CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 29 May 1896, p. 6

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bwa tlUgthoug branci- ~g. tS& ls *.15bright. ,WWPW#b5 sfng nht% gw" iaeultoyol 'Ny-. ~i O,515 agrve vdth ii tu à rerlan orner, hi t- iet nI onul« e ieplein- 't m ne or, 1* ynuSteenler" tyi ou inut ho ilcoratiug ide Sta alv'n't n noero. But Ml tie as puttie' poales ento tloir a, 'a 1 ddnt vaut mine te ho tie M 'thout suy. 'Suies Stenle litSd et6enAt?" roml w',bh.vas ni pard. We f4 t out here ogether." qWtbougitnauood dal of hiinT n ý*Ïw 1 ldI, 'u' ho o' me," ruhblag bi d '~(~ u 'atin.Wc 'us je&' pandSa, "te va» tise Uilta " Sîeunitwas mvful q' ici te me allers.": n A nggtd uee v ipd awsy sone tonaIl tO lte y'* oies. 0e "luit v as gond ta yenou asho?"IL 4etba, he'S ire me tht blggts' ahare, bi le tis varme' placeamier, Steeniea outS,"ama itb a sob Billy add: '»iils mho ecane ta dit!" t,1lýea ha siothered bils obs, auS burlol 'U lufac la the vii lavloera on Stoenie's el #0kéti me boy il vas., i>'boy." J "'teose,"Billy hogan. trylag te choke s bMg ls tsars, 11 did't ber nonone 'W'ho, t kWeis idn't neither. I"smn.ont day. *lec, a big chap vert n chaffiu' o' me, Ste i b.takes rny part agio th' big IN th len he sez, 'corne on, Sumul- hecs, la' rHU tako ye homne.' « 1I aint gol nberne,' sez I, 'n' I vas 1i a et, ces 'ht uily kockedme Soya m>kur e.0 4'Steeulc tbai a-bold my baud, I" ez: Oui enou'tI me, then.' " W 'after that vo vas allers pards, weo3 wias, me ln' Steenit. 'NI, oh, ve tod moch gead limes, ve lii 8teeni. I"etInc N' nov, Oh-", ~'%%vt lww tl-vbnîaileS him vben Ont DIlj'dii n ebar, vili bis bead &alau nongtIse viii lovera oni St s i au Mh laid lS on the boveii bc$& tM tie quetion vas repeatd:, "Mat mnde 1Steenle die? Hov vas l?" M fl Mte ie tear-etained face. 41X Vas .U 'long a' ne. Ha baieoffhila dl o'esrpet an put Il over me, 'le on lb'aide o' lbe' harrel tovards th' Me a nafniolS nîgt, tht vusI vo ïO wntert oute oei a' navful cold, I" htd Jea gh'a' congi, 'nougb te kmU 'im. lmteli, ltanie, v't diii ever ilm go tu do tint? 7ot ¶Weuiu'l ' lt e, 'f 'd been mvmke, Je' kn' o' amile, 'nsamy ta M--- Yeoumtmu " vonhin't, BiI!.' But 4ta1gsI no btter, on'y vente, the W ist u youn' me je' tramp ont ~w~MM 1 bel 'aitld kln'oel re' gc -boin', i vus.met te the -je oh, .iiDi]s u t vtno .nt , »mè foi aia~e aijtv ateeni. duwnt gel l.Ont monuin' h r 't P un ment aLbD--e, tausbm Tiitoud qala th' ba, 'a' tisa MTe ma% tint ftuS us took me." ahiâofoodte iôeql" T#vêteàm sbai marcheS iith t owto t»e ssmetoey u«tt blDkgMd "'Tola, la tint âesr; 5ea hem..Let snmuxeREsuv. ns do biW menon honor. Ugbl niant, tacti Maneil tinîti" At lie grave vitaut monument, bend- shunt or nno, the cemmandern liStle ten BAlI bai tol u b im tint mornng, sud sad: "Coimados, a beo lies thora. Sainte!" Thteiha"dut vterans gave lie mnitary sainte mand lltntly andi gravely ace swy troum tetnl's grave, decorated onuy vituh.viS Sfowers bt ioroii, gatiterci anS laid titre hi bIs faitistul "perd" sud trinS. No matton boy intimat yenare vith tma, boy ciosely relateS to hlmn, lou'l bahkaganast bis trlends wvile he l pretent If ynu vouli nIt vIn hlmcon-1 tmpt. On you oxpect hlm 10 stand b> 1 quietly ndheur bis tniends