CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 29 May 1896, p. 2

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-A TbÀf Mf pthe River 100 Feet Below Pwoflia L otteu Brige-la Cot- Nbstea « Show lette Throvigh et Tho" e oBe BemellUS IgerEomrret Victoria. trslaeeWmct oeceureil at Vie- -0. C., Tueda>'. A sam fitI uani eVa o À104,ke Place t lMa«tay.a 1 vit, suni diOWdt vere' mae>' btiie li verj route. a m ar ce paéted. Two ce-rs ~ernea stet vti more titan The ins t ga el>'oer ~ilebridge, mIich crosses Vie- U.Whou tthealIter mai about ~Wjorerite mIddle ipan of lie alot 15 feot lu leugi, gave va>' ,car plunge into lb, vuler 110 ,»bov The carra compîetelj mib- & &MAUdilou board mer. dramaci l.extlepton of serne o! those wno tamhgon lie pletforrn and fsh, te supe tiemielmes bj osing lte reuaf0<the bridge uni thIus gaI Sixty bodies hai beon rocovereil * 'cSket nigît. Olj e feu' o! hkorever, have beon Idoatifleil. - ENOUItI[ON l'OSTPONED. é bm #*e@ u llaI to Do Thelr Part fer tise Bigshow, Spoprletors of the Coton Blutes O5lt05u u vasbhave been held kAI h " <o ilsi, bave dheaici ho give 0* acheme for thc preaeut. This ee- M-w dua eaied upun atan execuistve M!Sm-of those lu charge. The pmoiose - w evont off the riait.0f MmuAntpromi- Sobîcugoas ta Atlanta !s Novem- 1a Th ederso!the omeeut for ~-1lhcagoCollStBltes expositIon have confident of succoa. For a long àMe iasu eeon apparent ta the Chicago Wd"lttft talticheSoult vouli eventc- Os ]WI -te corne ta lime ami the exhibi- Me Wonhd <althrougi. The Chicago OMWttee has donc Ail Ibat il agroed te 41t teuraisde i c icemary *100,0001 %Wossfniij t0 carry ounlte projeel; Il mu *eclitaed railroimi communicetions ilveco tic North end South, but atler1 wumeteil>' advlalung tie Soulieru commit-q es làlet it vas reudy ta carry ouI t .s »IM X camnnation vas ecelved st-1 P' fi eôna-ittec ta postpone tIc date, >fUelOng set. This, il la thongit,1 oftOaIs te un crentual abandoameat of M ocaie ou lie part af tie Sout. Tic %*eré sey tint te exposition bas mob retcy abandonei, hut thal 18981 1ooie ther yeam mn>' ho saiected as thec A.m C. MELLETTE DEAD. buO@meiro Soaoth Dakoaea-4 cumbe 10 Heut Fallure, ,ilw 0. 1Mellette, ex-Govrnor of Souh 1h.te, dil.iMonda>' moraiug at bis WMie la Plttsburg, Kan.. of heurt allure, OW uin eas of about ire meeta. Deatb k ovever, brougil on b>- a camplica- bê 6 dîseases or four or fire jours' teda.Ho mas a pramineut Kuiàgît an«iîng o! National Leaque. Vciloving is the standing o! the clubs a the National BasebailiLongue; w l W.IL. »WhIatei ..21 il Chicago.1715 Mvieautd .18 10 Washington. 14 106 hm18 12 Brookyn ... .13 17 bug.16 IllNt-wYork....12 19 4Wuore . 18 13 St. Louis... .11 20 MMIk4epi 17 14 Louisville ... 7 24 'Westrn Leegnue Standteg. reoloing ilI testanding aI lie clubs p1 tisWestern Longue: * W. L. W.L1. ~gpt 19 8 Minneapolis. 15 14 'iduL... 16 10 Indianapolis. 12 12 ~sCity 15 il Columbus .. . 9 20 leis-ke  .7 14 Grand Rapds 7 22 Olvi lHeu Feaite toa aconvict. 'Jij MaeuCalloaa elarge property 9 O Fort Scott, Kan., dlei Tues- ~ebga wmlii eqaealhlug ta bem Clark Bedeil, vho la s. litee ouviet New York State prison ut Auburn, etb ler valuable estale and preclud- .5&'*mhand tram any abare la it. ,ffl*lct son was for many years a t alan of Fart ScotL and bIs have succeic lu kcepiag ih4 a profouni secret until tic moti- bai the step-fien rebinedci un- contenttheUic yl. Tic nature o! oefeasn eti no k etuaIhorne. t C, E. Thoma. Ras aunoHir. g'UiaIsearci o! tie effects a! Tat.itle ageil icnant mWho Olaciuti hoaptal. dislose a sun, Henry, vise lu, or vas, *c AtE u leuvaci Springs, Cola. i"mel i mle,>'aad physielanis dled