AC.IEVEMENT BV 94 d"cal Brethreu by Iisi ë* 19*911-Georîta's euti- î rLe enyîly by Fie- "X">tu Tenable. ~IluExtraoriî,irY. Seu ball nde a sitc' ,aru peratlin Si kia ' the kintuevorwais * -thse oniicut Chcgo sur- bis medicat tretbren an areceiving thoîr t eniphot bis remarkabie OL The parbolIpdi baud et a or skia ou lis bnck. wus in-' IpiictUlo made betweet'hLe et the man's o.u.toniaell *ge sud tasteneti theri'. lit- of s t kin sud felis. Tutes- Vmoved sud Il was tounti that ï. the stemaclih atigrown o t « *ie baud. Il vas caretîihii Mn dowu te wboro il sholil à~ A nlumpb in the surgcnî ot 0a mde pbile. The pa- oe Lyay ahe o the First à*k et Newton, Iowa. Ho W nuies lua arai!roudti veck W*4 ZOW04 lu 18U4 Ifflè IN ATLANTA. Ii >tetl IfasuiheWorst Cou- lSiens lu TeU Yesr@4 tg Ga., ire iras discoereci ~Il 1 'cieck unduy anigt ini ý'ibetfMln & Patterseaà, it'M,altaueously stated la' tbe r befidlaga.'The Itiîca a prend., gthe Markham House. tbe 91, lionn, the Atlantau Hotl! p lvery stables,.nalra nch office I..ti.oru Express Compa lyon o M*t aud sverai salluhlniouses. «, more bouses eccu piedi Ly the uî1e were burnic. One firen &ad ander the taili ut bricksanet oI doad. The nuniber ot bud ted was itty-six. tioîîgb twev sà" ct vorth tiheisurance. Thi peeCed at $300X.00>.I soranci', "w,-.___ -I& VILLY&R I.NIICTED. T t te Nais Who la Churged vith l 1. Msblsitig 0125,000. c Pedleral grand jury, Il is ann~ouccd a ver, bas ludicteti 0. E. Miler, oetlx t, ou thoechargcetfenibe,.ziiýug il -trous the Cotuiiecint Nationîal it ands Chlnes Il. Dowi, vite aas 9a kt et the Commnîiîul. s eburgedt! càlgenspiret ia'thu Mio neti- ýmte-ial depesituns ant ialt _ _ hed inational liaîkiog tuv =gteMiller $145,9)0, a'iîreaa ~law the batik couiti oct loto te Î",ualor compto! miore tît 10 bt ôt lis capital stock, a'hicb a'as0 -National Le-ague, "Il i n thl t anduiig utthe clubs - j<aul Baisebîil Longue: W. il. W. il.f atli .17 t 9Chiegm-o 15 12 mb...l S Washingtutn. 13 13 -1..16 9 BnuîtktYti .. .1<) 15 ..14 9 st. Louîis ...9t17 e .15 Il New YuIrh . 8 17 iMwiht 14 1iLoueaisville .. 5 21 SWestern Lonvue. 1: the tnding ofthle clubs esoru Logie:.- W. L. W. L. 4t -- 1 5 M.Nilwttikt- . .14 12 .e; 14 8SIndiianalils. t> 10 13 1i UrnuiiRlapitis 6 18 ý.CAXbt Bloekett wth Ice. ~aglmb-ieaîerNinirot lias ne- 95le St. John's. N. F'., tromn Green's 4 -(*k vi'hthîe auiuiug crea', she 'inluthe ie bitickaie sixiu.c ~Iereportalhuit te aboIe c-'at e.ith Ice andt ht ail thue batrs 10 t I. Serions detistution uexisa, ll h na'biiity off trad'rs ta pro- Mleoi frein St. JIohn's, navigation frew" Cure Cualalucti. luiPre me Court ufthle Unuitedi eecitiet abat is kueivo as the car case et Plctusy v. Fer- t he statute ofthte State ot requiriug alîneuticompanlea separate coaches ton white anti s la ceucîllullnaul, affirmmng et the coutni10ev. Justice ered the opinion. Justice r Mn Leuvç for Cuba, Ia'iolê, Stewart Jenniey anti ego, tUre vl-kueva Bat- mebave gbe toCuba t inaurgents. Tbey embarked eC<an seamsbip Lauratie, ebeVt13y eniviti ed heSpauisb asti dmon ausmbled tia ~âiNlan, W. Va., en the - Road, Friday ight Iti~'hlffled hi vIre aud te top te train vitIs a whIcseh sl*uW la the la iii w rne yalght. Four'oth- eme Vctime Patbstlc and Drtc Icidoul at the , egtbodiat courerouc. Tv. .tht ~hog îVere .dopased at~ ~ Clvlu tr Af. gd muoes Pa- theUic sanddrmýatjattèr sier hostorm sudi atuas ot a long dobate, Diabope Newman aud Foiter were strlpped of their occde- aliastîcal powers aud hambled loto private lite. it vas thic frst Instance et the klnd lu the hlstory of the church. For tweuty- tour years the Ive bisheps held autocratie power and shaW* the de$tileb Of thon- sands of ministers. They said "0," sud the traveling preacher went. They zald *"Remain," and he moved not. Fr0,» the pedestal of aOUreme authorti the general cooterenM Ei heh garsthem their power, took lt awty btcause years had sappeil their vital force, and lnpalted their use- tuiness. When the conittee on episco- pacy auneunced the warrant for their offiiai death tba' Wljt$nalretl bishops, wbo had e4vien se long for tbelgiery et thir Qed '-h their church, lu voîces îchoked witl, emotion pleaded the privilege et passing eut ot slght and hoariug while the warrant was helng put loto executinu. Borne ot thelr frionda made the attempt te save theni thelr honoreansd omoluments aud relieve thern ot excessive duties, but the general confereuce voted te choose two nov bîsheps la their places. It l8 probable the conterence viii pension the retired bishopa._____ KNA&pp Iý4 moRE TROUB3LEC. Resaun for Ululater Terrell'a Sud dieu r umons tu Washington. 