CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 27 Mar 1896, p. 2

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ILLINOI ON FRIENDS. MIBN TROOPS SHOOT INTO EACH OTHER. utought the Others Were In- -seventeen Killbed andi ghrPour Wounded-bieetîuPE at Blander of spaulardi Ober terrible nistakt' niteuded with Iiesdrssting ilu uny oidiers wonelbas taken Iplace bu Cuba. plmaauer uisexîlained lwu colloins Mü1i5 trops opened fi-e upoii tcct 'uatmldday. Aecording ta tise few lu. received, the columus of troopa mbded by lien. Cndoy and l. u1. o- it ganta Rosa panstation,. sîar Es- Wij. province of Sata Clana, oi- mistook t-soi other for insurgent w wng, it is said. lu) the tîbu-kiies s ugar cane. Bactihdetach-ntu Ld ore upon the other, and for t-n %e bts were exî.hanged, rcsoltiiug e killlng of 17 soldiers. amoug theni U Ue t. Col. Fuenunayer. of thei'Na- t41*.ion. Iu addition ive ,>lbers bd soldiers werc wonided. Tuvo ot àtteI litre iinee died. six ailiers anc WW wounded, and 32 are scrioîssly jé& Lieut. Col. Fueninayer died b eadng bis troops qon àand bontiflg, l ive Spainal" Oîviiig la the-fatt tmeeting between thtwo coliuns placMe at inidday., ibe explanation âbed by thbe Spanieli coiisnaidcrs Ïldeaed ubsatisfactuuvy and a couirt- mi1 ,lHl fohbaw. tEALIA TERRIBLY SCOURGED iý Waves, Fevers, FIrs, lBarri- -ý c*enesand Earlhquakes.e ln mont violent clinalie distunbances l ýpersil lu bise autiisiules. Asectondr v ave sent lise tisu-ruiioiietr itl uîwnnl. ptery e limbituit lua pinttutenr bc- d ieaue.At .lilitiethe tS'leîra-t ftS(lbCd bbheIiglestieîî,lt yet recoriid- pIrgeat 3Meib)otirnie ilc-ths froin lut-t, Igxy and snîustrukî-lisve îeu-leîl an phgnutînberu. Nuîiî-ricustires also ,-placte, stai-leul S>siuuitauleit-ls unI- 9z nd it nIal the foutories douîble0 Mi av bain --uplaci-d ii PrOen -t ci-nt gm« tistuugishtat gi-icirttiuug ini -luige- M« gouda. luluu-th, coutry Ilarge of bush have bSî-u-usit ,il lirt- and WWîing sethlt-ivits ire liiretn -u-i. àdexander, NN'uuerlto auod W'ngga ly- Idîferer la ragiig., îînuoutlity bt-lut rllreaLt. 'Tue i-iduics cutust-d li , wnter, ouia ug tue vi-lls beiuîg9 Ipe. At Mt-lhuiunuitheii- yuoid t-pi-t ki bas assoîîîed aiaruuiiicg lrohortions. SsIer ia-urd lui tise lio.,uuihuls ire fua large nuibens ar- îurucd aiva>. KOU]TO-4 BOOM LAUNCHILID. t Ir York Republcan Delegates Pledged toalthe Gaves nor.t *q York Statl Reulteiuos bt-Id tht-Lt Feconvention Tuteý-sa>-. aundthe. fea- W« tha gatberiîg sa-ls the spéeech of flPansons, ot itocýisester. peseîting ,r. MorIon as a liesidential candi- b.UIId tise subseîîueut tletiionoh del- tow dged toh b. loliowlug ucre ",nminlations: D-legatesi-atlai-ge, *&C. Platt. Nariie-NlMilieu-, CIhatui- JL Depca-, Edws-rd IIlerhaeli ; aI- Mtes, Ramilton Fiis. C. . LBu.h-oî-k, Wk 8. Withbebe, LDanieliNIMli - fiattciibl plasuk nI the llatforni de-1 rra ii5til tubent- le utlîProspe'ct of luter- au greemnet lcs tosilven coubage. ýbhle gold eui-auîus ilie usisudand of T'tjnted States snd if tht- uiviized 4à, tise Rcpîubiiu-tn liant>- ufNeuw Yoik aesIm lîsu ii asor of the briaud oý,gl hieinut-uuan vu-i-ftisaistanidard." $ÏàiÏELAN WAI1SIP BURNFil. $bt of the Crew of lise NIari8cat de .1. Ayacuchoe Kilcd. b las reaebed New- York f romuuLa àrtSÏ eeues fteSurîing lasI isgs f argritu. of tht-eu- !.Il, ruisvl de Aytiîuuî-ie. F «lu e k -ld by tht-î-jîlosiouu. lb.ems.nder ot tise iris aus us -s-ued 111M.en. The ssarshliîî as uî nuic I WtWa edge. Si the ucllk sas av- 'L 1)AY1ON DIVORCE». *reg la Granted by Chasncellar 3Me- GUI fur Deserton. ýt enton. X ..( Chancllor NMeuhi 1 dcree giantint ans absolhule divance v. Chulute Augusta Draytonu froun sb*»Md, J. Colemn uDnryytou, on the ~slo deentiu. rs.Drayton is tht- etth tat aWuiniAstor. Noueî Wldeeee takenbinlue caetislaou ilble chant-ueu-y cleuk's office, ail beiiug »0 possession of tiseChceitllor. .