VlaN 'lot. i ~t4~~OW* Il Il Il - I. e us Mît lare. - our -ttt thes Lendt ùwtoratias hip tom 1h. b Tis 8", .24ana ,pUa m geeting bu- owà uttOran"e Frt ltvs. e! the South. e uion belveen lie lie liaausd.'This f51 lougrva ok- -th report thati be i. ime pet heun -e, ofoualve sud de- WU Bth Afrîcan PL- ig Pro. State, look- Lttp pn the. part. ttererithlithé ter "C.outry. ClXbBitPATI. bebashouest-Ivo. titver ultIle beAu % mýeners elnisr path ,of bIexico and th d4 ate asinoecoutri1 jÏ bs beeat sai tint men Uuit end ses pe tutinu te10ersekle. W i114*ad Ithteud etabl reatit et this î,> enthet -'ia egchiers. A vL tithi it bheen set-lai h or the Scu. tai i nWoneIist mpm 0 évier vouli gisdb he 11evthat h. vwfl r Ne tea, b e aê-esr setion et t-b poe ili lIiuediatbIi breed ug et i t W~ mainamua pomule- las othep elcas isseamal. vn>'asL »Uaitiuuor 7..7 SUe4t. L0uh .... 0O 9 evYerkt... 3 Il 4Lhulalle..2 13 ae. or the Club 'W L. tpola. 4 '- ôoli 1 su i.. 1 fapide4 a* c km t r $3 ~o*4ot saeetstatosthlug titis tha i efeet prehhîtth iuterstate tadps.alob et! prlaoum4m os vwui, be #sud .eeooui. The esuipitbet ie- Oieve tbst l W thhneta#Vp l1Z tpUa * somm e lfrtht *r«:t i. olilpffOl )"' soira"i la desiril l 411. ebycapital ani Tracée àA1 our lPr* *nt wth serions1 be u ga± tTebht'àa, àdiubthdiplo Maie o*Ot5 et tki principal cà¶tais of iuoehm usec>ieut pWib.u e s. Tbe prgat wulth astuiii ha~iUW-~o;""?te 4d i Iubat-A tit umis tsr« ta$ ati trr- =0t, mtb èi Teu~h e~4 aba!t tbronghl the. heftti tint lImmeiMatIy lwvu car- rW, b i imag Émdluit convoeeilt. tic mr paes at tMm It vs.' ttroddtl iiàwt. il llbs, i befpyldcian sd odirjhaloanswhe ver e ilY sernt for. cils t itefr comblueilefforts bis iaest.oxphrsd about 4 octoch ln the. tutoosTht* alsatahilas arrestod. oMmiu*tcïuHASTI. Peurs asai e <t AU&t osr te 54ltébobCees, Ima0. Tii. Beste Qea ittes os Foreign Re- latIqus Wedueidai took tp-voable action upen SBenatoi, Varteeg - propoueed amend-' menlWt ta the jrnîeraldeiene! bill pro- t 'qine au appropriao foi the. reuloval b*'t ree ilieduà troin Montana. Tii. a pmr4ni-tproibé that theIi.mani sabeolected id -t.ketu te tCana- disu boder by tht araiy aid tiiere (le- lls$red ta the Cadiau authoritles. Sec- ràtpe Oluq bas urgeil theii. mite rt*ioal o! *th luûlan«ý arlikg thi! thc Osasàn autbortles have, agreoil tvlce t. oonttii.retfuge s nthat the. proffer might sot ho mado a tird lime. * o]RA? LOU8 0W 1.115e Cbies Vesatin CoUlde.and 250 Are VIt hem been imceraiÙéd liat'five for- F imm» and 2W0 Cines. bat their livz t i-i6 co"esai WmosggThuraday t ~qsm,uq' etveen the t stsmtbraNewu- Obsugel oi>Woo r.ltint la the. snk- df r. The.Unitol. Statea. M êtoin-itovu -and Boston Ctwubuttoo modstq.co 0f h e jfl w» vi iciumtous of War. y li e»n ah anthbrittes lu Now York d W>culugtoum ave reeently discov- 0 bbw ,pa *pAulsh arsbip and at nr -the.wagne tume Itercept a Peuin- sula maul eamahip and rob fber o! a large