CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 22 May 1896, p. 7

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SOME NOTABLE SPENDTHRIFTS& Bisor.uon Portuais.Usamadered by magiah Advesturere We have heard a great deal about lt-la otea dicut to convince peo- miser. andt telr thriftiness, and It may e tbskblood la impure, until dread- flot be uninteresting f0 hear sometliing fol carbunclea, absceuses, boils, scrof- concerning the great *plungers" anti a or sat rheum, are pain fui proof of their spentlhriftiness. t»b-fact. It i. wlsdom now, or when The laie Abingdon Baird w11 one 0f SMr there la any indication of thie greatest apeidtbrifts off modernf 1 ti,, and bis attnipts to dsipate hi, fortune, wblch amountedtu t over £250,- ý_OP 000 a year, were uiany, and iuplayil ibn Inventive genlus wbiclî sboulti bave matie bis fortune ln another capacity. blond, to take Hood £ Sarsaparilia, ldIfe castbs money about riglit anti lefi, rV«ent such eruptions andi suffering. and litla probable that If le hati liveti "I bail a dreatiful carbuncle abscess, a few years longer lie would have gain- rad firygere ad tre.Thedocora- d wbat appeared to bie bis premier ob- tended me osier neveu weeks. Wheu the jc ale eiiaergtt orrt abecea broke the pains were terrible, andi relief. lie tbought nothingof maklng a XI tboughit I should nuot lirve tirongh i.il1 presefit worth.115,000 or 120,000, anti ho rand rend so mi eh about Hoodà paiti £17,500 one day for a neeklace off Uauaiit, that 1 decidedto fatke It, andi Jewels wiceh lie preseuteti to a lady of My huaband, vrho w.. auffering with big acilualutanee. belle, iook Ilto.ite. I acc purifieil our One of bis many methois off making moneyflIy was openIug expensise wines andi i iialpagnes, extracting a sinbi lunelassful anti pourlng tht reiin- M00d der of the iquor away. One day lie wons boilt, me op and restored W7y heairli a ut on eryfateog't that, altbough the doctor àaid 1 wouid pieuse hlm. andthte brilliant notion off melfhnoabloubt-tbat ha,0001badve &Itce eaprila credmy usbnd f te b away. AnIIL oherde took t d h bise Id~j~itjIq jpII boned to drop a ring, wortb approxi- mately 1250, loto tbe Thaines froni 'W 'o " 'S Waterloo bridge. Yet another day bie paiti £34000 pountis for a niagniflcent ou aa arluiu yacht, whicb bie matie a present toa »M~oeeIIi'nmeiriur. Afldrnets. $1. fribati, for gencroity was one of bis ...~ ~ biggest anti best qualities. art of oseif-defensee" anti nany a smart The Omts lcdlcal DiscoveI-y "spar" took place at bis bouse nt May- of the Age. fair. Ife retkonJ iantLis iioiing se- N Nquaintances cost hilm £1,500 to £2000 KENNEDY'8 weekcto entertain. île dîiedatt Uic l age off 32, a disappointei man, for bie MEDICALDISCOVERYS uined liuself. a i MCLM'CALDIS OVER O Te bite Marquis off Aylesbury was NIIAJJKENED, OF RGXSMU, MU.S, "jubile plung-er," for lie man tbrougb ias dscovercd in ont of our common bis fortune, wbîcb brought hlm In some Pasure weetis a remetiy that cures every £60.01 per annum. iîn seven 3-ars, anti land of Humor,from the worst Scrofua nt the end'oft tiat tiflie fount imnself dosin to a common Pmpie. living upon cta rity off the gentleman leelbas trieti it in oisen eieven hundreti cases, andi never faieti except in twa-es wbo bad t;een bis own agent.