CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 29 May 1896, p. 1

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Liberty.ilt,_ Lake y, n, $15019 I ~I.iarn5todÀ» 08#). fL. M, Ça B- roadway oppoite Parki Tü& qIU*.'f"..W. 1 ro 8S Ais>7 ro085 . IL àUmal tenoa ld 10 tbe otsbnfll M roste Ebeumattem. hpckfeflr, -Illinois. j~Ul Lu>M. a. PNNIMAN. ~U141UAL I*y *n o BL@Ctfl 50 *L SMITH, .Qffj oiov.rLO*'Drug9tore Ubertyville, Illinois. mISS m. Au«IDAVIS. - vsamm oet voet etILTUMEAU, KAUUONY SPAUL MAcCGUFFIN. '4ttorn.y sud Coucelor .etLaw, ldpwo l1*8ia évu *etOsle rame. Grayel*ke CIllinoi. N E» Ç-IReeet. phskimapn ugen ,ôffice at Kardiens Motel 0« dôr Bouth of Pestaffce. Rockefllier - Illinois. UNION -MIOTEL. - Aàm &Co.1 ,ring bi. Libery f .ilfOB i am r -tes a(* -tua=y~ l'jouis a = ' é,cntia sasaittis Osai DBy ROASIDE. BIG1pOEgt Rudolph Zftg Smrken With T l0 oLlO BY t« - AxpoPiOKY. Cut eyG av4OW Ssudy utlio qWç3ocbthe desd the 1 tshicraigbuieS tee aboY OM'e c UY nyld It necessvy bôaw 1 RdoPb g4ýes fonnd by to enlaroi, ýW plant, add nov sMd b»s Ou obo ros;ce" near bis farIn improve4dbiner«y, steel COTÉ,e, as 1,ie i IoetedM n sud one-half they have mouo orders than thoy eau MI)mo soib.uta 0< 41erlyvl1le neex in -te,« u»ng*I A lower 40 tOut bigis viii ho erectod. Mr. 1t Jume lune lu the morning wth au, elevqled track W50long e-' to P tbs 01.aLtbetyVlile, and tending btah4top. ÀA Ove ton atonu about«Mie oej4c*7 the borse returned erusier uned sud ail toe* vithout a diver. Mms Zitz im- eruehed ta it Inch iwzu Six név medistly sent&bhm »M te 10k for Mr. one and oue-oif yard steel cars have Bit, and b louad hfim lylnig dead by been ordered and the large Steain thse raud»Ide a -4ort distance from thwe sovel vii bu-put lu. operation telobd, arm.&lise cars. The dueosM usa a fariner a:Out W. Tý. ELtoi, ia. J. 1rotor, BL.-. -efty4yesours ge, snd bail ivel Tinsmiiermn an sd F.-1P.Dymol, Ibu for years on bli fatan fear 1h45Iâ ine<. gentlemen eomposing the uoiPsayi CoronerKuglit wv u umoned. lut feel their produet je suporIOr t others, the inqueit a s poPneil until Satur- owînlg te its cementlng qulitie, sd dey next. T1%& physiclan vatiofthte thut it la bou>d te eetWi a -big opinion tisaI dealh bad 4be c aused demand. At pvanl§ton, vbcre the re- by Apcpleiy. s5pectivi« qnalties of lb.é101101 snd ThatMr . Zita did not fail Out Of the Liberiyville gtavol -er. soroumglly buggy asu usa at irsI suppo"do18testd, te pxoere vasW"givenuse evidanced by tise tat that the ""in Libertyvilie gravel. vere s.cuely lied 10 tbe dash hourd sud tu thse dust cold ho seen foot priaIs, nsdicting thal ho bad l akei ?rom tbe buggy 10 vere the body wam bouil. Il la impossible 10 uscertain furiber tacts lnthesmalter nmail afttr lb. Inqnest. The fuai vas bell ithe Union oburcisMonday, ud lise romaine vere inturred in the Lakesidoceaetry. WlL1L CELEBRATE. Roffcketllai lu bid Services DEmmrattefi Day. Wit sluoher tovais bave bocen pre. ,psrtg tor Deooratlon Day, lRockefeller bas fot been deail to thse