CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 29 May 1896, p. 4

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E, n, ioi For Circuit Clark. 1 ké4'oby sunoq:mqs myseif an a can- t« the. oflice of circuit clerk, s ý*Jeê* 10the décision 0f thé Lake 1 t~Republican Convention, Lavis 0. BRodUvÂir. jeh Boume with only three or four 41oulatiffl votes retused to consider *-reWlton Impeachmnent Preident CW4e"~àd on elgbht coni, which vas -400,WuIby Bêpresentative Howard of On la logn Buerd of Trade Mon- day buttur vasin gool demand and à1tbough miy tu(be ver. *ltbdrrwn ,44 vere afterward aold at.btter '»eiées. Offeringa were 83,820 Ibo. a" u e 12,000 Ibo. st 15c; 41,220 Ibo. ai lilci 30,000 Ibo. at 16c. Butter lut *We* sold for 15jc, san n year ago at Pi«ode of ihe PhiMip's labor com- mmiWil, hlch abould bave been »vctoe ripou. lait eek,, but wicb vas, ,ýrwMont by prlvJligod business -U t&o ha pe of conference reporta, h*ý hae a suspion that tbey have been "uae the victime cf a parflmentazy b*ooe, and iom>e o! tbém may make 7s h-,a ft it -thé billla not acted upon Wor>e ajeurmjent, as they are con- a4mnsi 1, viii puse Ifla15voted upon. WARREN. 9 Um Hope Kellogg, o! Chicago, epniSunday vith ber ater, Mur. John McCormlck bas béén lmprov- JUS hi@ farta thie epring by tiling, qulte extenalvely. George Voie, the vetera n horie breaker, la training a fine team for a gentleman lu Waukegan. Sella Hook. youngest son of Frank Book vho bas beau very iii for thé past tvo veeka, le gaînlng rapldly. Niai baie Bidwall. Who bas béen in California for mvral monthe, returned to ber home lu 6 urn es lt Saturday. 1fr. sud Mnr. James Wilbur returned liai Saturday from Rochelle, where tboy bal héen viiting for a few days. Nias Belle Mimer, Who epent two vache vitb Chae. Lambs famlly, ré- &u=rnd 80 Grand Crosing last Thuya- George Schaiuber las lnvetd in land near Sacramento, Cal. fis home farm la for sala, and le a deirable pi9e éof proparty. Bave you heard that the ladie of the Warren Cémtery Association are1 %Q #lve one o! their unique entértain- pieute Frlday evening, May 29, at Orafge Hall? Thé program, le a fine éýCe- Din't miee It for anytblng. Jamea Ryau and famlly, Who have OC- eup=MdHenrY Shepard'e ténementi 1ous for everal yeare and worked for bita, moved to Wsukegan a short time 041. George Uilinges ad taully now oeoupy the Shepard bouse. Carl Lamb, Who bas attended the Northvestern University for the pustj mhol year, accepte a position witb tbe George F. KimbaliCo. for thée um-1 mer nionth& e. Hbd worke<1 for thîs lare glaseriote Y nfiorrtbree Yéare ROLLINS. Froim another Correspondent,) Miss Grace trolnk called on friends et, GraYelae lust veek. S Tfarinera are buey nowad(ays «iAlg and llxing thé roade. Herbert Jacobe and Fred Shélden 'WOs tg Grayilake Tuemday. Quit.anumber attended thé rasng « George Sboldon'a barn on Tuesdaj. lw.Stroink and on Fred werei f=aat caltera in Grayalake -Monday. "- *lsaud Edwarda calléd on her1 10cle William, of Grayalake, on Satur YTe Avon tenter Cemetey Soegy u Ibuxr. W. EIwwrda', o!Grayelske 'IleRnry Kraume calledl on Mrs. eewluit Monday sud maya ihat 10i mprovlng, wblch vé ame very IMUM dte hear NJ A.Stevensansd lins. .»ady, o voie canera ai the Fourth B Oteland at Min. DoIlttlosi. Ounley sheidan csiled on bis aer,1 -h. Strug, of Miliburu, Buaday tm.b»o e n e d d itb néwa, It amount to muoh., 19Ma. Coveet, of the lrourtb Ivers >pp to Fox Lake on m0 e boy thé counry locked aeeMOdd, !crY vel pleaied Reuln la pusbng thé e- ~H. --a. *LWY8ME 0C ILS A.