effAPTER XIII. e Ol receipt of a telegn'am, lira. Meagotu, lad doafiiIthe i.very deicate .1,1.etfer bu bWj*, tsrted naIonee.for $pain, sud th *ia ax arrivei, quite unexpectedly, alh the Outile wheu the duke aud dochesa ho 4wex' te dinuer. m At lb. sighl et ber gradmoîber Con' o «&*et waa quite overcome. 8h. crieul U*éiy, sund paesionately kissedth ie oltiee >dsace sud bauds, greatiy te the au- n ýeySe e the dulie. o * MI dear Constance," said lire. Mcan-lo -où, *ion' pale you look! Nhy ha., the il $em et Spain brougbî nu roses te your MI L ýorgrandobild, madamt, ifnie gpr- feratiie fogs ot Englant," saiti the dukie, W( - h0oi. gh. leauEngîitb womai." The Co dukr ebn'tged his holer.pe Il vas a great consolation teo Constancet2e b. ave ber grandmnotlter wltb ber, andtih, duu'ing the tdeys n'bicb followed lhe olt of 0ady's arrivai *ah. seemed morte contenletigo, etaa h. boltibeen ine. ber marriage. te %%e. duke soout neticeti this, andd ii net g eéein aeil pleaseti. H.en'as et that mur- v htt4ty jealcaîs dispositien wbicb grutiges vo bujoyment even n'hile nettconeing IL he .Beeldes aIl Ibis, the duke bat an irîl- t e tig conviction that: when the ta r neu- co jk Ir loi. tbey arere aun'aya extoiling L th virtiies ot the yunug efficer inho bati sa dlied. The duke's diopleasure aI al Ibis m, was very seen nade maniteat. On. day w Mmre Meason intorutod Constance of that tract that she wasabsoutî te rturu bouse. s .cnstancee ase nuazet. th "Rneturauhoeiegrantima'i" sheai. i UWhy shoulti rouido that? Surcly my n Item. la youir home,"th "'Yen arc iglit. tur ebilul-il shoult ietac)i tu; but your hushunti dees net nisb it."* Clonstanuce alartet angrilr. fi "My husbîuud!" sbe sait, "(ho duke, bas a b. daredt lesetut yeuiaway "b l'Husb, rny ulilti; reusembor thatlibe la Inter huabankd.' a "Do net aak use le riait roui again, Con- i etance," sie.ssiu. ini ienviug. "Your bus-et baand ban Raidt îiuugs t e us n'icb 'vih preveal- my lever agaîn living benoath hbis root.".h Burning aitb indigntationCoenstane r vwent leslnntiy lu eearcb ot ber buabauti. ilh.eauîd elhlm in bis libary. t "I 'viala to speak to yeu," ahe said i, %wickly. 11.e yen? commrunication hol brie!, for Ose nbnsy," lie sai. "W"iat la it?"0 I"WY commaunient*4un in o! a.urucb im- r portance ase youtr buiness t-day," ah. aepied, bnugbtly. "*Yeu have insultetid my grandmnother. 1 risb te know thse 01 bine Insultet iber, yensany? Pray,r tubole your informant?" i "M.* gantimother le my informant.a le il yInr n'is, monsieur, te exile met *-Dm tbheue person in the nunld who8 ;eau'e for me'!" "t, Iis yoffý mean yoîtr grantimother,E preaume'? el], if oe cames for yen eh. bas bati a inoaltuculiar n'ay eofabhow- ing l-thal la ail!" "Wbal do '.ou nuan?"aketi Con-1 Stance quiu-klv.- e The duke sbnugget is aboeulders. *'If 1 explaiti." ble sit, "pray beau' lu mgad Ibat I n-as not the tiret te broach the %aubject. W~hile lu tItis houa. Mrs. bleason took îtpun herselt the tank out M tnesinig usy c'nduet ten'artiry 'vite.4 .e., 1 dislikeunupleasgant attnes. 1i tbarefore inaimatedto tMlrs. Meason thal athe Dtwheusad'Azzeglo eccuples lue pxalted a position te b. permiltedt l pre-1 met thl.enrd nith foot for scandai by1 I&y51 of a broken heart away from ber1 betsband's roef, 1 muat request ber nulte c.pMqeuce lu my bouse the procese ahrhc1 e bat tount se efficaclous lu the bousei lofInoer father. When I iraI n'ooed you,"1 eoetinta.d he, "I kuen' I badth e gond qvishesetfyeur guardian. 1 thought at tb ii.time Ibat ah. 'evas influenreti by sete t pe.d» feeling ton'ard me; ye.1 Idlscov- u'e4 afterwl thaliheu'sole ebjecî n'as te marry ber grantichild inl order Ibat, as thé Doesereud'Azzeslio, ah. mlgbî pain c l w iii prit. the man whom, above ail e~Mu'sm Meason daliketi. Weil, ber rffl bus net ancce.ted; the min la desti f.