CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 22 May 1896, p. 4

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!oot cIork. baoisatlnUmysoU as a eau- tý Offce0o!circuit clerk,1 PAUI twe dojon of the. Lake ~~uru~beBaConvention1 àb 1lW* board o! trade MondaY. iÎyeiy demandail sliena ~qU~scopS &ic dnding ready àt . t ht prco 37,W»0 qëM 'otd. -Offrings vere I4L fltter lait voek sold am4d 7 the Laie County SuIn- Ânotlflmet ln convo'- JO] iaod*, &a.large numbor of Ge froi dftwnet parts of the t ug va led to order by 0 . Hudson at 2 P. m- uda short conference, ~'sroO by lire. Charity ,fb>O:t~~~bSevaiOfo!the i ýlj-ln hieli Sunday open- àiflbasebal And other lav- mi iyo~otioned.W a normal drill by Hudson, on «The Sunday ml a S4 ho ffiers," at the. close of W. aolemphasizeil the ils. groatet 0eR0OUCY Ou .theil of. tescliens sud OMOMen. Ho 'u ended tut normal classe Wi.uldbco ormed and that sysqtematie 1» itedon..9 onsgVqniiig session vas made In- ý by a drill given by the Loyal 1upVS eLegion, vhich van fol- >~dby aMost excellent address by jiib* 2lurady mornnng session vas .ileuied b7 a prayer snd praise service. Ain a con!eren'h ofo township and1 c<,"tly officers, J. S. Clark, paston M. &,àtuhun, discussed the importance tgnuidgy schoo vonk. lHe said al- Moosthlei. ntire von of instructing t fflphlldroli in christian doctrine vas lhft . e e unday school, and thatà tbens o! the. greatest eftlciency MwUid h. iutrnatod with 80 imPor- -tout a *oni Xcv. M. 8, D>bbyu tien addressed6 1.convention ou the "Message snd1 ~kSeuon."The. pst o! the addre-sà t:w lat the mesienger should s0 jamhe i..sge as t. gradtiate the. *llMron juta thechurch. Miss Dyni ýqiIfi Tichenor then read a beautifitl1 ~au on ue's Personal responsuhul-1 The. alternoon session vbad(- *.edby the 1ev. H. H. Thoren o11n m7tfe Sunday sehool liissionary Workj "p Lake couaty." Ho ahowed that the 7Vn Wsbeing canled on vitis a 1eal auamant of success lu al parts of t' t. -onty, snd that thon. are nov ýljyWtO unday achoola vith au ~vtge ttndaisce of 5,271 seholars. ~ Séolulonto support the township Y7,= couaty offisens in the enforce- Efft 1 othe Suuday lavs vas car- 4$ h ly a ning vote. .i !le convention adjournedd b meet gez *oOcobor at Libertyville. ROLLINIS. Mu ln. C.William. is visiting in Chi-, Oliver Boo sud vife vibited t mo L*ie Thuraday. lFred oUer apeut Saturday vlthhils "rhUAtalLeltuton. )Mm O<inseeStroikvas a visiion i itry flaook, Sunday. JobaýCînta, of Waukegan, Is onr- st&for <forge Sieldon. ,*Usm Gante Plerry, a!f(ira rslske, i& sadgbea&thie Fourth Laie Hotel. -, - Jaeoh MeIntosi, o! Chicago, ie ondesud relatives liera lait "««bHerbet Jacoba, of Chicsago, la V~Igfor the. propnietor i the *ta a Rtai. Ssüd lins. Squire Sûeldon's chil. I~a~evisitons at lie Fouthi laie '%1Lough. of Chicago, vas ont ýida. ne intendit la move olit lu usqKrsie a nder the cane iiafor butl isprovlng, ive pbasan, vi 5!een a great SOS ie.tA e were an ki bes9 erected ou George =t4lla. geuJMItinHamlln sud an. dosngthie vok. J.leabsu"gh, 0o! Grayalake, Ë"Shld, o1 Halneailo, 1usd foId1r lins. troink. ~I.o4id4 lu survey ho- rihStdAy the ;: t-voec1bpt. ,J. ><a~d'~qa1, M r.' and .White, af Mn.s~Aliri-Wasihburu, Ldlr.Cisiver sud ahi'lin.Thonon, GRAYSLAKE DEPARTrMENT. GriIAYSLAKE OC=IKTJS. ing on the Bide track last TueiG*7 Loile N. UA. IL night. OneW of them had been arounil regu tovn ail day acting ausplioualy and evoaig onor oe ~!Lvt~t. ~ lu the. evening ho met lita thre Pals, A. luoxmex. Secy. so our vide avake niarshai thouglit SBOSIS "hiter. &l. D. Order Bajntuit boit to makie them hnmleas during Strmeet firsansd tbrd Tuosdy aven ongtb okn hmU.Ago Ibs. A. EscO KW Vth igh ylcigte p o ilus. E. B. SmuMx; Seci'. .v ay to maie other trsamps keep thoir QUGy'n"dtir Sauray evngatsof ew iSwiCO egeon sBROOKim. lerk. s MIZUÂlAiiW .. .meet second W, M ndourthu evenlngseachmontb W. HAzvuy. Oracle. b( CON AMEOXAL Cbnreb Suaday ser- hl .ad m »,. Prayor meet- ingreeniga yP. S. C. E. meet Bi l J o a it e d4 e Unelsbëed lettonsIlu-the (Grayslake Post- T Sc )Kay 2. ss6. ihu Eamey, Meir Oison, FLanuon M. G. Parker. f uhn'Ohener. l. FtlIvernal. 3eo. B. Wbaples,. 0c Mr. Saltzgiver bas moved his fanîlly w b Ivanhoe. C. Misa Colby, o! Warren, spent part o!f te wekith )Ins. Thomson. lins. Samson, of Chicago, la vislting ti with lins. Broyer, of Druce's Lake. p A. C. Scierf, tiie tailor. of Antiocli, made a business trip up te Grayslako 1'edneay. lirs. Sherman, of Chicago is visltlng with lier parents Mir. and lira. DeVoe, of Kaineevulle. lin, and Misa Wilbur have gofle to Burlington andl Wankesha to romain sorne Urne. Meusn. Whithead, Longabaugh andi Kuebker transacted business in Wauke-1 gan, Tueaday. Mir. Wedgo, of Milîburn, visited his son William Wedge and grandsofl, WIU Wedge thus veek. Mn.. Crippen, of Lake rForest, ta visiting ber parents Dr. and Mlis. Riekey, of HainesviUoe. lAre. Edvard Boyoa and lirs. Henry Taylor of Warren, vere the. guests o!1 7#rs. Albort Boyes Wednesday. Mr. and lira. Dixon have lefI (Grays- laies sud gone te Indianapolis, Ind., te engage lu the drng business thens. r - *' - n--z-.- m...C ,1d m au se h( kt ol s. h a d g A ny fartiher for 8 ARGAI NS. You k n ow, or SHOULD that we are the leaders of Low prices and good goods. Èor-one week more we quote these XNAXTDO VN prices; >1 The Starlight BraisBand gave I lveral, out door concerto thie pa eek and surprised the. citizena. The IÀ aoys are doing remarkab)y vell con- lderlng the liatis practice t4ey bave M a"d. They vill give a MAY Part u Battersiafl'ls hall, Friday evening, Lay 22. Music by Smith'a orchestra$ sasteil by Prof. G9gg114 of Auiiocli. Tickets 50 cents. CO Ob alY. v'Who tko plesanre in trippflngtheilight fntastic andl spenil a plOasanteVenlng. Thnrsday May 14, Oce l ithe desub of Peter Oossman, of MOflaIls. ne was burieil front the Volo Catholici church inluthe cemete?7 threr"the following Bnnday. A very large con. course of relatives andfriends folloveil the romains to their isat reaftlng lace.