CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 10 Apr 1896, p. 8

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E NEW MES. market a a a RMMOTOR THE ONLY INDfIILL FOR SALE BY B.EGER, Libertyville. pj^Cý NlLAKE SBest Pa C OUNTY To Buy mer,> Coal, MIII-Feed MWagons & Buggies, IS AT @MGHT &SON'S. Libertyville, 111. W. are Always Preparcd to Supply your Wauits in À-ricutiural Impeinents, irin, Seeds, Lime, Drain Tile, Etc. get our estimate before buying ý Building Material lALLON IN NORTHý LLINOIS .2:17 3-4 you r No 434 llnitanialls AmcrturAn PaeIr g lI.'g- t.'r. Brod iy 1B. H. Pooler, Sernia.I. I lInd tty Ni *M1:s he by Plrrnoutli Bock 2:2011 moanu Huvis i'ý Ï"-awk 2:304. sire o! Ethaji Allen 2261%. Dam lîy tarligittip eri217%, tu,,aor Mc ai horse 2:4; secînd da1tO 1a lir iqep Pharaoh. (iaee.'lsire, orfit erz, 212k Biawltv 2liî. anîl others better than 2:24; tii dam by Ethîui Allen. sou of HuIis limuk-liawk. Midaigt ai ne coal-blac k hormo,staadlng 1i% hanis iigh. weiglis Iii.> poundit. ilm eav- fil boued, troigniusdd udlia gîs(iiior'uu. Vi lodest eaiLa are îîav conting 2 y cars old suit are ail large sud amnontia nd shoîw gr.'at sisueu. F. W. Siierwoo, of MiqSonir, lie frinir ,îwiîir of Midaîglit suys: "I started bint iniaill in 4races' wlnnlni irst mnoeys afet'onds. 3 tîtîrds. iinplais'il t. drawn . Dur- lag bis raines I1 start*nd hlm against sueh nîîtd horaies as. Fîdal 2:00ùu; Storm 2uaHn Jordianî 2:m- Ahnont Bashaw 2:12; lttunlba.II 2:12 %: (haîniits 2:i2W-n LîîlîîMe, Curdy' 2:44:1 Wille ltisall 2:11 ainil nOter wal. ithltli lis.' lorses'sh.- niaii.' tua record. Hef. baus îac,'d talle-s un t".'lu 2:e. Me ias turoî a fînw clts ln Msgoîrf said 1 look t, r soin.'or ti ta go 1ln tii't w,t w.' niy-fli- llnt or lii'tte.r tli.u î"ar. is Si.Oto insure live'colt. Breeder wiil be held for vice fes of ait mares dlsposed of after belng bred. Alil colts to b. settled for when 10 days old. C. A. Appley, Owner. V-YVILLE l Estatel AND RENTING CYol WS AND TOWN -rn Yo 'our property with nmesud' find yen a etîstomer at Wbe rates. Dgnumerous ct Icelir- 1 lsvelbe follow ing: bortyvi. City Preperty. i*ia4 9-roninmou rihouaàg--acod gmrbsrii, fruit treu's. etc. Prlun-',5su» lotaaoxid fi',t ut rtri-ni*20 l, Si HARNESSI Wlieu you vant a f 0fariiesa, or mel the old set, yoe betier than call on ILLI NOIS.I anev sût 'pairs ou1 eau do no M RUDOLPH KRUSHA, 01, MI&Wà%UitEEAVE. 10O1-11 Cr M. E. CHURCIE. Pr-ompt attenton gven to al] kind of work. (*004 work audIîi w priceu are bound to wlî,. A F1Ng LINE FURNITU RE. Cleck Sitelves, Wa.ll poekets, r pmpety-l*rKv, haie.., lut and laper bolders, doi Stfo sul.