CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 17 Apr 1896, p. 3

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TALKAGES 3EIMO: 43HOW8S d08!PH'S LIFE TO FULL 0F PRACTICAL LESSON Et Illustrmbes the Fact tisaItvon C mot Keess a (totiMmntDan-n a thaI thse 'Worhd sla comeehlsd Jffonar Christian Charseber, 'The Lite of joasph, 'fui sermuon etflis-. Dr. Taimage is1 et aslinring anti praetir'I]lassons for Wsslslngton lias mass>'ms-n visa, ike boera of tise texte, eatnet tram aila csthisg anti ruse Ia hig'h place. Tiselu ehasen n-os'.: Gens-is xxxvii., 28, "'TI elrew anti lii tas]np Joseph ot ai tic anti sols] Josephb Ote Ib smaphisce tor iecas oaiWler.", Gencossxiv., 26,ý ta governor ai-en a"ltise aud ufEg'pl., Ton cannaI heep a gooti man doi 00di bas desreeti foc u-ns a certain pint ehevibion, H. vfl btring hm te tI thisogisil cou hlmna abisesanti worides. Y *Ometiiuai flutimen fearlul tuai vili tie PrpiaIerly affleviatels.Xlver>'. mas coq to e cvafsusedt mtat sIlie hsV yis Cannot n-ii, bim np, sud bon cannaI vs hlm don-n. Tiesa feeta are poverfuhi>, lustrabesl lu mi subit-t-t. Il vaulti b. 1ustlita uppose tisai Yau vece fot fasulilar vus tIse ile af Jaepu-how1 jealousa bÏotherrstirev biuinte a pi, L 68eisg a caravets of Arabian mert'isa. lrudgissg &]Ou& Ounseir c-anels, wi sUice-santi guasis al satiestise aic ni aLrasai, solsi tiem-*rbrucher ta tlise M n Ichauma. uihso carries i n dowvi mia EIgy- JOs-Pb, tisre ssodII) Ploîliser, a Mats flnu,nuce anti offi : boyt>' 'Iosep,'. tegriuy lie rause,] im-îti-f tauiigh tv-ait] dusIlre rtai unitit. ns- hielis lise chai, Of s vile une-ý-b., %Nae use iuledtin bÉs Pauutpnsiau-y: buîî i luisan ise ,mmanutl eh r.-spes--t and] ,-ih-îe bsoniy tisai teu-pceraiosi5u f pliraob'a tirsansie w 1<ces- sud bs--anAIs-tle ciief man lu t; reiait. lie Bignia n-k of bis cestuni; b, la vue tisai-of-famâe nuis- ospis bd lise s trol of a uàa9uisi,,nm stonehouse whic'b fissu]filîbu-td dninig ,-'u-n reare of pleuti bo. vhs-n bis buriss-ner, vbo isadti Ismin miatise çit audssi sisiism ia capti il>', pplii-d for -'-inn isbsnt tUsm on o 'wuih tlb sîat Ot baruen borne dOwnun der tis eitt osf!tis-.u-n asie; ii t Blns8agaiugt tis-ir brotiser viielshallsi long b-b Ldsn -ais sî t tlest andi v Ir'tunuscd b.>'tua:rot,-gfou-gru-nsesau kianSihemthi- Onu> u '-ie tub.,h-. Von mse, n1 tise tinsi p!ace, flsat tL ,voridles .s;.-l-Iotabaon rCtrintia Chcbecn '-tm-an aonIY c man. 1tise wtulIl .ye t J-esj -pi -,e linis caimi <tioan untl aU tLii-ffaire o atisigrs-, hboue acre eesnnsir:-ta bo is ciargg Irum hie 9s-vant noe b-nn or cu)nfisicu, vas nib,-u.Whs-n Jas-pis as lu P'i ou, beu@uuitu--n tis eli-icioaItis e spc andti.tisug illas,-si tisane tocbeissg *e.-uuue,lneb ii-cuts IonvijcesI tise jaîli enhat "0 tus an îilo"'nt andt nustvu>ntl mau, suish. --nc.] f rom close couinE meutlise tv'cauie gens-val supeitendîs ofi ue-uî affairs. Wlienuvs-r JuaS-pisw-a Plas-edi i ms- a seriaut in tise house , I'etifliu conrnha ulin luhes-ps-nut tieu-v. li' bs-ae 'i. ie final Mais evcu->tuier, ant isLaaui i;m*ra-inof et dis-l-ts 1 la, di- i:ttus- wosu-d in ucamp-liedu Es-urr isrs-ss ieuater.'lus-eari tiss iOcs- f-t t..1iepise a religioni riles h sy iseh sof iltas a systmtssoý lpileblx'my l'b>- ihuistise man ilahbe, of alha s-ciuAn. d n-,iiiy. Tise>'"s tselias temeans-sI isif. Tise>'preten, tÀs bave no maret.'onfidenceLn hLm aune( hie cousu-nin than bs-tons- sis onvensioti But ail tiislg je u>lI-uisv. T'ps-nà is a - -ds-ab af yparinisilut iec cisîni, ausu"tb-rE in e gru-at dilafeths>Iuucci8yOsuiule ii Chur""l. Il 1-i mtuc,«ituls-f-su- ay man ut loadiesnud-'siu in a mais visa misav tuaI le bas u-i,à!lys* tus-onse acilbioaGia lans il Çaie i-professes io te. Van en, nal despise a tou ot tise L'uni G-d AI. taigist>. 0f cuire, w-e have aadmiration itun the shani Of religiou. RllâcuIsesPretene. 