-gu. ar a Mrs. Meason la concenet, peu' natlriage bas accontplished notbing.", M. pause, but Constance saIt nething. ». uu $~rg.feeling ef dreatiVn'as tapesber; r'- a seoethi.g lu ber husbaud's toue ralb- *bi hs w'vetsstruck terrer le hem *eoaor grandmother lied been more opft »fle et ftrot, instead et alIowng oli ". oe. ail ber secrets for myaeit, CAeve hreen belter fer me; il cer- wouh os.ld have been bteter for ber," SttiWd he dlte."Aftr 1had offereti fa ioMU~~e yeu trmiebet agaveyn IÏ,mkff ourengagement n'asu à" é* hersait! unteo the uce r- l tLain Hon'artb'agantey- Yoet bisageetsb ne ~ ml.iConotance; "I conîti q»uiïmiother's spirit stooti lalato m l -ori wbet.sep- h. dlsliked lira. Meason. Tbey quar- pled, and ne ouaen'as lu hiame bat-the udy. Her lyranny titualyseparated1 hue- Man su'ite, Sud bastenct hetatb o! te latter." "Do yen mean le sar," said Cenatlnce. ýosey, "thal Ibis nbicb yen have telti m. la true; thal tbe n'hole atory utfnuy ýor melher's seron'nas a fabs'icaliott ?" "Xul at ail; tise steny outhe poor Iady's srrowai-ti death n-as trucý-il n'as altereti in theu lollimîg, Ibuat n-as ail. The blause t) the n'hole ahing 'vas, for your benotit, aid nI the ticor et the Harriugten tam- ly; nbereas the sole<'atuse et itaus 'l%1.. teason borseit; sund your ututher n-as n genlie, loving girl, antI ias receiveti bY Four felbor'a fltmily 'vil opeîn arma. Ail rouiti bave gene n'eu but .for lire. Mcn- sn, n'ho s tew 'eeksa att.;the marriace uteredth Ie bouse ot the youttg- maf,ed couple sud put au cudti e anything 1hike pec,. She hati alo-nys becn u a nbi- tiens 'voman, sud ah. leoketi fomu-ard tes te marringe et ber daunuer as; a mila of gaiuing for hersef[ait outrance imb sciety. WVhen she n-as torbitdoen te ou- tem hem daîîghtem'm bouse hem planes'vere shatteroti, andti e.resoîreti te have me- enge. W~hen Captisin }Huianth woet you, ber tirne came; 'l 'viii break bis .earl,' abc suit!: 'lI nul utreige myseit on th tather luy menus ot the suis.' ro se- cntpieh t-hie it n-ns uecesaauy te !nvent a talseheudsuubinronledti hal falsebooti. and hem pluanîsuvu-cced. Totur engage- ment te y o ur cousin iras bruikon, ituitiyen t-or. narrie'd to uie." Again h. tuseti. tut thIis lime Con- stance'Osait! mathing. She stnggu'reîl tnun he lihrary te ier on-tn on. Once lucre, n a wilti ttf etu'sîuning tpainî, altofeli upen ber kuieeca lling îupueu the name e l tho mi a lîunîslip hauilui cd eoardentiy, but Wo'h,aluas! al-as uleiui.> Hem firet cohornuithIoni-îto-as, bon she ceulti bout gel iii lier grundutothet ant tiemanti trotta ber theortnîh or taise sceti eft1h. terrible stery & ahehuthouri!. Sbç made lionnrnîgeument@ quickl.a tut lu a m:alsner te excite neonsuspicion ["iraI of aIl ahue uat dotanutoea rite te tht duke. "I sus geiug t etueiKhe 'vrete I'Until 1 bave accu my gruinumother anm bearti ber vers.ion eft Iis story, I cannue rest. CONSTANCE." She placodti Iis lotior on ber dreseini table lu a position 'vbere il oold lui uiasiiy founid y ber hiusbanti, thon ahi ordemot ber carniage. Woary with lonig travel, hesrt-sick wit] ovem-iuuh grief, she stoot in the dravinu roern at Portlandl pluie, guzing upon he graudmother 'vith lange, n eltful eyes, tua days later. 'Granidma,"* spoke the girl, arith strnng caruestnoas, "'the dulie bas told mesa tor rible slomy, anti I bave corne toeaL yen i itl i.truc. 1 coulti not roat util 1 bau oeen you. He says you have been crut le me; that by means o! a falteebooti yo sepiarateti me trous Frank; but I do noi beliove il; it is he arbo buis becd tieci me. Yen nvoulti net do su, yo e nue te 'eu-." The oltilady dit nul sppak. Hon tac aras agouizoti. There n-as ne neeoti 'vends; Constance looket mbt ber c.a anti rend the truth. "Dou't toueb me!" ah. criu-d; "doi' conte noar me; 1 cannel heur il! Oh, ma beitren fergivo you!' "Oh, my cbiud, I have o-rougeu yuu bitlorly; I se il nei, haut it la too laie, enledti te olti lady. "Yenarstge 1"an Hon'arllas father aronttit ne deep> anti I soore Ibal bie son isand ounetofm blooti sheulti neyer corne together, anti kett unword. Iutarrieti yon te the iluku believing 1hat, once a nite, youir childis passion for rouir cousin aaoîtlt soon fati an'sy, but Iavas arroug. W~hen I nier ye lu Spain aud louke inlityouur cyca I knei that I bat inmd your lite, snd 1 r( pentet n'ben it 'as ton ]ate." "Yen," gaiti the girl, "tee laIe. MNy Ion la deat! Be dues nol kuon' whaî 1 hav doue; be 'viii nover kun'w, anti I eau Ion hlm and meumu feroia al my lite. 0h iFrank. nîy darling, gleep peaeetfuIll ihencetortb I n'ili ho truc te yen, ant IEau iday perbaps e v ay mccl again."1 1"Constance, my chilti, remeusher yo sua a'ite!" 1"A 'vif.! I ar non wite, for I do net loi my bushauti. At yeîtr intecession 1 ma rieti the die; I stouti betore lbe alla 'vîihlhm like eue in a drem-a lerrib dream. 