of sberrttiua. He lîvef inl- *biet ie gatltifroni gunhge bar- Se ompi larminlaKentucky, an Vore hi FlOô nd h ai seveml doUit' u nsnt. H le ra lu a e tlaàMePerland treet, micro îF Pvoted te Reporte. a bou'lmeson oet hýPregm. - epenhîet araoa,2. v 1hdvtlonel exerel*es 1).nliiay, af Ga- Iiess o! th day con- lai the reeplièn et lie - - e cmkoerter, Dr. U40 eie u»Ina- Dowe by the *.'sa. cboetwnt t* tli bottin me qulekiyta the crew had bare- ly Urne toei:une] -c lfboat and get cietti j f the wreck. They were taken on hoard the whaieback and were then transterred to the Gratwlck, whieh arrlved at Chicego the neat mrniag.* The Suafise left Chi- ego Wedoud" ie~gbt, bosit 19r forOk- humn Iliand, Lake Huron, for a cargo of ceder. She-WU ilace mmand of Caet Duunn a tie ftue old-tlxne navigator< ýb 04e «#usafter Ea>1- b àa briyéf1l~wbeua dense fog bang on the. lake, the three -bIute of a steamer's whIst!. were hourd. The Bun- .= 1the sontit the llght eaam, and the schooner, one et th. fautent on fresh ws,&er, wes jogging along nmie Ave miles an heur. By' the ~Sound eft -'tWblmhitle bia8tsi, Capt. Bu- obanau fo«dU; wle as clear of the steamn *. tle bherd une bell or anythlng toehid- mte thet @she bai another boat In tow. cnext thing he rceileed was that bis boat was ette by th* whalcbaek barge on the. sterboard bow. The eh vwas terrifle. The. whoie bon, of the schotoner was eut off edean, tweire or fifteen feet buck tron lie stem. TWO BIUKtSWazCKED. ExplosIon et Kausa. Cty Kils One Mau andInjuures Pfltecu. À gam exploaloji wrecked two two-tory brick buildings lu Uiececnter of Coffqy ville, Kaen., caualns the Instant death IL one. m tahUi fatal 'lnjury of two other peiuosm,Uad the wounding, more or les serlously, of thîrteen others. The explo- sien.pceurired at 8 o'clock, and vas causei by tic eres, 'ignlting of a m6tch lu the basemout wher. ges bai accumulated fram àa neigliboring gai veIli.Several mb~vee li tlbuscent t the time and absitt e reoor îpeople verescsat- tercd througtout dîffereut portions of the building.  terilflc explosion folowed, eompletely wrecking the buildings, wliich adjoînci cach other clQoseiy, and huriing thc occupants lu every direction. The de- struction wronght by the explosion was complote aute vouder la that every one In the buildings ras not killicd. MMILIO.NS FoR COAST DEFENSES. Fortifications Billi frries an Appro- priation of $10 763,888. The fortifications bill which passed the Scoute appropriates the libemal sum of $10,763,fS8. The Houae Committee on Appropriations approprlated nf,84,837 for cost defenses, but the Senate Increas- cd the emount by $4,918,051. The main question of lte Importance of having tItis large appropriation matde was conceded without objections In the Sennte, so thet te fortifications bill passed uuanimonsiy. CominngHere to studi. The Chinese Goverumeut bas awakened te the fact tixat the receut (lefeat by thMlr simaller but more iîighly edncated neigh- bor, Japan, i1-ns due entirely to the Incul-1 cation in the lutter nation of westerni methods. lu view of possible future comn-o plications thie Chinese Government bas declded ta recogîie the îpriority ot for- elgu training. As ai resuit twenty Ohmn- ose boys, ranging lnaCge frorn 10 te 12 yoars, will muon make their nppearance In1 thits country. Unlike their pxedecesaors,1 these visitors corne as cli ldren to become skllled ln mechaulcal arts. The young- sters wili came over la cure of the Rev. Hui Kim, superîntendent of the Presby- terian mission, who iâ a griduate of an American college. and the third Chînaman (0 b. ord.ulnedla Ibis country. Mr. Kin saw what the Chinese officiaislilad not seen-that