act ltai mcme demonsratlon abould bc made. Oonsequentlyiy lbthesun shîneta liolcomba Grovo vill be te scene of a grand patriotlc gatberlag, Salnrday Msay 30. OUd vetermss ill recite short remihiscameios o! smy lUle, lion. sz-Judge SAMIl Page. of Chicago, wil qpes. Tise Antioclbaud viii bu lu attedmise. Exercises ili ibeglu st 1.80 p. m. ebarp. Buffalo Bill Agair'. Buffalo BIis'&Wilid Wegit sud tCo preao! Bougb Ridera o! the worlnd viii exibit ai Chicago for lvi, veekh coimunclug Iionday June i. at the Coiseuin, sud tise most- poâitive amd unreuueved assuranece lsgiven lunil serious sincerlty tisai the exhibition eh ho preclseiy the Fsmin every debail, man for man and fhune for muat unilmited andl a consorvative es- tiate of tbe ainount a1t the present location le Oive million yards. The proposeedl mpikMemeiatfi vill in- volve au otlny <of over $3M0.00, sud the present force of ton mon viilbu fart wo suialvison lise improvoinonts are completeil. Matriai arrivoil Tbfreday -Mornlu f or tb. eroclion of the toweranê itta* aud vork wu ecommiencod lnei utely. Audience Dellahted. Theoenelrt$lment gtveq* ta tise Union cisureis tant Friday at, van veil atndcd and the rendl>-*v4m isearlly encoreil by tise 1vo listeaurs. A chorus of tvenly lolcea in perfect lâlimony and s maie quartetteof Waukegau Young people wt rocitatione by Mils Aice Smitb, o! Ivaultoe, constitute4theb program, vbicb vas a rare treat. Tise quartette caplivateil the audi- ence, 'e,9 voie ropmedl um- jl ulule UmssSmithbli uoalys-a forth an eut*aaatic ltocepton ftic= Llbertyvilie gatherings, vas unmui good iu tise selectionats # vwici$aise favoreil the audience. A fier the entertaiument relisai- measitfe ere serveil tbepariiat in te battement of lte ''Is rhurcli, sud on bebal! o! tb. cisUrcb huev. Heuver lisanked tem. for ibeir kjnd interest lu their bohaif. A nico 1 iim Ivaus netted sud the young Poople of tiltehurels led grateful 10 tOs. b0<sesas il vasgiven for tivi' yeua î,isting. tbuongbout Europe, visere Il vas tli. onu are"an sd relgning Satn ~ilit 4th of Juiy Celebration. Loudon, Paris, Berlin, V'inna, Roulew, Tîsere wlll be a Ceibration ut Madrid, sud aIl thse Iurojîcall me- Wr gits rove on lihe aorib shoreofo Iropoi; exmUctIhe saéeas il naà (age LitU.,aundert he auspiclseto! the givenaM tise World'i Fair ut Chicagu l'roliblllouietsa ud <iood Templars. in 1@0; la Nev York lu 18", and lu of Lakebo mcuity. An inloresting over 100of tbe principal cilles of 1the rgrai l8 laiug preparoil and a sgood Es«UsteuHates inlm8. liane- leaulkcipated. Everybody lu- Ils libe msy uot b.e en agaLin. TIM1 viteil. hriug a lunch. onu prouilu nsd contrai figure in the btstory of American scoutsaand SCMOOL NU FIES. guides acconspsuled lea s housauld Tesho o)- m aef- - ih h men sud over 700 hormes; aetual rtahu uleaeIîelvt b soldioret from lthe amuies of Eigan.], s-ý frss France, Germsuy, usela, sud lthe Wordi-mN Waell, vbu luta boon absent Unitedl Statiea; over 1011 arriora ffins rons taChol ifoirMoiiiCtinte. le v<yrkiag the six surviving trabes of Auterienil) 1h. fuctory. Indiana, the yl rideis IroinsMexieo, Misa Mabe] Aeu I as lu the cily aonths Amrlos, sud the plains anti one day lai4t wc- aaountains ofLAi&; ail naklng the MissRes M initie and tiTerees Iliisshofi mouS. noyel, unique, eduv(atigonLa an] eîslrttiMed la iiendsfroin the City lasu enterWaing exhibitions tihe worbd tas Snndayand ]Muuday. evor known. udroe of tailes ot Miss Maluel wlte.