astaieg- niosa, perchance, ho should conalder 1 th source n mufficleal apology fer lie offnse, aSltaI anoli troin flatterng yonrselt-and ual destend imn? Ho vauld detend binseifundon aUItk provocation, uni vould ite do leus for is trionS? My tniendi Hov mucb tho vords coimiomi We have chaon eacb other train nnong aur mmny ne-. inatutances, tram a slmlarity of aMIes, a cangounlîl> lu mani thlnipt, and aur fritudship aniy grava stronger anS strouger " t ime panses, tliovea death. hînseîf, cannaI break thetlie, fon mum trlendsareitas much ours An oler- it>' asla lime, vo douht nat, oint love ,,verst l lomortal. Frlendship lis n ttoly sentiment, onnobiing aud onlar-- lng ail wbo teel lts influence, and If yn would ul ot edeplsed-aud few e au mfard the lama sncb a moulinent eantls UPon tht affendor-ho vory caretul boy you talita a ma aguloat bis trieni. A Smart Salesman. Hanxbnrg sud Setrsenonadvonllsed toa nsmatboy, sud lie> gelim Thoy put lteamant boy bohini th. canler. Tht folioviugla tie couver- ntion that pnsaed belvefl hlmmuS bA firsI enatomer: "*Ut atn e t hs? bkdle cne- tOeo, l ilnu1Pp air c« gloîts. "Qiovea," nMid lte aantboy. -"Tus, ycWI But vint do Yiank ton thom? "W. don't asi for lem ah ail. Cus- tument do ltaI" "TOU doa'tndoratani me. Haw do "WIi, lothy corne lu paire, of course.» "Nel unI Hov flgido' lhey came?" "Juet aboie tie vrAat i beiove." "'But 'vitldSegel for lien?" "Met 1 ion't get nolbIng for 'emu. Bats poèiots a&U the money."1 "WinI la3ltePrie 0f lieue gloves per pair?" nked tee umbomor, iotlag patience. t Oh, tiare yer lay, la II? Whi dda't yon aMy se ilote? Ont doar.", Il comte $50a tout t. teeP lie Pia- onora la lteDernier n .iîppers nÉWAS14itttTom pRAOHER ON THEi DRAMA 0F LIFL. of Pl lAppona tfilent eople Ved te 00ote o Th the 1boter la the Da"s Of 7ob- la th 'à Uniqe P'emoetlom ViediOtiug loup. 6hahesptare et inhdeIitr. 5W î caseeset rW.lur. thte l e.Dra=ag lu thIhs dIscoursets tlions wth teauit 1jalr IIIlite, dmavingpia na Bibical roermuce te tht theaten fur sud brlhins liliatration. HMa text vas Job ceni XvL, 23, ,Itn @hall dmp their handesait dmut kn Mid *bsUashî',l tuo f blac me." nyli ,TIM aiundm eem to ho dramatii.Tht coue] Ibls ïnoffe tm" oncemakeasnceh the- cllue une. Paul says, "IVe are made a tht cl e or spectaclo te mugels and te mou." arwhi la trident tnom lthe text thât atint Of forci kt habits et theatstoeinon voiekuovulufo hal timt. beanso hodescribles su actonr eri sson nithe stage The lmIuori6bntnr la g( me ou the boads sud. etler thvbugh Coi ckottudilthesrt takeor Or, i aptness or ether lucapaclttv. the sudi. &ce là offeudtd and lseééé*s iéi ~ Af tai abatin ad dlaut bhi hiag. "lion bheh h claie, dpheir bandeaetainemand aoi phat a PLi mahbim ont ortehlm place." ptiq Tht ActorsetfLifa. the My tît uggeos tintale ontetfurn la have eut on tht stage of Ibis wnrld to ate he lv etnis part. Whut hurdabip and sufftring a 1u, mil discipline greut uctars have undor- ru oie year atter yoar that Itey lght hoiY erfected lu their parts you bave otten ory ,-sid. But Ive, put on tht stage; of Ibis men Ues 10 represeut cbarlty sud faith sud bu- the mllity aud hclp)fulnegs-wbat litt!ee »- wrt M"aton vo bhave mode, nithongb vo bave o tme. galierios of spectatora, eartb