CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 22 May 1896, p. 3

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~eu'~ s~B flO'tNI WASHINGTON PREACHER SHOWS EVILS OF BADOCOMPANY. 1 ýas.ociation villa the Wikked reetis Corruption, anal He Whio Conserts wth te .Uncîmun Wîîî nBei'ollîti, fS1auy teeGruest Divine, 01.l Infctios. Younng anal ola, but mare easpeciallu btha founamen anal vamen ai aur tume, have a vital ltoreît ln the theme upon whîCb Ber. Dr. Talaonge discojirsea lelat 81un- da". He chose ton li* sunbject, "Bfal @Mpmes," the teit se!ated hinz Pro- verbe L., 15, "Walk netol toun lath@ wau viuili bem.", *Hardlu any Young nu gocs te a place eftdissipation 2196. icb one it.cce- t eda. No man go. ta muin atone, lHe al fates tome anc elsa w!.tbh lm. "Uty lh plaa ie ecourt," sali s con- Vieteti crhu"iah'ven asticlIf lie bal anr- tlgnteay before senîete o! death a paoset upon im-n'ixay il pleoie, b tlourt. bidcompany lias heen mi ilà. h sieeîvathe bleslaf cf gaod Parents, anal. tu roture, proîtard ta airolal ail cvii sa- dations. Ha-i hkepi laupromite h shoi biare licousaveal ihia shatie anal borm free tiront the lotil a! gui!t tht banga arounti me lîka a vulture. tbrêenmn.cta alnat me ta justice for crimes yoî anreve&led. 1, vhaon.-ve moveil in the finit circlos ai socety sadbane heen the gueîcat ai dstif' gulaheal pub:lc men, umleni, nal aIl tinrougli lial compan." This i. but anc ai the thousand prooifi tint ent associations bisai and aetnoy. Itlathbb inviriab!éir ale. Thore leae nll man in the virils of a hospital, vbena iliere are a hundr.'d pe)pe it-k watht slip ftorn. sanal h ie foi ht e o apl ta take thea aiacase ns a gond man vaula lbe apt ta ho imit*en vitb moral dîstemper IL &bliniup virliiniqunitou$ coîpanian.L la olden Umes pr.sanrs acre herdeal ta- geblin latheasanme cei, but icli ane learnedth ie viaes oft aIt the cuiprits.s&0bliat Instpal of b-ing eformoal bu Incarcuna- £thon the. day ot liberation turneti thor ot upon socitu hosta, not men- lievare or the Vicions, W. Maya. in Our plances of business, bi eampelle te t tai te uanti ningle villihad * mon, bot lha wbo dî-ieratelu chooses ta Ossoclate insecf wi-bl vicions peopleoi engageal la carryinz on e caurtahîp witha Detilali nihae ehe'ns nili clip off ail the lochs oi bis ,I"ii;;tth, and lie 'nil! te tnippeal intoiriiion. sinain .catchiani la infectious. is l,e1i iý-ii. n-litlt o u loak urer the mnuilas o r îa',,pl o nain. babiting the earh, anal1h challenge >î,u t show me a flond nuwbia aier oaîe yenr bu as de ali'ic aui ciontedt nith tht vichl. A iîhai;eîaid dollars reward tai one sncb inptanace I can(. fat lîov sinouâ youn cbarncî'ýr 1n11Y tc. Go nil bthe cer rnapt, analyou n ili jbecome cornaipi; clai villi burglars, aad yuu ili beconie1 t burgian; go snnong the ucla'an, anal 7< yujl beconie naclýain. Youang man, inthi usane o! Goal. I wa'n yau to bevare hov You Iei a lait man talk fauniliariy vit you. if@tscncbane slipyon on thesbal rder iimfianty. turf ronuma anal gire hii a vithering ibaok until bbe vretcb croueli la yaur pnesecac1 i gve warung ta Yun mon anal gay, "Benare o! oi campau Ions." i varu yora ta ibun the skeptic-th Young ma nbolipubs i flngers ln hi vest anal leuglis ai yonn aId tashioneal i Ilgion anti tumns aven ta aie mysterY c the Bible anal acys. "Explain thal, En pions fienal; oxpli antht." Anal v saYs: *"Nobadu vilI ucare me. I amn(r afralal o! the tuture. 