quantltg of gold Intendejl for tii. Goverunmeut lroops Ila the lsl*tnd' The plot lnciuded furtier the, ,capture o! Oie Ssport tova of Neu- vilan sd cotetplateil certain denion- îtrutloue &long Oie northoru sections cf thie entern Cuban provinces In order tb preciltate a rush o! troopa fron the. vent sndieeet a - eukeîbug of the, miltary T trochia acrmsPinar del Rio. Witue the, 7 &otlomure etf ihe cosplrucy mar not dis- 7courage the Caban leaders, l ili requin. 9an emtireehanuj of tactici lanîMe attempt t6 freeoAutoulo Mae frein the uncer- tain position h. oc.e la luthe extreune vetet ofCuba, and lu Spauli cirees t lela lokeil npou latht ight of a blov to ne the Cubsu cause. The plot eritlnated 1andl vus penfecteti ln New York City. U i. vlhthe assiatance o! the Insurgent tendi- « l n -Cuba.- thet rt Ilow vas le ibc s truck a mouth bence.' 7 e o nnan4t eDe. Thenteces of. deth inîposed upon John Mayalitammouil the Auerican min- Iug tuineer; OoL kraualsRhiodes. aL Sbrother of thetformer premier of Cape àý 1oo7 Liomel, PblIMpmIprudt o f the bea ur et lluogofj'iobaunesburg, and ' Oeogi Trrarprop ifo the Country ~ Lie, ! Jotafhiy bgv been coné- btoras iMissouri. ag A dasutive ccne pasei over. soc- tious e! boue, Audhai sud M ouno: Céount ieu >isouri, Tuesda lght. Trees amfnceos re Ieei4 AtsUdathferme ieo* . WtSiI$~i ,udT. fl.8ppiu ton es ~o. ,oics erb destroyed, and ta benaB4 tanlouthuidhnga awep: un Ïvay. No 01W.rporrdkit"e xe Wýrev"* o« .te Vubnque be VýQ o. àre a utêof the . ýt tiotmi1 Chru.h 0f 1an PFel rdà ~isd ug charge sud says bu àcefirda ehtrOin A churci. lu I - boq., Iova. 1R14 cOngfrogalion code" th.* aetion 0o!thlB.al conference lta M m g. both-T ncker n i 0 ' iq , =b eratendants Zlè1ier .s.e - eoror. Ail ber engagemients on to *Uc éosst have hotu cancelcqytib li-V giuptrg erdors et ber medical at xMvon wvth i B rokenu Necc' là 6a- s; t Cbaml4weru - ~ ieI vs tlrovufronLa, ~uk vu. bro>n. Tii. rt ebraé. He la etIrely. pop î.Irésu$ lire te mint< an sid. h lite isuoat cf a reélutei 'ami -,* ln the mauatemtto! the bttI*a madet towe vho huev her la tI@it 40î tht, auult lettme vouer. ibi sud 1i'nallu teapplauil. Saé vtrnliyteing and lbai the Ploeal tien e!tat lanttopying o-ver tht lueý ÏiÏ ý for ita honelit. Tii. decisiop et ti1'Ou- preine Court vwa andrd dôvu IlaM $, and tbe tact liatinlutvo moih9ba492t. Staliord IaK*ble,4% handover til) gI exct i bliit y and the boul 811W iW," even depil ! ti. popdty.Thb7e meut menus au surei luefli e'04 000 per onti ta the, great lIottiii malter what nia>'happen l 0551 0119 or pensons, aud tbis asaurti enie tsi' k ples an end toe nanelal distres., B1.10K? GAIN II tRADL Retail Stocks Go Dls , 5but IV.v OsF ders ferr aetorien. R1. G. Dan & Co.'s Weew g eplw e!f Tradesasys: *'As lie Seou dvas lier, la mors business., but_ adves111 cale that on the viiole t li îrrIdl bl Ina la that the, gain tl suas t"tt. vas rson to expeet. W 