and outV knven sud holil Have we not beeu mare bau tenutive 10 tho part takea hi others thon ta i i tht part takon by onseivos. aud, wbile thui ru teded ta ho lookiug il home hud Cou- .1 entnntiug on our avu duty, ive have hotu ,sc, elUliig tht nîbor peniormens. audamy- thpi lg, "that vus toc, h!gb.' or l"t00 10v," or tai "ton teebie," or "1to extravagant," or "ton, thé, mme," or "tan demonstratlvc," while we stal ourseives vert umukiug a dotla failur auJ irepmrnug ta lic ignomîinlonali biaaod off the stage? Eacp ane lis assignedl a pl~ace, se ouptrnu merariet hanglng aM'uud tht doen drina oa ir tlafukibtiq or tient or thetIhe othon, part, as tbcy muy hocufalod jupon. ra aonecucrn take aur place. We cou take the no othor place. Neither cuevo 1lent off fie lur chumucter; no change of appurel ou no moite us uuy onteclae thon that which Oet se cternally are. the Many mako a failure of thoîr part lu qui t drmeni of lite tbrougb dissipation. Pel ['boy bave cnangh litelleictual oquipmnt or and gond îddress sud gonlulitî unbonnd- no id. But they have a vine cioset that the contains ail the forces for their social aud wu business aud normai overtbrav. So fur uw baas the yoar 059, King Edgar of slOe England made a la thent the drtukiug il eps shouid have pins fasteued ut a cor- e tain point lu the aide, so tieat the induiger At migt bchoreminded ta stop bhoreme ogeCROIl ta thé hoîtom. But thora are no pins pro; ne Jecting tronu tht aides of tht modern vine 1h( cap or heer rang, ami the first po!ut ut PIE vbiciî millions stop is ut the gravity bot. lC toiii et thoir own grnve. Drh. Sax oft hP Fiance hWus discovered someîhin.- which in; nU' drinkers unglet te knaw. Ho bas W futnnd ont that aicohol la orcry 15hape. sti vbether ut %vine or brandy or beer, cuti- ai tains larusitic lite caiiyd IIuis potu- nr muniae. By n poworfui nîicroscorle these TI7 living things are diseovor(d. îand wihen A yen take strang drink yen tlke ttîeru lto (Il the stomach and theîî loto yonar loned, nm and, getting iiota tht crinicon canais et ne lite, tliei go lnt. ovcry tisne ot yonr g( bady, sud îour entire arganianu la taken ne possession of hi these nexIeus inflnitesi- A mais. When lu delirium tremens, a man 89 secs ever or rofaireptilian lire, il scènes 91 il la only thoat parasites of tht brairn An r( exaggerattd sime. It As not a hallucina- hi tion that tht victin la suffernufrtra. Ho dl ony amtsnlutht noonu vhat ln actuaiiy fl crnvling and nlotiug lu bis owu bruite. 0: Ertirasimeuentako stroug drink yonv avaiiov these maggots. aud cycri tino l the imbiber of alcohol iu auy shape feels vortigo or nheumnatism or nausea At laonulyP the Jublie t these msggots. Efforts are il belng maie for the discoveri ai sorntel germicide that eau kilI tht parasites of ai- t coholanm, but tht only thing tieat viii ever t extirpnte hthlaabstinence tram alcohol t andi teetotal ahotinenc, ta vbicb 1 vonhd i befont Qed aoar ail theme young nett and ohii. ' , - >,-- Dianzers or Strn Drink. 