EÊ-AT rBAZýRGAI-NS Triggs & Taylor's Corner Store. This is what our customers say; '»dTO KNOW THE SUPERIORI- TY 0F YOURGCOODS ONE HAS ONLY TO TRY THEM. - - We dlaim not ont y to keep a high g rade of goods in ali lunes, but our Iprices we guarantee can flot be dis- counted in the county. - - - Iia'Stt KI1aaý,. ti fli a, he". l' Casa Tomaat,', i.io1.'lz berry c<ffe" jg','luA 1'u u oý w,rtli an.' Thaa'a are oniy a !a.w of oui i.wgaleis. Caait".aaa ic pe'r doz. flood tJa, tea 250 per lb. N o.i arleI pe4v'îaes il1&4 Worthl5eaI ajur ruiOltAlw h, (LivE anad Lzir UvE) Remember we are headquarters for ail kinds of fruits.- - NOTICE TO FARMERS:--We wi 11 paehi ýghest price for good beef ,mn.-TRIGGS & TAYLOR. THE ALMIGHTY$ Buys a BIG LOT of Goods at OUR STORE. Run ýyour eye down this list, ANaD ',EL MAT $1.1m) WILL PURCHASE. 5 pounds granulated sugar 3 box Closs starcn good Ja a1 e :: shreded cocoanut oat meal 2 Oz. bottte temon extract I pound ood rice 1 ilgalsoda t bar Sterting soap 1 Oz. ground pepper Total tOc t5C 2 5c 20c 06c 1 Oc 1tOc Oic Oic Oic Oic a&-Tlie aova'goods nol 'olul sepumtely t tisese ps-D'es. Our Dry Ooods Dep't. is Complete We are always witling ta write -~INSU RANCE-- Vours For Business, F. C. SMITH & SON. If you want a wl New and second hand at ail prices f rom $15.00 I 've got 'eml THFPF 14S NO flOt RT I 1oa items of interest ta Libertyville Readers. C.M. & Sir P. R. R. TIME TABLE. TO CHICAGO. a.m. aI. a. .... p. PM flumel 5 5 5:17 54:57 Wadsworth 5: 5 :285 5:0 ~ rn.9:10 &36 05:11 aroton 9.16 :39 5:14 ÎJuEETX VILLE 5:30 7716 M2:0 6;47 4:55 Bionalout s&40 r.16tas 12:0 65*2 6:21 Lrorfi vrdI 5:44 7 21:36 Z46&W5.2861 Dereld 5:52 7, r.35 12.*62 6 U7 6:U Slhermerville 5:56 i-se 9-4012:56 614 53 Cheagolasrlrci .a :450 10-25 1.45 7:00 i PROM CR1CAG<>. &.. M. pm. p.m. P.M. a.an. Lv.IUa,.Pau.Sta. 7: wi 04»."-520 ':2') Lv. Kinzie Kt. 910 >150 SherMerVillle 5.285m1s5:18 56 6-11 7*231 5:1 Deerfield 8:34 10*22 &:00 6:17 1:27 91.25 Eveatt :42 1W28 &M 6 :26 7:33 9*27 Pnalout 8:48> 1S.35 5:12 40 7:40 :3 fIU UITTV1LLE 10:45 6:56 7:50 91.45 Fmaton 8:54 6:19 938 Uurnee 9*0 5:2 9:41 Wadisworth :10 &M 95:1.Ô Busifl î(arrive) 9-.18 5Me10.00 # deobes daly. s aonotes Sunday onl y. Where no mark api'ear5 trains are dally Px- eept Sundur. SUNDAY TRAINS. Lv.Uàbertyvlilpe. 6.. .Ar. Ronîlont :06p.m. Lv.bicago 5:1 a.m. Ar. hr-tysIlle5:4a. n. Lv.Uhicaoe.05 p. an. Ar.LI,a')rtyville r5zs-i In. No. 3D rus SUnia only. goiîag soutlàa. wilil stp0signal &as f<,1ws:-At ltugi,«- 12:07 p. m. #aowortia 12:17:, Ouriai'.' 1227, Wurr"n- ton i52:5; 5ondoayt 12:56:Evorett pLt2D,.uril4f mas. ilSheraservillle ixaz arrives in Chienl"at 1:45 p. M. Train No. 44 hais boa'n latply p ut on froni Dnrtiild 1 Chicago. Leaves *s'4rtloa"l -1 a. mn. Sha'raervilio 7:24;.arrive,' <'iîlag'i :11) .. a.No. 53 loves Chiacago 11:2o i. m arrives SherrnarvlIle 12:05 a. an. Dîs.rfl-i'd Albert Lyon vus ini Woukogan on busainesuIos nnoirk Mr. Ed Austin, wifo and family, of Chilcago, wore entertained Docorution Day îsy W. C. Sanisoru and wite. Mr. Ilartley Morricis, 0f