1 vag et eatlde a fs-wlhotus-s aller the 'ffans lied gùe niutu tise rail traiun and deuuandesi riat vts- pasrsengers tbru-apu (5,-u au-ms. and dis-n these ruffians tuir the. p)-rs -bOoks, nisatan Cumes and *ugssoa mess thaisa e throwup bua arus, is i bvîu-rtical pnui>er ansd pueiun- muaon, andti iin eteals hig ounil'or lise rsuis-vs-Preutels'n of ureigions w, bave eb- lu uru-cs ce Istialdile king, atten bnp- tissu, ladau nsitar af Cisristien sacrifice sud an altiu ar s acrifice ta tisvila, anti tIser, su-e min>'ms-n nov attempting bise laMe hing-saIm salisart for Gas and lbait at beau-t tor tuas-d-autit in a deas] tailsîe, ansi it in e caricture ai eligious, anti tise oui>' uceesstuniesanît ever matie on Criiniuiîy le tise inconaisene> af il, professori. Von maY bave a conlerispt fiar prebension to religion, but visen 3-au bahobdth ie exeehlecs>'Of Jeans Christ corne Onu t is e liLsfe aianof hildisciples ail thaI liera la gond anti noble in bouc &OUI 'rses np iteadamniration, asti ian cannot isepl, LTiougi that mas be tar haneatis ]lot' In estale as the. Eg>'pilau laiave of quhon ve are discoursing va& baneatis bis rulera, b>' an irreviocable la.. af bour na- Iture POtipisar anti Pisreoh is vhIalvays esteens Josephs. 1Wben Eudioxia, the empreas, thheaîened Obnisostom vils tieatb, ha madtie iee- IPI>, "Tell thse empcess I fear aathingtinut *in.". ucis à icone as that compehs bise Rdtisirato<f Ibhévecîi. Tisere vas smnetblng in Agrippa anti Fellx viue densansiedtir eurespetfor Paul, the rebel egainat govarnsent. I doubttent tise>' vonît villingli bave yieilesitier polM anti dignit>r fer a-thouseaadth part ofat altruc iseroism nwhicistejame inlutisa eie anti test La the heart of tisaiiucon. ta rýbser -ntir ,P.beýArl, -tings i ýN Egyptien boudage brise alloousIeb- kirogdorn of heaven. There la a relathg "eérsa 6" hie taine lmprisononent joseph betwoeothe aelegt linseet tisat huma la noer would have hecome a governor. the sîimer air and the arcbangel on bis Everybody accepta the promise, "Blessesi tbrone. God eau trace a direct ancestral BE are they that are peropcutesi for s'ghteous- liue f romn the bine jay that teni spring will S. mens sa.k, for theira in thse ksogdoin of build ItI&flest in the Irce bohind rte bons» heaven," but they do net realize the fact ta saine one of tihe dock of birda whioh, thbat tuis principle applies to woridly as when Noah holeted the ark's wissdow, 'a-well as spiritual uccess. Il ln trueIn la IIwlîb a wlir ansi das of brigbî wingo ands deparunents. Men ris. ta higb officiel po- Wou tout ta eing over Mount Ararat. Thse sitions through molorepremeuîation. Pub- tuliPa that bloom ie tse garden thiso prlng to lic abuse la ail that tmorn f oui publie were nur*esi by the enowdakea. The. men bave had ta rel y upon for their eleva- farthest stnr on one aide of the univers. tien.lit lbas bronght ta thont vhat talent coulsi Dot look toward the fartiseat star on and ezecuîive force conid fnot have aehiev- the alber aide of the. univers, and Amy, fuli ed. Maroy of tises who are maklng great "You are no rlatlion ta me," for froin ail, effort for place and power wili neyer sue- thot bright orb a voie. of light wou!d rias the. ceed, Juat because Nie>' arenflo f enongh *cross the heavens, cespoasding, *'Yeu, yes, 0 ost Importance toatic abuseoi. li.t ste nature w. are nistera.". Nothiog in Goda uni-w eta of men-tisat le, of ail genecons and rosi-verse swings at oase da. Accidents are d ,h>' souabie men-to galher about titane *ta o slî Goda way of turnoing a leatfleb ' pit are persecutesi and disfendi themo, and »hq book of bis eternal deeresa. Front our o r 20 are apt ta forget the fenl of tuos. who cradle ta our grave tisere lna epeeh ailCI 'Hl are the snbjeets of attack whil. attempt- lsariediont. Eaeh eveetilaourüfliem co( .. ing ta drive ack tii. lanilerers. Pers.'neetesi with Cv..>' ther osent la furj4*HI& b woo eution la elevation. 