1 Amnenica la a frultfni country, ani vo naise lange cropa of vheat and corun nd enta, but the k.rgest crop wvt mise lanttisi cousiny la tht cnijior drunkards. Wlib aieblé made ont oi the sharp edges ot tht heoeken eglaslnt botîle and demijohu Iti art ont invn, and thora art vhola 1beM,' nudS itl Iestaunl'tht houpitilia nd - el ta tlamt U aS a u rmraa ds, e& coum toies'tole huIis harvest 0f 'ho L Be fyos anc going Poa unien Ibisevl the i.neyer dlgworm 0of alcoholistu rn ooundu djiou ont nf-Ils colla, Bibi'nnt ov es day l viii have nnobes oit arenuS Yeu;,ndii lt viii afi :wile put nacSil amoaS mjur teugue, Liii ou alrofand your tbrtiai n oel arouuii e la u- naoilarofnd, jour font, s elt aturdîour heart, and somo dam -Ibis novu r ylugworm wyUl wvt nnt »Ifsglughten m&l the ollka t one, and la '*00t sttwistoet ta nfut convolution piV veut, "Oh, mi Qoil" amuS II& - TWt gidtt tet dmondatinlathe tnsgsi7 ef "61eTelupest» émaet mtge Igag oo lte stage Stophatn, lhe muni- os - icUter; but neroe othe stage of huntan Ob a wu 111w i ot ut t te, SEUl -F th.I othé itïYI7hWitsa heur .tWe . 2:htago, ami Wbh".MWhel v, sb'i WW madts to bobun Ibo wu ri. Or 110 Myg *aom» g6oda "at hadiea l.t-t'nt 0Uv "ce Thé.one la veon touehi about Fou w g won mot oe,ttWbohiotu ohi- .an i t éther la glaii to help thet otierea irera heir work. Thet tnrt wfll be a pro- béat t »d »tthti isai ho wviibd Pannr a- YOU nO tara o1 age thau ut go. The other eau v b.e a marchent prnue Indolence in daryw 'aum of ore i& alurn lil occa-and ni athan ion have ever snspected. Peo- &aIli are ton lamy 10 do vhat they ean do, soit." vaut to undertake.that which theF yount aot do. In the draine of lite theY house *t vaut to b.e a commun solelier, car- Yeai 4 n haîbend aerons the ate*e. Or a tel' home r, or à mer, attendant and 'su they heaiti te aboat thé séact tli, tlaeshall hoecontra ed to hoe something great. ÂfteW bloms le, bî sme accident of prSpsity la Wh rcumstances, thcî getlinto the piace have ý which they have n qualifation. Aud the pý soon, If the man hoe a merchaut, hé rodar uolus sround sakiug bis crodItors td or th' iramiso for 10 cents ou tb. dollar. up, s fr a clergymun, lbe la makintiradiets ad t it the ingratitude Of cburçhes. Or. dren m attorney, by unsifni imanagemeuit took lots à oime by whleh widows and or- -ter ai in are robhod of theéi portion. Or, If limes hyoiciau. holie ymaîpractice gives hit houai lnt'rapld transit tram thîs void ta she & uest. Our iucompétent fniend would audJ i remade a passable horst doetor, but calcul winted to lie professor of anatomy lu genui niversity. Ho cauid have sold onough eider feotiancry ta have suPPOrtod lt tain-(lad but lie wanted ta have a sugar reliu- aches Aliko tho Hnvemoyers. Hec oulé bave the ti .died ahocs, but hoe wanted to amend aick constitution or the Unittod Statem. To- thisc ,rd the end of lire these poe aere Out notie patience. Out of mouey, out of frienda, quair of cverythuîîg. Tbci go to the poor- But use. or keep out of At by runong la debt toit& ai the grocery and dry gonds stores thone i ii trust ISem. People beglu tu wori oder rhen the curtain wiii drop ou the parej me. Ater avblo, ieaving uothlug but gickit ir comp1lnîcnts ta pay doctor, under- dren, tr and Glabriel Grubb. the gravedigger, luto r dimappoar. Excuntl Hissed off tht yenl fCe. ruas A Moral Nuisance. theit 'thors faii in the draina of lite through that manstrated seifishnei. Theî malté ait agai erivera emptyinAto Iboir ses,* ailtht suad dail or eoulument