CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 12 Jun 1896, p. 7

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0 me rdr know t4e pain MAred by the womeu of Ibel, owa bous.hold, or the eiorts th"y make to appear oheertal and happy whex they, be la bcd, their sufering in waly sw great. Ou.- habite of lile and droas teL "Y Il pon women'a dalict. orgsnira- Uiona. thedanges. nese, for theïr irbole fu- ture may depend upon that knowwemc ado te dverconl1Lt There la no meed of our de- scriblng the ex- perlences of such women hoe, they are toco Wall knowu by those Who have sut- fered, but wo'will Impreas upon every eue that lhese are thc never-falling myraptome 'of serions womb trouble, and ~im]m relleved et once, a life wlf le forfaite&. Lydiae.LPinkbamnasVogetable Com-' pmundneroefsllto relicothe dist105. bg truobles above referred to s ft bas heldthe laithof the womnec f Ameim for twsuty yearx, It glues toue t0 the woanb, trength- sus the msles, banishesbacksce Mud relleves aupeins incident te wammen's dlsýam bI ay rs u *y ý thiicaySe w.>' boa quaity et materimi mdbumai ummemU upaîLo dai. 11%- * u Wear and peu-sum siWou-oraà Hfemmit o- su-dbe-icaredt uor . , o ,ha *Msis. Di"enapsietu &0ieof"te pu- coupepaiii i -pist e ure tihs Abe. 0". <inqm taumeha àtMWs(eus4se) r- cs.Ope ms E lee10 sit 4 son.) Ps-cge 'Mal osi oms l sN ilcmis YmeC~ms<mu.u sie outi. neAn w-l bmsmmtedoeuess. "es. TI 1r~LT «Ce tAih5 1u s Va Mes. cAusss&Pd Enuug,. Ther. s issot f pleasure, -atis faction and health corked up in a bottie of I/IRES -hèoot4e, I ake it at home. A ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~I Il d .5 a55Ifllsu M e, stor.i , Mmnip i brm fiM â im Resed. Hse scia,. c ss-cuicus cure* font II. Tu. ap rualeutForolsbad Fresby Mail. FAYETTE COUNTM BE atmuu l nu-atufrm theNrtand = kcm l oa een sau, th. indu t-i.c Etitr LIS 1. S iaiu-lei. Fa.Ilti Ul. Suis. 54-Sic Habit Ouresi. Esi. lui 1571. Tiuî.ssamsI. Oui-sf. ttiueap -~ 50E tes cote. lacs Tai- dL. Usie caso. Dc. Balsa. Quioca. iticuu. t*VeR7 poor la Old anay 1 World countriost a ba teCustoza to carr the dead to buW on ýthe ho9l- ders of six or elgh Mrers. In thc Unted Btates abd modern Europe, where clty atreets làre usuaUly wlde enougb for wlieeled vehicles, bourses are the rule. Along the banks of nmre of the Chineso rivera the cooen lo car- rled to lis fast eting place lu a boat. 0f aIl these customà, bowever, the of 0f lnglng the coffin acrou the tback of a single person la certainly wltbout a paraLllel. When an Indlau or very poor Mexîcan des In Mexico, and hlm relatives are unable to puy for an undertaker and a funeral, one 0f lie dlly coffin-bearenu lo i.- àé i sont for undthtIe body placet lu bis curlously shapot box. A cord, w-bith keeps tram cutting into bis skin by pnttlug his Dock andi about- dors witb rage, la tastenedt tu the two lower legs of the box andi keeps ItlIn place on bis bat-k. When hoe stops for M'a rostlho lts the coffin stand on these Ss show-n ln the- picture. Tbene coffin-hoarers are af the lowest anti mont wt'etclied elace, though their tatters otten t-ire tht-m a picturesque app-amande. A funerul la w'hiclî oeeoe tht-se peons officlates ns ht-at-se le of tht- implest description. The maie relativee of the tead foiiow the coffin w-itb a pt-lest to the ptublic but-la] t-round. Lite mens 80 little ta tht-se peole that, though probably hard>- conscieus ot the un- cleanuess and i iser- et tht-lt-sur- rounditît-, the>- do net bamont mu-la for the frieuti or relative w-be là