CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 10 Apr 1896, p. 2

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,-OONGRESS TO -lat Souath andl West toni n ,î S.l C .,tilig ti-l th rInt lîe ti s:itafuuioryd m e îngoftheuSfuirfhr -henim b nvid .tt - th g eteOhgioî,aiid - b rtiver Ni-ll eire-ul mnlll uîUcGfuit hi-kutin- 4aintgoIill e na iitirnd- asdîîiy amati-ir ii t l nse .iolit l b eîr ' -- ke ari t. 'rnsttantilo ë en suueilumi e t:n for auna in theu ul sl aIl omp e alainslae pmre Aa' i taul the fih siiinu-u- s U itirie t tes chargeii lt mis iuiufic Wlîtii e 1-louisi- all. ndi iit is ai-u%ýi-e t',u ut fesii'es r aijîloli i-i e .leditl- tac g oiffn vithe i a plîiii ie ri de erecuîîîb ial T-,0 Memunle itGuelîofîuu-îe C 2 t t tatu- au Nrs.ici i.r- ~e'u tr tic tii f e ila i t tttU" bclcmadele Io the S to ofed nî-siuu-l itii,. The Ita c tev.tIir. îutlesiti4i t un- bu aaintls Arleuî iir cuuth c ai l he Lt-a stlia lu ulu tu Ateci n lit n' îs, urure ru-il I1lres rded. Ashîî-rtigiiît', tîs L* ai uraprde et uai- eya pte idursd Ibir'ned uîuîthe 1i utsci lesi tn d if ffnt-t-oere oflieii."ir aiW te lie ealeud fluuulbtî-s tt-svelnet sib il it-r lo era Ti-lir E Cau,-ir levti- ken wi, o eth toT natile i frg iaicae tis uî Rnd cfli- tta niaet'ot i-hum atore bolir ef iteAradle dHeea in g- an tuws' rueil fenlumer 'his un ouueVigtînt io-la cilae. BOo-tii; aîg lie the - Aatg fu uthed sud tiok rt(taein al- -bouge ortoo ern, b>' s'b th sSe t Vita i i liehitre 5, edrfloresuea Won te er et the fianfl, d nIrs the us h C*Om6, fil>' ylurl. h lrlrn olluhIeraHou 'setovaieeig h. Ch~ icagoEport, Ka., otg tow- electolse plitho e hreurs ~ti Tenay altaîgto in authenr> r cfe enire sb tce Ink foi v~eo-te as cover of1 île plt dé Sauct ttsare xbileus whee lav ajlu lrngIand then l Je iat ecde, nofbod Ibi ,#î ad. eg rdesof a. arteta ýffleindored til>' oppe ilenh ttM I tweltY-see aaaîuansiOf Aiee imyntor Vlad& UezyVictime te lavat la a %et A ateme to defraud wbilcb extended to varions cilles throughout the. country, and la which a number of people la aIl thoae citiea tell victime in yarying cerna, in- clnding $1,2W by an Alants1in vestor, bas been diaces-ered by the patent office nficialg. The sc4eme ia the sale cf a part Interest in an slleged thill.coupler inven- tion, the purported inventer disappeaning atter laking the porcliase aoueY snd lenving ail the expensea for thet llvestor. To-cIie different applicitions froin eleven citie-, accompanied by drawiugs whieh sbow tbat they were ail made tram tbe same aluniinum mode], are already on file ia the patent office, and the Dame ot the inventor varies in eacQî case. Moet of the victime bougiat a boit intereat lu the iu- ention. A singular 'en tuDre ie the tact ha t punIcbh_ an niy b le made after proot th.t th. Ipra tor badlsOld an inter- eat~ ~ ~ lamret the wboee the patent, and ta prove Iis would mnean the galber- ing of dsree maen from tbree of these cities, ln view ofthe c aif interest general- ly assigned. Even then the operator could be prosevuted ouiy on the petty cbarge Of obtaining money by taise protenaca. ROBU> AND $BUT IN A BOX CAR New York Man Telle of Long Ilnvol- untary Joarney. William S. Hale, proprietor of the Ma- pie Lawn farm near Syracuse, N. Y., wo disappeared Marcb 3, lias turued up in Minneapolis, Minn., witb a sîrage story. He claims ie 0-as sandbagged in the Cen- tral Railread yards at