1111*retani!Miia beta active euougb toéniatenw .ish sa stocks sud obligations aud iffl, te PX&- veut a great many lirestenti etubsir-Ï meula, il han not gel brought ebpe. Uiv business te milla or !setorleb tojretunt decrase of unfifled oretad6lolâg of some vcrks. Substantia%- *. sa, state o o!tsgaexista lu ail lie peat la. dustries, notwithstanîig tvirenst 9ug1o5: bînstlons lu soin., and ev4ddet Is aie- quate consomption aspar-la thgitact that the general range et, pricis fo coin- moditlea-!arm and misWe as vi das lnU- ntsctured produce-i»nuearly 1 Ver cent lover thon il vas April Igui tht loveut ever knowu, lie decuino alut etober, 180, b.îng ltu.7 pen cent. »BSUILDING ~P UCU Portable ose tiiUt1*'l>i .ou Oie lIre4tawtpl Lot@., Tii. anoat noticMetfactala u091121- tien vlti thecCrîppito .hk gituali re thal 1h, relief coumtirbits-», a suer- abundance o! siipplWo te etblie»W% o! the homeleus, sud t-bt t-t litMub1wa. iness meofo!le.toiru reld7)W1 lu earnest te rebulitbêbieslitMtTe destr3yedilutie lar bissé b ase fSxtlur-, let cana ver, bauted- la froni Floreuce Tinraday, asuni el'Icent a mile agreement vhlch he It Oclrtltrcnd men have enlered loto a lM ui5iYjeoVIle tt Friday. - They oly g* tempotariiy, 110- ever, fer ucareIqà anUet wvoni au n h !ound vio do"s tit- thiuh hat the exPe- 1 iences of Ci le b1le reffnted lu iCripple Creek, a t vîtbin a year the city viii b. bigge sud holter thon ever.. BOOT13 T&4Nsirmu PriOPaETI Balîgton la Çk.rs alYdeeifr Ali té r Commaid«'boTcIer- o! lhe Bal- vatlon ormy>; lot New Tork for Califor- nia Frîda>' evehiiig flr bis vile,vWho Wiln retua 10Nov 0mb lhh al.Brigadier t Robert PerrR .sad:" ela the, aflen- Doon, joat 1 far. co-u.inperBooth- Tucker departol fortht West Coummand- er Ballînglos. p &t t tb'q AimericanVol- unteers, reh*üàitoffièdte hlm ail c f the prOrVet 9¶'agtlUeà anm7 ih4 the. United tes. The rpry nus lie api setreet beadquar-, pnoperw ;<1iMIeh ateçé la tlé nanis o!Bal- ilugto pegal#'taiu a aoied l v the Su!vatt-. awlo! vh e viaormer>' AKp*#~U*I p1<4 Tui, fl train Wvs naiVite umeapen lus' iDIOTS. o- Openei at - i.. <et -o! tht vtu~ - S 5'Li .~* = wipv.elu * u 1D504,Uthéa. p eenu za id 'acit Me14tht elgusenI $o oldorve>' sud 01rédu ht f nm i tropical ndia sud lJaïn. Iiearl' M07 traInon thé globe vas reptsited. ~pBovianusunouneed ttint tht -wlU' wigUbe nord lu th er-vices la mie-ont t ici sused b>' John W"slr fu bis ntudy la Engaond. -"This blatticatl1 ,pmum w«vaspreseuffl to lie conférence 40e l es-a *go - Bt. Loe ls esamlea. )i» 1 >euoghtrty. o! st.Louis,iba lie li . Heibmrea. hUt. Wd10neo! thebt sîkuovu a * v.*t*alOsens o!t ht artiaiei waun vstle ta ~the Libirtr brwmsdh. w t at Ilsond' wuu t a oitSt. Louis Efewng .auo a.tio tWvalth la ett- matai ut $0 M00. ilas aDougbemti vasa dniete frti.he ilirediripbent t*o aud a hant yeans. Tht gWilbai mot 'hotu long esipiyd at tht e ihedersd betore th. Wdgau te attratct tht attention et ail the members o! the householil, but put icuhrir that o! John. Sha vaisa wglike, attentive te her datles anudsa uniformir peaunt te &Il tuât lie entire tamil.