¶ lMr. Cossulnn vaiSagret suffercr having been sick several years. He vas vell and favorably known In this comunity, having lved here a number of years. The tord grant bce han found the reat h o soMUei deserved. The members of the Grayalake cexnotery Association anflôunce that they vil give an ice croam social at Battershails hall, Thursday evening, May 28. Ice creain andl cake vill ho furnished for 15 conta. A subatanutial supper lncludlng iee cream andl cake wiii bo served for 25 cents. Ail are cordially invited, this boing the. tiret effort put forth by this use! ni soclety to raise monoy in a public way for twenty yoars. It le hopoil a Uiberal patronage viii b. accordeil. Our beautiful littie cemetory tg boing improved to so groat an extent this spring tisit the sociâtY lindilst funda running 10v. Ronce the. abo#e next regular meeting with lirs. C. Hall, Thnrsday, Juno 4. Es. Engene Heudee laat Wednesdsy ROCKEFELLER. id a large number vere lu attendance. Mr. Lindrean, of Chicago, spent a Mr.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~e Tomdaitta asb!thm ~ lys here Isat vook. Mr. omm Chrstin bs bult im- Our f uruiture deler le kept busy etf a home on the. spot visere the delivering furniture. ýouse that vas burned stood and viii Lester Berdiet took a trip to River ;ep boeiielor's quartons. Viev Saturday and to the city Sun- Mir. Bilinklo, vifesud daughter, day. 4 Chcag, hve ometo ccay teir Afred Brandon, !urmorly o! lisi f Choa< hae crne10 ccsy teirplace. isn pending a !ov day. vlsiting ýummen home at Druces Laie. Mr. friends. rillvinkle returned to the city Mn. Knamer aud !sinily @peuat last lon4ay,.- Suuday et River Viev, viiting Mr. Mrs. Firontonviteban been vistiug Kliver. er (laughton J4 Konouaa nvera Knigge receivoil aonother lot of sewing machines. Only eleven this jionîlis, retnrnnodhomo lait Wodnes- siipment..1 lay. lins. Thomson vent 10 Wauke- Artie Brgisoru in gainlng quite rap- an to meet hen.- idly. We are .anxio»a 10 see hlm lins. Milton Boyd has returued from among us "oon. Four !nom hore attended tie Sun- hr visit to Cleveland, 0h10, vhene day Sohool Convention at Waukegan lie had been sojournlng thnee veeks. lait Satsrday. They reponted a very Eer mothon lins. Scotvho Uives there goad meeting- eti'r'ad viti honr. Mn. Gadka ba& given bis houa. a Harvy Bas.shiped caloa O~good coat of paint. which helPe verY taveos.hicag, ednosdisy nigitf snch te bosutify thie place. DeWlt hoge oCiao ededyn5t Kramor did the vork. Thes. gentlemen have doue an exten- A. M. Bntgga han mast recoived a va- sive business lu this Une tuis year. rlety o! sixteen diffeent cac3tus Plants Shipping on an average about once a from liev Moxico. They have proven weekta b. qutea curioity. weei.Threeofo the Good Templars fnomn Some of our Royal Neiglibor niera- tisis lodge attonded the 1. 0. 0. T. bers viii attend the dance given by meeting held s anyslake Friday last the . N., of Wauconda. Mizpals and ail report 4 good time. Camp should gve a dance or sonie kinil of su otertalument so as to EVERETT. make themaelves knaya. Mn. andl lire. Harr Linduer, of .Thelecureon empnasce ntitueChicago, ver. the guenta o! Mr. F. B. .Thelecure n tmpeaneeandtheZerven andl vile, lait Bunday. I. 0. 