Thottsmrne.venlng Alice ieft Lonhon A L for AvoadaleCouete. oe tat las he bad heard tram FYeveral the whole atory ofaithe daim'. deatbe. AN Et * White ait thens terrible events bad been i C * taklng place, Constance, utterly ignorant ~' <' of what was going on, hall been living ~~ ~ qulotly with hcr grandmother.Te Lifo tu ber was virtually over; shte be- a £ l jleve tienht ail happ!nes for ber was end- ed, but she was glad ta cscape the degra- a a dation whieh would bave corne upon ber Hlous - bd shte been campelled te retura end live 7; ith ber hnsband. Tjie onu ycanslatilht for ai ber sarrow was the knowiedge thiit Inle h er cousin lived. Day by day ste waltcd gospel - anti watched in feverieb etigerneis for mon In the letters wbich cause ta ber froimse er another friend, alwaye bringing ber sante comiort ence et and naklng her miserable life a littia les@ vas Il bard ta bear. Wben Alice arrived cee nt i rushed ta embrace ber friend: thon iees ta saew tieat ber face was pale and troubled. Feri "Alfice, wbat la the mtter? why bave beeven you camer'aime crIoti, In alarm. lati "Lard Harrington la aiait well," sald bill Ale. qnlitly taklag ber iriend's hand. beacbh 'I have other news for you, Constance." Hea w rThen alhtetald bernas tenderly as possi- herniep ble the whole of the »tory, whlceu ie bcdofu beard] freti Feveral, and Constance, lie- fot v , 4 teniag ta ber, reaiizcd tietaime wels frie. plored - sd cosei te fot leviag lveri arly the next maraing the three l&dIetf No wn C PTR XI.and eoe the cercl l avfgFerdi ont- loft A vend ale Ca etle for London. By that boavec OHev- XXV.afer time thse news of Censtauce'i wtdowbood [ thin P,ýuwlMi4g the doctor'. bouse Fv fe breakfîast thBotss a u- bcd sprecd. Tbey reacbed London ecrly nieW W kd lw ' and tboughtfull alang aoue<i, and, gretîr ta the duke's amaze- ntbdandrvOeoce' Pr eac le d«inof Park Ln. Ha seem- ment, he tras aliawed ta enter It clone. HI Lne. One gluncoeta the bouse, and Co- ,ftw daja, for Ihe oae aietand pur- long aîgiit of watchlng, bad determnef ha te as srgoleru. m- cm t1bsusta bu ab uh ef-talet bine escape. Ho drave qtickly ta cd ta ber as if the shadoir of dcath hun dowa F ', iottame ae afc h a rcilrond station, and'baving taken bis avec the ,lace. Ail thb binde were drawa,ee v*tw ie bd wreced i lite, and driven ticket, bc ecienied a compartint whlch adeefî lotsfoae y efonwe ni III - e » ie on e tural re, hoaketi the guerd ta Iack. ing of Intense stillucas tvib relgned upe pmiereded eto at hedclrs- Fer a time hoctrac left clone; hi' wateh- everywhere. Ilie as admltted wthat question ed the crowd gtberlug upan the plat- Th oyo h uobdntcrvdnon ykind, but vnhen ha asked taee the fartm, but ecw no face, ho kneiv; et length TambodFrance bu tra ndaulneet avd. Cloud UMth e ad Mis jelybrefo r atktnghiecf ubi ecaewFnrane for ifs hoio.yepe d shc tis îatma grvel inotietithe train began te nie h tvs con- Hugo bcd elegrcphod that ail muet be bcd lflisteth bouse. tbe carniage doar vas hurriedly unaocked The star! of the duk's dcatb won a pleci -%%0 Mont lad the way te theo duk's and loveraI tepped in. aine dcys' wonder. The papers tokit upplc ;4y. « Daring the twa precedang aigts t vas ases te prutest, or Indeed te cddsase tl herclm heph Wh luebc cdn ts, n tevetmake a mavement ofan ki»nt; the train ladies la tbelr daing rues ao sbHep'l ý4smelas Weil as the montai angolisb tas 00w trol tarteti, and the twa mcn tonies tere circulitteti, and certai ien 'y" hhalbcdeadnred bcd lef t traflg er. locked up alose, esenenigtedcetaiw his-et Han ýA*Cs. aponteihn. He spent the