laken aw-ny. Iu tumes et plat-ut-, w-lieu choiera or smalipox rages lu the- squalid sections et the tow-u, thse lot of a cofflu-beat-er la an Oxtrerely daugorous as w-oh as dletîtstetul eue. Tht- body>, usuabi>- w-rapped oui>- lu a blùuket, someîlmes naketi, rattles round ln tht- gmat dliet-st the lit ot w-uthict bt in place b>- L ugli, lîl-filtint- hînges anti a cluuîsy lh ,Whuatevor bacilli at-e floatint- a' itlsîde have ample Oppertuuity te n tht-lt-w-ny eut. AnuÀnierlt-au t-t-ctl>-traveling ln Mexico stlepetione et tht-se corfn-b-a- et-s andi nskvd hlm ln the t-snt Sî.anlsh hie cetui liiusutet- w-li-te lie w-as geint-. "Aftet- ngît-bw-ho lias dieti et sinll- ies.'" lie answor-d. "Ilave yen t-ver flad caipx tht- Anîcricanu sk-ed. The pt-on shiook Isl ht-ad. "llienu are you net afra!d etft-att-bing Tht- answoet-w-asthe stolidi "Quit-n ace?" w-ltl a shrug efthe shsouldc-rs. "hi's aIlliti the blandis ettht- saints.", The- Mexi-in ludînis, lilÏc tht- Oint- taia, at-e tataiats, aîd t-onhle tli-- selvres Trt-y llttbe ever the "Ced lieips hini w-be lic-lps bîtnelt" pt-ltîillt. If tht-st- t-')inht-at-et-s at-t-pt-tdesttîneil te sîtread i t-ttî:gion anti denili Il dotsu't matît-rt- vcy rut-h te tht-ni---e-tauîiliy net c-fout-bt te Indure tht-ni te t.-te sun- Itn ttzi -Crutiens. S'nuit But Geod. 0f knewlc'dge tte s e 0Salt-et>.- Bat-on. Wo'ds ot love at-e w-erks ot bore.-W. B. Alget-. Hunsanity is tht- tquît>- et thte tt.- Conftut-ius. Ft-k-nhlshilî I lnfiriltcly better than kIîndut-s. Cieeno. Motdile net w-itb hlm tnit fiattentlb w-ith his lips. Bible. 1 diti wed niysel totethings et bit-ht trom iru<ant-y.-Keats. Hlurnlity is the-lit-st oft rt-es-tor otlie! peepîte-.Holiues. Wbot-ivrs a tt-flie mean>-1.4is eaner. than the- trllle-Levater. Ne botter relation than n prudent antid tnlthtui trient. Frankîtu.L Love's voit-e toth slng as swt-etly ln a bot-gar as lu a klng.-Deck-r. f The Blute and the Gray, Both mon and womcn are apt to teed a littlc bine, whcn the gray haire begin to "show. It'. a very naturel feeling. In the normal condition cf things gray. haire beioug tcu advanced aire. They have no busines whiteuing the head of man or womau, who bas flot bot-un, to go down the lope ef life. As a matter of fact, the hair turne gray regardlesa cf aeue. or of life's sesmons ; sometimes it is whitened by aickness, but more otten from lack of came. Wben tèae hair fades or turus gray there's ne need to resort to hair dye. TheL normal color _of the. hdir in restoxed and retained by the. une of Ayer's Hair Vîgor. Ayezrs CarebcekI a mies-y et supes tuttiby te cure&" zoo pages, Lu-cc J. C.Ayer Co., Lowev Mass. SERIOUS SUBJEOTS OAREULL.Y CONSIDEREO. 1 A acholarly Ex-position Of the Less -Thought. Worthy of cells liel tien-Hait au Honu-.fs tudr of th 1 ci'lPturce-Tlne WeilSpejatý. Leuscol'for june 14. Golden Text.- Christ dled tu, )u-inni according te tht- Scripîtures."-1 Co 15: 3. This lbsgou forint] lu Luke 23: 33-M sud bas for it$sasbject Jeans Crucilieti. We coule with this lt-ssuce tht- centri Point of redlemption and indeoti ot ail th hietOrY of man. Tht-rt-lm a new evangg lism abroat <at pbutslt the- foretrout th Sermon on tht-'Mount and malien tbe Ide Of an onganhzeti or social kingdom o oarth the parahinu idea ini revival w-ori But bave a care. The Horns of Hatti tower high, but Caivnry overtops tber ail. We shall nover flnd a btler, or, lit ded anOther begilîîîing place; andi w know O ot n a-Y il)briig in the- kingdor Bave as sinnors bow humllIY at the toc of