Syracuse, bouud baud and foot, robbed of $240 ta cash and thrown int a box car. For tbree'days and nights hoe lsy witbetit food or water. His bande grew tIbm ad lie slipped the ropes off, maaaged te Open the car door, and, o-heu the train lowed up, jumped ont. He crswled .to a fsrm bouse sud learned that liewas near St. Cloud, Mina. For three weeka lho-sa cared for by a tarmer's family, and then, baviug regain- cd strenrîli, walked seventy-tive miles ta a point o'here lie seld a mackintosb and ùbtained money enougb ta psy bis pas- sage ta Minneapolis. He laeaDow oith bis aont, %Ira. James Lottîs,, till ver.o-eagk sud ehoo-Jng the effeets ofthIe experi- eace, sud il o-Il be saine oeeks betore lie la fuliy recovered. WOULD SUi<N THEM ALIVE. Prcnzied Mob Beleagruers the fBouse of a Desperado of Concord, Ou. At Concord, Ga., a tragedy occurred in o-ich two-enc oere fataliy sbot. About 7 o*cloek la the evening Sheriff Gynn and a poe enet te the bouse of Taylor Deik, a noterions desperado, lu arreat lim on a w-arrant for rotebery aud assiaît te coii- mîit metrder. As the sherif arnivedl at the door lie Ni-s fired et lirougli a oindoo- oitb a ritie. The blli passed tlrong b is left clîle. About fifty shota ivere fired. Shierif G-na o-as iyiug on the front itoreli beggiag for coiceue tu coune aud gelhiiu o-leu Mr. Julin F. Mslddeîî attesnpted to drag liin off. He o-as aise fired on. and the bail pased througb bolli Ibiglis. lreakiug both legs. A crovd et cnraged citizens, thirsting fer the blood ofthIe des- perado, surrounded the bouse sud deter- riacd, if it o-sa possible ta take the trio of lîrisouersa sure, their fte sbouid bie death at tbe siake. To WRECK A CAPITO. Men Attempt te Underuaine thc State Bouse ut Jackson. Miss, An aitenpî o-as nmade WVcdnesday night te -reck the Siate capitol nt Jackson. Miss. At 10 o'ciock, o-hile Sicritory et State Pow-er was cngaged in bis office at tle cagpitol, lhe beard s uoiae ontaide. (ioing tae i -idoo-, lie saw B eversi men digging ut the wsll beto'een tbe door and s %viîido-. His slîiearanee trigiiteued au-ay Uiceunen, aud an investigationi sho-1 cd Iliat twoo iecea of tone, about '2)teet square, hadt been reinovcd freintieo-alil. Had thie îork gene on salîtie longer, a section et tbe ivail about 4-'20 feet uoulîl bave fallen, thon orecking the w-iole building. Sirenunes efforts o-cri-made during tue receîît sessionîofethie Legisla-1 turc tealîrovide for a uieo buildinig, but( uotiig 0-as done iii the malter. snd it ist tlieîght soîne uiiscreants tbok rlii me-ns et aecuriîîg imnedite action. MlR. CLEVELAND'S DECLINATION. ý,ccretery Lainant Pays fHe Never Hleard ufthîe Leller. Seerelary Lament, tvlîu noked i-uni-t-rn 'îg ut publiahed slutenîînt that lue luinu bis possession a etter troni Presidu-it (ilevelanil îecliuiuug te le agaiu s usudi- date for tie pre6idene.v, antuirgiiug th- Denîccratie jan>' le standl for sutînd ilieeansditils prenoua position en Ih(- tarif qocanjen, said île statelnîvnt tuts absouiet>- ntilue. Secretar>' Lainuinjt adied: "I nuerrhave leard et sud sa hi-te." l-ronî anoîber asdudnuqulestiotu- sbly îexcelenît source et inforurutiun it i lesrucujti at the puiislied staîemenî is alsoluutciy îrituuut ftîndshuîîn aud il ne sncb letier las been iîiten by lie ttrcshdeut. FIFTELN HUNDltI1D WIDoWs. Urgent Necd of Relief for Surs-mors Of Oorfa Massacre. TIc national Anmnia