ýWàu&t% C"ahFouad niau sWei. Mot Worth, Texas, )Ira. Il. Adi- ha.sbout proccediuxg u rt-caver $18- !ulllu an I lu Houîstoni t ounty. let au- Mss- by a n-t-l diggei-. slber luîibaîîd. ua tonîi.deu-ie . ai l is o e> - d arlin g th e- uv r, tawar.d buing kilicd, tjid nt re- bhisllg Place. nEo Hope for Poace. ibedvies say tbt oui oi-cniuit of the ir. e aSiery deuuatics matîle uy ~ti4tsnImprobable tuaIt-ni-t- uill ge.Signori Itit-uri and Ru- 19are in accrd nuIt hie kinug, the payment ut au>- mone>- lu- bat ResolutiOns Rccomuitted. S bet.ion gave nive lu tht. Senuohe b. w"sId mus-e 10 tî't-uutiit te 'n. nssalntious f0 it-e cunfincuiec no- ç*t ow He lias B.d Enous. ~l~nay yia of wedd 11e, o - Sut-cand elgis t-oers 1 buse, .lucatiHouie, of - jwâ ,Ie a Sagain sot-ilfou- a from isn lIt-. Ht- sayÏ iftise -ec h!at si piayr er let-will ho for ittsintei-ie-eae iiga. Spaulaa4u . md1' w4ftffl las Pinar The Cuban insugents bave deait Spain a crushiag blow. Trustwortbr Informa- tion bas been receved at New York from H-avana that the battie fought a few days ago in Pinar del Rio, wblch thc dispatches sent out with the sanction of the press censor described as a Spanifih vîctory, wfts in reality a lamentable deet for the force s of Geo. Weyler. This newe reacli- ed Hlavana Thursday and ivas sent te New York iu a brief cpher calegramn. The source of the information leaves no doubt of ils reliabiîity. The Spanislî offi- ciais will not permit the report of insur- gent success te bc sent ont of Havana. It is expected that the details of the bat- dle w-il bc smuggled over to Tampa and there pot on flie u ires. The late pres dîspatches from Havanla say that officiais now admit that the battle was a iercely contested one and that it was attended with serious conseqluences te the Spauish. It is 4be firm opinion iu New York amoug persons iuformed of events in Cuba that the Spauish cause is lost. It is alse ho- lieved, despite donials. that this Iast de- fet wili s0 add to the dissatisfaction against Gen. Weyler that either fis rcsig- nation or recal will soon follow. REV. C. 0. BROWN CENSURED. San Francisco Courii Acquits Hlm of Charge of îuamorality. The Congregational council at San Francisco bas declared 1ev. C. (). Brown nt guilty of immortaiitY, but bas censured hlm for unmniuiterial conducl. As the couneil apologizes for the censure, Dr. Brown considers his viudicatiofl coni- plete. Dr. Brown's explanalion of the payment of $5WO to Mrs. Davidson is re- garded as weak aud Miss Overto's strange story of love andl blackmail is given passinig mention. TIhe report of te council says the Dr. Brown is afflicted nith certain infirmities of temper whiciî aiu8t modify any judgment of blis ac- tions. ____ THE POWDER CAUGHT FIIRE. Explosion bu a Mine lu No,-thsuest Territory Kîis Four Men. Word bas heeîî rceivcd nI a terrible explosion at tht. gnud mines at Itoselauuî. an tise renuote Nortisuest country. As tu esut foui-meii are dead oult]uao othurs ao scriously burt that tise> will probaluly ie. Tuan boxes of guiposvderNavent. being isan'ed onut iii bot uvaten. Tlhe ouly mon visa kuîows hlionkbt-came îgnited lies ut tic point1 of deati inu tic hospital. lic i-m rauniug oît of the tuunniel ci-yiiug. " , Te ptider is un ti-c'" but betone ise could neacis a place aI satety tise explosionu uccurred. Eiglît meutn eessorkiîug in lhe mne and ouîly tu-a eseaped deatis uf st-ni- ous iujuny. PRESIDENT JUS FIFTY-NINE. Mlr. Clevelandi Congrstulabed on bise Arrivai of AnabbsCr Birtta>-. Baskets utfliowens, together wutis con- gratulator- note*& sud telcgrnms, bcgaîî ao arrive aI tbe White bouse suon atter the breaktast boni- Wcduesdny mou-oint-, ail couhiîîued nt intenvals until atter dii acr. l us-as notited. aiso, that tis erac- ut-ns of tht- cabinet sud ather fu-ends of lt-e President ners t-an>- callers, isut lise apparent myster>- suf-rooîiding tisa evi- leuces ut fesbivitles uvas dissipated b>- the- aunouncemeut tisati nas bise birtisday of tht- chief ext-cutis-e outhbb nabion. Pi-tsi- dent Cleveland la 59 ert-us of at-e. NEBRASKA FARMERS HAPPY. Receut Beuvy Snawfaîls Maire Goati Crope Abunt Certain. Nebraskcalau-mers are deligistcd ovetr tise assurance of pheuit>- ofmolstui-c for tise cu-ops, and have nut teit su eucouraged aveu-tiseir prusptets for mon>-yt-ans.Tise t-rounid uns neyer lu Seht-er condition ibis lime oI tht- yeor. Es-i-y bit nI land (bat lias bt-en bruken i) un-IlSetnrused, and tise prospctlt bith tisINebraska sailI more bhan mîîkc up for the short crops ut 180-1 uand 1805. No setianftht ttc ate n-ns neglecîci in (lie gu-uurous isiowtnih, luit it su isagpenci it telI hi-aviest usht-rt- l scas mont niedeci. TAPPEL) CASH REGISTEIIS. Chriaîlsu Endeavor President Cauigit Coinmittinir Burglanry. Ilerbent C. Bock, an enîioye ut thse Unite-d State-s Expu-ess Comipaniy ahI-ou-t Wayn-,iut- l., and îrî-siîîenlut ote Ply- muthiCongregotionuil t uireliChristianu Endeavor Suciety-, %-ns catîtlut i-an>- Tisursday muoruiuug in the- Set o ut uigiary iii tthe ünunBook and NesCom'nîîy stint-. le had tappeu thuret- cash ni-gis- Ici-s uchi-ilit- sasn os-t-i-cii aibis n oib> Dehective Colint-. Bai-Fs îparenuts ai-e uuîosî r",hîcutahle luluneci- neidcîuts otFort Waîyne. lit- n o have innrri-Jthîs sprint-. Dîsorder lu New York convientions. 