gâl-am ities Now Face ttw Future. 9,ÂNI)ROPEFIJI. te. Ar Busy Clearing may Wreckage. IU.le.Te-Brrain , the .00. ý *>&Ma*eUumate. Ioe O»wmes'Woz-PeU Pictuge wru.e he Peopisetf 0% Md torn and leeding, stagger- me torer0fthe. blov, but aill ý*aI£d.t La ber own strengtb, Bt. Louis la standing lu tiie lektmr evea laber miaery and agii M00of her chldtren vere mby <tie meresa vwind, and I7Jag la tii. bospitala on betis OW la raiiylng ber superb r.- ~yte bela again the. marcii et *AsM.4T. Louis CMY HALL. mm Prop.rty vorthmillons vas 6sd trou her hosom, anti trou the uuitaee et ber viiaage huge tac- , batfl altiellinga, gigantic .1.- e ad thousands et homes etftth. %ave beau razeti. Daeet and hit Ont sbe hans truggledt teber feet, JoS la the. derkness et afflition. rUttle aelghbor la scarceiy able tu éï, Tii.full terce etftth. torai hta bw vut. vas nt bat ln the long aUSin*able voyage scronsathe. river. '094 population of nearly tiiree-qnaa'- otg mllo SàtLeuislenbt tvo hua. j~s.ButSt.Louis hem .carc.ly tla ber Ilis t.that de. ot nu- ff.mberahip one deati or voounti MM lo fvictliiaate tue tury et the V" ias p te 150, and to »aYvWho la »d , b. b enunemate one-hal eie« fthte bouds ltl !.cou- W«ker tuan ei. Louis, la tuai mk ise andi v.lth, she la 10;bar bwa migit. With the as- M.«teoutailte wved mie vil! e WMOthe blw la tiine andi ber rteta viii agein b. the tuer- SMet teaus sud men they the terrible visitatien. But >-3,0*"Wr ofthe voridthe ii.saaier ý * etfti the. siten cii., yl liv, on 1 f*s tii. grcteat of modem times. alrth cf the Toruado. a tBat fateful Wednesday atternono iola ts ormed la conclave over eti d& Fer mentis, veeks tb.y bai be ~i«49 la an atnespléere tut mati DUE17< HICKORT STREET. It le SOm wmnlsd and resttent. They vere with energy generated by ex- ss a" tiiey ver, snrly. They tw rapine and slaugtr. Down *oný myrIads ef mortels ran about et the big city Ilk anti, each »sUthlm part in the daily journey Actous the river dense vol- aromeand trom the. many fards the ahrlek -0f locmotive -1e4 wlth the rumble of mev- KI. Pest stock yards amd the Mad the. feundres ver. îdd qut to the. atmosphere that vby t1 thé doe a 0f r erq bebavi ln a manner no unuanal tbey fram.ed their bttie front andi bronght to beiiig tue tot2iado, the. chid of unusual atmcapherlu conditions, the conentratioa of the. pow- er cf the. elements. In legs tiian tea min- utes ht cause<Y damage to property that cannt b. replaed la years and lons of lite horrible to dwell upoli. It svept a city troin endi to endi, attacketi a svollen river, lineti viii siipplng, made of It a vaste of mnddy vater, ehowing ber. andi tiere on ltu surface a vreck, anti rumiiet on tiiroagh the. littie city acrosa the. brldg.< d.molisiiing It mot utierly. It loft beblnd a loag trali of blood and twlsteé rela. Wiien the foteeof te iii.vitabateti troun every door and every place of sheter men aa4 womea svarmed witii-blaacbeti faces anti trembl" lips. Every tiorougtar. vas a viéta of broken signe, overtugaed vehicles, gren<ianti shttereti glass and twitd vires. Ligiiug vere snuffçd. et by the ftry of the gale andtheti. ondrfui cntrent tint propels se many of the cart of the lty wàs rentier4, Usélesi. lu the. dovntowa buthiieaMO-lsit, viiere the. damage vas sllab4. - the streets wer. crowded vwith it dltàm anxious to get to their homes to rpsmur. leveti on. .AU fe1 that a dreatiful calamity bati ocçnq- . bdLîonecould swy thé ecitent -oi Ntigm ïaýaion a é1tj thorougiiiy andi pititnlly demorallzeti. In aHI ts vaat ex- teu,3t tere was flot a mnan wI>o knew vbat ba eén accomplisiieti by the terrible wind. Obeîtly Taies Told. About 7 