1 Minuster Terrel's suddeu summen', te Washington tron Texas vith less than hait ot the leave that was granted Hlm tcepired, la due, it Is said, te a suâden repetition et Indignities troni the Turks iagaînit the Rev. Mr. Kuapp. It is bc- lieved MInster, Terreil wili ho asked te rturn at once te the scene et bis duties. Beveral couterences hsêo been heid hi the ecretutry et State sud BecretarY ot *Navy lu the lait torty-el<ht heurs ou the Turklsh situation. The resuit will prob- ably be thé prompt returs et the mînister te Constantinople aud the erdering ot the 4Marbiebead and San Francisco te Put eth.jnelves lu position te aniver auy lin- 1, modiste demand frein the Âmerican legu- etIen. While Secrtary OlueY vus assured 1, Vben Mr. Knapp was reiouseed that Le *wouid net bc turtbor molosted, thore bus * hoon a broach etfith by tbe Turksaund m. Mr. Biddle, the Americn charge d'ut- te fuires, bus fouud it necessnry te call ont n the State Dopartinent te ugalu interpose d lun3Mr. Knapp's behlf. rDIAMONDg IN A CAINDY STORR- New Yor-k Thlevea Get *22,00 Worth '1 of Ptunder, Moetiy Jeweta. V The New York police iade public p Thursday the faca to fa nolbery commit- l, ed soie tinte Mondaî nlgbt lu tLe rotin b water anti conteciioueny store et Eugeno v C. Ackers, lu BîxtL avenue. The b100h v amoun1dInctt $22.000, moat ut il being dia- c aend jeaclry. Aithougi Aekera ise net a ioaler la jewelry,le bias investeti a loi t muey lu diîîmouds andti iis ucconnis ton o mnny oftbtem bleing lu tie sate ta 11>0 1 ime. RUSSIA9S GRAS AT CHE-FOO. 0 'roteste Mode by British antd Ger- r mnu Miniatuea at Pokîn. The British aud Germen ministers ut u Pekin have pretesteti againatthîe aciiont if RdusaaIn oceîipyimg pari et the fore-1 shore ai Che-Poo, ceutrani totre et! È rights. The entîre Runsiman quadron lin~ Chinese- waters wlll rondezvous ai Che-i P~oo ln reutiIncas te eccupi l'ont Arthur mn Kiacho Bay, on receipt et instructions [roni St. Petersbîurg. Feaes Ch. Tur-ku. The Meibodist coîtterence ut Cleveland iras openeti Wednestiay aliL Bisbop Vin- cent lu the chair. The tievetianal services a'ene couducteti li 11.v. R. B. Gilium, a celoreti minister front Central Missouri. The lirai resoutton offered deouncedinlu the strongeat tennis the Anmeulan otnt- ragea anti massacres, anti reterredti teL- apatbî efthîe Christiaun goernmenis ot Eurepe anti Amonica. Il cioseti hi cali- lng ou Cogrnste paso n joint reselîttien auihenizing the Premidenite enter ino negollations a'itb the European powers most directly interesteti with the vîeîv of lntertering anti prevouting turthen massa- cres. The reolutien aIse providedti lai s cep! et the reselinn illiLe sent te bath bouses ot Cengresa. Il vas ne- ferredti thle Conîmitiee on Siate efthe Churcb iibout discussion. The proposi- tien le change tLe tinte et holding tLe generai couferncce troi N My 1 to the liraI Wetiucadny lu May areusedT a dis- cussion- on tLe peint efthîe constitution- alit the action. Three-tourtbs et the annual conteenecea have approveti ht. Dr. Leonard loti the oppoasition, but lie vus iiteraliy hurbeti, us the vote resuiteti: 39)7 yeus tn 10 uuys. The itexi general con- torence wil! theretere mcci on lie firai Woduesduî lua May, 1900. Lashed Ustit the Blondi Ran. Near SeuIL MeÂleater, 1. T.. Austin Pusley, a negre, receiveti 100 Iasbucs, aoit John Preis, an luteniarrled wuhite citi- non, thlnty-nluo iashes on their bure backs. Pasley vas'chargeti