~ ~~ý A.NaoBe, ATi E. B. gnes y . r1ýx.w urawveings of eacb Gaoao Isooa, polo» iKnla. y. C. Not$N. A. meeticond Mu. nnax. me. anvx. Oanle. Mr. X.1Ea*ON- 0f Veuriield, visited ai Mis. »arby'lait-ecada3r. Mir, and Nis anes, of Hourton, Chic, are Vlib tin tlr daughter and Saliermn. BbaEe. Mr. sud lr.E J. Higley and son Roward, o!et asIL , viited relatives lut Grayalake lItMSunday. MOOfrm. Murgstrold sud Smith, of UDnli GrOVe, Wls.; brother sud nepbav Of loban uhgatrold, of tii placé, vlalted that gentleman last Sun. day. flday eveaing the Christian Endéavore met vltb their treasurér, lir. Viola Kappe le cream sud cake viii b. servéd. Everybody In. vited. .Mr. suid Nia. Kuebker sud Mises Whtebid Attended the éntertain- ment at thé Preoet church lait Sunday evening and prononced Il very gond. Mable liurgatrold éntered thé employ o! Mr. Fred Batterobsii lait Mcnday morning and vill greet- anl customÜeri vlth ber usual pleasant samlle sud suave manner. Mr. itends, of Chicago, came up lut Saturday 80 tae.home vltb hlm bis daugbter Lufllan who bha beén with lira. D. G. White thé past montb or two. Hé remained seyerai daye. Mamas. E. sud W. Lux vith their vives sud children, of Wadvortb; lira. Jennie Morgan, of Highland Park, sud Mn. Fred Higley, of Chicaga, vere al thé guest lire. W. Bl. Higley Sunday lait. Rev. Dazéy spent aévei'al days of lust week lu Aurors, Il., at thé con- ference of Illinois Congregationai minlatérs. Hé gave hie audienqk at Suuday mornine services a véry good report of the meeting, and saya hé vas much honelited, and enjoyed thé session. Théefriends of Mr. James Browni voeémucb urprlsed laut veek 80 read thé announcemént of bis marriage licensé ln thé papers, that belng thé firet Intimation tbéy bcd af thé coming GAGES LAKE. Miin Alice Snyder la vleltlug friende ai Ivaaboe. Mima Grace Maman bas returned from lier viait in Chicago. Mima MMae Brown spent lut waek witb lIlmaVIola Edie. miss Blanclie Gould, of Chivago, is vlsiting MIsaaine Chard. lias lia. Glimeelis vlslting rela- tIves in Waukegan Ibis véek. lira. John Jt0fers and daugliter label aie visltiug friends lu Evanston. .Mr. Dolph Chard and vite, of Chi-. cago, epent ffunday vlth their Parente at ibis Place. li. Wm. Harris sud lire. Locker- ulijr, O! Kausa, vlsitéd lira. Thoe. James lait veek. Thgcamp meetings 80 ho hll by the ohuarch viii begin about June Io. 1'»éermtlouâarae hoing made for a good lUme. 1ev. Mn. Hamilton viii return tram h fl sg ipInfuathl veeék and oc- cnpy tilépulpit Suaday. Ail are gtad to veléome hlm back agalu. DIAMOND LAKE. Everyth4ng la boomlng ince thé béavy rails. 18 SeeMa quiet mince thé bridgé ho. camne impassabte. Mn. Geo. Eay's bouse vas plasteréd the finit o! 8h. veek. Co. supi. M. W. Marvîn vas a pies.- sf1 calter lait Fnaday. Borne 0o envYoung people attended a dance at Lake Zurich lest Monday night. Mr. C. F. Nuits as"Off lu tlie téso onu sud centrai part ci thé staté ie lng ton a fév days. lire. Stella Maikai, Mise Lansn a and UmssEmma -Umbdenetock vent ~ Cbleglo lait Tbuniday. Boiénav ewpaeuger traie@hans beau put on the W. o., vblch u4u acceommodatons&& littié better. On lest Tbureday a daugbler van boru to Mr. andI lra. Henry Mtlý" Moiher sud daughiter n edclaidai. Mr. Cha. Johnson, vho wulamo. ing car ai Ltbton vblteMr vas gone, left ton Jouet lionday oeu P'REMONr wi > cornp lanitng le neanly ait de nl4 thia viclnity. lira. L. J. Lyon vlited lu &L e ra&m u ataunday. ob aner vsl &41. 