o'ciock the. eastern horizon teck on a ruddy appearance, andi througii the blndlng rain long longue etflire coulti b. seen inounting iigii ln the air. East St. Louis vas on lire. Tiiere weré firea te the south and te the east and to the. veat. Tii. city va alleti lu vitii dames on tire. aides andthet .streeta vere lipassa- ble. Out of the confusion andi chaotlc spawa et rumora, It becanie son apparent that the bnik 0f the damage bia been don. la South and Buta St. Louis. Ne que kaew thie extent of t and ail fearedt te ues.. That t viaunuprecedeuteti vas intuitive- ly aurmised. Up ln the. city, viiere the full force of the. charge o -tii. aagry ciouds vas nt fet, thi. rata gave a falat Indication of ivhat it vas viiere.tii. tor- nado had mioveti a path through the. soliti evidences of tiie indnstry of man. A st.ady streaua et travel toek its vay te- yard the~ south and alaigiit long it ebbed1 andi fioeeiout of scenes et ulaery anti de- vastation lato icones et devestatien and mlaery. Thein tadld aervice in putting out numerona Oir.. the firemen coulti net reaciad thea dieti aievly andi sulleniy, a uiiongi angry et b.ing caileti upea te keader any succor to ube -viétimaetfIts allieti frendes, tie vintiandtihie cientis. To thoe Rsee. Brave mon. vltii heats cool anti bearta true, r.aliz.d, as seon asube full tury of the visitation vas speat tiit tien. cas vork fer theai te do. Tii. City Dispen- aary natnreiiy beceme the.central point of neya anti succor. Every minute nevs of f nesh borrora vas recelveti. Ambu- lances began te reaci the. city hiall loadeti dova vith veuntietianti deati before any meAsurei ieoklng te tueir cane coulti bc taken. Physiciens, full et ener, villing to de their part, came trem every district lu the city tiiat bati not been toucheti by the sioru. Velanteer. poured In f rom evory direction, ready te dig and delve or do enythiag te asist the. authorities. Tiie bnlk et the huerof etti nigiit was groupeti et tue morgue, et the. City Dis- penaey anti et the hospitai on Seven- teeath anti Pin. streete. Dova the. nr- rov aliey back et the ciiy hall ambulance atter ambulance svnng la, loadeti town vitii sufferlng iiumanity. Tii. limiteti quarter. vere a repositery for the mis- ery etftisys crowded Intoheur,. Neariy el the. victima brought in ver. cemplete- ly naketi, atrippeti hi the violence ofthe ateru. Speeti vas nocessary in treating them andtihte.gentie, kindly verda etftthe isurgeon wiie us pleati ef urne ver. net spoken. It vas hurry, iiurry, iurry. A sien vith on. fracturfti leg veuiti give vey en an oeratliig table te a man viti ebotii legs tractureti. or a voman with ber tender flesh haaging la ibretis. Little ehiltiren, tora andi crnaiid, ver. breugiit in anti laid befor. tue surgeon@, <hein 1 rlhl cries ad pitif nI moins contrasting vlth tiie hevîs of the. more poverful adulte. Tiiey came ln a avift streain that seemnedto te b.ithout endi, all git ionk, and 1< appeared to tiios. vho handieti <hein thst the iighta andi soumtis gro moretýrrile as te hour crept by. Amurng b. Maugl.d Tii. scene. at tue hospîtal vere a repe- tîtien of thou et the disp.nsary. It vas et the. morgue tiiat the full terce of the. disater vas brougiit te the. underatanti- ing. Tiie litho siate-celoreti bulding on Tweltth anti tpruce vas the magnet tint drew a tunemal procession, radlating freai every part etftthe South Bide. Finit, the suie vwer. filleti ln the.usual vay, one body te a 51mb, andt ten tvo siab e ve placedti tgethon anti matie the. rosting pince foi, teun bodies. 