't-ert-o-trt-ent-alesaIfdisant- br Sing ou rboi ai tise Repoblicu tdistrict eouve,,- hlouîs hi-Id luNew Yoruk cit>- Weduesd4ly evcmuiiut. T1he ilatt aud anti-illatt toi-ut- lockei bornusaud fout-ht liereel> tor tShe master>-. 'riscoulcte n- as the. heethotu ut Platt sud NMortnnaionmal dd-t-att-s Iran the ie tbh, Dntti, tentis. elevuntu sud foutteet-uts oiit-u-cssonai distrhi-ts. lu tise îu-eitb. Iirteu-eti sud ilfîteenthi u-uu sets of delegithes n-eu-e cisosen. lu tht- ses-culS district nu convention usas bu-Id. Allegetl Msirdererb Captureuj. Lamutreaax aud 0'Neuil,în'o t.!thse ai- lt-t-ci utuereis oft imn 'ashakie, tht- younig Shosisone, saha n'eu-t- olînuci froun teShossonit-reservalinb>- Deict> Unilted States Nînrsbal J. I.NVaiit- sacre i-aplured la Malsa. Tue>- nul Se criu-- (ul bt-fore United SlaIt-s Cniuîoissmiu,n-u Cîîekrehilu in-est Fails, Mont. auîi tien taken bock tu, WyoniLug. Tise Hawkiins fid Not uink. Tue Spanisis detectises pitut-sgt-iliii kep- inq us-oteluonthlise uîvcmneîîîs aIthe Cu- bonsebus1tils ionutr>- i-- -tr>- 1ii1unisex- eu-uised over tis ep-huit hat tSi. steamler liawklns di uni siuuk u()teinuurîumng of Jan. ->Sibuit tuit tsitoîutle lui-rsa-ar ta Cubas, laudet llerPrai-g duuit lutuou laid np at une of thei- Fi ie ,> Admit Women os Lu>-Dut-tê Tise Cenmtral P'euiluvniztNehd conlerence nt Williulsîicrt l'a.- voteil to 1admlit namî-su gagla>- tIt-eguuiii lu.tise gen- t-éraI eunii-reîuce I- 152 ho .Tise itrapo- sillon tiirt-duv-t-tht- relprft-u ion ha tbe t-etrai conteenteetissi-ilb> a vote oi 216 ta 25. Mss. Wilitm B. Hoînun 1>o. âtns. Atigail f napp Hoîmneî, U Of ex-R-epreseuutative william al l1 oe!t died ai Waghlugu.. SAD LOT 0F A FAMOUS WRITER 0F SONGS. Author of "Kathleen Mavourneenl" Awattlg the Final Summnon-Chi- cagro Slvationiste Refuse to Foltow Eva Booth. ProfensasCrouch Dringr. Prof. Frederick Nicholas Croucb, the aged author of 'Kathleen Mavaurneen," je sufferiîîg from an attack of heart trou- ble, aggravated by poverty and waut. and ht is thought is end is near at hand. Prof. Croucli and family live in severai back roonîs of a bouse ou West Lombard street, Baltimore, wbere oit a small iron conch the old Mau is slowly wasting away. 0f ten be is out of bis mimd, and then he talks of the nid country, of the triumphs of is yonth, and of the lime of the. coronatioit of-King William IV., when he directed the Royal Baud. Then bis mind wauders to lreland. whose cause ho lias oflen cbampionpd ini martial song. Iu bis delirium he speaks of the cupiditY of music publishers, wbo have obtained music from im and who have neyer pabd him iii returu. REFUSE To FOLLOW EVA. Fifîr Chicago Salvatlonlats Desert tise 1Olti Organizatian. Fiftly meniners of tise Salvugion arn>- at Chic-ago proeiaimed Sunda>- at Prbcs Riuk tht-i- desertiîîn of the oId organiza- tion. At thse atternuon meeting, isteaid of nîarching tuthlie pluttonni aud takiug seats behinud (omiuissiout-ers Es-usBooths and Joha A. Carleton, tht-y smoothed out tic littie n-ite bon-s iiey lad pinned on the lapels nf (hein coatsaos tise badge (if rebeuion au] scat-d theiiscîves n'itb tise gi-utraI auiece. The Inlaies stil n'ai-e thpir bluieunuiformsanauJpolie bonnets, but tise sccediiig mein aîîiiared in, plain cîntises. It la uouceded Ib> botis ides (sert- uili be (n'a organizalioinluChicago uts- it-as si.merig i-auses -'onmander Bal- finugtotuBoothi to tauier. Those avio usont- tise uwhite iibun i-iimuliiy say a large nunu- be-r nf otluers and i ruatesnili tlsrauv off al r-,Perve andul li-,toiiins standard. The. iwhlit>- ibiboiipeuiplli;tiY tht-y are i-t i lice slrouug ii Cuorpis No. 1 alune. Tis corps nuiuibers ou i -10.'Theadhéents ut Gi-n. lBootiIt u lr,-the t-ire -t ot nuire tisan tbiriy rî-u ltiiiiîn Corps Nio. 1. aiud sa y tili uu-uuorgnizi otns uii Se short- liv cd. NO RAINBOWV IN SIGHT. Troue Skies Continue ta Be Donc und Lo wriug. R. G. Don & (us t§Wt-ckiy hevit-ssof Traiesasys: *"Movemeut înuvai-ul etter i-iings is stili the- exceptioîn. "T-n-e is lui-lt-r busiiitss i abat-ansd smain du nîts- ties aud tht-ne lias bteu a sluet-ziuit- ofi shunt sellers iii cullusu. But tise gi-ut-i-li tendene>-of itndlustries andul lîices is îutj cucounoging. anud those viso ut-ne muet isopetul a mouuil ago are stili uraiting. îîot go hnpctully, 1,r the- expecled rt-caver>-. Causes of continuci depressioîu are nul n-antiug. Btad weather bas cut off muct businuess. esuecially lu eounlry îistrivis. Sanie tailures ut cnns-qtuence bave cau.