uan-a>' reinLady Ch- aisthlatg but bapplunes rtf-Ida augbtom and Wal. te SaI berSif, na she uat TireDiater ber maid bcd' Pýq*. bad, after'sll. become maqinun-bhoutshe realI>' I ,Mýh,Ilmiete ackniedge S'rther ou, ber compassioen jo'rived blm, mac did she R Ii 41leve the rumrs Of se- ~îdber ears, to the effort berc;e but she bad lIke i hm ad ibsosclety had ain-aYc td.bJer. é *ralwsn-ys frank even ta "àcfel1edged thut bucnas a i ril egurded~with came kiud Snbeau knledge o! the off, moch abuTe brmua abis ^,0»" ber- ftber's.n-s'stli. e, W%*cted, bu n-sua190 naDdl plthe di! et think,lut anY ~ ove coald bave caine ijto lobsedly kuen- n-bt te do k It. Henauketi bock ta hie k,*enreor idace (he n-ne 100unu- ilus hie curagel, ud, letling Wi*et te bis llbrar>', n-ere bu oboMtspacntg op and dawnnit. waulio b. n-e as calmer, bu bouýesorhtolre, amdi, uulocklug a rbndie et papers and read are a collection a! acreral aId tems a!fhaie lu su cuvelope, isi oftuy, sud tn-o lips a! kh ho seemed ta ruad particu- telly. Thon bu put theoran-e>' gt bu dou, theru le no help far ,sWnmesa la gone forever, sud j *n-rreck the happineus o! others: là came, my aiet nould bu beyond hesiltated.' Wia, &tier s pense.,lie seid ta lUfmust h one.", @ la the uorning t is tîsual sgbh n- as uarîr six hore bu klt wearlly ou bis lied ta anate1 ibied ruaI. and lwheu thewentl ln to is breakfast lie fotind bis n. r. stn , witing for in. ,*-id me that I ahouid fiuîd You :etter tbsu uver, Mr. Ctindtll,' 'buqt I cannaI boneati>' sRY ibat M lok pale and n-orn." petecti>' n-eh, ncvertheless. Bai s- S ballfast niglil. and, n-lt t Amid traveling al da>, 1sau oked ont, but it i% uothiug. as geltota mrk on te corre IIdo Dot kuan -b wat yon mean. mrl n-bat rau are drtvîUg at!" Lord PI, n Iw sad, beginuis5 ta lose bie tumtper ni thuya Ili ai rngébias txi qestonc "Iaucrry Isi for your dlaappeintm.ent. la One n-s>',but It il la net lu your pow-er, Der lu tht t famY w onu else. ta camne betweelà the lave Mise n Raugbton antI I hoar toeeh othur." ti "UîîfortunteyII' IolailuMY'p-uowt andU I mut do t-tumporal>, ai least. Atb present you caunot mmiv>' Mi" Uaugh-M Ion."19 "Wbat! WVhY not, air? For n-bat rus-n o, pra>'. ,,Do uat excite yourseai îBecauce schut sud lher fathur imagine that she lseu- gaged ta Lard I'cnlyn, sud yen are net t Lord ]PeulYn!" t qt a n lie!" the other said, cpriugiugb nt hinm lu tbe dusk that had Don- set la, "uîtd 1wililkill yoD for il." But Can.- drilI cnîtght#%iiu in a grasp o! r rnandn e ptished biaiîî ickns e bu ald honrseiy:f "It ic thu trutît. Yaur tather ollier nife, n-ho died beforu bueutarried roir niother. ant ile left ascon by lier. Thuui mari la Lordl Penlyn."0 Gervnsur (lecleve took a step back sudr reed on ta a set luitbe -lk. lu s montent there caine bnck toe c mind thInniuta Le V'ocq. lian-hicltb lie d1 seen that strangu cutuy, andi the land-t hrd's tale. Sa thai n-amnnn-as bis vire and that con a Ian-fui onu, imtea t th îe outaset sud usmelesi cri'ture buelad pictureti hlm lu bis mind! But-n-as thia star>'1 true? He e1tood before Cundal sud saiti: 1 qI deoiot kun on- ra u are capable of! sabsin ntiatiug ibis cxl raordinar>' state- ment;, but rau n-iIu have ta do go, sud lie- f9r0 nitueses." III ni tully preparuti," Cundail snld. "'Then 1 n-ouitî auggect, Mfr. Cundaîl, lIai you sltauld cal st ni>'bonne to-mer- rowanatetlhithia reut4rksle tale Ii ftlli. There n-i11 le et leait Oee nituci, MYn> frieutl. Mr. Suterden." 111 wiiili e Ilare nt mida>' If >ou n-il receivune. And hlteve mu, If h balidnet ben thnt I cuud Dot eee Miss Itsughton iî>rried tie.