wbole Of Neither spake;, Feverai, ladeoti, hehavetipr cnenngtHachs ee e iras net ai t rrangins bic papera,ad et as If be weraeutircly clone. Toi gnoallant, bunt noue af theue caulti ho substan- dluel 4jmoracla;tbe net day, bis SPanihi otc waevra bDcaoninhet-tiateti, ince the only ma who could haveeil gea credlence ta thons reports wae dead. Iea -4gyflâetered tha study, anly tae111f clinef In the further andi of the compart- Iaantrbîîe Cntnelvdo eyIr Mi sauater s»til busili nt work. Ha band- ment and begsn ta rend a nevepaller. The que.1yin P ConsatancGe livy ed Hon '@r '» nuanote foundith O SOftedle nretÉrigaulbamat aîîîment, the oly trilI ta b. feland wascBt1 . ý If recti: more sabdned, adtsred, et hie compare- ane whlch matie Constrince the sale mis- snch , IA1tev visat bas occurred, yau cannot ion la singuler fascinction. To escape trosa of ber hugbant's immense fortune. haetl 1-Pxpttl neto reain langer ln your boune. tram hlm vas impossible; if et the neit rlirest care uas Ia damine Hugo, sol hool 1lusa, tlterefoe, retnrning ta the home station ho changed hisecompartment 1ev- bhbrrtnenisrat;te h tha fies whici rone took me. Meanwhlle let crcl would assurediy tallait; anti ho dur- causcda nuinber ai the roonas te ha ciosef; ha oame ioMe ya on that whtever step yen mai ed net scek protcct;lon, for Once gven andi liveti qnictly ith ber grantimother orr b ,eosse te taile viii nt bhoapposoti by me, inta contody Foverai aonif ho suent no andi Miss Greybrook ia the tew nomai aseiM'y le vlsb DOWvllite ha free tram ethe longer, but wauid most essuredly beap rousseswblcb itereset apart tillîeul. Fl milgradation of bearing yaur Dame. lgaominy on Seim before the itorîf. Tierces weck passet ilts. At the end perla "CONSTANCE HOWARTH." Ha looked at loveraI; ho bcd droppef of that time Constance, ylelding ta the ei- lHe t (ruble the letter lu bis bandi, the detke is paper nait, and iay back with closeti tretea ai ber frienti, conseneitetallta ise te iptnried te bis study; ail ie destres seens- eyes. Very noiselcssly anti cantiously the a tnlp abroati. fie was la ber quoa ona andti 4u aittref nov. If Constance wlsbed ta fuke crept forward; Feverai did net mave day, giving orders ta ber maiti, when Aile thet lé. fre-if hy obtaialng a divorce ha -sauddenly, vltb c epriteg, like tent oi a came ta ber, and asked ta speais ta ber dette l 1 ý d bho cceding ta ber tue., he no wiid pather, the taise leaped Impose bis alune. 1]is longer seemed ta deire it. ,He alcdme- sleeping companion, lxing is lugera inaa"Constance," saiti Alice, "whom do yoa J311 gardeal ths aot on bis part as a mans oa is hie roet. thrnk I have seca ta-day? Some ancEni r«s.'euga; ha helieved it would Ihletoiture BtFvriva utai eosd thlun1 vise t@scou. vody eo er te beri te be brandeti as Infamous befare wa he e a psa aiftvecriaess. It was ta c moment Contance'% face lusbed; tealf itmwaoved, but since fiis iras net the Case, 1th. dois: nlaiChance ta nf bimsaecf aofocaotogttFrasanilcen-mi le determiiîed ta thinisofiscame Othor aimplacalmle fao assun lm v r iag th onugt ftFankruendlice lt-mor sug et inng hie cati. powering hlm, laverai tald him that ho 1'Igthirs, lnin overi dear"ie a. a1 elati4bsteitton i1t -ud nie pn-the duel, and i etonce.,'.Mr. Fererai!" excîcînuetiConstance. tarte b* dl4 net heur the outete rap et the, door. The nigbt mail te Dorer, the Calais "-Alice, haire you forgttea ho killed thae be the s ineroar e openaf, botrever, ho bout, the train for Pari-what a eomhr., u "bt '~èsrt4 U ca tceflavrairainons jaarney It vas! Pertinacaousce "le killeti the