relue! cotniil; tee bas vcceived a letten dateil Ourfa, as tollos: "'l'he imassacr-e ot Dcc. 28 sud --x lefI oeir fit teen hundrcd oiioo-s amuuug the Anunenuan curriruirs and 4,5W00 tthbir- ]estchilîdren. Relief woek bas juisI been begun aud ia impl>' sppaliug. PIe Ar- niuaus ore ver>' tinoil, ail se feur ef theimemnaarc i-fI that tIc>' are neluî-îanî te attempite oditibul- alti even tote i cîvu peopie. Ve tny te investigate tùe lieds et aIl and te tri-st nIl suifferena uitl lmparîinuuty. W'ie ueil $1,000 a u eek fui- i lacet twe or thlrce mentlle." Terrible Dusaster.. TIc monitor HUlisn, fresh trona thc neuv dryilock in Talcahunou. anivedin l Valpamahso, Cili.u Scarcel>' lad shc ea4 anehor o-heu a ileaful dicacier odeur- meut an boamrd. Mitouuttvannug thbicnt cii-sm Pipe et the cugune buirot. kimng iglit et the clerc sud hîobabt>' iujuring nlue elliera. Foramer'@ Smaoke Proveil Fatal. Fanmer William Vsugla, et Barber Count>', Kan., cal desvn te sutokle, fjiIng tIe pipe froin a poiketuu it (ae, ltiacco. He carclesai> Pli 10e 'O arlniilgcinî the pipe. One cartrîlge etereil Ils braisa andl the chIer lits bn-ast, eauuing instant daath. Price of Natte GO.. 8kyw,r.~ IL CJ>atterson, of tia New -eaau.wfrý* -F. s Isauuthetlî g, ~ e., .ai aSaaa FAILURES FOR, THE FIRST QUARTER OF 1896. Inerease ln Eoth Numaber and Lia- iiites- Fuuny Younn Newepaîser Mon ah Hîîtchlnson, Kanas-Secre- tary Carlisle Not a Candidate. Dun & Coe iteview. RCG. Dîu & (o's Weeklhy eview ofe Trade says: "Theicregtlar qtîarteriy state- ment of failures showsa4,031 wiîiî liabili- tics et $57,425,135, agaiust 3.802 la,«t reur oilliliabilîticaet $7of ,t1 nsd 4.304 in tle sauné quasrter et 184 iihli iibiii- tics ot $64,127,343t. 'The average iabîli- tics ocre $14246, lagaiiot $12577 tact yu'ar anti$14,910 iii 11. Ng '%tnuftet'iuriîîg failures %ocre 833., agaiiiiit 051 la-il year, oith iiirius etf.$23,507,3t26, gainat $20,223,1,UlittY5ejr. iitret'se .2 per cent, but the deireuisê in minparison oitû 1894 ls 16.4 pier vent. Trainîig fiilurea wee3,118, wt ialiillititsofut$31,.424,312, agailîst $2597984 îtt; ineresse 20.9 per t'ent, but iii coitiisrisiiî oirb 18914 tie dtreaste a 69 pi-r ceint. Tie ratio o e ifi iite l iiaiîili tics te pay ments tbrough t-eariiig-hote %vas $4.45 pier $1.000, tie average fuîr flic îrîvious tea ycars aling hi-cii $327tiand te averaige per friain Iniiies-i %vas $17.48. against $3804 Afor tlur-viiiletitit tra. Tie main iccrise ou-c iîsî yî-ul tisa beeiî in nîniiutacînitig tailiuînîs iti Ni-tv York, Peniisyiruiiii.iti andîîl iuhii-k>'aud la tradintg fa iliî cciniiTixiîanldlM uest owit-iu eIt, o reii t iîrg-tiifi iiits. Banuk- Ing fai lires tiaveretiîi 51, .tin st 36 hla t ycar, buttsiîfi ilpililfles if uni>'$4751,- 972, againat $12.482,.7>37 lit-t ye-ar. 'More thani liaithîlenctîr,- tiiiiî, ilîiî.aîits ivire iu Norîlieru Stati . îi'-it outheîle iqsis- sippi. 'T'ei e iîu î 'li aice ted s'-h cpring o-caltii-r lagi ii. t liîiigl inisuuvne biranic etfbusineîss i .î n i-tvviaibI'. 'The backo-srd seasoiîi bts t,-.î a hiîdraîîî-, as ha@ also becîî lthe î ticiter oet itands îî leru- pi.'> d inii itanl t iduistrie-s. and tle lut ic ofù-'au taini ci tît-Ic igsnth- steuiciiiliiîî t-lI - i-iii'-ed tliav-c a grî'al îiîtiîieni -in ---.imiii arkcts aîîî stioîlltiaing i attiIi-- ii.thoutîihstîiî omeraioîîs ofte-îiii- ii i' stti '55etlie' seck. t hi-vrave i-httl It, k: îîlvI.