1HE'M."OST RITICAL PIERIOIN THE tiF! 0F A WOMAN. ahmqimm... of e.KtI mfPmeoge Ther la no pcrbed in woman'a earthiy mreer which s approaches with se mciianxlaty as theIl chiangcetflife&: Yel4Pringth Vai twenty yad women bave # Immred much frein ab woman. Ilsla sale to Bay ta wemea who $or the ' Perle,, 6/ throsgh It much osier titan l in Tiere la but on course te put-se to subtine the net-vous com- plicatIons, and prepare the system tor ths change. Lydia E. Plnkbam'a Vegetable Compound sheulti b. uad. Ils ln weli for those approaching this time, te write Mrs. Plnkham, at Lynn, Mais. She has the experience o yearu t aId ber laadvlaing. Sheiebcarge Ion nothlng. Obit.hlped ibis woman. who say:- I hve useti Lydua&E.Pnklam's Vegetabie Cempound In my tamily (cmi years. wth thie best resulta. Some F_ ime &go my daughter liad catarrh et the womb, andti t entireiv cured ber. I was appreaching the "change et lite," and was in a deplorable condi- tion. Nlv wemb bail talion, and the bearlng-down pains and backache were terrible, andi kidneys alfected I began taking the Compouind, and my pains ceasedi. I consider itt ho atrong bridge betwueen sicknesa and Ibeaith, andi recommenîl it to ever'tb<dy 1 meet wvlo needs it7- Ia _ L.KxaaL.. Patchogvup. L. 1. Glcdness Cornes W ihàbtter understandieff of the lrnsent nature ofthtîe munurplîs- Ica)l Ils wlih vaniali belore propet- ef- forts- gent le effrt-pleasant effort- rlglitI>'ditecteti. Tiere la coinfort 'n the kaewleolge that se many ternis oà stekuess at-c nt due te anv actuat dis- esse, but simpir te a conrtipteti condi- tien of the s-tem, luici tise pica-ýaut famîl>' laxative. Syrup of Fig-t, prompt- ]y' remàoves- Thnt ls wItT it ls tbc on I> remcdy wvîdimlîonset aiie.andtisI everywhet-o sateemoti se highly by al who value goti health. Its benelicial affecte are due ta lie f.,'t, tht itls tslie oie et-medy> which promotea internat eleanlixncss, witlîout dcbliitting tise ogans on-whichit acta. Itistiserefore &Hi mportant, in ordert t get lts temc- ficial effects, o note %visen Vou pur- ebas,thnt yenlias-e thse goîuine atitcle, wblch isunanufuaturemI byhîteCalfot-nia Fig SyruP C-1 Qny, ad solti b>-ail ep- uLtabie drutgbis S- if li thea éjoyment et goot i lealtb, andi thea ystemlaregnular, tisen laxa- tiveor t-other retcsare not needed. Il affictcd withî any actîtal d iseuse, oe xay bu commendeti te te nest sîilîfut physicians. but if la neeti of a laxative, dieu one sheutti have tise best, apti witîî dis wetl-infermedleve-yss-erc, Srrup of Figas tands lîlgiest aud is met large!>' useti anti gises xMost geneî-l al e!atatina. ,The xnany imitations of HIRES Rô'otbeer simply point to its excellence-the genuine ar+ic1e proves it. a#...%yby nT. ib.io . u- 0... PaOdlpi.. PATENTS. TRADE-MARKS. gailsi a l a Me aatmII7i i O en ssSelerIiuxsToas UI'il, 03us iow TOIT à a. -i. u. -Nu.tt- vu AdvertineM ,plemie. do mno fat INteseaiOe tht.paper..Advertiners "ak ce know what mediUMM pay thesu bet. «Imam lIl t 11e rel alue 0* rer srsaarlla wbib a.itena ouse- helt onon a ote tflt-u 08t es cf vluer> SpdIngt generaly beglitiins about gie Irat of AprIL Alter tht 1 testl lii. a tw e jeaiOld, tor itlutnas up sey sf stem, gvra ue au excellent