iith, larceny and Prola wltb selllug ceai contrary te lair. Theoluettes vere laid on by tbe Chocia w theniff, irbe appiiedth ie hickory sviicbes wltb auch vigor Ut 4:the bloed apuntot Iin streanis. In order te sdtutthe prisait- ers' agoni sai vuter iras usedto twiash their vountis. IL Awtut êStorm a uTexas. A terrible wtnd etorM aivck the towa et Sherman, Texas, Frifiliatternoon. Ovor sixty vere kiille utrtght, anti feur- ILh a buadreti burt. Othor lowns lu the enonihoual part efthîe State report great ioslouet fIlteanti preperty. la the country, t.districts vat damage asa doue te hlive d tock sud buIldings Relief mensures )- ere pnompiiy taken. Twelve Mon Hurt. Twelve. mon vere lureti by the bîow- igover etaiderrIck «u the Chicago drain- n etet uanl, twenly mîtes front the.7aearl ye 0t ctIiy Thuraday. 0f these tîwôma&y In M W*1! the ciy others wene strucik ido'u oe H 'AOlien of glass raniabst ie- toe the huatts. On Lake Michigan the White celle rau toln foot bigh. Bien,» sig- niais vere diaplayed i Stevery point. t Chargot i wth Beiug Outlaws. John anti Lee Bolea, preprietors ot s IPerry, O. T., botltasd a large generai I fflaia Morrîsten, bave been arresilel à"taken te Muskogoe, I. T., cba1fg& rbd.9 aitienhofetth, etI .~~$W.Ths . TEAD is 3v 'l !IzulrAll USUAL SEASON 0F SLUGGISH- NESS PREVAILS. Croe e nd BietIons the Factirs Nov -Chicago buburb Pire-Swcpt-Lostf la Lake Michigan-DOsdIy term iluJ Kanai-Spala la Powertee. Taado t a tadaitl. RL. 0. Dun & C.'s Weekiy Revlew et Traite gays: ,It la nov tee late for busi- ness te change Mnterially until the pros-t pecta ot coming cropsarue assured and1 defliite shbe bas been giron te the proui- dentis.l content by the conventions. Until the future là more clear there la a prudient1 disinciinutieti te preduce much beYond1 orders or te erder boyond Iimediate sudi certain needa. If this waittng spirit pro-1 rails tive months longer 11. vili crowd Intoj the lat haIt of the yenr su enormons1 business if the entiook thon la good. For1 the preut thore la less business on the1 vbole than a year age, thougb lu nmie1 branches more, und the dluy toiiowlng1 meonthaetfdepression lu te munY trYing sud causes numorous tailurca. The inuit tertunate of the chiindtîustries ni pros- ont la the boot nunit abe manufacture, wbich la not enly shipping te customers wîthin 6 per cent efthlie largoat number et cases et-cr torvardoît in the firt hait ot MUay, but la gtting muuy ucw ordcrs, nnd tbero are many urgent nequosta te anticipate orders for Junc nnd July dliv-: cry, Indicating that distribution te con- sumera bas mach outroI, expccttitious." WHOLM ISLAND IN REVOLT fro cul lei isi aiE ite lit noi ad be tq tif st taulIards Mereiy Actînur on the De- fensîve is Cuba. The London Times pîîbishes a 1011cr om. a correspondent lu Havane, in the -orse ef wblch ho anYs: "It la Qubte use- as te bide the roui siution. The viole iuand is lu revoit anti the Spanish troops kre îerely acting ou the defeusive. It la tapessible thut tiey eau preveCuthe landi- ng of supplies unit iar mutoniais fer the thbels. Evon the position et Malceo's rrei, coolined ini Pinar del IRie, la net ot despenate nature, as the Spanlanda mako beuire. Oîuly n tew isetaiti nrebela have iken adraîtnge ot Cuittain Genenîti %Veyler's offer ot aînnestY. Spain bas ls te powet-etlroIent lite anditprofient! lu Cuba. liespreaît ioquiries fail tu jus- ify the charges et crueltY Dainst Cap- tin Getueral Wey!er, but tLe rebeta' de- struction et prepenty cannot ho jatufieti. The a'aon bunni ng of soile £1,000.000 wrofetpnoperly belengiog te inoffensive people la net itr." The letton proceeds tu dilate upen the eenoîle nuin 'i-ou gbt by the lireakeioan et the gur crup, wbîcb Las rondercet theupanda ulestitute, 'hile the lobticco matie is lunaau!tiawrsu aundition. WOMEN STAND BY THKIR COLORS. Femînine City Officiais lu Kansas Re- solve'l te tBar Oui Satoon.. Tic toitn et Eiiis. Kan., lo ten up ever a wan tue feminlue Mayor anti City Council chosen ut lie Aprîl cieclions Oire uakitig