>' as soon captivated vili ber On Apnil i miss Dougbertg gave up ber posi- tiou-.aud vent home. Heldbreder about tuis lime bought a handsome bouse arnd furnished il eioga:itly. Mundsy alght thleg left for Springfield, ID., vhers thty vere mnine. Cleveland loskiuskcvta t0. Tbe fRit blood o lite Cleveland, Ohio, cioakmakems stnike wvus hed Wednue. Pour huidred atrikers attackti several uo-union men &LI haudled liem vtrY' roughl>'. patrol vagon... vilh a large detailio! offiers. ver. snmmoa.d and the men vere insu>' rescued. Tire. men wone bail>' lnJured. Long Voyage ofe! tii. Étmore. Tht Overdue shi, Caigior. arriveil ut igau -Franeiaco. eighty-ulne duya froni X<e*u Catie, X. 8. W., viti 83430 tons of muoi for L J. Mooe & Co. The Crag- more iav nothing ot lie Repubil<which itciu* te leave no doubt Ilint lie burnung vel has goee t le.botteus, RlaMop Wblpp e ttloual>' 110. Adviera from>'Ashevîlle. N. C., tell o! the serions ilness o! Bishop Wbipple. 1)n. W. J. Duniels, of Fulnhouit, lUtin, basgne te accompaur hlm home. Tht blabop bas been at Asiieville for the, ben- eSt or bis hoiti. At his agi the renaît e! any linetela te b. feurei. ilariage Diabare a IPP1pu. ag lu Aprii Misa Saie Brafford. a pupl iihlgi school ef Nevport, 1Ky., waumarrl e bFrank More. The uchool îrpiteea havi juat heard o! Il sud the>. ha" deelde-. that Mmn. Moore uaoilnet ho llioved te graduate. Prof. Geliekea leuS.. Prof. Geffieethle vefl.knovi auther- Il>' on tnteruat;oal lau- -and editar o! tht Dilrg o! Emporor Prederlck, bas been suffocated lu a fire canard by the exPloion o! a iamp. UsfmitouiMeton Pesé.L Haiiln Disten, thc vel-knovn miv paufacrer, vas touaid dnd lu his beadt b ioxný 1i Philadelphieu aortIy befort mIdnight Thursar uight. Çblcugo-Cattlie, couimon te prime, " te 10$4.50; iioge, shipplus grades. Çge,-tg 1&75; si.ep, fair-te cioce, $250 ta whd; leat, No. 2 roi, CGc te 62e;, cos o228e 1e 29e, enta, "Ne.o. 1e to liée; oye. No. 2,8Me 1te3Me; buttas, ohm <meauetg, 14e ta 100;etg,freai. Oc- ta-e 10.;polatoea'par bnià4el, 16etg bokr"o corn, 2c e 1ù e r lb for ceu&- 1 tm, ott fine bn"ah 40*weatleouilppiag, 93.00 le jýùOgs,helcol[ght4 00te 16; 1 140t, No2,0me te 117e; corsNo: >Ite, *0e tae" ic, uNo. 2 vhlte, =c' *0110 &75. vivat, 14 Io, 2 nid, 704te W1wite, 1ie to i ,e, No 2 e é. 2PP M#âd 2,e teck; aS1eyo.2'ee.u, lo., iiU eto3 Zc 4te o. iue .d2, 124.ta $4.AX'on leg, pas.l o vie2e Bprlnt, CG <o 2Sct pon. -et4 Pw$Ot m ittridy<tUg bat-1russ Jkxt tbo Clutebooclé Nezima %le~ ee.t ta'lao*m COU. OasW.,.owe, the' defaulatiMtaa tc tir. eon tt l ea ', Wga laE t îwui mitieaprison of rIpi .i Wotol-1 en UOAty lintô It ateuutry. 