to properiy educate the oriental ln western methoda hie muet ho brought here while very young. Fina.ily as au ex- Periment lt vas declded ta permît the minister ta bring back with hlm to Amer- Ica twenty boys. He selectefi the sous of farmers as beiog better fitted physi- calY to enter himto mecheulcal training. The expensea of the pupils are paid by their fathers. Mr. Kin's plans are not 701 kûOovu t the people lu charge aof the mission, but It la undorstood the lads are ta rernain homo for smre yenra, and returu to China with a liberai mechanical and sCleatlfic education. Chine, Il t elieved, will aise apply soon to tItis Goverument for the privilege of senuflng ou, or more Of its YOuths to West Point and AnnPO- lis. The tweutY youngstors who will ar- rive soon Wiii remaîn bore under bonds ta return to their native country, and every prodaution WinI ho taken ageinat the viola- lion of our anti-Chinese iaw. "Czas," la Stijli mun. A Washiugton correspondent says: Tom Ree< lel belng strongly urged ta eccept te Republican nomination for Vice-Preal- dent. Sorne of i Most Intimate friends are emong the. urgcrs A week ega tbey1 coffed at the suggestion ef their favorite for Second placeou the ticket. But mince thon, for tmre reeson which they declîne te mxplain, a change tas corne over thei spirit of their drcarna, and they are nov becorng quîtc enthualeatie In their ef-1 forts te lad hlila nthe place now occu- pied l>y Steveuson. Their efforts tbns far. bar, net eén uuceesaful. The urgergaqs.g1 tu"eetlY *ne«o>ued, howver, tb vaw-, saut theni lu contlnuing their coursc. They bave becs ;a*bte bget Uic apeaker »0 "ey hs ouli accept thc nomination, but theY have so acemtomed hlm te thc Ide& tipI le litens to their ,suggestions now withtout a Prompt and stema rehîsi nhlch their fit adrailees rnçL.The vle-prealficncy laiodil deai of a cous»- dom ftrom thepremidenci: but it le, uer- ertbelcas, a vcry bg office lu pint tif Great Ia Distraction Aise Carei by Wat.s-U'ather end Chilixca Perieh by FletsGuilt tb a sait liiteCty Paster. sain.end sue lstructie lcu las lov Meager reporte Monday rnorning ate esut a-. cyclone etrock PaIerie, Iowa, f- teen miles north of Des Moines, killng ane people an4i ijuring a number. At midnighî e clouibtirat occuured at Le- Mole, and flooded tIc couuty as If a river bai beea turned loue suideuly fronti somne conamaudlng point of ruotage. Stream@u that wore but rîvulets and even little "rue" vere avoilen 10 enormafôs pretenalona. Creeks hocame broed, sari- Ing rivera on the instant and Uic dire wark of laylng vaste began. Rairt>ad traeks mere washed away, sections of roedbcd liaif a mlle la lenglth rete car- ici off on the- turbulent waters Ilke the toy boat ln the h!ullado brook. Trestles suceurnhed ta lte flood,bridge# disapbear- cd, cropa more laid vaste, adbaroc wrought la every conceivabîs fomm. BRITISSERS CAUGUT NAPPING. Amerleus Coruered the Bicycle Tube Market lu Aivenct. United Stutes Consul Parker, et Bir- mingham, Engiani, bas cotrîbuci ta the State Department a speclal repor-t on thc remarkable developmeut of Uic busi- ness of making asteel ubing ai liaI place, cauaed Ity the great increase ln the use of Uie bicycle. Incidenteily h. teIls or a shrewd Yankee business transaction whlch bai plael tic Brillishbicycle matera in a bai pllght. The American manufacturera, forescelng a great de- mani for wheels, not oniy purebased ail 0f Uic stocle of ateel tublng on band lu England, but gave orders thet engeged the output of many of tie fectomies for a long time tecoume, aud ao Il happeued when the "ceme struck Eugland tic British bicycle makers faunai tey bai