Manistee, Mieh., a former resident of Liberty- ville, is visiting old fIends bore. Dr. Smith and vile dbd Geo. Wright andi wife, spent Saiday in Chicago, thrý gueste o! C. N. Durisnd and family. Mr. John McCormlok, wife, father and, ehiilr,'n, attended-tlac Decorution Day services ut Waîakogan last Satur- day. Tiae Lakeside Cemetery Aisociation will give a imie social al mys. spencer BondI',, Priday aflernoon, June 5. Weatlier permitling, tesa viS be sorved 4)11 the' lawu. A. Il. Churchililta home from lbhe N,rtlîestern Modical college for the miilaialder vacation. He la accompanleal lîy S. S. Leith, of Fondulac, Win., uo a studeuît nt the Nortbwei3tern. P'. J. WeNld, who haq benoserious- ly il] thi- hast few wccks, bis Ille vau alajînh t de:.pairod of, ia, ve ame glad 10 aulimnc',, fat improving, and though 8tiall vvry feteble, we hope to sebis geiaiil fae on the streets &auin. The' tr,,ttiaag horne, Lee Forest, ovis- ed ly 'iane', H. Lomax,of Cicago,died at tfii, talte of Franks Duseubery, of nuanersma&weK.( libt)'all))-,Tlesday. ehad arecorde MissesWinnle and Lizzic Bodm"ud 22 at ~i ts.reFrAItrota are visiting in Chicago. the' rair la,,t year and lbhe year before. Mrs. F. W. Purdy, of Waukcgan, vis- Cîilren's Day wîiiilho observeg ited relativos ber. Tiienday. next Siîdaiy morliing at the Preaby A. 1. Mallory vho la painting aI Ia'riun t'hurcliand Au lhe eveningà Lake Forest vus bore Sninduy. thie Uaîni l ch'b, The exercime vl Frank Riuney, of Wauconda, wvas, bc in chiarge of thse Sabbath scbcolt bore on business firaI of the week. andi gooti programa are urrangeal. Miss Gertrude Williasms is spcndiug Soin.' aiscreants foroed openi a fov wooks vith ber sisier in Chicago. windoaîtins the rear of tise poetofIlce Mr. John Lawrence, wile and thhîs gtiniaîg aan outrance, last Tuei cbildren vore ut Waukegan Sturday. day iÀight. Tbey secured $3.00 J Rober-t Lyon and wife entertaiued p,'uiia's ansd a fev 2 cent stampi hiz roterLew yon an famly astTh.-y 1,41 5 and 10 cent stempe vbië hsd. bthrLeLynanlfmyIntwere 1in the drawer vitb the 2 cen H. W. Hucker, of Antîocb, vas mj1s fr 111f erection of the Catholà calling on 1. 0. (0. T. lriends here lasI )isu1g' taebidnt Snnday. î,îîî ut Lile.rtyville, are solieit& 1ev. MaeGliffn vilI apeak On Ilatim utitispecth'ations cuis o c tempos-ance at the, M. E. cburcb next taiiW e y apl))yiasg ut MUx LeBeai' Bmsday. store. 'j> îtitis o ho sent sest Libertyville is theo pronal possessos- 1ev, . 'i. haruy, Libertyvilie, o of one Rowe Fire engin,,man(- heing î>.r re hue' 13, 1896. puid for in fuit. 'nie hu1,)ilaiîg gentlemaan have bee. A large suimber f1mai lere attended rt ggrvlti ee o n the Deeoration Day servives atIlIoeke- thairiîg rv.' Iii fvte I for ns fellr lmt Btaray.C'ni't'ry. Franîk Nirbols, Wiii 5h>l John IL. Allanson lias retnrned fr'on> hiîan, Eritest Davis, Sulas Wright au bis trip to Cane Caunty. lio w ife làasn,9.f. Ma-soia. l'le ladies 0of the asuoch Dot returned as3 Y<'. tt',uîf4,a1 grntl.t for tIse generon Boehm Bros. salaon libuilding w'u15 ,lîutionq . f w',rk in bis linoe i painted tise first oft te week. get' ap.fori a Iirtllier response fro Inîprovlng its appearaasee. g.i.