" îut iiti' i l iiiiid uih isiit v ii ,ented. Planitiff. mortetqute>'s îîtio Ind lti ljlitis ui't, a i 'lti liy ui l is, adt I tl ,Iu lt Fred- llfei trtsuu i eu Vil,.Situii, l uatî.-ilt, î't al itt l It r i- ii,ý: ýh n %ltr u talti rutauu-î iii; ditkis tssed. Assouiationtoitfais agî'uat (fo i' ii>aiiv' .iat a - B-at.L. Flig vil. tinl City ife tVaial,£gtîaî, ' Saatiliiui-ii' es tas ii slail,'11lut )iî'. tiesî,uaissuathc lisse; veli l nulxu-d iau'tiiiry îal istioiiiiiisii te J'u i,Village Eiection. Rie.Stranita vs Eîward suni;lt i;fluygvelfla;o u R le Thom"s J. MSiatt i s Jill>5.-i aj vat.'. t i-s- tilt, itenti i t, ýiglijt. \'a iaflitc' iiiil a s hua tii i ,,'at',' Il rst liy iof April icxt, R . pais 011 îtht>e ofaialiii f.ii'tie Nlilk Shippia,'5i; ,siiijtihiui ti ý tlieu siliaigi-lithall ini tiie'village uaf enA t- . al , iaîiaîseiiti..s iili tLi, iittitii i i,' u ln'tea a i on ut e Aeu r'-,. ..t'ai il, o-af- axai , , 'a tc if l \ v t l i au 'li lll l i', Ili îîaî' V n ia e tl er k.v GRAYSLAKE Mr. lntz' barn lascompletedj Wsahbîxrn Bron, have bis houas'j under vsy. Mr. W. Smith, of Kasas, son et late Henry Smith, As visiting rob lu LIis Yclnity. Mr. Flahry As building a beau ta rear of bis lot on Maple Ave. Il* 'nove hie tamily Auto their iuew ho Aprl lot. Misa Annabelle Whitmoee lat' Thuraday for Hancock, WinLb ~ of her. brothei, viiere eabsw reain nome tlme. 11 Mr. A. M. White, of Elgin, bWà. bie fsially bock bo the 04iitosjm« st Haineaville. Mr. W. la lupe tendent of Elgln Insane Au.' UmssJoues bhm reute4 bar la* Grayalake sud vil rnakd b b oéqj Waukegmi. At pisenteuls a*. vitb Mis. B. James. Mont of the Young people of lake attended the petal er.?l tAis Mt Gagne lâhe Is Ing and bad a "8eleudidBinas. Miapalacamp ietan4 their charter lentTuea They bave cixtymeng sud good prospect s gs the future. The Ladies Ad sUeim M« tb1y-ie uo edbehasjiNo , the genti laGlm yoi U I The St&rligbt Bisa usa lakewifle She ir iat~'- ue for two and Invite a friend. - Mis. P. E. Glascoe vawa&& i The debete ut itoseville wais net very visiter last Tunday. mciting lest Fniday eveulng. Only C. F. sunite, Our joint tmip we speakors sere present. The Wo- Antenda te leave bers next veek. - nais Sîttfnage question wlll be de- Frank Flagg. operator of Lbe ]L, ited this Frîatay evcnlug. A geod E. fa quite ashaot. ljov absul ni iitexpetetd. Frank? ng. The chldren were voîl dnflled H.~ OJanRsd vile si kd sîl trieîi te dot their best An ma- Md ee hcg vst ng the rally oee Ilat yul long be Wednedy. tmninîered uîy all sho vers pressent. rs. Cook favoreai the aiîeuce -wîtb Dustin &aoeS, agent and o wo seuect recltatlous. mmn at Leithton lntend te biliM Th> folloving candidates ivere nomi- tubs epring. 