-Titi-Bits. (botb thuatier hamor). H li as now in bi% possesion over two hundrtd certificates The Evointion of its valut, ail aitiîin twenty miles of 0f medicinal agents la gCaduily rele- Boston. Senti iosti carti for book. gating the olîi-time Lerbs. pis. draugits A beelt is alwas's experienceti from anti vegetabie extracts 10 the rear and ttlstbseand a perfect cure Ih war- bringing luto genertil use the plensant ranleti wheui the rght quantity Ls taktii. anti effective liquid laxative, Syrup of S Whlen the unegs are aff tti il cau ses Fige. To get the truc mcmedy sec that It 8uootîing i, like neetiles passint through tien'. the saine woih the Liven l anufactureti by Uic Californîn Fi,; or oweis. Tlhis s couseà bty the tiucts Syrup CO. OLlY. Fur sale by ail ieatiing beng stoppeti. antid wy disappears in a druggsts. week ater taking i. Reati tht label If the stomacl isl foui or lilious if will They Bave Thei Uees.. cause slueamisb feelings ail frst. Aftcr ail the abuse flint bas been No change c4 tiet ever nezessarv. Et burled ti amicrobies anîd ail the schemes th best you ca ge, anti enough o! i. that bave ticsn laid for elutiing thein, Dot, ont tablepeionful in w2ter ai beti- Ruieniiic autbjority now prockiais thiat tie. Sold ty ail Druggists. n l)lesollb ihu hn.I You e bounid ta uClCr«d in recuis that ail sorts of terrible tllsenses Roatbecr i 11103!'eccontîtîctei bsftle conistnîptioi m-kifl R ooES f S of liaeil ln lfood, ycî. iisosma para- folloWthe scmnpkdfe htionS. Easy doxic-tl fnshion, food colinot be proper- ly dltz,sted siltliout he aid of micro- tc, Mak4 ddightfUl to takL organisuis. The question iliat will now M~. T=bZ%'s t- 5r.C...Pbl.ésl.IIe lie perpttîally agittting the public * iii £~. ~ ~ 1 tc huis nanch microbe slîould lie taken "It,,ust as8 b ketji dIge;tion iii order. andl to w qn-nti'v Inspiration off b:ciii aboule& fl~~ggU bcliclnîtted inl order to îîvoid being pois5- mwvr yetlumeidi Cale. dfflalle Inilieinidleagi,:-. t ivas deeme I bv theieliîns un tiI osieilunwb et ct the -0 %jeonIi.- wO3- 10 a svctlîing. The snecziug Lthe - 131 o a <ltn i e -n off a arriagî' BSwths consideu'ed a gosîd ien VrVEEE nl3- Is «ib:td qnality, luit nvr IIIBINDINI. ?enduretil.t lit otliers hs a grenter fous-. là Veplyngnua. B.& cmtc of Orgae suply YoUWO W111. Tebock, Ilthe mainspring of w a..uuaaMa.jaeaStd ai sterlas ie ' . nni organian,' quicily colis allen- "Home Destminkfg' a SCw bookt by Mise int rul Emma M. Itueper. of the Ladies' Home Jour à iosi toul by aclîing. It tells îaollfeg howv te put on BisA VelvetesSkirti Und-wh other sy!nptoms, aucb as nervous. Smgs senil loi 25c.. potage w.2,hd.d M, . & M. C.. P. 0. Box M.9 N. Y. Ciju bod ache, pains in Mr. 3. T. Jonue iro lives lu Ehanpsluurg, Ky., lu, au Interv!ew Werlti, publiahet i utSbanpsbung, Ky., en the 241h etfIMay. IS931 @nid: el attnîbute ail dlaarderm et the systeni ote estemaclu; then lte t tomach ln ail rightw. are weil and happy, Fer a long tîne 1 ufferedita fron te torltorm of habituaI constipa-tlou. Sîcepless- eus antinnveusnus set la, anti af tIme. I was ne meancboly anti eut of sorfS tint lits tas a burtien. ,An utivertisemeuf lns aur local piper induceti me te gîve Ripuns Tabules & trial. I tilt m. The trl box matie a dociet change tor tht better, ati six boxes have cote- peely cuneti me. I eau say for Ripana Tabules. 