CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 3 Apr 1896, p. 4

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Il M LirtyNvlll. Mr. Henry' Barron la home sftel, a front roolua 0 vbh are oeoupied by ab'matr. tri t al>.the new illâmer, Mrn. Kde. Umis Frazier, of Kenoaba, in visiting hms a fine usew stock of pring rilinery znwOVN 01f PIL- vitb ber mother. (ilve her a calU. Mareh went out very Iarnb Uke, but The village canons vas held lu the Aprit ba not thus for been very docile. t0v» hall BSMurdoy, snd the smre OMll 0'flXgin hourd oftrade Mrs. Cors Weightrnan aes Fenton, of cers vere &gain nomntd. lection t'âdtr t 200; 1,900 ibn Chicago, la vlaitlng wltb ber mother ut third Tu&yln April. Township ,baued selling a that Haluenvifl. election iret Ttleuday la April and the W IY1-,ram&iued unnold. The Ladie' Aid Society vil meet ut schoûl election the folloviug Baturday. Mrs. Bon Loftus', on Wedneaday, Apri1 Let ail the ladies turu ont. g~kold t Ille, a year ago lth. Chicago contained rnany GIrays- Misa Maud JetTera bas returued te akepeoletihe puit eek. Arnong w4o"xrws la a ob cool aut Valparsiso after a vacation of ths h~vo wen o e ,»ty Hi about. ala'wabetheley, Simon, Jiattersasl, and Casaran, ~LoB.Alar nIthe Mr. Wilbur, of Wankesha, made bis Ajao Mesffl. Leonard, Stpovs, 0. ý4l1ve shoet, funl of Inter- brother; F. C. Wilbur, a flying vit, Thompson, Kuebker, J. Murrie, Roue- 'ittsn local Item- and a Tueaday, s. m. han, IHertel, Lusk, Cook, James, Her- > of advýrtiaIug, and Ita lKra. Robinson, of flsrrington, was bert, and Battershall. Wustee betokaus a success- thse guesi of ber dsughter, lira. Leon. lira. Orlando Richardsonl gave a 4ýimeI that le a credit to ard, sverl daY5 IssI week. psrty ]ast Thursay in houer of ber a an City of Beardstown. Do yon vaut anu "ad" ln the Fair aster Mima Mary Jernette,vho la about d» this ye*r? Itlai a winner. Bend te ratura to her horne ut Dion. 111., e eteprle.for rates. JUST & WOODKAN. aftee a lengthy vimt bere, snd vitb ber ýW* %d lierriok snd faiily, of Spring- sinter lira. Bar-ne, of Roekefeller. MXWaa or <ANT TOWNSHIP: field, Win., viso have beaunviiting with About forty young people were lnu t- li20 &ad tal payer, aeMari', have reMur ore tendance and a right merry tinsvas The Y. P. 9. C. E. have postponed enJOYed. Gamea and card playfng ml"ise mora regarding the social tbey inteénded to gîve Bat- vere Indulged in, termilsating with a, upvio. heearl urday, April 4,10e an Indellnate ie the "llght fantastie." By ne meous à lot of political campagu Mr. snd lKra. Whitehead are again at telato h laue a h u M4~ -t deceive and catch home ater sPeuding1 severail -eeks joyrnent of thea bountiful repast that witétÉei daghte Mre Wisonofvaes pread. Misa Cor& Austin vas the _v1U1 soon reuet Uka lî a be isn flucky winner of the ring b"" din one .Z bave csrefuily read thse Longlake. of tise cakes. It was a long. ta b. ro- Mfr. Maddeu and daugister, Char- membered time by thon vbho partiel- t! o prbceediuga for years and lotte, moved te McKenry lait Thurs- pâted. May misa Jeunette have a Wa tise seven towus of day. Their bouse bere*in nov for rant. sale journay borne and a plesaut re- krt, Waucouda, Ela, Fre- luquire of Robert Msddeu. the isarnesa membrance of ber Grayalake blonds. ~LSbrtyviUe voted solidly maker. The Brick & Tile Co., wiabto say a *o. jours against tise new Mr. Flahry, who llved on a farin !ev vords to tha public iu regard ta b, unnueceaaary expeusea. roth of towu has mnoved int his the cîreuratances now connected vltis à13l one of tise ablest ment by Mr. Hlutz. Mr. Flahry Intends te plant vas la operation about aix b& sud couscientiona main- do teaming lu the future. weel[a ln an experimeutal agdunlng il çounty board. He hm Tise Infant daugbter of Mr. iLison, vhlcis lime we turned 79 ou neu repreaented