%eil especial cauiioui. Thet oui oI the business is tisat in uauuy deparîments men bout-ht more aud prouwed mure n-heu puices as-cie moutiug and everylising wnas rushi- ugto t huy lasi year thon (t-ey bave yett bteun able ho si. Thut lte buybng n'as at a nature ta aqticbpate acbîîaî canstimp- lion otan> moîtissbbey n'ere 1011>- naru- cd, bsut lisîy bad more hope than observa- tion and uset an plinut up gnuds. Suint are engaged to-day lu tise saine ihîctol anticipation of a demand utic-i bas nul yet alpered." ____ LIVED TO BE 111 YEARS OF AGE. Mrs. Mary A. Maaely, Who Knew Daniel Booue, Dies lu Mîssauri. Tise oldest inhabitant of Boont. Couuty, Nb.. McNlr. Mary Anau Mosely. died bu Co- lumbia l"nday, ah tthe at-e ut 111 >îars. S Sic-fiuced lu Boone Cnt uri Inovin ninci>- >-ii s. anud iurinît-rt-i-nt yeans lived us-Ith lier soti, W'arnel1u osi'ly. lit-r othîcu- ve cilurcu aldied of olîl agi-. tunilIhst fou MNrs. Nosely was i n -iarkabiy good luualîii. but duuing the lmut feus noiths ber sirengîlu steandiiY faut-il. She 'vas LbotniuiluClark ('outl>, Ky.. lu 1785, oui -ah -ht- sgt f -It 1 ttlu Columinîîa. Oui i-r su-ny tbbc paI>- ultis ubleishe irav- cul slopped for awhill i St. Charles Couns- la, ',%o.., with Daniel Buuuut, the- lamons îîimuueeu, aller u boni Buîîc Cuutlty %aso un iiied. Punlfying tise Mails. .1 s-en>-stuint-cut bill toplin-s-ultise etirrvino nI cut-cnt ienttuire andl nitieles fori hsîdeceisi aud imnmoralose frouioui- Stüte or territor> lu auo(hîr avas otici-ci to Se rrtunt-J10tht- bouse S>- lie Coin uiitîee un Commit-me. 'fle bill nskis it iuulawfOl ho dt.îiuit asitis Ou>-expuress i-nmphtuy an utier ct-uloin taritr for iliersitate hranspoirtatiouiln>- sut-bmatit-n on article or iiotiut- ut how sîteisarticle nia>- Se ohtîint-d. Pt'nalty ofl taimore thon fis-t-yt-ars' inhrisoumeuit sud $5.000 flue le pu-ovidei. ____ Bob>- Wur Declanitt. A disPalcis froin Ceint soya tisaithe- kisalifa bas procliinicijeisci (bal>- u-Ou) at-ainsi Egylut auJ hos uclied cil the- der- vishes capsble of bt-ou-it- anis tu eu-ohi usientus@tianners. The dispatîcis îdds bisat it b is ghta Osmn Dit-na is mo Icave Cassais and join tise ders-ishî-s nan' muait-ring at Dangula. Blutera Estabîbis au Orpisans' Home. Tise buildings ct-it-lui ut Vei-milliou, S. D-' several yens at-o b>- ites'. J. B. Gau- land. oi Nen' York. fan use as sut ou-piasa' home, have bt-cii ad ta tbheBedl...-. Sqisters oi tiseRoaun('otisolie Chuni-i, sud avili tic suulprici n-or nsinuilar pur- pose b> tise Roman ( 'attinhie if ftise Stale. Fatal Feuin luArkcanss. À. buat-ci>- nas t-îatht-ut Wu-stvillt-, Ank. Chsarles Foni-man useut ta tht' store ofJoThu Huîlaîsd. uistmashteru)Iu sîttie ais old fend. Furemniau int-J s«.eru sîth sud tht- joasasteru-siiot luin tuvie- intht- hocek, killing - minsfntuly. Boll> sara Ciscruket- citizells. Change" ia Discipline. Tise Mebhoiost Euise-uuai î-uuîerenîe ah Doveir. Dcl., madue t-baugea ho the disci- pline gis-mg contentnes uteoswer lu nomi- nahe îarcsiding eiders and usot mîloionî appointmne w nibiiouttie appioval aI a majort>- of tise eIders. O4Brit bwludteeOruilt>. x. wbe~Nuia w u asarested a t N.wXo.kigule ttetrnptg S~uâsumr- Wlueonélrt Repubilcans. ln 8tatt.' oef vention Wednesday at Milwauake, chose thie followlng national delegates: Dais- gates-at-large, Philetus Sawyer, William D. Huard, Eugene S. Ellildît, James S. Stout; alternates, IL B. Smith, Wy. S. Haine, James R. Lyon, Judge Plummcr. The convention declared speclically for sound nioney ln national finance aud against free coinage of silver, and saad that William Meclinley is the presidential choice of the whule State. This action was tnken ln the biggest convention ever held ini the State. These princîples were presented to a convention oft(381 dele- gates, and were adopted by a unanlînous vote. Then