CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 29 May 1896, p. 8

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-NLAIE OUIITI,- TO BUY % fmflW gos ýTYVILLE, ILL. > Upply-your wants ln Grain, Seeds, Lime, Drain Tue, EtC. Always get Our Estimate -Beforej 13uylng Your Bui1ding Materlal. WRIGHT& SON'S, Uibertyvllles I.. ýICRtYVILLEI I LLI NOISI Kinds of Corn Cultivators. Key Stone Side Delivery Rake. dIiqy Horse Rake. Clipper or Triumnph Mower. .k*yeMower TrIlumph Binder. o's., Wagons and Trucks. aver and Abbott Buggies an d Surries. nation snd three spring Wagons-. Drain Tie, Lime and Cernent. or, Lath andi Shinitles. I I 00<g a os É fol oE wo L8TTALLION imNNORTH- cah ILLINOIS âbe7,- 2 17 8-4 No 414 ln Ilandas aAmrelsiPen tpr. ired byiB. . PcOO ia i. îtr zo ho by Plymnouth%,". son ! iIsMak-vkRi sireot Et Alln ns1..DUnby 8taritiifl=rl2: Sen of Mu i(y borsotiO7 seonda i)y King lPharnoh. (impoer; astreof IL 2:1234. Bawley2:1i' and othors botter1 2:24; third dam hy ikthanl Allen, son o! ullaek .lawk. Mbinigli sla fine (0a1-hlac k hors.tal liv bone..Hr)l ,sidsdIago lIS , eots are now oomiiig 2 years andi u-aitlahrge and sooth andsBhov @p3e'.d.. W. Sh..rwoud, of Msmotri. former ovuer o! Mid litBasys: "1 ou hlm ln ail lu 40 raoesl w1tlningo o rs mo ôsoeounds. 3 thîrds, uiilaeed i. drawn 1.1 lng is races 1 turtod hlm aganst 1oe. hores as. Fidal testi; triu2 2ra :14-. AluonT Pstbal,212: Rie t1t~ ~imoiRi34 ulu c Curdy2 Wiike Busacilg il sd other codoneou vas wtb thmsohQCre o aihi, re Ho bu émaed mi 's on 08n<A. Hi sone o! Uieutq goTun the tvo ivonty list or botter tila roar. 1gi5,00 to Insuro live colt. Breeder will be held (tee fe, of ail mares disposed of after belng bred. . ^Il colts te be sattied for when 10 days old. 1.C. A. Appley, Owner. ,TYVILLE - ILLINC $ER FOR A SHORT TIME ONL jIlle~ CHICAGO INTER OCEAN AND LU*%t OUNTY IMDEPENDENT ... eu qMakbly loy figure vhen -iciubbed" or ordered tog ~4 n a4ueedn,1 yar .............. i . ................... ........ it e Oonma mdIndependent 1 Year ............... HALP DAY ~ - -E im .vmMi od Very "fle wbft. ~h~I ilsos lutonm1*08 icbliai; ea eia e i~~Easier said than dole somnetimes, but we Mn. <rin ue~ as ua4e ruai t eUi «P -and vuaburied Monday. pr rovmn iainthebu liomifl , t u- - ? - f IVedr' re preparedto furnish you with xitoxz*j= t bve br . Il val ulruek by light- fre~aiDiuon%'ne1aivek* SUMMER CORSETS, ~~.MatbaEi5SaibierO Obi('qO 3 tik r O5 nUothm88anevw *SU MEhU DE WE R yiaiiedst Mr. T.Hq1e1'I thie W*k. WIydid 7011not <et one for ivo, SHIMRT WAISTSA,' .Cbaniey Roetmaiui bh m flrel 1WW1 S ITW IT ise place very mach by buildiglà18W j»lObIpstth drive.s*the ouest ieamxS R W A S la »erS L ok ont. Llncolu.itheST A H T, ~ a ae an oe on you. PARASOLS, jaUun rSWtld a D, eapaerb aie c ofDeerfild's HAMMOCKSý. Tueaday evolig. ana LJ1'W4 MSd8 OflOl oBmuliraunolSun- Elegaît patterns in percales, lawns and Ü;rgào oa vt e urud other fashionable goods for shirt walsts' school ab V#lI*il4l vWt"ite' Aiinumber of the citiena of Deer- and dresses..... .. .. . ...... parente amdflnsa e ' Oi are Maig arragements to ai- WIn u.n m 10bognau qn X t S euiioWocdaien pieuie ai Jases- sboit Rois ouncol let leJneld. lAie are selling lots of bicycle suadries, ToaalOuiQaflWifà A iii. ill, ilon a tile pill. TheVU such as Sweaters, Bail Beari ng flicy Henry &e11lberry hmbar aly Oum- :laeon.eite ph hu -won, DeWiWat pleiel blis -Dow houa sàv « LfilIaOtBtos C lu, ile htoes, Beits, Golf Caps, Repairs, etc. H.a p flh l ie a c :________ ai iaon ~*~ ""ROLLINS. Long Grove, Ili. V. SAUER& BROI HallDeyDa 5 pin 1 o W TWOCcgo md new houssesbave- -boeu sneoe4 N. Blathail<k, oaieg md one cin MilwauikeAve., ad- o» eon pleiunicelle bore 1tmavek. Bivenfli.Oiver Book and fuiyvsited When in Town The utrvberry festival vhich vas relativesait remont, Snnday. bldlaiith1e Town Ral 1mai PridéY qut. a number aiiended George eveuing vma a grestatfuu0om ,TThe Sheldon barun rising TUe5Ity. Titi Tif.AT »î>r proeeodsvill gotovard th1e chlMhii ' MIs. Louise Edvards spent last Quit. a number. fronthU!aiiSBdod vuok viih lier son et Orsysiake.__________ fhalnerai of Mn. B. 8115 who Was Mr, and Mrs. C. Doolitile, aund e ram S lond dn,4onthe ond nom hi. bola1mai17 voeeai Aniioch Baurday' c C e m S d gaturday. The funienil via bl eaiMr. andIM». Bd Doolittle andi Libeity ville, vbere the remain,à- vOr fani yVere Wankegaflvisitora Satun- iuterred. dy BU&y people have aO ie, and XmS&ýRnwobsbln R I rsensible pieope have Do ilIna*OtO ah in'vola1)0 -R T 0use a slow remedy. ou Minute yIDgt Chicago neturned home leni FLAVOJaS Cough Cure acts promptly au wgvs Ok. " Vpermanent nesuits. F. B. Loei ib. ln. and Mrs. Wm. Dooittle ani Vetyvile; G. C. Robonts, Wan da. famlly vistel relatives at Grayalake r Buuday. EVERETT., Misa Alta Converse and ber brother . Lyle, of Fort HUvenee b nots 01 PHOSPHATES. James Lyons visuted Chicago len their cousin Mary Hock, Baiurday and Sunday. Buaday. Lon Sore base bal tooln nxt UU-aocoety met vitliMna rn. . dad "LO V EL L T HE DRU G GI ST~ day ai ibis place. ai Gnyslake. The neit meeting Viii L. B.FPinlkoul ceulal tation nbcet Mrs. C. Dooiitti's. Libertyville - Illinois. las vih Iona ad rI1 We maight tel you more about One rie4ttSmrWis. Minute Cough Cure, but you probabiy - Mu.Ta d at8omer5, Âune, 01 kuoia u hat it cures a cough. Every Oieagô, ore the guestê of Ur. Y Lonedomua hmused ih. Ih I» Zerver and vife, th1e p"atvew«34rec remedy for conghs, coids, juV.V Borne of our young people attOndedho=feui. t i au especial favorite Sunda nighit. Ail report a fine moisi and quick la curng. F. B. Loveil, timen. Libertyvillo; 0. C. Roberts Wauconda. ht'a just as easy ta try One minute RCEELR eaaorte cure a a svoerauboo r. codl UrDr. Travis entetined her i s j4t n w ith i.Loi your nexi puremasefor à sistor àaîev days 1tait eek. cu011 bc ne MinebonghCue.Frank IBoney shippel anoilien car try h. F, B. LoveR, Lhbsniy'rii; G. $ 17c $ 40f011ibsplc ls C. Roberts, Waneonda.Mondai. Borne of the natives about tbis burg Bobti 012se vil build au addition have wonkediheinsulves into a terdni on st ore 90z24, t vo sionica lu the exctmoni over borne raoing Md noerfuture. A perfect fit guaranteed. Cati and see my samples. it ls believed thai aMy enterpsieÏDg LOttie Hardenl, Of êhcago, speut Repairinq businessm-An vitb a. Old ut l oase, Sundayvithbernpareuts Mrn fd Mm. Çen OVER BAN K. or condemed mule able to ma". a E.B. Hadon. Cen mile in tbreo or foUr miDutou. iliglit lra. E. G. Payne and Minnie Meyer Dyeing Libertyville, Illinois. roe a moderato fortune aMong te» apuni 1ait;Friday vith lins. Chas._________________________ enthusissie apo .If money la as Bryant, of Lake Villa.. abundant m trte Whll Knigge ta having an addition Let Sunday the brick yard insl built On bis- furuiture store, this failing te appeaer the Shady Leal making