1111% lu my opuion, te best medîine for constipation on eaturf-l, h ccompsitd tan me - hat ail aI ber remedle. talle,! ta do. I am ail i rghl aow-stleep tebi and i fe la ivrti lIvIng. ; belleve thue abules put -mY stoloci La rn a-p, ad flhestomaclu titithetrest. Xygeneral heaith la bettel than lt loins, antid weight in le. er part of body,blues oene" feel ing, that nature requires, ance, -- andi tI Lydia table n'Muad for twenty yePars has beca thse on. an" only effective remedy inauscb caaes. ft speeduly removes the cause a.nd ofectually restores thq argase t a healthy anti normal candi- tion. Mm inPnkham cheerfullyiànâwr* ail lettors troar allng tremea whe require ativice, wthout change. Thou- sands of cases 1k. tiuare recordet "I 1have taken anc-half dozen bttit. of Lydma E. Plnkham's Vegetable Comi- peund, aad it bu rellevei me fram al pain. 1 tunnoell uyon tht agony I endureti for yearu; pafinsln my baek (Oh, the hacleche was dreatifal 1) and- bearfag-dowia pain& ia tie abdomen extendlng dowa late my limbe; heati. ache andi naaaea, and very paintul naenstruatIons. 1 hati grta v.ry thin, a um.e shadow ef my former %uit. Net. 1 amn titheut a allgle pananaad a-lt gB5ýl ".-loui !aPWy."*-MêýM~ PERISH IN 1!I1' AKE. FIVE 0F A SCHOONERS CREW DIE IN THlE WAVE8. the Mlari, D. Ayer Sinke se the Beait of a Collision with the Steamer Onoko-Veîesei Picata Help' lessly for Hure a Pre>- te the Gaie. Collision Off RacIne. The schooner Mary D. Ayer colideti Vrith tht steanier Onoko, iu Lake Michi- gan, off Grosse lPoint. Eleven heure inter, whiie tie steamer City o! Duluth waa trying 1to îv h tashore tar Racine, the schooner sank, anid ire off tht crew were downed fond the reîîîaining iwo were savod onnd taken 10 Chicago. Fromn the tinie of the collision until siej was picketi up. thie Ayer driftei a dis. tante cf forty-five mies. The spot wberqi she was taken buld of by theC (ity- of Du- luth was about tfice nmiles frum short. There was a dense fog on the lake ai the finie, andi witb but an instnnt's varu- lng the schooner loometi Up directly aheuti of the steamer. Ticeilong jib-boom off tic Ayer rau loto the pilot bouse of the (>noko, harely missing thc wheeluuu, anti l.ben tore tslb.aa>out tîrongiîtht end. The rail front bon- Ie quarter inanstrm front ite fastenings l'y the jih-boem, anti at 1aI Ihat gsiar gave way. The hows cf the schooner acre I n l y ticimi- pact off tic colision, and ht'r mas-ter laitue- diatey ordered iber atîchor overboard. The Onoko. w-lieb i. one orf tic few iron boats on the lake andt belotîgs to the Mîincb dléto!f('leveland. wus ecoing np Lake Michigain lith with ion ore for the Illinois Stéel (Company at South Chi- cago. Thec Mary 1). Ayer, one off Rd E. Ayer's dleeto! cedar vscs was honnid down tht lake ligil Iimu Chicago ho AI- pena. Ibm in aul tue-n failing bcaviiy al tht evcaing, nakng il impossible 10 aoc any distance. STRICKEN BY ÇCLONE. Tiee counnueà of Kansas Are Dcvan- tated by n " Twister."1 Neniaha. %Irirsia ni amd ('ouul Counties lin-re sscilu by a leatîlidc.ling cyclone laIe Suaday arteîrimuo:. Dismnantl]ed buildings mîark the path off the fierce storni, ffutiîeu persous are known ta bave been kib:et, troini fo.r to sixty are rcîorted injur, . es -raI out whotu will die, andiaerostf f.îl are homeless. The âaeal nutnier off ctisualîlcs la ne- c-uuuîtcd for l'y tii0 faut iha l niriy .aIl off the xu.op!cflied lutiber clarstanudcyconie cal es. S-ni-ta. tih e unîR e-t off Nemalin Couiu tv . aîi)fs-i uto tu la ce'i the i-hic guieir. Onecîlîir,I (if 1tut resi.kul part of tise lowis-. acu io tta ;i-pteh. hisin nu lus, fis c lu;-rmiuis. r.