CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 29 May 1896, p. 5

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ITriggs SThis is wl AteTC TY(C ONL' '~I We clair /grade of go Iprices we gi Acounted in BstminnesnAR fuil Carry oates(ud Thîfe are unly a fe% ail ki NOTICE T pay hlghes cattie- ÔzAbu &Taylor's Corner Store. ,hat our customers say; D KNOW THE SUPERIOR;- OF YOURGCOODS ONE HAS LY TO TRY TH EM.-- m flot ony to keep a high ,ods in ail Unes, but our guarantee can flot be dis- the county.- - - Icri-arn chi*ýe-st- ik 511>0 fer 'loz in io) rm worth 3o, ew of oui- bergais. t'aniCorn 75c iper doz. (.oud Jap tee 25e per Ili. Nol drled peselic litSt ortl lca OUr ,nottow le (LIVE and LIET LIVE> bember we are headquarters for cinds of fruits.- - - - TO FARMERS:--We wi Il mt price for good,.beef m».TRIGGS & TAYLOR. eeq@Jeweler, LIBERTY VILLE, S ILLINOIS. -A large and varied line of Hardware, l Pumnps, Milk cansl and. Cutlery. Thel best oican on thel ma rket a a a Pumps, oGas Pipes,.,FIiîngs. -Tin L w e have just received a nice line of ladies SHIRT WAISTS in Persian effects. OUR STORE 19 THIE PLACE TO BUY Men's and Boys Suits, Shoes, Bicycle Caps, Sweaters, Etc 0. I.C. Washing Machines do clean work. We seil them. Our Dry Ooods Dep't. is Complete. OUR GROCERIES FRESH AND PRICES RIGHT We are always willing to write lNUACE:ý Yours For Business, F. C. SMITH & SON, If you want a wI New and second hand at ail prices f rom $15-00 PICKED Up HERE AND THERE. Local Items of Interest to Libertyville Readers. GREAT--B,&RÀANS AT Her Sprring Suit. i4w-ot 3M.iiy etno-rs at the do,r. Ani aske nie *"WiI 1 " Miy 31..ily! we-IIsihe knows rny store Of dr-ssu ldeis ,are fi-w. 1 m-te-h tie violi-fe urple garna Agains el-r efintt ir,wn heir. But ulolu-tsIn h,-r "yce Qth T., nie-are t wi-'ý- as fair. Il 1', a trlî,n,îh. I suppn.use That dîdîîty. n.-w sprine gw,. Wlat t'ifii,-. k 's-ar'. suctta ln al this husy t',wîi Her '-pes î-f"-k h.- vil! -hm Tiiet faits in soit gray fulds. But who caum -i -s-tht- That ',uelî z , i r,-bl.. See F. B. Lovell's new --Ad.' I'atroitîîe entertaiuent ut the Union ehurcli to-niglît. Runior has jt tîtat SainGalloway aspires Dt ie Firc liarshel. Donit forget bbc entertainruent ut the Union chit-i Friday evening. Fred roker lias n horse, andI is bîsy lending it to hie umimerons frleîîds. Lew Schauck aud 6Geo. Bond madle a "-century' Sunday iu better than iine huîtr@. B. L. Cary, of DeKlbl, vîll apeîd' Decoretion Day here wibli hie brother Charley. G. W. Boardmau, wlfe and daugliter, of Kenton, 0., are visitlng C. C. Bulkley and family. Grace Baumanu, of Jefferson Park, with three of ber friends arce pending a !ew dure bore wjth Miss Baurnannes larentsn. The people of St. Mary'e Catholic clinreli are erectioig a dwelllng on thteir vihu-ch lot to lie occupied by their priest. The dauce gien by the -Du Capu Lcap Vear Clubi" l ine towu hall Tuesilay evening proved a mueit pleesant affair. 11ev. Heuver wiljl preach in the Methodist chuircli next Sîînday evening and Rev. IlacOufflu vill occupy hie pulpit lu the Preshyterian churcli. Louie Shermaun nîuuaged to get a inger nîixed up with a purnp bandle Monday, and cernies the iujured member in a bandage in coubetinence. Decoretion services are to be iel-d iu ilHoleonîlis (rove, IRockefeller, Satiirday. MIay '30. Gond speakers will 1w) iniutiuie The Antioeh blanîd wili îplay. IT PAYS TO TRAD E AT, Me B. COLBY & O See Their Bargains in CARPETS, CURTAINS, WALL PAPER, CLOTHS, MATTINGS, RUOS, COTHINO, ETC. Read Smith & Bou'a ad. in aanuther columui. A. B. Cook ije ntertaning a brother froutIowa. Ed Wilson, of Chicago, le visiting relaîtives here. lire. GeHinge la visltlng lier daugli- ter and famlly ln Wankegan. J-)111 Minicli, o! Chicago, Je vhsting Cliark Wrght and otiier friends here. Mua Mary 01k, o! Chicago, Je apend. îug the sununer mouth4 In Liberty. Ville'. liress Goods, Sateens, Ginhsam, l'rîute, etc in thie styles, at Mr&. Protine's. Mir. and Kra. Thayer, of New York, are iere and vill @pend the sumamer with Sol. Kelsey. Tlue ladies of the Lakesîde Cemetery l' Fnlday afternoon at 2:30. Tu TiîADý- An A 1 96 bicycle, $100 mîachin-, for hurne end harnees. Ad- 'Ires'. lnck box i4, Libertyvilie. -NIr. anidlira. Jevett Bairstow, of W aiikegani, spent Thnrsday evening lierc' the- guetof Mr. sudlire. Wlll M MLeod end bidren, ol Chica- go. hav.e cnueluded to continue their viîsiîtlî li re. àMGregor for an in- dleillite length ut tisa.. Miset Vinat Happe, of Benton Harbor, M(.,a former aummer reeldent of thi3 place, sent a 1ev daye vibli triends ivre the pat week. M es.sre. MeKinsie and Oleon and Miss 0Ison, o! Higlivood; Mesars. Drum, Hucker and others, o! Autiocii, visited Liberiyv-ille Lodge, 1. 0. G. T., asat .sturdaty eveuing. The depot was brokeu loto Wednes- day iiiglit. The miscreanta pried open the wîudow on the south aide of the building. Agent DuBois says tht-y gît uothing of eny value. lire. Daniel Lee eutertalned bier ais- ters, Mr'.. Forbes. uf Miehlgan; MUn. Janiesi, (JChicago; lMra.Harris and lir. Su'.can d a cousin, Mna. Losh. iniIler of Kaiimea, several day. recently. Tlte "euther perrittlng, thie great Chicago Ro<ad Race will corne off Dec- orationuDay, Saturday, May 30. The start m. ilI be ruade ut WlieeJing at 10l e. mu. 644 ridc-re are entered. A Cauîp o! 01Ro)yal Neiglibora, & beueliciary suciety for Woodmen and their lady relatives. '.vas organizod at Liberbyviile muy 8. Excelsooe Camp muets the jiT-st alod lai4t Thuradayevea- Ilug of! cdi inîî.îth. I a i jThe Waverley Club ulîl nmke i r Il A rn ?Il h, l %%s'ithin thie limita inulî-îmg. Sîtmrday May 311, le'. gniLeryil'tok ccaon o 've g o e 'n i lLiIbî-rtv""',il lt 8:30 a.111 ilîîlr. sî-verely bt-at lii' little girl on, a are reîoetîto W Cxar the eeiîhl rpmicsrîtr.îetyforcorne tIrivial T HE RE IS NO DOU BT on iiisu. 1Offense. A sPectator imî'mon~tmte F.BI'. Il Ii i s .11n tuk hie tii niab f.or 'iith hituaildte Iii l 1.1btter roplied O F I T. a ilail althitf it w h h a Ianu un-.r. thOt lie blie iliiitu' ,,in 9) m cpr w lil-reilup. Iiithé-ii- mistakt daNi ie i-dpo' lic rod ammd siî.iltlheîlml, nd s0ono ican please you in price. liiimi. Iilaur --Paets' fi--lingt e trrilîly, tiis l)retexf, t)-ic urdîcit lîciever h«s in fuel it kri-kiil aitlthme feeiî ltbii ollo'.i ig a plilv of ci-uelty t of thetIuiî,, and soine lîeoll' a'sert -îîrm that us slmî,,kîuq to May calio~ le evîre jîut uiidly. civllized niai]. This sanie parent heel c l n m . U i-i poiai tii be olle 1f the - ihusen 1ev fFh fl< 5îrod U e o C i a g:o y wan di tbr of th e L o rds ele t: n e if the - six w lo 1REPAIR A FEV</ m aans hert nd oi ijigbînve hie hu. If the, writr ee b a l uo g i n a t I m e a r îý i e " a c d rm tlî iîî t h e - c i l d i n q u e s t i o n î O u ii l c o u l d 'n t t h d t o i v o f l e -Ju y i.' g ix e a u m tîr t b l o w h i e b u g l e a m y t 4 ) ( ) s i l t - i i.n a t 4 f liis'rtyvillfe andîl 'îrplete'.l is rid"ý tn Chb(-igî und baek. lit'lîes ofttthe s o! b lie l'unli amîd Emîgiimt'Co., have liteu aumîl goli'. The iunen witli