end at their door, and. toi ey galbeor ail the plumes of honor for deaiM eAr Arow. Tbey help no anc. encourageth one, rescue uo anc. *'How big a ple ae rnoney CeaD I get?" and "How mnch of ba eword oneu I ubsarli?," are the chiert ar motions. TlieY foui about tht common car epie us the Turks toit toward the Asapi,.Sh commua soldiens, cousîdoring them of oe use cxccpt ta fill up the dItches withbebai eir dcad boie es white the othor traopm val, ilkcd aver thenu toatet the fort. Atter,.W Nhile th!& prince of woridiy sucesa lLa thot ek. The onul interest sacietY has lu bis1w oes A0 the effect that hlm Possible de- eutc ase mny have on the mnoncY marke.ts. fer awhi!o lic dies. Great nevipaper itais annouinco how lho startcd vwith B Dthing an~d ondcd with everythîin.. AI- hou iucgh for ,ankc ut appenrance o eopeo- i lput handkerchiefs ta tic oye, there le hay ot ance gtn!uilne tour shed. The heirs ait fan: paitl niglît wlhon ho lies lu state, discuse- thr% gwliiit theo ,)d tcliow lins probnbly dont ye Ah haisnonvy. lit takes ail the livery mni tbles within two miles te turnish rouer- lIn 1oquijpages. aunu I lie imoarnias stores Or1 oe Lept husy in selling weeds uf grief, pie, ,li stone cutters seinJ in proposais for au' monument. The mii;tor aut Ithe obse- 1h. ýucs- rends et the resurroction, which t akos the heairers four thât if the un-.h rupulous financier dos conteUp lu tht sc nemil rising, lit wji tri ta get a "Cor- dre or n tonubstonos end graveyard fonces. tii il good mon arc glad that the moral nul- of .0ce huaslicou romoved. -Tht Wall street oui ipeculaters are gind bocause thore la mort hi .on for themselvos. The boira are gli I r ucause they get possession or tht long roi leayed Inhoritance. Dropping everi a ratheo ait ielmplumes, everi certificate en D itIlis stock, tvery bond ofaitIlhis lu- Wl vestinents, ovori dollar of aU is for-oti mon, lie dopants, and ail tht roliug ot Ot Dont! Mrcb" lu "Sui,"and ant the a pageautry ofnitsInternent sud ailthe ex- or uisltonos otsarcophagus, and mli thetb extrav1Lgance of tpltapbologi, Caunot bide ai th faut that my teit bas comse again tli tremendons fuifililtunt, "Mtn shall dmp htir banda at him and shaill ihlbm out tr tf bis place." . .,i' n th ~iç lapplng comtes betore the Li bise. Toworidchetrs hetore it damna. C ga ij là mmiii the deadlî amp tickles beoore a il gtîngi. Golng up, le lhe? Hurrahi Stand liack and lot bis gallaplug horne.nn lash hi, a whilwlvnd ot pliLftd hannt55ai aud tinkling hendgear snd echoii Dock. Drink deep of bis madeira aud coac. Bount 0f boy Weil yoi kan, hlm. Ail c bats off as lho passés. Bask for dalm nnd tc riears lu the sunlight of his proaptalti.u (bing dovu, la hie? Prétend taelho utar- e sighted go that ynn cannt at hlm as ho vaita paut. When men ask ion Ir lou know hlm, liait sud hesitato as thetugh t yon werettning 10 catii a dim MeMOriy nad ay, I"Wol, i-t-s, yen, I helieve 1 once dlid knnw hlm. but have net leen hlm tor n joug whiit." OCrnas différentt furr froua tht ont vhene yos.uaed tue ment hlm !lie hosk for fiatticial help. When îon atarted lite, he spolié,n gond voril for you et the bank. Talk down his crédit now that bis fortune are coliap@Ing. He ,>ut hie unees on tof ymon notes. Tell hies that mon