a obmldou who, vita. &org o» ote thet ad- oRber ecurue, donnea the garmente, mouated ber bi- MM~ rode along the streete. Un- tYi she met ber betretheti, ewaa -for a moment @truck speech- *Wimdmollouleem witb autonlahment MYat bebolding thi.ebomen of ýuIrt ln ucb arra>'. Wheu next be W*' be ventureti om a remonstrance, iOWOlt of whlch was the termina. «tbhe engagement. Girls who are ther anc'sopinion onth 1 , O rtonltresbefore tbey Oettinug omethlag (o IBat. "Kn* air," nild the. wayfarer, *if you ýMl *d 25 cents to, the dîme I aiready e, I '1vwli go and get a meal, the 1 h ave had ln tbree day." 'i'Jtyoa bave a dîme wby dont YOD ~o» set ph omething wltb that Tl "Aj air, 1 require that to fee the WUter wtILs.-Iarper'a Bazar. NOTEIUM IIJST GUIE VMUomMt ci Thkr Denghtm Iamem lls him miffd Wpah st be INeffl "M-a.wkdg br Wieh Ilvery mother poemuea Information et vtalue to her yonng danibter. WhOfttithegel*$ houghtm bacon>. 041iuggshwtli_ bmdacb., itami- zou, a4" a dis coultm to pal i themie yo dm, - 4ohrsl adfied, hn bss Mmother hould Sc o ohem aid. & Lydia I. Pinkham'a Vegtabie coin- pou" vIII, ah this tisa., prepare the oyMiem for the oomling change. Sme th"a dmhlma l, and IMm .Plukham, ai Lypsu, Mm&, vii cheerfnly aniwer anW lehirs whsie ilformation la de- uSai. Thoumudi of vomen ove tlii 1mai15 la ber aud tia Vegohable Coin- a~pYb gh he o ai c ag lng Idaugliler. bOladness Cornes ~I1m hich vatsbeoeppra- »lob-seteftot-le= = efrs dlidrected. Tiera la conufoml lu lbâssodge- tah e i> frae ~bul mmpiy ho a coiat elmndit- the miltuonsof he lant ealtead s bulbvail emey vhlch prome..internai vithoul debilitla tu on whlch il acta.Ite tohrer iot t uortier ho gel 1h. bane- ouave tuahenne atile, nanufchti yl.Cal romua 0yrup Co. Y>, anI dlb>' ailrep- H la U b lleenjoymenl of gool heath, Ïmal the systen> la regnlar, tien lusa- tiles or other remadies aie mol needati. U. u5lcted wvia ny acuelilimae, oue gu>' le commendedho lthe mont akiluful sbîddls, boUt linneed of %taàaxative The aarieaitiiaI gsrtia et oth United States governmeui eongide thie cotton boli- vevil, a plehure: or WblCb la bere aboya , hbae es oet hie meat danBgerous Peste that bas ever mate ite appearance las the Unitedi Stalag. lb ba so fat- eonuud Its oper- atlons *0 Northhra )£«IeS and a lmit- eti ares la Taxas. l li as la smre local- Mes s aowa à lendene>' houped rgp- Idi', villa l other. Il la said to have been ah vork for yeara la. ver>' mul area, ad mievu lithIa igus of ex- COTTON BIOLL vErsil, BOuLT IiÂONi- rixe. tendlng Operationa. Department ex- perla have been at work -iavestlgating bis buguhip for son>e montis past lu the neiluborbood; et Browneville on the Rio Grande. Bo tor no cure bas been dlscovcred, ant i an>' acres et col- hon have been qbandoneiltu couse- quence. An extraortiluar>' tlulg about tbis creature la that It îlI il vçln a cotton boil anti uowbere ueani once setret- ed Insîide of these sheUs iIt s ate front eneunles anti suug anti contortable ln a bied o! sottest dowu. Tlhe appearance Of Ibis Insect Is dreadeti Inter lu tbe year. Carrent Condensatilona. There imuet b. soin>.uilstakenabout Orange Julee belug good for yon; it la me pleasant to take. There la one 01.1 tasîroneati îg ibal lu qulte canmeon: the bouse Ibat is as celti as a bai-n lu wluter. The man