1 useal ta belleý in &mclitbings, anal soa id mu fathor an suother, but 1 bave gai aven it." Ye bch i& gel aven i. anal if yon ait la Company a lutiel onger rau wvîlISgel ai it, tao. Witbont preseatig one ang ment aginst the Chititan religion suc mena vilI, by ihir jeers anal scoffa et caricatnre$, destror your respect for ti religion, wihei .the sirengili ai ya tbler in hie decling years anti the pi loy of your olal motiner vben *he I a-aylag. AIes! a tue vwiti came when thisbhI, a tarlng Young infidel yl bave taealt, ai thon lit. diamonal ring wyu l taushno spIe lior in the ores af Death, as lie Sian oven the concli. walting for is uti Those beautitul locks wi-ll b. uncOîl upan bbe pilaw, anal the dying man w *1. 1 cannot tic-h cannai du." ldleness Begets @in. Agala I urge yeti ta eshun the campe Icisbor ibilera. There are mon haf î &raundl ercry store anti office analea vbo have nothing ta do, on mt as If th lad fat. Tbey are apt te Cone la v the finia are away ant i wsh ta engagey in conversation vhile uou aie engaget yaun regnian omploument. Politelu et gSontta sncb persoasthat Yon baro no ti ta gîve iliumdurig businosaltanrs. Ne ig voolti plense f(ensea vil as ta ho You renounce your accupati0u Antdas ciate vtI them. Mnchdst.ue tl launge arouati the ocloons W&Wbs-om or mter the dining hour,*Us*t'flu stops o! a fashionablOe betOr m4n-Mo restaurant, vt.btng to ghm'yeu lb.* i that iliat la the. place vie,te wd But theu do net tihie tiers.Tu glnktng clown layr oninAleve r deyu. Nelilier bu day nor b nait hiI anyblilua ta deovt i Idlems Before ru admit a mau, laie yons qomîntance tk liii PaUllai>'What Yen do for a lIvIng?" If be su>'., *Nt Sna; 1 amaàagentleman," look aut forb He mai bave a veey sotlbandisantv fanîtiesa apparat atd ikhve a hîgl M la; famil>' naine, but blW toomnle dei BeLon. yan tnav t, yenw avIli a isp lice ho ushameti of Yeur vofk do iBusiness vitI become te yen r«dit anda aier awhltc uou vil loae.7onr pl anda tiervanti 0fr noapectahilit>',j lato! ail, your soul. ItIlenea t door ta vitîinu. Tlilovea, gaml bunglars, shopifiers andasusassins mAiefrai bo lcansa vhohare noblia au GirâhIu*a bearis.' timnsa*fi not alwars th cetinue. Business la wak. ing np, Md lthe. superoe knowledge thetj in tis interreffmn ot work you may oh- tain witl ho vonthl 5,or etcapital. The largo fortunes of the naît twenty yeare are having their toumntion, laid now bu the yaung mon who arc giring theinaeires ta oel-ImrrovoiOlit. 1 vent mItoa astore In New York analesaw tire mon, ail Chris- tiens, itting round, saytng blini they lied nathlang ta do. hIfla an outrage lt a Christian man ta have nothlng ta do. Lt hlm go out anal visit the pour, nr did- tribnte tracts, or go sud rndsa the Bible ta the sick, or take ont hits Nov Testa- mont end ho maklng bis etornal fortune. Lot hlm go into the bock office andl pray. e~rink back from Idlenes i yonr.eli snd In others if you voutluaintati a rlght position. Theac arvret of literaitt. A youag man came ta a man of 90 years af age and aladta hlm, "How have yon mode out to lave go long sud ho se el?"'* The olti ian took bhe youngster ta an orchard, and,. painting ta senna large trocs tait! or apples, .atd. *'iplantait thesa treeswheui1I wns e boy, anal do you won- sder that now 1 ai permnittoal ta gathor the ofthtbm?* We gathar la nid ag *àt we plant In our yotth. 80w tu- the winal, and vo rosp the vhirîlnd. Plant In cry Ilite the iglt kinal of a 1Christian character, andi 700 yl et Llaiscions fruit in oId ago and gather iboe 1 arvest apples in eternîty. h urge yon ta avoid bihe perpetual pcot- -ure sptkur. 1 hlieve ta reesation anal famusement. Goal wold nat have matie us wltb the capacity ta laugl Iif ho oad Inot intoudeti us sometimes ta Induige h.