tinke. yes, lantait ad not "My lord," sai the latter, wth lpma- ca ferret, loverai kept a close watcb on open fight. Oh, do nat looks startîcti, dear. HO - m-b1g f bis aid aa'luesà of manat, "I hiseemy, and et lest the duka grimly I do net wish te cantione c murtir--hut van havvé coame ta Inform gon tti alt my et- valcomsetithe crucial moment thea bis hsw ntamriadsoeae h, peagumants are mae, anti that I cen supriar ablity as e marimen tonîu tiladotemread hr r h plae myseIt et yoar disposaI et any timse certclnlg a'ld ie oi a dreCtlot enemy. soute treage whieh enly lood can vipe exil y îj' qy haplease te taname." At f5 o'clack the aext meraîag they met wout.iHe lame ethoicdy whieI art bifno 'fte fuSe, the bcd reseated bleseit, et the. spot agreoti an. The duke had wfor humn h wa, andeage." bld tel -esesti p angrily. fought several duels, adyet thse feeling fHuSinst a bouCicrli ostn ena "IL muet requent yen, Mr. loverai," self whlch possessed iehlm as a certain Slnd traagain hin ber ittin ontfac e:1 Ill, -%t ta tirsut yourself opnpo me Duten-oai tact. Ho draaded let tha tortuna ofothermvaopndcdFvrlwa f steencet. At premeaat I ce to body ta at- ver mib go assistnt hlm ftemuwaoee, and se poret s wur laSud tend yan. Be se gculd as ta leave me." hie frram dealing ta Constance that hwin "Bery ta ha coanpellod te refuse," te- neaa 1 i p aient wiicbho ebelieveti Mr. Fovrerai! Conld tis Indeetiha h- IB turne irerai, taking c chair; "yen have taeboee due-. thîs grave, gray man? Although enly a exi -. ereedta t figt a, and untll yau do I The. pistole toto pradaced, examlaed few wteeka bcd passet insce ase bcd sean oCii . a1hail remaM yaar constant compasian." ad loade. Thaetioctor put ont bis ta- hlm, ce many yeers secmedte tobava e teeOe Tise dukSetereti; vas the ma maf or trumenta, the grouned vas meacred, andi ai teiacge; theo masS which ha tend don druaak? laverai, talding hie armes, clmiy thse gentlemen wereanaked t tekle their assulmed çthile Ia the service af the fais. th '*Yeu are astonisiset," sait h, "yet I "Oas moment," self Fevrerai, poitaiy. Of tisa plattiiig epy c weary, boart-hroisan the mee n cause forat atishmeat. As I "II have a ward ta say te the taise." - .fio accepteti my eisalleuge. I do nat Tas seconds andi the surgeons retired,' "Mbr. Feverai," she-sciti, "I sent for yose tus men telt YOD oscape." anti the tîva mon vore lft alerne. The -ycs; and nov that you are hers I do net aU "Ecape! that do you moan? Do gan tuko saiti nothing-it n-as leverai itbn repent of my action. I caulti not speais ai thînk 1Iftut yoao" spoke. hocaune 1 am se sorry ta s;ce yen liSe ths.&W, *t Soauks like it," returneti loveral, etili "MI lord," ha sait, "as va, acîther et --you are se ciangof."th a itting witb toldeit armes anti preservial us, ca tell thet Slnd of a termination Hoe mlef sedly. IIbave no langer a vos aun uruMief demeanor. tiis lttle affair yil bave, I1n'iab, before part ta play," he ade lf "y tri on earti pil For a moment tise tara lookedti neh t taise ont places, te coafide ta you a 1 a de. Ail I prai for nov le decth. My As ther's e:.s, itboa the tube tetunud te i piece ai information n'bich yuwl tdoaitbes auna joy ia ite bas gono tram me, and 1Iun k. Ha matie no turtisar attempt ta tit i gve yoa soe satisfaction. It is Unes-- hava livodte t avenge ber; that vas *Iii I ln otssf bis compassion, but tricti te cou- your rival llvear' rvdfteathmnwobdkil f bt ie tank. It vas a fîfficaît tasis, Tise fuSaetartet. mcr e ndfor, ee hemc aio bcdeadilas gejaeve;the ao trange nervauneeaus icis ".Mg rival hIvyee" ha exclaimed. "Whct