CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 29 May 1896, p. 7

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APRAIO SOMETHINO OREADFUL 18 GOING TO HAPPEN. nev mUtIle Bb'Girl E.U.d t. CleUb Or course a womau vil natunly mec the dark aide ef .vcrything visea torturai by soie torm of female die- met relleve. No ender- mullaes mna' Bleepandaptî, slaysceak dtrd reu li poh byfi etsefrtntea the kuethtmlaalalaetar boyIndiacbyheaeyralnmyp toare makr otoie yLdaE tomai.wh k outlcd dmppa oan mfrdar fr , etyyerm gedsinrglt ml ag qatt stileo hrvmn paa I wmi yn oud pblai"yàm li ymenruaetiowits Iwetc. er et know that your Vmegaletear- punetd bha. esa emcvoîlaud gstrouf seni wany d aontroienhoy, but tB. Vegel' geable Compoil eud; ai lme apy.ko hoe la comiploe ii by tsauden it hobby ndh LynduE Plaha megable opauu ty e noi tn Ile coda uy. "-MIlasrge . aVaie UU Denoh St., Buffal . Y Gladness Cornes W M ha betton siuderstandlng oethéii tramaient nature oaithe Many phys- bcal fille wlich vsania propecf tota-gentleefot-lean forts- riglitly drected& Tsere a l ontort fin lte knowledge tisaI se many fora ot miclmes ar, fot due te any actual dis-4 case, but simply te a contpatcd condi- tion efthtie sy'stemt, which thse plesaant fatuily laxative, Syrup of Fige, prompt- ly reeovea. That iswhy itfinatheconly remedy with millions of familles, and l cverywhere csteecmed se highly liv ail1 wh value good isealtit. Itebenellisl effectsamredutothecfact, tiatit la the1 one remcdy which promotea internal eIeanllnosa, witbout debilitatlng thse nso hîch ilacte. Itistsereforea =P0rtlt, in ondcr te get ite boue- ficial effecta, te note when yon pur-. chase, ltaIyou have tise genuine article, whicis imanulactured by the Calltornia F1i ynsip Ce. only, and sald by all rep-i nIaledruggflsta. Iflanthe. cnjoymeut ef good heultit, and thea systentinl regular, thon laxa- tives or ether reniedisis are net nc.eled. IH &Mictcdwitit an y actual diseaseoe 00y comndcdtatie most eiIul physîclas, but itlunnacd ofa alaxative, thon onc should have the bcst, aud with the well-ifiomed evervwhem Syrup of Fige stands higicat ad la mot largely usd and glvea nwet general aliataction. A quarter spent hIMIRES Rootbeer does you dollars worth of good. "...l b iC.k wc.mC. Isn.1,sî.. s. U. . No..22-9. PATENTS. TRADE-MARKS. zzaulnmii.m d laesnt Psra"uetma là"TiNiffl.e. six SCORE. WRARS AND POUR. Bosk-Rabi hdlusate15Hv" Zeag Paesa ta .Centuvs'.Usk. If hise wu statement la te be ceedited, and hus ueighbers place Implcfit relU- auce lu the eld ian'. word, N(oah Baby, an inniate et the Pficataway pooriteuse fia Northi Carolina, passcd hlm one hun- dned and twcnty-fourth year theoether day. Henry G. Hummor, overseer et the tarm, haî knowu tic mafer mort! NcOAHi BABY. than lfty yeuna and Jefi tInm ubis bellot tînt Baby la pamit tc century point. As ho miltofin an old-fushioned aniclair lietone the fine ln Mn. Humîon's lieuse tise aid man looks eveny bit a conton- arian. l'Uncle Noahi" la short and mucli bout. Sometîmes bis eyea spankie, buti they are gightless, as li e bcame bliud about ten reurs aga. Alihougl isi shouidens are somevisat contnactcd. the muscles of his legs and arma are as firmus tlcywsare thirty years ugo. lRe la toolhless and ln talking gives vaut te a wefird whfistling noise. But bis voico Io stnong and cdean sud kWa laugli fis beanty. His accent laBofthile Southi. Generai good boulli lias blessai thc aid ian ince a serons filînesa utt1h. ugeof a18. HIs mind is