-killi-.l anditiifleen badlylin utrel . anu] d0o teoflle hlsinoC roof te mli1: ir î'î I-e. Thje iiruiert >* bai nt Sui-e(.a !s c-t utîtu ul t i tt $u5.tu Sa- bethu. al's it Netîttita ('uuu:îîy. ai-ordiitîg te ri,yrt, v. tas-ai- it-,ut,- rer. A trivf disputit(bstatt- Iittlsv or Isventr- tiIIClersons m inu. î. jurici- more or les xeccre. no oti etfit leu-st Ilîret-or four off th ic1ets svIl rut ally di e. Tweiity tunilies loit ail thiir woirtlyvi-~e~îe andl tre tetuîpor:rily deii-iiulc :11 pots char- Il> fur cîuititc.Sibtita is a sotali plalce tlorth off bere, Itear hie Nebraska hune. Aft-r leni-cig S:tietha te cy>ce ttek as a rrow lîu-îtii twitt ilFa ils City, uiî.,t- loy truo ies aîîlisigiutiliog tarin buildirgs I n tts fiîriius liorîlu -s. IntiFranukf ort, iti Marshal('011013, tlhe. etOire wwestern and nemi b sctertu liart tif thle titis hini nîlis. Tic proiîirty elianiage ,was far greater thau ti aSie-tia. butt thceiniber o! bu- nia n i is fn te tuf i Iur's fîtry ib hapî- [ily considi-t-abi vli-ss. As faîr as liarut frenu thure %sas not, bs etflire tiiero. and th linii mlu-r iii utreis] svi ha rdymore ti n a tie. I'reliiîly Ihret- score off buibd - legs llire r:at-îi 10 the ground. Soit or tetest rei.iiînces or Frnnkfori were blon e le toiis. untirepolrs fronthe uiccr- rotîttuli ti;z ilut t, r>%5 ere lotivy utamage lias lit-ciiil i e. is ili îutcriaîl'y sa-cil the iîîss. Miaa y iteaul of horst-s, catîle andi omler t., itere kill,-î. Tsso iîriv-u r; - ,thtinteverything le the vi'luuge uf ti-tserve %vas deniolisheti l'y thelic ite. and tI la t six people were kid uat R11erte anîd mnyothers injureti. The litle hatnîlr t ftîuiaville, in ftiicY Ceunty. li-ns ettirtI'. cwc1ît nway by the cyclone. At Siîriîig Valley, onie six miles olli off Barnee. it tore dean a ciureiî. iii whicii l5ouupeople- acre worsbiî- ine, Nlany uer itjuireti. GIRDLED THE GLOBE. Message Sent Twicc the Distance Arouni thoe ath. A message arouni the worîd by te,- grapi waaithe feture aI tht national elecricai cexposition le New YorkSaftur- day evening, anti on thaI occasion Dr. Citauîncey Ml. Depew titliverei an oration on "Progress andi Future o! Electricity" to 10,00«o ole. Tht message wsnawrit- ten b> Dr. Depew susdladr"ed tb d- ward D.,Adams, pres'detit o! tie Cunaract Generai Elecinic Company. Il was trans- laitttd aven the Ihues and connections cf thc Postai Tciegrapi (able Company-, froin New YorS via Chicago, Las Angeles, &,in lrauîciseo, V'ancouver, Winnipeg anti Canso, fo London, and bacS via Boaton te Nesv York. The message wns starteti at 8:34 o'clock, anti was receiveti hy Thonmas A. Etilson at 8:38 o'clock. tié Wesfern toton tompàày andi con- neticns plso fansçailtleq q COp fi message front New Yo14 hcg efô TME SAD PLIGHT 0F A VETERAN CRIPPLED HANO AND FOOT. Chas. A. . Rogers strickea with Le- comoter Alsiu-Suftered Nigit sud Day for Ycr-How a New Light Came .oto ie iLs. Frornthte Ohroiee.Chica go. M1 Charles A. RoFers a vteman ft the var cf tie rebel io12'ad a prominent Wefst ide citizen, wat borilu rccklyn, N. Y.,tilfîy-four i-tars mgo, anti when a boy cf scnreely fourteen came bo.Chicage, .ince whicb lime Ibis eiby bas itou is permanent home. At tht temminajon of tie cvil war Mm, Rogers, baving receiveti hie disehange* July, 18f;7ï, found bis healtlh s0 broken iy 'lard service, inauffiçient toodi, exposure .ant malaria lu the deaclate swani lande cf Louiiana anti Mimssippi, tial he wu@ aImait ss-olly unfitted for a satisfacteu'y performance of tdUbezaeting dutiea cf hlm occupation, nofWltfatnding Ida greab force off a-lu. Indeedthe first wlnter ut- ter hie returu from l~e fieldi iv.. an ex- treniely severe anti trying one