the cross and the-re. oDe by one, col] fes their sinand uibid saivation thronge the blooti ef Jetais. Let tht- cross stan, tvhere It blongg. Let the- nitar ot penl tence holti ils rigbtful place. "Seek y. first, the kingdom of Gtd anld bis right eeusuess (a righteolielless Dot efthe lai andi ail tht-se 1hings aliaU 4beadded.» Lemn Hint. "When they w-ete coule te the place., At last, tht- place! Chrigt limed beon drasi 49g nigli te it rtremil] eternity. *'Calieti Calvmry," ulace et n ikull Whatever they> calied iit ix-ore, it takles1 Dew Darne nov. l'lace et rodomption Place ef t aetmont for the sim. of th, woet-d. Nanet-il yourielf; w-bat do yoi cli il? Th-te wero to-o croules alongside oft1h, cross Of atOuoment. Snffering boing su incident et ail life, mniaîkiud las seependei ou ont- cross, or tbe other, eoeetfbIaIsan seif-estooni, the other of penitent sell abandon. Suffering (10es Det save, it il the- cross in the midst that caves. "Father torgive the-rn for tht-y kuoiq ]lot w-bat tht-y do," or w-hat they are do ing. Thon how crut-liv ring in th cocld, bard werda, "And th->-pauted his rai. meut aied dat lots." on the croîs-a]i PitY; lit tht-foot (if tht- cros-mercilesi r-ed. "The people itcol btodn as if il w-eebut a oie-ttaicli0) utomanî holiday. Angels abo,-e ocre also bt-holing, bul W-ith w-bat differe-nt eniotions? And Coi beled. Treiiibc, fmicn. "If lie be Christ, the- chosof Ge Cd.,' Had they îundcrstooul t voit-e tiiat spoke tht-y w uld have foun"d lie place for thts "ir." Fur right w-hte christ apott of yielding hirnot-It in stcrilice for ethere, BaYing, "l'atbor. t-trif>- ihy Dame," God'i appt-ovaI thuîîde rc, froim the ht-avens (John 12: 28,. .If thonîîbcoLing," said tbe soldiers, $'save thyseîf." h w-us thel eatimation et kiugship and ef pew-er. Ability te tlle care cf ont-st-l. But Christ w-as bore taking caeeof a w-at-d. This w-es bis higlier kingslîip. "Lord, remeusher me w-hen thon comeel lnito tby kingdom," moarc tcura tel>- iu thy kingdom. christ is Ling eveit 1DOW, but smre tinte hieacolping in the- ridst et bis visible killiilip. The- dying tht-t rt-ceg- nizeti Cbrist'a present Lordship, and crav. sd a part w-ith bill, iu tht- day et awcrd. "This day w-itli me in paradise." Twa things are t-lt-cr>- iidicated. (1) That Christ w-as te ha ihet day in paradise; complare, "He dest-ended jute beilL" (2) rbat thet- Iief 11,as Su bcwith hini tht-ne; the ceneloîs joy ofi the faithfui afte- eth, and iuîncdiutely "the- veil et the emle Ras rt-ilS."' And] Rtole bas net betn aille, w-ut1 cl] lis Ilumn n ending, tu ce tlt- ret-i. Th,- w cy is open. Iillstratoni. A glinîpse of Cavaîr-. Thank Ged foe- tl. Some belateti sont Mc>- yet look and live. Spurgeon nsed te picture the lack higbt settling don-n on Ist-cdc camap, but, in tht- dat-kiess cf tht- ridnight boum, a flash et liglitning roi cvaling the- serpent 'n tht-poeit- t sonie Omtten pilgrim, w-ho eyen then licd but te took to live. May Bonle ont-sce Jesus c:rucubic-d to-day, as s et-sonci Saviour. "The iight et the- wort is Jesas," w-e ing and tht- cross is tht- 1% bite liigtlat the ceter et the radiance. Teachers, guard lie doctrine et bleod mtollemnent w-cIL There are those who w-ould obscure ibis .gbt. Tht-rt are o inuls et doctrine blow- cg thnttimette te puif il eut. Wh'en the salers un the l:febtoat hadl but ont- match .