eoî thesaloona. Wben theY acre eeteti thcy pt.edged theiselves ta dlean out tie saloena, wbich former adminis- nrations Lad nettîsot te do, prefenning le gt n revenue out efthe traffie. For ibrce days einent cemînse! ou both aides have beeo wurking te gî't a jury le iny a Oa- outkeeper wirblas 1000 urresieti. Thons- lay nigbitLey succeedoti. The n'ait- bare Liroîl tLe lest legai talent at the ex- pense off the clty aud equally geeti law' yers Lare bien employeti by the detenso. Great Loga ut Blue Islansd. Bine Istnni, a Chicago suhuini, vas uivepi by ire Bunday îorning. Front 2 a'clock until 5 o'cioek the business lieurt orth tiioa'n wns ut the merci etfiniaes. The herolc use of gupovitr sud the iimely arrivai ut aid freni West Pullmnun and Chicago preveutedth îe destruction 'ot WVesten avenue properli anti practinalli tLe best part ofthle loa'n iîing on the plateau ubaoeStony cneek. Tbinly-fivo bîuildings. vore desiroyeti, nepresenliug property ufthîe total value ot $125,000, carryiîig un inasrancofot boutý 50 per cent of the value. Tlbcrc ias no losaot lite. Betrayeti byea Womuu, Sheniff price, et Hughes Cuunty, South Dakota, arresltd S. F. McNutt, un ai- legeti hoee iiet, ai Leavouwortb, Kan. Nc-Nutt. vith a pantner nameti John Gi!- pit, ulule Ive car honds ot Lol'sea 1maI îriîîer anti sottithemin linncapohis. Gi!îîin vas arreatoti, ihile 3leNutt escap- Oit. lecenily MeNntt rete lu a aonîaîî, a fnienti et GllPin'a. MeNuiI mate stight- itîg remanks againsi Gilpin, wbiuvh sa autgered ber that sLe turueti the houter orer te Sheniff Pnice. KanaaTowua Leveicti. A tievasatlng tornade p9ssedti irougi Senoca, Kan., Bunday erening. EverY- ihîing lu lis palh vas conîpietely vrecked. Cannera frein tLe ceuntry report groat damage te proerly aut probable bas et life. lu Seueca tour n-ueekiiletlanti n number lulureti. There vere mauf mImec- uious oscapeà frein Instant death. Othen towua vere repontetilte hure suffeneti greaili, bat commuînication vas Inter- ruptet i d detaita voeemeagon. De*lh iu collin. -The lron.stosmor Oneke colîieti ith the gebioonOër Mary D. Ayer ten miles off Grosse Peli, neur Chicago, Buntiay memnlng. Twehve heurs laster the sallng vesei sank vblle hoînli toeet hithe Su-- peeilner City et Duluth. Fîve ofthe cv - vero drevueti. Two vereaveti. Those leist were: Capi. Williams, Mate Uataon. Houry Shira, soaman, sud a cook sud deoishalit, naines unkuowu.> Minnesota Bansk Coebier butenced. At feflweetiFabla, If Ian., Robent A. Turreil, ox-aossstant- casier oethle insoi-. ,,Veut Cîtîsous' Bank, tulteteti fer grand arcony. lu the finit tiogrfe on the charge et havuug aieien 33,000frein tbe Citizen%' Banks, vas sentenel le the peniteatiuey on the reterinateni Plan. ne I.veut.d the. Linotype, The Bo&ard et Examinera-lu-chief lu lie patent office reuderoti au Important tiecis- loni, awardlns prierit lIvenionn ta typecettlug sud ilue-catig machine te loompb C. Fevler ever. PhIlp T. Dedgo, 01 do te U..Mrefflthaier Lnoîspae prou" S "icTEENwRiIS NUN. Florl Nge»,Vaendeaiet. aMily ,:t fFaal%«t tu, Thte.. Jack Triee, a Flerida negro, tenght fitteen white men, killing James Hughes and Edward Sanchez,' fatally wounding Henry Dunlels, and dangeroualy wound- lng Albert Buffu,». The battle occurred at the negro's bomne, near Paînietto, snd he fought to prevent his 14-year-old son bo- lng "reguiated" by the whites. Mondai atternoon Trice's son and the son of Town MNarsbai Hughes, of Painietto, bad a fight, the whit% boy belng badiy beaten. Marshal Hughes waa greatly enraged. and Tuesday ,norning hco and fifteen other white men went to Triee's bouse to "rogtulate" the ucgro*s littie boy. The wbites dornundcd that the boy ho sent out. Trice refused, and the wbîtes began firing. Trlce returuod the fire, hie firît bullet killing marishai Hughes. Edward Sanchez trked to burn the bouse, but was @hot throî,gh the brîjîn by Trice. Thon the wbltes trled to batter in the door witb a lot, a'b resulted lu Henry Daniel$ getting n bullet lu tbe stomuci' that will kilI him. The "reguliators" thon ran, a final bilet froni Trico's rifle strikiug Al- bert Buftnni lu tbe bock. The whltes secured re-entorcements antd returned te Trice's houme ut stînriso, vowing to burn fathernud sont ut the stuke, but their lu- tended victime Lad lied. CHANCE FOR YOUNO DOCTORS.1 Exantiiatien ot Candidates for MarIne Hospital Asatatant surgeous. A eunptîîitive examinatben et candi- dates ton apîpoitaient telutheeposition et nasatlt surgeoninithe Uniteu States marine Itosîtita! service ai lie beiti June 15 in WVashington. Cantdidattes are re- qulrei te1 lienet blsttethat21 non more than 30 ycara ot ugo. Tuiey matî be grattdes ut a reputalte tedicai college aînd ttirisiî testiuîuniîiiaas te ch:îrîcter. Suecessttîl candidlatesî bavlng matie the requlieti grade tire apîtointti lu order et usenit as vucauciea airise titîing the suc- ceedlog year. T'VLeClsaietproeurt oe rsdîîney. A aucesftiii ntiidte, irbon reeommeotieti tonappinituient, la coin- missionoît by tLe IPresîieit outhe Unîited Stites as ait assistiant surge-on. Atter tour yeana ot servic.e andi a second ex- nomination hoe ia etutillet te promoionute the grade ut past asusistnt suirgeon, andi ta the rank etfîsurgeon. ueeortiiog te lîrienil!. on thîe occurrence of vacanjcies lu thaI grade. t'ous Are Htumtble. La Uniont (onsiutionitl. the insîiired goî'ertuetit neîtspîli ntaiIl a m îî. an- nunnes ltaâtthe- verdicitutf dti 'I pro- noutîcet againltatnll lit-e uttf tt otipeti- lor*a creir. Iripîl t-ri!aty ly a titrai court- matnitil, tits prniptly cnnirnîid byihe . ,uuîîiral nd1, mii! ail iitiatalions titre beiog madeîte e caîrry the se-ntenîce inie effeci irben onu-ns c-aune le reoim ithe ptuîtel Mladidu, tîîîîgi itle lîniFners lia tnot been foriialix s-vuivnîcedt nti La vu ît as yet eveu lien nîttiedofuthîe c-o.rt's flot' inTh.'le tratîstir et the case te Spain, accîirdiîg tu the Marquis ut l'iilmeroria, seereiany general ut îLe gevertnteot, ailoli 4te tuiav iritai su speuis cli et juoig- ment f'or a monlu or six weî'ks. The Spaniisb niitoritics, the mnarqulis says, have neo iîsire lue preciltitalle mtiatens. tf the suelîîior utiiltry tribunal .ît 3Ntndid eliotild decitle ta(luisît! Geiterat Wili' lattils' prulest in a-nll hasetha,îe cases of any mcmbens oethe li:uny îi'tîue Ameni- Cao citizcnship 15 cietir mtonyelt betrans ferredt thté civil ceourt. Spaiti harin.- nc desire te crado fneaîly stipulations. Kansas Fenk C'isedt Iy a Ru. The Suinner Naiiottaî Banik out %*lii-ig ton, Ktin., estaîbuisiiet ii 1i*i, andit ar lng a capitalt stock uf $75,000>, cuose t i duors Thurslax moroiîng. A quiet nui liedl been gailig oit for st-iena! tîîys. Tht liabilities tu tiopostersa nditrt-serve tîgeni tire $68.000. The assels nare coîtsiderabli idexesa. Hydrephobla Scare ai Wichita. tThe ticcialon natie by a eîîutî-il tif W'ich lia, Kan., piysieiauîs itît a dti hat hi soveral peuple iras tiffet'ttd a'ith nulle ha ù-useti iidesîtreait nosierutiuîr fNone oftflite ieoile bitieti ly the iiog liav devel.iped sytlitoîîîs utflidropbîobia, lion erer.1 te junsped 1ItbIs Reser voir. At lrain,lia.. Bentiarti Koch dronnei bimaenîtin a reservoir lifter pliiaoiug il brotiu-iî-ltîî, is rite aiaidtwu chibtinen. Hlic w wi ai pt'baly die, luit thc otiera a'il! necuren. It is suîîpaset i he a-as in- sane. Itared b! a Cave-n. A .ît1 e-il:occutnred ti tte ul millens netîr Qiienettîro, Mexii'o, ednesday, andt ten rimattit-nee lurtieti tnter eurth andi atolles. Four otfte iluers trere killeti anti severa!elLe-ns ijuneti. MARKBET QUOTATIONS.k Chicago-Catie, comnéiý te prime, $3.50 la $475; hogs, sbipjîing gradua, $3.(K) te $3.75; sielu, tain to cboice, $2.50 te $4.00; a'hcat, No. 2 et, Oc ta 62e; corn, No. 2, 28c tu 21c; oams, Na. 2, 17e te 19e; ryc, Ne. 2. 36e te 37c; butter, choe cli cnuery, 13e ta 15e; eggc, tresh, se te 10c; potatuen, per buucbC!, 12e le 20c; brout cornu, $25 te $50 per ton for Comien te clluole. Indiunapoii-Cattle. sbipping, $3.00 te $475; hogg, eboice ligil, $3.00 te $3.75. abeep, caution le prime, $2.00 te $400; wbeat, No. 2, 65e te G&c; cern, No. 1 white, 30c te 32c; eota, Ne. 2 white, 22c te 23c. St. Louls--Catthe, $8.00 te $4.75; hogs, $34ot $375; vihent, Ne. 2 ret, 68e le Tlc; cern, No. 2 >eiov, 26e te 27c;couta, Ne. 2 white, 18è te 19c; ryc, No. 2. 