8h01 tthe corps.. came. Tiiey ver. dumped inl liko grist lIt a miii. Ail nigit long St. Louis and East St. Louis ver. citez alone in ther terrible desolation, almeet enirely cut off trou communication witi the resi ef the. vend, .1-~~ siing tiie vain that vi. rather felt tiien1 seen inahtii. go f the aigu. Afttrthe Sterm.. Tiie firat reporta et the. vent toru ver. considerabl.yexaggerateti. as is umu- alLy thei-- came . yr e scba caiaailty oc- cnrs. It vas Impossible la the. confusiona and darkaem te obtain drit. informa- tion, andthie sieries otfiiavec and fatallty vere magnifieti by the. ezciting Influences of the. situation. The. nuniber of killeti, viiicii vauiiatily ostimatei et 1,000, in nov known te b. lesu than 5M0 for Si. Louis anti Eut St. Lents, wvile tu, de- stution of preperty nisy b. put at net te exeed $5,000,000. It ls Impossibe tu tell hov menY ver. voandeti, but the. lust ln lhkely to be everal tunes as large as that ot the dead; and tiiere are bun- dreds of iieuseless and detitute familles,, tiianktul la their ditreas t it tey es- capeti viti their lives. The vork of suc- cortng the. neetiy la b.ing carrieti on viti ail possible diligence and effectlvenea. There was a qulck response et public sym- patiiy and clýarii, to tht demnapof, et l. occasion, andi well organlze eferits ôt re- lief give assurance that no sufferlng vili be neglecieti and ne nemi sparedtu te r- sioe general confort andi iappincsm. It vill take smre time te repair the. preperty danages, but the. unaertaklng in already la pregrens and vil! be pushed torvard with characteristic Âmerlcaa pluck andi enterprise until the laut vestige offlthe mlsfêttune la r.i*qviid. ilt vili take aq lEItwtv years te repair the. damage don. by the. tornade. It la eatimni.ed tuat la St. Lonis ai ieast 7,5W0 bouses ver. tie.troyed, althougi the offi- ciels efthle building conimissionera' of- fice are inclinedt t place it at 10,000. Tii. numbei.-.ot buildings destroyeti or dam- VIEW ON SIXTUI STRU'ET. ST. LOUIS-TYPICAL SCENE IN TUIE SOUTEI- WEiTERN PART OP THE CITY. A nd ln ail the horror ofthte black nigbtj and its terrible devcloDments reigned a1 feeling of dread for what migiit be dia- closed by the day. When the firet graY coloring ln'the eistern sky gave elidence of the ceining of the iight, the watchers gazed with xnlngled feeling% of thaukful- ne,, and fear. Objecta became discerni- bie dimly as the @un mounted highcr on the. course cf hi. daily jonrney, empiia- mged ai at St. Louis wiilnet feul belov 500, wiich menus a lois from wiiieh tue Illineis ton-n viilnet receven la maay. years. The. ternade vwas net a respecter et classes, ati matie1no tilstilcilens. I swept as-ny the palaceaseofs-eauh as vl as the. hovela etftthe poor. It spareti neitiier Institutions et mercy nom the. mon- uents et productive intsr'y. Wiue the noney value et tie damage la eatlmaitid ln aggregate at net over $.%000,000, tiiese figures do net cenvey an adequate idea of the. tremeadous lbss sustileti by the greai catastrophe. Tii. buses eniaileti by suapendeti bpalaess operatieuîs andtheii money that vili bc requiredt te cear eway the. vrecked taciories, blocks and tieli- Ings viii avell the total lois te an increti- ible figure. ESTIMATIC 0V PROPER?? L(>SI. St. Louis Paper flelleves 010,000,000 WIII Cever Everythlng. A St. Louis piper priais a siaiemeni vbich very naieriaiiy modifie@ ail previ- WEECKED STEAMERS ON TIUE FAST SEIIRE OPF TIE RIVER. ou@ petimaie fthte aggregmhe loua by tic hurricane. Tii. article laya: Cons.rvatlve sad wil-lnformad business men regard $5.00.000 au belng about the preper amnt. lu irniving ai ibIs conclu- sion a&l the heaviesi loaere.have been cou- sldered. and the figures have been obtaLned frein persena lu posseaalou, la almnt every F lace. of pernoeaiknowledge. The tollowlng Stl. Louis Uxlted Elevater Coe..11 300.000 lit. Louis Iltrfgerator and Wodeu (lutter Company................ 