-al', sud asaaiing s ile la n'bi hsIe hlad no righl, I1n-ould han-e lelti utY peace." t Lord 1'cnlya haà turnuilsw'ay butane te Itsworda w're spoken,itut ounher- ing thun, lhe turnud back eageît cuti said: ,le thie secret lu yotr ltanade onir, then, tanti doua il depenti îpon roti ahane for the leilinig? h'rey, mer 1 euk irbo this mys- Steriotus Lord Peiuirit isairloutyou have su suddeuly sprang tîlin utCe t Iana b!" te othur aun-ered. w~i.iî suineredulous tare. Yo"e.. __ 1 O bat, tLpl -WE o w Dai maiÉ becs agai cret ite wlc sbe ee rai curi thul butt wri she neî he thn the the, bel .th er,. fas the tel bu$ ahe nar tha he i oný hiL lu do ust tel in dec hi] P' Si wl th ni fo, hz pu or th fil an0 sd tueunwe mutsgo it the CIIAPTER V.g Whgaa on tbe different piles o! I have heard it sid thatlibu la W-orth s J-Ar. Oundnl thrownig over ta frai tn-a taeilime millions," Plillip Biner- t ýýà7Xthm etue bsnduritiug a!fn-ich tdaitsaisi ta is triend ibm mxl Merig, Y F'a« necognize, andi opeins Ibasu n-hem I'euiyn had, for the sixth or ccv- e ~dknon imeel!. euhtie.,rppeauti the whoie o! the cou- I C te tue it>' together Iter on, vestiou letween hlm and CundaîL "AÀi ,sgey.sparated; but hforu tbey man a! thet nell 'ould scarcel>' try ta 1 daiaskud Stuart if bu kue senauI aother man'a titîe. Tuthb uâuai IaiPeul>'u hlougedtet. itÉer he obmltaken or mad." 01 tsncy, andi the 'Voyager@,' -"H a t>'hie istaken-I muctibehoe ha t in buhie tireciery." Audtiebul-but hoie acertsily ual rond. Hia calin- court departmunt of that nesanlet igit n-ns somethiug extraordl- apgand toundithat lhe n-saright. usry, sud Isut caitvinced Ihat, providetiel ho vang of t-a dsys laler Cua- thias@tar>' in truc. bue bas bold it againaty euIt "Bisck'a" sud luarueti that han-ll." wsanas lib tatInsitutioen. lyou muait thate l o i ad iltaepre-c boihthose lwa days lbu hati betruvent Miss Rtnughton tram belmg ilîegaii>' ig Wansuf for the interview that married, or rsîbur, for the inarriagu n-ould W &bout ta tsku place, sud liedtia lie prfectîr lugal aine no deception n-as binsIu tot. mant, ta pruveat ber train aeetmmings a anpraye that titere iigbt ho ne tille te n-blcb e a&ba no dlaim?'e lai n-bat bien-sa about ta do; but "Tes." * altaldl."Yan do nual Ibnk tht lie hopeb>' 0 MW are Yoeu, Cuudsîll?".ILord Penlyn uiivigiug ibis seeret--a'asaasuming il 'kimng doavu the stairi hobbad the te lie tre-ta cause youe uxarriage ta ho &iMa greeiiug isa n-tb cordialit>'. rakeit off, se thai b.e might have a ft auer boid the plusauru o! seuimg chance o! obtuiiug UmssReughton hlm- osajiefore. seit? If hi@steory la tru. buecnouetilI n hoe looked ti a is viilor and San- uake lier Lady Penlyn."t ho n-as gliati> pale, sud bu notîced iHIefrieud hestatei. «'I de net kuon,"1 is baud n-ne caîd sud dainî. lbu aald. "He bears the charadte! cf bu-' I, 1 sau>!" bue exelaimed, , "srun't Yeu ing anc o!fte tuait honorable men ilu Come upstaire and bave conte- t.audon. Supîtosiug bis tory true, I im- somutng ery gile bwnnsright ta tulll ." &n n-ll but I bave smtigvr The yaung nmsu expressed hIe opinion ta Sla ya u, ant-" suad spoke asulbe tboughl, but lie ss Là la et IIIT'. the album nakuti ai- spake lu a voice broken n-th caon-. Ir anivoiy, bis first theuglits B>ing ta n-bat Cudml hadt lId hlm wnm the actual irsa be lavec. AndI the failier case, uat onîy n-as hoe ual Lord Penlyn, 0 pon bis lips struck te the otber's but hocn-as a hoggsr. Il Ami thon Idia Raughtou cold neyer ho bu la n-uAl, as fer ai I kuon-. But Ih is n-le. Even ihaugb ahi might ho lait that 1 haro came te Qeïak. This niIiug ta take hlm, strîpputu as u n-wuid semas ful a! memboru; n-wilYO o eor bistiltis antd oaseeiona, it n-se e<oç a *trol lun th park? h la close certain that SicrhPaul n-ould Dai allon- ber ie oego. Co e.