0. T. given ln tie ehnrcli Friîlay Thi. Shady Les! base bail nine of «vening by M. Gaugly, o! Chicago, this place and a seirub brick yard team ý,1aro largely atten4ed and mmcii enîîîy- a! the vernI vili cross bats next Sunday ý'ý 'Sfforts are ^ beiug puIt for,, il t> for amateur houons, andl a reasonable Srevive the lodge iiere. punie. Gate receipta liot mentionoed. Thero viii pnobably ho amateur play- -The Sorosis Ciiepier, 0. E. S. m i alug 5U vOl)sashouone. Very iounlsing condition. Tlsey. The Bverett base baill ine played a tai lunevmemensiîlîos qvnvpieked Lake Shore team last Sunday, "e l ne memersalmot eerydefeatig them vlth a score of ton 10 Meeting and hall a dozen ari' nov !orty In lOve tnalaga. Batteries. noady ta taie tise egrees., lins. Evenoît, Widner, Baker, Tupper and White, lirs. and Miss Billowliklî', o! Murai'. Lake Shgre-Warren, and ,Msuney, Msney aiid Richards andl Chicago vlsited the Clapter nt its laRt *Iwstun sud Richards. Our boys meeting, May 19. 'expected a bardl game, but their fears A number o! Christian Enrleivorers srcre at once dispelleil when F. WVarren, Hghland i'ank's crack pitchor attendod thse conventio>n iai 'akag&n. eîîered lie box. Af Len ibrowlng tire. lest Saituday and stthougli tse naIn I!or four halls inhiel ver. kuoeied pouned down Iu torrents wlîicn they beoniltheoutonfleur. Warren loftI wers cmin hoe, he ire ofÜhre-the box and Mr. Maney, o! lencoû, ver cousg hmotie fne ! hnî- ntered and. began ils delivery o! tain wrk still burncd blînitly aud vbirlwltsd ennvei vbich ver, peedily theY vtcd fan excellent titue had boon -traightened, vieenpon they pîscei spent. Bill Svantou, a frail boudion youîb o! tender yeans, lu th. box boping lu Itle t oc bail that vit), ail tise talent palcilep a decent score. Il acon b.- tiat Grayslake contains, morne kinil of camse apparent tiaI Everett hail a a prognam could not have been ppo- eompete valkavay aud at the close of the fthfl Ining they decîdeil to pared for Deconation Day.,6 The quit, !ewrtng bankruptcy lu the score ciltdren seem to have more patrigtllrn book lino. tItan the. &dulte. Tiey have patgiotie exorcises lu tie sehool Frlday alle- ItleiiiDot s miracle. It von't cure noon, sud th band ill iipay Sturda evenything, but it viii cure piles. evenng n te pblesqure.That's vbat DeWitVe Wltch RamI evenng o Ihepubi squre.Salve viii do, boosuze It ham doue it lire. White, o! Chicago, le OCebpy- la hundu'eds o!fcase. -P.Il. Lovell, lng her cottage at Druce'i Lake. Hon Libertyvile;' G. CJ. Roberts, Waucon- humband, Mn. White via spent &art, ______du,_______ evenv summer Itere fon. r nsnhetil yean and vho had copie ,p b. wonl inovis and muci lovedl, pâwoimê ldA L.tVws rest, la a town. ~ H. viii ho s Darby's uovlol i!15 r sho. 0 Q Q Q Q Wen's Creolea von sehoosi 6 to il.$S 98 Ginghnm na>rEns ............. hbildron'aslhis 3 to 6 per pair., 23 Indigo tllnpIriiits lper Yuird fi .. 6t08 il'I. ..38 Ladiesi cape .. . Ladies pebble grain shoes ". 95 Men's working sitts ..... il 4."4. 1 . 1 00)Crack lava coffee )-r lb....... 5 pansi ladies Oxford tios ". 70 You are always treated white at the Now islahe tim&ê to ýM k co,îtràct hi grow ectilIboej for 1ickIes. Got your .noed, adcontracta at e. B. Colby &Co's&. 40 cents a bu.sbel in th:eprice this Year. If 30u amid eontraet at once before you are te late. 81 38' 1t. W'. STAFFoRD, Lil)irtyville InI. dYCLONE FENCE "BRICK STOURE." CCOEWVNW I~ FI ~' ui~L~ 1 ite Cy4-lîne WiiVi-,i Wne vénee le F e . u e' k e ' l est fiar i i o eate. Yocafl aNS K~ I 'n'n sainlo .'