appetîhe sud1 sieep like a top. Aa a blond nîedi aineit bu ne supror, atleast 1,11 fi air opinion of I-H. IL. WILVIC plmllaelpbi, 1s., march M, un5 Anilnnne.ptient lu theeunty ssyl' laa, Lancaster, England, was dlgcoy- ered te be Ii. Wien saked Iif he toit bûtil>'lie would iayhils banti serea bt stsma('b andi would maire repeatcd, thotîis liIneffeetunl. atempts te voniit. Tbe pliys.lcana discevereil a linge lumîxp tetbletote! estomaclà. AiNer trvliu te remos'e the lump %lth a otomndish pump thie patienkt was put under M'ber, and a eut two luches long made la the sonach. Upon lnseriing the twe in- gers Ireugi tls hleothe pbyolria,:iI madie a ver>' startling discos-ery. -rTs NAILS AND OTIIEnluaiI fO Ci1ÂZY &St 5STOIIACII. stosIaeli was teounti to lie uccnuMed b>' n ma of t usty nailla, mmm>' of tielli nely tht-e luche. lu length. lSo.rn wcre ver>' sisrp, beut anti twisted aiti as a coosequence, tuie> lad to e itlkPn eut wi tiste twe fingers. WMieu b fout iaîf ilie muss lat been remones'-l, a piece of matteti bair, nearly tuso lucesli lu lengris, was itlidmwn fron ibe lewerenutifethtie sesoiagus. Wb'he Ibe stemacli ivas fiually cleared ofet is unueuail Conieits, the net resultîs wLre as feikitis: One hundreti andti nety-ilswo nail$, Uic mujoto>'ly elng two aud a hait Inchea lu lengîli. and [mnu' eveti longer;~ haIt a s,'rew Bail, a plet.e oet 15015 wtt-e, a e-arpe-ttîaek.ses-ct-ai smnll ieceof stick. a buiton andthie nisotfelair- alrenti> inenioucd. 'Ple w'ble weui- cd one pounti, nine and a liaif ounccs. The muound inluthe stoinacli wüs tben closed-thrie patient was putlu lied lie- tuvelu a riui labnkcts. anud anquarter a! grin etofîîorpbia %v3agfdMjii.ttt-- ARON ORIMINAL. PAIS rmeI D!ATH PENALTY. The Author of Nan>' Crime@ EXI.. cut.d ln Moyamenaz Prison, Philam doiphia-On thoe caffold Proteste Innocence. End of a FleniL H. H.Holmes. convicted on circumataup tUal evidence of the murder of Benjamin F. Pitzel, was hanged ln Philadeiphia Thnrsdaý. The execution took place la (lis Moyamenainz County juil. The drop tell at 10:12% o'clock. It waa fDot until a haIt-hour later that he was prdfloullCO dea.d. His neck was broken b>' die faUi The marvelous nerve of the man novai deserted him to the end. Eren on die scaffold he was prnbably the coolest pew- son in the solemn assemblage. In a MW, weil-chosen words hc proclaimed hi. IW nocence of an>' murder, inelîîding that for whlch he wa, con victed and hauged. Ho declared that the only wrong-doing lntbu taking of human lîfe for which he could be heid responsible consigted in the. Jeath et two women wbo bail dued as the retl of criminal operations nt his hands. Ha did not naine thse victima. Holmes spent the greater part of bis laît nlght on earth w'riting letters. At il. il. IO U S wcf reî Iel an( ha, i dri go ser pal lie did Bal oni sel Bl la. fil] d1 gil go i th t'( til i thie dorio -oîld do thé iman diédt our imiduight lho went toleà ied st lept seunti- bia utier te o¶ertion, ishleis liai 1>' yuntîl t; o'clrack lu tbe uîrning. It tnek c, labud %vo hors.Lonou etlr. tw,, colla un awaken hit. Pt-empl>'aria- b lui:cduwobeus. utîotileter. ing hé t-eeired a vis!t from bis spiritual RI alsisers, Fatliers Daly unti Macpeak, of '.' CretcotdenaatiOi's. thse Chut-ch of the Antaunetion. The>' t: Threusrtrent t otecrdtof i icire th ie la'.: eirament nnd dld vi 1Thloe usaat 1i- .ntultntiarlt 9to'c.