been canght nepping sud rare short of mate- rial Immediately Uiere was a rush ta start up new steel tube plnnts, uud se many have been projceted that overpra- ductlon is feared lu the end. but men- while there la a stringency. Ta show the critent off the iucreased export of thia tub- log te the United States, lte coneui saya thàat, wlîile the entîre expart for 1894 vas $85,8ffl, that for the iret quarter af this year amunuts alreatly ta $231,200. TRADE FAIRLY BRISK. Short Crop Storles Have Lttle Ecel on the Market. R. G. Dun & Co.'s Weckly Review of Trude says: "The valting candition, wbich seems bamorne people uotbing bet- ter than stagnation, stili continues. But there le a difference. Tbonsands of ardors and contracta are merely dcferçed because they can be more safeiy given a little inter. There la uothiug exciting In the speculative market for exportable pro- docts, aud the storics about damage ta vheat have been numerous, but the gon- erai holof rogerding the future supply Is fally reflected iu the deeline et 1.62 cents per bushel. Tic western mceipts con- tinue larger-for three weeks 5,818,625 bushels, agaluat 4,302,537 lat year, whlle Atlantic exporta, flour lneluded, have bren onir 3,198,80W buaheis for the smre veeka, agalust 4,J49,674 last year. The home marketl feus cntueiy ta respond ta short crop stories, for Il la kuowu that western reports Indicate a crop cxceoiing last year' ." ]PRISONERS HIGH IN MIDAIR. BIog Whsel Stope Ruuaalug, ta the Oreat »tucomtert of Pasaeugcera. At Enrl's court, London, there la a great vheel, larger than tie famaug Ferria wheel of Chicago, curryi ng forty big cars. Thuraday ecrong the mheel started with quite a number of people on board, but sudisnly eesed ta revolve. A number af people vere compelici to romain aloft until next morning. . toadir Gemolîne, Ouiy the mother und one dauglitor vere sared ont of a family of six lu the gazo- line explosion et lte bouse of Otto Malm, Chicago, Sunday, jusl hofore breakfast time. Blinded and suffocatci by te fumes, tic father triedi b rescue bis chil- iren fronuich burnlag bouse. He perish- ei on Uic Urcihoii, sud two oflte three chuIren ho attempted 10 save frorn a hor- rible deuth itdc later from te fearful in- Juries tiey mcevei. The mother car- ici ber Infant ont of the home, but ho- fore lits burning elothing could ho extîn- gulsbei Uic chili vas pat uman aid, and ilci shortiy aflerward. Murier Mitery Cleariugr. At Sait Lake City, Utah, Henrietta Olaumea un Anale Samuelson disappear- cil, and a fer days afterward lante baiement of the Firut Scandînarlan M. B. Churéh* vere ftenitraces 0f a bloody pire Developanents bure resulted lu )h ruet of thc pastor. Ina h tmumik Aee ouadi many articles 0f personial poerty helocg" 1t thegirls. There la *ery eriienet the i bodies of the girls weie-oeesatedinb tiehuireli furnace, Mr o. Iyer IDcuteued e D eath. Thf e nta nDru, vio l"t been on trial et Loadon on te charge of mrurimng pauserons Infants ctruilci to her cure, hau heen scutencci 10e eti, She vas arwsted at Eeadiaig, logether wltm hem Rer. Albert J. D e thte Arnerleen dlti-. men and 1Baptlat mlssiuary mho, wlth bis furnlly msud brotiee, vas expelici frous Cuba after harlng been arsted and lu-i carceaei lu prison there, bas been giron e heamlag before a iub-eornmittee of the Sonate Commilttee ou Foreign Relations, consting of Senutors Morgan and Davis. Mr. Dias maie. e statomeul under oath. Mauay of Uic tatcments maie by Mr. Dias have alreaiy appearci lu print. Ou. case Just fumuiluci the State Depertment vas at Guatao, where the Spenisi sol- iers kilîi ai or seven men (nois-ern- butants). TIten the Spaniards