-et hntie ConW'arle, Lilîntyville. We uusnt ta employ Ivo O RAYSLAKE, I LLI NOIS. good iinti)eauam t iis c'ounty. For - - E fuîrtleienformation. eall ou C. A. APPLEY. Litertýyville, Ill. THIREAREOTHIlERS BUT NONE SQ Real Estate Pan i l.qr AND RENTINO K K~K AGENCYN As the Cyclist who rides the WAVERLEY ori List your property with me and Chicago [DEAL. He's always ahead. 1 wiii find you a acustomer ai - reasonable rates. 1 seil ail kinds of wheels, watch cases full of wheels ,Amnong numerous chloice bar- that run and.A...-- ga ins e vthe followiulg: Lbertyville City Property. RU DRIG HT. j il ieultt Also agent for -n ii r i r's F.r '- n.- i iilnu 2254 f !. 't, hap f<.r Oleason & Shaff sewing machines.,~T ' r 4 " t!, 'e<>tL Complete stock of bicycle and sewing miachine ,q'w- l,,I ri ijr.i,,..~, repairs always on nanu at Il ry W- 11, i. ~L litl.,lk ii e%5I5,r LDALi' ilr'.IzI,, . w- '2 Iils. -IsiL-r. fruIt E. B. SHERsîî-MAN , Theieweier, -t4'r'.\îîrl h.gî ?22i two Graysiake - - - - - - - Mlinois. $""i... - t- r' i., - w Farm Property. For Sage C. M. SCHERMERH-ORNlag i .. u ,tr.-i r, A<iimt. *4 1 r..'l iar. lan DCALER IN .-----'-i.Ies'-.r) Itî,i. .p- lC "r. .ît. MILK CANS, FURNACES, STOVE REPAIRS <1"1'r's r elhv i;tr 1111,-gLrnto!Ut ITin and Steel Roofing, Plain and Corrugated i,-i ilt-. Iiniýol uîl,r g" il,'f 'rtiis i l., waat tand. oo Siding, Tin and Galvanized Iron Eave Trough t:: rtt>farie. ,,-ýr !uuing,.çriemand and Co'nductors, Wind Milis, Pumnps and r îcîrî,uT.rinsttim»rw. Tanks. - - - - - - If you w~atto buy or reait Lake nvàkole- %i a àsifnt frlJr.,i v nNCousmty rossi estate, ho sure to eaUl DAIRY WORK A SPECIALTY. MAIL ORDERS WJILL RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION PRAIRIE VIEW - ILLINO IS. H. C. PADDOCK, Libertyville, - - Illinois. ~,,9-~p9v9,.,vvv.vvv....vvv.v.vvvvvv s'vvvv.vvvvvvvvv~~~qpp UNSMS AW liCALLY 1 Call attention of.. qjIlrt' ùt (l - ii Lh(B i Farmers and O)thers To the fact that 1 Isançile the finest line of Buggies and Car- rnages on the market, and selI at pricc.s that wilI surprise you. Farmn and Truck Wagon, Cultivator, Wind-mills and ail kinds of Farm Machinery, WQove n wire Fences of the best makes, and Barb wlre the lowest ofail, and the fellows that purchas- ed beforethey Systematicaily figure with, generaly wish they had corne, wrote, wired or 1phoned me. 1 stand the expense when we meet, and you save money by so doing. 1 have a number of Corn Planters and Check Rowers at Wauconda that I seil cheaper than can be bough-t elsewhere. Have a large stock in my line at Wauc4nnda, quite a large lino aI LibortyvMle and aI Like Zurich. Stîi l iiWlien,'ailt xria g<o ii i-It liiitIn- molllie sny Saturday at Wauconda, or $Ssditay wlll 1 ojiui ut- (Il on veutiriiril fl-ei, l'i -lirul.i. s i1iii- lievo tka botter the dayltie bettër the ut angd," a mîi etgr-elly 111 elu-c l iiîîty tt day to meeot 1ondaya hevy payments. q q. q I 'e q j q q * q q q q q q * q q. q q q.- q q g- q * * q q 't I q. 'e $ * t q 't q f 't q i 't 'f f g * * q I V Dib La 50 1 8 'w b ti c k

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