-cc. Dur-ef lte L liriStlan i'tienire failli: lu ban umtnl n r>'bococ.Dr ostet- suiluirs. na ie e in.q h e s' bsence lie oIe a lieatt>break-c 0'ie afut-i o!an vrtesgg io-,dry toast andi coffee. W'bn avonu.&t lI.Ij,2 'ciock the Sheriff called te- girl oul i t tsal cai'd she iina> as well g,'îher the officiai jiury-, anti after each 9' luis s love: i aua>'. tuton bail nnsvv'ced te is naine andi suli- Out of 150 ui EîrpP.ss lu Laos, West j scribed 10 the certificate the slema i, uurch to liegllows s n begtin. As the a Afri,'a. tiuxiv-ibree îil t1iust yi'iit, a gatbî-ting alootinl intense silence befere i d.-uthiirate of àA' luin 10. thse gallows Hoîuca, acconipanteIrdb>' the Exî'ep)t lunîîaîers of love., wben a Inn pt-ests inotunteti the fatal scaffold. itnu bLas (j'en dcuii cd seeet- ore-b: iA momnetofproyet-elapseti nd thon tintes liet lîgns to e îcl na use. ' Holmles gte&îped to the front eft he seat- ChalesTliogort Taper o lýoohIvn fld au, . estiîug hie hbauds on the rail 1 Cla ris "li-elîin 'ris-, e ltooky 1 before hlma, madie hie tln etL lune-, aays tisat sottne laluietto trols alonil)(,hueae ludîsîn risver.,i'lorida, are frein 3w )tu It was receis-ed In aiseolute silence. reiO yeurs li. 1Two minutes laIer lho bail finiohoti hie 9 Iti auy efîtnlie thie enus of savns-g valedictor>'. Then at a silenl signal frein lufe lt eu;neier itletrn. lt aa ite lriets ho tînpt toe bskaea bhis eyos t:ail strui-k yeotiiyso li e fixedi on the cruicifix clasped inl hie bandis. trvaticits if-dlo%%inet l d Vantl10:12thie prayet- continuei. urne- li.'ai'd o if reis ed."duatel>' aftorwîurd h-'at-ose, shook liantis 'luire are i thebo uuses of Cougress wiîb theisetse and bis lnssyers antu i Il.-)lii ltlii-îis arud 120) gray hleudii. ftii voice badi- t1ieu gond-b>. 'llicre are tiflyisix niitubirsîilr 40) Wittoiut an intsîat ieiay biseh.nd s esur" of age Undi seveîult-eit îuer 30. net-e bound beitindila, andth ie black capt . stjusteit. Shieriff Clement place th ie Tise Cit Counicil of Nciw Orltinos uasi noose about is neck anti aften an Instant! mast atitipeti nu >-,diuttice t-iqtinlng te of tet-rible stilineas tise crack of tise boit "clî'clcailw-r.> cqmuuluncS VIsI4011l' lserang eut like a pistol shot andthe tic.a Cantal src-pt 1lplace uniifioruied, flag- hladfailen 10 bis doem. men'u uthelie rcssilgi. Consciounesa left hlm Insîanoti>, saldt A viaI reatweve mleslon bysix the doclora. altîoîtgh bh ient-at cotinuedi A uai ras tve IW(oemiles long b>' ie s ftalbelli.for fift-en or tivenîr min-& bt0 t isbeudscee ult i l net. Allerean examinailon bat been1 0f a new -rai!si uoth le w'tsimcost oft matie b>'se retaiphysicien Hlomes ivas1 Nessfoîtdlliitd. It is estiniatoi tint pooneti teanisd the %wingiug cot-pse it coilauîts 10.O(lt)tons cf exellent wascut doisn. <ainii el a. A fisîing îîuîl.s-rettirutie uSeatle WINTER WHEAT. a fcw tlt> s age f-oîu Lutke Cresceiti, bringug iv ithi iliui seierai large treut, i Condition ot the CrOP au Repoicil by - NV)I(Il vasone veihilg sventhse Farmera' Review. 