wbo basn't saunt enougi to refus. a Le&ap Year proposai deserves tbe kinti ef a wite lbe will get. The vomun wbo goes. areunti solilct- Ing aid for the por 1 somelimes a great bore, but shie la ual a boire te the pour. A girl abouiti bear la mind tiraI ber lover yull ovelook ber fauitu, but skie 18 iucky If lier biusband 10.5 not finti then>. A tanlng concere ln Seattle has re- celveti lu one consignaient 115 bales of tirer skias, weigblng elghleen tous, anti répreaenting, pi-obably, severau thousanti deati deer. Tbe herrlng bave tumnedthekiir noues lu th, direction or the Easaport, lie., sardine factorles anti business la ruaIl- I ug amnong tbe paekeri. Tbe price, boweu-er, is very 10w. An assoeiation lias I)ceu formed tii Pris Of meii Who left Ibat city la bal- oite dîiriiig lbe siege. The number of these during aerouauls vas 168, but tiie assoeiatlon counsist only twcenty- fit-e.1 It leas beeu tiîseon-creti thut tbe new election iuw lu Calforna, wbielb deules registration to Ibeme wbo cunnoe rendi or write tbelr naines or rmai the cousti- tution, will tIlfranchise nany Illterate Portuguefe and Italiens, despite the tact that they 'ai-e naturalizeti citizells. The yeuungest tiaugbter of a revolu- thouai-y mldier, sm eri as kuown, was discovereti nt Leha non. (%un., recently, aud added tn the membership of the Williuîantiec clapter of the Daugbters of tbheItevelution. Suie is lIrs. Augus- lus Avery', andiilis ouI>' 56 ycars 016. Hem ftîer was 74 rears elt i uthle lime of ber bu-lb. He was doubtless one of the youngcst soîtiers la tie wnr. Ther. are oulyelght other daugh- ters of revoiuntlonary soltilers belong- li;g to the ortiar. Vice Presîdeut W. Sewarti Webb, of the New York Centrai, ha.stiacîdedt 1 buiti a new marble.paiace on bis prop- erty ut Scarbomough-on-tbe-1-udson. He luteutis te speuti about $1,500l,00 on tbe bous.. The style of architecture willi b. a modification of the ebateau renaissance. '11% bouse, Inluiing verautias, willlb. neari>' 300 feet long anti 130 feet wlde. It18 tubeb. tuateti on an elevation, urountiet by Ilan flower gardans anti wlnhuatis, andi yull commandi au extandet i vew of thse Hudson River. Alixfouaiy vat<h decllnlng beath of tbeir danghtera. 50 man> ar ecut off Iq eonaumptlon in early yemrs that tISe.la ri cause for aniot>'. In the. earl stages, when not beyond the a mh 0f metilcine, Hood's Sarsaparilia viii reeftore the quality and quantity of the blood and thus give kood healtb. Read the following letter: *"ltin but jusltoe write about my dsnuib- ter Cota, aged 19. Skie was compietely run down, dectlning, liadt that Uired feeling, sud friands mid the wculd not ljve over three mts. 8le badl a bad Cough sied nZeÎumdto, do ber auy good. -1 happesudto remd abouit IoodI'. Sarsap- riliaa"unI al bçr give It a trial. Frain the very tireit eoe,3 miebegan te get tetter. Aflar ttking a iew bottles thie wus oin- iietlycnred Mmd ber eaithbubasbeen lhe best aver ine." Mas. ADDiz PECK, 12, Ralron Plaue., Amsterdam, N. Y. 111 will uay (bat my notier bis nfot stated Uy ommasJeaas troag words as 1 wulia'e doue. Ilool'. Ssmaparlauaba trnly orel m3 and1Iamnnow well." CouuA PECKt, Amsterdam, N. Y. Ba mmre 10get Root's, because ftreaparlfla lauths One TfS lîeEod Paifier. AUl drnaalslu. 81. i'reparseaioy by (. 