vent int 411.nt bouses and gatiemei serenteen M 1 Tey tied bbc,. together, Ivo by tro, among them being Ladîalo Qulutero, of Koey West, an American 21 years aid, wno vus found alek lu bei. The mon more teken 10 thc steet sud cammanci to kneel domu. The soldiers fired aI thom, killilng ail except te Anierican. TisI.oecurred Feb. 22 lu thc Immédiate presence of the Wivcs sud cblidren of the unfortunate men. Dr. Dite's staternent gives accounts of cases where he allegea explosive bullets more used bIy the Span- larda and 0f lte shoothlngof tvo chiliren lu tic arma 0f theimmaliers by Uic Span- lards. MuraIt 15, lu Havana. bu e a man vIto hai been kiliod by tie soIdiciu and wîhn had seventy-one hayonet wounis. Dr. Diaz rnentiouoi several in- stances mItere tie Spaulards bomberici insurgent hospitals, kîlliluz the lumates. SIG FILE 0F AMBRICAN GOLO. Rnsstis *Over 40000,000 Worths of Itlalu ler Sgtroegg Box., The Blute Departmeut bas received a report frum Unted States Consul Gen- eral Laamel. et Bt. Petersburg, Iliat he baes seen no legs thun *30,709,115 lu good United Sttes goid coin ilte coffers of tIe Russian Govemumeut. White Uie coln- age of ail the nations of the wori vwas represeuated luntIis particular pile of gold, ne otber nation gaveIRassis, Itgeof carne anyjvbere near lte store contrlbuted by the United States ta the Rusian coffera. At the same lime the Govemument haut had a stock of 3=83I.23 United States gold haif-caigles. atouting lai vaine 10 25,4632,M35 roubles. Compauy Grant. an Advance. One tbousani men lun('levelaud, Ohio, wbo have been idle for flice pat ten day. as a resuIt off the strike nt lthe sbip yards off the Globe Iren Coniiany, have returu- ed ta mark. The catiupauy ambnitted a proposition offerimug a substantiai adrance lu irages aind after a long sud beated dis- cusasion ftic men voici by a smail majority ta return ta mark on condition that al bands lie takien back-. Czar ReaceagMoaeow. The czar and ezarlua mode their tri- umîîhitexiry juta Maneow amid tb. thîîndpr of batteries off nrtillery, the clangiug off connîless belle and lte ceera off a vast mltitude of loyal Russluns aud equali>' enthugsiîe risîtors fmam ail parti of lihe vori. Probubly nover iii tbe history of nations bas ibere beon sncb sau assemblage off peax;iea. Possibly the gar- geons scene may nover ho roîeatiis t grand eutirety. ilorro.- nt Buffluo, N. Y. At Buffalo, N. Y., the iloneca atreet aide of the Brou-n building, fnrrnerly occupled by the Westeru Union Telograpb Comn- pany, collnpsed TiurEday and a score or mare peoplec more bîiied iu the ruina,. Tva more kiiied ommright, two are misaing. uni sixteen ure L.îdly burt. For Botes and Cliver. Tie Demacrats of Iowa, lu convention at Dubtique, declared for froe silver et a ratio ot 161 ta 1 and inatructed twanty- six delegates ta Chicago ta present tbe name off Horace Baies au a candidate for the prosidential nomination on a ffree ail- ver platform. Fanions Race Horme leKiiid The greal race mare, Yo Tambien, vas ktlled ut Me(;ratiana farni, near Lex- Ington, Ky. Whiie Playing lu the pad- dock shIt eome frigltenei uni rau into e fonce, breakimg a rail andi maniaS- a large splialer Into her abdomen, causing ber death. ArkansasaFient Ships 15,390 Froge. A firnm nt Stuttgart, Ark, sbipped by express Fri'iay 15,390 froga la nortieru markets. Tbey more capturecinluthi avamps of Arkansas Counîy. Missonri la on lhe Rauspage. The Missouri river is on a boom, and ail stroanis ou bath asîles offlte river for 100 miles north are bank fuIl andfloodi damage is Imminent. MABETgUTMIN Chlcago-Cattle, common 10 prime, $3.50 ta $4.50; bogs, sbipplug grades, $3.00 