îaiu intil,î alits-. nt lira. Gray vas calla'u1 to <Ais ' ji ben cilI vthie'council pro- .. . ~ ~1.1- tUII l - t,,~Ut i ~lil f -It .. 1.,îe b ri a l rgsa O T sa t a m h Ei o i tle M oa ,. aua"etin g l(u a- î urr an t in fa so s-of th e ~ F 1*.lils Saab hîl.r. 'f li:igo- I o~, .,for îeltfit ai.',' edue thesa spendl asg hem vHAi'.at a thlIa, h f" onirela" 'îgiaaa aîî1 ,'î îipmeut. This tcan please you in price. b ler brather, J1. %. l>imater. metîca tIse provoking qiesiion, sud 'l'lere wM ll Ie Chisitiana DY 'whatcver yoasr opiininauyLe na exorcises liîtIshe Union cburcla Sbîa;y regards thje nulvi.alilaty of the action a ening. 'The Preshbyti-riîtai alîar'-lî os-tii(,' nrit of tile eaîgiîie, uban ýhe l al on ni . viii holal Ibese exorcises inî tlle ajorai assistancis ' linedel t') operate il, - ____________ lng and vii l isv '," orviees u in daîl t ait ch ad griumî,loabout evening. ils me meicîîclly. "Iaad a lauinal" and I REPAIR A FEW The mason wos-k on Lewis Haasl'v a aiihe il possileteho attij i Ise beul building la completed and C. P. Fi.4îser. iresalts. the contraclor, te getting mauy cotiaî At the hîaomnit ti, mmleparentl,, $85.00 C. R. SHERMAN, ...Jeweler, LIBERTY VILLE, - - ILLINOIS. A large and varied line of Hardware, Pumps, Milk cans anid Cutlery. The best oil can on the. market a a a IPFjflpS, Ga$ pipes, lins 'Tin andSheet Iron pliments 01, the' jaob. Saaîsel Pope-. ,Mr-. and Mr.s. Danîiel L,*- u&'cîrred the th1e Chicago conts-actor, well kaînsai iîuîri.ge of tls"ir diîîglîte' Aiaile tu hereubouts, saa3s81te wallmarae lhe he'ut Nr. Win. Waarondt, Tua 'lu afttmaoon ho ever suw, tie.naature of w'rk nue> iah :3 o'î'iock, 1ev. J. B3. Maehîarlhia pér. mutorial eowli(lare)l. Tîhe 1 's'If'ssniasg thea' epimoay. TIi,'bride in brick frontl, vitisits r',,<k-faa'e Irim- ell-kiowîî is Lilertyvîi'. iadi a miasgo, si-4ul-ed.( a iiîîarv,.l o! hu:aily Younîg lady of swee.î ai 'pe. Âliiand andthie alli foraîlit.î *ofthewli sLe , ia ,iasg Isanner. Mri. %11 1li ai s credit lui Mr. Fi.,e.'. Suicli workiîî,iîl- 1ena angng(od inathe. aeat luuîileFS shIp s desea'viîgo ,îfm'!niîed'lioaiialîîuihere for tva> yearx. andLi al .'Siîut,. "Crit" ,'recta'd a mtonumasent le) lisi,,al eiterprisilag man. Afta'r Ile cr.. ity tbat wil viii for litu lini-liad-u îiony lte happy couple drove lu Rond. miratian. aand viem-ed frot a nîerýejistrv ouad t sd10k the 5:45 traui there for stanalpoitit, prove a lastinaîuverisf: Chicago, vhere $Isoy spent a t'w (laye. mont. I 11ev aili be ut home ufler J110,. 