4imla Uridan. î évent. ýEo"vevethY al ah hlm aud bis bride -a l-Ici& hippy aMd peaqilite. ay their joys b. many and their sorr4Ïoe . STuea4by, lune 2, the l1"e oounty membera of $hé W. C. T. V>. viiimeut At the Grayalake Cougrgaionai churoh, for a gênerai oonférenee. Every member et the Graya«Ww union ahould consider 18 thetr apeu dute to b. proeut, aand 91,otllm are 1arged to ho proeut. ladiea vii please bring lunch. Oo0O eWl)!b. served by the Groyalake Wpàon. Our mmhlkUle Al )Is. lieubd his firai cmaolbthelook up blIai5rmaday. The men came on 8th0* ito hound train and probablY q 2OffaI OGuy»- lake vithout knoving why, and staggered aronnd Soft aM 11or or Ivo vhen our marab aied,,'ihansd promptly 100k hIM te ltb.ouboose toaleep onf the «Muct9 ai b. liquar that ho hiad taken sew pfflsey. A very good vay to trat oharater, of that nature. Woodmen and Royal NÔigbbora, 1 are yoit golug te Janeavfle, lune 110,"s ltho leading question et pîceent. The Woodmen, or Wi.oonsiii and northern Illnois, viii givre a plonlo ln Janeeville, Wls., on th1e aboyé date. The C. M. & St P. B. X. CO., vill run a apeclal train eitQPPlng ai ail Pointe nooeth of Deerfield, and vii place a car on thé aide trai t Gurties, ao the Woodmen ef thes paria eau have unhe to approprlately deociate St. There viii be a large nuaiber from Grayalake and vicinlty aud Ealnesvile Camp1 vili be well represenied. AU Wood- men of Grayalake Camp are requested to hé present nexi Saturday evening to make arrangelnenta. It le not a miracle. 19 von't cur everytbing, but It viii re piles. Tbat'e vhat DeWitt'a Witoh asei Salve viii do, became i» bai doue 18 t n bundreds of caue.F. B. Loell, Libertyvufle; 0. C. Bobertag, Wauoon. da. How to Treat a Wife. (From Paciflo Ne.lth Journal.> Firet, gét a vile; second, ho Patient. You May have gres$ trials and per- plexities in your businless, but do neot herefore, curry te YOur borne a cloudy or oontractied brov. Your vife may have trials vblch ihough of leus magnitude, MAY eho brd for her to béar.  klnd vord, a tender look, vill do vondera ln ch-Iiug front her brov iii clonds of gloom. To thia vo vould add alwayi keep a bottle 0f Chamberlain'a cougb Remedy In the bouse. f8 la the beut sud in mure te be ieeded sooner or luter. Tour wite viii* thon kuov tha" you realiy care for ber sud visb te, proteot her healib. For mie by F. B. Lovell, Llbertyile, G. C. Reoei', Wauoonda. A fév Inducementest the Wauconda Funiture store: Bcd room sets $9.00 up, a fev ml aise beda golng ai 81 .00 up, a 190 foiding bed Ouly $10, a $2 eîdeboerd only $10. 32461 0. M. Traent. Ivaubo. Camp adopted two nov membe n wu oodenult Batnrday nlgbi and vun treated 80 acmé good inglig by Nelgbbor Saltsgiver, 0f Graylake Camp. On lait INnday Albert Grasho iook the train for Chicago and brougbi bis bridè home vlth 'hlm. Boys, vbat la thé majiter Witb thé young ladies lu Fremout? On lait Tueeday Mrn. G. H. Hertel vas mar'iod in Chicago to lis Baird o! tbat oity. Tue bridé and groom are oettled ln tbelr home hère. We vimb tbemx a loua andI happy lité. Annual Conférence. Thé annual conférence of Lake coun- ty Congregiloual churches viii ho beld tIa Ivauboe Tnesday, June 9. An intureuting prognain for botb moraing sud afternoon bas been arranged. Dinuer vini ho erveil by thé ladies of Ivauhoe. f ake a dosé of DeWitV tèlte Eanly' Rimr uit for the good tbey vii do you. 'ThuseUtliei'hf are good for lndigeattoul gond for buadache, gool Ir u ver .ompiuini, oofor tSconstipa- tien., Thq are good. F . B. Loveli UbeotyrIj,' G., C. Roberts, Waueon. Rlpoh tIrbY's D*rbrshop -lai déo sa W. 0. Tgw , toe Store, Dobv N the OU-# et 4Dt'adug Gise e #à tUl 1 W% ièmn. .HJ4.Pgow. St6he-masoni - sud CONT-A C TO R.. Anyf",aif*$-ITARGÀINS. Yo u know, or SHOULD that we are the leaders of Low prices and good goo4e> For one week more we quote these AX>DOWJNprc lien's Creoles vork 8110e,6f80 il4$98 Glmgham apruns ................ 