85e te 37C. Cnclnnati-Cattio, $3.50 le $4.751; he. $3.00 te $3.75; aheep, $2,50 le $3.75; irbeat, No. 2, 67c te 00c; corn, No. 2 miiFed, 30c te 32e; outs, No. 2 mîxeti, 22e te 28e, rie, No. 2, 39e te 40c. Detrolt-Cnttbe, 0.50 le $4.75; hep5 $3.00 te $375;, ibeep, $2.00 te $3.75; wbeat, No, 2 reti, 67e te M39; ern, Ne. 2 -yeihaw, 28e te 29c;couta, No. 2 vbiie, 22e te 24c; rie, 36e te 88e. Toled-Wheatf, Ne. 2 red, 07e te OC; corn, Ne. 2 yellotv, 29e te 30c; eoa, No 2 white, 19e le 21c; rye, No. 2, 37c te 88c; ciover sooti, 34.55 te $4.1%5. Mlwaukee-Wbeat, No. 2 spring, 0 le 638c; cern, Ne. , 28e-to 30e;cotau, No. 2 irhie, 21c te 22c; burbci, Ne. 2. 83e tu fk5e; rye, No; 1, 37e te 80c; pork, mets $750 te 38.00.- . Buaoe-Cattlc, $2.W1 te $4.75; hogs, 88M,0 te $4,00; sahep,33.25 te $4.O0 - Net,>o. 2 rI, 70c Io 71e; ceor uN i. I. N UROJ?? SUMMARY 0F REPORTS FIL.EO AT WASHINGTON. France Expecte te ffave a Surplus- PremîdencyRueasNe Preseut Charme te the Manifrot mMane-The MediCat World Disappelutcd. The toneigu stutisties gattîcreti by the Agrîculturai Depurtument show the crop conditions ibroughout the yeur. The soin- mary toiloas: Grenu Britaio-The cropt outlook everywhene la gondi and promises a harvesi about ive veeka curior than usuai. This vould diuîiuish the Importe fer tLe remainder ot the eîîrrent cereal year.b! about 5,000,000 busiola. France -Witb normal weather utîtil halrreat the whost cropt yul more thun aullbce for home requlremcnts. A surpîlus for expert lo confldently pncdicted by French ugri- cultural journalsauni t aatisticiens, saoi expocting that il will aîîîoullt 10 40,000,- MO10 buabels. This quatitity would affect prices, especialiy il the Frenîch Goven- ment shoulti pay a bounty on exporta. Aiîstria-Hîtingary-rhe -weatber bas beni favorable and lie cropa îpromiîise aeil. Rounîunia-Cold ivoatiier lu Aîîril retardl- edtihIe crupa, bui the outiouk la generally pnenîising. btiîstal-xeellellt prospects et a crop abeve the average lu qualititi andt quality are generably reporteti. Tlîe untuvonabie Mareh weulber ii the seuiL in tonnd le bave dune ne serinsa mage. Spring seaitîgs have bîtit comPleted u- der gooti conditionîs. REED OtUT or tidE RACÉt gla Ciesed nie lfeadquarte!is ut Washington, È). C. Washington dispatclî: Speaker lieel la delinlteiy out ofthe pri..iliiail rîice. lie Las disharged bis preis agenta, Aldrich aud Manîci, and shîtt nIlhie literary bureau, luekedth îe ioor und thrown naiY the kcy. "Jdue" Manhî'y bila gotie betk lu MIainel t ttidte souicelîrivutu business Oint Lad tlu ho lookeit utier beffure the meeting ut the national comioitte lu St. Louis, anti AldiricLhuaileîhrotvn uP bis bondit. Ils polilical machine fer the de- test ot McKinlecy rauil a-til anti stoîpPed aithoîitany wauroing a-iatever. As for tLe speaker biniself, lie is sny-ilg tiitbiug for pîttlict ioul, but tlîiae a ho art- clumst lu biis cotidiieîe itulonger ki-eli ui) thLe îîreteîîsc that liclmis n the fiIdor iliat lb expecis a leieput11i n nomilnatiioînut SI. Louis. 3Mr. iteti ducs iot lictieve lu car- ry iîg a bluff tuthe litait oit aiuirditi'. anti bal; (luait. I-te nu, y tot îiîthliely anîd for- tnia liv retire tri,,tihe rue, but hi ltlis jîîst 0as certa inîly andît isil i vely r 1119oî'l i tcalididacy as i Lîugb lie Lait ivit tenantd signied a lel tir out tihLirtiaia. A large nîajirily of tîhe Netw Etgitinidi-tegales tîtror MIcKi iiiey. îandîl îitb Itecit aitut fthe ivay ithelicK iiîtcy coui m iilIlic ttvell-i îlotjtsi ltaitfirtix iotes itot itl:t-rtout- ecilet uittîbthniioiîs. f KILLED BY ANTI-TOXIN. dcl ofa Ennnl btacuai hîtof u Bouaent PYion. J Y A hl p Caeu uses a tin bai be aue A Amîîo mdcs ent aîGeuinicaue,]l a1'nuicedtriLe aenf eets attiand-& Frnce îLeuînorulOthe ftaticff.