1 realizeit non'; 1 bave arakeus le rnisery aud dealb." CHAPTER XIV. A n'eek atter the day 'vhen Censbanc standing betore ber graudmoîber, beai the etory o! the cruel n'reng n'bich ha been doue ber, anti lu ber lîcarîtbankt heaven ibat hem lover aras tiead, s Ueo: ahip frmathie seat etfuuar 'vagenlerit Portsmouth barbon, bearitig the dîsablg soldiers homne. I"rornthe esmliest heursetofdawu t] eîreets hati been gayly teoraîed 'vii tiags, aud crowtis hati begun tu galbe Wben the great ship approacheti s elle wnu p frorn evcry tbroat, aud Uai 1eyes grear dimu. Ou the teck lb. 5oldile 1gathereti, @training Iheir cyes sboreWa? -Ibeir pale faces brigbleneti nith lte g10 eto expeetation. For ail knew that asuid tIbal dense croard stooti a wlft. i not119 or a alater, ivaitiug te receive theu i W 1open arma. AIl? No; there Vas 0 1man ta nding spart troua lb.eirut w] regardedth ie cron'd with a£ loflet miserY. He wore hielet&la a &gI1 sudlstened th b e tel la s dreaaî. II was Vnu*a ë, n ow tpbisaiuu- Ceaatium t eone la*f i consented. tet, abe baàd l;ze4hlrn tkea.4 h.e ftit sure of lit; but heu boon ber love beti ehanget. 'Site waa fail e perdition!" ho criai, "aud ret 1 go to bondon bePnuse I wieb ta breuthe the sane air ivitia hem, te Ile noter ber, altbough the ves'>'tbougbt .9f it alusost drives me mad."' lie wajtcd tli most of his comirades hall gous ashore, then hae tee lauded, drove te the station, aud was juat lu tinte te caAté tbe train te bondon. Arriving, Frank calleti a bansomn, sud givîng bis servant lbe naine ef tb. botel et îvhlcb ho mentitleastop, ordered bhla te fullo virvilb tbe baggage. He dîned, then lbe stroileti eut jutote streets. How desolate evcrylhlng aem- ed: and yet tbiîîgs wcre going on muéb ine sanie eld way. Tbc Strand was thronged, sud People burried along, bard- ]y giaing a glance.cet tbe pale youug tel- Iow carrhiug bis am min a sliwg. He walked on. treliing luitRegeul street. Suddcnly bie heard a voice calling bis naine; b.e stoipcd, looked around sud b.- heid a face h. knew. A neft t ile brougham, draivu by a handeomte Pair of bays, bad stopped usai tbe curbstone, aud frona it protruded the boude]tf ady Soanid. "Good beaveus, Caplaîn Howarth,11 e - clairued lb. littie lady as Frank went up te bier: "then il in reaily yeu. Wben I tirât saw vyen 1 tbougbht it 'vas your ghostl Aghiost." -WhT ýLouid you think il n'as nuy giuolit Lady Scafiold.* "lWhY? Nly dear sur. evcrybody bie- lieves Youi to lie deaul. It n'as reported t'inut Youi vere killed in action, sud the report oas never contradicted." -1 have tucen 'vouuided," sald Frank, gialil-n z at bis iujiured arua. -Ali! pýxor telloîý r exciaimeti the court- tesi.s3yuuîuuuî1 et iea !li, "and non' you bave coulle 1lne ltuee tted sud made much cf. Well. thue Earl of Harringlen 'viii liîuîlbis frieuids litlng te give him a gioriouîs %elcome. Have yon sc«en Cou- F"rank starti'd, lit bis ip sud n'as lamait- Pd te fu'cl tbat bis face 'vas flusbing pain- f ily. "I ilave tuecunenonee," lbe said. ',Ait! the pfflr chiid will go crazy whe shle heaurs roueilirc aur.. Ever ince tbhe report caille -Oi bas been lu terrible grief, viuore thil 4ule'uust mouruing and positively retuused tie g anywhere; -but of cour" thiut ail -- il ehauged non'. Every oua expects li(,r t o the sensation oetheb.