- God alhnuug in sky and nt in vave and priuted au grass many a roundelay, hut ho -wbo choosea plaure seoking ton bist.lle iwork doci flot understanti for what Gadi e made lau. Our amusements are Intoni- Il ed ta help us lu nome cenct mission. The 0 thundprcloual bath an cage exqnisitely e purpled. but nilh voice that Jars the rf eartb it ahclres. "I go ta, waten the green fiehlds." The wiid fowers nnden the fence are gay, but they gay,. "We stand hene ta Smake o 'oton the vheatfield ad to ne- Lt tresb the huahandalOn in their no,ung.' l-The streani spankles and foams andi trotie m andanoay: "I go ta haptise the o me. 1 lare the spots on the rout. I Isaïe the tinaI o! the bird. I tara bte vheel oi tine )e miul. 1 rock la my crystat crat.marok- La show and water lily." Anal no, while tht to norld play%, it works. Look on t fatthe an man n ho always pMay& ad nover wonks. a Von U il do Weil ta avoi t ubse vhose .e reglar business lb la ta play bail, skate Lw or go a-boum ng. Ail these sportsarae c.grand in their places. 1 nover derivealns in aiu.i adrantage irom nny ministeniel as- n- oito as irai a mnisteriat club that o oait oui ta play bail eerny Satnnday ai- r. ternoan in the outskirts of PhuWlatcphis. Le Tht-se rerotious are grand ta gire ne or nînsa-le anal spirits fqr aur regnlan toit.1 g believe if muscuari Chritiafiby. A man r- is otte ot oi 0noar Goal with i weak sa stonacli as whcn ho bas a stran g diges- a tion. But ahuri those who mare il their u lite occupation ta sprt Thore are youni be mon whose induabry anti setutness liaiE w talIon overbeard frai the yacht. Theri th are mon whose business ft11lblinongh tbi i- lceof ti he skat ing pond and bas novea n si nco 1,00f eard of. There la a ieauty i ir the gliding of a boat, in the sang ofi Il ng sktutes, ta the sonaring of a well-stnuck hal in- anad 1 nover tec one fly but 1 involuntaril throw up my bands ta catch if, ana. im ho far tram laying an injonction upon bl bis playing or any other Innocent spart, re- clii thrni ait as boionglng o! rigit t o! those of us who bilI the grand indus nu trios o, cliorcli anal state. hab But the Ilite business of pleasnre seck loi lng alwaus makea In the end n crinlins 'vo or a ot. George Brummel vas tut ual upon by ail Englanal, anallitsIlite wv 05s, giron ta pîcasure- He ounea with bh biti peereso anal îwung a round of nithni e ver weeith anal applanse, untit, exhanstealo go' porte anal varf ont of body andl bankrup ch ai reputatiaf anal ruifeal or tout, ho bel nal gol a biscuit iron a grocer and deciane bat that ha thought eatiog's lite vos bellE Our thon s man's- pt'- Such mon vili corne mIa your office,c lau croval araunti youn anvil, or seek taealeco uon off. Tlrey wiii want you ta break at luo- in te mialst oi yonr busy day ta take ad ride vii tb em. They vitI toit you Ien- soine people you muet tee, of soieexoc' ode sion thai rau maet take, ai soie Sabbat int. day that Yau aught ta dishanor. Th( bcd wilI tell yen ai exqulslbo wifOs tht yc wyll muettate, of costly openas tiat yau mi hear, ai vafdenful danceri thai rau mu ice, but hetare you accept their convoy a- their eompaiionshtp remeibon blin i Kng et tbe enal oi a usofu l le you may ho ab ;hp ta loak bock ta kintinesees dane, ta hanc lieu able vork aceaimpllshad, ta poverty bhl rhn ea, teae gondi aome earneti, ta ChrIsti Yon Influence exertea. ta a Savior'a ceusea h a evcuera.theso ploasune ieekcrs on ih( But- deailibeals have' nothlng btter ta rerl i. thbn a tara pîmybil, a tIcket for the rai ýot- an liaptu tankard anal the cent ont rn tare o! a carôüall andl as ta bbce delirium Loge- their awftl deLli they lutch