4a Rv. aud hh çiE lcijiaddi*p- e hai,*sewUuIIs u f Nvèg" ~Conatai ple hti.tie inthe hAbau. etthi 'ntértoa mDoetve Âgsuq A*obistt fUnp"rUXdaiot W. r. 701100 vas detalisiun thélgeand trâoed the b»qtbess te thé.City of mexico. vhtm u - leamnè< ýtut O'.irle bad purchaseil* auisilpse et property and uiti beconi every. e o 0"sIete soeur. the. extra- ition or Charles Rove, but vithout ataill for coupiel with the, tact that bao, vi a aMexlcan eltlats ho bailBu- ly q43,0quiosdepogit ln the Interniational Banîk of the { t fMexico, vblcii wa$ tared'Ip keeplug hlm in the landl of the it biaye been for Rove If h ai consent- é4 te; reture to the Immnse Unitedl States for bis lot nov vifl hoth e mio t uiiir ble imghâàaie.T,,lve yea nlua Ilexicalb prison in juret tvelity gears voTa tban s litO terin In a United States prison. Vàr.IY dme a jtonvlçt liye longer thai tén gft?5, and4It là 'orare til tthe qoyeruar o*a tâo Mdetuion toItCa#lt. ora-ethat. *0o hl@ kaovledse ouIy tvo Pdisonebail 11"4 llonger tissuthat ln the. hlstory ot the. prisonait w"'extanded oter a Perloil ot 100 yeu. Wheu CapI. Forwe -w that ho> eould Dot att Charles Rove ha coutenteo i buingeifvth Richard. sud arrested ihm J* y2e. IM). in November of, the sanie geai ho brought hlm hock andl loked hlm Up ln tiie Montesmi joil, viere lie ia nov avaltlug trial on the charge of belng un accemsry 1t theloot- Ina or the couuty treaaury. The. convie- tien and sentence of Chares IV. Rowe la of great international Importance. as It viii ho a vnrnlng te.sU fugitives tust mMen la one Of the. very vomI plu"c on carth for theni te enter. This la tue. Orst came of the klnd trIed la >kexIC0, sud lue outeomne vas vatched with great lu- terout by officiais of both eouitile& WALme WINS Iras UTROUBAND.N The. Prlncea VIetorYRteeIved viti Populer Acclalu. 1 At the N.evinaniit first %priait meeting Raunspo, the. Amenican borse, vas amo-ng the. teu starters Inthe. race for the. Bretlîr plate, but wax unpiaced. This rie.-s a handicap of 200 sovereignu; distane, tiiree-quartera of a mile, and it 'tas von iiy Ilfracombe; Recorder second. and Sweet Auburn thîrd. Foarteen hors, luciudlng Pierre Lorilaerd'a Lameroek, ras la the. May plate of 800 sovereignas, for 2-gear-ol, distançe lire furlongi.L.L de.ltotbachUld'i letta won, Stevarton Second and Ulgn Chanceloer third. For the 1,,S0 guineet stakes tiiere vere nia.- teen startlers; distance one mlle 11 Yard». Thils, owned by the Prince of Wales, won, Douglas Bairdsa Sauta Maura sec- ond, Lord Zetiands JoUr IBoat third. $tauge took thi ea"d froni the. tart until the tmahes vere reacileil, vien Thala- drÇv up, .took coitdl e! -ofthe. fekl, and vas neier headed. wvlung by a hcgd. Second aud third iborses ver, .eParated by a leugtii. Tiie hettîng stood 5 to 1 ou Thala. The vlctory of tii. Prince of Wgieal borne vas the signal for un out- burat of poplînar eitiusianm. MAY TID Up Tas COMPANY. Adami Expassa Emiployez Tbrenttii a Guntet Strike. Tiie Initia stop hoc been taken by emi- ployez of the. Adami Express Compuany lu a strike tiiat iMay possibiy affect the, 10,- WU0 men etupioyed iiy that corporation. 