'Belen Stick, . Qui wloma mey bc the fuet direet-road P 0f e Scotch martyr, standing with ber hu»- tb ur gala. 0cr defest andi nec vletory H ts>st band et the place 9if ezoeution, saisi: are tvla brothes. i YOD *"Huabanti, Jet us cejolce to-day. W. have. Tha. viole dirction oftryes lite wa. l flot lvei togetier many happy yeara. li.asachaa"hg something whet là tlie ta me the bapplest tins. of ail our life. You sà» aeasad te yen trlBohg, ville as eur yb ore are ta b. happy together focever. De. rage,,*" & efui W'i~èas rite brave 'naw-be brave. I wyul not sur you but littie. g~,.ln', eul 'il- 'Goadti ngbtr tte ronto, orwe aball sOon b. sent bar u ücompreesion. u .or an Ini he kagdoni of our Fatiier together." ns ansi turs asid itebèts ns,'ans i wekno* ha ail Persecutlon shows thea hero,. and bere- it iot. Them«aasof yenrs are te hlm au an bis lues. I go Into enother department, ansithe fflgt of a slhuttle. The ment terrlae ec but 1 I Ilt aItihune great denominations of oecurrene .doea flot make Gomitremble. ta] inta Ciristians which bave been mont abuseti The ment trigmphant achilevemeut dUes te rich bave spread tise meut rapidly. flot lift him loto rapture. Tisat one great at eilb No good man vas ever more violcnlly thoiight of God teegouot tisough thse cen- " ier- maltrcated than John Weeley-beiied ad terses, andi nations ris. and full, andi eas ou plot carceatured anti landored, until ane dury Liu, ansi the vorid change&, hulfiod a5h11 ar of be stoootiun a pulpit in L»ndôn, andi a man keepa thse undividesi natery, linklog rn in- arosse in the audience andi saii, *'Yon were evefit ta event sud century ta century. Ta .suP drunk lest aiglît," aud John Wesley naid: Gosi tise> are ail on. event, oee i'.story, ge '.17 Gnk(od, the viole c aaogue in now an. plan, one developmenb, onesaystem. th t,'osnilete! 1 have been cbarged.with ev- Great and marvelous are Us>' wocks, Lord ~ sd- erything but Ua."1 Hi. followers were Goti Alîightyl I wL. îearsaego linlNew I ln- ls-ot'-d et anti maligneti andi esileti by ey. Orleans et tise expositioni roome, when aia" as ery deleetable namse tit infernal iJuge- telegrani was sent ta tihe Preasient of tise ly te nuit7 couiti luvent, but the hotter tihe per- Unitedi States, et Washington. andsi v ' ow Serulion tise more raplily tisey spreati, un- walted sons. fitteen or twenty minutes, uf n- tl u vro nt a great bout tise> have ansi tisn tise Preaidenîs assewer came us ise be"onî,i ansiwisat e tremendens force for back, andt ien thse prealding offcer waved 'nm y; G.,d snd the trutb they are wielding ail bis bensikerchlef, and the signlal wu& sent tii wu the world over. It vas persécution thst te Washingto tisatve ver. ready ta W iv- gave Scotlanti ta Presbyteianion. it have the macbînery of thsa exposition ta me wus pereecution tisaI gave our landsir t t arteti, ansi the Preasient put bie finger ne ia- t- civil liberty. and aterward ta religion, on the electric button, andsi nstanti>' the Pro le freédom. Yeai, I migist go fartiser beck great Cochs icel hegal nt move-rsun- o so sud say il was pereecutiosi that gave thse bling, rumbling, rolling, raiiing. It %ras ýa woîi the. great avation of tise gospel. overwisclming, and 15,000 people ciap-,ed 1 Pol j.d '1heiéibelt mat'kery, the isungering and ands loutesi. Just one finger Lt W aîis- tlîirsting, the unjnst charge, tise ignomini- issgton atartedtbtiau 'et machiner>', u Ctan lie ous deatis, vhen ail the. force af bell'. dreds ansi bundreda of miles sae>, sd 1Ith ani fuîry wa& hurieti againet the cross, wu& tisonghît ten, as I tbink now, tisat men aI of the introduction of that religion vlsichin sometimes touch influences tisat respond Bel ta- yerta lb. tise earths desiverancde ansi our lin the fer distance, forty yeacs trou.Dow roi ut eternal salvaîjon. The state sonsetimes fift>' ears fram nov , 1000 I-cars frum 8lI' e. saisi ta tise churcis, "Coame, tae. ry baundi1u0w-1,000,000 Years fromne sw-one B ce andi 1us'il seip lau." Wbat wa@ tise ;;: toucis sounsiîngthbrouigis the.ages.T s- sui? Tise churcis vent back, ansi it leat What of the viWuîelth r, i:, state uofisoinesa, ansd II beceme in- We alo Iaro ftrom thia stury the pro- lit, a efctcive. At other times the tate aii Pielyof laylng top for th. future. Dur- j8 er to rtei chnrch, -1 yl crues yo.