-r' Peulyn sld. csllng te the Ho hogan ta e el a btt' halre4.,glng t or is bat andutiatck. "But n-bat up lu bis bet, it ati been MI et pit>' V«. hava te amy to me about hier for that uknan-n sud unusined brthur, Ois is theo> net do-a StJames' nhem h biedlnaagiued te be lu exitence timai pasi M arlborough House mia s omewb n-h utuee rtd; fer thla man, »04i there di conne back suddeli who n-as non- ta cere fern-srd armed de unmeor> sein. n-rda ho hliedonce nitu IlIan-fuI rigbtote deprive hlm o! huard about Cundal lm in le ve n-iho hliecailong been allan-ed blundi>' - is n-eman n-be n-asnon- bis sffl te enjo>', ho experienced noibing but the ?à vr-r. babkst bate. on- tell me, Me, Cuitiail" b. nid, Aitn-welve o'clock ho amd Sinurdon n-cru t vies havesteta a te me about my roui>' te rucebve the en- claimmt te al pia " b. hobai imaglmed bie, sud at in-elve o'ciock tevo cam teliyn s, udi oarriei. ~~be t ee h mkaIO" i, b b i.ths e"saibproducuim- ~utr dia othr oxcîalinci "yen aak- l Ttr wo ritb im ud -t u *' ta.ei. . ed. 'Theether-uok thei ndno uboneut" unalid qlei80;, be" Be ' tr du aaedta,"f'o- n U e 1 ! y o u n -h m e m b r a u , G r v tt oe O c lev ." A d .geu t - ~Iui rtamei e anauou a marv i e. "L e aqAuhr d-uk t' h. y w e aik . sd e rtv ,Ms ya cn a n'smoihiug. Lot meçeacueMe.a.n "Tes. r é o u b t h a c se t et Dem oOi ' a h r. S e uortyh g l - mtob. hubt." e _ -a. nIhe7lmt mk _Ir a aioat, sd Lrd P nhy dla t natdl.Frbrsk ona rIh ur . min n te fragshu."e Iifa o caie nAuber111ge. nthi il tal e ,a ! Ob iecrfes. tapr yeudidnetkno ofourengge- Oe t las nelyoui o! be hnwrit t fne nthng Lt mqpoced I " e in." r.ete t* ta br ad l geiteslie lov "I wa in 852 Cn-a sad 4 n lathose d ', n t iethe t' - ppy on.. But at lit bc wenriel of It verariuetfilving lu 'continetlitowns irhich no one or their on-n country ever ne, n-bure tbey psssed under au as- ned aime, thLt n-hicb bLd been ber Idem name-CundaiL At mit birth be ime more gumisi for a year or so, and àl he relapsed loto bis inoody anud mo- îe tste. He began ta sec that the au- ncould not lie kcpt forover, non- that listl a son; tlat some dey; If 1 ived, nuit hoeLord Penlyn. And he dd nt quise bis forebodiflgi from ber, nr tept to tbrow oCtbis giôoma. Bbcbore bh hlm, pationtir for a long n-ile-- ae bis repilngsp and taunts; but at lait etoid hlm that, ýafter ail, there wL' fno eh great uucssit for secY, that tube in s lady i.y birth. a wife 0f1n-hOmk ed ot hoemabamed. Thon-then ho sud ber; and on the nuit occasion Of eir dispute ho told ber that they had ,tr live spart. Bbc took hlm. Lt bis )rd, snd whem hc o -ke the maimorig ýeWL. gene, taking me n-lth ber.. HO rer saW ber mor nie' Lgaiisud n-boa buhard that. shbe n-B ho boeièed t 1 ws.dead alsgo." "Thon bo was the decelred, and not t decelyer?" Gervasue elsimed. "11o Lougbt tbat I was rush! bhis sOnn d Yen, hethought go. My mothur's noir ber relitive in the tvorid n-es ber broth- a murchant lu HlonduraS, wbo n-as ut smsssimg a atupendous fortume- l one 1 aow poiseso. 8bè n-rote ta hlm fimg hlm d'et ac had married, tiiat ber sband hnd treated her badiy, and that bld lolt t hum snd rcaumned ber maiden me. Hiaeiatae she neyer WOuld reveai. ri uincie wrote ta gay that in sucb cir- imatances, and being au unmarrlcd mn, owould sdopt me s bis anchiid, aud ,t I ohould eventuai llYb iei heir. Then esent money over for my scbooiing aud lunging up." Hie paused, agaîn, sud again bu n-eut n;anmi it seemed as if lie waa mustering imaeif for a final effort. "Wben I n-as littie over four years oid ec dled. on ber deatbbed ber heuart ru- ?ated, sud ac htought that ahecn-auld (for hlm what apputred ta ho d'e great- t service ilulber power. She n-rote to ll hlm sihu wa@ dylng. sud ibat ho n-ouid, na few days, recelve confirmation of ber [ath tram a suru band. And chu toid i that I hadl died twa months betore. .oor thing! abheunt n-el, but ab was a zumpie, unworidly womsn, sud shu bad i idesa!fw.-et acu as doing." ,,là that amli?" 