îmus ati(- f içtlthe iiic inIgrtii luofe te nnu a c- d dofflan eioîtie Bu-ia n the rage of u.1 chr-idl ofanîllu inenpBesini'aLesebol. Achor- t vtin thignsut tiîîbttueni. tic tanfursheolune l ig si Lis ocit frntheouuicto tic dia- t veuse ti uîilUstro untinjctinte s eliunt tut Ledhnui iection ofvtmin-t set.ui dte Blte Cnaîueiin-gî'l MueaI u eiuStatebs CmutercileAueiticf Nioe aWim tnareas ru-punithe liete thepanjt onL iiia'iia er telinghe tath vearteus Leuies luictrbîtegofed vartiori huie u ccput fr th Ythfatal uco nuthoflue s nit. Le ontforesthatailsactiton ui tahe stierreos shîo<ý-k, vtai tlugh il bu bliet-n 'it lîdi.l fuai Iklhe ujec'i t taî aortitemled hth eInaion opre- titou iiia iaugerous lîractine. Tukea leiphatastsfor s Licenae. Boitai BretLera' cd05 alnuc-k Butte,i Meuolt., . lritui lua snewsturm. Ateor1 paîyiuig a State atîdicuuty liceeîse ut $2W41 tiueir lreasury a-as doîtteteti, auud theouonif irais cuopetiedtilugite thecil! ot Buttei a uotnglge oui tinte elephauns tut cecure1 lafnient off a $150 cixy licnuse. There la a îrosiuec- th lai c dlx ut Butte wmli have a feu- elephutts ou itis hauts. Dealh Separatea Triplets. Ttc suparation ut agedip nîlets lias occaurni-tiby thte'deuiL off 3trs. Amîos Bîiutt, ot Muinîtoro, lieur Philadoîphia. SIc a-as a tiauglîter ut 1ev. George lie]- 'rI, anuit vs te irai ut the triplets to iv. Tic survivons aria Tobias uand Jesse Iteller. Hontilgi'waus 82 years. SBbc as the nother et sixteen chilitren. Fortune F;nàtlea on a Mlater. Ber. Mn. Rhodies, while îleaing itis feld luar Tilmpson, Tex., îînearthed 30,- 000 Mexican dollars. Il apîîearc that lime moeuef as bunieti in leather sainiels. Mr. Ithodea bougit the place tre y'eans ugo, anti ton sevrnl yeas s here bats been dig- glng lu tluul comîunil by unkuovul pan' les at aighi. To Stop ExportaetfTobacco. Ativices f nom Huvaus astate ibat a de- croc wili 10 publabhetipnohlbtiog the ex- -, port et lesttoibacco fron thte Vueita ,Ahao dtictanti front Havana lu order Lte provout the paralYiysi01ifthe lntiustry in Cuba. ____ Cyclone lu Nebraska. Four pepsaus vene killeti entigi anti ea nîîmber lujuncti hi a cyclone vhich aaept over Falts Ciy, Neb., Bunday Digbi. Reserre, Ka., iras ahmesi vipeti oui ot existence hi Suntiay'a cyclone. Hartiuy a bouse romains standing, anti vreckage la strewn evcnywbere. The witîe popu- lace la bometesassud groat confusion pre- rails. Four a'ere iIIeti outight, anti twent-one inJuncti. P'ort-:Fear u sitbreak. Orer itteen buntreti Anmouluns bure been arrestet InluConstaninople durng the lusit eriuigbl, owiug te appreheasieus ot tresh manifesaionse by the Anumeslas population,- [ATIONÂL SOLtO"'.. EVIEW 0F THEIR WORI( AT WA8HINGTON. tîlied Proccedlag etofSonate en& iluso-Bilis or lutroduceé in Elther Brauch-QusetOflS efMo' ment te the Ceuutry et Large. The I.eorlatve Orlnd. 3ocauseofetopposition by,.3ir. !ifoody et lsacbusetts and .%r. Dutîlel er Penu. Ivitnia, bath Itltcpublicas, the flous& Vdncîduy recouslidered Ifs uct!t In seutlug 3Mr. Downing' Demet.ofe aiois, und decided that betere 341r. 1110' er's cinims could lccoeusidî'red there suit be a recouat outhlie vote. The river mi barber appropriation bill tv lu1eil ythe Senute aster n u uniualfy storuly perienre. lstiugumaux d:kys. As tiiaî!!y assed the bilIlinukes direct fupîîruPrltt ion@ et $12,200,JM) and l ailiOrizet ntinuing ;contraets et $t14,.W.KK. titi ggregate ut about 't,%J,0.Phe bll tas piisiid with uuîondultsauthorislng Ile construction ef a bridge unir lthe 311,- gsilipi river te the du t fSt. L.ottiâ troni nie aultuble poinît bettveeth îe Dort!listie ,flt. Clair Couti tv llinoisundth îe *uthweat linteofutsalià erentY. Bif acre, se0 pasacîl tua utlorize a litc.Sutilig mia- n ut 1Port Huron. Mici., and l10 Ci- blsh a raîiruat bridge acrolls the 1!Il- is river slear Grutton, fil. The Sonate tva. occupled Tiguridar ith discuasion ot the Dupent centelit sIle utndi lumigrutioli mailler«. The, jouse devoted tLe aboie day te privato )nsion bills. TLey %ocre disîposed ofut u te rate ot about une every fire minutes. fty-eîght inaail