the gai theT anal pieu 4t'tu tGeir lips the drega ofi me, cop fal* Ufl etheir tangue vîli hal tb U-ta hlm aiM auratl vibli theeadaera or 8s.tý 'teenal poisen. idea Agnaîn, aeldas ai rau elti votl li.. daesil of yeubody', mi"iand seula ,aeont vho bas le ala"the sgant gspl rb>'lenvi MonWhn"t-to gaMe-vU ldplim have jaimfl te tIbsia cuu5lW'îmot an ttb* umimeonogaie uslIanet 1 a ' tatle -back of the cennh, eorsetS w grisa) "Xcarda, on la theo tamhl.itbIi* cabla, vhere the hlae *dtWU-' ' ia. rngs -t Lu etears drain ont bhta'ab- ry vinkiat the unespectiig trasiiaj uni- iilag film drînkla &su around,-bhA ià ci >1 &-parletanti amiligorgeons cuwe »nma-tbe ftuale 4Jq; « th b' aide, Seesenols, MS tuit. The proide atonal gansinter sboth bnaelf Into ap- parent quitneu. The keepers of gare- bltng routms are geaeoally fat, rollcklngl and obole, but thorough. and prafesuionai Sembera, i fine cases ont or ibu, are pale, thin, whcozy, tremutous and ex- hasted. A >-ung man havlng auddenly InherltAd s'large PrOperty sittet the hazard tables nad takos n p la a dico box the etâte won by a father's litetime sweat and shakos It andl toins, t asway. Intemperaee soon otlgniatizeS its vetm-ktcking hlm ont, a lavering foot, Into the dtch, on cendius hi, wth the drunkard'ahiccougli, steg- serin p the street whene bis tama'ly ires. But gambllng dopa not ln that vey expose 115 vietis. The. gembler mal b. caten up by the gantble'passion, let yon only dhacovon ht by the greed in hies qea, the. hsrdnesa of his features, the ferrons tmat- lesness. the thnoadbane coat andlbits em- barransed business. Yet be la on the roaa4 ta beli, and no Ipreaçher'a vole, or et- ltng waruag, or wfe% entreaty. cau maine hinm stay for a moment lit beacins arose'. The Infernal apei lta on hm; A giant ta aronsed i wthtn, andth lougli yft mal bin ienlm tthcibles they wooUi part fl1k. throndi, and tkos.h- yon f§tÈn hlm oeen atimeeound wltlichaina tbey would#»p lis rusteti wre, andi tbèpgh j'on piled np la hWa patii heavenb heb Bibles, tracta andi sainont and OUi the top ahould set the cross of the Son of God, orer them i al thie gamblor woiitd tesp Bk* a roe ovor the roeks on bis a wy tu perdi- ton. 1 The Gînibler Gains Perdition. A man useal ta roaping score@ or bon- 1drods of dollars froni the gamins table wlll flot be content wtth slow worl.. He wtU say, "Wkat in the use of my trylisagto maeêthese SM0 la my tore when I1ceau Set ive times that In hiait an boair down a, t Bily'?"' You neyer knew a cOnfirmeal gambler who was Industriaus. The men Lgiron ta tht. vice spenaltlair.time. net ri aetivety engage in athe. ganie, In taleno.s eor intoxication or sleep orhIn cornuptini o new victime. Th.s Iti budolleal *penter'.s aw and cnt the bandl of the fat- *tory wlieel, snnk the. cargo, brokea the a teeth of the farmer'5 harrow andl sent à I eîrange lightning to ahatter the batterl of * the philosopher. The very tiret ita lai * gaminsg la at -war with aIl the. industuies t- of society. Âny trado or occnpaton thai i t.n of use la eaaobling. The treet swet ýe or alvances the intereats cf soclety hy a.the cleanlinoas tffected. The ct pars ft'r e the fragments it At hy cloantug the ýe hoixae of venmin. The fil that takes the -e sweetness troum tho drega of the. cnp coni îo pensate, by pnntfytng the air and ke-phîîî - back the pestilence. But tho samb.ler t gves flot anytbing for tht whirchih f-takes. I recell thaO sentence. Ho doeà . mae a rturn, bnt it t.n digrace ta, the la man hoe feecos, despair ta lies hoart, rui' 1 ta i business, angntah ta bisawife, &haine nD to his childron and eternal wasting