CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 10 Apr 1896, p. 4

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'i ~fvillo~ Off APPLS- v. prmp Sopromties igres bfore 0eringse4,39 l~I at veek,. slïo n upots ýtmuoeitiehaud cadidtes for stgodbfyret 16onar's riesc *tavorcte arti 'ýVata to kuow 6 ehov t feelu Of or i fgisting nI~nd ont lie bas n.4roe viere thet »--nm smade ItB tae, aupposedly of tue Monroe a sort of chseck foi ý"aseembleil by bs,4#thes arne hune. FUh Ii1goto sou s71:d tie Sacre- kpprent tisa PêEIiton foot te tiaethe denîn- l!ot Preaident, til, ' l Congreasfron Ochng iseIr opposition Teydo lot hesitustE ,WiU flot support bum nWenit thse sentimuentE W$ti, as tioy Clain Sui&Vt ho undenstand 90 CMl get tise suppori Plk8te ini. Th( if Ube eOut bave nevel . Carhiahe, but vouuht sa gt- spport lii ibonwld sov tisen ta Wan deinocrala boblu( GRAYSLAKE DEPARTMENT. mm. . B. SUBJIn", oa"Rae. GRAYSLARE SOCIETI ES. R ~N UN Lodae No. 115 A. F. & A. M regla coaminiatouî iaturulsy oveulng on o ifr fuil moon. I. LxrvTuEEt. W.M. A.Taioasos, Ser, O OOIStChapttîr, U. D. Order Easteru 8tSar niet lrst sud ihird Tuesday ev,,n'g Mas. A. liAujeT. W. M Mite. E. B. SESEMÂxN; Secy. GRAYLAK Cam No IUI. W moth. - 5io5iE KAPPLII. V. C. GzRRGEBuooxs. Cltrk. M IZPAH Cani No. Mo. N.XAmeetoseond and fourth1T¶'esdayevumungseaci uoth Mas. W. HsARV. oracle. mas. SHERMAN. Boa. CONOBe<ATIONAL Chiirch Sunday ser- Ovloea 10:30 a. M.. sud 7:30i p. m. Prayer meet- ing Wednesday evenlngs. Y. P. S. C. E. ueet Suaday eveings at a-45 p. m. Mra. White, of Ciicago, la tise guest of Mis. Hougiston Grayalake. Mies Ethel Tisayer, of Aitiocis, speut a day vush her aunt Mrs. G. Tisayer. Soveral of tis place attended tise mueraI o! Mr. Murie ut Rlussell lasi Sundssy. The Ladies' Aid Society met lit Mrs. B. Lottus, Weduesday. A large nuîm. ber turnetl out. Mn- J. T. MorrIli, oui niarsisal, la building a paint sisop on bis lot on Mapie Ave., inimed.iahely back of bis flouse. Orson Wassiburu bas taken s posi- tion as clerk vush W. P. hiigloy, Waukegan. His frienda ihere vili miss hlm; but lie says lie wlll corne over otten. Meu are ai vork cieauslng tise-"Brick and Tule yard," sud gettlug tise macisineny etc lu readines te, beglu vork, vison they vill be prepared to fi11 aIl orders for brick sud ile. Tise older pupils of tise scisool sud a rfev Youug people vWho are not pupils are niaking preparatIous to give an entenisamueut ia tise near future. Particuulara suotiser tme. t *Mtday, April 4, a nuniber froîîî haroý attended tise funeral o! tise infant daugiher of Mr. Musoîi, of Gages Cornera, of! vicisMr. Stnovs issu Vcharge. Burial vas Et Libertyville. 0Tise bail given liy tise Stailigist 9Band, Tisursday, vas a aucces un @every partîcular. Tise attoudauce was 8aot too large, sud tisose Wiso venu there eajoyod a gond social time. Mr. 8Austin served suppen to twenty couple. y Mrs. W. B. liigley spent several days ,t of this wve i vuser mother, Mrs. eLux, o! Wadavortb. -Ber brothers sud 'r sjsters aise congregated tisereaut tIhe Raea tue, tise occasion beiug tise birthday o! Mrs. Lux vicis is alwuyë ceiebnated by a famlly reunion. a Easter vas ftingly celebrated lu tise Cougregational cisunci ut ibis iplac-e. A speclal prograns vas pre. pareil for tise occasion, sud tise yoiing people as weil as those viso drilled themu deserve great credit foir