tise bt inl- of Gage' Corners, viso han been very excellent and somne poor gooda. Thoso iI, la lowly recovering. We also re- tisat have received aay of our brick or bis constituents and we ceived the information that Mm.Lewl5 tile of infarior quality we have 0se» to re-lect him. Resd Lusk, viso bau beau very ill, 1ln couvai- relmbursed 10 tiseir entire atisactionl. Sproceedinge of tise Board escent. We nov know visere our boat da&y lies, Wus lu the Lake Connty Eddie Hook vent te Chicago last vhat improvemnt te Make lu MW? and don't let auybody week for tbe purpose of purcbasing a machincry, amount of buning re- tskbutkeapposed nenovbus for tise Gardiner livery stable. quirod etc. Yon vili finditi jeu iu- tal bu kep pste onThe plosaat voather we have been quire mb tiste experieuceof other A RFrUBLIVAN. havlng latea makes one think of gel- plants tisat il taires nmre lime ta lImr ing ready for aummer traeo. tise roquirementa of different lays lu Obtuary. The Iucreased gumiber of aubacibers different localîties. We invite a» guette Vielle, vas born the warrauta us lu rünning a "uGraslake Impartial inspection of Our producta tombetIWO86 and vas at the departrnent." Our moerchants will do thse coming seanon. And ve a you r~ lamented deatis t Halfday woil te advertlae lu tiis dopsrtmeub. net te rely antir<ly upon visat nmre jiarmansaon motha old. Persona havlug nova items vill kiud] y nighbor 8aya ho bourd nmre ther baud thein toeira. E. B. Sherman. ueighbor auj about IL. If jon ara ln «rn la Saratoga county, towu Mr. Burney Beisr,of Froennt Conter, noed of brick or tile let usniseur frorn maberland, N. Y., came vibith mlse oîgmb bs eryon before jou buy. ta ta Illinois, ln 1877. Waa roorna of bis bouse on Lake Street, bise ~ 'YLK RC nEc W Alfred Stauclifie, of Ral ober 4, 1881. Duriug ber GRAYSLAI<E SOCiETIES. TuE leDEPENDRNT taies the lesdl ht, isouord Ilile, she filled -Subscribe at once. $4 satisfaction te tisose by RISIN% SUN Louige No. 115 A. F. & A. M. WSSf appointed the differeut .m"It aturdlay evening on or before f ull For e good monumentant a 1ev price, of toucher, vice supeinten. A TO o. S. Ln'wiLEi. W. M. Place jour order nov and hava il openlnAendeutjt bise Sabbatbmade dnring tise vinter monthe. !,apintiidntlt te Sbbah SROIIIICimer U. D. order Eastern Correspondeance aoicted. BaUdaWy.Sbe va& alwaya ready Star8î raeetl anu third Tueslay e-.en' s. Faxu BAinsrow. Waukegan. Mas. A. RAUoIIT. W.%*. ____ belpns baud aud bise kidly Mas. E. B. SIXERMAZ; Secy. smipthy 1teSflj o nain GBAY8LAKE Camp N1341 seM.W.Amt mrrôv or siekuesa. Was a ~first and third Saturday evenings oieh J0 hnJ. Lo ngabaugh leving vilesud motiser a' month. KPL.,V .NoTABY PUBLIC. ed snd gond neighbor,and vas ftoxon BaooKa. Clerk.]Ra stendIurc An. loved sud b ail IIIZPAHe Cap No. M B. 1. A. meet second Ra saesdIarneAet ý ooladreapected by a mvadfourthTijuefdaye,.enngue3h moiith. Lomffl eud lae.issena iai acte scies. e~ a*he camern ucotract. $ho Xie. W. HAiSvET. Orw I eik uaise Metisodite h a s.cbb jýàctMA,& iee. Agent for North Go? inuLoyd Steam- iat0f1 ti C 'ONGIBGÂTIONAL Church Sunday a-r- uhlp LUne. tm couuty, at bise age of l,es ioeia.nm. and 7:3 p.n. Prayerme'(ýt- lie belrmoval bhasba dld ing Wednesday eveniîngs. Y. P.S. C.E. m,ý-t Grys- eIllinois. Bundsxy evenifls at 6:45 1). M. rya.e W vush auj cburcb l is - $M1 1075117 sud faithfully "d te valk ln tise foobateps of Wmql:;s i i e ipily Lord sud Master. As 1mai IlInesa drew near te lis seau. aiese vas quibe vilI- hdtisbat to uereoT heperson- who says 1eocan. buy. ý k*Ve br deor icheaner hicv cie thari su Ivo brlght lovlng sons, abette or he .. w Ji arr self, tise parbuer of ber Mt ge prets ad ul te hicago Ideal, orWaverley iaflt g o heIve om- has wheeis in his head .a oMe a trlinmpbant radearned 4o&eJ»g te bear tise aveet aoete of Jeans saylug ".Weîî I seli alilkinds of wheels, watch cases ful Of wheels jd snd faltisfal servant thon that run and-- en faithful te Ihy trust on ýte thon mb to te joy of thy D N ~ < 1 1 bloved mieop andl tako thy rest, vuOtby hi-ad upon thy Savlotrs ha veil, but Jeans inved thep dgmt oed isght. 