21111011g i-ictwusoew-gîtgssn Reports bave boom recelvoti frein (le poutids anduti asiing tNent s-,en c2 orie-epondents of the Fat-mer' IReview iniclut-s frounti p te tlp. lu ton States on the condition eofninter Thle t-îty:l faulil>' bas-e nover gis-en wisegt, anti on the lbas te tisat crop lt-cia up thic .1i«tom Nie wtluig ci-upc; Qtiiicufnoezing andt iawing. ueot,>th lias nie uys Wouu t, aund si b-n luI Illinis tise total loua fron ft-ezIng lier >îjsyand iail> et ticpihe ss' and thaning lbas net heen lange, taklng (lie State as e wboie, tliongb (hors are -us ted')ilie fîlenal <1f rlIii escountica aluere the logs fruin (bis cause leluve nucu c-i ttc s-cuels alluost te haî beon great. Wiîis the ativeut ofthde îiliegt. recent raitle Ibere was a cbange for thé A. nessspaî;en le soon te lic pullisicti btter andthie pleut la now rapidi>' push- avut>' ui ou thte eigeof et lî Arctie cir. Ing fot-is-rd. Fait- nul express dis gen- cie. lu Cii-ie City, thue non' Mmm"net-aI condition of tise crep in Indiana. Tiie tono jsla u ppe on fre~ne,îilg <Ind diawlmg sesins tu tessiteet Als a. thtelaie po tise Yukon bave baitinte (tpond fout-tise . .as-y 5 i015 Te. "ettsW i wheat seema (o linse snffsred inst. l aneiva ou (biel>'neigiliors, the neerean hote hû esowyeati)n jý1 nesispaper office linlg many hlndredTihPle cool iveatisor and leck otftreia ln the -mlles nway. Tie paper ls tu lien week- sarI>' sprng retardeti developinent. Thle 1>, andt (ie priutlug plant la t tebc slip- present outlook for the crop ln Ohio La poil lu sbortl>. poor. The prospect in Michigan continues ______________________________fair, anti tisetoola freon feezlng and thaw- lng la gonerali>' about 10 per cent. Thé logis (bat was reportei in Misseuri frein treezing anti thasu-ig bas been parti>' off- set b>' reeunt good rat-a Is.lKansas and Nebraska the prespecesat-s quite goot. especieiiy la th., setere parts ot those Sit te. In Iowsa the crep w tait-. Wl.- coiin conditions have net lImproved, the recent legs, frein freezing and tbawiag being considerabie. Unitedi States Consul Keenan at Bt-e- men, in a report te the. State Depart- ment on Importation et Amerîcan bors lnto Cerman>', says (bat whîle titis busi- ne** ha. attinied great proportions Itlel generali>' hampereti b>' nan>'underhanti operations lnspired b>' the local bot-s dealers, who have unnted te break down ths American coinpetitloik McEwan Bron. & Co.'. sawmill narow- I ily escapeil destruction b>' rs at Bay City', *Mîch. Fitteen iinndred corda etf51hs I wst et thte mili were deetroye.L Tii. At ~entire departanent wua eaffedomt and the ire sels Roder contre)- Hall there bee» a hlgh wind the ail and a zuillon test et ouber wqsld have be« u er Aeeortiing te nasuholesale furntllre dealer, thebesict furmilure linlis1à la nmndoet of ue-ilrd alcoltol anî tivO- tiirds s-cet oil. ApîI tiy wslit a soft cleth anti inli -tît nuotlier cloili. Itîîikingham's I>ve for the NNVhisket-s ia a liopular lîeparannin l cite ile, andt colons eveni>' a brousn or black. Att>V pet- 6011 can easil>' apply it at home. The atunesphere lIs se dean lu Zulli- landt tit ItaIssai objects ano le aeti, b>' Fatallit nah adistance O e ese' miles. Iow-a fat-ms for sale on cnop paymcîîîs. 