(lor, Whto lmI*Miso travrel te meu il voulil bu weil rewarded ab-gent for a week onaoiq- l sud as uxceptionally cbeal) sîckuesa, le tîgain able 1t àius yull bu rua la It front alli ws out setuol. traivel, it sisouici atract a gpeut iiroug Asor rornviieruerdb 0! people troin Ibis vicinly. A.hor prg.a il b ,... rd b E. .. & 9. 5v. Cole.Sinkc Holo. The tresble hUt morose thoe 8u01191 bulveen Labo Zurichs sud larringlon gettiél toui feot 1ai weol, caiig t7rees ples sud fonces to be tbrova tour tu six fect oui of Ilino. The mpany vero hillig thse Iresîlo vtth piles wheu bte rosi] b.d begap luo fluk. Gangs o! mon bave bocis vork- lng nigit suand dy tlb.-past voek, 'wltt bntut 11e oUem. Olcir"enonla lu a section Lf of lb.e<Opnion au indor- grouasd lake tits aud that t4e roud- beI iicontinue ta sottie lu »Pite of btse etgotta et th. ialr(v4 ~pei)pe hi Dandy luae 4. I. day aflumnoon ju-ionor of Deoratioli day. Thte regiilar prugrans Of! " lad idy aflernoon vaS- Putpoued On4 WObk, snd a gongraphy match tob ia pýlao'e, tehicb * vmllmucusenjoyeil by aIl. Miss Maboel Acien andl MIO'Msv Davis,, ylio tuuk the teuclser'a g*ta hu14jnontls, arc now the. pruid Miss Ilous sud Edh b01U voie taforrsoly puipils o! thse ville aQ0l, epeist four d1 veek*isffrleiida Of' tbm 4p -,e ________a4R , P tunrçiln« sp lvii»aIboséwlî dern -Sono 61 te loret th Il the>inv les Ir 0 fir oàLJ"e I1 . *131 sanda "edmt vivesu, or gveete"emmnstt1sef Illinoi s ad sou*8sO WiMsnin. to iainsvllle, tb pueioae Je the grag gala day of thalst su Xol. iy year Ibin piec in l lo<" lrvard to vltb great interest. i WILvbO silendeil the pictie at IaSo" ai year issto not forgottoîlias'910«m" dey they apeut aud ae no 4rwIS lions tb attend hsys.l .t. à st P. viii rua spoisi 80urd sud seil tickets at a r i* 411I unable ail to go snd »e tilêpailêsi procession ever vltne»dU.fsss ville. E. J. Rgey apmt 4ýt,* abovu anentioneil compuqa$ 3100@811,l lu, bas been ap"iiiM, by',. be paase"per departienut le o pÎ tbe arrangements fore7otw*S Nu bas durlug the.«& bues busy among 1the Z£ÇUflyt camps, meeting vutb h comptent railrosil man à - extensive aeqnaigtaue tbis section 01 thse country surely make arrangementsfik!. to thse- Woodmen. Dont UW tbb opportnnly for a grand exeufiesa 0 a nominal expense. - WAUCONDA. Peaul Pratt returne od 10 iba monstaY. A. W. Reynolid rotnrned trou 8qin Prof. Kent epent laut Btmiq, la tbe City. P. Maiman returueil 10 luat week. W. Laanpherc, of Elgin, va» bo last Su*bdy. Attuid lb. May Party lu OakiïïsB RaiiQLsy 30. X.jw Ford vas on tise street <ft pga»t week. GeqI. Comatock