@ee- soi', a ndt1 la, e lio doubt selle il h.e; aise lut more huautifthtlIan ever sell'vas lu tber lite." F"rank sauîl nothing, huit as lie listcneA a eold su'ur î-iri'ed bis lip. The ceunIes si'w a ud fauuicd ah',tdtolet cuougb. "'ell, îîuu revoeir," abe said, "taon'thaý yon ure lcre and net deuid, 1 hope yot Ne iii coic i andlsec is." Met-btuîuî'ally Franik raised bis bat, and jthe br,irhiiîu namoved aivay. M'bon iltenad f o)ip a tlu%% yards the counteuts gave tht oruier: "G,-to No. 104 Pari- lane."- vItl -as the tcusporary resideae e o the r ii'Azzeglino; for the duke had aîeedily tuooNcilConstance ta bondon. At 4 o'eloek in tbe utternoon it 'vas * COlltaîicàe'custona te take tes inluier bouduir. la thse oruinary course of thilugs eit wotild bave been lier heur foir recciving ber frienda, but Constance. being lu the deuspi-t naonraing, 'vould go tiowhiere and el rci-eive no eue. tTint aflernoon the dîcor of lier boudoir v ueiî-d s te bier amazeent tise duke 9 î'a:nàt un. e"Constance," lho said cohlly, "t o-userrow uigLtI attend a state conîcurt; I nisb yen - -,"uMpany ime." le 'I cnunut go," eh. eaid; "l isetitupossi. 9 an sd pointtet lier black dress. "Pardon me," said the duke gravely:, rli inatters vcry nsucb te me. Il is nov slme time since yenu because my aifs e îhen yen acccçted that bonor I fiattcrcd r-miself that You n'ould approciate it ah tfil wortb. 1I have beon disapponted; your A mourniug looks distreas me, aud usake ne ithînk yen are net bappy.", "fflaat do eue 'isb me to do'?' )t "Suaile. lauti.h. ce lleerful,loouk your )0 pesmeeses a diaanond and sets it as a jen'el Oon hlislheart Its business in te esbiue,.My ldiamomad la my ducisess. DO Yen undeti cs Constance 'vas about te reply 'vben thé door of ber boudoir aras opened ega.ip sud tihe servant quietly annotnuced tLe Çy Counem ef Seaileld, 'vho chatted ou un. f' ii the duke, weary n'itb waitiDg fur lber ? departure, teok bis lousve. The moment b.e'vas gene the cou ntegg :rusbed at Constance, and, 'vith many kkisses aud tears, toetli er et the miracu- Ylus resurrectien of lber cousin. >' Tbat sanme nigbt the titile received a 1message froin his vite. It 'vas te the h leffect lbat 5h. n'as ready te accompsny lehlm Ou tb. fOlloîving eveuiug te the cou. eu cert. (To h.e coutluued.) e leincoîn ln the Vive Points. Net long before Lincoln n'as tiret re nouanlnated fer lh. Presideucy hé went 'O to New' York te naake a polîtical gpeecl h, at th, Cooper Union. Whbile there, ac- a, cerdlng te a n'riter lu thse Philadeiphit [ePress, heon'mndered about tb. City a good deal, aud once 'vent to the Fîve u Points, then the. moet noterions ot New York alunas. re There h. n'as attracted hy thae s.uwd r- etrauic, sud p.reivl4ng tapon a doer arau Invitation te taugers te enter, ho le n'euet lInsd fouud -imsèlf lu the Flve Pointe Miesien. Hts mauner betrayed se mucb inter. est.la the hblidren, espeeially lu thelr el siuging, tbat bbe superin tendent, tbeugh .d he-dd ne .ne .hlm invtcd-in-- Jutge Marashl, ot the Wili Couuly Court, ordemed the pamueut et the tirat Ar dividendti te ecreditoesof tb. defunot Kh Finit bamuk lu the mnia ut33 1,8 per cent. eo This menae tbpayuaenh ef abut$120, 000 aithin a few ar ys. Il la thongbt the 12dividende 'viii reacb 100 or 70 lier cent. L The bank failed inluNevenuber, 18W>2. mg The Govror anti State Boardi ef Char- to illea spent lb. greater part et Weulnes- ,u day at the Jacsokonville deet anti duusb hanti blitui istitutions, anti aneunceti btein deceiout regamtlint he investigation at the insnue boaplîi. Tbey touandthlb chargeasn'huIy uînsuppenteti anti tuily ex- Soneratethen management froua ail blame. Joeph Young. a colormeiuan knearn lu ýw be upn'artis ot 100 years oIt, dieti el Belle- n výlle. H.en'as brougbt la the ceunty as a d slave by Gev. Etwaris, tb. tiraI Goveruon Lt et the territory aud the second tiovemor ot bbe $tate et Illinois. The anuai report o! the , Stata Sup'er, ad iltendent et Inanrance, geowiug lb. re- 4 .ceiplae ft1h. department for the past bd - jsa,> -'emaie.,e tth. Goveriot, Tii. BSER OR STARrLINU, FAITH- FULLY RECORDED. Anether Faint Slîeoting et Fort Sheridan - llauban Ietzor'. Wilt Made Public-state Fite..a.