-ith w-bieh te light tht- lanleru thet uarded tht-lt- Oc>-luthe itht and show- ed their w-btrt-abouts, the>- gathored vrt- car-fut>- about it. protecting il with their ais andi girniet-Ds. Touchers in the cise t-dagy bein-ure of Sataniis adverse w-inds. Tell tht- stor'Y ot the cross. There Io svilig pOetr lit it. lis record is w-ontor- fi. Chat-les W~esley w-as roblieti o,bhl ut-se. lie scidti tethe- highwayran»th te enîphasis et tht-jr solitude, "Thelleoti ) Jesus Christ cleansethius froni al ,in-" eut-s atter, the pt-cthtr w-as met aI the lor et a cburchb b> a ileu w-ho sait to m that the verse tht-rt spot-en w-lieb icaus et bis conversion. Lt-t tht- suifer- îgs et the divine Sou be ic stfficient ern- mentnry in tht- promise, "MY gtrace le sur- icient for tht-o." As Louis XII. et France -ascendeti the troue lbe caused te Lt- drawn np a let ifthose whli had bt-tn bis ont-mies and pposed hlm. Opposile ench Dame hoe natket a bat-goeblack cross. Thoe enese >the king thinking ibis moant vengeance cd death, led. But tht- king t-eéblod hem anti assuret tht-m that the sign or e cross bat bt-ca put beside each nama MbY to remint imoetthe- cross of Christ vhome example of tergivenosI w-as bis lecire te foileo-. "Bene antibit-seing, pain anti plessuro By the cross at-o canctifieti; Pence ia th-rt- that knows no meacure, Jeys thal ibrotigl ail fimie abide." De Honeat. Yeu cannet afford not te be honest, The t-rt-at ut-ceseît>- ef yonr nature ia net thal you sheulti le tici or oatit- dew-u wlth empty anti doutul honora, but that Yeu sheulti he a man. Andt t ho a min moins te ho pure, hoacef tîprnit, geherous, sud everythin theUi Cretorib deaignoti yen shouit ho. A man canot afford 10 ho tiabonest, fom the moment ho commences ta ho se, that moment ho cesses ta ho a man. Thse moment yen tioclare w-Ils ail yonr boas- and seul,7our Intention te e h bmse t~p~mçmgut oïncq teou -al' I e c4al.I POw -b.e Sthe Yrotbfu$7 Whai9. Are Kmpf. SIIIce the little hyena up et Central Park bas gro wu te ho agile and soù» of Il@ underplnnlng, the mother hyeua han developed a playfulness that Do on@ wouid expeet of that somber aud anlovely beast. In the mornIng, be- fore there la a crowd In the Ion-bouse, inother aud babe play together nomne- times for the btter part of an hour. The game la catch, wlth Intervals of wrestlng a varlcty of episodes Dlot proided for In the ruies of catc4-as- calec.can. Fu beglus wlth a sutiden assault of the cub on the higli legs of the mother. T'he latter turus te punlch the babo, and finds the youngoter ID the opposite corner of the cage. Then the mother rushes wlth heati down attlie ub, and the cuhi dodges go as te put the pole ln the middle of the cage between himself andi bis motlier. For a time th1e tuX revolves about the pole, untîl porliapb the ucother gelzes thse cnb by a leg or an ear. Then ensues a ecuffle, and per- baps the ypungster breaks loose and slips away betwe the mother'. long fore legs. The mother, oceaslonally, howev er, gets n strong nip on the cul's llabhy juw anti bodo him thus tOUihe whimPers. Sometimes, wheu be Is Par- ticularly stolld, she drage hlm about the cage, the lîttie spotteti carcan me- tloulesé, a% If dead. The alitest squawk from the cub makes the mother louse ber boit, but the eubh hmself lans no mich mercy for the niother w-len be has takeil ?ifinm boit of au euer or n hind leg. 1'here la no doubtiugý,the affection of the mother or the playful temper of the cub. There le a mîsclievions challenge In bis oye wheu lic secs lis mother maklng ready for an attack, and a humorous triumnph lu bis ugly littIe face w-heu ho bas es- caped ber by smre egpocially clever dodge or douliug.