et mi feet. o UEfaa possession ai hie vas Inctea.s- de yom eursa ir?" "Yen bave suffereti se mach," site saisi; ge tI-teit by tisa tact af biseaeni *'S impig this, my lord; thet I hava deref ,I am carry for gan." bu la rie moulm, csilenf end noitru- ta disabey gant Instructions, yoeltaîc b haîfont ber baud; ha too S It, belt I t ji lt Iwas Wbatavar ha dif, h tait me te est th@ peur gentleman iod ila bath ef bis, atidtise next moment tua ei tetFeverai wn as atclag, ne, more, street. Insteati, 1 b.d im carriedte thtuJPne. * in. MaiýM hbcd paver tea md bisstituettbouse ot a ple 14 W ha dressedetta ~~Ute. veon~qi d. aod di1aist uaSbeptet inon tisat day.tva years hava Comae and tu .4 b.éd lntendet tai leuve that evening Lard Harrntngtula et.tise present moment alaend; thL eauseac styofte itblh t 1* ledala Caute; h. nov Chariefhie pregre.elag raptiytevanul redoery," atahe D tsa traglc stasy aite d etis et aod :Usald e.ava te dter hi. Jeurnag Darling is speeb tise duke's face teDas 'zzgi aspse atrl bmI taufmoruing, hoping by that e tudy. R*ge et t"i.ué*1C, ouplet! vidath ram avery mmd. umle ~lctu hav ussie e.i t ttet ofhie latene. iatrdfofr thse main tho brought Thse %prng bas coma aonvflls n aDe =tOSStor, if, comspot*lgmeterefihie. gCrtirbrlgitueBs; no thla, itirJohn Pzlentl »M t tlangh ha reired taehieérmous, ha isnoawln iet ha dii, hae Duag upan Fey. au heaitei at tise vîndow of bis studygta-il 45fte go test, but at heur after heur eral end, locisef ln aacb otlar'earmas, the n u aon is grdoevser iiel gaig ltacacsud tinig. A théattre simtnl-foUpn thse undi. bgaoit arBvea 4smrmm passef ou t e bonies rev quleter; Tise etendes, alarmed at the unexpactaf His vite, noue ether indeef tisc e ui. Iii.servatdta'freti. Onae'dieck tutu avets Md faisan, lmnedaly uai- aid friand, MicesGrerbroolIs, 1005, up anf at1q".anti tiseduke tartodftram bSisema, ai te the reeeC, anti the tva mcauvotabecisoni telbie,.sudf16. abedlentlg tissa*k émleu thongbt aceurtef te l;e.Fev- îcepatatuf. Fertai crame, seeniugig cand es dota. l WWimet b.e em atsv.a achante Cajie as hhad bal boq fore, but ,.th des» "I havO11e v,"sbte ai, brigbtig. "Con- t lisese ff me thia ment va. psating WUlryif. stafflle.eoeitngbome." - . Tis- teq%_ paft bac*is tle. §,*! "Tan iden't ecg sol" 1MÂGES SE RM oN. stapey; , ewake, hosaw the boguue obseutetien et the buaven, tise uabalanc- evetg lng ai tise rocks, tha coantananca qulv- thean ELOQUENT DîSCOURSE ON erlag tits rage adtise cachianation dia- tisa vu MRIST'8 EXPATRIATION. bollc. Oh, ut vastise hostilea s eli s. eau ail tise horron Islandi aita voritif! age I go tartbcr ati tell gon thaise ssexileanmd 8 ging Who Lait a Tistene, Cioed w as fat itonm homo. It la i00,000 miles queue iLlae an Weit Foth t, Di intram bc--e ta the soa andticl astronamete ship,j ag"e Ia saying that aur scar eystam sa Patmo gocstla Country - Ausos-Ia the oaly oue of theamaller theels ait the great yen cs na of tisa Volants-y Exile. machiaoty oi thea nvonse tunaing around Iing yo -semasaine great tenter, tise conter se fer thej AuR Ispes-ici Exile. dictent It le beyaa acl Iimagination and ti aii a oderful te bot many tunes the calculetlon anti If, as nome thiak, that lait t' jmci ho set. Dr. Tcieege's sger- greet centet in the distance la beaen, speais In Washingfon lest Sanday shows Christ caine tur tram homo visealha cama exile. 