- What ing thse neveu years of pleut>' Josephs pre- Ch y has tv-en tbe rpeuit? Af er tbe storma Pareti for the. famine, andi wien it came tlis ,@ have apont their fury lb. cisnrch, sa fer be hui a crowded storehouse. Tise life of the, t trcum heving ]est any of ils force, bas in- oet mon in a woridI>' respect is divided aval s sreased anti i. vortisifalitel>' more af ter ilsia lears of pienti ansi famine. It la seul f thse essauît tisaisbeore. Iteasi ail i- seldons liat an>' man Iroqgis lifeecdL n- to)ry, ansi Ion wll Sund that truc. The. vithont t 51 ail seren years of libielîî. uicj e obhurcis ia fer more'inllcbted btahe oppoal- During those seven Years Yonr business et1 ly lion of civil govocoment tisan ta ils ap- beurs a ricis isrvest. You scarcey kua.filil oe proval. Tisedires of tise stake have ont>' rbereal]11thb mons.> cornes.fram, il eame@sa d re been tise torches n'ich Christ belti in hie sa fast. Es'crr tergals Yon maire assssi mad la baud, by the light of wviitheb.cburch bas ta turn n m gulsi. Yon con tract few b3d The f maruAsed la ber present gloriona position. siete. You are astoniahesi vitt large div-- uei 0 la tise sounss of racka ansi implementa of idende. You iluvest more and more ca> - c Ly torture 1 hear the rumbling of thse gospel ital. You woisder bon, men cein bu con- tanc id chariot. The scaffo1dsofmart>ynjom bave lent n-is a smslibunces, gaborng in luti .e bpeu thse laire hi n-hics h.eburels foui>-a fe. bundreti dollars, while yqon bai n.ioatesl. reap your thousande. Thos. are neveu fori tgin Exposes lseif. rearl of pionty. Xow. josephs lasn imaeuone Learn iselsofroin our subjeet Éat sitnvilii t0 Prepere for tise thu-cteneti famiue, for corne ta exposure. Long, long &go isad te aitnt evr man tisera do corneseven tisbouebrothers saisi Joseph loto Egypt. bars af famine. Yon viliib.e içk, you Ar aTise>' bat made tise olti father netieve that will b.unufartunate, yon 'vili ho defraiss. tic-b d is favorite ehuilsi as deui. Tii.>'Joad ed, tisere n-lu bie bard dînes, you wiliie ti ri suppressedthelbcrime, aind JIwas apro-. siappointed, ansi If lYenhave no store- js-ct fosinti ,ecret vel ept b h rohr.boune upon w'icb afulbakyuaayb polit But suddenly the secret i. ont. Thse old famine @truck. We have no admiration uient father bearsesisal bis son is in Egypî, bar- for thia den>ing oneself ail personal com- tiese sug been soldth iere by the malice of h fort and luixur>- for lhe moe plessuire of roni owu bruthers. Ho.. tbeir ch.eks muf boerding np, Ibis grespisg, graspiug for boys bJ ave burneul sudthbeir bearla sunk et tise the moeplesure af aessug bow large a neith Pflaming out of Iis long supprèseed crime, pile You cau get, this alwilYs.beiug pon bluet Th Ti. mallest iniquit>' bas aihbousaud becaus, as soon nea edollar cornes in lb ue font longues, andt Ie> will blati ont exposune. seul ouI ta siec if il cen fluti anothen dol. polie sSeul was seut la tiestro> t'he Caneassites, Iar, no tbat it enu carry il borne on ils Frym their seep sud Ibeir oxen, blub en bie baci. W. bave a conlempt for ail Iboso urai gaI dowu there arng the pasture: liethinga, but there in an intelligeut aund of t], saw some fine sheep an xntùftt noble mindeti foreest wich we love ta kili, so hie tisouglit ise ould mstomen. see in men wia have familles andi kindred At Nobody voulti kuow il. He drove Ibese tiependiug upon tliemo for the bleesings of Th( stolonseeop aund oxen lavard bomne, but education auti home. GotiBosei us ta lbe musc stappesi ta report balthe prophet boy bie iscefo eson, wnblcis, viile tise>'dotll bond execuibet bis mission, vhen in tiseflot 511111 Ihetiselves la the prescrit do ntoftslîtu 1distance tise sheep beganto bleat sud the forget thair dnly te forecast lhe future. tiiiluu oxen la beiloi-. Thi. secret vas ont, anti "GO te tise eut, tison luggard. Consider anti, S~amuel saisi ta thse blîsehing ansi cofuedlber wmîs'aud b. 