1ý"l îated et the Republican caucus: Su- The rush st Leithtol asm ff irvisor, A. Ceok; Town Cierk, E. A. Verr fev cars have hen ree iolding; Higbwsy Conimioner, Ho- durfng the veek. ar Fisber; Collecter, Ueo. Slimpson; A large number Of P00140, 1 3nstable souta end, C. E. Jenka. Waukegan sttended LheIMM ___________________Mr. (jeu. Wilcox At Letitos. A surprise party as ,pj uipon Our operator by nvMa !I! N O IC E Il1! sOclety belles éf Diamond a~1 rH E WA UCON DA pe ou order nov sand made during thelwntar ___________Correspondence soUeffl. Mr. Ueo. Wiloox died et~l _____ Letthtdh on Marcb 18, sTUDI deceased vsboru inlu J>p Lake couuty, IllAnols, An LaS WILLBEOand ha been s resideut ettIl pecia E offer fo pruter icHenugbbo 1,2, and -One oz. eviesvE" rdas le photos, and a i4x17 D andLsrnetm crayon portratmonî he lo exL dwa 3eOO. Secioral rls findad e . ocrayon potrais andyfi yp#yt h picture framnes. Satis- Get your sale b"A i. eteda faction guaranteed. WE < OUl MW.HUGHES§ Gl ob, u1Mr p E t' Il M j' N WAUCONDA. J. F. Reuîey elosed bis ment nmarket ast week. Graca Hill retuirned fien the clty east Thursuiay. Mrs. J. Cook is eritertaining ber sis- ter froni Nunids. (-e. farden, of Reckefeller, vas lent last Fniday. Mr. sud Mrs. S. A. Ferd are visillng relatives An the city. Mrs. Geut. Freye vliied relatives lu Barnlngten lest veek. Anetiier niullmuery sbep bas heen tarted iD Ibis place. Freye Bros. and J. W. Gilbert are ;etting ready te niove. F. A.' Harrson, of Chicago, spent last Siîndey vitb bis parents. F. Horton, ef Mdlienry, niade Wau- couda a visit last Frlday. Mr. Ityle, e! Evmnston, spexît a fev cays o! Iast week lu this place. L. Andlrews, o! McHenry, vlalted relatives in thiai place tant Snnaay. Miss Lora anti Eariy Harrison r.- nrneui te Evanston last Wedneadoy. M. F. Lamey and M. Ranh, o! Bar- rigtou, ver, pleasat caltera Tuenday. Miss Florence Buggies bas goïne tu, th city for a stock of the latent styles In milinery. Mn. and Mrs. Bh. Harrison enter. ained Rey. and Mrs. Cook, ef Volo, fie iirst of the veok. F. E. Green bas gene te Nanda, 'here ho vîillvork for one o! the Bey. Dohhi yl nive to this place 5Oct Conesud have goM.' i the near future, sud vill occupy fAm. ote andhavoe a 004t ?art o! the Johnsaon house. vee vente ffMesdam The Waucouda Military Band vii Krvy u E eB huan Ave a concert tu Ooklend ball Friday IlOmiimj Auscin, Cleveanal ,inlug, April 10. Ail tare cordiaily An- vin, sud Messs. Kubtei M lted. shall. Mis. Sherman and Mion É Notice the Waueonda Photogrspher's ski vislted the Basteru Star Shiu id An this Issue. Speciet prîtes on al Instruction ile tliere. ze phetes, crayon pertraits and pic.- _________ iue ra aeb. --LEIrItN The Temperante rally vhich vas Scho>l ha@ cloeed for two veelas ild lu the Baptiet cburcb lant Sun- BeDaicmeu r Ca ly evenîug vas very iergely attend-' Ben Davi aeupto b i. The pregrain wes very lutereat-' usdy The W. C. T. U. wsAl helai tueir next Fisblng a reported te be gSo4 ieetitxg et the hoeofe Mrs. Ueo. Hub- Dleniond Lake. )ard, Friday, Apil 3, at 2 p. ni. Eachj P. L. .Jorgenson lias gene home .i

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