RTT~- V- 44M: ,0. M- s.a.a.u.a.u.p. 'au 8 nil flu5 il *a 4imu i nm a~j1to l~1..* ose- an n'Mr. amd Tý ruc ks Surries, and iatlon W*.qons. SEED CORN. E TC., Etc. iron R04 Cedar S.hlngles. Sagh, ý,Oe %,geson 8u11dinÉ, Ma- 1i ifd4rnlshed on Short ,and Lowest eats., * z 00 p 3j- <. I : Ail lil .3 m 1 64 3 j -le 4 ', MN NORTH- te a Ue Ur " tùUhlo O!Vl5iO port fluaex ld ofl »4 Monmda end iolaien tu hso ; lmi. A. T .iaha muit ~ ~ M ai mo. a4 n e rol Watt., of Gat* "att&wa. 1 Mr. Bobait ? i , - NebftomamoompuMr. of V, t oodslokIlilinois puu atA veoda zeoealy. Oui tovUa borndés a Indy ipe. Mm. 1.J. Inou t in m lat ca eti!aiPro«»t olil ber bbndte lIMbe ihe nov eldepes. Ira au be sMma, a fmlt l& m4 oa- l or sovoio oougb. One cg ue b&a tbS o. 1Fe B. Loveil, Lt ytl1; . . l]obent., Wsuoonda. Wllim H. Galigean sd dan~,btot 0 OCleeuati, Missourit,aie vlmlilag Mousmmcad relaives in ibiselD. Marty peopleolanLakeouu~1 iezaombei Mi. Galiger au a ..b0, of the 8?ih 1fluuois Infanhiy tu Clim1 laine iti vai. GAGES LAKE. Athur Le. te ,lstilng in Chicago. Mi». O'Neai la building a Dov bouse. X» eGtiIuore bhs eturned tien Chicago. G. W. James vlmt*od lan Oldoag sauuiday. Mis. OyiumPhelps ta vtiiisg bei aufti Mms. BamBo. nev. Mr. LOUti.efflBov. Hasa tion Bunday in Communion mrdoie. Ada Manchester rotainruo 0bor sobool in Cbtcago Sunday oealaig. Maude Jeffers iourned fse eli simo lmaiweok. Eh. vwo " lo to gtve up hei scoootosoucunii oS weak ayea. A lecture entilod "do a-6m 1&0h y Our oei" hla ho <tram M, th obu R ay15. Boy. Vïa. Pieonl 10 delived ti. Allille lU thon a Usa*.pig ~Thm 111 la gone the pl hm "114~m1 Littile Ealy Biso-6b» #600 1MÈXLUI oui. pont tI. .B vll er& diUe; G. C.L obent.,ao udMÙ0., There tn tobe upl.meSn ai the churcb eS Moeig The Good TenipliM lhelvii aie oxpocie o h Wot.Alag attondance in doed.T-19 1r Mr. S. T. Foole bma paited bise barn. Dora Foulobas a mmv bicycle and rides vell.1 WiIIJ. Voi l bsretuined trou a M eors-'visit1làQomgo. Au" aWer* i.g bas bought a beavy nov Seotou g m.. d H. H. Pçgow- b» asuted a job of] j£ muon voiS-i ehlefd SF. Wili vbobeabeomieSfoir&long i «nesable 10 ha flound *Mnmi. MHenry îWgIboM y-bas boum voiS sonhis nevltoie #a lvei street. Mr. A. oGuetm z c Eg, vimI tea Sthe old bornaisa4«bon 11dmeeS-. Mrs.. a ali fEvansion, ,t iuel ih ber SolS-s bhei.Ibis weeS-. te Thoum e ViM. ad 'lte arete * joctMvaih &iia of a litlê ab ,dglu.nbb '!Mr. John ZjKmmo0f Obieago, vmm t bre a g thAg va ie beauti- fut =M= ==Nsardum d. Mr. -0 . G erbait bas oumpleied hi bis a"dvilvS il lu10a coai ffir* colt~. reerrwilIIb. held for la k o.d f f0 being bred . . I.d fr wh.n 10 days 011. popley, Owner. ILLINOIS.1 eM RFOR A 811ORTr TIME ONLY IICAGOQINTER OCEAr4 AND COUNYY tNEPEDENT ... flksbly loW gure 4dei "l " be'o oidered togelberi andIndpudenA y ...................Sz Moensd ladepandet 1 year.................s du. 1-Bdge, viii km*l by Oes." a MW t utu». a Sb isinlugionsnm. bes nov bgas wo <m »bu9.y mon wmy* b1ie ave léa be.