the à excelloncy o! their work. 0 Mr. sud Mrs. A. J. Leonard speul -several days uf tiis veek vitis lsd, parents iu Barington. one o! tblei beiug elecion dey Mn. Leonard sayN ipollutes haro are taille ln coniparison i wus Barrîngton; but Grayalake lsa peaceful burg, nol cariag ho have isH senslons evea ln polilles. Mr. J. J. Lougaisaughi bas lakeus tie agency for tise "Nov Leader Sad Iron' for Ibis adjoining tovnsips. RieIlia là rt Sialination lu Nor th 0eting mucis attention atmo tise dîsagreemet $=BEntIer, tise populiat, 81îad, tise repubuiesu, Bs vers elected by thIe ie o! tisaistate, becauno "a Buter ballevos lhsat an earry tise siato thua i any ielp tron tise a hoppoaed ho makiîug afor republican voles, ,Pr1chard puts forvard ~ifor thse ropnbllcaîîs, IpMahe a fusion lector- tis e tate. Needless ho a débmoorte are mucis 0dlmpgreement, asu hey MM recapture tise stata Wdàsand sdPopulislte run dr believes for a moment M siii, of tise Bouse xPoreign Atars vas not m»ý vien hl iesated to It le lileved PrieMt >u14 s it u scordance efflurent resoluýtloua, beeu- adopted by boUs "ste, It lanimpogslbe t èwlm visoWlu aay luai 0 be4ief. Ia vlev of tise "~svote for thse rosai us eSm~wate sud House it1 a'on&y oison 1'esl- i~.Clevelandl tusigniore 1 tngs are expet ted af K~*Selitor viso la lu ààk* vutiste Preaident, *r pleasaipensona! Mi4 d ayoni tise avIe, ho utOb4.* placed several o! thse Irons lu nome of Grayalake homes for trial andi they have gîvea genoral satisfaction. Tisey may be seen at E. B. Sisermansa jevelry store where Mr. Lougabasugh has lefit tsen for Inspection. *Thse vork of draining the uorth hait o! tovu has beau going ou steadiiy the past week sud those vho have been affllcted vils vet cellars are smiliug once more. As noon as vork beglus la the brick sud tule yard, tule viillie put lu and it la expected thai thse drainage viii be completed. Mesura Chas. Kuebker sud A. J. Leonard bave been instrumuental la dolug the voris vhich vilU result la great good to tise towu., Two bus loads of Woodmen rode to Rockefeller ho tise- funeral of Fred Payne, son fio Mr. Ed Payne, of tisat village. An unusuai large procession foiloved tise remains to tueir last resting place at Ivanhoe cemetery. Thse M. W. of A. isad charge of cere- moules. Tiseyoungminu as ageneral favorite sud bis tragic deatis made the occasion doubly sad. Tise afflicted parents have the sysnpatisy of their nusmerous frieuds here. Burglars vere again in towu last Baturday ulghh. Mr. Thayer's saloon, îMr. Tisoniaoiî'e trug store sud the postofiie vere liurglarized. At the firsi named placed they escaped vush about $100 vorth o! rare coins; but at tise otisor places tihe ioss in' scarce wortl mnetioaing. Mr. Thsom- sounsaid they are veicomed ho vwhat they got (eigars. etc.> if tbey only stay away lin the future. Our towu sisonid eniploy s ulght vatuisin uor .our mervhants Allouîld seenue gond vateis dogs. Fuir a gond mnonunietat a lusv pnice, place yîsur orden nov sud bave it ruadue turing tise vinter moutiss. Cornespîsudeîce sollcted. FRIED BAuSu'ov, Waukegau. LONG AGO. I onu' kuî'w ail the hirds Ut a ne And a 1 ilourorhad iruu't; Fr vîryl r1i had a1lr.n.1 - id y frmtîîsw'mi'wuii his.ioails, nui 1 knsiw wluir,' ridinu "î ayttaisr gîta toe- Olii. 1 was vins' ii'arnA ti ei'; luit thnt urss vi'i's lonig go. i k-nP astht' suAis iiintIe i"ll W'hert'ie kîrh'ml'siiild bhi'ouai5. 