-orO-lt. Book cases, b Pv»pertv, For Sale a àllIaukpe adti hoîîrte large Center tables, Isase.,2 gaod voila. giodi ils- D tther. Pr;iS Ms er acre, itari Extension tab's, 0 eD time a il per eat. »Yi vybetweeo a Winton tDiuing chairs, taik our illes uoth o ck -dIrns'ed under guod ockrs i o vâ aste landi, gou.d Couces IM~jtUgsprtng andi Ls ~aL jLoungeg, ~tLieIChmber suits. Picture Framea Room rnouldlng Paitits, Ojîs, Var-nio<lîs,- Glass, Putty, Brtaslies, Mirrors, Mattreses, Cotg, Sprigs Etc., Etc. A large anid vaiedl line of Hardware, Pumps, M iIk cans and'Cutler-y. The best oil can on the DIAMOND LAKE. Misasflartlett ln able to lbo ont again. Sebol commeuced lest Monday witb a fir attendance. Miss Helena stabi bas gano ta Chicago for a short viait. Editb Towuer ba been vliiing lu Libertyvilie for a few daya. Dlbert Wilson la worklng at lMr. Maxham'a durIng biesicknens. George Mitchell ban conimencu-d drawing brick for hia uew bouse. Effle Butterfteld la going ta Colorado this week wilh.lber uncle, lMr. E. W. Butterlield. Misa Polly Lemker ban returned ta Doaplalua, aftor a pleasant visit of about ion days here. Mise Lillian Aynaley lias returned bomne from Waukegan, vbere abe bas iîeen attendlng achool. Samnuel Bîsekler and fapiily wero ont fruns Lake Forest, Sunday and vislted et lMr. and lira.liaxham's. SQiite a 10w o! aur Yonag people as weil as aid attended the services at Rockefeller ou Baster Sunday. Earnest Blow's housla nearing dam- pietion. It looksasu though vo migbt Mir. and lira. Fred Towner were surprIfted by s bard timas Party a week ago liandsy niglit. A pleasani tuit' vas lied. HALF DAY Ilow -about that veddiiig? IVili i transpire soon. M. Mooreo a biecîou the alck list la recovering. C. Knedier and vile are rejoiclng iver the arrivaI o! a liaby girl. Ilermau Pegiov la vorklîîg for George Mitchell ai Diamoud Lake. H. Engloberry wiii commence work ou bis liaute ou River St., îîext week. S. F. Foote pnrcbased a flue work hîorse o! Thomas Redmond ibis week. Angusi Wobubrg bau moved inta the bouse lately vacated by H. Eugle. berry. Julilnu Hertel, af Chîicago, spent a 1ev d4ya bore ibis week as the' gleat a! bis parents. We understaitd that Mr. Arnold la goiug ta eeet a fine dwelliitg bouse on bis firm n uMilwaukee Ave. H. -Dean, of Cbicago, filled Mlr. Snowden's pulpIt. M. Snowdeît l resume bis duties noxi Snnda.y. Orin Luce sud vile have moved onia the Herrick farta- Gilbert Lutce viii rua theolad farn. We vimît lim succe. Bain Dube, liyme Dolleumaire, 'Wfll Wells sud liabel Mison attend- e4 the Bater hall ai Lîbertyvile hM- dey eveming. Mir. and lira. Mark Gleauon bave rotnrned frora Elgin wbore tbey vere called ou account of the deail of lira. Gleasona xnaiher. Mir. hesaner, o! Prairie Viov, lotnds te beava ibis veek for Calfornia trn aiialtb. IV isbhlm a The election Ttîe8day vas an excit- lng one. Several parties beconiiag se tboroughly lnterested asuto use very foreable language. The boys t00k la the fou and boardi the resulti, vhlcb va s a foilows: Herman H. Rouite, Oupervisair; Chantie C. Gerbert, Town Clark; Francia B. Tripp, Asseor; John h. Woldnem, Collectar; J. P. Bitzenthaler, <Commission«erf a!1gb- wa;,qpert Mener sud Win. fchaffor, Soo riietoo. Urayelaho Tuesday. Grace Croukhite reiiîriîe<li htnie ast SUndaY, hâvlng Vlenît a few weekswîii lira. Geo. Wlloox. Fd C lir. and lira. Wil li1181, ut(if iîr attended church bore munt Siîudiay, ai-; r dC su> caiied on lira. J. F. Clark- lira. Hu-rmau Kglggo, of Chleagi. ,. speut a few days witb lMr. and lrs.