have chaned Four mini about snch thiugs, and that mou nover tadorne. Ateavlie hbl mâmttersten to, a deuid hait, audýan mulgumeatbr $lut, pension or sherif'. sale takes Plnce. TOn mai: "Heouoght te have etoppoii soniner. mus ~ a amb 'vmv Me dpi th*û e .msrlflt U&"i âu Iresol"g iwt o nm i% às long a» your fatici mma"I1UV* ffl fee tint yenus«a come te us et me. But mour home#iEWlUiaOlze é. Iront long exerioie I Sd-lt > o serve QGO&Ii t Vry bWgt liv, Mr chmS, muS Fon u ar thl Ye Set nlong vithout religion, but tht Wn cent vhben FonuyWlnvut 0Os& minc adletahlilh i timntI allai ft netS ho, ceadmet the v@railp ieui Tb*htuel waIi tae, nud -fiat vite con«seoieveoronMu la lie art pssd ou and tIsert vrt u e t a ilarities, but tier vers gnd aMi btnLu anSdserav, 'but lie> WMM rrted. Mariange as bnigbt as OPOMW wms mun -- maie tn. mmd ' .vWa rhicà ail beta ven riv*Mq. ýa fanAi> lotI tIse cemettri, but nà place la lluminated with «alrtsOf rbetion mind neunn. Tht, chil&ren ea inhohd that lAvcd hbave grov ad theyt a l Cirlaiabts, thétgUtba nother leaSing tic var sud ticeciii. fnoleing. ,What cave tht mothti ; t vardroho and edntioti chamr*- und essunemiHow bard &lie hotrt- i* wonkei Whenthtebtad eOCt* gehohd vasunfortunte lautneur newod untAl ber lugera veet nnlb bieeding at the lips. Andivitl hat m uaiAou of econonaiesaund vhat ln- 1ht lu rcfittiug the garmnenta et tic ,chldren for tht yonger. sud 0oni7 keiut accont ef that nolher'saidét- c aud hoadachesand beartaches mud tremuIons praycrs hi thoe ideOfthe chiid'a craille' and hi the conch of onc fuiy grown. Tht uelghhom oftten 'ted bow tired mbe bonked, aud old se- utaucos hardAi mnev ber An the street Lvithonî conapiaint @a. vltednd ol aud endurai sud nccomplisboi! ail ne tnns. The ebldren are ont in the J-nbouar ta therasoives anSdltAei unts. oLten mble tht motbeees ast mess cormes. Children and granichîl. asummouoed ftrainfstr, comensgo"t the room one hi ont, ion ahe la tee sk ta tee more than ont aIt n lime.She A ber dyAug lugtera iovlugiî linongb ir bairn d tellim hem net te Msnud st he la going uov, but they viii mati n lu a litIle l a botter vnvld, Ython kissen lieu good-by *a n.y 'mcb. "GoS bitusanmaikeep 7mouM3? tr cbiid." The day of lthe obftqutIS nez, and tht offlciating clergyman toile abetri of vitei> mnd methenir eniao Fe, sud many hearta on tnrth amSLa xno che tht sentiment anS as eh* là 'tied off tht stage 0ftilt mortei lf14 ee are cries of "Faîtiful unIo e etb,' bc bath dont whnt she canAi," vhlî Lrpowenagasl tht rolbes-nf earth nMA von le the piaudit of the God vii :ehtd ber tramn firsI ta lest, saylng. 'cli donc, %good sud fai.lhlui servantý nu hast heen fnithful over a few Ibingu 'iii mako Itee ruier over many thînge ter thon loto tht JooiOftii Lord!" Th. Cholo. lot what bheamnofaithe inther of thal ,useho!d? lHo startcd as a youimai business aud bad a smalA Ancome, amu ving get a 111110 uhead mlckuos ln lb nily swept ut ai awsy. Ht wtt rough ahi he business paniez oi fontý trs, mol many 1)5505, sud sufferei any liolmayala, but kept rlght on trust gin (lad, wbethor business vas zao pojS, sottiot bis chuliren n good tranm ue ad givins Iboni lthe hst out canai Li never n pmayer did ho offer for a iôme ycars but they wcme mentioed1 He a