1 mthrone, ~reenaJ re n own. Ilnmous sud v t10ev W A ÀA Paviovaki Il 6 .0d........... 750 1jubbard sud v ta Au- WWbmiPtpIt 7 bl 3 O*ÔéNgos "d to W v d IWO0 ftelesud v te John.- $3; 8, l 1Bord du Lac * .......... .......... 200 »bit toObsea E Cable bo 4 s4u v~f Dei 944 9 40 Mdvwta James B 19 1I1& Grayalake v d M0 iposi 4 45 10vd w »WOM sud v to Rebt àm 3 anes sd 1o P ......... i 'l4wi4 v te Josepha 325 Im e Jéhu 6kmDumlny WA1.1$ ..v...... 3M0 ~4)1pHugli »* 4 l -i 5 1wls ..21 Also, agent for Gleason& Shaff sewing machines. Complete etock of bicycle and sewing machine repairs always on band at E. B. ÉHERMAN'S, TrheJeweîer, ,Grayilake o Illinois. liOWNIcilKU For 8Supervîsor, -' C. B. EASTON For Town Clark,' JAMES W. FURNEY For Assesor, El J EPH C. ADAMS For(olcor EFoJOHN C*S F JOHN O Pi REGULAR TOWN CLER%. EU mr RNOMINATION. For sMipervisor, SHEIRMAN H. HOMTE. For To-n Clerk, FlCHARLIE C. GERBERT. w- For Asseaor, FRANCIS R. TRIPP. For Collector, J JO"*4M. WINR F or Commlsalouer 0f lgivayg, EIDacob P.RTE HA R For Beisool Trustee, wFrALBERT SUR FrBehool rusntee <10 1111 vacsucy). EWILLIAM B. SCHAFFER. n BY SIGNATURE. For Snpervlsor, JUD A. MASON. wCI-ARLIE C.GEBR For Anessor, JOHN T. AVERS. For Colleter. w CHARLIE C. OS For CommîfnissonefoHigbvaym, wPETER HOLST. For Sciool Trusea, wLETSUR F-r l4choel Trust. (te fll sae) LIWILLIAM B. SCHAFFER. Official BalIot--Town of Grant. ELECTION TUESDAY, APIUL 7, 1996- o El Fl El El Math Stoffel, D[RaIICICK. For SuperviorT, GEORGE WAIT. For Town Clerk, MATH STOFFEL. For Assessor, ALEX O'BOYLE. For Coleelor, HENRY Y. STANTON. For Commissmioller o! igilîvava. JAMES HOREN. TOWN CLERK. o w w El w w PPIES, .IIKL. loirnrNi~ JAMES DALZIEL: l'or Tovo Cli'ri. ALBERT WILLEY. ForgAs4i'ssor, JOSEPH N. FREUND. For oit.r CHRIS LARKIN. For Couîuissîonor ofh iihnavn, JOHN STRATTON. éé6~V9,JÇ USYSTEMATICALLV 1 Cali attention of--.o Farmers and Others To the fact that I have just struck an extra good deai on an extra large spot cash order of . . . . . . SCOTCH G,-LiPPER 12-14 und 16 disk .pulverizer, e.îîtlsg t14 suad I8 fI. tisat 1 sýil lover tissu sujone in thestate. 14 ho. forcé-. fed Aet-ileris at $28.<I4i. and other first class plows. Steel and wood beamn lever har- rows, 12 and 14 hoe force feed seeders, farmn wagon s trucks and miîk wagons of the very best makeés. SINGLE AND TWO SEATED TOP RIOS TO PLEASE ALL. I quote 12 hoe flrst-class -force feed seeders at $22. Steel frame, $24. Two section lever har- rows at $8. -Good quaîity 1 1-2 inch farmn bar- $20. 14 and 16 inch woocd beam walking plows that 1 wiII guarantee to be flIrst-class, fore less mony than can be purchased of any dealer ln the state, who, 1 bet. wiII tell you that It is im- possible and.a MISTAKE, but to satlsfy yourself COME, WRITE, WIRE, or 'PHONE, and 1 wiII prove It and stand the expense when we M'eet, and you wiII save money by so doing. H"ie a large stock of my lune at Wauconda, quitea large lino st Libertyville and ab Lake Zîlici. Stili I balleve au extra goiod tinse tb bib 1e would h)a auj Batnrday at Waucoudu, or Bunday wili do mast as veIl on11 our rýtIImn fron eiureh, as 1 h- ilevo the botter tise day tise botter lime ale"nod 1arn grently in iîced of uïoîsey limaI day bo ineet Monday'a boavy payrnents. CHEER UPID And encourage your neighbor by tellIng iim that times-are nQt neari> as hiard tts you thought they were, or he Is not niearly. lý*j ff as 'h e týi kiftbef T.VY. 8Lpc4m. GME, ON! ML a ok- mg»PIAN. 1 1 '

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