-Claies Againel thse lamabeyReltate. Tregedy et Fort Sheridan. Fort Sheridaniiaas tbe acet ofantheri fatal tragcuyly eriday. Private Alletn, oft Companyr A, Fifteentb Infautry, n'bose1 sanity isauueaioned by lbhelpost surgeon, mnurderouusiy asaaiilted bis feiioav soler, Private Daniel M. Cailuofutheb.sante c'eut- psny, tutud sent a bîtilet trous a big regula- tien ariy r'volv-er imt Cali's bo.dy. Scores uif bîuccontis ituassea lhe iafuri- aleti stldire uiie, sud geverai cunrades rusheul upon tlîe mnu ith tie inte'ntiotn o! disnriing hint. lu tbe mraggle 'vbich feoaa-ed Allen 'vnitbu'd ttid squ1unued irilî ahmaet Suierhuminuî trengtiî. tussimug bis assianits about n'ith case. Ile relaiiied " firin, holipuis he -apon. Suddenly " lanud report soîinuld, sud the soldiersi 'vore strtieti hua sec Private Allen fali Ie the groutiti perbaps fataiiy ivou'nted tuy bi@ oîvuurevolvri. Vaurionse torios uf the origiîs-?f the trubitle bectiir te sulticra 'vere circilatteti. Tise getiteruullî aceupti v-ersiontule t butt tie tiv i-enal but i u'u'i- gaged inu a boxilig match. Gi-es foue>- te Charity. The irili of heuubcîu Be-tzor, iled it lDe- cataur. uakelu'snaluanusuai beuiltests. Thirty thouustuuidoullrs is beqieatheil te the 'vidon for lite. Th'e rest uit the e rte ii; divileu n ilouug('lia ritiu's. 'Tle(lios: imuportasut is $2,Me tthtle 1Yuiuug ,i-u C'hristian Assaociation fuir a buuldiîf tîuuin $1,tK)t fuir a liruiry. One thiuuutnilll laislagi ulu te t heI'resby leriaun î îuul$1.- 000 tut 'u muberlnd ut!Iru'siuteru lu (lu nr-b et Dêe-uituîi. (hue tltiutsittlduuallantrslu givoit te North P-ark t 'uîîîlerlanîîu I r's- byteriaut Chunu-h anu $500 ha the Bluue Motunti Ciuberlndutuu resllylcriunthiri-l. oit conitiuumît bat a serusaoi is uru'uuu-. once eî-cry year ontuthe guuîîl uuss antdu merey if ('hrist. 'Thie sermuonu s tii lue kitoirnas tu(- "Betzor" serntau. t biue tisouisa îudolauursla Icft ta Liinc'olna Uni- iversity. 'The Yala,îug Meiim'Chr'istian As- socialtion huu'1 hui oîcîuelt ualn ilo1hlie n uuut $15.000. hucutise the rcsiuluuar. cuit ah-. aler ail i re îîts: m ialle', nllue suhu- ed te itf As Stirctv on Baker'@ Bond. Tht' imauue of thiiais iled a i luimu agutiiiIt the euu:uute ofitl ufis SN. ltuigia nhic-li s li the Ilatre ouit iil o uitoniu. It apiulrs thîut ltauisay avilus fille' uf the suIru-uu ii lon tuîbod uit lJames 1D. tiku(r. o et .-ba i. trlîui aias a. ofuh-î theiu souuluu-u-îIltlinouis Stute îuu liteiltiry. Ilie ahIse la-iti-lîurge (ittt'e >lutu sayluuîî fir- the i' iîi,aîui.til listjtuttuuuls loc-iseu luit 4'hlii-t-r . Asinitir uluajîtu bas lisi lici fihui iuu.-iili.t Hen'ruy tiîtur, pîuruitu.r uf thu-et u t t.u-bluoiu l muL, iii iiig îuhua onei uf i t'e sutrelu--. At itle tto'tf Buîk- ei'-u reu'iglu t io iîîlis i-u u s àuu dethiit if fl 1.750 lui t h.-u' uie tiaury ui-- coulesant a i dei t iui-it 't $P;.143 ini tht' ay huim nutuolîts. "liue uu-iit iras ,-nîusu'ui lîr 1the tliluîru ofuthîie $iti'r Banuk. Baku r bar- iîîg ilepiîsi iiul$1d 5 w il hithbut uîînu-u'nî Buaker mas fuir iiany yeiurs enuhier uftias banuk. tatis.y niîd Suit'r uar' t heo ni uretiu's thuî Baiker ftuiisled. Ti,, flung ot this clajîn nuuukcu the total liabilities of the Ittmant~y ostate $140,M)U. Stete News in Brief. Framik lalulavin. o! Griggsvilie. %va itu 111 cd luy thle ai-i-iil-n titi disc-la rge uit a goii - .Iolti .iuîîîs. îanted at Anna fuir kiuking MIra. Saîsamu 3lendenubnll ho ieitb aihile lie wn-nsrsrlal of the tonu.i bas becut an- tresteil in St. auis. Ilis site. n-ho -aiîus r ho iveut ibere to iii ber, cuiuscd bis arrest. 'The bornentf 1. %'. Fol"oer. . a- Paa.%-ans destroy cul hy tire, tuigether îitb ioae.i'îus. The builinag uns oarîueul hb' 'lluî'u',' rFuu ik. grocci a. Lias. ii-u:r.. :u u Burgiareimid.' e raid on the village oi» Tremuet Sunduy niuunin11.1 lIait a dozeu resiuicuces n-r.e etere, ,nndaiuth'. a ci'. dry andti uoîey aere stolen. 