1. moeci à Ce.., lowitin.. Ilood's Pila eeabe e ILosmea (beap.r thm aBteole. At a recent sale of the amesrof a riding academy lu New York eity the satidle herses brongit on an average less than $W0 apiece. This la nid to be the lowest price on record for hors.. of thit desciption, andth te fact wu@ gen. erally notedti ttIlu Çew York the market vi'lue of a ho-s. ln losver tban that of a bicycle. smeooh Wire Fenclag for Ilarming. 'i.here ino quetion but what amootb wire feucing 15 bonod f0 taire the place of al other styles of fence for tarin pur- poses. The progressive aud uuccesnful farmer bas arendy realizeti this and lu n.akng preparation te profit by the une of IL .iLnqn in too valuable te flot be able to pastuire every fild as meon as the crep cau b. removed. It basbeen demonsîrat- ed inl many ways that those pastures ill, inaîde of twa rentra, psy for incloalng the field with a close menti smooth iire fece. itself. Besidée, il keeps stock heiîitby anti seems te b. the enly true metbod of keepiug the hou choiera eut of your herds. The DeKaib Pence Ceo,of DeKalb, Ill., whose iiiustraled card appearu in another eontaa0f tbis paper, are turning eut the best and meut aubstautîi bulie of smoolb wire teuciug yet Presenteti to lb. farmng community, mit- ut pricor, 1uoe censiler. Ing quality sud durmbilily, wbich bring tbis kind offencdug iithin th. remcb of 91l. Free iiiusrated catlolgue con b. oh- tained by addressing DeKalb Pence Co., 329 Bigh street. DeKmlb, 111. European Debta. Accordiug to tiie latest statisties, the publie debtà of the Eurepean nations aggregute $23,320,000,000, or about $04 per capîta for the wboie population. The beaviest per capita Indebtetinese. $160, Io la Portugal. France comnes next with $135. Eungand1ramie l about $106. Switzerland la the sniallest, $5. ST.ATE 0F 0Our0. CiTy 0F TOLED> Lu cAs COU N'. *J"i g h FRtANS ,J. ('uzNPrv nikles oats i ie t b senior partuereof the fin.. ot F. J. CiiNl ai Co.. doing business In the City of Toedo. County aud State atoresad. snd thal *&Id fIrm iiilm u the sur of ONE HUNi)IZED DOLLAR$ for eaeb and ervecse et Calarri. thal emunot bu ecired by tb ueOf 1Lib L'S CATAIR CURF.. FI4ANK J. CHENEY. Rweru te before nie sud subscribed In my pres. euce.. Ibis III.day o!fIJeceiaber, A. D. 1896. i RAL1 A. W. GLEAROIX. fÇ-.--otry.Publie. Hali's Catairh Cure I., taken lutarusiiy, snd sets dlreclly on the bloed and inticeus surfaces efthte systemn. send for tpsllî.ionlsis. tre.. F. .T. CH ENENa&CO.,Toledo,0. tW-Sold by Druggists, 75c. L'bel Law@ tu England. The Engllsh iaw of Ilbel, or the. mdi- ciai Interpretation of Il, ls a etrange tbIng. A firm of puiblishers lu London andi two or tbiree.euilnenl legal experts bave recently been struggling ivitb the problen> wiîetiîer n slieet of blank papeir witb a mn's no me at the top of Il la Ilbelous. Opinions ver. divideti, and, lu order to bc ou the snfe aide, tbe pub-. Ilsbers lbavé' assuledth Ie affrinatlve auswer toble correct. The point arase lu tlm swny: Stuart Cumnberland, the tbouglit reatier, la Just bringlng out a book entitieti, "wht 1 Tliluk of Southt Afica." The autlier discusses pretty mueb ever>ytblug of Interest lu tbat very obti-usive section of the~ globe, unîli there cenie a ebapter about the man who, atter ail. enîbotiles the