delegates and crowded gai1- lerles joined in cbeerbsîg the compieted work. EXTENSION 0F CIVIL SERVICL Presîdent Huis Not Iecided on thse Farm of Order to Be Issueti. Tise order s000 ta be lssued coverng la- (o tise civil service a large majorily of lise offices ofthtie Coverument uotv la tise ex- cepted class is still uder deliberation by tise 1resfflent and the cabinet. Tise ton bu uvisithebbcgeneral extenusion n-lu ha made lnssîîot been finaIiy decided on. XI bs autharilatively stated (liat Ibie exten- sion as niv oncîntemplaled wnill ivolve about two-thirds of thie otices at preseat outide thie civil service. Asic. for Seeds. Tise Sé-retary ot Agricultuîre, in accord- ance sytis tIse mandate ut Coniges, has prepnred a cilri- letten to be sent un- mediately ta ail known repîutahIe grouers ot and delsers iin seeds tbroughout tha Unihed States askiîîg tiieuta furnisti et rcasoiuible ipriv-es btabtue iepartient 10,- 1K)0000 îmckebs ut gui-Jeu. fielîd sud flower seeds, begiîîîing wlish asparagus sud end- iîîg wth salitat. This nomber of paekets will give to ec-hi memîîer sud delegete lu bbc House oft itpresentatives sud 10 encis United States Senator 15,0(0îîackcts for distribtiolnu amoug iis co)uslittiehts, atter deducliug one-third of tise vhnle amounu, lu accorda nicn ithlian - fornd istribustion ti tise Secreluury il Agriculture. Ail thue Pst-i ust St- Jrlbvcrî-d ouior ScIure thir- ly days. Denver Brokers Arresîcil. John t'. I imanauger af the- Blîue J,> Niuiud iii Cany> ut Denvuer, huis îtîîîii u-lu ni-ist cf .John iIl.- itoyer anduî A.- W lsm i îukiuig, t usî 1 rukî-s slho fit- tur rti l i 1h uic 1li> d-tu'11 t oflst usi-k chus-gi ig tht-n i ll iiitezi-iuiT helbt coniulit îuliigis tisai tiu i-r and King us-tr.-. %iii-(,hlu ;,1, Iu;. atii s geiutral ageits of thei-lue- Juy companiuiy. aud us suchuis ud Lin hiîr lucsi-asiiiui$5,Î00, t he uiroperi.u 'f ii.- Bloe.loY eolnulau> , us bitis i luiy eiiuubi-zzit-iI. Bayard la Ceniusred. 'TiscIlit ic1-ida> - afîctr-t- iIuys of deithe, tî liptc-d a rc-siil uuoul eur-.iiL it Tisinutu b. 1Bayarun. t--iuo- f i-lait- anud nous anlasti dii-o i lui-etcurt cf St. Jameins, fori- i itru î îs dîli u rcul lunuanîad- driesta the- Bositon IEuugiaud) G(irtmar Scîuooî and in ansaicri-ss bt-turclise Edinbiungb i S>.,in ni) lh iiosîîhi cal lu- sttutionî luit fuiii. Tise vut tîlouil 181) ta il iuntîuvor ofthlie tinsh uesohlutionsud 191 ta 59 iinlas-or outhble st-coud. Bouses Wreckcd by a Cyclone. Wi-dnesauy muu-iug a cynkittie uiad sut-pt doavuhurte ailles Ironi Beaumont, Texats, antului-thlie bouse of George Ot-idai-inbottuni Vp. Mrs.Ctldai-ni nas kiuoekt-ilscuelîss andonueuof bt-r chili-i-n bu-I. Tteu-sldeclcîes of Jot Bt-glten and C. E. Hilîlenhi-ond s--erc ckîd. Sodiers Sisot. Privat- Alleun ut CumnyuA. Fitteenth ltûgiuuucut. shit and l taou>- siuunht-u iri- va te Daniel 'I. Ccli tif ttc sattiine pn uY in bise post quarte ti- aFlontiShlei-dtan, 111. NVisilt- tuîiîug isarnil Alleu %aus ien ne- viduenittll>- shot uithb lis ius-n ni-volvuer,anud te ailI alan îrobabiy dit-. Midletoan Gels $30,000. At Londoun, bue iaiquis ut Salisbiury, on SeIta1t of tht- subssibers, prî-senhed (o Nr.-MidletoIi-n a ncheik fu- £10,M)110as a testimonialî ot apîhrecelOiol fui- lis ser- vices as ciid orgouizer of tht. conserva- tis-e paniy. Rcetser Askei for a Bank. Trhe Nebrtaska Staie ta nukiiig Boairdl tns akcid tht- I)iutit-t Cocurt of Knoxc'iCnunty loapjpoint ut reut-iver fthebbcStaIt- Baunk ut Blooildî. 'J'lie baîîk bas n capcital cf $50,000. ___ Voles to Admit Arizona. The ,i--uut e t'uni uuit<,t ii uuTunnitories sg-cc-ilicire-ort fîîatnî I-> liste hbill tor bis. admuîission oI ArnL.îa ns nat- teo te Union. ______ MARKET OUOTATIONS. Chicago--Ciht-. ,commun ta prime, $3.50 tho $4.735;bugs, sbippiug grades. $3.00 lu $4.2à; shep. t air lu choici-. $2.50 ta $4.00; ushptt.Nu. '2rt-i. 110e ho ic; coi-n. No. 2, 28v>-ta'29e; uiuss No. 2, 18e lu 20c; ryt-, No. 2, 35(! ta 30c; butîter, cisoiece-amen>, -. 2e lu 22c; eggrs, fresis, De ta 10c; potctoes. pi-r busiiel, 15e ta 25c; broum i-arn, $'-0 ho $45 peu- ton for comunul i-oit-t. Itîdianapolisi-Cahtle. sisippiat-, $3.00 te $.503; huig,cisoice ut-bt, $3.00 ta $4.Zf; suit-tl, t. mman t;0 prime. $2.00 ta $3.75; nlueat. No. 2-Iu- la o 6.:; corn, No. 1 nbite, 28c.