1EBght porters ln the. Imuxensel frelgiit bouse et thb,express compaur lu 4i)th Street sdjoiuing the. Nev York Centrai freight yards. waiked out lu a body te- ceutly. The action of those men vîli bc supportedl by the. comPaUY's mon lu pWasingtou, wiiere tiiey wili stop vork gas the rebmit o!a beavY cut lu vages rand an neseZ or vorkiug beurs. A. coumlittee represeaiting donrs, drivers, porters sud stabiemen wiii Bt once caii upon U. C. Welr, prMident cf the. conà- pauy, vlth a iist of grievauces. The. committeemen wil linslst on some, sseur- ante, thnt their demanda b. attended te withia a reannbie lIme, or euse a general strike vili foèiow. Ilorret aSCiuclmnaîL Big. peopie kilisil, oighteen mnore in the hospitalsand frein tventy-fve toef17 yper- goni mlaslng la the reslt of au explosion *whhi reked the £ve-story brick bImld- i, Nos. 182 and'184 Waluut streot, Clu. clunati, 0., Mosdsy biglât. Jt la thoegbt. raUy a sSiotalof'people, haye ben illei, bit nothlng defllte will ho knovu ustili Lthe ruina are citre. Tht explosion vas canard by the ignition or a tank of ganou- lini timd l a ikng gas for tiie premiers * Por ~jIW#Wu..bar.Ont. Forhu iion plibers, gas and steaiBtt vet oustrike Sit Kasa Oit7*orol urqlwork andl the sanie ttuonemployezs 4LtWm unnls Company aud the Kaussa Cile" -s Companuy, vhlch are lu tfii uîajonly. a Albert- S. WiliS, Unitedl Statoa is Int'to t Liaif. tariovsly lii. Mo l suffrInfr~g puosmoas.He les ata hôtel laubit t*Bauclounable te paun litr fer ail .o!t rit la thép»atettugussMhtnoma votta Il,i tie- luul. t the ujpWettosawu. dIrsa prorIe b t Ipwrsma pîhervisutitls04 ît peàsoPbff haUuO bqeIsOUa M Ao- tolsa atr dos bhefors lâtèes surveado goth Hou.. aid géate upent wedose. day hi débatseto varions mieures. Ah- giolstey"at gof inipogtaco w»udoms. Tho général débtothe le hoklpter bil wias eutined and coucisdadin luthe Masse. Thnsaj. bir. Balley 0f Texas gave sotices that h. wooid ollersan a o> siltate bis volouasry hoakruptcg buIL Tht géanate apeut amother dey ou lie naval ..reitebut aithontt opmpletlug iU. op.o,"à the titof o etirbetitt *gé 10 zpresad the, opta volilcoassaie tWi. net luthe trans- ury. A détermination et tht numberý et bttit aille bas mt get heu reachod.ULbr. Cha"ler bas protieced subttatint thirt>' large sud tait torpedo goniioats for tvo et the battit ships. The billwu. passeil iucr.meg thet peo o! Brigadier <le- erai William Grass of lbvolunteer forces ta $75 Per monti. The Stualo Frida;, discusacil thé naval appropriation bil.Linr. Gorma n'a antend- ment redseinsgtraim four 1ta -othe amta ber o! boule shipa te bh constrncldwva adopteil la thé Sonate iii a vote of 31 le 27. The. Houa. sgaln devoted the .major portion of the. dey ta debate on the ba- ruptcy biL Several aniendiemls ver. offered. but oie ver. udopteti. A 1U1go1 provîde