CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 27 Mar 1896, p. 8

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GOOU BIG LITTLE STIWE HAVE JUST ADDED ANOTHER LOT 0Fý RANCES To -my » stock florne in and see Uthe new oil stoves 'jJIuîIOY,1ItIb8 W' TI-EY'RE DANDIES. AMntibeat Stove on vhich ta prepare *cod ia an ACORN Range which in- arm perféct Cooking. H. B. EGER, Libertyville. I~,eWe Are Again Jlààt rcelved a large supply of choice gardera seeds lncludlnig lima beans Iking of the gardeni, also new stock of ladies, gents and boys rubbers. Here are some of our cash prices. Mou wSonsooket rubbers......... 70 lies vaoonsocket advauce ...... . 55 Bkos ooniockei rubbers ........ 55 Niai sveet coru per caun..........(06 Choice tomiatoci per clin........... 08 9 Ibs rolled oass............. ..... 25 7 bars lenoi; 5otpp...... ............25 5 Ibs lanndry starch .............. 25 1 lb frosîx roasted Java, Moka aud Rio comb. cotiee............. 23 SUITS AND OVERCOATS.à sold at Wholesale Prices on order- If you want a CARPET OR RUG it will pay you to get my prices. REMEMBER . 1 arn headquarters for Choice Groceries, of ail kinds, Çonfectionery, Tobacco and Cigars. Also what 1 have in Boots, Shoos, Gloves, Mittens, Hats, Caps, Overails and Pants wil be sold regardless of cost. YOURS FOR TRADE, Rockefeller, Mu. A. M. BRIGGS. Greàat Reduction ...IN .. SHOES 4AAPAIRS of Mrs. Dongola Button Shoes, $2. 2.15, 2.50 eh bgoclose ai__ 1. 0 ite foiloiriiig xMzeq 14Pair Size 2 1-2. 10 " 3 1 . '.0cent Sun Cu à.65do .85 cent Mittens i red ,~{3 Pair Size 4 12 66 &"6 41-2. 10 64 if 5 Japan Tea at .38 cts. 66 .27 '7 - - at .6 7cts. Minnesta' Flour $3.50 per bbl. D ALL OTHER GOODS AS CHEAP, at a a - s IVANHOE i&Pfannenstiel 1, - - ILLINOIS. HPEGLOW. Fwork Stone Work and Plutering of all kinds. 'ticiming and Whitewashing. KA"BONIBLE PRîtER. sos tWderset ........ýjOHNONf4- &PDAY, .-ILLINOIS.1 Grass Seeds sale -at WIslesale and Retail :- LL KINDS OF -: Pure Clover Seed, Timn- othy and Red Top aise Millet and Hungarian Seeds, in season, Low Prices by CHAS. STEMPLE, Long Grove, Lake co., mlIinils. si'Applications by Mail prolflPtlY attended ta. 1ev 1018 515 se? iii Ititon 125 a ait14 1222 Rooefle' e ? 83 108 àil 1227 Gras ýe de to 1055 30 1238 go uns se .... 5 8 12 0 LakeoVilla 951 1130 a 45 124ab eoucG o sow. . Lin .. . LakeoVilla 4 25 7 M Il130 a U Rollins sisi 7 41 Ft. ason LraysLak et843 7 47 1205 6586 f.o1etlîr "447 15Ça 12 30 60 Leithton 84 51 07i 12 45 6Il PalVeow 111 - 15 17 65 Aptakîste 8501 21 02 8il wheeing 48 os 54 114 627 Chicago 6 3o 104ta Frt. 7 48 #DailIy oetit SundaY. s top only on sisna. ________ Around the County. ROCKEFELLER. Grace C ronkuilte in spending a week with lire. Geo. Wilcoi at Lefiton. Mir. Cookman han sold Mse horse, harness and buggy, to Robert Bouim. Chai. Kuebker and wlfe, of Grays- lake, visited at lr. J. F. Clarke's lait Bunday. Did yeu ever sec such remarkably 10w pricesa A. M. Brigga qiote8, read bis ad. lirs. Richardson, of Grayalake, vlaft- ed ber aiter lirs. Barrus Saturday and Sunday. Those wba appreciate good values call aud inspeet the now lUne of carpét samples, etc. Wînn Ksîo<ia. Earnetit Carson and family will move to Rondout tliis week, where he will continue to work on the eection. Saturday Mis Eva* Rouie eutertained ber little frionds by givlug a hirtbdsy party. Ail repart a jolly timo. WV. S. Welch waiont of tovu lait Satnrday ou business. Bis brother, Rosocraus, took bis place lu tbe achool rooni londay sud Tuesday. We learu that Zoa Loucks will tari for Valparaiso nexi Monday mornlng,1 wbero site viii attend achool. She expecta to remalu until Auguat. Henry Ritzenthaler