125.000 Etds bridge-----------------50000n Public acheolo.......... . .0.11 Churehes ..........................280,000 Llggeti & lijera' new factory. - - 230.000 Street ralîroda................... 275.0(X) Riverlutereses....................300< Teiegraph line.....................20.000 Telephone and ,lectrlc llght coin- panles........................ 150000 City Institutionsa................. 110,000 rlr. alatun telegmaph.*............. 20.0<10 ltaliroed lIctresta ..... ..........6500.(«0 l'allila Ire..trou works .............20.000 <Grout Bagglng Company........... 10,00) N. N. Falvbmn & (Co.'& tactory... 8.0W0 Iiand 011 Comipany............... 44,000 Compny ........................75,0<0 LPeeCtoe Compress Oompma. . WW B. Goidard Sieur Min cOespay ... 8.0<0 IronCo... 120000 S.Vartsasylum ...............15.,(S Parnna34tlla ...................... .60M fflk eble. Harrson,Illeward & Ce ... - 8.001) ~Kaa&Ce.s fmctry. 8.(0 filt i..................29.00 Liederkrmns Hal......... .8000 FAe Pbilhn os......6000 Savîer Manufacinring(Ce .........40.000 Brown Tobicco 0Ce............... 50.000 Selkrï's terage bouse........... 6.00< Aetna Iron Works................ 10,000 Conolldated Steel sud Wlne Co... 10,000 Excelsler Lauadry ................ 8,000 EAST ST. LOUIS, AS SEEN FROM THE FERRY, SIiOWINQ RUINS OF THE1I WAREHOUSE AND FREIGIIT DEPOT DISTRICT. _-r j Fd. K. ues à va4, vuueoum.. Wabist*at Envo?........ AubeussiBuscb Brswig Coe... Natloal Wall Pape Comany .. william Kemng & Coe....... Oupple. Wodénvaro CO,ware. bouse..................... O. 3. Cotuba, furniture.... Standary ..........i Eatnnela rI& BDu ,.r.t .......... . Se.d8.1....«............ col à euls............ Belciier Bffr Refinerl ..... H draulle P»ms Brick OoisPanY.. Total ........... .........PIS MILLED DY THE WIY4D6 Neurly 01» Thasaud Live.s IM ontin uthe Lest eMittryMaYB. NeemlY 1A100 ersensbave b...m bi by teoead.&bdt vIndm~s e te violence tiulag Iii.taattsixty days. figure.s etbaud show the. aumbe, mio4 to be Wi a jetal that viiiw*b<h b. sweasd té maeb larger solf vii..thti au lmof t ife at S. U o4 aaeertalaed. P.su.M ~ DomS. lnaiesi Calme, MaL ......... 1 I0rvgo. meay2.........2 Leiton. ,Lay 1...... MiootalMa .......... Jefferson CiyM ay 2. U Maiediis 27 ............i1 Total .............26 Ilt. Loui. ...2.........25 Audrain <'ounty, lMay 27... 13 29 Total ..............*25 8M Michigan. Oakland County. May 25..113 Mount Clenuens. Mal 25 .... . Total.................. 113 4 Iowa. NorthbUlOrgor. May 24. 15... 1 Bouicze. May 24...........a3 Duano 7My24...........45 N*W a.mpton. My21.. CentervIlle. Mal 27........3 Total................. 40 13 K musas. Coacordla, April 2(......... S 1 Fallu City. 1157 16 ........ :....4 Sabethi. lMy 16 ............. 13 .. Oneida. IMay la........... 6...O ht.ssve. May le ............ 4 Emperl4 ay a20 ........... Total.................. 36 2, Indiana. Waz-aaw. lMayin............ 2 0 Texan. Dantou 8,4<1 mryson Coustîru B Colore"o Denver, mancb27 ...........1 Kuaiomky. Elva. Ml la 1..............5 0k tabos. Osago Ilesenvatiea. iMay 21)... 4 .. North, Dakota. Eplphany. April 27........... 3 10 0AT TENIÇTi AND ciiEsTxur r STs. Salemu, AprIl 24............... 2 ,0Sandnîky. AprIl 20 ..... ..... 2 0 Nebraska. 10rawn... Msay 17..... 10 - M Pcuneîlvnl. )0 Jarrettes-a,lai 28 ....... ... )0 Culumbia. May 28....... 1 .. )0 Total . . .. . .. . .. . 4 A Grand total ........... 5 7 iŽy. ~r~Nm~ *Q4 iii g ý 1 ý 1 - 1 /f/ r