is ad now and roalîzes il cann elong betame he muât Quit ail thes 7enes. But ho la goiug te lbave bis chi rn an nheritance ai pmayer and Chrii an principles which ail the detaicatior feamth, cao ocrer toocb, and ns ho goï t of il* world tht cburch aif(lad bitas m andtheUitpoor ring bis doorboll ta at ho As inny hottor. sud bis grave la au oundod hy n multitude vho vont ou foo ,nd stand there befome tht processioni mgranges came np, and moine gay, "'Tse lII ho no oneta10take bis place," ai bers ay, "Wbo vili pitY nme nov 7" ai bers rémark, "Ho shail ho bolS lu eve sting ienembanuct." And as the. mmi ,bia lUt clams, ail tht vociferatlou ai Xaras and encarts that oven sbook t] tuphltaters ot earthly speetacle we Lino ma feeble comparcd vlth thlelo mud thuaders of approvai that mmali brui Uuclqn.o(I i tntmsej ju the MPgaileyofth enLChomyel 2 e jiç that saoli clq i bo bl I~i~ete stagend thtife tint as, toce atad acclamations suPerDni a arcbnujielic. Oh, iuen nS vemen on lie stage nf il sany Cf mon lu htis e aIoc f tht dran and othorsAn the aecondi,nd soint 'on 1% thse lin, and n fev la the four ani hire muS thora que lu thet Iti, but tr yqm hotveen tntrmnce sud exil, 1 quo oe î'c a astic peroraîlon of t"asermon1 uqe, suggestive passage tin thkaov evgr vrote, ihiugi J'ou neyer beau reiilted. -Tic mutior bu often been cIa ed as tuIie and atholatle, metic qui :10e ahml honet unirraUflIs 1121e tn oursevea, but grandi> vindicatory thl Ieat; dramatlt t uota tram it 9 .411 and testament: 'lu tht naineof (0d, Amen. 1. 'y A Mi Siakaptane, 0f Strattorh-npn-Av tn lie ceuI? of Wrvlci, gentioman, puet t aith asudmemorni ( e WPi tii> do Cmût tus i mauvIli snd tao Mentla tunnonand fônn .toliovl iit I commend M UI sel Ato tise hi et GoS. my Creater, hnping ndi assui l.y hslieving thmough tht oui> merito JeuaChrist, ml Savieur, 10 be n puitaken ofits o'verlamhlng." Ne Dlaokbnllima g Ti u. urTin at linnny," cmli lte I 'rHOUGHT8 eWOIy 0O ALU ou -Alm.-AolMd *Camel3t0» view et tiseSea GoSnTet-i 8 uaulad tarli bs U£ ibu mwiro'*ds mini nam PM '2IbAOIUCWOaetjernanlenla toretiohi <W tO'mss, lt' abiftet lter Wang tobliloU 'u.214 NMO mw bap art lu lie a" tnn et A mtlSeUbsIlUpd su tbiut dlaa liecgatborug dukwikse t dt sl St>. 'vienSEsmuniPterl et Josesamu&"S 9» *mslit et tlit mmcu aidiaug tic'Snwitrtabweei gi actaioboseyg- iu tram the uplf t asud 110kt t" Utn b l' bbSllt ntue.Haoreo- tâ114t» dOluIndUIiucUos, but hoe Mta he>. anter cete viceetboi ov1egta ar Uàiubikng ote iecenlomhdoiti itur, hapuilti isues tian tlieeoft &0tneur ftgreuni. AnS, liongi auhot ssie have sot et heren ned, .se largo mid, 5otittttus vert titi la thelnsvccPlung vision ofrlteChrist that lt ecui-ci le on uan, Oventop auS velk-nigiOblilermte ail lhe rest. Bt glaS, O My seul, "F'or met n lttis viAle, and ho tin ha h" 1o, viii camle, and viii unt tanr." "Jerutaiem compas" i itu armk&s. sn have ve Sac t i*Mr anal la among Domes Christ atlaci the vond "doel- inte olofti mandbeautitul Jeinsakcus Te, sud top tint they bsnew hbm. But ba tspaha lite Inti; and a hlesscd Irut IllAt vase,f titi mii but kuoIVa. A blIe Jerusmiet u scnina. Tic o ved.t0fChrist vera not, ivaLli 1apoken. lu the feantul cannage tIsaI eu» 1pon Jruumcn e ear f un Christ&»a 1perishing among