'vise, wis'sdh, isaving D o n-w S .lWstmaei ts iaig0 i guide, overseer or culer, provisieth bier nafry elieep tisaI 1 bear andtihIe iellowing of meut lu tise snrmpr anti gatheretis herDne ise caIlle?" Ahs, nsy iearer, bau cannot foodi in tise han-st." Lts-i keep an iniquity etmli. At Juil the wcong Now, tiser. are ty0 waYs of îaysng up latter lime tise *heep yull bluet ansi the oxen money. On. of Ues in tb put it in stock bondl wili bellov. AcIbancennot ateal tihe Bab. anti deposit il in tank andi lavent it on eOunt yionislo germent witisont bcbng monesi t bond andi mocîgage. The. other vay ta coudi deatis Bar Amnold betra>'bils country witis- lai top money is givînz it mvey. H. la Use CPPPA ont heving i neck stretcqsrd. I.aok safest visa makes bath of-tbaae invest- eovkrJ a vec thse police errcets. Thse tiieves, menta. Tisere are lu this banum men viso tises. turgiars, tUse scunterfeiters, ltes. if tise>'Ione every dollar tise>'have in tise An4 higlsvyeynn, these gssuMii, tisey ait 'vorîivaîsid bc millionairea for eternîry. ln Bo îisougbtt ho7 couisi tory their iniqnîîy go They madtieh spiritual luvestnsenb but Ilutiý deep siows it voulsi neyer coame tareur tise mais visadevotes Bone of hlm gains btavs-cc rection, but tier. wus son@s ho bie sacanae of Christ ansi looka oui>' for iyle. euswcceita ho ie pint ln tise silI, sfns. bis an-n comtort sud lnxury la Botlofae, 1 fain. keys touan t ir poasession, saoie caresflot ha. tise mon.>' la invasteti. Hu Thn bILqo4y mite thaI whiffcred of tise deati, acte as tise rose if il should gamy, "J vilI covri and the public indlignation ansi the anetis- isoit my breelis, ansi nonesItalhave a aIe ensa of outrage lia, burieti thns-ista these atch it ffragranoe frons me untsî nazi abovi dungelor ois taed heinon the galloise. veek; Usen I nili set al the gasrsen ao ab Franc-leIL, king of Franc@, atoosi cona- wlbb my eromà." 0f course the. rosm c-ternu 's.llng vith bis o11es s ow hs cossîsitAise fuasg ta breatise, sieti. But aboVaaIlub bie mcm>' lmt Italy, wbien Anseril, tise fool lai uop treasures is heaven. Yhey neyer etmoo of bise court, leasi ont fM fros .crnr f deprclat in alue -1 se-n- vr-ar et al t ILLINOIS INCIDENTS. BSER OR STARTLING,- FAfITH- FULLY RECORDED. Pautai' Mcci, utfheores, Iante Wiies- men 10 Forsito Sendie-r luai-Une Tr.amp Attesapte to Merder Ausoîher -Puisiah Iruelty et Itae. ChristianKihndeuvorere nt Penrie. Thaissîti annual sCounventiounoftIlse P- oriu Distr-isct (li . ino îus)ýnslsqvor îiti,,u viii bu- ibelilint Ps'ssria, Ill,.. b-giutsitig l'ri- la>' cvenasg, andi entllsuing ttvur> andt iStia>', 3Ma>'1, 2 andi3. 1894t. iî- sc>' effort ia lusiîsg maile- o buiitise h-st coulvent"ansvan Saisi. Tise tobiuîuu sots-il n-aciers in tise Enduiavon fis-Id ili be umcsant: nr 0. W. Stewvart, Ite-. 1M. P.Troxell. Chas. S. Ms-dbus-y, 11ev. Jhln -l D. D., Hou. A. 31. Haveti, Misej 'ronce@s;B. 1'.tterson, %Miss K:te Il. Hans*, Wm. Reynolds. Thoas- iusendiug to attend ssoulti sousi Ii-Ir nane a 'rly es possible 10 Chas. NV. I.ioîe, Na. M5. VpOistii bui. iiiirJ. ttelion- seul' isnc rti, aussi hstiser lasiies nr genistessuon. Eslertaiumes, Inehuudig biacct kusd--6djW, n-fl'l,-75 Clntspere day nd ispvard. AIl ralroasîs viii eIl tli-- et (>ilishe cs-ntiflate plan.' by visicis you si- al reet-ÎpI wnîsbuinug yssss tic-ket toP(-u.u-ii; ou pns-s-nîa(ii of utts. u-eîi It th Ci-onvi entiou il i. lMi)e!el, oItv lui-hi Ille retunuticket cosu be iought for it- tîinilutirs-. "ihs-atndu-r tiisplain ru- gc;iý goiug, begiunaisg ,Aîsil 28, antdt -tsiruiing 5v-I lier tIson Mia>' G. lied Mun Ceg's t 1Litchfielti. A stir-uiger vis capus-ul ly the Ljus-h- It iiire - "sisday - -bsgave hi.sbonis-as t,ert Bel. Ha modids-uepsrata fighl lndw en-as uureti oui>' sitar ieiuîg svr Yuosiidesi. About $6W wovas ount ini se polis lisslokahai-cua a fieldi sautS )flu.wu 