10 pet- cent cash, balance i./trot-p ypnnl>'. untii miîtit for. J. Mulhalil Wautkegan, 111. Thie igier we ascendth te greaten tlîe neesait>' te ,look up," andthte obliga- tion te *'Ilitt UP." We wsilî torteit $1,000 if an>' of eut- pub- 11sd tentimenlals at-s pros-eu (o lbenot genuine. THE PISO CO.. Warren, l'a. A f001 la slwaya burning bils fIlgers, beeause ho forgets bat th fie la bot. )à MM._ ST. JÂ(OBSý ýWhy doesn't the deer write hls pris- riptions ln Engllsh lnatend of Lat- ?awked a nman of a drugglst. whose uly thie New York Herald pulilishes: n tlhe first place, Latin la a morte ci- 4andi concise language, than E ngliâbi, ad bing a deati langîtage, due@ Dot lange, nia ail living languages do.= rben, agaîn, since a ver' lar-ge part ail dings lu use are liotanical, tiîey ve la the piiaIrMaCOîîoela the saute mes tiat tliey liav-e ln liotany-the entlc Dames. '1wo-tlîirds of sucli ugs liaseu't nny Englisamies, andi ) cotil(lu't lie written in unlilli. But supupose a doctor dld write a pre- ýription in Engllsb for un uueducated atient. Thle patient rends lit, thlnks ereujexuberS it, and 90 tries to get lit led frointmemory t(le second lime. Lppose, for Instance, It callcd for Io- le of potassium, and hle got It confus- iwith cyanlde of potassium. lie coulti fely take ten grains of the firat, but .ie grain of the second would kili dn. rbat's an extrerne case, but l will rve fur an Illustration. DOu't YOu ce ltow the Latin la a protect ion and a feguardti t the 'patient? Prescrlp- lots lu Latin lie can't rend, and conse- leutiy does not try te rememnler. Nuw for a final reason. Latin la a agotage (bat la used by sclentîfic men e woet-d over, and no other Iitngaiige s. Yotu can get a Latin pýertlptlOn ledj in any country on the face of the Liii> w-bere there te a tirug store. We liad a prescription hiere the other îy whluucbwc put up origiually, and hîclih had since betn stampcd by drug- ais lu London, Paris, Betlin, Con- antinople, Catre andi Caleutta. Wbat çoo1 would an Englîsh prescription lie t St. Ptersburtg? Momie>' toBura. "riid you es'er kaow what became of te grealer part efthei Confederate ueoné.s wilh whlcb tus counîtry wits lodeî(l tome years backt"asketi a Io- li buintess muan wiîo liadt just ictuin- Id frura a trip te the Atianta L'xîosl- don. "No? Weil, nelther diti i until struck Allants a few weeka ago. In umit tewn 1founti an old mn uwbe naki's a business of qietly gatlîering ln ail tlue Curfederate batik notes lie can fi ii. You know the stuif w11 issue&l v the1,,n during the war and there la uy quanuiîty of it sîll floatlng arenti. Wilieii tihe' <1<1 mOîtgets nalbig lintle of lie paperî lie seuis Lt le Edison, thliti- veuto, w lio pays a good prîce for Il. iisün i îî"s ilte cuiale carbon for lu- ani, scent îlui ips. 'lie paper ipeti wh-lîc'litIe ('unfederflte notes lvvvre en- ils-.d ui asi maude of thse pulp of tie sea 'raits. 'i'liis leraucli of (the paper-niak- ing indiii-r v lias since liecome a tiead art. S-a risq paper, when cliemical- ly 1 ,.ati v Edison, lins been founti o iinike 1the st sorti of canbon for lu- -antI, ceii liglîts, and so there la ai- ways an ul,'inîud for lie Confederate 1li. 