'iera a nwbîciatise eertbiî experi- bacc. Have yon ever tboagist ai tisabomne. sang, it aur Lard le sot forth. His text i cbaess af Christ? Sonn etofgou kaov gon e. L Samuel %y., 17, "Anti the king wbat isomeslcbness su thea yan hava been and si forth and tarried lna eplace w,'ica onuy a fet, tees absent trem the dames- lent fe of." tic circle. Christ was 33 yoars eaa trainm igelgs rup sud fan backIn latise istory of home. SB ornaiyen telhomeslcknau Seoi a thera came a perioti Wheu Its îaost visea yon ame 100 or 1.000' miles cwej tans, ions citizen vas about ta absent frein the damaestîec crcle. Christ vsri: a lf. Hie -as nat golng ta sal tram more millioa muisvswy trant home than and ti ta beach. Wo have otten doao that. yoa canif cout i ifl yaut lite gon dif dfae -as net golng ta put eut tramincneuotblag but cotint. Yeu isnov vhct ilIn illterg phere ta another hemispiscra. ManY ta be home.gick even amiti pluant sur- air oeta.Bu oae asl roaintiluge, bat Christ sicpt lu buteanud trite ontt, Btespacwu ex- ilho ta t hlret, anti b&vas a-hnngereti, tisey I antid the hemenithe spacetruve'-.andtieo as ou tise vag tram being bora nov dolt as tevme bite beave. ni n another maÙsbarnhe abelng hurlidlanon th, wol a ve aldbuvn n notiser man's grave. foatta -a bas neyer ballet ni other variai. I bave rent bot the Swins, vison they horane ais that tise aindlots anti the balca- ni fa away tram tîsoîr native country, et the V s-en tirangd, nti isa th p Mai e souaif et their nationel air get- 9selbtre1 v as croittewt vtb thse ho làuthonaesick tisat tbey taîli nfa celeacheli froua ta ses hlmsBal ont ai tle barbon of anti sometimes they alile under the hoe(- ouri loto tise oceen hoîonti. Ont ant I ckness. But, oh, the isnmesickiaas of am s a t a ud do % n an o n ni an nnî1 C h rist. l'av ert i io ce ie b o n cele ti l lho lei * ani dta ntitaia h Spti, rlihes. l'trsecntîan bocesueb ion boson- "U.eis ralghf, tits oaly aoie ta greet hlim, n. Venrnas homeslek for test. Home- dlamn ns ho rriveti, bis tilsembarkatiaua on -sîk tornungeilc ad arcbung-lic canapn- I ha' rtending, se Quiet, that iftrwac nat ionip. Homesilib te get ont of the uîgbt iainei au an curtis antilishe exc~fiis'nt l I teangl tise starm an th ie vanit's execrafian. say, d gave intimation ta tise Bethalehemi Hamesiekuess nIli make ac tek 50cm nasbais les that senîethlug grand auf glanions long sa a month andl if sectionta me tiaat neess happeneti. , Who cornes tisera? Froua tise îiree tocades ai Cbrlst's resitieuce et au Ltport dit ho sail? WhY iras this the01 ntmutbvsergeteigalo he aiofhicsdestination?.) 1question theIsnertin atbav e he etitahltaiedte hvi ',od.1qestion tieces.Ih ae touaiors. . coue e cher ponts of Christ, but tro st ,caton te evie.1 hae fund ut.-au bave nover tnicdtei ta m.,ure thse mag- tbfd vas an exile. But the wonld atied itide andi panferesiti of a Saviour's ougi gai ofexiles. Abrahbam, au exile trans lompsickness. fo ra; jahas, an eile ftra Ephesua; Ka- ;o, an exile tramt Polanti; Mazzini, an 1Iltac steis fertiser cuti tell gon that a tai te ram Rame; Enaixit, an exile tram Christ n'as in an exile whlcbholieaov iseei unt; vîctor lingo, an exile frac amuît u t dinlu ssassînetian. lialman rani se; Koscnth, an exile irons Hungan liant. tise master pointer, bas c pictnre la fati tbisanaai bomI seakto-ay cd i-iieh ho relarasents Jeens Christ in tise Off t rehs oufng of arlk eâ at cae na Nuza'rene canixenter sbop. Areunt i bicrobe h cblihning freceptin-oantcamen luni'ovethe scaws, tise hammers, the axes. the ami Ia vellnt et vtis n-rnt evnta gitdrilla ofaigrpentry. The picture cpra- thil, in-that he le mare to ha celebratetl cents Christ as niaingta-oc tise carpeuter's Iu a auy other capatrntet exile af curtia aaockging beach anti wp-enly stretching ont stog his arcus ais oee