'viile piuroues tlie officiers anti rider tirlutirs-. Il wns ld simtisai tise oui,>'liait lien finuds, but bcSe d'iesl bai il w-asbi&. A sisteclive troua thec 'sisla-oErisrets Comipany bas bs-s-s 0se.c 11111), but il in tlsoug'hst' Ibat lia gaI i s-viîîs-ii-sagainît Bell,.Ile -ousîti nas robeati uî thse hall lae-inlutise tecki Itise is-skBell in ot tain complisxous.a s-nta t, lit- ofIrsihs tieent, veiglis 10 inds, is 5 fi'et 10% imaies biish andihn l ligist usiiule. Ha lsa agood tlîen r nit ilot lîs-king ini plus-k, ae is ilion-n b>' i he > a ucuînglt four ecusesi poliems-n R id thl11' suv lie bcarihis painful vouini. It k4l. i is ip--~,me>- te one of the' d iik-u--iw-ho isî'd csp tIse Frisco train et d le-iu> ill,o, Apnil 1. Bicycle* Affcct Charih Abbenshance. 's s-te cii-s aeecusing grent bai-oc in dl -e l's-irie <-iuini-is, atcording toa npublie w futsi,-uiit mades- îy 1ev. M. W. îlek, il stir f the lymIlouth Coalgragational sW .uuun--i. Tise question ofthtie csuci get- si lgtelg li, , ii n usor tise bicycle getîiusg Ii rus. NI- M-K a>s, is e prabloni tise IL sngeý-4rsi,- tuunku-rsaviaia juilet.Thsis ai sati'iis1 it isf argumsent vas utivanc- [b b>' huiis ut a mesetinsgorthtie Young l'en- la 'a Su-,,i-us sut (hisinEnaheevor he lçtt lt nisa> lis-luinthe' elussu-cliestheniseh-e," cc i MnI. lis-sk, "tisîretao tle>-ruentbte in asi tra-live ant Illes' ermons inviiing. nii bc chîsnsi liiias oinethissg tise yosug suas b -sil. ans ivetus'mstigel 15cm lin s@0ye eau te gis-us lhiscn. I have n. oblui- hi cY L iliigtliat if tise Ps-aria Bicycle lii oi u-aîiîlsus-riglît ont andtieke a ,I stand and gse>'*No mare Stonde>'rusteu rus,'utuui luihaves-si-u giceler linu- 'a- ae Lu lise Ciitisshu sonne churctues," lti Blinde "fsi 'woBals, cPilhle Mislli. a i,roed-âaiseaisiecible. se -browe-c aluiliaa s L o-As-siup et these lu nrison strict ltioiu, C'hicasgo, an ch.h-i aI ofgrave gu'.î:s'îoui on5 thepartaoflIse Ch, lce. Hlie uit.-, lartlusia, tis embssl fi.( ut of is'nletuial rr.,w-. La aprison-r lun-ie Suanex, îish t,-li isI-iscututeti mat- En Lu s-bcarge tiisAs ire f lien Ilirs-. tîcis>' u s. Tu-o of iii,-- ifi.- one@ huais.rail lis- n igist uiu- ba,. Tii-y Kit lu tisaNt, is-est diuirkni-.s., s.fris id us) mors- baud or cil, uis lhis-m awis- sIu-sssIf tise me -celare cou-rec-t. it l i te,-1, usoft nus- vs-ce e spriveil of ti-ir sigis b>' sniaIt- t>' ipare-uts tht isa lîs->uiîglut initpennies anf tie charsitacble putiiilc. oi ttem p eai M rdier tIier a tickr. C'l us-e posas- tisaI biliim-lîs-theramp visa of r lrousl>- a si lsid li-îry Sehurtz, a eu w- transi, w-bse luei,-. ini'8. Lou« a u ns-s ii l e t o f nt C l u . s s h e B a l. fo r nr e a n t i O h b i o S s , I s t h w ' i - - u - u - i I t u i br o a s , p a s 1elsrned i isnst'u iiiî. wiu-n-Ibla ,,ei- ontins- inlujOil w-iîig hiA prlim»i- tie Y h s - a n g , H e r e f u i e - s i l s si v u s g e bi s F r ne anti givss ast is ouy nsasiiforpr sptiig Isu nurds-n Seltuuinz thut tiser er use> hi.syeIlsrsg- ran-. il broons bie, ta builti a lins-, Scîtrz i. at tb.deu ty paonftenu, ant inl insuilhîîugerous sic. d i t io n , bh i s s ha h I s i ag f r is l eS u l '-it T se r a t o i anre ta hlletut lîtlschcie futrn ii, ne-ma Blit1ae wa lia Bnier. vioc nelopemosit bcok pince trout Tsi mil,tt F anti Counti. Tie participansîte er, Dee us Harris antiNMattie Goodrns. Tise>'lP' se rridhi tiquire Eogau ut Car- Vrill àuraha>'six it, oyht in ises of suaw ei 'e tise grounul at Bioamiisgtun, andi mii anale of sielghbea wo en-a i dou thes T ets. Tise mecncl' as dan-n la -s-r lEl re s-ca, Baturda>wna aday of evel-W* la beut, lise t'muserature hing bigh vOO ha W &', nibis a m oisi a n au îuopp ssive tisei oop here . T ise la s t o i tie u sîtu- lisi s i disapper n tîl fani 'h Moen tubes-cuons roconaithe E n s y l u i n f a a - u ' , e u - s - s i a u s y h î s -r e s b > ' 0 o Of tie lie stck oard. Mr. andi Mc. Meritt K. Pu-uous l'enria. cel-brstad. their fittists wedi assisivî'rmnry at thI*-l'orin hule of il ss, WViliaiiM~. Besîtosi. 