wonderfully aient aud lhe lias an ernphatic vay of sayiug "Certain, ir." Fearng a rush et blood ta hls head ho sloops sfitting up Lu a chair. On pleusant durs lie goes te tise weii lu the yard. guidcd by a vire tretclod tram Uihe back door. Boiied fiis oir ice on saine bnend and miik costîtute tise old man's simple diet. Ho weiglis ouly about 100 pounds, aithougis ai bis bost lie seldoin uvenagod over 130. Noahi bus developed a fond- ut-se for an occasional glass af rye whisky and dowus Ih like a connaisseur. Hec says lie waa beru ai Eztontosan, Gales County, N. C., on Apnil 1, 1772. le also ssya lic lîcard Washington speak lu Norfolk, Va. At tisat lime It4tly vas a sallor lu the United States nary. Carrent Condensationsc. Slap a boy; bit a nian. Your idol fis probably a great bore ta other people. It boa tise cars how a sensational siery wIlfi travel. Sanie Ivmen ride a wlioei like drunken men walk. Men always bate suffragists, and *"talk back" te thesu. Erery oee slia alla fIn love bites off mare tisan hbcean chor. Da't grieve more tItan a doliar'a worili over a lest dolar. Neariy every preaclier, lu trylus ta nuIse meney, is lnsultlng. Il la surpnlsing Loir thîn soie irai- eu and some atonies are. t fis casier ta get a vite by adrtfis-' lng tisan Il la te sol a horse. Any mnu iro alks about is greai ubllity lu auy lhue la a fraud. Noise ot ns realizo hoi ranschipeople talk about us belind aur bucks. It Is more concout than anyono should hure ta pas judgmeut upon another. If you couid ace ail a man's weak spots. you'd thluk ho lad tle uscasies. That vomun neyer liird vise looked docent slon engaged lu bouse-cdean- lng. Wheu a ma la net dlsugreoabiy cranky, ho la usualiy dlsagrecably funny. The situation thaz makes a ireman ait dowu aud cry makes a macus a bine treak. Japau's fieid marsltnl's nume la prop- oniy pronaunced Y-a-mn-a-t-a. The g la silent, aud tLe n'a are pranauuced as ln "clai." Mounet-Sully lias been gfiiug reud- Ings of the Loulou sermons ai Bossuet. Had tie ceiobrated tragedian, walinl by religion a Proetmant, follawed thc sishes ar hlm mother, lie vouid 8 b. a pustor finstead ot an actor. Strauge as il may Boomn, considering lie great suceas sahidli las attendcd hila fitUi cancer ho close, ho says hoe sometimos regrets lIai lie did ualt ollow ber ad- vice. When buying sarsaparIlla. ASK FOR THEl BEST AND YOLL GIET AYER'S: ASK FOR AYER'S AND YOU'LL GIET THE BIEST. MUE TO. -117 RUSSIAN RUL.ER I»TYYKIU TH-E £MPfIRE'8 OLD CAP'ITAL. de-lEyaity enidItebilitz Jearnea' fron t h. PeIne vsky Palace. Dur et soi, ut Ne6oev. The caparaid cearmna maie thefir tri- umpitul entry inte Moeov mmid .tbUfrW &em et batteries of îrthller, thse elas ot countice belle and thse chenu t0ava multitude of loyal Rusaias and es Uai lathueiattie viita r om aul pàrtsetf bq vend. Probably neyer la Uic istcayo« =tWU as ha.lre beau sucis an smu- ofgee peopie. Poueflly the gorgeons icea. mer neyer be nepeatet! la lIa grand etigety. Ia anticipation of theS Coihi ** tbicscar, the cti, route trou Petmev- ski palace, about Uiuae mlles on tise nemi ~te 3 Petensbarg, ta the Kremln vue Sén&aely packed with people tisat meve- uset eept on the oultskirts et tse fink- àmasecrowrds wae eut oethlie question. %ho is inal for Uie commencement 9 fmmfroni a battery outeide lte city. This asfollosahi by lte disl boomfiag et tbe Mgbell of thc Cathedra]o e i AasmuP- tien ad theasaeibiing oethé ctreoa t their, varions mustenflng points. Then lie countles