1 kauw tii' rushes naanhe Ii'nlil W~here iîktrul loy hhiit welihhe-i s xouiai! 1 k news tt'é-wîîîîd. ilu.' '.iry troc Vheelsud thîs.'acî,usisig, suuey t'nîîa' Anti al the' wîossand crises kn.'w iei.- But tat us us vl'ry longaugo. Aîud inulîsefor titi'j, ys tif rouuti., 1 treadthtec tld famillan Spont Oîly.'ti, leara thîs sî,lemn trulli: I have forgottea. usa fongot. Yet here's this yoiiagstx3rstaimn knu'e KnowsaBui th'- tlslgs 1 used ho ka'tw; Tý tlink I 'u(iiiswimeas lie- Bui t lai wîis %'iry lonîg ugo. 1 kaowt1t's toilyte 0ciuiiiian 0f wiliasoc-'t'.tbe Fates decrç4e: Yîtwîre not Mithi' alla vain, 1 tell ru s Mit t ir ISshîîhuîid hi" l'ý iasistuo béahou bis>' iiu. lîseL îi tise friends I used ho kaiiw: Foî r wsls ht Oappy rtheii- lltit.tssut iras very long ugo! h:ugesalFieldl. W heels in his head..'. The person who says he can buy a better or cheaper bicycle than the Chicago Ideal or Waverley has wheels in hi s head. . . 1 seil ail kinds of wheels, watch cases full of ~wheels that run and--.. RUN RIGHT, Also agent for Gitagon & Shaff sewing machines. Comnpl ete stock of bicycle and sewing machine repairs always on hand at E. B. SHERMAN'S, TheJeweler, Grayslake Illinois.1 The courts have decided iu the Auctiori sale. Harvey liquor cases, thât thse restric. file underslgfled viii-1ei at public tive clause In the deed Is legs!. Thîis auction on the Shauber tarin one mile Wvest ot Freinont Center, Weduesday establisiseo a precedent aud Northi Aprfi 15. M89, cornmenclng at 10 a. nM. Chicago tempe rance people are happy.. the following property to vit. 19 Much isibcu said as to tise îegaîty Icov6w lt clvs y thisaide, nale ot land syndicates Iuseitlng a tini. arîgrs pn 4 year kmrsby perace causelu dedshorseetter, Champion bluder, pair Peaic las i eeorestraiîîîîg tukoeChampion niower, sulky for ail tume tise purchaser aud sîîîî. plov, a ft seeder, 2 drago, pair nev sequnent owners froni selliiug liuor on ligisi bobo. single buggy, pair M0 lb the preinises. Thousauds of dollaras gcojs, scaldJug kettle, 4 mllk cans. have beeu speut lu the <cîîy ()f îarvey 2 heating stoves, 5 toisa hay Iu stock, 2 bushels shelled seed corn, and mauy by the saloon element to test Ile otiser articles. Txas or0WSALE; al iegalitY of sncb a clause lu tIhe hldger sumo o f $10 sud under cash; over $10 courts, and the court d1eidd îîthe a credit of 6 montha vill be given on clase lndug ud ega. iucî agnod approved notes bearlag 6 per claue bndin an leal. ilel acent Interefit 2 per cent discount for lause lis a part of ail deeds of jroperty en*1. No property removed lnutil lu Norths Chicago and i ruior lias It settled for. C. Lorrus, Prop. that A saloon wau to have been mtarted W. H. APPLEY, Auctioneer. there Il tise ccrrts decided tite lanse Adminitratorle Notice. aillegal sud not bludiug. -uen t IIt FqPr.iCroulVt Cloric. , ÈÎ w"Àh&1 Wrltten by a Former Resident of Lake County. We boarded an Alton train ln Chicu- go on tiie aeventh of July 1895, froni whlch road vo vwere transferrad to thse Kaunas Pacitte et Kanas City, Missouri. Froni tlere vo vere bouud for Denver, Colorado. On tise train vith un vere delegations for the N,. A. vlsicis vas about to couvene lu ihat citY, 0o consiequenîly the train vas wel crovded. As thse train sped on over tise Kanliam prairies, thie Settlements becanie more and more scittered, yet every