whoi. of South Afrlca lu bis own personallt>'. The chapter ls eutitled "W'bat I Tbink About Cectl Ithoties." andi Il conaistm slmpiy of a blank leaf. The pub)iahera hati retaineti the riglit te reject any thlng lu the mnauseript wbIch tlîey rmi boqwelm et the partof a seavenger, lu- amb esu tbmyreaine .much or the debris, thie metse mesmaltero ebmstmn. When they grow Idie, uessiectful of dnty. It la et the nîmoat Importance tbat tbey ehould b. lus- pelsi te sclivlty. Hostetter@ Stomaeh Ilit- sera eifeets Ibis deuirable ebjecl wtbonî grip Ing them Ilke s drassle purgative. The nuit,,..; la mhioeffccosfrmalaria, bilivus. dym- peptic sud Sidney trouble. Wooden Defenmes. LIte wus very Iiecure lunuedineval times. ut wam usuai for people tn sleep on a beti tvleb vas surrouuded by aides ot board, with stroug posts at tbe four corners. 'fhese sides coutaluetl slidlng doors, wbich coulti bc fasteneti lualde. Wbeu men retiredt t rest tbeY t00k a weapon with then>. If attseketi la h lingbt, fiey ver. aroused the(b nolie matie by the crahilng lu of their wooden defenses, anti ver. able te de- fend tbemiselves. Wben the law be- camle strong enougb tu protect humau life, the sides 0fthie bedmteati vere gradually dl.pensd viti, but the four poitg remailles]. Tii.box-llke bed till11 survives lu the rural parla of Scotianti, anti la almoast nireaaary viere tbe eartheu floors and Imperfeet celiing cuemurli tauip. Emlly Broute lu .'Wutiîering Helgbiet," describes one ef Ithese bedstentiu Iu tie olti mansion as forinug a liîîlé loset." GOLD AT CRPPLE CREEK. Ad tho Beut Way teGOct TSar. la Over the Saute Fe Boiste. The fabiîîously Aich geid mining district of Cripple Creek, Colo., la attracting hua. dreda et peopile. By pring the. rush blds fair to be enormous. Tttat (ber. la an abnndruce ot goid there in desnonstrateti beyoad doubt. To reaeb Cripple Creek hake the Salta Fe Route f reim Oicago or Kammas Cty. The oniy standar-dgagsgelino direct 10 the camp. Tbrougqî Pullmma ualeepamu and f ree chiair ca;s. The SataFe lands yen rigbt iu the heurt of Crîpple Creek. Inquire et aearest tcket agent, or md- drensu0. T. Nicholson, 0. P. A, A., T. & S. F. R. R., Monadnock Bloek Chbicage. We Never Eaw ltAdv.rtlaed. lirs. Wiggics-Wbat maka of type- ivriter dous Mr. Vggûs tuaS fla best? Wblcb ene does be bave labislmowa offlce? Mrs. Waggles-Wel, I'm not quite ure, but 1 think 1 everbeard hlm tell Mfr. Wlggies the other eveningtial h. bati a Dais..Somervillejun. Home Seekers, Excuialoma In order ftî gi?. evcryane au opportu- nity to sep file Western country and en- ahi. the lici ne seekers te secura a home lu lime to cmnlulcce work for Ibm season of 1896.flie ('hicago, Milwaukaa & St, l'til ilizis y basarranged 10 runa a aries of four h.iuîicscckers' excursions tb vari- oe poiuts ini thi West, Nortbwremt and Southwest ou flic followiug datess: Marcb 10, Aprii 7 mil 21 and Ilay 5, et the. iew rate eftwtvadollars more than ou. faire for the round trip. TiiLets wili be goond for retumu ou auy Tiicsday or Fridayr within twenty-oue days fi-oi date of sale. For rates, lime ut trains and fîxi-Ier detalla appiy toa ny roupon ticket agent la tbe £a*t or South, or address F. A. Miller, Assistaut Generai t'assenger Agent, Chi- calio, IIL It ls n conîmnio rior-o! wbich a wIse mnan wlll bewa le lu ueasure tha worth ef our ueighbor by bis conutc towurds ourselves. If an Ider only ooeuiped the space geonieti-cnuly ascrllîcd f0 a poiut ha shouiti not Sund lu the îîilverse a spot wbereouto set bis foot. Te preveut the bardlîîîîîg of the sub. ciltaneofim tisaues off ui .