for hlm. Ht sîîflercd froni chrcaic diarrkots, ma- laria fever andtiau , dmoiting paans lu lie bac-k anti loes-e lm ns.Teme pains, at thât tue, -lit atîibutedtolerheummtlsm, but the disease taon provedto1 be loco- moton ataxin (a congetlion cf the wiite mater o! tic spinafentd). In apile cf conlinueti treat meut b y some o! Chicago@ ieading anti. mont eklifel physicians, tht nialat>- increasti ratier than ababeti, un- tiI by rapid stages lie came te use finit a cane, tien crmîîches anti finlly an inva- lid's ivicci chair, which te tbis cul> alcans o! locomotion, as he ha ont been able ta waik ince le&&, Despite Ibis terrible afilition, which woulti un- nerve aimost any man, he preecrvesaa cheerful disposition, b«ess ia erlugm wtth a resigtiation amuatig te heroium. For 3-ars, at evtry éaage In the weatbe.r, or exposure to due mighleei draft, cxcruciating, sharp dartiug pains tihat cannot lue descr&bed ould occur, lasting o! len fron ten te lUtea daym at a time aibhomt a manent'. cassation. Tht agany he squffereti at thete time. tram al- mont unendnrable. No leep commît corne te, bie relief, day or uilt, andi bis cae was a mosî deperate and deplorable eue. Bo tie %preas ent on until lhe winter cf 1V412, whepi e mwam ellacket trîtila grippe. aiih i as sa prevalent ut thal time. ITii, uomplainl, atidedt tebils ther maiady, wi nigi crazet i im, He conît neither est non lep, aud the hest cf met- icai talent that frientis coulti aggeat an mouey procure seemaeti paverleosate ielp hlm, bot on thu ecoutmar>- appeare tat ag- gravate bis diseuse. At Ibis uforunahe jane-hure a nesv liglit came loto bis uhie. Mrs. Ragers, bis estimable a te, baring read in thle Inter Ocean ot Dr. Williams' Pink Pilla, urgeti tial be ubouldtry trhem. He confesseti. ica-ever. te baring uittle or ne faith in au>- so-calis-tipatent mediciae, but her slicitations inali> pres-ailei and h. coi- menceti usung tlîcm by taking oue ai a dose, lu tifree or four tinys he began le crave fe id. wifch ubc ail net doue for manrsfirs betuirp. lie incrensedthUi site of the dtisîs ltus, rupila t a lime, ant inl lees lthontws, aet-ks suttet, asahe ex- presse-s il, thrte square menus a day. Gmsduîaliy huit îerceptiiby bis genemai bcaltb iînprove'I. is bowels hecame regu- unr andthle horruiule pains with wbieh ho hati been aiijteul. tegan siowiy but eure- 1>- le dimillisb lun hiir inteuisi y, îîutll now tht> have greatly suubsided and he teela ike anotîtet mai Whiiî- tis truieIhat 'MmI. Rogers la far f rou i eng wull andu robu4t. 3-t i gen- eral ih i s5iut-h liimroe d that lue ia greami>'c, -otraged anti taily returus thanks le a kind Plroviide-nce for the remn- edy so fortiinately furnished i hm. %I.Roers esitiuiu'nt l991Jackson boulevard, on tlie cernier o! Western ave- nuic. in one off tic plî-tsantest spots on te West Siule. As fur Mu',. Rogers ber- si-If. aiui as tic iru-t tuu sggest lieue off the I'ink i'ilis. aîîloiutter members af te honsehoiti, su buoart- tiomoghlyfamil- iar iitb ail the detaili iofthtie case, tht>- raniiot but marvei althmie cffleaey of tht rietuidy andi do net iider-itard abv sncb on aîuîareoliy Simle nteulîtîîe ahould pro- ducet sueli aomiderÇîui reiuîit. exepeding b>- tar their meat sanîguine et-talions. Ilaving read tht foregutitg, I iereby u-rtif a ht tacts le nîy -ase are as Sta teil thereint. i igned) CHAS. A. ROGERIS. Susurat lnsd suhîu-u-uted beffure mie tuis twceuty-ninlh day off Octuiter, 1SI15. A. F. Pl'IITNAN. Notary P'ublic. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills poultain, in a c-uudeîîseul fori, ai tic eleeiutts neces- sary o givo nesu life anti tut tht bleus] andt restore stiatîcri-u nerves. Tic> arcen infaibîng specific ffor su i lsu-sc ais locuoitor ataxin. partial uiral>-sis. St. Vimos' dance, eitica. neîiralgi.nîtu-ania- tisni, nervous icadacie, the atter effet off litigrippe, plpatitation e! tie buart. etc. Pl' ilbs arc soie by uuldteîîiirs. t iru l bc Sittpiont pait on reccibut off munie. 0 e tst s buox, or six boxes fuir $2.50,l hi- iduîriuu- iîîg tDr. WVilliams' Meul. Co., SciseiertiulIY, N. Y. Loi eby a-anti ot coer. iriti Irai-es off pink anti wihite, ln the exqtuisite utile ioti whIich foîbours tbe use off Gleluni Sul- phur Soalî. Off druggisls. The soul anti spirit tua auntiales .anti keepsal)p society is mutual trust- Sout1h. Hall'* Catarrh Cure. istazen internally. Price.5~cents. Neariy ail women have good inhir, thoîîgrh many are gray, and few are bald. Hialls Hair Renewer restorps the natural color. anti thickens the grrowth of the bair. Ficein-Bonx l pontithe .biy pure oflou ,>a op mnade'. Ilie sur ' e obiiu Somp H glu ., Fille., leon *wi7 ifrapler a oka. A*SYou.u gj ort ïI. ed = Mpp .No CebeDp baud. .11, Dootua'ylnating N.r»Nemoto, or. ?.o Fis alter Bot dayui us. it&r Selon. cures. iean em tr ital hole f rnho Fit osa b ond ho lDt. Ries,. mtAreli S. phd.. pa MmreWinaowe a foo Tur i hltren teetb"Ib: aoltab tIi. puml. retucas tuflr.mmation. .11ev. A in. muffl i fl mt. là ota àbol.. *JACK ISirP:Nv31 ai quaaity, à moia uaui aur, *0,alogumdiey$eee. * Fn Mimbu, 'h. BOuzgScuce of a Gray -Oveeoo.t Upon the longue, yellowneea of the ski. and- m n eyebale, nauseas ed unemnidn. beneatb the. rlght rnbu and ihoulder blades. là that the vlctlm off liege discomforts ia billons. The Lj "proper caper- onder auci irrcnmtances Il. L to taS. Hotetter'a Stomaci Bittera. whieh alec cures chilis and fever, rontipation. dys- pepsie, rheunxatlc and kidney compliltq and uervousnens.L I A gooti Smyrna rug wiIl stand bard wear for ten years-longer tîîan the S best carpet will present a respectable appearance. My doctor saiti I ivoulti die, but Piao's Aiai SU* Cure for Conannmption cîîred me.-Amon 0" 11» Keiner, Cherry Valley, Ili., Nov. 23, '95. "s IFFI bIng as ~u rely OT UNIVEIQWALLY U5ED AND! RFXX)MEDED FOR1 CUTS. BURNS. BRUISES, COLDS. CATARIORE TEROAT, ÂLL PAIN, PILES A» INFLAMILATIO!bS. USE POND'8 EXTRACT OINTMENT FOR PILES. EOWA Om 8 EL, aF SA%1IE, POND13 EXTRÂCT CO.. NIEW YORK AND ~ o alWho pays 'i"qforallthe clothes, etc., that are worn oud g and torn to pieces in the wash? Wbhoe ever it ks, le or she ought to insist that N the wvashing, shall be done with Peu- INN ine, and with Pearline only. Thon that muinous, expensive rub,ý ru)4ý rub, over the wash-board, *"cl ,. inakes ail the trouble, will bc dons I away with. J k isn't a little niatter, cither; tb needless wear and tear. It'&. bg 'ILI ~ enougli to pay any man to look àftç '~ it, and stop it. Pearline saves Mt' only liard work, but hard.ear*ed inoney. Send ,, a4 ons ncmpu-luo~sSFnALSyE-P ib. à »M« u You the'Blessing." Neyer Neglect p A Usefult Aricle Like -Y ~ ~'Y'~ "Judgmnet!I1 The umpire now clecides that "BATTLE AX " is flot only Sdecidecly bigger in size tdm any Sother 5 cent piece of tobacco, but the Squality is the finest he ever saw, and Sthe flavor deiclous. Vou wMf neyer. Icnow just how good it is until ~YOU tl7 it.

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