ilI uffer beiiig lu con- adoi beavia. tracteti un uncomiortable posture, andi the "ru An laupa xile- ight of thuat picture in no amrnngc'ulthat nefs, I remark fiaf Christ amas au im- tise arme af Christ, aaeartly stretcbedbai ci eila Hogotdat of a isrno.forth, together avitb bis baody, tiacov on s taais off a tiare. He cioseti c palace the amali tise badat of tise croie. Oisn'yiîe, ho bbinti hie. 1-ic3 tîilyii iero prince. trienta. that shalot aras aa cverytiuig princesses. Vasisti wai tarnet o i n C'histl trnnom gAasea. aii a is slitetice. Shatot ofaitacross "Ot trone aby Aa'sueium. Tavire as nteBethlehemi swuftiuing clauses: s oe huraiomsInfoamycTeuiter bîstaw of a crasesais the rond aver vhlcb O th btree fugitive. lied into Egypt; ebati- S sbaa'e courage. Soeaoaithe lHenrys oai wof t across on Luise Galileea sChrist Lîati anti nome ofthtie Lonis iftFrance avalkictfs monadc fIuon et opai ant ina- cr jastief on their tiamones lui dAcon- eraîti anti cryâtaî; shadtov ai a cross on itat saubjects. But Chisit aas nover the cond ta Emnieus; siatot ofai cross on A e isonarat, or miore papuhiar, or mare tise brook Kef con, ati on the temple,.cati id than tise day halieet heamen. Ex- an the sida ai Olivet; sifov ofai aCrossOh, b ava suffeteti severaui, but Christ on ca-irise anti suset. Constantine, T usat imleif out ires tbnoneroae inta marcblng wit bhie army. cait Just once Bu, eep peu ati tata tram tise top te thse a crosslu the sky, but Christ sut the S ttons. Hie as nt pushedt off. lic tua cross ail tise fume. p tmanacieti for toraigu transportation. Te Spo epeao* . v as net put ouf becauso they no matr e oi o at wc eer oure, t ateti hie ln' celectiai demain. but hb ncruisjulyv ise usle oleè teperting cuti temcontia g imb an vitb tise tact thet It viii ant inla arna hog- Th laé Ove fîmes'as long as tiat of Nao pa-litality, bat Christ knew tisat hie rougis on et St Helena enti1,000Uioin-wonce; 1atbn-ould enduti a aefolieaittree. with- lHe a na exile mufferng for tisat bbc hd ouft anc lentant i ts onlg tvabranche., e mtroged nations, the 0f ber exile suifer- teariug irait of sncb bitternaeu as no bu- Tu ýbecenue lho came ta cave a n-orld. An aranupc s at evar tastaf. Ois, that an 1 aperl exile. King eternal. "Blecsing exlie, efarting la an Intancy tithout any Ain ad honon anti gior>' and paner ho unta cratile anti cutiiag ainassaluiafloul Tisiref im, hatsittth pen he hrou." ithoat any vaten, day vithaut aBo' sun- Ia n tat itttb po tie troae. light l'lie deooofai edesperado ton mare t But I go tartisor andtiefl11yen ho vas an thon cugelic excellence. For visai that aie on aàibarnIsland. Tis werlnonit aexpatriation cuti that »exile? Vorldjly ae of the seallest islaudm ai iigist in tise gooui somotisoes cames fracnt onldu cvii. 1 ceau of Immenciti. Other stellur king- Tise occidentai glane of a sharp bine tile mci e many thausanti times langer tram a razor gnaer's nbesi put ouf tise o le this. Charist came ta this scaîllPat- oye ai Gambette anti excitai syrnpatSiies a as oa c ond. Whea exlem ara sent aut n-mais gained i hm an adacatioandntortt- Big ey are generaily sont ta reglane tisat cd bic an' a carer thaf matie bis nameot ,e scuti ar colti or bat-came Dry Ton- mare majestic amaug Freachmen than 811 ugas aiftisagraeabieness. Charist came auy otiser ncoeluntise îact taaeuty years. In L an exile ta a tarît serciseti itia beut Hawthorne, turnet o th ie office ot cal- te ad bitten vîish colt, ta desents simoan ictar et Salemu, vent home in despalir la mapt, ta a bowling wiliernees. It vas H!