will erect a nev barn on his lot ou Lake Ave. Mir. Kramer bas taken tbe contract. Mr. Cronkbite supplied tbe lumber demanded. Frank Brown, of Diamoud Lake, bas rented lMr. sud lira. Frank Shaddle's bouse ou Grace Ave., sud wilI move bis family bore soon as be bas bis sale. We are glad to seo this bouse occupied, also glad ta velcome this fainily ta aur midst. We are glad ta state that Mr. Norton sud daughier Blanche arrived from Tenu. one day lait week. Tbey bave been absent thse pait vnter an accouni of poor bealth. Tbey report feeling very muchbebtter sud wyul returu ta tbeir home bore nt once. A vory plessant surprise party vas beld ai the home o! Lanra Jouai ou laitTbnrsday evenlng. About tventy of aux Good Templars atteuded sud every one bad a deligbifulnimre. At about eleven 'clock ice cream sud cake vai served, alter whicb l returued homo baving made the acquaintance o! aur nov camer. Miss Jouai, sud veil satisflod vitb their eveninga entertaluneut. The 1. 0. G. T. beld a coînty lodge meeting ai this place lent Baturday. Delegates frorn eacb lodgo were lresoui in spite of tbe bad roade. Dinuer snd supper vaa served lu Mr. Knxgge's empty store, wbicb pleaied the good templars very mucb. The program for the afternoon vas very iuterestiug. Chie! Templar Wluter k;ang un a sang wbicb vas eujoyed by ail, Mis Penuiman, lMr. Lewis aud Mir. MoKeuzie reudored avery luterest- iug recitation. After suppor lMr. Witer sud lMr. Chinu gave very iuterestiug taîks ou I. O. G. T. vork. Percy Chunu sud Cora Burdick euter- tained the audience witb very lutereat- iug papers for the good of the order. Mir. Scbock, of Higbwood, deliverod tva recitations. Tbey were well reudered sud appreciated by al. Frank Cronkbie gave a carnet zoWi aud thse quartette from tia lodge furnibhed music for the occassian. lisas Breuton sud Miss Ponniman sang a duet,aud lir. Giosko, o! Libertyville, sang a solo. Every one seemed ta have a very pleasant tme, sud ve hope tealal meet again in the near future. 01 W C( fil ti V4 ilc ti bi VI e( oi w c £4 k M M ti t] 'Wt, h 'ia APTAKISIC. i Lawrenct Golden came to see sick 13 flk$ lait Stnday eveuing. 1 Gea. weidner is slowly convalescing.8 lira. Mike Wickersbeixnila also fi-v proviug. Gea. Carsten our miail carrier bo- t ivoon Aptakisie and Buffalo Grove,d Tnesday morning o! heurt disease. E Joe Ullricb, o! Worthiugton, Minu., camne ibis way witb a carload of catilo and visited bis aiter, lira. P. Busch. k lira. Mat Wickersieim'a lîfe vasÈ dispaired of lasi veek, but. aiseflm- proved immodiately efier Dr. Muffet's call. The boys met ai J. Giss' lasi Friday ulghi sud playsd a few seleciions lu bonar a! Mr. Gloa!s' xtlothbibltbday. Ai athers vero ussoanaxiaus tohear the music sud have a good trne qulte a crowd gatbered sud a good time vas biad playing games; among other gamnes an aid tailor vas taugbi boy ta cnt,su an s extra good cook vas taîgbit haw ta suir vitb a spoan. ROLLINS. Alfred Stlckles vont ta tise ci>' Mon- day ta romain sovaral eke. Mise Laura Cremin and ÇGuy Hook are borne from achool ou a vacation. The botel that Io being bulht ou Fourtb Lake is uearlug campletiau. Mr. and lira. Hibbard, o! Obicago), bave rnoved on the Charles Edwarde place. Those on air 51cR liii this woek axe, Frankie Stiekles sud lira. Lincoln Lusk. lira. lianzer, one o! the oldout pic- ueranslthe county, passed iv.>' Sun- day evoulng. At the caneties aturday Gea. Bea" rocelved the nomination for rad coin.