>:S:a Mamie Docker, ativaiuboe, in am %s4-! Ing lira. Robt. Rousee villi er wo.rk! The Fater gatboring Sinmday was ai -T decided succesa. lbhoclaureli w» u1 the p1ogram for the eveuiug eertajuiy! ahowed great patieneaud lîracti.e. Aiaure crod gathered at <ho hch îA perf ect f it guaranteed. both morning and ovening. Repairinq0 Saturday occurred the futîcrai of Ia îg0 Fred.-Payne at bis homeono Lake Ave.'. Iaî* It wae oue of the largeat frouerais <'ver D e n knw nthia pla.e. Friejîtîsaudtiin uelghbors gatbored to view thec ru' mains for the lait tinte. The iwrea'.ed' famiiy bave-tbe heurt- ft'ut yiîîîatliy iiof the entîre commuuiity. FREMONT CENTER. At a apecisi meeting of tîhe Ivanhioe Camp No. 1253, M. W. A., hlc iAlîrîli 3, 1896, the follawiig preamible antid resolutions velue utînnuiiiotusiy adlîpted. WHEBEAs, Thebanîsd of L)itiiieý Providence lbas ronovetl froîîîutîrý midai itte vif.' of aur Ntigliiu<r ail Es-ori C. P. Thomas sud WiBAtuA, 111 view of the i1i9s ne have sustaiiied by tîte dec'ase otf otîr friend lira. C. P. Tiomi anid of tlhe stili heavier 105, sistalîifd l y tliise n Who wero îîearcs.t anitl uerest to lier therefore be it Reuolved, 'l'lat whiite W. buiw iiti humble subîniariot the tiwil of the' Ment Higb ve (10 aot the 'lemsa iuiii' for aur frieiid 'tht bas luecî takeui froni ns Lesolt'ed, That I1 he cdeail of '1r4u. C. P. Thomsa thfis Camp laînuts tlie G r s A bau of a sister Wbo vas everreadytoi ra s e eus proffer tbe baud of aid sud the vol e ut Wiîsuu nt tti of sympatby to the ucedy an d di.s- l tWil8tlýai eii tressed AI tbe frateruity:an active -AU.tuL Di5 OF p)articipant lu ail tliè socal featîtris tof ounrorder afrieud, aniti miter vii,>vs' Pure Clover Seed, Till dear Itans ail.,othy'and Red Top also lIsai-ed, That thielîeartfu'it syîî- I pathy af tii Camp lic exteîid.'d o AI fafa, Alsyke, Milleti onr mucb asteemed Neigitior and'l and t-Iungarian Seeds bis family lu tbeir afiictilit. Reaoltned, Tîtat ibose resouîtioîî lic in season. Try mny spr4tad upon tbe roeord- of the campiii Seed Corn. sud a copy <bereof lie transmîittetl to. the family, ta the Woodmau pap't' and' CHAS. STE MPEL, Il two of the. newspapers o! Lake cou1niy. M. C. DECKEit, Long Grove, Lake Co., Illinois. F. M. SMITH, giïApplications ltyVaM il l)t'ofitly E. D. Huilun Coitmitt'e. attendeti ta. GURNEE. Feed Mill Notice. Gurue la taki uaother bouom. lWe vil! (Ioi t'iuiniig'riiilirg (ur lira. Personîs ne-w bou" se aIiearlv atsit l it-tiiix<'d iltr i 'liii r-nýliiiî eompleted. -aitd g ,uî1) >Moiitn«u, "t'-,irFrri- Messrs. Woolley and î'ottcr are days ailSattirdu3't. l'liiu griiîthîrn around wvhtb ier cliipcers. clîiiilg atnd pl t i of r. horsea. 