'Wlth the exceptiono f this: Whem 1 as tweuty-otîe,,this ietter ot my motber's, vhlch no allier eyes but mime bave uvel ;n liefore, wua put inta my baud. I n-a. 1eu in Honduras, and it bsd been left lui ny uncle's care. 1 came ta Engiaud iortly afterwards, and there ivas in mi md coute ides o! puttiug in a dlaimti t ny birthrigbt. But, ou my arrivai. 1 rund that anotber-you-bitd taken pas 5ecajou of it; aud, ne I san- you youug an( happy, and huard yau n-cil spoken Of,: put minay froni me, forever. sul thougliti Ett ever takiug sWaY tramn yom n-bat yau- trough no fauît ar your own-bad n-romg flly become pacsessed of." --yet non- yau n-l do co, liecause 1 hay ained hja'e love." -No, no, no!" bu susn-ered. Then h Lid. with a audaes thît sbouid have gon ttheir huarts: 11 bave been Esau t aour Jacob ail my Ilte.. It is maturai, yo ijouiti supplaut uMe now- uina tan lve." "What thten do yom menu to do, Lor peulyîî?!" Gervasu asked bitterly. Tih other ctarted, nnd cald: "Never cali mu by that name again. have given it ta yau." "Purbape," Smerdan sald, with a blttt suceur, ,heeause yoD are Dot quile sui yet of your on-n rlgbt to It. Yout noui have ta prove tbat thee-nea a male chi] of tbis marriage, and thon that you wei be. That wauld ont lieno eaBy, I imaý nue." *lThcre la nathiug vwoîid lbc more eae E have every proof o! my birth mi7d a identlty." "And yau Iuteud ta use theni to brui off my utarriage with Ida Raughtou .,ervsse Occleve caid. (To lho contiud.) WeIl Mut. James Edward Oglethorpe fouudi te Mooy of Geargis lu 1733, and t,' bouses erected by bu ! ormed the t gluniug of Savanh. After foiundji the colony hie returned ta Eugiaud si received promotion lu the army, ivhieh, at the tume ot hie deaili, le hc a commission s e erai. Wheu a you man -General Ogietiiorpe, served lu t Austrlahi armny under Prince Eugene During ibis perlod bucn-sonu d glttlng at table n-ith a Prince of Wî temberg. The prince took.up a gît of ne, sud by a fIllp imade nomnia fly in Ogietborpe's face. Here n-ns a sapre dîlemuta. To hu chaiieiigud the iusolent prince on 1 spot migbt have fIxed a quarreisoî charactur on the youog soidier; to ho taken lno notice Of Ilutiglit have ilx consldered as con-ardîce. Oglethor therefore, keeping bis eye upon 1 prince, snd smillng ail the tîme, su bue took n-bat bis higliness ad doue jest uald: --Mon prince, that's a good jakre, 1 n-e do it much better ln Emgisnd," 9 theen- L wbole glass of wlne la priac.'U face. Tho prince hait rose froin bis ch ,bot n-itb anger; but au aid generali aut by checked hlm and sald: "Il a b anIuuLUJ A.. .Lql UOAflAXI BRIEF COMPILATION 0F ILLI- NOIS NEWS. IL li. Brainerd snd t'hermne mcFlnvl & Co. of Chicago 0o ta the watt- Nspes'vilie Chiluirea1 Muet star' lu Nlghte-Nacked the Boat and i Bed, Fait for On-or 000,000. E. R. Bralmerd. the weii.kmown Chf- cago atome contractor sud menihor of the Repulilcan iltate Centrsl Committue, nith offlces et #j7 naud (;S Hartford build- lng, falled the other day. lu bis failire the tiriatfShermsn, I-levin & Ca. merle eutters at htate sud 2Zitb streets, n-as car- rîed dawnn.Mr. Brainerd hoingasniema- ber of the Biru, nith a large Intersi-luIL. Braluerd'à asse are about $300000 and bis liibiitles about thu saemalnt. The Birin a!Sherman, Flavin & (Co. bas soae o! saut $0 <O>with liabilîtiea of saine- n-bat mare than thet antt. The faîl- ares n-cru n surprise. Condition of liinae sCrope. The Illinoais Stote BoardIo! Agriculture issues its crap bulletin nstallion-a: Gron-' Ing n-huatinluthe norîheru seetlau le0 per cent ot l esottable average; central. 90 pet cent; soufflera. 