Jr., vas ou11u blreetsigeonday lust. ltr. McIntosh, of Barrington, vaem our #keets rocently. Mm",r.. eldalek -PM& ithéa J#"; lthe weo« inthe clty. -jais. Merray vas a Chicago vst Tburadsy cf laut veek. Mr. OrvÈiho f Nunda, apent a ta* ilsys I ltiisplace îeeentlY. é, There la Zme tmik of Wauoou4B celebratinggis 4bo! July. j. w. Olieiutvuas aWaukega, visitor Frlday of luet voek. Mir. F. Spitser, of Woodstock, vasU pleasaut calléir Baturday lust. Mr. W. Bagan, of waukegau, cailed on Waucoada frienda luti eek. Mir. Longingi, of Gamyiake, vwu a Wauconds a lai Studay lutI. Miss E.-Pailla returned from lber viteit in ElgiOihe liraI of the week. A. L. MttIo ok ivo bicycles tC Waukegmi for B. Malmftn laist woek. H. Maiman apeut part 0f lut vet looking afler is business iu Wauke- gan. A fev Wancooada youitg peopli ver. on the ttreetis <M Manda Sunai lai-t. il.,flnrdick, of Rockefeller, madg Wauconda a shtort vieil tbeOrsintof thg week. missm. Muilin enturtainuil Mis converse, of Fort ;Ii11, cas nigbt las v eek. Stnnday nlghttIis ecftion vas visit ted by one0te WbuOm« vi storn o 9 te ceason. a' .. n.. .t.. -.. *i .fr flace a.wtuu uy-ny.imi n LkeZui- Mondny 1a.. 1- Win..Baten, o! (liago la spondlag a !ev laya vils relatives lu Ibis place sud vlcluity. Mir. J. Brad .u4 hutly entertlnil Mr. aud Mis. Lecuarnfdcof Barrînglosi, lest Sundsa'. Mss. E, LA Leaspiero, of iga place rucetiy. F. Wyakoor âmeoe hmo.~i d i moionIst a s ysu lest vebfor *.< FiatB. ýCi . 'ju[4sus Mir. snd W..m. .çi.,01 Nd-a, ver«i. gai4fa- 0W VauSda B. A. Gp4« p~son the Labesde store. A. NU* onI* 5 tise M<? *Dtmask Carpets, per ytard' Extra Keavy, ail wooI5p4eJpaii Body 1BrussMls yrWoÉg* Brusselis, 27 ln. .4 Hjeavy Matting, 1lyd.L d*, pr NO. i- Hev mattlnI2 Cotton Hremp, very fine, p ~ 2 -Foor 011 Clotho per yard ' 19 Lutte N O1aumd menilt b 3 (* biIor*an at o ti ->E h~~~~~. 1t4eIePrv . 000 WlIIUO Tvps Md10lob E ,SWkàw'a mlot 30 Obteagoe Zita ~ ~ wt àIRICW esFra gB-njpw *dtivd 1000 bMb e..UPt.3MW5 Md Ptob I A*.ésmoWsandblo to I tclsJ # ....................... 50 'o4hdlm 1 etud v Mdilas 111~~~~% cariesd 0 TIvd.......................51 uw 140s 187 ans md Pv 10 Wsslilas rewga.......... 330 ........ ............... 2 0 afl* ta om m Iillespi ajnej ird ..v ............... 4 Kefoy et tai taBer. sor-d v 10 Eal la 7 Uv d... 1 Mofasd v t0 W opf lad 4 j roda me, dof 2 j auj 564" 1 re e-, ........225 ~~8Park. . 31. ét 1UEtt';wakgn.gI For tis t, v1t i eoei,,V Mi.ProUuI' l "s te Nllov isIJn Ila' affi in bles Nkrig us tise K flans.. Xcri," euR I l m~ bu stom e redy bto et WÂrm»-TlsOIs45 *Ltetp 10 Snan sd ebe i"Mr s0o milliney,ete, bliora buylag eI.b Mxs. PATor*a. r in puroq4g f Libertyvilbo. ROdu@~ 100 mil«e mo aupe, tare for round tp, l1s puaeflte sMd tuaol* oy C.M.& sirP. o %rinz MTAOUL. TO OZ*O w r t h 5 < 5 5 m tbilt bo t. r.alos lm51 ça em .i4 liaslie erts ohe ls aI uap.theeu oiutOlY C lisrefie, vell fer gssolenO. 4fa,"ILyon ib suoflad Y"i 5&"eiid e,' 1"

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