high iignitunleu of #wempire and of fortn euabnes began te galber aI Uie Patroveki palace, te taise " 1wplaces fia thc gala equlpage. or te iceent on lionseback the canniages eft heu imperial majeetles. The grand dukes mai gman duchesses,,th. princes aud tic pria- faseUic Asiatie patautates, the lmuni- «abl. repraacutativas et every country ('ZÂ i KicjIXOLs. ioder thc sun naaembled there ta do boucs teo thc czar ef aIl the Raussis, the ruler et Uic mighty empire whieh hit encircle the. globe. Generals witli Uicfr staffa, afidà-de-cnmp riding et lireakneck apeed, erdenlies gaiioping furiously wcre te lic aeen everywhere. The clashi of armae e- aconded on ail ides, and moot lipressive was the. gathering of Uic hostaeoftheia mighty amperor. At 2:30 o'clock thora waa furthe, thundcring of the cannon, thie time troa the. direction et Uic Petroveki palace. and ihat living mass of mon and woîcu gave a great sigh or relief, for il waa Uic signal thaI Uic czar bad started on liii journcy to the Kremlin. Reception of the Czar. After leaving the palace the czar wue iccelved by tie commander-in-dhiletf 0fU thé troops at Moescow and laie nefigli- lionlood, the Grand Duke Sergius, and then thc lattér, witli a moat brilliant staff, jolned in the procession. At the. Itesurrection gate the czar dismountcd £rom hie horse and the empresses de- pcended from ilicir carniages la order te worship ut the surine of the lierian Ma- donna, Uiceinost aacred of the maay holy symbole lu Moscow. At thse alrine their ajesties were recelved by Uic grand Vicar of Moscow, wlio prceted thrni with tlie cross ad sprinkled thoni with holy watcr. Thelr majestic. entered Uic cliapel and knelt In prayer befora the. bmage. At the conclusion of their devo- tlons Uic czar remounted hlm horseeand thse ezarina re-entered lier carriage and thlypsssed tbrougli Uic gatefinto thse Kremlin, wlsere thcy werc recclvcd with ail Uic ecelesiastical pomp possible. At Uic moment titeir majesties enterod the. palace of thc Kremlin un artiilery saiute cf 101 gune was fireil and tbrongis- out thse jouruc3 of their usajesties thc belle from ail thse beîfries froni Moscow were tolied. Thse czar and czaina will We main ut the palice in partial secuîflon un- tii Uic cercmony of the ccoronation af Uic imaperial standard, which always occurs thrcc day. bef ore te coronation. Cent of the lFate16 Thie Russian Governmeut la sald te have spent over $20,000,000 on Uic ictes op to the present, and the city of Mes- eow le uuderstood to bayve czpended near- ly as mnucli money and more cipenses bave te bc met.ý Theailluminations cont cevetal millions of dollars to Uic Govena- ment alone, itithout counting what Uic elty contributcd toward ths portion of Uic expenso. Besides the expeuse et Uic Runsiai Goverument apd Uic city 0f Mou- e'0wUicexpenses which'grand dukes and grand ducheosses, foreign princes mndam-' bassadors, etc., have beon put tofla ree.lly enonmoue, one antliority golng 50 far se te estimate that there wum about $100,- 000,000 wortli of jcwelry aione lantUi procesion. The Fnench Goverament especially bais beau put ta a vcry great cipense for the. cononution foies. The cost cf thc aupper whfich their imperial mnajeetica attended unden the auspices of the French delega- tion cent aven $109,000, and Uic carniages nseat by Uic French envoya were Uic piop: erty of thc Emperor Napoleon, bulit es.