away Lk ta hi souL. He pays ta tears andl hlood *and agony ad darknesa and vroe. Whit r duil work la plowtng ta the fermer whc 19 in the village saloon in one night Lo 'O makos and laies the value of a surms 0e harvest! Who will want ta soit tape and lie meesuro nankeen and cut garmoats and er weigb angars wbon in a ntght's game ho in makos ana loIsee andl makea again and lie loses agein the profits of a sea5sfl? JI, If mon feit Ia lawtol busiesa, G& lIy pities and soclety commsenates, hi 80' where, Inth le Bible or socieiy, in bben lII sny consolatien for the gemnbler' I Furthermare, this sin ta the source o ta uncauntoal dishonestu. The game itzel 's ta aiten a cheet. Hoir menu ricks an( decoptionsIntheibodealing af the canal ýk- The opponent'a band la o! itimes founal ou aI by fraud. Carda are marked s0 thet the] led mal b. deaignateal tram the back. Ex ras peri gamestens have their accampliceà ho andl one wink mal decide a gaine. Th, ,d dico have heen founal loadeal with platina of no ihat doublets came np overy time ipi These dice are Introduceal by the gam e- blera unabserved by the honesi men w' red came into the pay, and this aceuni, io onr the tact thai 99 out of 100 who gaml however wealthy when they begin, tth or endl are fonnd ta ho poar, misenable, bal ZO gard wretchoî that would nat nowb ut allowed tua iitan the dostep ot the houe e fi that theu once owned. afi Proumiseioof Goal. ou 'aul gAF' Ft S GEN. GROSVENOR OLAIMS 692 VOTES ON FIRST BALLOT. 0 lu Anu Eveut lne Boirs the Oblonn laj Bure ta Recelve the NominatIon, *141d the point of Interest Ile Who Wilic DIe HieI.Rununng Mate.1 TwentY-no States for Hlm. The numlng of delegates ta the ltePub- lican national convention has ctosed. The great body of 6"kianmakens" has beon crn- plete4 and aa,-anatcnative a]slela Of !ts composition showo. to a Wnâhinirton cor- respondent, that MeK!nîcuy will have mlore than enangli rotes ta nominîite hlm on the finst ballot. (jen. offvpnor. ot Waghî.gton, th chiot spokesmani ut the 3c¶l>enun- paign. gave Ont hgi, limaI bttl',etiO nt the enaital the athercevcuing. Ih waa unsfol- "l.A&t weck closeal the electlo-n Of de- gatea ta the, St. Louis conveltiOt:. anal melnlêy *là indonsed by mli the sta't"- tilt xipitaédau opinion dutng th" woakWsénkm. IWy1omlng, Weat Vir- ginia andl North Coroltun. The fret stîn-er States refilord theo indoriemeat Of Me- Klely, atial their delegates are unin- structeda s to persoa, but they have ne- ceivod very peremptoru ordersans to priai- ciples. There are now pdocte-i 918 dole- gaies, lbut four tu Arizona, fetir iin New Mexico and tour li Oklahoma 1-1119t de- pend upoa the future action ot the na- tional cornention for scats in tbati body, the officiaI Cal anthortzing them ta civet only twu di-egaies inf cdi Oftihe terri- tories. "-TlîcfollonvngSttes haveclecteil cithen solid l M Kantcy delegations or o&.-gnians witb e majonity of McKinley rien, go that t itmoy ho concedeal that lMeKne*g fol- lowing wilt contraI theso States, ta wtt: Alabama. Arkansas. Califonnia, Cannecti- cut, Arizona, Florida, Geargia. Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Marylandl, Michiganà, VNLtE SWtt 'DO5NT FI ilnuesot M cNi'lseora, Nebras- ka, Non' Ja'nsay. Nain t'in Calina, North Dahotat, Ohia.i,mircîaî.Saut1 Caroîie, Southi Dakota. Tîîa'-a'Vermont, Vin- ginia, waqllingtaaii iýsV irginia. WVi- consin, NW'yoiiiliîg aa "tarritories hi Nevw Mexivo nit iiîîii.Oulu blre young man, having Just cois tfronithe tire dal-gatioi.a. jtu1 lin'ig thena ont,t minou, deposîtoti a lange uni apon the aebliero voulu h'li,t twIn alty i!