-New York Su. An American Colonyin Syrla. A mov-cîent 15 on foot te found a large Anîcnit-an colony lu Syrla, ln the Immediate nelghliorlood of Jerusaleni. If successflî the- project wlll doubtiese tend to develop tlie t-de of the coun- Éry. w-bvit-, low tîxat the aunual ralu- faU labccnn gieater, Oboulti In- crease 1In fertility under careful cuIt!- The RihltS otIf t-f sf. B"Do yen tbuîîk yen bave self-passes-- mien and nrts--eieughi te ho a report- 2et-?" asked lte manat-tut edîtor of au appliea ut. "I h tbi60 seitt." lAnt it I tokes Yeu tbink go?" il'I'm 011I3- 2û," M'as tth- reçly, "but I h ave Prprehuutt te ire differeut girls.", Hie w-aulaiton on.-Excatnge. à Remporuive Beth to Hurah and 8w-tet Fonnds, ie netrt-s st-t- ftec Pasafutty ReuSe. Whea Ythhs ia She case. tir Lest thint- te bce dans la t ta set-k the tante and tranqutitzing assist- a Rnet-etfHOstet ters Stomacli Bitters, Is me- -pt-rt) ne"t-i-it. Nou tolls luneheicis m119I tar fus- *ete b~tc.titous. uaarilt.ri-uîmatie. tiow-eiandi t-l ny cOnlpiain. Use '-I ti persistent rt-g- ulariîy. A winegtsut bt-fui-e retlrin., tcon- fers ait-tp. A Greuler Need. Sbt-ht's training, Ctet-go. Yon May' take My>-UMbreiha, but ton't tort-et to bt-mg 15 but-k. Ceotge-I w-lsh yo ewcrt- as anxieua tte bnave t- cerne bat-k at yen are fot- the t- u-ttît of tht- unîbrella. Shte--Wti-, Ct-orge, Yeun uosv h need tht- uin brcla.- Boston Cazette. New Train scervice on the- Menen Route. Cornîncncîug sunday' Junc 7th, the- Reg-- ularSlepin Car feriiidia:iapoiis %sua the Monon Seu li w- iehoCarrît-tion the- Fast Mail Tran, leasing Chicago lit 2:45 a. ni., at-ris-it- at ludiaruapalis 8 a. un. The St-epc-t-will hi t-tadv fu- tccuîuancy lu Btar. crutStation (Pîolk Siu-ect It-luot) at 9:30 p. t., tisus giv ut- paaSSeget-î an op- Potrit y'le spni tih-evenjiii, Cuîc(,go, go tes the tht-att-us or rther places etaniunse- ment, ou teint- an>- urn ae - thtt hiaur. Cîtu Ticket oJffice, M& Clark St., Chicago. Chiftîcs. Jutige (te prsoer)-Wliy titi yen take 0111Y tht- moue>- anti ltae tht- bas- ket et siret-? Pitsonot--Bt-cause il was too heury. Jutige (exetit-dy)-Aýren't yen ashai- ed of yeursclt, yen lazy ota?-Lonton Sun. A Succesaful Dotecr. W. taie Iieasure in caling Out- atten- tion te the udvet-tisemt-nIt of K. Mat-ah, i uny, 'Mich., w-tbregar-d te bis cure for îe opuiun anti morphine habit, le lie fouri lu auîetii-r ceimanoet iis paper. Tht-Dot-- loer lias bot-n engaget f01 twetnty-fivyyua In Ihîs 8 ically, a s l ai nd faioralg- known rfethe eut-es ho bas made et tht-ce babils. IVo taire peaure In commendint- hilm te uuîy ati all w-ho net-t bis aervices, bavunt- bot-n porseneli acqualnled with bilm for tIse PaIzwenty-tlve years. Free- trial on application. Bafexsterded. "Wl>- dit I assume the shape of a serpent w-ht-n1 temptet Eve?" epeateti the Prince et Evil. "Oh!l I wished ta ho vrty sure fnot to put mi' foot ilu h." Saying w-hicb ho lit a tmesb cigîr.- DetoiIt Tribune. Hall'& Catsrrh Cure h a censlitutlonsl u re. u-se75"coul. PersnstLiberty. "Porsonal liberty" bas ît l als anti dr-aw-backs, t-von lu Texas. A man w-as sentencedti t the peullentiar- for lfe thore the other day for kiliut a preucb- er.