9J u Patriotlc Entertalnmorat. Thse ptriotie es-etalsinent aI the' Uniont cltîcli hast Friday evoning, under tiheadisection aot Miss Isabel Clark and M1. Alie Davis wau, fiivorcrd vitb a goot audienîce in ujîite a!'fithe inclemelît wateules. The 1rogI'am aîi a tbheliesIao! ils kiasd rejaticret(iAn Libertyvillc of late ycaïsathe parti- cipsnta' bciîîg eis(oî'ed heutily ini every blsance. TIse csos-uses evideaiceti nici Lardl work 01nlte pairt of tiie dirýe4tr.m, w'hite tbe quartetta vüe,' xcept.timiuly fino. Tice rog1aloivaîs ýinterasai;1 with recitations appropriate 0ta thhir rcsidence on Newber-y Aveuline. l'lie appropriation ordillalîce as paiblishldIcan another column uudor lead "Ordînanee No. 81," la somevbut iiiî<sling, as froin 111e construîction ouf tIse osdinance one Is led 10 believe h liat alilmoneys las the banda of Vie t5'ea'urer are appropriateal 10 the tire and vater lnsal, vberoaai t1e intention was to simply use tise unappropriateti isoney in tIse trcasury, wbieb sum duid aio exeed l$36373, thse iraI ! of duie; :11141iluolju§s oîne banve intiinateal0t delûhe ail othes- tuanda for the tire Mîiud até,- fOnd. MI B.('CeL BVY, See Their' Bargains in CARPETS, CURTAINS, WALL PAPE CLOTHS, MATTINOS, RUOS., COTHING, ETC. v. bav e meoly <fl Bail Bearii Bicycl sboe for 1bo and Genu .. Bicycle ridera hI bave thefr oralernsa a» tise demma ssali greal.. CaHln iiandl s..lb REFRIGERATORS Cali in and see our "N~ew Perfection" Hardwood Refrigerators -Charcoal Sheathed- Dry Air Circulation Soiid Bronze Auto- matic Locks. Leave your orders be- fore hot weather. 1 gai. osm Apples 25cts. 4 can Clorn 25ets. 10 bars Boap 25ctis. 9 lbo. navy Beaus 25c1s. 2b lM. enu Baking Povaler 25cts. 1 lb. Japa Tea 2S1cte. 3 lb. box Starch 15ets. 2 large packsages Parlor Mtches 25cta. 1 lb. Cocotant 25ets. 6 Ibo. lice 25ets. 6 Ibo. Californin Prunes 25ete. 6 Iba. Caifornia, Raisins% 25ets. 6 packages mince Meat 25ets. 1 lb. Smoking Tobucco 15ets. 1 lb. PluIf Tobacco 1 lb. ftenecul Tobéeco 1 pr. kisce Pans Citilda Suite 1.001 Ladies 'Was 1 Ladies Vesta Suspenders Overalis ghirte Cellnlolal Collera Cellnloid CutIs Ready Made Shoots Ready Made Pillow Cases Me Bu COLBY- Il (114), ,he by Vieux-ChaëlsIa4 141 4C()j< N hoby Coco (712, hoby M19uMM LINCOLN ho by Jean-Le-Blanc (739.) Pain: Louise Michel 8073 (M-8 THE STANDARDBRBD Cygne 6951 <6960>, he by Ool1aT ho by Passe-partout (.9." , Cornet 104 (719),bhoby Fee.O U6 (<734), ho by Jiderim <(6M), Valentin (5301), he by Vieux.O ,,OWIN4HD BY V (713), ho by Coco (712), ho by N TIIOM S M C URE, (715,) hu by Joan-Le-Blanc THOM S MGURE, Seco-nd dam Bleue 8O72 7O OURNKLAfECO.- -ILLINOIS. Favora 1542 (765), "hobyg Bijou (49%) by Maeg,1eoj M. Jules (lautret. In witness whereof. we bafte x iixed the seal of the Âssociuionu. ) et Chic&go, Ill., this 131h clam S. D). Tnompso1Ç, Secrethi T. W. PALMER., President. LiNcolx t oos second prise M, stock Show, Chicago, feu of loi - competition witb 59) other noeud year.old stnds, the firaI prise bd swarded 10 his funl brother st same stock sho0w. L1UcoLNy's prosent ownor, wbao *. EU1Pl~TE r ~DIO((.