83; the sîsîl area seeded last f*lu will reJouie Ithe crop. Five per cent sec-ded mest year n-as wniuer kill- od; leaving 1.Stii,9XX0 acre for harvest this yeur. The crop looks beter since the sprlng raine. (011 hinch buea arc dalug inuch datiage lin îîîny sectionts. Hard relus are bidi>' needed( ta kili thunt. The 1lession fy lins (flite no danmage yel. wheatinisjointing fii l'ope t'otily and beadiîtg lu Saliuet'.iiuly. Iletnderson Coutlî'unt esrank and loding. Aruy n-omis are dti:g damîjgo lu Alexander Cauntr. tof lS.0t>91,tiO bushbels of crop of 1895, 10 per cent was lit îroducers' bande May' 1, 1M9(. Sîtring n-heat lu the uortb. eru section is 7 per ceinl 'pas tIen in 189. The central setion liae 5 per cent lu- crusse nud linlaMilier cent of au average; soufflera secîtiin75 and 87)liertcintto! su average. Twoa ler cent o! the rye suuded lait feu n-as ninti-r killed, lcaviitg 121,000 acres for harvest. lu the norlt- arn sccion ilaie 19 par ccitt o! au average;e centrail, U4 per ceit; soithuru, 90 péf celit. There n'es 2 lper centt less arcge sownn t onte Ibis yeer in te notifiera section; 1 par ceitt e-t in the central and 4 pur ceitt les iin the ioîtit'tru section. The condition *?ny 1 iin the nortiierit sec- rtion n-as 3l poittsabove tbe average, central 3 pointu belon', sotnthemu 34 belon' Theaemotint o! old corni on btand May 1 n-as 104.111),.tltflte lergest ever knonn in-ice the ajonit of o! IiIî. ' n iseh( b>' producers for licter pinets. Peorle IDistilleries ta Close. The disîillinusneses is rnpidly drair dlng ta a dcle iin l'eorijt, nad il iviill e but a fev iveeksuitil neariy ail te local plantc have suspeivIdd peratioîtu for i ton- manîha nt ituist. Thte bouses have been runii t t Ilir utijuost uuilacily ,afor came montitls.eren thotigl triie n'as aigbtly dil. This liteny mrti lis bee' Leoitaccoulît of!teuhentiatsu ofcort. AU sin- stored in these wtîrehousî.s (1Ifl barmeis of shirits anti alcohol. oDn-which the tax to te (nveriiment nill enoiont to $6,336,îNM. Al the Arnerican Spirits rdManiîtnuturing ('omtitny's pieuts n'ill bt ieclased cnriy lii Jurme afler tbe shipient 01 the catie. i'robably te oui>' bouse tc run therednriug the sommtr ili bu thi o! the Allasanu indeitendent dislilltry et n-hîch lbus tever ltisetl sijicu thtcou -e meucement of opernîlons uearly tiv% eAn Id &go The ipreucrit losing in the regîtît ud enuamer shut-tîtinu. ut if te lrice ot tecoraha Lvaues Ibis fatlte resunîptiono 9_business utar lbede!eyed soiîeu'hat. i Pa oiihnees Conta Tn-a Lin-es. or Michael îVuliîs gayel>'Iled] ta hisoai adeatb sud thuit o!fia girl companiioi, ani sîso jeuîîaruiizdt'lhie lires tof tn'o olier n-ho nure ridiîîg n-mthint lu a boat Sut Urday aflernouit. The d?'ad are: Mnr Berry, 10001l Exebuge avenîu, Sout Cbicago; Michadel W'lsit, lîtatiExcbang avenuej, Sotutt(ijeg.The four pe so1s in te boaltn-cru Vuht and Mar hoBerry, n-ho lived nt 10001 Exetiauge avt b une, and Mlaggie Colider andi Danî Mo iii risoît. o!ft;l 4Nth istreel. The bnt ai Id pized and Weish indttl iss Berry wut lu dron-ned. wmille Morrisoitsu id id saving himsecf antd Miis Catler, uba ug bis sieler-it Ian'. oui>' afler an exilin te truggiu iiit he wtjer. The overlurîti of the boatt uns(Itle, iti îRasid, t10 i bilarily o! W'elelt, n-ho porsised in rotl IaY lîg the craft ini funî. U l finlygave ur- toa nigoroîîs n lurcli and the eltire laia ml n'ai tippuri mb Ite n-ner. ThIe lbont w fit un a pond owiîjd by the Wambiig'on 1 Company. ____ ive Carfen- ta Ring 1l * Napervillie. he The City Counucl o! Naperville L Me poseed su ordinancu naking il unlen- un'O fat sny lia> or girl undur the age ot eom years ta ho upon thme streets, aheys pe public grounde o! Naperville heIn-cen i the houtesof0 p. mi. and 6 a. mi. uniece , companne1 by somu persen of lai-fuIia b f avlug lhlm or lier lut charge, or unul lu upon nome errand by permission or dii( tion o! bis or lier parents, gutrdisu biut employer. The it>' înrsbai n-ui des] Rnd ustu the houe t f>Ùp. ni. b>' umeilion-ta the o! the bell. Aujoîtu fouud vieintlngt ordinance vIll liesubjeci ta arost wn- ,ir, out process, sud upon the sccond