'lgnsusF1. Tiptoti, x-Coug-esst :'agi Issu-as-ut jîidgec Of tise ('mu-t tCU' i,3 lYilg iniusvur>- critieui couîditoi fi îîuîî-tîiouta ut ie, omeainNormasl. A t Ibis- Duîiîiu:n counvent Of osurI. Of th ';bi-emtrol 1,art iu Springfield. tii o s l o . îk t h e b i u c k V i c i i M o u s lii.. N -l si "sîa g in . S p rin g fi iie ; aIl fBuri s, l'a rtI s-i , N . Y .; %Iiss M t outoit, N-wBerl-ns, IlLi.Tise isita uýns ikejlu>1,YMiss ThereausKelly, a'nie o uîd M iss K ats- Y usey, or Munilpios, 111. At Pskm. ua tramp-auired A. W' fielf'â saloon, timeuk bis gliisaoaiboe, p s-si ont e revolver ant i iles et Aqs Zusefryiier tie brtender, The holl pi s-il ('loge te lis hend sud odged lu Ue9 nture. lie nas caught nhile trying hurd ais outgoig train, He gave finis' lid John isteson, antisoasbi h. is i'isociix, lPe. Muntis>' iigi George Rauscs, a wi kîson imPlement dealer resiing nt C lYle. retunet home badlyi.sjured. b cbloihtange Isosituretoti nith bloodti f tîe 'v u n s h lie h d r ec l vre i. Ris -is nai cruihesianti ruine xpooct. He iying nt the Point ot deets. When nsntsia bis home lie stetes tisaI ho i bs-cii Ont niding asti tl u-hot of isis bugi T'pous Iurîer investigation il ppars Lti Iaî<hcols-sinitIlie renidence of Asi Muai'. olOneu, living lu East Centy 9ise unis-ros ihm anniansi caîlst a c, oresi D'an neuisti Jerry iR oberts ri ncrps thelie unet, w-ho ligéaite-siRauscs Locon s)cit>'a$nt out a minstrol iii Tui(OdaY viuig. Iecou soelety wnast show. Tie yung w-aen af local 5n-î w-laitliing. Tise>'blaeked usp and wv o u th e, stage an ti acsu ittsd tie nso i ceferlY. Itose's opera hall wnmspocke Tie firt part of tie progrgsu. eveeot accuse w ou-Il goiug milss lu sec andti v this- cs hianges nt tise door. Tbe abs vs-ut wits a rushI. Tise snge wreawi susg. the joes ansi local irita-qji ucis laugisîer, thé usic In-es entachai img, tIse liing Pictursc e -re isausix nd tise audieusce ues isigis> lY ecdTI Eliplicol' ircli, usuden viss.auspicg I n-as given, w-ilho umade consderal, -icher. T ie T isit>-niiitl G e licra i A ssem b i>'ca ucteti a lawu-îvidiug for the establiel ment andi min tueunance of a'borne for th liseblesi moIsi-ce, gwidon-s, vives an laugistera et digobesi or decenieséi diei or sailors vhsbaissu-e n--ini tisa arryc Davy ufthtie Uuitei States. Ali motisen rives, u-idon-s aussi tuglîters of sue s-sceas-si or disabled soldiers or seilor visO have served iun tise srmy or Dav-y e le Uitied States, vo lai-e nu visitl ricnes of support, ore eligible lu membes hip lu tielons,, lu es-ortiasce vii tt rrisions Of tise as-I reating tisa home the fiGoveruor bas iminati bis proclamatiei 'uuuuncing tisaItua institutiona viic hai s'etu erfceti t Wilmiligtn, Will County in ii renadi for cupaur>' andi open ti the Public. ()ue efthtie Mas irotusions crimes ve] cs01mittet inluHausilton Cuat>' ccre i lthe German ss-lîlememt, eighî asilei ens Ot Xsclennbor, Sunsay afernoo Boi Beehusr, a wsll-to-ds, former, « Fours et age, eut bis n-ife's aIbroat auù àaige bis 13->'ear-old son te a rflfer. 1: s stable, aler nhidi liecvereait5hý shiles u nP'lis coru tosider aussimatie bi 'apeteatlien-oasis. Bas-huisr ansi hi if, huaiheu-n baviug troubla for sous ie ors-r religiosis differences, hae b-Li usnon-believer of cati,uicisiu, while àisM Vas a firi C'aîioic. Inst aummer tisej erated for gaverai monshe,, &se retucu. g ho lier psrenta in Indina. Wbu1c gaus e hati ber sou biaptizes inlutlb.Catsolie bureis. A reonclietionu 'as fill>'ut- cted auss bis 'vite returnesi home. Ail re ut n -al u u til i sh i u if e a n si s o un d t an d a, ster servîses, viicis lie nîuîos-s, aund Don tieir stîsnuîfretn services lie coin- li ed th l iise eu ish uis-n a s ca u g bt lnîtisU>'ttinisoon . A grest (ulalof ex- cuseul tireis .in ithe Germas sattle 'unt, ansi l>nchig i strsugly taketi of. Suxt>' ears ago, in lon-a-Kitty, Cann- of Cork, lrelsuid, the- v-diug ot Mnt. ti Mr. Jeu-ssiais Maioiey, Ina af lb. est and] best-knosn reaictts otfIili Ounr>, toa Place, and tie eiverary l ish e a i -e u t i a s e c i s b r a l s - s i b > ' a ta m i l i !union aI Joliet Susda>. Tie>' embark- tise neal intorning after tbetc marriage S New Yok ant in 1837 cam, la Lock- t. Tie>' bave livesi in Wilb Cunt>' 'or since. Nie ciilsreus ver. boiru ta i couple, ie of vbom aue living. Of. 