- Mt-ela; îî boyîng fur alil-' *CARLISLE STEPS OUT. Pays Me Declines ta1Be a Preeiîlential Cand idate. liste dee-iiîîs iitu i uît.î a vu-ltt-sîtir the Dni-. ii iiiiitioii tir tic unes: ilene '. lielui, tîrit teiii tlu; t-r li I li chairuîantifii' State- I i-i:ril I -uiii tee cf iKentu, k> tim r-tipi se tu iion- roîn tue i-ta'iaiii au iiini lo ooi-iiect t-s tle ise of Ii ltiaiî.îîe, dl-iiicng tilu si. ton-i bic .as tu eniitiily rîin uîovo Mr. ':i r- lilufrîîtî tt'e lt- it 1 -i-ilitii-s. In lits itter le oita -I i -The coventin uItighttuti lits nu iili i-iltY iii seli'i-lutig:in acsi-i-tut ble caîîd daitei- o vl]t iifiri reilîresýiit it-s viewos, sait. ini irdîr tii it ilta tuIi burîtic 'i niay le i-i l.hrra.î ,-id a, a lttl i sste lu> the ofit.iiiisttrisva l aiiratis ilt thiviri-ci il i. niiîk iii i ot,-tu ,theî c ity i oi tic tIv.t iiirfilruieitir îtî-î,-iîiîîiii 1 par ticiii.ttcini ai-)utest ft li iuiniiatiui." "SCOOP"' EXI'LODED. Building Ncwspaucr Stan Satiledî Iliat Price Is Deuil. An idie riiunoîr liat 1thys it. iewoho died antlIiîîi-hîiisonî, Kian.. andit;1s4ttri il ait Topi-h, i u )eî-i'iilir. IS'-1It uas - ai i v- niiEu ripe -s isî'd thlic famîîî 1>tu Iiii s vaiult i.ili î-ntaiiiid lis leur tutu t nîlgît le pubiii-iv tliitii-il Mr. %vas Uoif the 'iu> l-I's Fa ir e 0iiii - irs tri)ni Kaniss. île dilop -eîii-iit Jt . iiidîi' ,îr ui tutt-liiiisîin îuiim1iirti-i:i- u erganiz.iîiii lauîîîîîg iioiiiîîiiîf.î- tir-i--u lie eut îîcd lite i'insrniov -i- s iltiiig lii $¶5.05) î,liilîlias al lji-i-n lîtîluexii-, îa $25,M) îdî-hîîlîîurî- itli> iiicd ui in ettit aimatil pat bu-uts. -.dI ',uiitg r-tir î'agîr ti-taillc itîîlîîî-î'îtlti-f.î iii>' itu i,11 te vt a nd tcpriii' i tuîl iiist the-lu %vats tiîîre ast i unveut lti, puiiliatioii ut a disagreî-able si-iny. Diepteased with His A,îdieae'-. Robehîrt NIaittel i %saitis iiii-totii-l ixi t h i: h-i-se if ils lai-k ut aittlv-iiti-i!i. but ol tietouit utfuistîjiali oi. Ilu v.>a. eiiiitiiî'iic tieadielîi-e, lîjwi- it. and itc the i-irtaiii tî' il ai ; tarticîul itm-!, sOut tii hire i-a s uade-iti îîîifuir alt-~ Mir. lIsîîi-iiresoiiileît itit-, h:. - lîîîîîd -iei'fuil tirit,. Ife îlatik-edthei auiduien-e, buit cî-eîeteî i u-tivallîy utliti ilis uueagî--relteprtioiii. ,ayîiig Ilic suiiiîo ed-i iî ooui dliai-e bto ske i- isip-îî~ai c,t- Eu orouiboe lalom-cu olîid e b tuiiirctgj t.îouIiiigifor tle Aîîîciîl ubl mît rolliii.. Secaîrcesthe Curo Short Liam. Au imporanît railmeaifl usi rs, vun- ',uîuîualed tin St. Loislob>- s,-ilt-l t lii nutis Central saudîes ceirlvulotflith'lin, Short Uine anîd tlicmebiyurlil hart- a ilurougli hue te lte Souuthîandii ount1iinu eutrauce te Sit. Leuis. The Ceintral urss gir-n a -iney-yi-ar leise for bbc pay ulit et a duvideuil et 21/4 puir icnt tier n nuun. Siager Sue tIe Et-angeluet. 'TIe psy dite Sai n imail, thie evaugelist, froin thc W. C. T. U. for lits iries ot lec- titres et BIllairc, Ohio, o-sa attachdliib>' Park H. Heston, tIc sluger. for sin> due hlmo-ion trarcuiag o-tii Smil ini 184. Thle evangehiat onuîted lu argue trouat the PUlîitt h the asi-ter. New York Sand Yelds Golil. Another test ef ire tous et sanil inken lt Qtovercvilte, N. Y., bas bei-a made. Tlie ssîîd o-as tounil te yield more gel than thie finatlote. Illie liriatsiiotreigol otec value of $41,20 per Ion sud tlatnum te the valut- «f 41 cents le tic Ion, making a ýiehd of $6.61Io l the toi. Wat