- h 30c; oaîs, No. 2 n-bite, 23e ta 24e. Sb . lails-Catt-. $3.00 to $4.75: isogo, $3.00 to $4.00; n'issat, No. 2 rt-i l, Otut 70e; corni, No. 2 yeiitiu, Die ta 27e; onts, No. 2 w'hite, 19e ta '-0O; ryt-, No. 2, 3&e ho 30C. ('iiueinnni-Cattle. $3.501 (o $4.50:; bots, $3.00 ta $4.50; sîeî-p. $2.541 ta $4.00; n-ht-at, No. 2, 'Îcle e 72c; crn, No. 2 mbxcd. 20Ne t 1e ît;uts, No. 2 mixei, 22e bo 23c; ryt-, No. 2- 38e ta 40e. Detroit-Catîle, $2.503) 10$4.75: hogs. $3.00 ta $4.25: sbepp, $2.00 ta $4.00; whieat, Nu. 2 i-t-i, C(1 e tT0c;t-orn. No .2 yt-huis, 29(- tu 30e; olts, Na. 2, sablt-, 22e lu 24c; ryt.. 37e lu 39c. Toltlca-Whi-at, No. 2 red. 68e ta 70c; curn. No. 2 ytîhinn-. "9e t<s 30c; nosa, No. 2 wite, 22e hi> 2-4t; ryc. Na. 2, 39e ta 41c; dusoer se-il $4.40 lu $45.;M Mihauikte--Wht-ut.No. 2 sipring. 60e to 612c: cou-n. No. 3, 27e tu 28c; oas, No. 2I whiLte, 1lit b 21c; butrit->-.No. 2, 30e to 32c-; ryt-, Nus. 1. 37e 10 38e; pou-k, mess, $().(X) tu $0.50. Buffitlo-Catbie, $2.50 ta $5.00; bot-s. $3.00 t4) $4.5Ô. st-ep, $2.50 ta $4.00; swiseot. No. 2.rt-J. 73e ha 75e; can, No. 2 yllon'. 34e tu 3.é, oats, No. 2 wite, 23e 1tu5e New' Yorh-Cattle, $3.010 (o,$4.75; hems $3.00 t~ $4 75; sisqls, $2,00 t $4.50; -- t 2* ed (ee te 2iewr, No. 2, -BAL.LINGTON BooTH'8 ARMY iTa DE '#THE VOLUNTEER&." Bilue tu De the Regular Uulform-In* teratate Act flpheld by the Smpeme Curt-Thlrteen Are Kiiied in a Mine-Brtih Actvty.1 Eooth'. New Army. Tiscre bas becu a cbange la tiseusine of Baîîcugton Bootb's ut-w army. C(od" and *'Americau" bave tissu elininated tram the tille, sud thesenemsle simply "Tise Voîunaeers." Anotiser change lu tise plans is aiso auîiouaced. Il concerna thse women's drens. Tuvu days ugu ail ar- rangements n'ere made for the susvation lassiez 10 go clad lu bron'n garb. But thse suggestion tsaItihe new ublorui n'ould_ ho becoming 10 the blondes set tise dark- haired oaci tliinking very sericusly tisat tise one apportunily of tiseir lives tae- cure a bccoming Irock was being let slip. Thse resiait in that Mrs. Booth bas houa appealed toansd hans *reccusidered' aud tise fair connuandress recalled Ibis order for brown gawnansd bonnets,ý sent tise rail& ot ruaset lotti back ta tbe warebouse and pretty nearly devided to order tram aset ot samples of "cadet blîîe." Tiss colur n'iU set off bots dark anti fair eum- plexions admirabiy. If il la Ibaally set- dcii upon, tbe bonnet& will bave ta tic of white srs, for summer. which is -ult-ad tu the nniformly pleasiag air ot ligist and coolniess entirely uiknown tn their former î-al-scuttle heia pieces. Naming tic paper st-oms ta be tise uîly lhiug lu tise n-nyut getîiîîg tise new ariay penbudi- cal on uts fte very stiorbiy. Ballington Booth eaiiiit deduc urat tu eal il, sud iinplorcd bis visitors ta give huts sugges- tiens. LIFE 111 THE LAW. Imlerstalt Act Securos Plenary Power 10 itepress Evils. The Suiprense Court aItNWashington -.annuiieed Mnluila v its dî-isiou lu tise crlebraiilslBrowvn iîti-rstâice cmmerce case froiîit'itsliii-g. By îîvole ut ive ho tour thesi- , îrt siîii ieud the,- -,usti tiion- aliiy outlii4-1aioft l-,b. 11, 11 po uusitive- ly it-ýiuiiirniig u tii11 o - tl esi ify, nu inatb ter if rbi ir tesii iîouv ii, i tii- stl ses. Whn'î thî,uî luî)itiic iss cr.- rt-nulses- euaiiiliuîli-l rouail.1sîliiturs uscri- pr-senit. Il> iiiis uI-iisit iiih,- ii-of ih ticGvera inent t i i cii r..1 oul i-n- - siistai>nîîl. andîlîl-iit ir-iilii,.e>iic ail, ftile ir,ui liiio- ini s îi5-imecî-lie- oouiiius a daniger i., rois uy î-un wi-, vio. laie tic Ir,>is 4,tis. Tlil i -cî.uîîîis a greal i ilury fir tIi,- t,,îriiiiit-iil. Ih lias a direct efi-cut on i-s ry sli,l1ir inithie 1.3 î,icîl ito a .nd iii isu-ei-i alinîuiu as imilott .ii, îi,,iîi- iij ii-isioiu. Tise Suîîriîie -',artlia-i puiî lnlii> liever mnail,- . aiiL i if ii r- iiiuraiici lu the ruiailstys of i l, -uiîir ADVANCEUCi' fTUE NILE. Britishs OccuPy Akasisei sud Arc Nou- Building a Fart. Ni-us s ruui tue tri iit-uuui.diii VCiro cou "uns lthe rt-usui itii aBru ii-F Et- ii iti üdit:uui-, guitr1s indii l auji-r Coulii.sou ociedi.hAkti-ilutl bsh FiiiaY nîllîut oluuusiiuti. A fort Luîîn' hi.-iug Suilt ah iiniet ii nîdrt-luu-u i isuuuss lise qu"i-slio f the u i-u iulaul of ftuuuuls trîun ils-en-surui uhii ulicl u hi. l-friiy tire- j peiiaî-s icItireluedBi t lijlt-Jiion up tie(,Nil.-. lit ,,ss ug lu the illii-ËL4 ot tht- tieiniuu -îuiisli ithie nitiiu nuis ii ji uurild Ai,.