'The kburglars ieft ine cleir. Theo malter avis a reporte o th ue Pu'oria auttîorities aith a Lreqîteat thuit bloodhounîds ho gent to Tre- tr meont inaunoediateir to hi' ised iii traeking tileul, buut Poi ai ie net siluilied vi t h the a animais. y Missq Mary Ste-wart. a îîoîuîlîr souieiy youug %oarotof Murissa, bas brouîght suit in tlue St. Clair Counmty C'out againust a Johnt C. Hanniltoin, a wa'.cttiiy uinillcamer ,e of that place, for $20,0X) damsages. for y brcaking bis proumise to mnrry bier. Ilam- ilton is a uiloaver arbo it la allegeti ru' considered bis determinatieu tlu marry tbe yenng lady atter cosulting nilb bis grown-uju chiidren, n-ho bilteriy opposeti the unin. tW'. T. WVili§otu a relired farmer ot Nor- amal, bas gîremi 1ev. C. F. Winbigle>r, pas- -o of u tise iiirst Buiptiel Cburcb o! Blotu a ingten, $6,000 lo be ditribulet i s oln a Fire lbousauîd dollars lu the mrcu *Baptisît Misionnry Uinn Boston, and r 100 toth apit oa Foreignu $1,000 le giron on condition Ihalt the la- d dies' society et tire Firmt IlaplisI Church t' aupport a foreigu uissiouary for five le years. Thoy bave acceptedth Ie proîlusi- Se tien. Dorie ue c('rtiiy, rut Chicago, wnt eu te hienvitatiotn ouft 'hier Bargren, et lteektorti. tuu imstupul ls.tour prisouers lu jail saispecteti ot rohhiug Slate's Attoruu'Y Jusl.r, of Elgin. W'. ('iu'denuîiîî ot Au- ruina, an,) F. il. Marsiî.ofet ltukford, ot $21K) at the Nelson Ilotet. Vhen the do- tu'ciive aln- tbo men. irbo ni) tu thsut lime [Lad ra'fuuucd Lq givo their names, ibere n-as a utual recognition anti the prisonems w'. keneti. The otilen identifie t te- un James I'emmeii, a noterius crook; E(1 Giiis.o1h nîanu aliases, nluo bas servei in jiails lil uvor the coîuntry, andI Jue Burke andul James Burke, lai-c, ai-kuoo-t C'hicago pickpockets, arbo have ouiy been ontî oftheb. lrideai-eli 10-o aieeks. The pieturos ot nil four n c u oteutu lu any roguîe's gailery, audtihue records et the meut anti geueral ieircîînuslancpis natule it moure titan tikeiy that n case irilil ho founti againal Ibeus. TIhe Peuuriui lire bell 'vas clauging aI- nuosl ineessistir helweouî ridnigbt anti 2 o'clock Weduesday moruulug. Fire alarme aer. turned inl. The ires wemc al et mystorietta engin, aud il la supposedtIhat soute on. starling frern Apple strool n'aik- Pd uîp lb, ailroad trucke, iemvlug a trnsu et fine bebint i hm. The imat tirearas in the iltoblason cooperage 'venke, tha langeaIplanut ot the kùinl the city. The tire slarleti near the engiîe rom and bat secured dutniderabie headaray arben dia- covereti. The rear portien et lbe building 'vas batily tismageti. The 'vatchuanso aya bc iras ail throngb thal portion oethIe building only s short lime beltme lire antiderylbing aras Iben salt.anti secure. The eongines bati sercely returnedt luthein qîîarlers arben tare alarma calledthtem te lbe Manhattan distllery, ahre an ima- msense bay stock n'as lundarnes aud threst- culuz destrucetion te the diatiîlery anti the utiter immense stocke. The bey n'as ail baleti, and ti nas a bard ighl the iremen bîti. Tlîey bat just gel the better efthIis ire arben a fear blocks sn'ay troua tbem, nt the eeoperage warkaetf adigan, WalIsh & Ce. fuames aiere seon le burst, andt o' more aharuas carne in rapit suc- cessien. The ira ber. hati a big stant be- fore dlscovery, snd the terces bsd te bc divideti. The coeperatge wa'rks 'veve prac- ticslly desîroyeti. A fewa'ycrs age thie aras a favorite section fer incendianies, sud lires n'ene utfItmoal uigbtly occur- rence theme. Tiaeueande ot dollars' 'vorth of property ocre annualiy bumneti up lu Ibis way. The Rer. P. A. Johnson, of Marquette, ilich., bas heen calledto te .pulpîl of Emmanuel butheran Churcb, RocL'tord. Prof. C. A. WVendell, arbe bas been lu charge, la te relumu le Auguat'iua Col- lege. Afler a legal ighl ot nearIy fouir yesre belusen the cil, ot Caîro and the Illinois Central Raila iCompany, lu wblcb it .a s buu-ta omude l Ci 'lrd ho an SflPflblwur .iwua. Dya als, sutaiels stsutly killeai.' Whit Perry's generni stere nt Belle Plaine 'vas entered by burgiers, avhu prled open the sane, securing $400 lu cash sud notes. Illinois autboritles bave offereti n r.