Wcuaen la the North -et, A meeting for the pur'pese et ergauluz- ing au association fer the Promotionet 0 feinsaeemigmatiou te the Nenîhoi-eat terri- tories bact been hi-Id in Tomonto. Tlie Canadia Pftcifie Railura>' Officiais have offerai reduceil rates te sncb entgranîs. Robbed on a Mission of Mercy. James Hyde, preprietor et Hydeso conte- iane, oas knoekeil doo-tîasd robbed et $2,180 at Louisvitle, Ky'. Haeo-as enticei to the spot b>' a ue&ro o-ho begged hlmu foir belp for hI& children. W"iitlsy Omietam Miuuiug, e ~ ~ ~ ~ wmà -MIai'k&hàt5s . * Recl Snator eud Eépa'u.entail .e U. -titled to 16.4w0 packagen. The -Agriccîturai Departraent bas for- o-ardeul ail Senaora sud Repr.sentaties niotices ibat the quota of esch one lu this year's distribution of Governuîent selda o-i lie 15,000 patekets et regetalile seeda, in îîackets cenitailiaig fliteen asaorted va- rieties, aud 1,400 Packets ef fiower sela in 280 packages of five paekets cadi. 'The allotlmentas for thceSoutliern Senators and inciîb-rs wsili lie distriiuted ftrst, ossing to tle advanced sease. Ail oethIese secds'base been Puirehased plut up ready for mailing iu proîicriy printed packages, aud o-ill lie mnaiied by coagresainail fraiks from the placeofetpurcbaac. SPANIS» IITR' EIL Ruasor that Uaited Statc. may sena 8quadron to Barcelona. In Madrid a rmtr la in circulation te the' effect ihat flic 'United States vuld send a sqiiadruu te Barceluna if Spain eiitiituei lier naVal prepara tiens againat Cuba. Ilie ruiner la ai persistenttflint the toilowînig nîinisit-Tial denisi bas bien isned: "The miîîiatry emphaticaily den>' I'bat there lsa su> foundation for thc ru- mer that international diffictîltica bave arisen i icel impedle tic scuding et a sqnaîirou te Cuba or the armiîîg oetIrans- atlantie cruisers." It is sziid toofe tiiese slips siili atart inediaiely iil ilicir full Sriiidient. No Di stilleries for Iowa. The bil l taaloo- tbe naaiiinfacîiire'et liquor in loiva n-ils deteatcd in flice Sen- aie Thuirsday atternoon after to-cii-e heurs of deblgte, runniag tîhraiigl to days. Thîe lWii reî-ived tîs-euty-toovotes, iiinding ftue ses en Iemecraîs; there ocre tsvent3 -seven against il, and leai>-, o1-lie o'as Ille o111Y ahacîutee, seuint there- uucathlat the record lie made te gay that lbsd e bc cîî present lie oulil have veted against tle bill. Te Stop Barbnrity. Senator Cail etft"lorida offcred a radical Ciuan joint resoiîution in the Senate Wecduesday. dir,--ling the seiîding uf an a9dequate novai force le Cuba tu put an en~d te flic lîîrbarities and te prolct Aîîîericaîî citizena iii Ilîir Ircat>' rights "lie h'rcs;Ideiîî is iustrîîcted te uotify Sjîa in t bat t b (ite d St ateîs iviti torcibly iîter, enue îîitcssniocir ra ndloutrage ceases. The ri-soiiitiI>n -eut over. H. C. Bitnner Io Critically 111. Il. C. Btnler, el tir iot luI -k - eft qaln riîieif .r Nî'îv Y,,rk Tiîîrsdiay nigit. MIr. lluiitîcr nv-ut It, Cîifîrnia tjr lis lIItI-l i, butiI Na-is itîîd ta ii irooi iIjtst of thehcillie -If tut îioillî. îîav iiiSan F-raîilI -i-î,o. le is a %4-v ti,-k niiln. sud li, h> 1Iliin ti-,ugiît ifhi-st fur hiîîî ru go boîule. Fus-vors% Greule.