&e vite tonchet hlm on ftho shoubtier anti n he hock tiaanyarti, ieeclngig, ofthtie uni- gaîti, "Nov le tise timne taeavnite your r nc.Yetu, Christ came ta the paarastboS"athitcac SclcLee" >art of this barren Islandi et a tarît-a the bnilliant censequonco. s»ic Minor, tits its Intense cummors, Woridiy gooti sametimes cocos trom et ainft for tisa resldeuce ai a foeigner cuti vorîtili emii. Thon be net unholicving U~ i tise ralny seson unuit for tise resitieaco iea I tell yen tisat tramntishe greattent 91 Di e native. Christ camnent ta sncb a crime ofaituetornity antio et saviola p lad s. Amendca, por Englauf, or France, universe, tise mander ai the Son ai God si or Gerany~, but ta a landi ane-third ai tisatisera siscîl coma recuite vhlcb sis al Vear tireviso, another third ai tise îear erlipse cil tise grandeurs of eternlty paut'0 bomnait ap afd oni>' ne-third ait tise eat anti oterali ta tcame. Christ, an exilae at tolerebia. oisi it tee the barren isi- ftraiesavea openlng tise vag for tise te- and of a tonld. Barrais enongis for Christ, 1,ortain totard buenta adta bearen of for Il gava sncb seail voribip, ami sncbail thosa visa viU eccept tisa proffet. Inatisiuate'affection anti snob little grati- Atonensent, a sip large eciuagis to taise ailfI uda. Imperlal exila ou the barrea Islandthetb passengers thâtwlll comc ahoard If. ai a votIf. 1 i~ T VOÏiaï"juy Éx1f.ý, . 1[nin Hostile Country.Fan this royai exile I bseffaisthea lave I go fatisa anti tell yen that hae vas an anti servie ai ail tha exila. bars prnasnt, exile lus a bostile country. Turkcy vas ahan noaaeseeorttie etisen, tlat la- suet er omucis agcanst Russie, France clutin ail oi ne. Tisalaes oi dais Conti-i wua navet se, machsageinet Ocrecan, as nent have beaunose itieli apaee tiat tI&i Barths tap ageinet Christ It tooi tisere aea bre nsany voluntary exila. lie In titengis tise oot ot e stable. It tram etisar lands. Bsa aiofyou are Scotch. tbmuit hie ouf'kt tisa point ofaiaepear. Tise men. I sec it la gent isigis chaoS bona. Roman Gaveaumeat agaait hie, vith ev- and la tise couar that illumiese.gentface mry veapoa aifiU 'anmg, ad aven>' decle arisn I entiou tise landuf ai ensnat irlty. ion et lisicaurts, anti avary becSai f s Banni cOtlautDeer aid kirkl SBine t..r Cagles. Forgees aleff e Ie-arrivai oi gour enceatora sleeping l Geirn r thc onli questien vts bat beet te pnt'him cbnnchystti1 or hy thea deep lcalbt out Herof bated hie; tise higis pria.te aut et1tisa pitchaeset beavonorenafn balai hlm; tisa Phanieau hatati hlm; ,in- theobeatiier, somtisa. ste doet ae t diao lIcariot hated m; Gestes, the a dg maisu ana thiak af tisa blaodaitaCve t-abto- i. Tie t__ l e2_- e--- nanta»s vise sîgnef thisis 'ae fr lot de sra aers te, us, oraacaf tishe otsand tié Sa t j~ wt hi tac thIpis no isuran palitioq Jlviate anti onfi Almigsti GaeauM te. Laad et Golfemitis'» risitsnt isarîfen'a vît, andi O'00io511'&We M 4à e, anti Edmuaf Burke's stateece.iu> anti O'Brien'& sacrifice. AnoteWs t~ Los tits its apocal'pe etblootiL Y~ -~ annot thinisorai to-tiag vitidat bal. - rur eya. blinfe t ts motio,f g our anceators aheep la graves, =on Ii tisai enterai for lacis ai. bnci, thie royal exile ofi my sermen I bot the lavaeanthis serieofai l Ir"s a.Yen, carne ai yeu ae tramsGar- rthe landi et Lutsn, ad tseaet !e tram Italy, tise land ai Gaibaldi;~ nome et ion are fraie Iraue, th* et John Calvin, eue ai the tusse la.e et the. glericus ermtios4 pi ounnare titeeuts fth et u uu4 anti they verta exies, cud oncné ai bey vers exilasannte aof geonirq etianta et tise Hoalafretugees, anid we-rs exiles. Heavas thse Exitla e'. ee. ne