11(-I. .Sc 3,cu &S J'rlday eveulug AprIl 3, tIselFuSL lie1luiitiluukigs Gurnee bahe bal aine organized ,f )îr $1.00uiper 15. liri-ocwy N-r the coming seasau. Linu îWeooiley vas eleced captalu sud Roy Bî'a'cr o snt, usbo-ii'lusetru' iii trosnrer. tiirtnc acre loit iiwO 'ii i,' I)y the Ci3 Strayd 5I-Turaym. e8tate oit Lake St. This lae i.t' innvi Five lieu iurkeys sud onie gohllcr dosruit iiinileitlu tirrri lofti the Jsmiuau farta Mar. 30. lIn-' 2t .1.I<tst formation rogsrdiîig them. viii lic Cori'enporili'iitu and Ait't-nr. thaukfully recolved Il the ovuer. uhflit ldruieiiieilti'i i lit it trîki", tiare fio Wu. MEEE, Rockefeller, II set type bcfori' a îîrîîter ciiîi lie biittu'i. uitl g1,aiti Oblige 1b'lî rlit i Cockerals and Eggs. tut cupy caL-Y1, COlIy fir 'îIs t411ILn loor Balle I bave gelt the dals bons j Lreaftorr li lu octbaiids nt it iter Il i l m #»sIl asd ould liko te have t4)"onW*uneâday nonu, no we auIn le, faÊ.~a~nîk ~nMso -~llVOL* 4 .iamtav to ,,&ni'' t. he li.p... oker~ Prom 4-k,40 Cali agd see mny samples. OVER BANK, Libertyville, Illinois. M AX LE BEAUS IDNIGHT CIGARS ,awC AN'T BE BEAT ASK FOR ... CwI 'IIIIIX i f yolei Ralph Darby'S Barber Shop - 1~-', I r' ' -ah'.I di n jîg, '- i't un'-uit \V. t'. Tiggu Shoie tore, Wrr. r" p'l n a wayu 0-t yoier sh'rvind air Cuttlnit and Oresslng. 1i t,.' wnLi les't Style., or "w TONSORIAL ARrîS'r. (,hr' .W iltrial. 1Ivil) d '.'y0n. Polpli I)arby, -Libertyville, 111. 1-- CYCLONE OEN WIN 'Ille CY'e1otiî. ' \Vos'etIVire Fence <sm the b ilv fnaî emîr'. mlearili. Voi eau stec a sampl ii f it nt thut Couîîty Farin, ,ilieýrt.IVi ile. W'î* waîît to eînipioy two good monl to ('vii tiala cs otînty. For lurtiier informiationi.<'ali on C. A. PPLIEX Liliortyvillo, M1. H. H. PEGLOW. B ICK Mwoîk Stoîît' W'oîk nd. B IPins t 'ii g of aIll kiîî s.- Calciming and W hitewashing.. Aleen soi, 900 504 ...e.a.a nhionlay waiting forw~artnor1 19 S7120wete.o aneir 5925 9 485taJi12 22 P oeelle M uan b1009 5 t9 12 27, Mesar. WliiPayne and Frank Dor- Gra lzce 40 10 5 1ý 3012 30firhaerotnrnde te BDoit Acadenay. R.lïnls fl .... 5 3 32doW A LL PA PIER Lakre Villa !i ilt it IN 5 45 t2 45 Mine Mabel Httbbard lias returiàeetiio oOLX < oura, ber gchool dutipit, alter a shlort vait- a. ni . .M. a. ni. P. M. tien. VW. 4 t,«7 - ilW i aWINDOW SHADES 1 Wiim i s i, 1 F20 5 no The C. E. Gooi C ltizentiliiî Cnnît Gray sLake si4 37 747 12 (15 5 54teels i l et wlVtll 'Leé Aine.Suriîlr4duîy ai 'n char ,ir si47 9 02 12 820 ili eening. A P T iel thton si in O?7 2 48 cilA R ET Prarle Vlew lS &q 1i1 12 t7 Il ta Mr. snd lira. Rieiuu'd Proetor, 4il Aptalile Mi fil 852 1 I l2 1 2 Laike Forest, 'lited lier parort*Cq itr<J, W5el0g a ( m44 111 A.27 hgpaejtSidye Chicago 0a0a ii)45 Frt. 7 th 45 1 istiIiii.Let us r rvn ou that e a .Daily ,'xoert Snndny. Mtr. IVn. Skihnner lias retîîrîed t'. Ji is' edw as top only on signal. - -btninneas laioiet, alter iîîuii e 4 1' ~~i#sI ki.. j 'e few days witli frietiîls lier. a1ette prepared than ever <.o u Around the County. Qtite n a nber uf oui' p 'oîie iv tsw n ____tended thoeBsater service ut I__e-i-f-i-pljy yo r wanTSI -OX LAKE. 1er sNîuîtlay oveuiîîg. Th' l'le îjy F rillers are comîncuneita îvork lIn