'liiluîdeip)liia fRecord. Sciiolar, hipsait Harvard. An effort is bletug nînde b>' Harvard gra.ituates le -arrange the donation o! b,-luol:itrsliils so ihait tise>' siall be glsen oIl.'Iy on fi,' lîsis of scliolnrship, and so tliat indigence slîall bave ne uveiglît wl:te -At the present tiîuc flîv~ ians an iiiiiî'nse funt obe de- voted tute ulîrlose of acelarsipa, a bout ~7.,i a yea r beiîîg availabie for iliese. lialiiiost-î ery instance, iew- evî'r. lui-y lias e t,, lie aw;artied on tbe dlouble buisis of sciolairsbilp sud need. The Rock ai* (ibiraltar Io niot sîtpodier tiano a, liierated front initieînt o iomi,îb agite1- l ,setter's Ston, oeil iliifit-i. o a r!, i , .cIe 10 nialarlal poison iii air or %w Unr. ti il ou onuneian,- pied reuiedy f',r i,(, .riii or kIdney vomiiliniio. iy. ,i 1, i ,%i i i5 iss. lit ii.,oaij e,î-u baid ot,; Ilînd hlen. The Heir 10 ltiy's Thrsýne, PT'e Iince of NaiIlîos, soli of the King oif Italy, wlio lia-a, qîarreled wîtli bis fater, netcrdiiîg i> freIga pa- pers. look<s upon Etuipi-or William Ot Gt'niaîîvjis theeue iniite lie luil- tateti. Ile la a îloroiglbi irand ofîtenurpirîiiisi tsi s e iii bis kuow4ledge. lie laDot îwîiplar imong wtflefl ()lit, princes., efii sed li r licia îî -e lie li is ,7ga l i r tao w ,'Il. Il lias la îcly iteen estitlislieil (bat the (ciii pîratlir.' of thle î'a iil inluthe elcetrie are la about 7.50( lou5rtt'5 F., or oser forty limes hile iifrerenc ofe tenipernure lintis-en tîle tiliug and frezlî,g is-ner. liall's Calnrrh Cure. Isa enou t1tutioial core. Ptie-.5 entO. "Thoughtless Folks Have the W Work, but Quick Witted People Use B re&Iç-f&,st GOCO& Made by Walter Baker & Co., Ltd.,ý I Dorchester, Mass., is "a pret type of the highest order of excel-,i lence in manufacture." It costs 1esW than one cent a cup. An arristie and comfortablo dwelflng e«l more tixan a poorly planned one. .tnd 1 ta lwa .hprr Le pa?'i nterest M î 'norLua griL4fouse, than L ou Va ent. BEFORE BUILDING Look over sur late t .iins. just pubisiid, Ini 10 portfolios (ses 11.1) sorne 300 d*Ugne conting f rom,,$5WO ta $10.000. Give. large views. 00,. plans. MuI 4 tion and dIoien.ion.. oail01001zpainting. ,iaoteing. heating. an&. à fide efr ooo eey ....Iisi iid ti te intendingbulider. 1..$1000 a 81.MO. 1î'nîcr, $2 EACH. FPULL SET (10), $10. LIST. BIZE 0F POR'1'1oi,,, 11.15 INC$,E5 nrdueik No* I contai,. 30 design». CiSmE5001 iC. et c- $-w11sa-Ad No. 2 80 " '1001 .0 elo. M a . :17-t 300 a . '0 :: ' 11to.00% Iazill.or 00 W;o. 4 .. 5w 01 - "«, 3 r e.. Sa I 4,et, go. ". '0 001 ta *3 No.6 881000 toa 500 No. 7 10 i ,0 0 Addresà the ~.s 80 .0co t Co-operattyosBuildhig NPlsu ,A No. 10 &tables and doobl.-e , ati oio u at. 100 & 108 Fulton St., New T.uI, "Pass Your Plate.'» Prices of ail commodities have been reduced except tobacco. "Battie Ax " is up to date. Low Price;- High Grade;- Delicious Flavor. For 10 cents you zet almnost twice as much "Battie -AI" as of other ýh goods. The 5 cent piece is neary asMlasg 1 other 10 cent7pieces of eqa âuIèty. MsiPie., d mi-me sd t eaisw FIELD AND HOC PENfCEý WIUE. 26 . 33, 42, 150, or 80inoheo high. Quality ad workmunnu Ntibon tee m.rket re compae. ith I 11. fr Iul nft MNON IMNCE COUPA"T.DEXI WM