- New York. Ma, ir Strouig iiciiî--liîiîi-lt . a,% hin,in ~f:iý,r f t;re-.ti-r Niý-, itîri, ivict lie iilli-it rui, . i'ssi-I ofitheî- eariiîg on tie 1,:11fiîr tut o ,ic. i s ii lis haih. "I soti-itf.,r t iiîttii s;lii the M>î-andil1 ttiuik thje uuîjirity iot tie peIiî!e tf Ni-, Yoîrk fat tr itl" ~'%il Sec th ue Sn'o Eclipse. Thei yacht ('orotîii- rrîrî-d ai San Vran- i ccc 117 daya ti-ui Ni-%v York. The Coroniet i iisail froni Sa n t a aî ict Jsîinii. ushtier she is lu hîkei-er ouilier, Arrtîîr ('irtîo Jîîîne. suad asliarty ef tustroiiinerrs., lie ivil tiake îobserv ationa ofet i t u clil)ina iii A i . t.1 lîgrar Cru0 la Sisort. hlîid.l11ili Si,--ilire-o.dî-ii of the ria- in lis atiiii lrî-îI.irt, st;iî-vï tat i, itîr Iiii t ir d t if -îig.îr itoi, -tiu r -iil bie*îl i-iitsl ttins shîort ut Ille oîîî>tf oi -I iii-. 1iiit. Ficliol ifiîl iol--. the i- i it- r the- i-t -iiiniîit tif thi- ittintiliî jiii-liI ,î l Il iîî-îltv ia izl.d Ti,-l itî%i i ii-in.I1.fii ii111-t. ri n;sii fo OtttduT iii-iir,: l o Fe senty lyîiîrlýu-nt. e le ihol. court Ilai:ali trtî ,11 ii:TIc t',, ll n- - i ýly p -. t iti i. tnih ltiv Fiait* to llàtant Dcuth. n-îvt,.iiii flic h 1,4ut-i ii aefutho iiid id uit tiiitatitli- iili il. Leus eus No iicltiu ca ehinîl. Pter 1'. Ct'îîiltg liei tir Mille1- toil,.i N. Y., Tiîirud.i;,u-dtt. Ail hL.ý rt-I i tii ies iret e di. MA5IKLT QUOIATION&. I 'icao (attc -imn nt) pr:me. ý3 J talu$4.75; Iigsliiri)iug grAdes, $3.,00 Lu $4 25,; o-i-h.faic tii chîiie $2,50 lu $(i li-t.NI,. *2 rel. 62ctia Ii3c; colmn No. 2,, Se t 2;tto a. Nu. 2, lle lu 20e; rý e, No. 2. 35o ta 3(;e; btter, eiîitiîe cesnir., 19eio 21e; ei!gm fn-suh, i0C lu llv; îiut;oes.ilier biisiu-l, 15c te "5--; lrouni i-uni $20 lu $45 lier ton for eeîîîjuîîîîte ihii;-. lnilaiittois îiiicshîpping. ý;3.0()te $451; bugs.clicice light. U$300 te $4.25; ehce, ciiimoiî tI ii Kiie. $2.00 te $4.00; tri-sIt. Ne. 2, liSe lia 70e; cern, No. 1 Whiite. 21)c tu 20o; cala, Nu. L),vbite, 23c te 24e. St. LusCstî.$3.00 te$4.75; 'agi, $3.00 tii$4.00; o-helit, No. 2 red -î71te 73c; coîrn, No. 2 y-Hous-. 26v te 27e9 . c; esta, Nu. 2 o-hile, 18e te 19c; rye, Ne. 2, 36e tu 37c. Cincinnati--Catlt. $3.50 te $4.50; hoge, $3.00 te $4.25; sielu, $2.50 tau $400; REVIEW 0F THEIR WORK AT WASHINGTON. Dealied Proceediage of Senate end Kouse-Bille Païlae4 or Introduced la Hither Branch-Quetioa. of Mo- ment to thc Country nt Large. The Legialative Griail. The House c[ient Tuesdîiy cenuadering the sundry cmvil bill aud fair pregreso-as made. Effort asmade b>'saene oe tlie SentI-rn representatives te strike ont tic appropriation etf$50000ftr the pay o! intenasl revecne infirmers, but :î o-as uensuccessful. The expcched debate on the resolution for a Senate iaquiry mine recent bond issues did net take place, as Mr. t'effcr gave notice liaIlie o-ould de- fer hie motion. The hosteffice appropria- lieu bll, carryiuug $93,000,000, o-as con- sdered li atrîbhut net eanpli-ted. A sharp debale ouniail subsidies aruse, Mr. Vilas opposiug an extension of the soi- sidy systeni. ohile Senators Perkine and Wh'ite of Cilifiornia uîpheld tIi-m. Sensi- tuar Gerge's speech iii oppositionlla Mnr. Dtupont's cisini le a seat eccuîpted muai ef thc diy auîd titis al cumplteec. Occan nmail suibsidica lreuugh on an aul- niateil disussionî iî the Senate Wednes- la>' dnring the conalîleralion o etolmi- office apapropîriationîbllI. Mn. Vili op- pitaed subidk-a, sud pointcd oiu msny instances etfn-batlle dcclared 0-ere ex- cessive paymueuita for mail servic-e. Mr. Penkîns et Cîlitorîîis cuergelicali>' de- fended tle suitîidies for tIimeucourage- mnut te Amerines lîppiiîg. The subsmdy item wss reserreut fîr a separate vole. The balance ofthîe pustoffice appropriation bull si-as compieteil. Senator Ccii etfI"hor- ids nlriidu<-id iii tle Seuale a joint resolul- li-ju dirccting tle aendiug et an adequuste naval tonce te tuba lta1pot uaiiend te bar- liarihies anîd thc violation et trent>' obli- gariens. The tietuse î-utituîued couaidera- tien of the suliuury civil bîill. 