E,- m.u 'uel4.Mitla Annlie Biaker la spenidiig lirur uL arge assoi -. reliauue7 11.. C. Paddock Was R eulin tindCai t lieMr te ilrletI"s. tia vlt'inity lait Satitrilu.y. ercr(er f Ineatlkirleig. "c'q u a iti es, tia d rt .c rDe ways hir. H1. W. Hall bits just Iiiietl a Mrli ifra, of C'liva.g ii ..ok,,ri ~ t tîew vertinda for Mr. A. Tweed. te uptieeitSiuivirîi- Mir. A. Kellwin and wire isit*'d nt repi'esu'ntîu g a soil4u'y fur ;t i ,' ii11n l'olo and Wiitonda oin S nndiîy. îg rîoytls iiîyoîIiig iii.' i. Ile ;1î rv Mr. J. shi'àidt, wife aid ier i nii'rsigi'.iris. Johngiîiîg. î'iitec et Ms.M. IRIîOii'-s Tlîsr.' , i al lar'd 'TimuesSocial ont 'Moliadi'. ' Atfit h î l'.1 Mir. îind ira. Jacoby Mi s -i ai nt, C our n iat al'a' îI.ty I Fii .qy i î'iîî.îg. "Ten sent@ paya for ýlt l -ii;i'I y. onyouroio dote" and one tnd " eiiji W e seII A JA X C yc les. atIi(,.' un ii- i îiî rilî' tyvitt u d leclm"e oe tandg. oct r~~~~~11. i 1 ! i' ' ii ife, of your8elf. Wîail e îI uii' ,tii ut Soih. boDEERFIELD. Long Grove, 111. V. SAUER & BRO O 'lii iriuda ! li. Pane ~ Chasa. Nelson la expected houte to part of the connîy vere vory aorry ta lediesumr ui her0f bie sttdden doath. Kit Neisonla in tle city, wbcre glieq 14 J< qq The road grader was out on the oxpecta tc, make quite a vi.dt.l8lyu roadls last week-A sure igu of a M»r. e. Parlions spent Tcsiyt ' GOT LO E LSD U SOR F R storm lu the near future. Romeoranus wltb Mies Welch, Ouîr for- r G OL V L' R GST R O Mir., C. lisible la putting in a car mrtahr load of tUle. John Hart and Ols lMr' snd lira. Corlett, af Liberty- ,Dr g ,Meiin s he ial,> Hanaom are dolng tbe work. vile, spent 8undy with the latter"i D u s edcn s he ias I Mir. Stoffel, of Dighton, la laylug up aisterTîîei«Bd.y vitît PERFUMERV, SOAPS, COMBS, 1 118 the celear vall for lira. Knol'@ uew ober moo b14 F 4 laywit houae aud wgrk la belng pusbed for. cer mother, but lbas returned toth le BrseTu-a, porrSoudrrcs, nyAi yard rapily on tbe building. t eromain some time. BrWis rçeSpotrs lole meFnyn Th M de W od a c mpatLa e A few yoîng folika of tiis place ut- $ Toilet Articles, B oin aitiiiStationery, D% .e Stufs, Glass, Puty, j Vinaa .iucreaaing ln numbers at each tended a play, "Uncle Toma nGabii, 0 meeting, nîne nov memlaers wore at Highland Park Tneaday eveniug. P IN S 1L ,V R S S admitted at the lat meeting. lir. Miler, the teacher, lias retnîcued1 utWi. aile lstThrsaynih îTh upila aeem glaul to have liiiPATENT__MEDICINES. aurveor for the elect.ric railroad. Fml eiie n 'iscýn'IYsrpit. aeul The Sunday achool ai Fort fHil ROCKEFELLER. Fml eiie aîd1'oicid ans' l iirto. s a >e11l whicb bas been discontlnued during Wii Kuigge la attendang trie ii'a'_______ tbe winter monthi viii commence go College of Embalming. agan ut Sudy mrui a n W. A. Kiamor bgnwîkls Goods Carefully Selected. OnIy the Bes j. 'lock witb lMr. lra Smith for superin- liouday for John Croukbate. tenîdent. u1.Mr. adMr. IT . Com n i s4 S*4e>1{4 lit<~'~

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