- pccially for the chnfistenlng et the lts rince Impernl. Ex-Emp rets Kugenie ai- Cwed theni te be sent to Moncow foi, Uic ose of Comte De Montebello and Gencral De Boisdetfre, Uic representatlves et France. The Frenchi excavatora at Delphi have unnartliad a life-eized brons. statue of a beardlesa ian, tise langent yet dlecevered. Thse date of Uic work la 500 B. 0. Tbe statue la holding the bridle et a herse, adportions of tihomme'. Igume have m&mebeen found. The progreins et eleetricai science las beautiiuliy Illuatrated inu thevarions proceass aued ln coverlng the cearmer mactals wlth a thin layer of those more precloua. Toeoece an article of copper, brans or other common metal laid lin an clectrlc bath and by and by corne forth coated witb gold or ailver seems like enchantment, and a hundred years ago would have been rcgarded as sorccry. The proces tgto, echnical for explana- tien outaide the pagea 0f a scicnti5ce magazine, but the results are before Uic cyes of ail, and, althougis familiar- lty wlth the operation lias made moat persoa sindIfferent, It la, nevortholess, oneot tfhecmarvels of cvcn thc nin- tcenth century. The Commta.ary Departnsenw of the buman aystm la the etomacb. lu couhaquence eofatm activity, the body la uap- plled witb the elemnnts cf boue, brunt ver- voue ad mugcula mae. Wheii Indigestion Impedes ite functlen.,te best agent for Im- prtitg a healthfui impetus to fIts ope1ratlýQQl Holistetter'aStomc LBittersa iseura-DI tive for msiîsie. -billielisand kldney coml- plainte, nervouameas a4d CoutpatIa- One of thei4ii ng i Ftcrary Emc- cesses 0f Utche iuylSugo' er- Mons. Theo Wfltoinstcr Gazette aya that 2,3963 of theïe sefmons have becu prlnted and ~G a that the uni total af tise sales reaches ncarly 100,- 000,000, an aterage of about 35,000 copies per sermon. Hall' Cataweh Cure. Bourbon County, lin Kentucky, once made famous for fits brand of whisky, bias been holding local option eloctions. A few days ago thc lest precinct but one ln thc county votcd for local prohi- bition. Hall'@ Hair Itenewer rendcrs the bair luetrous and ajîkren, glae it an even color, and enables women to put fit uP ln a great variety of styles. Sir Henry Hlawkins, Hon. lira. Hon- nîker and a number of etiser prominent porsons are tlilnking of building la London an animal's hoapîtal. spmin, Vima ST.JACORS C&1 wsm came a berlatsu taa*RtQ s 1 i 11W 'z-., VW .: :: , n- 1, '.l.*jîuop mviiy *i iY i' T'he Weefm t eict ApaIh The. smallest repubufic lu the world la Taroflaro, a little fIsland fIn the lied- Iterranean, about seven and eue-hait miles f nom Sardînfia. The Ilanad la enly eue and anc-hait miles acroas, and has fifty-five finhabitanta. The Presidünt fs elected for six ycars; ne publiL official noccives any saiary; and women hav3 the rame votlng rights as men.11 Notbing Nev. The young ian who çmndes himmeif on belug original was talking ta Miss Cayenne. "Your niother seemed very mcli aîusod at thatil11e etory 1 told lier lasi niglit," lic mid, alf-approvIngly. "Yes," shoe replied. "Err ince 1 cau remomben, mether lias laughcd whenevcr file hcard thai story."1 Uneie Eben's Phtiosophy. "Sometlmea doma dot keeps a eec- la' how bfig ho kmn taik," raid Uucle Eben, "seenis ter lic Jes' cm ludustrious la scola' how littho ho km act."l Lord Arthur Hill, wbo may succeed Sin Henry Blake as governon et Jamai- es, lad a romantie wooing. HIs present wfife was campanfion te lis moihor, the Marchianesa af Devonshire. Thinklng that a marriage with lier would lie agaînat bis Interests, sibc suddcnly dis- appcarcd,and fit vaa only with difficulty that ho cauld discoven lier wliercobouts and fInduce lier te recansider hon doter- iination. Il wae this episode she cm- bulmcd la paetry fin the welf-known sang, "la the GioamlngY" The tri-contenary of thc introduction et Uic potato ia ta be ceiebruled la Britafin thîs year. ]Piso' Cura for Conaumption Ifis ur only medicine for coutils and colds.