- ward ut $200 fer the arrest of W~illiam Yéi'gen, 'vbe escaped troua th jolil at Car- linville nfter atteuai.'iug te kili BmraueY Bradait. Ulyren Jordan,oet'Mokiens, n'bo 'vs etabh.d tour years ago aud basn since been lu an imnne asylum trous the effects, sub- uitled te ant operation lu Joliet, surgeons removlng a knif. blade one aud une-bal! luiches long froua hie skuiil. Christ Kuebn. ann Inoffensive nid ussu, foîuid Tout Hatzcnbuebier lying in the rond near Sentchler. He was lntoxicated. Kuebu tried te gel the drunken man home, 'vherenpon the latter atlack.d him n'ith s kîife, cnttfrng bistIdiront lu a frigbttuil mnner. I<uehîi Isa tilI alive. but lîttie luopoer hi. rpecovery laentertained. Hat- zenubcler i.u lujoil. A long liait misdeeds lately perpetrat' cul lia the viclnlîy o! Allon by tramups cul- ininateul Tuesday afternoun lu tb. arrent of Frauk Sr. Clair sud George bochainger. umde-r sacharge bade by the coroners jury of baviez murdered Peter Diguan, eft St. Louis. Dignan and a cumpation 'vent te Alton t.Mondany te look for werk aud at s lite houir the forme'r 'as tound borribly îîangledl by a fruiglit train, u thIe lerce. It wvu@ thouiglît te hvbeecuau accident tutil tlue jury investigationis îroved liat hoe 1usd luen nlirdiereul fir muoney sud the body thus intitateul tii arolu suspicion. W~illiaum GraisR ullountt ilt,' Slîlby ('un- ty lor bouse' 'Iuesuay. arbere he bad lie'art iitialeuofeit(tiinhsite uî'part-net for tîrelî-e vears. ;rassm, %vilil ie broth- er 'h i tip, .iiusoîuh M u'-yers andul ilard I lulder. n-cru' in vitted of thlue'murder April 12, ISiuS. uf lnusituu ('nhoun. a guuard (,ta thbe Ill inois Ct irai lande oulth ort l'alla. ieursnns hanged July 29, 1870. lioIler's dpath sentence anus coe- nuted to lite inîprisonmaetil, hcdylnx et Joliet lifter serving thrîe yena. Pbîlip and l 'iliam Crass 'vere giren lite terme at Jloliet, aihere Philil, died. W'illiani, abo iras beu'oming iîîsane. n-ns transfer- red tu the couty pourhoîîse, iahere ha ilied. Franc-si' uurpluy. the moied têulluei'amace orator. anul bis lroîher. have been en- gagi'ul livthe fliukfiurd ('ivie "ederatiou te couduiet a csînpaign eofsaive'k againgt the multIns in lttoektorîl. The muicipal eiu'utiou lait's lalce Aprit 21 this Tear aîd the n piin eole ul'assertl iant the pespect uit uuiiryulig the 'ity liaitnsunet1-n su brigbt lu renrs. Many liî'î'nscpeupte aise sgru'e 10 îbie tîriuluuuititi. cuuuaitca- tions iin the' aldernuanie figlit lu several of the' n ards hsvng arija.', vich May t-ais aîsnlit'ili thle t ouinci, anîd ii t bis eeut Mayor lBrown, ulîîubas niirnYs tuen anIiuu-na iini' îul u ot' li fa ror ut u-hiig the saloois for il',' oin.- 3llgyi'r. T1he'r"ii u'uerivedi ty liii',i-ty frontu this soiur-e is io$ifjvM,01uan3uar. Mrs. Siîti luujmfuitt. tuf i-vuuston. is 1012 earS (Atd. and,.]lîur IirltluY nus icee tîntti-ul the' ut tur uluir by n a tuily gisltber- ing îuit teueof tlue t-uiightî'r. Mrs. JouhnutA lurnes, iLuI et' ut ru'utnanulW'csle'y avenuie, Eîvismi. Mrs. Abriues la 72 yen rs îîll, andîîl ier lîuu sbîîd 71. 36M ro. Kitnifi t b air, vaotlku'îI a thtle Iouse, usina oiyafa utue. Sii' sa> s sheÂLui tîcer uîmud spetctacle's anduîis intA uudbeal th. Ab.lrites and Chris aîd t'harles Klamftut. Site bas torty-tno great-grandelîlîdren andti uugetgr'tgimui-utrn Sh. %%-as bîrn iuu (iurnuuny in 1794, amîd name lu thls uountry ftirîy-fouiË yt'a.a ago, living ini Neuw Orle'ans tenu ris. 'The Klamftt ramily thon renuuuru'u to Niles Center anud lia-cd Iicre tîventy-fouir years, atter îvhichi tluey cause 10 Evaneton. thry were a part of berseif. and had a« 7 been înereiy put on. She does not cas' muuch, eîther, about their belng ln the height of fashion, as long as they are be- coming. Ail, or at iesst mont, of ber taste* and accompiahments are feminine. Sh. la passiouateiy fond of munie. embroides heantifuily and in an excellent nuise Dnring the neason she goes constantly te the opera. She îîo's every on.e o Wag- ners eopera@, frnm beginning ta end, and can tell the instant the bears a musical selection just 'vbat it is and wbo wrote IL Ensbroidery sea& tu rank neit 10 munie ln ber favor ant] ,any of