couv who domn-wlU ho punilhed by a flue nual )In ceedlng $5. ____ Mt.4- Ivn-s lu BrIfA nen- building t tObiaostueS *d Pl" Ovse' nue, Austin, iwben tbh esffulding on u'bicb tbey toaa gare n-sy amd tbuy feul forty feet to the ground. They n-era badly hurt. William Hjudsau, a former emplayu of the Aiton Pavlng aud Building Brick Company, secured a verdict lu the Circuit Court against the compsmy for m8.00 for damages suctelued b>' the caviug lu of an embaukini lu March, 1805. Fire destroyed tue boate fectory, Ice. bouse sud tlercebauso stt he Noisd nMor- ris dresscdl beetpianot et the East St. Lonie stack yards sud cauged a Io"5 vari- ouely estimatedl et $w,.000 te $75,000. The arIgin of the Bru ls a mystery. Fîil la- The Lake Vien- Miliing Company bas contessed judginent lu favor eo!Mlolrd putiea on a note for $t.50, aud bas made an eselguntent ta L. 3. Csriack. The cainpany bas houa dolug asgeessi milibng business lu Averyvilie, s suhurb of Puonsa, far the lenc ivIe yeas. John B. Luone. a Carsican. n-ho n-as taund in Joliet in asmianme condit!on, n-es recogniaed b>' a travelingsuon-ho> calied bu b>' naine and gave hlm s cake ar sonp. lunsaton- minutes bu W55 hlm- self sud tais! the stary of bis lire. Ho la asacupter lu soap, sud bis montIfanieus îvork n-sel the deslgulng of Broaklyn bridge nt the W'orld'c Fair. He o"asnmt kuon- hon' bu eamŽ ta ho lu Joliet, but thinks lie wne roblied lu Chicagoansd Put oit a train. Michael NMeineru>', cf Chicaga, Wna tlken sirk n-hile working et Amaes & i"rost's hbiccle ;orks. lH o nsreieved frorn dty. os, hie n-ny bomne lie stopped oit the Northi avenue bridge ta talk to Iouàisu Lie'it. lie wnasdespoîideut sud toid the yoîîîîg nomn lie n-ns goiitg ta jiiti> j nt(( lit, river. '1hinkiiig lie n-ms Dot lu Parjîet, NMiss liclit snid: '"111 dore you to do it." MNeIueru'n-niaked quickiY ta tteu railiig and tlirew limseif aver. Be- fore the friglîleîed youug a'omjtn could cry ont1 bu hîîd souk beneuth the surface. It le thonglit ibat ailkue;se lad affcctod bis i nd. M[ies ietlia gScott, n-bo4e engagement 10 L.eut. Broimucîl of te United Statea army isenouncéd. la the eider daughter o! te lateeMatthew- T. Scott, af Bioont- iîîgtou, nho di,'d in 14011, iuavimg asu&li- reu ortune te hiesnidon- sud tn-o Sdaugliterm. IMîsses L.etitla aud Julia. Mie& Scott n-ns tîru lin loorington suddclient the grenier part ut ber lire there. She ie a vc.ry liandatouîe sud gracreful girl, bighly ' edjjcntted sud accomîîiiched.liler faîbur r aq one of the niost prýnîiuent men of centîral Illinois. He n-es a doring sud sîucesmfuiliand speculator and extensive farner and umine owner. Sîcîthen Levindtnaky. aged 5-2, a Poliah inborî'r at Chicago, wac hoaten go badlY b>' tour young tiblgi Tuesdu>' erening that bue die vil enesdlîy night nt 7 0o0ec front i,(, effîtesor his injuries. The tiieres k ickt-'d billabouIt tho body, mut e efter bnriîtg reduced him lu a state af il irmniiiility rolbed him of (Y) cents. a W'tuLevinuinky regained con-,Liousnea .1 csv,'rati ours Inter lhe nanago(d te cran- y' ta bis hione. lie sufk'red iitlusel aLiI ta h igîtnsud ii te noruingwnasconîpeilet fl 10 sommaitflisa ph>'icieu. lDr. Gljîu t!ra Il1 trndet i bu, but i.eviudîiu§ky gren- cou :h slsull.v iorse outil dealh reiieved lii 0 re bis suffurings. Tihc Dclv Proteetant haspitai et 1110011 iîugtou. ii lje couducted by the Ordtî o!etlieaeoieses, la ready te recive Pi cg tieuls. il wna opened formaily ta th, bcpubul ridey sud Saturdair. The boild ofing. which coet $10,000, bac been pal te for by suhscriptioî, ase have aica the lant it $t.t>t t), and faruitore, $2,(M0. The bias >y, pirl stands ou a bill juat nrlbof the cilý limits ot Bia<nnlgton, lu the corpornîlai ,r o! Normal, andtisiaunu of a croup ot huii, orings coî,templated lu a ver extensive au, or comprebieusive