a uefiti.n lias gusisdt-d. us lias tlhe agitutt'd Street talk, anmd lie lire emîgimît' 1'. lonniclied lu tht-11um1,11 quarters re-îdy fî,r actifon. Howv ablit Uit $45411warranti Do the Bowe peuple get it antI aubse1uîenb pay- unts, or is8flic engluetobcleretuiriuedl? A propliet ini the- person o! e colort-d premu-her, uit Philadt'lphia asmerte that HelI. is luit a few miles halos'.'tbi erf ls surfai-e. Tihe tmuapheje here- abouts Icacî s tue bbelieve bthe asser- tion. Fîrtlîcr evîdence le the- peculiar actions o! qune of the people on the Surface offlihealcll ai J is eu to enclose fliedoiinlon o! Satan. At theIlîethodlst clire lalst Sunudey evening the- 3oung folks o! the- Epwurth Lcmgue lied charge o!f(the service, wlîich consted ut songe by tie choir aplîi-îpria.te tuthe- occegseo, pepere hy ruerbere uf the leugute relative lu thelr '.vork, growth mand future and an mddrcss o! vulcorne lîy George Cater, making the service aul lnteresting sud estertaining one. Furty-thiree loade of gravel vere jhauled bu the Lakeaide Cemetery thie3 week by the follovlug men. Spence Bond, John Lawrencc, C. C. ]Bulkley, Ed Cook and Humer Heuilec. These liertica vere the tiret to respoad t, tue appeni o! thc ladies of theassocia- tiOn for belp), and lb goes te show thet 9ume o! otir peoploIé'tebeooming luxgeodu tt.Impxowpmua 01 ont - -bo w~ __-"U npit to DICavIte&[l gM'f Bail Bearlng, Bicycle Shoe for LadWes ad Gente.. Bicycle ridera sho!1d leave their orderat omes aa the dernand la very, great.. CaU i and aee theis, REFRIGERATORS Cali in and see our "New Perfection" Hardwood Refrigerators -Charcoal Sheat'hed- Dry Air Cerculation Solid Bronze Auto- matic Locks. Leave your orders be- fore hot weather. 1 gal. can Apple@ 25cts* 4 cana Corn 25cts* 10 bars Soap 25cts.* 9 Ibe5. navy Beans 25eta* 2j lb. can Baklng Puwder 25cts, 1 lb. lapai Tea 25ets. 3 lb. box Starcli l5cta. 2 large packages Parlor Matches 25ets. 1 lb. Cocoanut 23cta.* 6 Ibe. Bîce 25ets* 6 lbn. Calitornin Prunes 25ets* 6 Ibs. Calfornia Raisins% 25ets. 6 packages Mince Meet 25cts. 1I L Smoking Tobacco 15cis. 1 lb. Plug Tobacco 1 lb. fine cut Tobacco 1 pr. knee Pents Childa Suite 31.006I Ladies Walata 3S" Ladies Veste Suspendons overalîs Shirt CeUlulold Collera Celluloid CnRfs Ready Made Sheets Ready Mmde Pufov Cases M.a B a CO L BY &CO, '~~'-LIBERTYVILLE,'Il N hoi by Coco (712), he by Mignote he by Jean-Le-Blanc (739) Dam: Lonise Michel 03(13. THE STANDARD-BRED Cygne 6961 (69W6), hoe by 0m ,n< OTiIA le by Passe-Partout (1402), è' an Cornet 104 (719), he by Frencb- ÔIIW205 (734), lie byflderim fl Valentin&(5301),71o,> Leux SOWNED BY ' (713), hie by Coco (712), lie by- MI THIOMAS MIcLURE, Second damn Bleue M072(7I" 1 UIMCCLARECO.- ILLINOIS. Favora 1542 (765),lhe by MOnarch 205 (734), etc. Thir4 4 Bijou (4996> by Marengo, belongli i M. Jules Gautret. a -J'lI witness whereof, w. have heeuW tixed the seal of the Association. DaiM et Chicago, III., this iSili do- S. D. Tmowasox, Secretary. T. W. PALliER, President. LINCOLNs took second prime at il stock show, Chicago, lu of 13001 competition wlth 50 other note4 t year.old atnds, the tirst prise lbat 1 -unld tiiAt pains b lie on lîuîd <>< same stock show. had 35 yeera' experience as aI Ani elabot-ate prograi am i'been 6* OCgMFlTCATE 0F PKDIQRNtt. dealer, liad the pick et the salé, Prel)ared frthi ritevit l Thli 19 to oertlly tliat the Percheron lie snbmite the services oci tis ah for et the ni n uohth- îF t"-t nStafiion, Lincoln, lias been duiy wltli the belle! that he viii provo men