ta $3.75; shcep, faim ta choice, $2.50 to $4.25; whoat, No. 2 mcd, 59e 10 61c; corn, No. 2, 28e ta 29c; oata, No. 2, 18e to 19e; rye, No. 2, 35e 10 37c. butter, choIra creamemy, 14c ta 16c; oggs, f resi, 9e ta lie; potaloos, per bushel, 12c la 20e; broom cern, $25 ta $50 per ton for common tb choice. Indianapois--OattIe, shlpplng, $3.00 1e $450; bona, choie. iigbl, *3.00 10 *3.50; sheep, comrn to primo, $2.00 10 $4.00; vheat, No. 2, 64e 10 66ce; corn, No. 1 white, 29e te, 31c; olta, No. 2 mitle, 21o to 23c. St. Louia-Cattle, *300 10 $4.50; bogs, $3.00 to $3.50; vbeut, No. 2 red, 03e to 64c; coma, No. 2 yeîlow, 26c te, 27e; oasa, No. 2 mhille, 18c t10 20c; ye, No. 2, 35e to 87c. Clnclunati-Cattle, $3.50 10 $4.50, Itogi, $3.00 10 *3.50; sheep, $Z50 te $1L75; vheat, -No. 2, (6e to 68c; coma, No. 2 CHICAGO BURGLAR ALMOST WioRK CorOUR NAT0NAL ii Saei iy the Arivai of the Police- Chicago Swept by e stosm-Sngas Plantera' Victory-Swlaa laimnathe Invention of a tonsforteble Bicyclo Fole the L7echlng Boa. John Hoffman eseapcd holng hengei by au InfurlaediCicago mdb Monimy through ticetlrnely lnterference'of the po- lice. H.eItad becu chuici Uirough aleys, &hot aI, klctei and beeten, and chokeil by a nope, mhen thc guardilasof the pouce ammved Juat la lime 10 prereat a lynching. Hoffman hailed tice omiag of tic officers vîtI t ars 0f Jo>', eud vent tu a celi lu tic West Chicago avenu, station wIth as muci aaiet>'ai a briiegroons goost. the aller, f0 carefully eassi a broad, bIne voit on bils net, aid reflect gpou the uncertaint les of life vic at- tend the occupation of a hurga. Hoff- mou bai bumglamlzed a fiat, kuocked dama Ils momen owon, lIed vitIt bis bootyvithb a Itnndred mon la bot pursuit, bi i Itslf under e barmel in a lumber yard,aid mien lucre dlscovered bai knoeidamaw three mon. fougit tie viole crovi lite eavIi hoast, receirci saii giS-en nmy blova, and flnally, coverci vili bldiand wounis, bis lothes ilabsreda <rom lte desperate seuffle, liai only sucpumbcd ho ovorpowring nunihoma rom sheer moaari- ues. TEMPEST IN CHICAGO. Cty Vieîlci by One of the Woret Storm@a lnuIls Hletory. Cloniburst, vlvld llghtning sud destruc- tire mmnd combloci lu a storrn that gtruet Cicago Sîmay night sud sropt vîti un- paaleled fory lthe viole of the upper Mississippi valiey. Trocs ver. .oapped off 1k. staits of irbeat. Honses tbet stoodinl lte vay of tic storm vere caugit ln te gresp off a tempeat more ierce than auy that ban visledthse Chicago regian mîthin lte memary of man and more ts.- ed lik. lte playîhiaga of cblîdren lmb u-meck and confusion. Sionder vires tint carried tic messages of lelegrapi and toi- ephone more stripped from the pales and iefl lahing the, carti ou which leat thé, delisge of water. The cilie vilhil one husidrecimales off Chicago scem ail ta have suffereil with iagulur equality <ram tie ferocit>' of the tanm. Upon Elgin the blow scemed rallier bouvier. but it mas chiefly becnse no alter place lreseuted so mammy ebahoos. One man man killidlu the ruina ofaI ebuse"ltaIsuklike au eggshell under tIe blow of Uic hurricane. OlImor structures wore unroofed, sud bridges more inniaged. Telegrapi and telephono polos more din-nlord viti the eurlh. Immense damage vas doue ta the beanîlful littho city. MUST PAY BOUN'TIES. fouiptroiler Bomier'. Ruhiug Dc- claremi 10 le W rang. The Uniteid States Sipreme Court an- nouneccItis decision _Nonday et Washinig- ton lu tbc sugar bounl cases of the United Blutes vs. Gay and the Reaity Company-. Thc cases more braugh b test tbe constitutionality of tie uling of Camptroller Bowler denylng bount>' la lie eugar planter@ under the Law off the lest Congross. The