plan. The bosîdtal bin ofcharge or ise Mlain or Chicago, nilh si other deaconeca $iater§a sagasistanti Blonuirgton non- hae two haspitls, Il other belng conducted by the (,atboli .DOrder of St. Fraucis. ('hitug psoce n-cru given a practieni tIe 1 itra tion o ! their usefu n uma W eil- nestnyia aft'mnoan. Inspcctor Gould, sutaning iti une o! thuni anti peerlutg îiîroîmgh te irait gratiug o!fte rt'gisler, sau 'Mailing t'icrk James J. Brtwnlatet thrt-e lelters, andt a feu' moments iuter lie hlateetlhiînuntier arrest. Vben geerubui htîlf n dozen (lIber lullers n-cru f-und tlou tht' youtng mnns. He liq 18 ypaesna!tige an atuIts beujulhte affic utît aslivntUlie.t le caufesacd hariug stolen a lorge nini- Ittr af lelters canlaiuiîtg moite>'Andn-a hl t-ii ttht- l-edurai grnd un ury' 1>Coin- njtsqioîu'r lhiumpir(y. Tme n-at-hiboxe are- a ucu' ter lue for pacuoffliee. The>'l are' noodlîn structurrsa dru feet square anti six fel long. end Ihere arc uîght etfIlium haîjgiîg from îthe ceiliîg o!tirie office. On tle tourn aides nre gretiuxgs ihi'àigli n-bld tht' inspectons eau surre>' tie clerkas benenîli.9 Th~e State Treaeury Weduusda>' atopputi payumeuls on n-errante preseuted la it, andi the annnaîîcememt n-as matie thai Ithe Slale's empioyea n-auid have ta n-ait for thuir psy until tuntis cau ho coilectudtiel repleulsb the emply vaulta. The Truas- urer's books alhn- a balance ou baud of $5W0,000, but this balance in a fiction. It la iu the lianda o! varloua ichool afficers, sud l represented in the treasur> b>' titeir recelpîs. n-hlch were turnut inl by île count>' collectera mi cash. This camtes o! a cuatom wn-ich pruvails lu ian>' caun- tuasn-bere the collecter pers the aclool moietelathecoîînty superiitlendeitt, lu- steati a!ftirct turunug it luto the Blute treasun>'. In these instances therecelpts a! the superinteudents'are bandeatiun andI shoua-îp on the books ta lte credit of the revenue frand. BecnuaaeftiistheuAudi- tor's books show that the trasaurer bau -$5W0W, #vhiie the ireasurer deciares ble e hlnd saute $144,006. Au appeal hias bc-en madie te Prusuduni Fleh o! the Ilinois Central ta aid thie treaeury le> iaking su advanru ou the amount that - nlu bu due tle State ftmhis road ou IJuite . At that tume tuetale elpecte ho gel sante $300,000aselils shoru a! tle cor- i itratioit usriîxgs, sud 1Mr. Filbinc saket rtaeniake a part payaient before the moue>' la due. Tîte triol o! Michael J. O'Brien. o! Chi- r cago, ehsrgm'd nith the murder of hie t- tc eJulia, endut in au sdeagrcemcnt.XIt e n-se eaid upon n-bat n-as considered rua- eauably goati autheril>' thai lb. jury steail 1sevun for the deatb penalty ho five ter lite D lmprisonnt. a Prof. Tbo"orutadla.o!Atn s HARRI8ON'5 STATK INSTRUOTS FOR M'KINL.EY. Instructions Are Cared TbroUgb b? a Vive Voce Vot.-Free CotasirOe 0 Blver Vigorousip Opposd-35m A. mouut 4amed ed L oves*or. Bouster B.piblicans, Indiens Bdpublieus nomimatod a cern. plats State ticket sud eieeted defftes ote a tional çcontionlt fit. Louis. whe are lestructed to vote for McKinley. James A. IMount le the o mrnfeeor (iovemmoor and IL W. Thompsil *hesda .tbe delusa- tion to St. Leuis. ley with eareely a show of opposition and the long ira. pou.ding battlewlth allgu Hrtisoa M. W. TitOMI'SCN. forces ended la commonplace Desce. The platform cun- bodyims tiie instructions WLs adopted by à via roc. vote and witbout division, the. cbarmn' decistnti that the motion to adopt had earried belug receivod wlthout L challenge. tien. Harrison tfld mot moka bis eagerly expected speech to the delo- gate.s ad did neot visît tho convention ait aIL The platform declares for ..sonnid mnoney," favors the use or botb gol ad silver nt a psrlty. urges bimetaliim on an internatijouail bas!