ber frienda poo- sesu elegant Kpe4cimens of ber work. Mm'. Dinmmîck bas not the %mailest Interest in athietien of any kinl. sise was neyer on a bicycle, and ducs flot approve oftheii machine. aud slip does not ride, drive or skate, lier time in pretty evetîiy divided between booksand ernbroidery sud th,* opera. She ls a great reader, sud keepe up witb ail the emrrent literatnre, thuneb @bc cures uittle for anytbiug classical.8h" bas a fad fur collecting autographe, and pos<'sses the signatures of mauy veli- kuown el. among tbem bei«X theme of Jean de' iLeszke and IRichard liansfild Mansfield is her personai friend, and eh. ia bis devoted admirer. lie is ber fAvor- ite acter, aud she' consliders hlm oe of the greatestliîgbts of the modern stagie. Alligon, by the way. bas the bonor of bW Ing approved by ber as a candidate forth preoidenc y. lu appearanre NMrs. fimmick ie net ex- actly beantifuil, bat she lo so brigbt and vivacious, andil ooaristocratie lu ber bea- lut, tbnt sihe gi% es une the impression of being so. As a youug girl, sh@ was noted for ber personal charme. and ln Prince- ton, the borne o! ber cbildbood, ther stiW telik of lier beauly. The neddiiug in to take place at noon ois April 6i, in St. Thomas' Chureh, New York, and 'vili bc extremely quiet. It le uudcrstuod that there will bc oniy twelve guests. relatives, sud tome lutinate frieuda of the ex-Presideut, aud that there will bc no 'vedding breakfast. Lieut Parker 'viii give tbe bride away. After the ccremçgny lthe newiy wedded pair wid go to the general's borne in lndianapoie iffere a publie reception wili be given la their honor. A boudoir for tb. bride bus been pisnned by herseif, and sbe bas per- sonally selected thse baugingoand ethel furnishingu for it. Iu August they *vi go to the Adirondaeks, where a siple little cottage is no'v being built fer thea. INDIANA DISTRICT DELEGATES. Thîrteen Conventions lIeld, tn the Etate on Thnrsday. 1 The Republiùaus of Indiana, througb their represeutatives in thîrteen district conventions, Tbursdny selected the foi- Iowing delegatea tu represent theni in tbe St. Louis convention: First-James Il. McNeeley, Evansville; James B. Onamble. Princeton. Second-Not U. Hill, Bloomlngtoui Benjamin F. Polk, Vinceunes. Tbird-H. C. Hobbs, Salem; J. T. Stout Fourtb-O. H. Montgomery, SeymonrI ' A. B. Nowtlin, Lawrenceburg. Fiftb-Taylor Reagan, PlalnBield; Jess W. Weik, Greencastle. Sixth-J. W. Rose, Counersylille: I. I. Stoner. (Ireenfield. Seventb-Harry S. New, ludianapollne; Joseph B. Keeliug, Indianapolis. Eightb, V. T. Durbin, Anderson; J. EL Ninth D. A. Coulter. Frankfort; C. W. Williams, Crswfordavilie. Tenth-Garret 8. Van Duren, Michigana City; Claude Laugbry, *Mlonticello. Eleveuth-Lon Signs, North Manche&. ter; A. L. La'vsbe. Converse. T'velfth-rrank S. Robey, Augets; O. D. Law, Fort Wayne. Thirteentb-J. H. Heatwole, Goshenl A. L. Brick. Soutb Bend. Five district@ instmucted their delegatea te vote for McKinley. Severaldistricet.- lndnreed the ,'audidacy oftheb.Ohio man; but ieft their delegates free te vote as Mar' seem best atter they get mb lb.h conve.. tien. l The Business Ilen's League of U,. Louis bas establlshed a bureau of lniog'-ke matien te supplement, lb. werk of 3comnunltelu finding aemuodationsoý lhe delegates and visitera@e t. . durlng the Repubilcan conventBo, a~ alse during tbe Populiat andhietUa convention la Jnly.7 EariIckad, wssliag a feu u FAOTS ABOUT TI WOMIAN M. HARRISON WILL. WgD. m<ot a New Wonaa bly Aur ms. 1ýii.ther RowrNorgkatedorftI*. a Bicycle or a Morne-Weil Est« %p CharmIng. Not E:aetliy Besutiful. If ex-President Hsrrisen's opinions eUS b. Inferred froua bis choice of a bride, ba cau have littie sympatby fer the so-.i>lW new woman, for Idre. Ilszy Lord DW-~ miek i. er very antitheuis. The fa«àm** th. never wore, and stendfastly .f te wear, shirt walats laea good kytb character. 8h. dlslikees shnitug .taft msinnhsh or seer., and, though dérj] dresses plilnly and generuily la da * ors èh. always chooses soit thinge clins te ber in an affectienat. waY, as