belut favorabiy acta4 spots before udjourumnut. Aulong theml oere blilla gruuntlng plensions te the %%vldow )f Gen. 0. il. lPoc, $W,; the widow ot on. .nluuîon, $W;: tbe wldou' otGea. Jhn Newton. $75: the widovr et United tates Senator George E. Spencer of Alsbama, $510. andi xCngemn tulîs utSoutlh Carohina. $30. By a vote ot ai te 30 the Sonate Pri- iy determineci that 111ry A. Dupent was nul ontitîcti te a se lui the Be-unIe fromt the Stase ot Delaware. This cloped alîIg undt anirnated i îtrovtr»y wbtch, uit beoie elle ut thee utotit notable cou- tcest fils kintiin the hbutor! ot the couice. The unstaîting ut 3fr. Dupont mukes îie differeîc-e il, the eomplex4ou et te Setnate. The caînleat ut-en3Mr. DU- pnt*% peut grew ont ofthîe questinn, hethor Letît. Gov. Walion hait a rigbt svote us a S..ualor îvhcîîlie a nacting sa Lieutenant Goverîter. Vivre wV a tîe vote in D)elawîarcand it Ut*seu broke il bY votilig for I)îisimnu. The t linîe îvinsg deiffe4ltha t t he výîte was oi.!. it vi lie rlll ilînt no eletion was liem,. 'fitîre is coîlseq îîcitly an îai cr Ii a rn ucy ilb >c!iaaa-re. The blantce utfttie 11Y Ia as ussgei in tirefiicîsîn The flotuse occuplcd itseit i!il pîasîlgthe 1îrivaîli' pe- sin buis îvhiciî a re fîtvîirabl titi' acli)- cil duraug îthe tii e stecial d'uys given tb tLoir coîîsideratiùlt. Thirly tour acere lit op Ibecausu they acte îlot eîîgrop-... but fils> wore lîaseil. lenvlng abit ixty yet uîîdispoa)ed ut. %Ir. (Pot 1'p.) uf Alabamîa eaîîed a nit sensation by aria- ag tu a quîestion of ut ,r.,ial livilego t, denounce sonne 1îîîllished reliorts madle abîout a tew mnths ugo thai h bail l t(e:, lrunk oit the fluerofthe flouîse.lie de.- îied the 1107 us lne ae talselbeod trou, beginuing te endl. Ho explilned thât ut tho lime ufthe ailegeil ocurréee he wasl lespe-ratehy ii sud haît been iii ever alnce, and oult N Wtdnesday Lut Lbeen utble te oîîîuntea the H,,iie t eitoîuce bis ira- tucers. 'l'le iiîîge 4tey elecliot ca se froin the Sixtît Virgiîîi' district as .uuunimonsly devited in t:vor ut %Ir. 1)tey (Deut.), the siîtitg mî'nber. Theo Il0040 udjourned tînt il 3londay. The Cubant question vwal;revived iîn tLe Scoute Saturdîay. ahen Mr. 'Morgan .t Alnaama, a ho reporteil tlîe originaîl repo- Itîtiomrîs sîîke iin tavrrotftirtltîr unI mure <incisive actionti twarîl the reogtîi- tien et the ('ohmms us bellgerett. The Senator declureit i te 4o the duty off cot- gresa lu aîlupt joint ni'elttimis oit ellig- erency, which. oulie lte lireviolu,«Coen- currenît resolîtions. ivoîtit reuîire tle nat- proval oft lhe b'remiiii't. andt thits tiliti lthe resl)iitiiltility. At tLe close (,f '%n. !îlîrgaîî's speeeh tbe Sentil lott-dicLit- etnt division the ri'solutiîins lotnrîiîtii' y hlms direct iîg the eeniitt ce onitori-igl, relationts tu inqîtire itîto and reort un th(- tronty rotations"tietîteen the Vittiteit Sîtates a n.l Spa lin rilting tu lthe Amîi'r- cam n 0w tniler eoniiiitlion ant Ilava., aiso requeatitîg the Prisiilcnt le s1Iinî;t tLe recent diplomatic re t wniniitil h Spîain ou this stibjert. The resointiotta hanve ne rcteretîcŽ lie ri'cîigljtiiuut belligereocy. it tbe Settato Monuluy te erîire day aftr 1 P. 111. ias givecîtoluthe bill regît- iatiog gus rates !i the District o et ~illî. bill. The folluwing buis ivero pascî Authenizing the pîtichase by the UI*îited States und the nîaking free e o airndis. pnssieg over the Yosomite national îîark; regutating the psy e of -ouisoîi officrs et nrtillery, cavatry sud lsifâtry et the army. Quite a flamber et snur bis sud conterence reports vore adopted by thei House, and bil were passed as tellows: Te allfw the. bottilag ef dîsîlleet spirits lu basnl, te expedite the delivery of Imponîtdglaods lu piedels sud pack- ages net exceedlag $0i ralu ie; te pro- *vide fer the registration et trade marks on baties, horrels, corks aud otlior recep- tacies used lu luterstate and terelga com- merce; for the geuerai distribution Of Con- demned caioen by the Secretuny et War suad Secretury ot the Navy; te compel tbe F