*~had 35 ycare' experionce as a h cg"F-tArgOF PDIGRtIt. dealer, had the pick et th. mb*ý This loto certity that the Perch eron lie snbmits the services 0ki biso etaslien, Lincoln, hua been duiy with the bellot that ho will proiq entered for regintration ln Volume 6 of the best stock getters ove> otthe Percheron Stud Bo"k o1 Amorica service ln Lake County. as thse property of L. J. McCormiek,- of Chicago, Ill., snd thut bis rocorded LixCOLN wvu stand during isumber i17303. sso 119 ttepeü oloran bh descriphton:Bon aowner for alimited number et M lairidgrout white. a ,19;bo Service fee, $10 tu maure a live. Preigre: oald My 4189; beilsaturdays oniy, ait City Hotel E by, l MecCormick Stock Farus, of Waukegn Io"k Forent. Ill., got by louper 8076 1 wlla.1 attend 10 yOur se lgna 1037> ho by Confident ce as usuel. Notify me b a"tmho by Brilliant 1271 (755), olîrs . hol by Britiant 1899 756). ho by Co-o Unolam.d ettea. PblicExoeutore Notic. Unclime Leters Pubienotlaoe la herebY iv.. LOotreunclamed ln the Llbertyvill,. >mst- sbcilrExoeutrix of lie OIR"5Uss 1. 1556. Testament or Peter Schâst IL Us6kaln loreignl Mrs. James Forba's. attend the County Court of Joi*ý« i , Thosau Strong. at aterra thereof te he hole -. -L John Wrlg1ie..use ln Wauegan. la samidi e~ D. uIL JonrWigh.. ire ondar 0ÀAugat ext. <f.SeuAiICK. 1P. M. wheroe 0 1persos as dr LOW Rtes.Wanke u. May mMd. ssi. For thse Occasion of the Democrutic xcte' 0 National Convention, Chicago, July 7, -DBICNTIEj '96, the Win. Cent. Linos l oeil ex- L- tW-1suVllld cursionU idkets at rate of on. fare for FYyt,.doemd. :i~lle ofLaýke Co Ute. et - s tne road trip. Tickets@10 b.ho ld hold,'n ut lb,, Court 0oasi July 4,.$# 6, 7 and SUL. Tickets tu mij<i County o the DaN it, lasse, when and ho limiffl for rsoînnpsasse lu and in& dulmu aiWWat sai occa8ion, wiscîspleased and enles- If it reqîîired ais annuail ontiuy of iV-45.ug-ul---, 196. idi ea'l-»o. taiiued the audience. $100.10ho isure a fumily againat any i _____________12,_18U. Abouît $48.00> vus ucttd ly the .serionts conboquences frous an attack Laheside Comee-y Asgoaiatian, îvlalî'lîf hovel cosnplaint dunlng the year Drees Goude, Sateena, Ginasas,'Wîkg, Run wii mterall Ri inbeatf t lier" are Iboso vbo voulal feel it their Prints, etc lis lb. styles, ut Mrs. Esq son>viiimaîrialy ad in1'eiaii>yig dnty to pay 1t; that they coulal not Protine's. Pbl the vak8 and ldrives i lIhe ceetery. usford 10 risis their lîvos, sud Ibose subrler, oft tîeir taîsilY. for snch amouist. Any Womn lnie. Toui5siierut 0 Mr Jans er n, u ldaoala" icasgel Ibis tinsurane for 25c., 'nulIboe ibdhOa are uteIl residinig ut Monroe, Mieli., vas Sevetit b.lslng the price.of bIl tle odf ofru bH eto t i îîsal i~ ly uMicteal with î'beumiatism but llChaîulberluin'm CNolic, Choiera and d l(o1ti eto a h nea 'Od7 receivoti proanlt rellief frOîn pain by I)inrrýhoea Romedy. In almouit ovesy-y 'od-ai snIPienle lu hciboli t utUtrau eo using Chaanberlain's Pain BIlln. Refie aigiborhood sjooa a le JievleWsWdneaJsa.1,leamloaq aay: "t ime m bak oulti aclaa' fom an uttanSk of bovgl om ian a , f lzge~sseoesolution. TIse apucil aoeg so badly that 1 could bard"'s-ie p.ietoro medicine conlald e reae or 1mb 10l. If 1 bad nos gottoî eliefoll 1iv.11ti oa physicitoa or tw. Io j ae hryLl i :0ls11 be, horo te write theso ev l s oses of uski . , e ~ mM n A a-mgalBsBissdi*s Chmberlai'a Pain Balw aqast oue ue3 oirinia sé., w' F 10leiu a- m 110 "MILs .eoutril 'Noll»i etr 11 Idmlftý