îuî ' McKinlc-y1 anal wan $22,000. But ihe hala turf,. In -________ tense anxlebu cames upon the counte- nances ai ail. Siowly the candien-ont'- forth. Everu oye la fixeti. Not a sounalàt hourd, until the ace ha reveeloal favorable ta tbe hanta. There are shoots ai "F'utI foui' but the keeperm a!fblie table Ps-o- duce their pistais, anal the uproar la si- lenceal anal the hantabas won $95,000. Do yon call thîs a gaie o! chance? Tht-ne is no chance about It. Bubt tese ahbo n- estiez ln the camning on of the gara. are noihing wlieu campared i wth the frandaeIlat are comitteal la order ta gelt fu tsla oîon lla'a i tpso mono>' ta go on vitb the nefantous varta. Te1haonnltorions ofathPl:iIt ve ii'%["tP Lui Gambiing, vîithita&aeal>' bondl, haq conventhon MtKhuutoy ,iii-aga'rs lai tor anatcheda aeuthe vldow's mite anal bbe ihein candidate.______ portion oi bbc arpliuns, bas soîdthebi. tatas anal tenitorit'a te aiianibeni ai daasghtar's virinO ta gel the moans ta con- tlie commnittee onu areieiitiiils." thm .the gaie, ha wrtten the confiers The dalegatoéi ia'ctî'ai ana-Lis taiIaaVs: UWltssignature, empttedth e btinker'a Alabama-------. .20011h) ... .. ....46 tums e ant and vieldicalthe assassin'& Arkansas----.iihiliii----- 4 dAgsn. Thora la na dopbb afi meennom Arizonas---------- tOrt-oi...-.. to, icb ih ill nat toop. There t. ne C.lifornia ...... i 'ai-îîiîi '-4 ewehlIyet vhicb lit ta appalled .Thor lraî ide.---------S1.4itil i inahii 17 30 wsttaga! ai ha Itvu otaare <eoi'la--------.. 22uitiliia: 8 1. o ýratingof od hatit âl 30tdamIihtnois---------.. 4'renaioii'a! .22 r, X(tsm, nuppeagable, ioreer ant i vldi-'Indimas---------. O exs... ......12 it herdins., h renids, Il b hans,, Kans----------. 2Oeniiit .... 8 Kentucky _- . l 1 Nirginilai.. _ ' 21 #,"hl l damas.Have nethîng ta do Lonisa....... 1OWa't Vnhni 12 ýWffa. sIeo, w v er thegsmblue on _2 si» sll pmx scale.a1. t i p pi l..... SCuN'oIb t'ai . ô lteewltb them. Avayseggon 3-Ililan T-Iaii-2 e'ff ' un Po ltene& Ky g InaNew ane 16 Wyo..... '4 tacooti a Christilan *Quaker 'vith., "GM Nsw York---------.1IlTotal----... 1--- cliap. 0w tii yon moite ml yonr moacyl pThe Quaker repleai "Bu aqle ltan an o-" Tlielngeai verdict rendeneil in Ms. i tiele that yeu mayesb deal tu if thon wlt chuetts ln ton yursaîns uan aclloOnaiaiught y -dvlliy." Alvays ho couteous, but aita recovon deniigos tain persoauai injuiest -the sanie lino finm. Say ".No" as If 700 wss founal bu e jary ini the Suffoîlk tl -meaut iti-Have Ih nadeotoat in a#tort 'Supeior Court, Mn-uFraincist A. I)îly. t anal &hop anti street ihai yon vitl l o! L Iynn, vas nwaraltal 135,M<) ftia i t stand la bbe companlonshlp of the shoîitibI o! e ales. Dalys suit uîns tnuiaatthiéi r tbce Mer, the plesanre seekor, the gaua- Lyon anal Boston Streetl Iiailw' beau a bien. ny a Rallier thon enter the caxnpanioaîhip of au. ___________ auscb accept the Invtation ta a httes Osaer George W'otiiti, 'IL barber, a icaît. The promtss of Goal are tlis @trucka George Biechot!. a îiîiior, l"14-11 a infuits. The harpa af heaven are the. blov vith iita itati îfiaiaîLis ii breaak a music. Clusters frai the vineyaral et lis necta. Westplinl's atony is t111i se Goal have been Proset labo tihotankerds. Blucloff vas choklag anc a! bis tlua tamy i- The sens anal dautntena o! iii.Lord AI-ta a bawling aller, anuîlieo coauiniîiaIla'x i# argt athbbcguesis, vhilestandinai bim wta dealat. Bisehof nover alinneal f I aqe a itti ei .idvd fater lbe vaa bit. çim * ;Iaêt'Uicmman t1W 4MM *" *.. lTe Anilo rpet mille, operatod taY - - * U4îâ .1, ounal William Leebren Quit.o oses et-Cern. mulosiotter