'nleIlieuse Tliuirsday rîassed tle .nndry civililI, anud u 4eia iot oftCle in sert- mon ioîus uel lu-ofjttle quetic,; uocf pitre- inia tiug puul i, dii r tirnvii e tirmec-- lîrisuion bill sîrs i-il tu iriig lt u ne sharp laî theîi ii iî-Siai- un the lartliriet>- uf Ii sli itiîig -,itiitnir'v iusutoleu-is sud tibs.irtiliug riuî11Iltititurtn-ies of iily tule. e l- iýii uu irzthie liglt- Inu- ttboardl t., i,--, t th e b uilduing of tle igtitiie ui Norti h aiui s- ândl La ke- Iiý-h iga. %%atrc s - l'lTie buui-llt1grutut ig t iuu Ai-hîisoi and lNe- brtuska tu iind i t- theBrI:inguin sait Qîiillt-s- ltatisii t' arelut .f %utsý , ur.ui-b iîî- sut-andl Fox and lt mluifii îinit--r- sut;itts liii .tis:is aujlNu-lr.ýk:i itis - p esio toat lc ii ,-itu ,-ît iii i ixd shiî-rabi, -lri., tutu l-u Git;tii liii' tttiiny-. Il..- l i tii i . îu;î rit.i- -f the unniaitui- o fuitthii - tîî-î- îîlui ar-- lusving nt tbh- unul tttu-[ii ut io a uiiutn iinues tt hp cla i uuîtituîîi iîtua n i -t-tlik- truiu- a,-liiuut -it- Fui- of ututtue conusitinit ina1 ui- Irl uii. li-bl .I u luji uuit- t .,tv I -iuu 'i-it.tii a u iut This i-i nt itiu. ut lii nulic ii t' lu> Mnl. !ti.-cd in tu-w Fitit ira: iCongre-sI. A bll i., uuutiturîi- l~ uîi n tru-i.oi 'u a blinI i b itgcIl,1 1. t tii- I aiîuîjîrut er et St. l,iisu -uauii-r- l'île i- nr ant hirh i r appi-o-i.iotii uti ice iuieiid b>' ili.Ilui-i il iriiitti- I I,iti iilias lo*i:e. lttal au ut it-ur. , vl, tie i,- lth oa fi-us l'liu-ni- ar, - ii itu o i, f-r -uuitrît cd doiti-ii-t:,-il -a- u-- itheî- îuu-uutd tuiciim uiiiuihhi. -h Iluli iati. ,1 ý l i t.1 ho taku-t ttitli. i ltuie.tihi ioftlii'rhiu-',, la t.uii itet thVgir ua hi otf-t- ut iciiltitur- ter sug.-, u-tiui .,9 -t-,lirti u loin' i ýiol ' ii A ('ur.oos Iîaroni'uctr. Onu'ofitheliii- îî;uu-rliofî uthie inîlv etof îui, lii l-j-u.'la a a Thelu-i-ihiillual lie puttl l u'th itl i I tht li iiislili tii-ut ov t- he'l) uotf titi'glass Fvo thtthIlu- cr,'uîtîuî-'îuîîîîîi-i uuîî ntal ugiu,.vujîliei ran tvtlnte a is I b it- onurd o,f b> la- îhle Ici-cii ti-ih i uî- ilîniuut ulue Iuîu iii of' the ws-ater. ciilt-illuîî insi ii t Isia pi, lienft ii1-ly otiu uili-_ .If urîh in s to le expeie îîtit l it cr-ij lu tie top ofthîe glus ndni n-uuîluIn lucre util mthelusî n lIketiiiutid of niore sî-tliîdlweatheir. If thcre la te le a stol-lu eto- nlIil sîjuuinîiaabout InItie it tti-r o-lu vio- lenice. I-er suile ilt>s lut-oi-e thîuiluir il occîisionnihl ' niones tUNhody flu a cci- vtidaIt-c tîshli. Itn trosty - ut'î'sttiîv blihites hn thc sanie nîsilier ns4tii flac o-inthev, anti ilt oreti-Ila itîln t the eauîue.ininuier iluat il dupa tain. Moter lIa>. A cur-ious cl Ilsloltî shill Prevnihsaet Giand Collette, t5tiitdi-lpia. Wdnes- day lait otas "Mtier I)ey," anthtere tiene orer 1,000 vlsitors to tic iîistitu- tion.'Thils day Ie set asale fon citier tIae niellera or nesimest relatives ofthte studcuts te caltad lmike tudr nequaat of the mnagemnt for tflie relief et the boys on tîolidays. Thîis tiie I Io for Enster, o-îtih enus foîu' or li-e isys ot vacation for as many as liai-e rets- tives or trieuds te unake applitcation. No Man Salle Nowadays. A emate sebool tendher, ageil 27, at Wiikeebarrc, Pa., elopel wlth a 13- yeîtr-oid boy the other day, tîat tlîe boy's nia foillo-ed thei-ndlook uljer sou aaiyfroin th- eo ew%)uman. tGreat glins!