'e le songs, John J., Jereriai ansi raucs,.ave been utcessini business enOf Joliet fon Iventy-nine een. M%'ie 'a id couple vere atlendlng cisurcs Sun- w teir chlltren ant i tteen grandsii- ,en, together with nmoeitieir riensi, ÔW'boàuJôn oft teir hoandat gave ÇU & Jona i qrpcls. Mr. anti Mr. ?oay are 81 andiffl yers of âe, e- cltiveh, but retain thisar arenglis ant ipr of miosi la a surprlag degru.. Proeedtsio is tie County Court t mWtur develaodth ie tact thet Charles Hi, visa nas hiIled Is a Wabash tuile. a ew veeks âgo, n-es a bigamist « afer is dath is he upp ed ison- tjpUoed for tis a ppoitmuemt t an ad- Isvtreor aud lier petition wnasgrtet. saeette -cantei prrieut>'eftishe t faction for damagi» &gel" C1h ÇUteb rçgd. A few days hjevaneth sr «Madn liIng in hs., soli t. have ? am td t~, ttise Loçèat esjsmte t eeaiut-Psive ett cies .tise vMew or Orise' I. Hoff. Mb. preesth.* ah. cee>'o Sac A> Ar OUI aoptesi e pators AlozF.ts cvl evie ry ehldnoecrvee WMý ijcomveni. aî b c- tue; etion f the itesi a g>' tile tvote oftls. eg eotsiulvner ug le A lieky fight wus kfevor e o 'lw~g aI îs b >' t h .G o v e rnm ne nîe sfi- d f 't abeadeus> b tualI la eb. Public aisticv~ report atidesi tise vocda erment sisoassino iii aninha lhoalti e opmu eht bath Lt tise ratio nov ban."- * Atter s heatesi slsctie, about 100 delegatespsteg norit>' report vasf l ugur 4 vote et 212-bte 100. Dr. - ' tilug Cofloge, n-a selecte$ j af tls, canspalgu fuisam subecuIbed i he tue t e - starter.- Atter th. adoption of tise convention asjaurnej until nsoruag, . en a full at*l sominatesi at folio...: Governor Lieutenant Govero Sa-reter> of State .. os Attorney' Ganere. itles1 University' Trustaca-Mis.ILw tan, Mre. Carnie L. Grot,! M. 0cr. Unitedi Stabes Senator ...D*Mi A reseintion wua toptesi congre". ta puas a lav 1teU manufacture, mse.or importath tsar m tiste District Of Colismîg ritorien andI militer>' reservathod Unitedi States andtetareput b mA isens. lava. THE SAILORS' FR1 senseal pim..l,7'W. Uax» Lire fer Wmtf.wl«. Seamuel Pilussofl, yw-blanê. l11 is London, lbas apert mes« in tryiloteb elp tue .eIfart6g manî Jouars hho as he. au ors' frIeusi, Hala %t.e gr Ihonsas andi PrîscilaPlliui, born ai Bristol la 1824.Win5 a »Mailch a -bts lefmiowei I enta ta Penvubt,ens>litrnas si s'eu tis al>' edtiîon bg' biepars, .H. vas inter Mst*l ta attend a privaI. iCheol et>l Ho started iont lu mite as. à bctor's office, thu tri.sid brevery assit«a pronstatdsi ai manager, la tisat,«puig d ountil 18M, .olvissa be yulte ant opeued e buasissfor la suceefnry coabesteti Derti>' u oral hatereal in1808 andi pi Iovn Is 1880l, vben lie glyeupo îa Sic WJillm VJernon Hai'co.M was au aot et great uusehfsbaiw Port 0f 464f-~. Ns-bai g$O&iW Iament for b gea uiqe samme mtive, Ne vasconv'Ipe, ceabinet mistaer wved ehl h all. bMter mervice te thé. mum niâ Niais a pruvate amn9bs', -md s" vmy for Harcourt. Hi@ er,. usent vas usefil, asd ha w» msentabl a ng uacta feo i" of *e . sipp"làlae 1 0 a and ia la7 lm 7 Mr. imI cd .,Our B&memb." antisJWff misd Pu*llised-a sequel te IL.$ pubirbelae work an"Cati' When tiseNatseml A agt ama Piremens.Union MofQeuo, ansi Iieasn i sgaluaa i i pNînsssi acceptai bise prewi4oaq. union, bt battes-vrs! retirai. Neell Dut% and ra* k~ drieved b t tcpelelag of & boat Mattie L Ford ai Bcki4qt% George IL DoiJ43& agai M àail maseMa mmeet a*Ie Slîsb**lm hague.,Me vere eute.usla &mou..aIk New Zsalajus, bit an ezek.hr4* demp, visiis hiles! $v* qmni" tese ai>autiens. Jua@n iS,1,., -. fI.. ,S.

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