of Pension. The President hec sent ta, the Sonate the foliawiiîg nomnatnions: William Lochren, of Mînne-tuta, ta ho Unaited States district jicigfe for thet-distriot oftNllnneKota, vice tloselaor ILb.Noton. nesigneal; Dominic J.Mh. of P.'niylvunia, now tinst dIpîîy conînissionen ai pensions, ta ho conimlcalaner or pensions, vice Wiljnan Lochren, rffligned; Napolvon J. T. 11, oi New lliutîphire. te bha' tiridcputy comnaisinrorf tpensions. vice Domnici J. Mulirphy. nominated for commlissioner of pensions. .lîîdgp Loe-tren wns appointed commis- aluner af ponsions at the- b.ginanu of'the pna'sent administration. Hoen-ns thon e district jualge in Minnesota. Jiîdge Nel- sion., vîxaihhosuceedi, was appointed ta îls -,, y h'n-laitlBîitnîîui na bal oea-m the longesi service ut nny juilge la bhe Unitedl Statas e corts. Evor silice Juala' ochrn'4' appoint- ment as connaissioiaîr of Ipenasins it hat been teile aieta'o! bis irtiuds ta hare liii proniotei lu hie tIK-ucluin Caise JualgasNet- aona nold reatigîn. h lbas boom kaawua that bis prefenonco lias Ieen ion the bondi. rather than an oecutivo position. Leati- ing lawevue nl Minnesota have petittonet for bis appointment as UtuitealStates FROMN THL N.-NIRAI.B1 'IRE ! IT 31EANS _WAl:"' Mhi"ûscstanL.gimltiue uuaaiiiausiY fa the position bh owonn lds. 'flicstîcuesso o! Jualge Locuna, Mir. Murphy, n'as ellit cierk ofthîe Ipensioni office durng tht' ein adinlistratioîn o! Pr-sideait Con-eland Y'o ianibahalicouutuurga-ly inirsteailthe il faitis in tht' offie and machdlofut he cxev' tinoniaig'aaui Hle niefinit d<lt-la beforo .Iudgi L.oclirn a'-s appointeilmiai n-es actine an the na'ungaîîizabion ai à office. HARRISON M'KEE'S ILLNESE. Mis Condition licaine Unchangred Hie Fume as "Baby" Mckos. The conalition o! Benjamin Mý%eKea, ct PresitalalIlnrrisou',, grnidson, Whob1 snffertng na-ili uht ilabelieneai ta o ePnea monta, n-es îînchaaîg-- Pd nt lit report$i. Master MeKee's se- rions iîlnt'ss neeatîs tle literatîn cuir- nont about hbmla whbeho as a baby. Hoetaailhe son oi J. H. MueKea, Wba marnîcti Mn. Harri- uon'& alauglater. anal "Bahu McKýe" 'nai ever a favnorite 'nitti' h 1s a disinguisedl granaltather. Wlicf Mn. Harrison wvt ta lire in the %Vhite 1.iiKE Hanse lits preecions gnandîon ulireal u it ii tle bruni IlII thitrsolial psitjnal usuallu i( io*3 a elen :i lcioanal."Bal MeKee" bocame nesa chiof a nattan ch#'mcten as unYSeatan an Cagressui on icîmbor o! the cabinet. During t cam aign ofi îf88 Utile X3lçKcWII,5 muet.i*rItieu =' t ai anybaduand t pet ame &ven hlm by the presa stu ta liaienafater hod lgnown up ta a ig boy. Ic le an Intcneîttng chtld.îa li illucas ils thecoindeomfi lait fG( Harrsn'# tnlendi. EmperopFrencis Josephi o! Austnla oncd1thetic illonnial exhibitioni nt Bu poli. Ht. majesty vore îleunaifani tl -Huietananenensi anal vas accoiPani ta>' île empress Dittnar & Vouiff, imparti-ns and Ppi icrs af lent toaeceaiet Baltimore, bd ;roceivea aletton tram ibein agent ina 1avan, atsaApnît 130, wbîa t lte. il the prospect for a tobaeco crop t. pett 'mictaIonr s bthesdysgo bu. as bhc taz Thils re troyln'g vneouse cou t iu.y« __________________ SEROUS suBsiBOTO CAO -fho.aahte Wortlay or ton-Bal if auor's meipturee-'ie WOUi Làn. for Ms>3t. Golden ýt-"Tbe stome balitiers rejacte&ti. thseLb heati of the connen.