-xi rut-,riiiiii ru-i- cii cf nîmu isi un- Ii. uLi-h i sicd ail dis>-lhong. uns lutId inii *irit-oii Luulie titil tutî. The gubljeini îît-r disiii siiii uu us teBru oý- Egyut ait c-j ii îuuu. MIAY BE. MAllE TO ANSWIR. DecisIan 1(endcreîi a ise Famonsa Brown Case. tA.du-iisLtu is s sru-uuuirî-ul utheiu - preiîuut t iirt of theUn uite tuJ itius iii the ias i f s. u iT-.uilin F. rlIn , s it.Lis ciiinut-i lui u-glil of ua Court lt,. îîuîl caiu aisu tr lu> a usLhuu-ssiii ciu--tiuis iiLîuuîrsluîiu-i- hu,-ri-, i-.c--i it-,l-twuitlis.uuuil it- lie, nliay thei-re-iih cf uithui-uc-rlitel- -i- s uIpro-u lutýi luu' iiithe u Lu fronl t i,- tis lino iîulliru-]IIuuilt- 11t 1uîl Ilîu4 uic, ci ii uoft Ili i l rh t tîcI wi il asts11lni i i I. TIi> iiuuiu l us I il iluu l 1huNinl ,.l% -tts ue-11îN-si i. .1 isi-itî; Fie-l, i-liras. EGray aiil Whlit- uissiuitl. busIitiîig iluat Iliii iuuusiiit-iý:ii provision stus uiffliviviitto rIinui( hit-cuus uufront tise Moln>- Miner. Perlish. Auit eploio o fiiu utguis ou-rrt-intathteut Bt-ua uîl ui e litiift iii tihi auitIi lumit s of Dubo isl..ut Ii. iday. Tliirt,-î- itns nu-r,-kilî-d. ELghit(euul miii su nI t,, uuuk lu tIe ineuîuu. fouitteii guiig inho the nuoiutIt b.heaiîg andîlfotir i lo tht- suths eadiuug. Titusv lit the- soutti leuiLîg lien nul cit e-- ploîsioun cuill aredy uusnagcd ltn escale tith tassistance-t. TIuiru- us-s anîttier ex- plo.sion ilt Adrlianu ihtb miles 8sontliwisl nof>sDubis, eauistd S>- tire damp. Two muenî s--erkiiled. Manîgat Refues le Lest. Tise baytian reslutionisls gntisered in Kinsgston are aIl toi-n up. Ccii. inigat refuses ta ennduct tht- txpedihiuîî lie>- issu-t plusîsîed. TisehIayian consul lu- tinuates that liteusould uîut oppose tise starlinut-ofIth>- expeilition. ns Pr-aident Hippolyte us-nuls th ave tht- coasîîiratuu-s land lu baril.____ Amerîcan Mission Roisieti. The sîcamsbip Pi-rus hriugsun-ws tram Chinua that tht- Presbtrian mission 130 mlles souotisast ut Sisanghai n-ns u-îdî-d b>- a baud utfiobbers. litv.houqs IL. Bt-at n-assot li thetlihauJ senloual>- eut lu tise ht-ad. Garcia eafely Landed lu Culbe. T;ie steannsisip Berm-udica, viicisletl Ni-uvYor-k M-%i-b 1--.,icsmautel>-lulad bier cargo inubia. Cnlxli Garcia ht-i- si thc part>- ani tise sast îuantity of trais alaîîh uuîuit tiuuuî lic kud bthun eics onu tht- leruniala hou Sten t-uuuveY-uui S' hi- to tlue t-ndquaricrsouithtie C,îbau fou-e-. May Renew Outsiandbnut Noirs. At Baltimorue, .lus<ge Goff ouuihonizecl the, recels-crscf tht- But liumoîrenOu io1 ias-ny ('ompany>- o reulcu-ah lit-eouI- standinga- notes, oecehtanucs coiindorsi-- mot-ts of thse couaot>. Put ou Trial for Extartion. Theo tu-al of Mrs. Mary A. Das-ison, cfiarged wltb baviug etxbrhei $500 Èrom Rey. C. Ù. Brava, was beguin at San »rsu4.o, Qspsl sharesha la sLPlrgcy NORK 0F OUR NATIONAL LAW- - MAKERS. AWeek'. Proceedînge in the Balle ut Congrem-Important blessurs.Dis- cessai sud Âcted Upon-An Imspar- tial Heaume of the Bssauesm. The National Solens. The House devoted Tueisday to the bili Iamend the administrative tariff set of 890, and pasaed It without sîsbstantiab Rmeodment. The purpose of the bill la te strenatlîeu the act cf 1890. sanie w spots baving heen developedl during the, ix years il bas been in operatin. The ill -as 4rawn alter extensive hear- Ine, aid the advice and assistance of the- Treasury Departinent, tbe Boifrd of (len- rai Appraisers. iruporters and others with, ractical experience ou the subject. On& of the înost important changes makes lu- creaiséd duties and penalties for underval- nation commence nt tIe point of under- aluation. and not ut 10> per cent. above, the underraluation na provided bY the, present law. Tite lionne Commnitte OnI Imigration dlecided lu fivorably report wo important restrictive measures latN> luced by Mîr. NicCail ans.)sd Mr. W. A. Stone IPa.> 'The Stone bill estai)- hles sa a requisite for admission te tbe Unaited ftnies thst the imumigrant ao lihe provided wiîth a certilicate fruin the fini. ted States Consul or other autborized rep- resentative of thse United States st Ibhe place nearest bis la-t residence tisatbh, sn eligible ta admission t0etthe United States smnder the cxistiug Iawn. 