*, and 1condemna the freeandudnmlimited coosse of scuver at a ratio of la ta 1. It Was 10:15 oclock wilCflthe State chairmmn, 3. K. Gowdy. began callng the. convemtion teo rder ln Tomlirson hall. and it Was fitten minutes later whon ho amounced the hardly self-erident tact thet the gatbering hal licoesilqto order. After the Invocation by Iter. D. -j Lues ot lumdiuliunplis. the n-porl o! tle ommîtîce on i htc'a jl l,-rmnîaenmt Or- sunization w-ni rt'ad. îrsurtr'o! te Navy Rlichiard ýV. Thoînpsoun-wai ru- arted for perininît cîmairntan, n-iîh ad ruaiug cheur. tantdlG. Il. Storutimntn-sa nated for su-retar>'.'rThe report n-as usuaimousir atloptutl. W~hemn-wbitp-hijrted "l"Pce Dlck" 'hanipsonanssiindcth Ie gutrel lie n-as greied u'ith a rauiuing réception. Do' Rpile bi@S-st yesrs, thue e-Secrelar>' délit- ered a stirring speech.n-hieh dispoued o! the Deinocratie part>' ta tbe encire catis- faction o!futhe uroird.andi vigaroasi>'pro- .Icted a cn'eupiug victor>' for Itepublicau principles lu the caninug élection. At tle conclusion o!r('ol. Tbampaait's peechi there n-ueelaund criea o! "Harri- sou,' but the ex-I'reuident dîtu met appene, and thte report o!t th. Comietee on Cr@- lemibsis n-as submitbted sud accepteti wîtheut content. Thon came the readimg of tue plattamnand eosoiutionz. MICHItGAN REPU13LICANS ladors. MctKinley for Ps'e'dent-Aui- MamietI Figbt On-ev blosey. Au auhmated ight erv" the moue>' ques- tien n-as tle mnt atriking tenture a! the Micehigan hts-pulîlan convention Bt De- troit. Il rc-suuied lu aqueichiug bath the golci plsuk offeredythe>'tI iajarit>' and the titrer îtltîuk aujbmhll'd by the minanit>'o! the resolutione caummittt-e, anti lte suli- stituion Incretir ttf the moie>' p'ak o! lbe Minneapolis pitnformo! 1"-'2.Me- Kiniey wnas iutîoresedniosiuequtiveal>' andth le delegates irere slrongly instrudt- etI lu hic faro. }Ftur deiegates-at-iarge n-uru electedtitno!ofthent n-itbout con- tests. Thu finanemel îtlunkwn-saafoilona: WVe are tiuyildlng ont uneompromlslmg la oue detandm uis r *--audamdi boneet uttue>. Wu. are lu favar o!flte use ot gold sud ilver ad paper <il&n lit ouir uwrnty, ail to bho inlainel at s pa ru>'as ta thoîr purdltaelug and debt-paylsg pow-er. W.V are opposti ta snit provision tisaI -IlI Invite ,leprecîatlam Cof cm>' portIon uf aur urer'>, amnd, tlxurefore n-e- are epaseta the teeand uuîîmîîud eMage o! alver Ih>' i4is centr>'saeus under proeut condlllona, sud wn-eolueve limaI auch a enure uwauld deatra> lte parît>' o! sud cenîrmdt lthe cummenu>'. A Prni>'o! 200 Amergcans te Vien-lt The great eveut o! tle yesr 1M9 is the total edlipseof the cuit, visible oui>' la the extrume portion o! Jnpsm, Amoor river, Sihonla, Nova Zembla andI the mertberu part of Nom-ar. n-Ithimt the Archie cîncie. It ia estimated that iberu mill ho inu> expedutions tramn varions points la Eu- rope, Epglaud, Germauy sud France. On Junu 27 a part>' et 200 Aaericams n-uîu lente PhiisdelpbIB te vien- the eclîpse ai Bodle, an the o eing et 4ug. 8. Il n-lll aise be poesile ta e uias ljnpae et the midolgbi sa, whicb io seeu ai tbo North Caps above the bgel:ou ai mitu' nit, aa ston- isys Imer a merulag mîdnight. The expeditioan-wili ho accain- pnaletib! inu>' tranoinuraaud atudeuts of astrony. - AtYen- York, Claude Fales Wright, the theasophlat, naurrieti Misa Mar>' Kath- urine LolUne Leanard, ot Boitait,n-ho la aise min etuiatîc menahof e the The- osophicai Society'. The marlage n-as salemnlzeti sucordlng ta the tbeosophîcai rites. To make the insmelage valîd tue contracling pariles n-ure atteen-ard uuited la n-ediock b>' Aid. Robinsont. i Jutigu Lynch bac cut short the career et Wilh BeutI>, n-ho blied tin officers meer Beaumont, Tex. A ponsa. baihlm nsu- irounded, but be left the thicket and iook >reuse lu tue haine o! hie brother-la-lIv. He -was @hot and n-ouuded, aud Bail>' holi ourreoefed, me n-oc -$themIlaed ad.