-Kansats City Times. The Potatle sTricentennial. This 3-car the potatte cetebrates tle (uie undredtli nunit-ersar>' of Its lu-- tI-oduettea luto Englaul. In 1596 Sir, W~alter Raleigh îfirst broaglît potatoes troin Amomica to England-, sud for coine turne lie>' o-ie a luxuîn>'of tie ridhalalone, costiug 2 sillings lper pound. Lanmile, the baritoue,, bau set up a Cernant m*nwtaetori at Cbiatemalltsoa reacued Imm nu aativIty 1>7 Eoatettea,'6 ton. #eh Blitters. if tbey continue Inactive theyp are threstened wlth Brlghta Diseuse, dia- bete. or aonme other mslady o-bieb worke their destruction. Malarîi. tIlijeus and rheu-, matie aliment and d>-apepâia are aiso cou. qïered by the Bitters, wbk-h l» thurougl and eective. S3candai, like tte Nie ls Led by Innu- merable streanus; but It ls extremely dîfficuit tgtraceit: to ittcsou,,e. Wîth but little tare and no trouble, the beard and musta<-le con be kep)t a uni. forma brown or blui-k coier by îîsing Buck. lnghamns Dye for the WhIiskers. It la n terrible thing tu aee one wfrk- lng wbo neyer smiles. spring, Medicine Your bli&d in Spr,:ng la alinjost certain to le full cf lmpurities-,îiîe accumtulat on of the winter montha. Bil ventilation of sleeping roms, Impure air in dweli- ings, factories aadd clops, 054 r-ectlng, hcs'vy, imlproper fcods, allure Li Ibo* kidîîe) 8and 1li trproî.cri>- 10do e ira work ibuz tbru@t up<rn tliîm, are the Prime causea of thia condition. it ag o1 the Utancat importance that vou Purify Your Blood Now, sas wen warmer svether Coeandm the tonie effect of Cold, bracing air le gone, yonr weak, thinin iuîra blond xili flot turni.Nhi ucecssiry btrcngth. That lired feeling, lubas or alpette, stîli open the way for Feriou.4 diîease, ru;ned ieilh, or breal.înx out ef huniers and imiiuriliep. To inake pure, rich, red ti,-od iiood's Saroaiarlia Stands une- quaiied. Tîtousands te'-tity tonittsnier- is. Millijons lako it as Illeir sî.rît y Medicine . Gt il"Iod3. bccau.ýe Hood'* Sarsaparilla iý(it tneTruc e od l'rr"i-r. _t i rjîggiisa * .'î;r ,i l y b>C I.l &i ý1 IAvIMs.' i~ take the Iaw in )'Our Own hiands, ladie, ivhen YOU ask for Ilias \Vlvetecco skirt P.înding and don't get il. -Sentence such a store to the !Oss of your trade anîd gis-e it to mercha:nîs Nho are ~îl iîîg t" seil what you dernand. Look fcr --S. - -M.,- - I:e1.1b,4 and take no 0tý1cr. Il your dealer will flot supply you W3 wil l. S.N. U. -u. -7-Uu One as good i as another. It is easy to say that one preparation is as good as anothe, and it is easy to waste money by buying something you know nothin'g about- and receiving no benefit. When the body is weak and you want to give it stength., when health is faflng., what wisdom is there in experimenting with a substitute, when for a few Cents more you can buy the riehàl. article? For more than twenty years Scott's EmtàWoni bas been the standard Co-liver 091 nusion. k contalos fme -pure Norwegian Cod-liver R1 than any other emulsion in fbec worgdand wfllstan4 the teutof tàne aà

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