opinion of lie tourt vas banded dieu-n by Justice PeckItam nnd affirmed the opinion of Uie court ho- loy holding the sugar bouuty Iawvamlii aid ovrruling the Comptrailer. The opiion mas a unanimons one. 14EW SWISR BICYCLEC. Satd to Poasess Great Advautages Over Amerîca Style. A nov Bwisa bicycle, vhlcb ln maie the embjecl of a report ta the Slate Depart- mont by United States Consul Ridgely gt Genema, le claimed ta possees great ai- rantages over the nuuel onu, smoug them It-ing grenIer safely, perfect com- fort, hcalthy position, a grenter paver aven lie machine, grenIer speed, bill- climbiug pover uni les» fatigue. Tie rider occupios a ittiug positian, lte pres. eut saddle la rcplaced by a comfortublo et and, as lte rider is iu a position mach laor tlinusuel, lte machine in oas> to Made Thrects While He Slept. Fitteen days la jail vas bbc sentence lin- poseil by lte police court on John Clark, >f Sioux City,, Iava, for talkiag lu bis ileep. Clark aya te habit dates tram bis cbildbood. He admits having naci ?xtremel>' profane lenuago. Hie vif. iras mach alarmed, knoming liet ho ai- irsys kopt a revolver baud>'. Sic jumped Dut o! 'bei and ushei 10 a neighbor's ln ber nigit dmess, and finaîl>' dlspatcied an officer 10 lie hanne 10 take hlm ln rus- lady. The court thought Ciank's htabit a ry bad one uni sent bhlm tu jail la Uic hope of breaklng Il up. Goli Should Be the Standard. Tic oxecutivo couneil of!tho Califomnia Rankers' Association bas adoptai a reao- ýution declaring liaI gli shouli continue ta bc the standard of the raine, uni Uiab silmer ami paper cen ho usci vili safety >aly lu auch quantitiesauas ea ho uhiomi- Pd and remalu ln circulation vîthout cota- pelliug their noiemption 10 maintalu thelr èarlty. _____ Would I)epose Chie! Arthur. Ottawa, Ont., ipalci: Chie! Arthur, Af te rotherhood of Engineers, la litel>' 10 ho oppoaci for lbe presiiene>'. Theme Lasmre dîsatiafaction with ils adminis- tration, and Il laltkely tie disseuters viii put up a candidate, but the majorit>' o! lte dolegale ea 0m lao o!flte opinion lIaI bc in Indispensable. Cuptete John Wilson. Capt. John Wilson, lie Ilero of Lookaul A W ek's Punicedifige taChe o m te.' COngrei-Important, Mesaue fe- ~ caed and Actci Upon-An Imas liai Remuanie et!thB uinegi. The Nationambes. The. Sonate Tcanda>' passai lteéDIa triet o! Columbia approprlelnbill.>11, ca- rylug ,approximately *7,110,0M0.ÀAdé- bute on tic question 0f approprlutlocs LOI secharlan purposo croppei ent oui tInt par. 98g01p13Maklng approprations,(«r ebari- ties lu the district. Ou a rote the Senate sustaluci the cosurntte. lu providlug spa. cille appropriations for aumeroqs pavt. charitable InsatItutIons, nmre. o! tien ora',' sectenisu churacter. A furtber provisn wua aopted for an bnvesuîgatlob lute th. ebarity aystem aor tie district, vîi eavIeV - te ascertelnlag viat, Ifasol, part .ftlt. public appropriations are ouedt for eburéb purposes. Mr.'Bacon (Dem.> f et Gura offered a resolution, mhilc vas referrel. for tie lune of exilblts froinlie varions Governeal deparîrnts sud Siiti- sonla lus0ttitîstîa thelieSontheraStatue exposition et Chicago front Anugalte November, 18M 1The Houme enteffl ouso a long debste ou lie ImmligrtIon bile. ani summouci the couat>' alerta ila, lie Rlnater-Dovning content ront Till. Tie Senute lt unother long stop te.. yard adjoumrnoent We'dnesiay b>' dl, poslug of the fortîicafloUs appropnIallots bill ai a single altting. Nothmmg now i'emains but tie deficioncybill sud h. conferonce reports on the naval, rimer andi barber, District of Coinnilla, iladin,ad fortuicatioma buis. Tic mirer and barbor and naval bll are atililie