-Lke29t Jeueteacblag 1ta t«iul-S ject tht. vee--lnke 20: 9-MIL "Thea began lie tu sveak."" in bi" tons penm à naoir phissls, that of the. cross. Ibo' nîng of the n. Our iod SM upan the paston vcek. 0 cllmb Clîvar. "litapure." It.leub est portraiture et lits 5Usd atas a tev tdys late ~ events 0f Qe~gt a. Cia' for tëi nto f stueL- cime utais ova, anal lis.ovin "Man," 'vlnerard," "b11 T he. types r end plain. Te 1- t. Goal; lhe vineyrd it thtw- opportunities anal nesponasi baudmen aarebtcemen it Irb andanilt. ail thuse vbo e0000W.h lige. f tht. earth>y !ofottoL Goal las not nelinailaed i s, eversight. Aiter a semaca b. W agin ta rcetre the fruits, ami ta tîme lho snda remtndiaa of e lg n o wa er @ Wl , a nd o ! h W. 0 " retura ta rechua. The.. - tbe seranta whom lhe coin ery minister analCritianiubeal very oce, speaks of 'anti elmi "Frtft he rinouard, .(loti0 requines. It la not sufficlat ta, hlm slmply vbat lie gave, or * vat vho al, aimoat muM J -Il iboma tiat hi al" G(ot Mienotie eProffleeso John 15: Z 8, "Nat tat fruit, inuit," "màcli fruit." The boston servants are prapheta anal anssenueraait Geda' se speaks Stephea, htannita rani f the. Higliet, W hlchie phots have fat yann ftiena Anal they hure sîSin tien wtekb, bofoa'e (the shadovi af tbbc comtng af the Jut One; of vboM' been nov the betrnuors andi There t. deep sigalficanco la narrative. Evon the litl, votai-1 an v. 12, carne, a earchung Itin Iteralty, lho adtotasaui.. an addition ta hi. gracions for Lt us remembor that ever ' a, (iod's mercy anal long suffenn t ed wight ta aur juagient ai bility nuthebl ast. The word "shamefailly" carrlee< vbat aiffernt algnifleanca Ia thi.e It la literally ta dishonar on ta faIl> due bonor. Every mintter of i is nefusoil the hanor wortbu f 4 as the messonger ai Jehovali,laW far treatoti 'sahaefully." J~ te same expression rgadtagL, whcn lhe suys et Jolin S: -é-, -" Father anal ye do dîsio a &» m , "Thtis inthe hein." h IauWb4*ia, spokon ini gadneas ai veleome. spoken instati in onvu anti bat06 sa spokie Joseph'a brelle,. at ieie 19, 20, when îbey boholal lm nt i bhem. - 'L t us kill hlm that the luher*,ti hoe ours." Theit aîwya canules tW) nation f monder wîtli It "liai heritance may ho ours" vin =i eanlu pair ver, vicloustu îaditatlt' bhey put forth the banal andi took 4 inuit ai the forbialden ire. ta the O- The destnntion ai the viketi bai lemn la pub loto tha lips o!imthe " jrtheiela-os la Mtthov's aarratlvm< stproclalimes h mît. rt But, tbank Goal we are gîvec l. thinga hotter blian onnmast del»e' liane vhich the hailders rajeetel, satnie la bocome bbhelieal a! ibe coM 'ty anal the buIlng bore aluadedtii id hanse a! Mercy. Have va e Jeet hoe sain lmn ? iBle stand s io .* cy anal torgîveneis. "Hie OIvUi' hiim nt-but as ian>' as reestieý' ta blici gave lho pover to beceMUe 'l a- oi Gati." foi- 'bu mal tan the the andl 'on. de- of a acta. âav5 Ha- that sur- in- goonlesu, bis iorbearaiice, liea »e ir. Sari Bunna: Some have mont that canna es Anal some moul at thblii va But vo have ment, ant irvm ciii Osaclt bthe Lord lie ibantt." We prau: "Thu kiagticm cou., t be donc, on earth ast in la b«10U w. epprehenti what it maeassiI Goa ili doue la heavea, proiptîr, impUilty-iII tee Qed nardI aya: "Jacobi savi accOela anal ieaecndlng. butseins ta0m Heas not loking on à *M00a«I tVe are la this vornît tdol (lad. H.eonjth* yj1 m$ ' la lb an p p ort on it >' t ae r in a* Qo<l, Biiliap Talor bas .I. labei"tee.schant thas be lit banc'fpon Gol, aid hie flemE poor.". Choose Crit carl tlauk~- liarder to actnovid mulas anal n deemi"ah Bidleiseal, ",le aul tel' not over itu. me a* vlioi 1 have hat e 'what mat 1 do te b. Be aunr iu aieV iàl Ibebe parahles Christle people net only iuii e Qed, but nasulg b a n s a m i the "m , ',: At bhe Batik et Part aboe atb h kllr WAAMNGN TO THE ARROGANT SPANfARD. tl oi

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