- missloner. jAn adopted child o!flMr. snd lira. Bauivoîl, of Lake Vilavas buried bore Tueida>'. MMra. onvems, =issu bos a b al M.5 nl1 bra.m to hS lki lre. lmke Antes and son Mme spont Bundsy tu thse City. Chas. Noelsnand aitors, ofi Maç spent Bunday with iboir parents bor*. M. Horenberger ban sold hi ho and lot lu Highland Park ta Bm )etzel. Hattie Parsons who bai been sai with rheunatlsm for some time conifaioscing. Be sure snd attend the 0. A. C. as a fe prograin bas been arranged for bhis week. Rev. Toweli, of Chicago, preached very interosting sermon Sunday even-ý .ng in the Preibyterian cburch. Mr. Fred Meyer, our gal amitb, bas. the agency for the celebrated Pline binder sud chain goared mower. Katie Hale wbo han, made a short vieit at ber home recently bai reiurn- ed to Valparaiso to resume ber studies.1 Augusta Zerwer who wai the guest f ber sister Mrs. E. A. Frsutz lait woek bai roturned to ber home ln Chicago. For the lait few days tbe tolephone Company bas bad a large force of men lowering the wires on the, pole& thraugh tMis place. In several instances tbey bave played bavoc with smre o! the shade trees that chauced to be in tbeir patb. Prom the manuer snd nuluber lu wblcb the cîtizens of our township turned ont to caucus It eau not help but imprens upon the mmndi o! those wbo have done so much against.our speclal gravel tax aud the manuor lu whicb it sblouid be diastributod upon the roadi tbat they feel that the present board of highway commissioners bave done that which wai luit and right. , Mr. Ehi Frantz wbo bai been lu the mercantile business ai Everett for the pait soveral years bai sold ont there sud moved luto hie building ai Deortiold whore be again wilI attompt ta satlafy bis many frlends and old cîsiomers witb dry gooda aud groceries from a bran uew stock wbicb be ln now placlug lu bis new place of business. 1IVAN H 0 E. Stock sold at good pricem et the auction sale af Mrs. Bater. Henry Lee and famlly nxoved to Rockefeller two weeki ago. Hattie Braluord closed ber achool lu the Swan district lest Tbnrsday. Jako Deithoru bai beon ou the sick liai for some time. Dr. Taylor of Libertyville bas been lu attondauce. The Lake county district Sunday scbool convention wai beld bere 1ai Suuday, sud the meeting proved to be a very interestiug one. George Radke vis nomiuated for Migbway cammisiioner; Auguit Fisher, for aimessor; Frank Dolpb, for colloctor. They are ail good mou sud wlll bceolected ialI probabilities. EVERETTI. The commuity wui on Tuesday aaddeued ta learu o! the deatb o! Mr. baos. Corcorsu wbo bad been suffering [rom a lingorlug Illnoas for sane tume. Mr. Corcaran wai higbly esteomed l)y il who kuow hlm sud bis departure from aur midi will be felt tbrongb ut the ontire communlty. He vas seventy-ive years of age sud lbaves a wile and eight children ta mouru their Ions. The luerai services vere Leld ou Tbursday ai St Marys cburcb t Lake Foresitbte internment bcîng in St Patrick's burlug grouud. As soan as Captain F. Rodmund, o! the Evoreti basobaîl teain, wbo blasj been aufteriug from au sttack of pneumania Is able ta be out, be vill onfer wiib msuager Zorvor regardiug bhe basebsil campaigu, sud the pros- pects of retaiuiug sud wiuning tbe bhaapionsbip of Lake county wbieb boey bave snccossfully van for three ousective yearm. Opposiug teaxns may have gone ta work earllor lu the BeQu ocuring their player8. but tbe maagoenof aithe -Everetti teain, vill oou be about tbe vork a! selectlng» players sud planning a campaigu witb bhe ardent purpone of forcing tbe sport o the bigh order it sbould occupy, and predictions made by tixose Inx- terested are that no pains i ill bce spared lu securing for Ei'erett a ivnung teani. J. M oran who by bis! Lbllity aud cleveruesa thui far display probsbly bas theo -ciiîcl" on the position behind tbe bat. 