'ThecMc- Call bill, ns ainended by the committce. exclndes ail maies betîw eu thse ages of ltI aud W1 who are not able te rend aud s'rite Enghiali or soine otiier langnag e. Thseflouse Wednes.lay brgan consld- eration ofthe resolulînof censure of Am,- bassador Bayard for bis Edinburgb speechs. Thse reniris of Mr. Cousins, Of' Iowa, lu support of the resolIutio>n were thse feature ut thse poeig.Thse Senat hadl lu aud thilIlublic oî.ening .,f tise 'a- rompualgre Indian r,-servatiqn. but naIs- lng of impoirtaniice -sadc Cuba ha.! the coure attention of thse Senate 'riuirsday. sîî heiliffmade by Senators Gray. <lîîiî, aidîl 'affertY. tht@ debate being eniliveiiedl lîymsuy spirited incidents. Mir. t;rayvs vl. for Culbs brî,ught on a riiîiiigii cross-tire of comn- ment aud iiiquiry fi-,ni NI r. haile. Tise D)elaware Sî-iair coicl Jmoct amuse- ment by re-Iîr-iiîgt-, MIr. lhale ls '*ise Senator fr.m ~îi. NIr. Davis (IlepPi. of %i inneaixiii.s, ci-iirtui flthe Commit- tece on Territoîrie.. npied ii avourably the bill1 bu admiut Ni-uv MI, jxw o oStatesuoîl. Ili bui louse N'Mr. Ur.i lo itep.. o Ohio, in reîl] " v iiitheri,-irksnmade by Mr. NIcCreary 1iiiî,il (î I eickw ile mini ster to , t i-it BTr ît:î, c. ;-i inection, wiîlî the niîa imii.- i iiid î li iithlorsti> ot a uvolaîille ,-iiil--îi -Il:îs IlDrsuv okr"referredl i. iii s. lick's dis- tinguislîed 5r 0iii o., f n r andî peace. lie voîild IIîî îioarutan.ulIbe pur- poeof the iiL M r. Mci rcary said tisai helîad imiade lii,, ati ick on Gen. Sciîeîck. NI r. < rsî-î, aildta kuow thon-j w lia t tihe îîîî hk-% Is 1Ilil uvas net intenîled t., a Ii i-. u.-iîîîýry oI a deaci nman lîke a glu ,il t lii i t lhi iiera lices of .%Ir. '.%Ir 'tar>uvi-re-ILle Iv.îriJ-. luregard te tise Eiiiia nii;-, ibe - L - ilrool cf Ueo. SciiiksgoiI .Aii %%usoa s that he himiielI iis i-su- large suinîs of mouey la thosle stocks and iî,î iiniIilaY tise as- nssmentgstbuthe la v -ff iil-dlati. As te tho book coi draîs hor l.haill written out a few mu-es of iii-, -rit Americaui gaine by retiuest of a fri-uil and hll beeti, ot courie. very miiih11agr c wlienipull- lie refereuce 10in i hil bl,-i made.lIfe atîused lieco %%î-î o lnbe said risat (en. Sclienck tilî a fr-iiu lie kisiew juIit i-rougis about poîker t ' alwa>s ]ose bis mnney. As il poker pi,î er. liîuvî-r. lie îlesired to say îluut lie ied-ilusiliuiit les%'- ing an nupailulik,îr l Ii ll conciilusionu. Mir. Gros. venuur n. i-'lit.ScbeDcks caret-r aixl pîîîîla g- iiriluiibu, lii,.i s.erv ices in the- riuuy. luia uîîgrI-ss aud iii he dilouinaiic ieru ce. In the- Se-îaie lsîuiaii, lluwigbl Ivere juascîl Fixing 4 0,1--1 ailiSali Lali- ty iy s ilheIc'î t r u teiirnis ot the VUllteb Sbuiu-- u erts îîIi til hgrafit- iîug a 1îî-ii o f t-- :1w lic c,-Lin ffthse laielirigauhiër (4 ' l i, lenin; au- thori7.iiigthse li-> -.!,fti l,t graide-iF luis rank i-i Ruai N..lliral l'ii.oiell, re- tîred; for the disp-a ,fi t c- iii thie Firt l ljaina iii a nsirvaul, i. ti- iifixi îîg the, rainkanid pauv -f teliid-Ltge Advocaio Ci-turai if iti- Ni -a r .îsu-esuftlii illoci bo f thelit-ii ko>i r ir. A aI i. The iteîate aljiiuî1lut1lM-iul t.hiii- Il ouse Ni r. Bonti iiîr. d I-ti iii un. n IVa il iinsealed liv a vuil* 11', ,i59 nud] he si-at ileclared vaîint. A-- uli t, thse face ot the retiirn'. Mr. H-îiîî-r lbadil15.- a«10voties a ndl 'Ir. I1-, titIi5-.4 flih mnîoriiy cuîuienith Ia t thelue irgeu ne- îîurîîs n-oîld still Mt-lc NI r. Buuntrer bu iîver 5.0300. A voie --f -,-nsiîre against Aunliasbadon Bayarl s as uarrie-,. Ain et>t>i-i -iintît. t-i the- i i l d- lxi.p levas rt-ai-hi-Iii in t -nît- l,îî %vieii. o n miuiiof 'Mnr tlu>riiaî>. li- maruiof theii- I'uiuiiitt- --,il Foneign lbelfi- riois, tuiC tubaii re-auliiîî,iîi n re r-coim- in illil db iccthe fre. -o i..mi tîce. The voie ho recuîîu i it %a i llziaiî-,uns anti us-luhout ftic forumalii v ,of a roill cii l]. relire- sentinîg a geierail î.îns,î us' f Opinion huit tise coîimitt ne loiulîl so >-lia gt. lie. resolutioîis as lu. ,ver5-,,nuathe-tlpuif that bas developed -r.. Shermnan. .Morgiîa nd Lodge su tr.-a lcîibiîed tfi)rt- resent tise wenate in a furiber voiiferenee. tSiiuultalleoiîlY usitis ibis a-i ion NIr. NI Ils lîresented lCutba n ruiî in uicis propose 10 go faterlienthlî las yet bei-n sniggestced. They directtheii Ir.-sident ta r.-quest Spain -lu grnit local self-gosvern- lient t0e('uha, andl in case Spain refuses the Presideut is auiîlorized te lise tIie uuiiitary andl naval force, Lin ta ki îug pism- 0

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