-Mns. C. Baltz, 4M8 lU ave., Denver, Col, Nov. 8, 1895. Pouls and madmen ouglit net ta bo lotI lu their oevu bompauy. f rOit Fm MMcustec M cuer,. clothes, tM,a 1,r M=ip haeU? Ail Ulme e a eeiif Ina wiii 07tEeoes. SoBt& W. mi ly ,,c oInsU R~ ue.Trettise and 82.00 trial battis isse 50 W.OZZSifidte v.line. 5ouArch St., Phiia. Pa. Uts. Wiuslow'e*o arva aSimu'for ChtIdren factiOns- maitens lboý. ar.,moue" inflammantion. uais allacure.wia caie. lsn eabottO.. Extreme tfred feeling i îta body ut thiesemason. The to pusli, thee llre!ema prow welryý çrgctic become eners ated. Ten wliat wo mean. Soma. ni n ad endeavor icîperauly t10ev leeng by great fee flfi. fis unsafe, u8 it pulls powcrtully u nervous system, which wfill net lsg suci strala. Too many peeple "< their nerves," îand the remiît fis emie fortunîte wrecks marked 'lnvqzm, trafion," fin evcry direction. Tha 1 lo aaPositive prootof tiu, vosi, i bloid; fen, if lise hlood le idh, nd;v advigorose, fil lpants lite amd anm every nerve, organ sudUine eft âc -i The neccasity of taking Rood's S9-*0 %g~r thlal tirai feeling lu, titarefore, awp th every one,ad the gcod it willdo » cqually bcyond question. RceubW araparili la the One va. Bicoo Purifer. Aild%& Prepared «ony by C. 1. foo & Co.,IM llood's Pille ~~ It 3 T179 140 u- "7 ape" fer.. . NYD FOR CTLOI ChIibu-o N'Ws]papew U la mm* loomsatreet aiw*, l.ý]I Do You Know that There Is Sc ence in Neatness? Be Wise and Use SAPOLO pae ,I 1Ii PERD v. OPKIS, Pa rame- In Machias, Me., livea Mr. E. P. Gould, who la cnipioycd as a can4y maker by thc firm of Meana & Gaz4 non, of that place. Speakiag of Mr.s Gould, hiii frIend, Mr. E. W. Mitch ell, rccently muId: 'I have kno"n him for sanie ycars, and unW lveuy latcly I aiwaya heard hi cesplal ing about him food dfistreaaing hizm, and feeling more or lets badly about aIl the tlmun. Hia work natu raily keepa hlm conflncd a good- deal, and lielias very littie ebancé for excrcise. Lately, huving hour less complaînt, I thouglit 1 woi caîl and sce to what lic crcdited hie improvement. He raid to 0%1, raid Mr. Mitchell, Il'for years 1 baie been troubled wih ( ndigestion an4. dyspepsia. At dînies would lie disay and niy head very duli, cspectaily aftcr eating. Thon would bave dis tresg and palpitation, cauacd by gaz lin my atoniaclifroni food- fe mentdng. The only thfing 1cold find that would give me any relief waa soda, and from that 1 got no, 'lastlng beneût but now I have struck ft rîcli. My employer brought me a package of Rtpan* Tabules freni Boston. Tboy ame thc one thIng that wlll Ix yenu p &Ul rlght. I am feeling fiiWe now, and I recemmend tiben to ; ý and aU for atomach tto'IabI.' ' - ýà s il fil i 'The test of 115 ycars proves Sthe pLiÉty of Walter Baker& , C&,s Cocoa and Chocolate, I' WALTER BAKER £& CO. LbWWtc, Dorchester.Mas. A ~ ~ ~ 16 -K AAAA.. A A A 1- -& ""A Bicycle BuiIt fçeTwo" Five cent3 worth of "4BATTLE AX't wiflserve chewers jst about aslogas 5 =ces worth' of other brandsw serveg màn:Tlâs la because a 6 metPl&W çé fi PZIL AX 5 P A"& lm ý,ý . ýWVVVý -ýwvi -wvvv- -wiln

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