tic multitudes tint wet lite sari streels wth ti l ioii.Tbty b"ailed as biluden "10 lieno tls" g o le. frou tht vnatb 10 came. Sund"r uem ropresentallon of Jerusa- 8 l to-day place the expimaton Phrase e ouirLord, "jeru@&Wem trodiien dovu hi tic GenLties" AnS tht traduimg la YVon a bard and meriliese limaI nov, titrougiont a ai lte landi muS Ils environs. Tht trucuo- 0lent Tuni la thora. But t shall oual mlays ho se. "UI é h li tînuonitic GentilIts bho f lilIed." lu a ery tfsasene"Our imes &-aila bl banda. Wbou ho y-lt@sud tbis grent Se'- siaIsî iticthenations are fnlilled, l isalecoin. Israol'a lumu ag*in. Anii vhn 14cun ay that Jeusalem's istori bas u 8#becu vritttu? Written, porbapu, but net fulfilleS. ",And thore sehobcsigna." [tareIt, n kt vnitten. in lte future bunse. il la yel le a ho fifiled. auJ tht migna, as Dr. SCbaff ays, of -the igu ofthUic $on ai Maulan c licavon" (M.%atI. 24: 10). areual 10 o.e mi kuowu beforehaod, only recognizeii vhou t7 they appear. ?d There arc tienne vbo continue la appîy et* the romainder ut tht chapier te tht de, dstruction oi Jerusaiî'r. Doubtiess by an- m-ticipaltion and in îîroxlmnate tulfiluitnnt the orsemia my bave sucb a roference. ,Lu Bot tile mure natterai and rensonuhie ex- In ecmssin iso appli the words tram verso 25 lton in Ibelr tuiler iîtepretation -t0 the « uitimate end ni thîe dispousatian and lia âl propbculed coming outhflicSon ai nan, lie 's bhrase Christ bac naslet ldrop, "the tinta ,e of th et Aqpiies" proumptîng aud lbde.ii « îtocmmtatlug auch au explanation frouls es hlm lips. te -Theli Sounutrtman comiug lan Iel". )tisy have sont partial fulfihituent lu the cfIagrto f h e oko the king- -r dom lu aposolic rda ys, but inanhtll mdthra muat ho a larer, uler nppIlictom Md or the varda are straugeli andS amuIrlg- lematie, Burely ve have ual yet Bau "tIse ma power suii greet giori." And Inst si ni surahy, ve shah ste IL.-ý- "h *Tisa çoeratlon jbhual tPROa an." rs ÙeJu 'Iuo6Val; a tEi êrntest Point et g i3cuty' Sont Interpret "lm o meai ek tht passIng of the Jevisbe race. Tic uat- [,aural Import, havever, la of a lifetime, andi 7ýit l enu ho seunderstnnd b> thoe.about. la Wiy ntrater Il altnply 10 the cotupietion ja or the type lu lie destruction of Jerusa. aa çl or9' yen ui L i y~ "fnt ilflle" l tAsthesAmple verh o b, &ÉÏ Ife, Ire ara 19 reineuhor that lieue varia ua, weri4 rirttei probablyInladvsuce of au 0 f tht eventt hAutd at th, **O lie clanglng bells cf l! ' aul Hov thir changes ris. and fnll loe But lainiinertono sublime. thé SouiAns clearly Ibrongi thtenm l, MMe I a voîco Ibhat must ho ennia, à t As unr moments onvard fSer; LIn- And It speaketi, niye, one vori, ota- Ettruitilttrait7r' '0of NexI Lesson-"'Wanng to the Disci. AntI ise.-LUk»22: 24-37. FleousWithont Fruit, Fii Prune thon hi votEs, thse tnugits cou. 4 la Tint 'en tite sweilimnd tIbpng; Mis- Tie ti iiendensevithin tby seul, mk"a And cmange 10 purpose trong. ring: ansBut bh vie lets bis feelings rnn ted- Iu soft ltinsua e, 3 9ShBr'iha vihen bard service mtunDe odone. nait AnS fints at overy vo. Paltb's neseaot SetS more favor benne, Wbou icnrts and vila are veIglied, iliThan bigicat transporte ouet prayens, FATRI

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