10 Oblidre'.aboaa 3 806 per pair. 23 Indigo Nue priait per yard' .. 4j . " 6 8 0 ' -- ..- 38 Ladies capes...... ....- - ..... 5 adies pebbie grain hsbo Id " .. 95 Men's vorkIin'gshirts ... ......... 25 44 do do do .do 100 Crack Java coffe e etl1.......... 15 go Pain ladiusOxford tien ".70T You arealways treated white at -the "BRICK STORE,." -F. JM. Kuebker- OGRAYSLAKE, THE3REARE OTHERS. BUT NONE SO cotitrac t to giw' for pickles. Get >4 and contracte stM.b.' & Co's. 40 cents a ài the price thi8 year. t intend te plant gel your, and contriict at ome bi you are te late. 81. R. W. STAFFORtD, Libertyville lec il Thé Cyclone Wevéu 'Wlre Fe. è the béat farm lame. on carih. Toa es Noéarnmplo oft at the County WN oodryilp WInsu to te eplo g oo e f manba 0hi cunty. o funrther Information, cati on Cl. A. APPLET. Libértyville, M1. AND RENTINO AstePopular AGNY AsteCyclist who rides the WAVERLEY or La orpocrywt eat Chicago IDEAL. _He aIways ahead. 1 will finityou a oustomer st i seil ail kinds of wheels, watch cases full of wheels' mn ueeu hiebr that run adm -gains, 1 have tite following: Lbertyvill. City Property. Tlàr.' a'c ' 9-rouno d, rn a# n ose, good RUN RI(Il1TO w-4. .te. barn.fruit trees.e. ouert$ A Iso agent for Ul 4.11.andl fruit nabai l'o sa.. .'wiiildaig~xm f e ht-ap for (ileason & 5Shaff sewing machines. '.LOX1,fte Complete stock of bicycle- and sewing imachine: Th,* ' Irhl.y -brié opuma. 1-4 antI repairs always on hand at lf,'iwY WIis ar'j..'ny at iiai-ms'w,; hait E. B. SHERMAN'S, TheJeweler, la 1:- 1:.vil-at. sopui,: Graysiake - - - - - - - Mlinois. i.1s...~, .j C. M. SCHERMERHORN laé.'.ropetFrdae 4 ....~SH:ETMETL WRKER IqrrÎ~g~,aIflrIi>!f,2 truai dw.ilât. goo.let- DEALA IN~.......... lsh1. >adU1'- on aieé. et C6p.-r 'vt. MILK CAINPS, FURNACES, STOVE REPAIRS 1r"jlfai! W1 ktw.,n ret Siding, Tinan. Galvanied iron Eav Trough Iof ITin and Steel Roofing, Plain and Corrugated 1.11, -riy'.vI1 W. WII mrro',a, unb'r gorxd and Conductors, Wind Mills, Pumps and flwi nuc,.tr.ýaz. T-,rmnIll.rai. Tanks. - - - -- f If you want to hjuy or rént Lake 1REPAIRINQO0F ALL KINDS NEATLY DON E. Couaity reai estate, be sure to eaU on [A-"W WÔRKAqmpýw 1"a- m1 MAIL ORDERS WILL RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION PRAIRIE VIEW - ILLINO IS. H. C. PADDOCK, Libertyville, - - . Illinois. I ___________ I ~ uàmsea--~a~----------- i U'NSYSTE MATI C 1 Cail attention ta the fac carry a good stock CARRIAGES of Farm Machinery am Carrlages, on Milwaukee Av Libertyville, and hope Farmers anc if in need of such goods, cali and na~ Gay & Sons' Carniages, Wagons and Suri & Co's. CORN and Grain Binders, Moy Daisy 8 and 10 foot hay rakes. 1 and other makes of Lad ie.c WAGONS Gents Bikes. Gale No. 10 Wauconda No. 12 Cuitiva.tors. These cultivators are the BEST on tl leave the ground after cultivatng as it wý menced, and>ituat as the rain drops fail1 neàrly so, and in that condition the soi! quite al nain fali and your corn crib oveni to PLILVERIZE your CORN not plowllt. Rcmmemben tbat wé are net wholly in the MACHINE ,i j for thé ALMIGUTY DOLLAR, but partly for our IlE ALT Iloion. StW1OUR BREAD AND BUTTERj- i j mai,' Ther é Ot u in a i ' t a hleg ~that 1 wiII ci BUGGIES~ enue, d others will Lme their wants. ries. D. M. Osbor n wers andi Rakes.i Systematic s and MOWERS ýhe market as they j ras before you com - from the clouds or absorb.s nearly or flows. My advice is \7S. TU andtt uîsyttonatic cm 1hinged on the, sale w 3. bof .e it wiad ô,eLn ~sM.m. elimNéN, - 1 -- -- - . 1 1 el t ýj ILLINOIS.1

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