mont diafcuit 'oec& Tic barber eud river confère»s MAdue areport lVedhesday that lie>' vers' agreci on ercrytinlg except Seul& Mo- de.IcailIo unierslood liaIt the oua. eanferme stand out mail streauoosaly auatt lat, aud vili ouI>' agie. tethe appointaient Of a comrnissiouer ta report ou lte tiraharbors sud let Congres, at- temmard net on tb. sîujeet. The msont Im- portant business tamîaclcil lu lie Hous. vas lie passxage by tie overwiclmlog vole of 105 tu 2( aoflte Ilisrtholt-Ileffl Immigratian bill, as modiici b>' tie Cer- lies ameadmnent. The Btone consulat la- spection bll, offerei as a subatlttmle, mai iefealed 75 la 131. The Hanse Tbumsdxsy pasc lte Hoov- em pension bll i aer lte Presldent*s veo. by e vole of 196 la 47. The bill vas a privale amie, sud grant. a pension orff5 per moh ta Fraucis E. Hoouer, pirate lu Ohio vounutocrs. Tic balance of lb. day mas speut lu dlscuasiug lie bill t. entiomize lte President ta appoint a non- partisan commission la colIsel lanforma- lion sud lu coniier andl recomireni leg!s- lation ta useeot.the prohlems presoulci by laIton, agriculure sud capital Tic.Sec. ae midi îothimg off impoirtance. Thte Senate put in Fiday lu diieusslng tho bill la prahbit the Issue of bonis. Sematars 11111 and Shermuanunilcdinlade- nonncing the messuro as one wvieaI bail for its abject repudiellon. Tic Hanse liltened la con ference reports on the rimer uni herber bill. Tic genemal defielency appropriation bill, the tant af the supp:y bifla, vus lefore lie Senale lhmomgout Moaiay, sud pas- ed jual hofore adjoormmout. il tempo- rariliy isplaced lte bill teprohbiltich Issue off bonds. As paasei the bill amies about $10.5W0,000 bonds, an ui-orosse of *6,000,000 aer tbe Hanse bill. A Item imposlng ef routine morkthle lionne *ent fimîao cammitîe af lhe ubole ta coasider tic bllI to repent Uic fiee alcob(Aiclause of lte exlstîug tarief lav. A &l[iloiree Supper. A ver>' nîce ligItI aujper 10 serve a fler a dancing cias@ ar a autali venlug serti part>' consista of lbter cuticta wltb a ereum sauce, tiagen ratilsand orange Ielly, vitb insilicakes uni coffee. Lob- g1er Ncvburg mîit manwiches of browu uni mille broui, coffee laid fan-- e>' vafers, îtI te e reatu or frozen saut' imabc serve-i. Marc eini- pie menus smliifor saui! es-cing center- lulumenîs. vLan a few r ianis are gatIt- ered ' (gether, are a lobster saladith'l lettle sandwiches ani coffee witit vbîpped creism, or eliloken croquettes vlth a sauce and vahercmeaa sandwich- es andI coffee, or creameil sweelbreads la cases wml - h lngerrmails oui ehaco- late mii whîppei crenm.--Coimmercial Aivert ier. Pateur Treetaient for Rabei. Tic latent report lssued b>' lie l'as- leur Institutsei la Prla sbowsamnuy gratlfylng esîsts. lu lte ycar 1895 1,520 Persans sufferlng <rom reles or luelPlent alles more loocuiated. ami oui>' Ivodilei. Of thc patienta, 1,2G3 ver. ronclu, 173 Englih 35 Sviai, 20 Anglo-Indian, il Spanîsb, 6 Belglna, a DulcIt, 2 Egyptlunm, 2 Greek uni 2 Turkisb. Temperutuse ar the Urga.. Doclors dArsonval uni Charria of Paris bave been baklug bthe tempera. turc <of aur Internai Organe. TItey fini thal Il la tic hlghest la the n>c>î.i Il,r. ilcil one iegt'ee centigrade botter tItan the Intestine; thon follow lnu e dceasing rate the spleen, thse heurt, the kiney, thc e mo,lte braîn, the nmusclesanouitle akîn. Veur'>*9ai aWedditng. A bride lu Montreal appearesi et the allur mti Iber poteunery fastened tu ber aboulier b>' a golden ebalu. Dur. lng btceinarriege Ceremon'the bIrd broke loto soug. Thlspgs Worth Kusewlng. In Roumianla romen bOti Ini>' and praclico medicine.

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