th1e store 80 fi long. Thua viii aspirsnte chaflengel 1the Begua and enabie in te carry a stilU langer stock $kX LE BEAU'S a gamnevas playol in vbiob but fouir of furnnture. . of the regulsr t 1 edo, te ost A junior Endeavon society vas a T Yone and licran. Sbady Leave- m Uil okasged the pledge. uonway andFPariey. The as eDoC»d M, Coq*mau acta as presideuut sud 'C G at the end of b oily cout0oW tObUle MoBride as vice president. C G R inuings, vhéob vil bc nemembered m feas -fleiTur". .B the mont lamaging even playel oun cloes on hBEday W.S. -the famonsEvrei rounds. Boversi Welch bas given gool satisfaction but ~ -' EBA players neciel ptaufulinjuriesni» itot b blue te nromain i'ith unstheCA among theux behng ex-iglit lieller eomifl< year asn1he intends to attend __ sud atchr Mran.Othos 51eta Beloit Wis. A gentleman -- O'Ceonr-.d.atcer 11m OIersaIholVIS A DA Is Y 1rclelleu s pin! i injuries, and a&B front Antioch vili teach the comnu Clian2:>1 leedthe seceaaiiY 0f iaking otalt ~ ______A K F R . 217%. inuKranpli< vrnfw r oe trustiug ibein ,pr~ o aor) vaiablolives tenunquaflitel tilens. VOLO. .11ilv" f o thbai'i montIimportant feature of ihe This section wag visited witlî a a le iie .piîî cf fragrust ilhrs K%. vas the capturing o1 tvo sky heavy nin sunday. J scrapia< Ilican1)7 John Carol, a Mr. James Brown, of Uraysliikt, and îI ~ obco ~ niw PýreIptng youth of considerable 1PilVg eet, ihty. Anothen feture vas lins., Pearce, of Baningion, were 1-11- af F. Vughu froni ied on Sunday moruing. They , rvat -a ot linoerithvas beaing dovnuon al.ieuded chureha otli 1. th,ý hlm vith terrifie velocity. Othen Mn. Walken Tovuseal snd bis lady taU1brilliani nlays vero made, and the frend Miss Hutchson, o! Waukegan, ODur- gaine euded in> layon of the lihsdy spefli Sandsy ai Mn. (Jeoroe Waite. J A E L N RS N S ______________ .Mn. Fred Bauer sud laughten vere iu l1IhbI FOX LAKE. attendance slo. US - That of thecalintyvwas refreahod On Monday evening June l,'the W. He asb abý eoen of nin Wenesda. C. T. U., of Lake couflty are nvite< The Right Place ok for Blb.J.Rfo uui moved te attend a W. C. T. V. meeting In y-five 191 To b'OU= ontyvcted by MéUiny, ai vhich urne Mines Loua '..TTO BY talé bouo rc y aMorrov, o!f reepont, Preident of the -.-T U -. Mr. baaoy re1yhov er ixth-Dlstrhct will dliven an adîress, A-r C L U A M L M N S 1for uè l*y omrykonhr b je an suable soeaker and ah vwho caunG IU T R L M L M N S ~ H5~O¶~ avlIiiO Tdu<saa ties 2, the nn Special Sale for the next 30 DAYS in one or Thi liewresine o Mm noll W C.T. U. convention vii be bell A osecliaorwel Wsi flte 2n or uulut 10 a d &# e iGIslske. Al ithe members and Are you thiniking of a tw hrecutats, hel DIS.i ut uIpoeatt u U tir oir blondsaran condially invited ta f barrows, grindstones and ail v 1¶seriu t. bing a bg buiuemabe lIeamq ti.auioponibsbe kinds of farming tooîs'... ~ù ~1s ottr £cioy oiui ta~ mragd, anumbemlof good speakersI nunibT o!tho llk sippq 'baiug ar1yrepart frorn tbe prosent officersC vbo Mifbe given. Come oneoanidali. B 1 C Y C L E WcWl(the RECIPROCITY, a wbcol ft.Tnydel and vile, obave The memoniai sorvice ai Volo vas ilti;iIl'OPT incsi-eio, be~u hvh~v1i thir an-n.a ey internosing. Bey. Cook grave an ct1îtI1:>T )I' i<oit<4i, 5~j45rJqshuuare moving io Loaken v addreas. Hoevwa amised byLEEG N an AR IT VIla e clarnt uLber o! G.aA. , s. f roui M'vjr

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