e te Uio curci ht. riday enterod'for regiatration in Volume 6 of ilie best stock gettera eveu niglit, uinder the auspic-es oif the 0f thie Percheron Stud Book of Arnrica service in Lake Connty. Lakesidu Cernetery Association. À aM the property o! L. J. McCorrnlck, chorus under tbc leedershipi o!' M. é Chcago, Ill., and biluet bis recorded LXON wUsaddrn . àlmuber la 17303. xCL wl sad urn Alie Dvi wil rndr sverl ielo. Plornddescription: Brown beyBessofo 1896 et te promises tions. Recitattoîta hy Arthur E. IM in Ad foot whilte. wefoalitdnubrfm Bulkley, GeO. Ceter, Misses Luîlli M. 1 Pfflùee: Foaied May 4, 1892; bred Service tee, $10 to inaure a lîve' Pennnia, Mry E Dais Ule MoCormick Stock Farrn, of Saturdaya only, at City RotelBu Peninin, ar E.Davs11( i ra. .eotre Ul., got by Roaper 8076 Waukegan. Chas. Kaiser vith solos by ildividla as 10437) lie by Confident 1 vîîî also attend to your I accompanied by chorus assure a - e4'7> he by Brlliani 1271 (755),cts assel. Ntiy nebym musical and llterary treat. LtItv ery hb .Silliant 1M99(756), he by Coco 0tovs une turu ont end ssjet bhe ladies in their work. No vorbhler cause ciuld k receive your support and the enter- . xeoutor'a Notice. For every quarter In a mm'aa pi banrnent will please you immenmely. lsum,.Inetie la hereb Slvemî thiet ~tlu ere are a dozen uses; and t6 » The arrey ot talent meablunedit j Testmet of Peler Sehrnît deceaed, wîîî one In surli a vsy as te jèrI, o! he fet.attea=b County Coturt o! Leake Counîy greateat benefit le a questiog,0 assurance of ilâtfactb4, reo! lo e hooldun et the Coud one muet solve for hinmsf. o ?tonUbaukegn. lui si Couuty on the The M1. E. churci vas illled l t fis tit yarof Auguet next, lme. when and Haeve, however, that no e utmost capacity last Sunday - !uin ieLWh ersons na'.-nd% ai s ainst conld ie inade of on. o! the",q The ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ sl medesracedl onn arentildan eueeted to than to exohanoee Il for àA Thesodirsmarhe l abod yr buthbbc nt l aiLd Court foi- acjudica- churci and Occupied the front seese Waflb."îUIA umSWl m DEet iz. Chmb eln . aol Col- %îhiclu '.ere reserviod for tliem. Rev. u Uicl. Nie. a rrhoela Bemla.meApro Cookmaunend members of he cougie- p'u l eeylBntatFraleb-i gation, Of!ocefllrere preseut. uft te *Exeurrii. anlEmoecutor G. C. Eobert'a, Wsuom The ine-ronl sermon vas delivered in Frya,ated the Couint CoSt rDP.~ a- Rev. MacGuMfn'a pecullar style, curu- holdf a, os e k- Inmaaumresfezeb4~ rsa ld Il o nst yct W l li am hhniag Pat iotlam to the memory ! ut, . e-onÎv hs es~o ho*e e - departed heroa, duty te thie rasenîtgct i oufe m Iteke ples boI representlvea of our nations defenders, ui' . . igClabla. an and hope ithe reautrrection, vhen Executrixad Exeemtor. expenleno ltai hté wM4d. ecd soldier shan anaver to the final waike a iay Ul. t lined for it. A y .IU roll cal. The choir -rendered aeverel Z Ot xNotice. rny brother vas laid ep la. bcaabzltîl fnd àppropriate selectione, J11ic ft eob ie isIts nfiamma vh',ihei se1tei uaîd tht- service cloeed vîihaIl uaîtiag T-sonnaent nrosas.dee ,e ichambh.rlahiPiî a l" ette'nd ts0. ( Cno Lk ounSY. At I lu ing là e c."*a tirm *henhu huatienàourt paie s4ud he use uf me Hlouft l " %ountY. on tho 0 . Q oud hlm V4*2U> i-st Moiat a-1si*,ienauL Low -Rat«n. whert- al ai5 's i .,v., bgkie . Il. , F or the coeoft Of «W Dlie mocratic the seme le Waukeea,, ~ -' a ID arA t' (Dl loi J _____________________- - - - F. W. $85.00ooý C. R. SHERMAN,

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