fiebI seemaed to be lookiug verdeut sud green as vo ueared the vesternu hue, owlng, 1 found ont ho tise unuisual amount" of ramn, as i proveil as ynu viii ses iserealter onîe of tise vet seamons, vicc oniefar to unfrequeut- ly for thse good of poor westerns Kansas and esteru Colorado. uti nighi overtook us belore We reached the western bouudry o Kansas, aithougis vo vere goiug With tIhe sun. day vould flot wait for sic to rellcis' oui destinations. Nesi'ly j nt >top acrosa, uas itf manîîîon ii ,atlîree oir fouir lîiutireii fi. aluiue tiihi-il *very one on tise train seenied ho have irrigatil)g divIhi. Ili-' loîiki'd uni)tIhie tif theie hîaisi, tliti ii i li fiihtM' 11701111 Mrende or relation rnsding lu Deuver, Meterner. luit tlii'n i n a seiins lkiii' ilis hi)ktlulilioniii l'l ad l i s or iu tise state, mnost o! theni More ua ia a îîîlpoîîs.'It'ii ua igsalissile, iifii l Itliiiiiug i' ' expectin sBonie onue ho min thens hjaîk lucre an iouîtîr îor 'mai ig ý. ikîl ti i îlaais, gorge.", natal joM'w ia'stii upon tisoir arriva], those Mlio balutît get drounies, su I siipulî*v fidit fiais1 keel i lt-i ditîli oui a lev ci. andîl i bffln lu tise state before hadl received prerttiuîou. îdistancs"asre s.' iiî'i'ltiî c seellivd tIlne tîiey îîfteîî ruil li)p liii!, letters, vîhsglovlng uîccosiutn of the i t i ant o! ie woid.*hufit t ,iîll tN&Yig 1 5in -%tt-r Mill constant uuuuline, anti Monulîrtul Along tovuird e u iiîg iau'îiiîlg niuaiu ilus ts le. 4on'itu'u i's iitIhe clnate, andi vory nattirally uucurly t.osid haive' Iîu'ei S,'iuln Irgu iti'1.- vs,11 fsalis l .atlui. utter le, iîuuî' every oue asstalkiîg abuit tihe City n'uary foot liftern îuîîî ti.' n iii t.t' verii' Su' carc'sne, and îthe li'ra Il'hsui'uu iiuii iiî>t and tate. .htonu t Ii., lutl . %%ilivr iî't- ilii ib1 U'cîugutit- mviateir t i'y îî î'î.i~li il uit-i Au tise moruiig ni tise iiihof iJuly aor wlienî' buhulindgîttiuiflis nhuaI.. uiteli wuukerm, us tiieiin i luirgu. &ire commenced to davu, ueanhy cvery îoîe, Couîîd lever Ii ouix. I otufi la it. Il lt îu Ilave ~.'t i ilit%. vsry rit, thé-î still veary fronstiseir rcsllesss ilumber, if any <imecevin shîiîkt' ut! iilkiuig tti le gales hi i)'n-lilaittei aul re li[i sud dJusty sud iircd frontsthue lonug iiiotttasn.s ma luîulisîfg, l si'. a, iier n li. ansit.% s tv ilu-î' iuiil,-riiig ridle, bagan ho strain thsir eyen la sec 'mail, i) siu'k off liku' a u i îîî tir. em1h iti ii i, i' '10-ijet-'t tiia i iliv If possible'theisemointains9, as lvi Altlsoligîsli:114uit (risiiig ms i l'ilg lit filiv i'utlit oIt ,il Ii hl i iiie i kuew tisatinl a few isoursm we 'oultl bc aussii snnuî, Itforc ai' rut'sii'isi'îi lpîlsit atIL îsi'î Intuuth ii,'itli, Ni. ii tii ai otm Jouruey's end. As tise train hsnîtiluurs hotîe, iii thse '.tîiiii'ilt tilti'fohcilul' eîinii-tI.flatterail tian sped 0o1, tiselgisI o! tle îie'ivborî City, il <'htiffîiid 111) aund hIe'fi ri' iloli i e ililîlinsiilv nrii li.11t1It if i l g lit. day soon brouîgh itiin 1uInvisioni, the rait, ssas .tillliug hie s ivhiudo. ilivre' %lilîu ser-niîis trosule.Otill visat appeared thi) .liioiîdx, itg)Ihutse hiie-ktill uîh ii 'd iime 'î*îi a 41 tilutî'.