for a delegate ln Ceairons train the tcrnitory ot Alaska vas defeateti by a vote "o!f 00)to 44. ,Opponents of the banknnptey bjil whiic pusseil the. Honàý Satnnday atteroon by a deelaive inajority, the, vote beiug 151 yeas to 81 Duys. vere udt confined ta eltier of the grest plilticail prties or amy section. State delegationàa wene diçided as ta the propriety o! suncu abil sud thé membens of the liinois dellegation vert bg no mnenus fivorabig d.apoued tovard the measure. Iteprenentatires Connolly. Hitt and Lormer Toted for the MIL h. ile biosars BurreiL Caution. Dowuiueg.<rai, Marsb, Suli ard Wood %vere recorded lal opposition. iVhat la true of the 1Ihinoi delegation apples vitii equal fonce ta the agther State dolegations, and Deniorts, Populiste and ltt.pubuicas mai lut foud a ProPoait!ou Ou whlch gîter could agréé sud vote aScrdlngly. Al lb. Populste volt]d against gteibbll, Baker (Kan.). Bell (Colo.), Nom, Nevianis, Soford and Strowil (N. C.). The Bally substitut» ta the bill provîhlux, for voluntnry honk- ruptd>' van deteated-Sh) 10 120. TiiSese- ate panard tLe naval appropriation bLl Au amendineml for building tbree lorpedo boute on the. Pueige coat vus agreod ta. The Chanudler amndaient prorldlng for tventy torpedo boat3 was defeted-3 ta M9 The Scuate passed'.%Ionday lu debate ot the nebolutiou for bond investigation, ignoring the river and barbor bill. The. Houa. ditieuosed Sonate aincaencts ta the nauvai appropriation blîl. Quit, a nuinhon of buis* ere pased during the. day. inostly o!fnu"or lmuorace. Ainong them vwer, bit!& for lb. protection or yacht <uvuers anul siibuliders, tl uitbpr- lu.e the.construction ot a bridge scrons the Illinoikç river nt Grafton, in.; ta croate a nev division of tie Cisteru jiiairy dis trict of Teins-, t pension lion. Jomeph IL Wea alet herat, o!fS$50 per uouth anud ta authonize Slouth Dakota ta select the Fort $etîiY mililtairvreservation au part o! the lands gruntat that Slute. IteuiaetrInterest. Suuiowen 6151ks are novr convergea laie paper. t The. Cherokee o! Northi Carolina number Z2.. Blotting paper la madie or coltt ragé boiled la soda. Thie Rnulài Imperial crowu lu val. ued Lt 86.00000 The noIes et the Banik cf Engila cent oue-halt penny eaeb. Thé. efgu Of a crocodile are scarcely lagrtman tiose o! a goose. Tht HmmWiays Montai. bave been- teen tventy.twe talles nway. * aliuy Inavel tu Norwuy le cheaper gina tu aMe Othe! country 0feuope. lauIBrial lier. ane saItita h 3B0 angages sud dialeces aoliplib'Ly li lns. 1 - iuie Brmudasa ucoonn1,s unetileil Ï bit Once a yeaul u Mblai thdar7 0,494, for paynienla. .Th$ cuwxlaaierluâ-chier o et tiuni tan o!r ooç~n~la a Scoctebti b>' uai. e la ItelAin. laMarchai ohÊim take seveiitr. Ai! àB er par inut*, qiemiuarehlng 1sani e uchaugf. A bÀ e«Itiuy asllereqirft ta *20,t=i Et l lu 14 li teve. politWl.., a locel euii Jcl iamubeune!ot Iri and wteof 85 who.bai a grawebIA - lyesrshne