-ap and the oblilerntion et the h:îir fi,11les. wlîieb cause balduess, use H1alls itair Itenesser. The duty of crîtlcisîj i s îellber to deprecînte uer tiguify by îarialrep- reseutations. I kuow tiat my lfe lias sa ý.-d 1l'v Pis Cure for Cousumptiou.-Joluîî A. Miller. Au Sable, Micb., April 1 Few men cure te tellthie îxii îtrutb coucerning Ibeir suecesses. c» othe mi.etmasin~lr aricle Soeuaaiy increua for lpras? fnl E'mtIri Smp h.b- br..outhe em4 oe 8m si at-osasni M ith OadPuas sasua l&bM-M- i rlIL Y-U1gr-Mer Wi jet IL. prTq.-u lm ur 7Dr. Ki '. .',Oal N a iî5te ~ ~ ~mt ar fnatsday'. -Mar- illesua. 51.54t r.Kil Ara. ft.. CL'II.. P'. UM Is. gW% $w. MeaeUit, for Chiltren The long Winter days are nearly over. A su--cc=sson of Colds, Cougbs or Pneumoiia bas weakened the systemn and strength doSn'lt seem Ito corne back agam Y'oti re- mainpel and weake- 'loi hve a slight Prcmîum No. 1 Couf« Made by Walter Baker & Co., Ltd.,ý SDorchester, Mass., lias been cele. brated for more than a century aà a nutritious, delicious, anid fleshk. forming beverage. Sold by gro- cers everywhere. «Nom 7-, il I j Ns vondr poor Dinnie's so tfred, carrying all day that great big pi= ci m No matter how much you 4,S chaged for a smailpie=eof othe buands, -thecheisno better than "lBattitAx." For 10>cents you get ahmost twice asmuch as of otwher h egdçgoods. Th5 cent pièeds iearly -as large az other 10 cent pieces of equal quality. STEEL CABWIW w EB FIELD - PICKETAN M0 FENCE- PENCE.' Aise CABLED POULTRY, GIARDEN AND RABBIT FENCE.' We manufacturea s comp ot u Smeoth Wl-e Feuclug cd guarunia. ev.j rtiol ob* asuor5D el Ask or eir te show you Ibis Fece. $W'CATALOOle RM YOU WILL REALIZE THAT "THEY' LIVE WELL WHO LIVE CLEAN- LV," IF YOU USE E fNO A1 drg t"bETS gaili r at mIi""Lm& ______________ Sam in vers, of Keysèr, q. (à., le an oli eolored nmati Who la very Influential with Ilits class, and tbg, coloreti people are uuieraus la Ikint section. In an Interview witb Fred W. Saunders. a loraf reporter, on the lOtb of June, lm~5 the old gentleman said; "For a long linme 1 bave been annoyed i wtb dyspepsin and indigestion (nàUmu twe worst evils). Rlpans Tabules having been testeti lutter many others had faiied) gave me perfeet relief. 1 recommenti then> te ail my.frieu4s wbo are afflIcteti w.U these or kindred isuses. (Slgnod) SAM I UVERS. , D dit PATE mu uw ---.-m-----------u "Iamsiity yearu ef sgt àad rom j au s U girllueed have M. u amillar wth iAWI R~aOl the. name ut Ayer ... 'Pve yesru mgo.lIbecemelnenvous, leeples. ai lest flash. I teck s va rtety oet medi. Thle ssoacinla priug,- gns citou t euner. tlst 1îî, IIbheeouoilo became sîrouger, tsluad gflh, and* pour body for all ils ener- V.vvv'ww y, and tax iltoathe limit of effort. Does Ilanawer ybuwheu you eaU? Does it creep unwiiiingiy tb work? Ita the naturmi effect of the veste of winter. Bo zmuch for the eaon. Now for th. word, Il you would est hemrlily. @lm* SOUZLiY. work .asily. andfoll 1k. a new boi ag, tek*' A,-a .0 e *£5 ý;j ým