îiva , l li)irgît iii g>' rk iniit ut i iglu t. Whso bail eeu uiotiug luinre ans lilid teil I hit he ir' iiir sc i 'Y airrigîutîrs t luhe i'. rI liiianduia gi t ii tissu bluffs <un tise Mitssissipîpi ana l <'s iIý', ;andit it'e sii 1i ili' u;lvrîu e oneî.get'. îl gi ool dciSii. iii,1I Ms h.. Missourni Hivers, huit vu Mre îifonîuued ui htti as illoils titc suî h 1111d'.iIl,. j iiiil t M lil.'t un u'k liiil - ag-îîî ti ru i gl-I r. tisoy vere tIhe uouutains,auid ils ai îittiei'nulle'u'it s iemil i I iiin n lleius illii l -ij'4-iir 1liii '.itii.iii 'Iîî ro i, vhslle a fine tof whl ie Couiîlie i i , i-s111t(itilt 'r tIi ig %e s i ll5gl.ltlsu'.itîî ugau ist iar u oyuf miiier'n.a gni'it viili MaSphaiuily enouigli tit-siiOsy intwMesft'rni iliusn ti il'i'i'.l'lIt is i ill ofvil# rial , 11 ui'uiuîl. ;I tifil iii range. lie t lît' 'iîui sr îlesui l'«tii' iîPo*'t lii' 1 fsaw uisu 'îsuluigi.r su Soon alter seven Cie uiriuin letii'îîy 1 sa' a Iilu' thsin'. iiitio- iii.îuuuîln il sris. ss ltihtsi.' itll 11 Union depol, there were crovts 'îtcls iuenî'iiny ahive' ont. î -,u' . vs 'uid w huis th, diit--lai, i~ iuluuuig till. I ing for expectant ftinids, ittîers guinug jlt i'u'li qî là..ssi i n itit it 'i sush ik." lti i(ilisu-lu ighi ILlupi rt . ili-' ou excursuionus bt ie iluilîs, îandîltiiiisi'tlie Uuojitiu oneih li te'tîdil iiith,' r rai' h f il..', y claiiiulilil, .,ciias i îuieer litîle narow a' gsge trainu rs c l ilhluinotsI 'Jil iy,fhi lii, li tg*r ii .,'Veir tlie..raiul . li il loîîked l ike niera îîigîuîies, îrîîus îured iSelfi t fie le ins'îîtîî îsilî r îftii tl<' t' et IsiLt lia Vi' thoiatit-i M. ait.I.'"ii to tise train vue carse fii oii, Ilîn1 t Iiuis. toît:i iri î. 1 I siIdtilîsu thflillie'. fouud <ot tbuoeself sainc trains Cotulai I)îînIig tilt-'use. k 1I nli'uicîsi it iitiiî'.'ropil.c isr suss sse,' nuisill iti, i gowvieretise exigiule vilichi pilîldis City Itctn'e r uy bti iai t loh.Il-i. I1srttigi sie ial i'Ili ii î iiîîîî into Deuver, icoulnt-in it) uitii huilt ottcui hitturilti 'îti-èti'run 'î'lt ' 1 hli i 55w uiut-i'tiNm. I ui*l.-Y aveu a ian bleii1. ig ou itue n îandtîlruse li mpIîs roî'îu, and ilI i uuîîi 'ty. ht htodlà-titiIi li k t' Tisesuisvaxs siinag I irigluhiy,îand 1aii il usfst hlanîll v lu dt *îy iauý'.d i st iu-gruliiii.I't ii.uushiic'ii'i'1<'tit tisera serniedti o hacoloau<tî<i"iiu nt îî nîiling, îil it aH4shill îî'.îst're ' tut, lii't#- ' ks sun 'itilicsk il air, even uespiflit tise fuot Iiuilirols thlig t Illie, h.t ci'tilti' uuiui'd ,a gaitiil ri%,'u' h iIris e rays o! tise suu. T'elit' lilîltai Usn Wiu.usalutt,' r 1uîii liii ite'. i u t lut lu r' 'us ei tfit'. fieldi. seemus o tilie oîsly is shortut uahîuutilt! i'inaiiuiiig lpartitie r uu'o.tlui"s'r', l" . ITI i l front Us. Coilisfoi nist1io'ui lîsian e t %s N 'r v Wo askod s frieluil i<ia'fîni'a s * nîsu1isl t.or Itt hi,.4.i'osîtti iii ', lisit u NSYSTEMATICALLY 1 Cail attention of-., ToteFairmers and Otheirs Totefact that 1 have just struck an extra good deal on an 4 extra large spot cash order of . ilsttatA'. 14hi ie fîîru'î' fi i i 'î li t t'28 iii. and other first class plows. Steel and wood beamn lever har- rows, 12 and 14 hoe force feed seeders, farm wagons trucks and milk wagons of the very best makes. '-- SINGLE AND TWO SEATED TOP RIOS TO PLEASE ALL. 1 quote 12 hoe first-class force feed seeders at $22. Steel frame, $24. Two section lever har- rows at $8. Good quality I 1-2 inch farmn har- ness at $20. 