â no il.., sud M.A. Ob=netocS a badunsatip Mrn. a v i y rh P " i Slod moepà Vu. urnesi aid Vu. Mî,~4 Mi. Va. NduaetMo. WO mi31S 1Ou y.. mone about Oie m uteC., bit Yeu probably kuovmthIbisi ua oougb. Eveiy o». do« w» o >amad A». It laa - rfl rausdy for oougb#4, -li howmna. 11 a apeelalfait for obfldment, boimg zleenn 10teb an& qu»oS-Antu Sig. y. B. L1el Ltberiyvlfe;,G. O. Roberte Vanoonda.i DIAMOND LAKE. On 1I" ooS- mma.Nove! Hunt vent te, Chicago. Henry 0Ontvmu ln Chicago vtba Seveimi cycliste frout Chicago came hoon SUVlA". Busleu séaiLithion in la a nme vhat rishing condition *gain. lmie. Lingie 04, Helen Bamieit, mmad MrK Bsniett voie latiiho oiy On Tuusdaly 1Mai vok Mma C. W. Taylor, of Idbertynille, dsiiod et Mn.. m. X. maxha..t A,à i ao as mbqrn 1 Mr. sud Mrs. Gdege OOfltWrdoy ntgbt. Mothei iamd im are doimlcely. tL*ew trMa12'beau omput on the W. Ceut, vhieb maS-es paaaenger aeooaiaima a Utie bottoi. lf~j~Mr. W.il.Lomkr vois An ollo day 1mai veek at- thdngie vedding of Mus. flomkei The candidate nominstol by tho eeatioUQDa a pitlel MaiutveoS- fer Governor vas nol Oui oboto., but Iais lu. one thing certiain ho caut ha vois.h he ibeieent one sud st lem it vU l.a cago. Hurrah for NVIe! suad Tanner. aeaboolutely patalemu vben p& ite1.y fori Stadoemaoua, obsisi bauds and lUp., and novei SlSicuePiles. Y. B. Levell, M.b- oity-vile; G. O. Robeiis Vauconda. on 1m"iMoud&ya! aSleroon nt the bridon moiheî, Mr. Hany Kiki, of Chicago and Miss LIX4ie Ont vuse uniod la marriago by the -Bon. Mr. strorng, of Long Giovo Thre v.ddilig vas lafgoiy aiiended and' uay people voe ei. terou, abromd. 1- Ai ulgbt a lauge crowd gathbedai'fa front of tbe boumesud @à«tvut * the neviy married couple la i a royal manneî. Mr. sud M».. KuhIl ock hebmounlng train for Cbllago vhaeeibey voli reside. W. se gay1 loge Mis s Ot trou Oui ulda4 iut 11 owaidh them msucceas sd bm"m nastboioughout t i ainusii lité. =trai u e== uhbuild. in o lw tie veb- àeUyi )0.,I hsey' to1Lct lbe p*atrpo hie otb blic. AT ALL HOURS. be eàom sià,a .1eb ino of Confefloery. Blrad * Pie01 cmée., an d iibp1lwle c -Paalry slw.Ys w"., Opeu overy day and *ang sale ai Wbohsale aii tail Axe- !19 ilr -i UsW Eckhart,&. Swan's XXXX Boat Flour and you'il be happy. Lon&gGrove, lii; V. 8AUER & BRque r o TioO VKLLS DRUCso T. ORE 'BD Drugs, Më4içinoe , homicals, BkumhO, tNISSS, Bap>I4.s Sder Braces,]?"m TSil ÀrWs,ý goha moeyDyo Blufs, 0" , - s AINTS, QlLSI.VARqNISHES. PATIENT MRflh<CINIEfl Fmyuuiiymedou land Phyulolmum' Presla nuly lIE ooaiilound stau ilhours. Go a' Carefuly lcted.0nMY the Be Fred reker Promi A perfect fit guaranteed. Repalrlnq Cleanîng Dyeing Cali and ses Mys$amples. OVER BANK, Libertyville, Illinois. CIOARS SCAN'T UBFBEAT MY LADY 18 A DAIS)' ASK FOR... CIGÂR CLIPPINVOS if gos toasi a pipe.fitit of fraoroaa tabartoc - >URE ýRIVER SÉASON AT &COIS. AT M. B. STORE. or & S*n's, Sand Buffulo Grove. _....W9 CARIT A GOOD 'LINZ 0F- Redy Mlxed Paints, Raw and BoiIed Lin-',, sedfI-large assortriient. of Paint andc Whltewash Brushes. Cabolineumn or woot$ ~r.êr~t~~Palât, GiUvanizd aÎirOPgihiedg.. Barb 1WIre, Keystone and HaI*h 'Wv>èn'- ~ I~*QIngespecWaly adapted for Ho«. nALFALFA, CA,. - - - -