'Moran l8au aiIl arouud good nMau beig a strong batter, a careful base runnur, sud a mure ibrower to bases. 1. S. Tupper wbo la knowu bctter among the local -fans- as -otld Abte" la safely scheduled t0 do the twîrllug. "ýAbe" la a right baud tilrler, posaesaiug great coutrol o! the aphere, comblned witb a speetly dolivery. Ho la calm duriug the critical moments lu auY stage a! the game. Ho is na youuigster sud accord- iug ta the *'baiehali cranka" la con- sidered --a cylone." hI flot ytt kuawn wbo wW ill 1 the position et lirai bas as C. J. Harlan wbo bas successfully lilled the position lu the pst, bai Ioen cailed away from this lacality toaai the management o! tbe Alsip Brick Ca., ai Blue Island. itla virtnally decided ibat J. Yore vll caver second base, tho soiectian cannai be impraved upon. Ho la a steady sud rellable player, an extremely bard bitter, a good ibrover sud nover baoses bis bead. Lanky Redmond vill tiîtise Position af short stop as ho bai tbe facuity of coverng lots of grouud, fields the bal fast sud 11 a bard base tbrower. "-Mldgot" Tulle>' viii b. seen l is id position ai third. Aihaugis ho la not a bard bitter he la a sure ibrawer s good base rinner sud a fine man ta Sund grounders. For the field ibore are "oDick" O'Connor, Tulley and Yoro making an exceptiaually straug field. Yare sud Tulle>' are bard acurate ibravers aud bave splendid. judgmont ai ý-oky scrapers" the latter belng a strong batter baving closeci the sao o! '96 wvusa largo nimber o! home rns to hie credit. Whlle O'Connor la a good Soelder, ho la the star buse runuer o! thse ulue, beiug a fait sprinter sud a «heady', man. Taken lu itsentirety the team, shauid show up lu excellent fan sund ih eaube plaini>' sen tbey ire destiued ta ho vinners. An to the location o! the play- lng ground& ithila-unknown an yet wher tise>' vilbe,% M Johunho Burns Like' Leathd mnd thats whuý, our shoes aré made of. ýSee outz Men's RazorToe Shoes at$2.25 and.S.O Our Women's "Tailor Made" Needle Toe he the latest. We carry one of the largest and e stocks of boots and shoes ln the cou nty..Ï CLEARING SALE-Mexus Kaugaroo Cal! lace sboes at $1.58. Fargo's gen1t.ý $2.50 calf, mens shéoe, $1.88. Menus gonnine Jangaroo lace aboes, reduoo, from $2.75 to $2.18. Hendersons 33.00 French kid, plain toe, womenm buàé03 sboes, go at $1.88. Anu pportunity to buy reltable sboes at such paie«doM itot occur often-dosen't lamt long. Don't let It pasi unnoticed. Pull stoek , of gragis aud garden see<ls on baud. Call on un for spring style hm$s. Long Grove,I111. V. SAUER & BRO;«- r O TO LOVELL'S DU SOEFOR >B Drugs, Medicines, Chemicais,,» PERFUMERY, SOAPU, COMBS, SBrushes, Trusses, Supporters, Shoulder Br9ces, Fancy Sud Tollet Articles, Books and Statianery, Dye Stuff., Uit.., Puty, $PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES. PATENTMEDICINES. Family Medicineu and Physicians' Prescriptions caroful7 compouuded at al bourg. ~1 ods Carefully Selected. OnIy thie et Freùd Croker.,.,., I Mrcan Suits Frqm A perfect fit guaranteed. Cali and see my samnples. Repairinq 0 VE BN. Cleanin.g O RBAK Dyeing * Libertyville, Illinois. AX LE BEAUe% CIGARS Àom.-CAN'T BE -BEAT 31YVLADY 18 A DAISY ASK FOR ... ('IG R ('IPPINGS if Vos ,rqei a pipe-fit of fraurast Chance' OF A LIFE- T IM E 15 size Elgin or Waltham mnov"mPent lu open face slverlue case............ S 6 25 Saine movemeut lu a 15 year Boss case.. il on 15 jewel movomeut ln ai15 ypar Boss case la 4<e Ladies Watches at Bot- tom Prices. o,,. b%,g. CALL and see Tise finest sewing machine on' eanth. à~ drawers, drap head, at 2.-' dollars. This sale laits for 30 DAYS O-NLY. - E.RB.SHERMAN. .1 . 1 ' 1 -

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