14 and 16 inch wood beam walking plows that 1I'wilI guarantee to be first-class, for Iess money than can be purchased of any dealer in the state, who, 1 bet, will tell you that it is im- possible and a MISTAKE, but to satisfy yourself COME, WRITE, WIRE, or 'PHONE, and 1 wil prove it and stand the expense when we meet, and you will save money by so doing. Have a large stock of my lune at Wauconda, quite a large Mie at Lilsertyville andul t huake Zlîiuiu . Stil Int u liese .uuîi 'vxtî'ut guil i til] iit ti it ]l'I ( b il lu' auy Saturdsy at Waiicotida, tir Suuiuhav vmilliittas vitll o< iii'ilr rtu nr îti~ii iîi'i'li. t i lut Ileva e he ter tIse day theu I utter thte"uiî'î'i î ii 1 11111 gu eflilv iin ui4- i nio ii. iuu thîîsî(lay t t lueet mfuîday's heavy lîaylisuiis. COME ON! CHEER UP! And encourage your neighbor by telling him that timesare not nearly as harci as you.thought they were, or he is flot nearîy ash. mlat be.T.VSLC . 5 w i. t 4 I t i. I. "t t t i. i. t t i. I. t us 'g i. t t t i. t ig t t t t us t t t t t t t t t t t t t us t 4 t t t t i. t t t t t t us t i. 't t t t us t t us us t t t t t SCOTCH .*-CýLIPPER to the mountains. Re answered "six- lfîey *O 1flg im Mny een miles by rail, about foarteen season," ln tact somethiing they lied direct" I looked ut bum, aud mused nover sean beforc. But thse nov to uyseif, tisatIs ike ise letters lie comrer would ilîruig tlîeir Sboîilders bias wrltteu t ti n, Fil bet I eaun wlk Il sud say to tsenîseivem, "tisais whist Iu au isour, thon lie iooked- ut nue am tbey al say, sud they tell it aii tisougis tisough lie read uîy tisouglîts,,iloii't they usenut It, buit its dechcledly niil- try to walk it before Iîreuik!îssit," Mien jleusuiit. Iaugigsng lie- tol lusthe story, îvhiicb I sooi Icarned UtaI very srni, lie maid wam 80 oh! it wam liildheiedd, wliétlier one tholimaud or tw<i acresK ab)out a youuig fellow un bcd ou wus eulled a ranchl, and lthe. fîrisivrit uveîsixg and tîie next iiiorîîllg, lie got Us 55 gýe euh thîn lu the oust, are Called up very esrly. uand us the nmî,îîîîtins rauclinîu, theic rrîgating mysteni vas4 seemed about hall a aille ,awuy lie vei'y iliteýremtilig tq nie, sud thie startid tt) wulk over to get uitilîlietite uininit or nîoîey expeuded ils huiild- for breakfasit. Tise story govm thut îîîg tls diteliem, asnit i Upinutii' lie walked undI walked, the sits vaine liuîîtlreds of tliusunds of dollarff, I dowu oui bis îîerspiiîg lenvii, unsd sui ditelies tliît were forty or tift.v about teîî o'clock bu met u ruîîelîiaîifeet wiîle witlî a dejîtis of ten or inore <ut thiehuit Word I stopjied Iiiiu, and feî't, thîîse vere 1tyledthleuic rnuiî asked huiis wîat thîtt vus, lie iinsw irtîldIîtîihes îor anale und front 11juin 1 wilI explailu thit juter) the rauvli- latterais were raitu for the tdihtrliitloo juan founil in prepuriîig to tînijît ait of the wiiur is reîjuiired. Ofteîi thjeme irrigatîig diteli <il wue gîîing to iik ditrhles art- etarted fur up lin thei Iiim to exîllain Uniîît terni, but sîppi îîediîinuiii tro ni oueo~ f the iliii îtaile 1 would get îîîy former iîwivr. ianditorrents. l'ehe lilîl a diinuud stunt so dlesîsteil> thse rancliiîuan ,iskvd lînu a ith l ilîlues. I Iten tliey bave 10 lîlust whiut iho as Iîîhendiiig t,-ido. 'ie ont the rock toî gel îa pluve to itilil youilg fellow told hiini lie w;ia s goiug tie Mlunie, and iti it enlerges frntn to mwiiij tisat strvaui. le Mus f tItI to the foout bils, tise ditch 15friequitl.v

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