et yo en t.bora ou tise bauaeet ' Tane or thc Sargosi, a f andou a"a living lu titi. latitude; gsernof etue ha hanSe of tic Kennoeocor et.tisa - ai the Greea moainaasd go. a»a uDOW; soeaoaiye n ntise prairies of West or the tahbeiandu, sud yeu are aav. Oh, bat many f et usriciay % home! Al et asexiles. Tisa i.nt uanie. Iloaven ls aur hanse. Oh, 1 se glet visea the royal exile vent bacS eft the gale cicr on bitt if vide oeai ng hainer' That slistiyluig a«- nation ai the majority et Chriatiaun& ne ceea eany Cisaistians fie. I tink out f i feuaithom ns atha lait momen% ,"Oaslaig borne." Coins home eut et sbnsenf nsuneanmd serrot cuti sa&- a. GoIng home te juin lintise bileata anr patents ati aur tint chIsltiea visé -e leadg tepartei. Coing berne ti rt. Going hanse te Gof. Coainsomsu tay. Whera ara gent lavai onces tisa la Christ? Yan pIf>' tisen. Ah.,theay ut ta puty yon ! Ton are en exil* far L home. Tbeg are hanse! Oh, that aie If viii h. for ion viien the gate- set af becs-en shah msai: "Tase off tait ~ig mandaI. Tise Jenrney'm edati. Put wn tisat maher. Thse battia's von. Poli tiset Iran coent oeail and put aisthi e ait coaquerar." At tisat gateet tri* ish Icr le vuginto-dag, oaslg teatiog we tenter caton transietei tram thse dIan. If gon over iseait nythlug eeier, b nover tiid, aithongs Icanal pi ail ifs tbcalogg: was w-iiperesl anc mornling in bos-eà Ilot the lutie chut cungel May', the ahede artie great visile portai, Sat sorroting aight anti day; vw sabesaidtulatise stately tartan, [le ai tiebe y cnd ban: th, engel, iveet angel, I pngIan Set tis e auatifal gaies eJar, rl a littie, I pnay yaa, Set the heautital gaies ajer. :cn iscar my mather veeping. ue in lenobi; use cannai cee glinaniar of ligbt la tise ianknaec When the gaie.salut etter nue. IL, tun me tue bey, etoot engel, Tbe sialendan 's-lU shiua se tan." ut tise vrten aneei, 'I tare ntou Seat tise beautitai gates cicr,"* poe boit and cuceret, "I dure not Set tis e iautiful gates nier." ioen np rose Msry, tise blecacti, Su-ot Mary, the mot ban et Christ fe bWaisfon the iband* ai the engel sha id, anti ber taiuch suffleef. arisa idasthe be>' la thc portai, Pol rhaglng the goldien bar, uitd, la, la tise lîttbe cbiiti's lungers Stoo ttiehe antîtul gales cicr, n tise litto cblda's angel fiagars Stooti the heantîtul Cofes cicr. Woodeu Deafauwes. Lita vas very Insecure Ili, mediaerel imes. If vils tisial foc people ta uîaap on a bed vbicb vas sarrountied 1b - dLes af board. tits strong peutsatc 1e' four corners. Tise aites coatained lidlng fouos, visich couiti be itateset acide. Wion enu retiretu,. tet tisci Loois c eapon tits thiem.If attacisaf s the algbt, tbeg vota areusef hi the noise madea by the crasiig luaiofthisai rôotian fofenses, ati vers able te de- tend tieselves. Wisen tise lat ha- case stroag ecugis ta piotect humnai lifra, tisa elfes Of tis e adstead tat graducl' dispensef vith, but tise faut posta remainef. Tisa box-liSe b.d cMi aurrives la the rural parte ai Scuthia, and lu aImait socassary viserntise artian bore atdi mpeenfee cailu 'cssamithais cip. EMUlI'Bronta la 'Wutiserlng HoIgise" daccribes o»s et :isese bedateade la tise aId manisaon s roreing a "bittie cloget."1 Nothint but Luacis Bard lacisle abmnost a mîuauym f0>' Goof tucis lae t vlbrother of bsard tank. Lacis valkSa hlle tarsrides la s crrage. Lucis picture. a dollar, wviie, tn erna It. Lacis dramsaio a bomet bet 'verk hulelaoaie. Te t:ract ta lacis le Illebio tn iti a istieiamÉ bne. Ludk i d loadai* Yon-tiUicisbari' wortIdbitise assit taaedy. LacS ilong0 fer a imter, visila labos'