-Roclit-ter Times. A clirnubant la oftn neotiedto1 nourigh and strengîon the rootosud 10 kcep thse hait- a naînrai celeo. Hall'. Hlait- Rencw- em in the bet-cl oule for thse bain. The more zoalous w-e are of good womkti, th- more w-c are lu danger ot w-roug>- jutigother people. I bellev. Piso's Cure la thse oui' mcdl- esàe, bat wib cu«m censuunptllen.nn& IH86Wllllsmpert Pa., Ney. lx Q&O needod-ot the entente cordiale be. tween Rusela andi China han came to llht. Ilal learned that Russla bas ln- duced the Flowery Klngdom ta uiakd ail bier ralîroads now building lu the northeru part of the country 4 feet il Wlces wlde, the i*idtli of ail roatis lu Russla. Iu the future, tht-rt-fore, en- glues andi trains or the great Sîberian Eallway enu be run on thie Chut-e'W lIns-a concession the advautages of w-licli are apparent. Death and IlIe are ln the power of the tongue.-Blhle. Dur e5 rrîS lobWlasm sati Sm5og< su-ocer. sead w ars te Dolais,=MomMgc urh FlAlYtetu.1bYDo. Klinesr., xe-ymiIlet-. jN to itd-ai-sfrt d.y's use.r- velono, rureu. Treatise and 12,00 trialitutut-e ug toLe ii. ime. soi Aich lit, PhlibIs.P -m.- om eIV 0 CT - l~U- Ob Cildrec tftlini i eot-n hoipans. i-aUoet ioBmlOn. sau.. Pan.our.1mWn wcié-. 25 conta bl..ia i g f SrfaI bu md lOck te J<ootYmes sut Ho4 Sarsaparllo TheOd'e Ilfl uml lu -n l. Before deciding on your Summer Outing, consuit ti "Four-Track Serid the NewYork Centi beautiful bbustrated Catalogue sent fro, psld, on recept of s two-ccut a by George H. Daniel,,<enmeru senger Agent, Grand Centrai t New York. Glczdness Cornes VW W iJth a b tter undemtanding of the but-y, ou- 'strasient nature of the menyploya- brCn lt-ai 111e wlics vnish bofome proper et- May' 22, U. torta-gentkeefforts-pleane ,rUI Tabules, Io rlghtly dimected. Thore la comfomt 11% truot ae tic kuawledge tIasai aney forme of Knox, thse slokuosa are net due te any actuel dis- Isutl esse, but aimpl>- ta a cositatt-t condi- l o di tion of theoaystem, Wlà-îiîte pîcasant le sahd: faiilaxatie, Srap et Fi-s, prompt- mer 1 bavi 1>- removes. That ha w-hI it le th- on,>- w-th tysp rernedy withrnmillions of familles, antisa aut have1 evemywhere esteemet o se ighlbI>- b noaIl W-ho value goot Isealth. Ils bt-ut-fi-l wthn efret-te are due te tIse tact, tisai it la the w-eoks agc ono remedy whlch. premetea internai a couple cleanlinees, without debilitatiug the Tabules. organe on w-bcit-hae. t. is tht-rt-fore lously, I b ai Important iu etdem tea ttit. bt-ne- fit-la effett, ta note wlitn yen pur. resuits hai chase, that yen have the t-tnuine article, lng. The- w-bit-l la manulactured by thse Culiforuis tht-firsi, ai Fig Syfup Co. ouiy, and soit hy ail rep- nover felt utablo druggiets. aussi,. Tabuge. If lu the enjoyment of gooti heahth, uic i-te t5s cent and the systoni la megular, thon laxa-ni&PaL5 tives or other memecEes are not needet. iilisat Il afflicted wi th any actual disaeuse, anc PATENTS May' ho commendedteatht- most aailful physiciens. but if lu net-t et a laxative, -1.9e then one ehould have the best, aud w-ih ;P,¶'-neo. l , the weU-iniored averywhlere, SyrupotU Figes stands bigbesi and la most lnrgeby uset and gives Most, generai satisfaction. SieIamw,,ImJOmUNslsa.Mutyaiui % S-. Beau uns ,aOe usrIim w- il Ie.csss Cléu- tMs iid î Ift DIIiUUIIWIfl8ueu&ces r saoJtouenl on M. Irrneî, of Woo4 nu., w-rîtes' untier date 0f' IS: 'This remedy Rip sa net mucb known att s homo, but Mr. A. eedîtor of oum local bis praise of tise Ti1 'Every Bptlig anti .um ve bot-n gs'eatîy lronbîed tepsla and constilpation, tu-ted vamieus rt-medIas et-manent relief. A feu- t I care ne Dpossession or ef boxes of Ripans anti, soiaew-hat Incredu egan tlir use, andthie, vo bot-n tui> astonlmsh YbIt the rît-ht spot frorp id so farMIis sprlng I bave tbeîter luani>-lite.'" su m 9.iyd ruggtsts. u-b me ba) i=wuttuüIe i., um bel BIG AND GOOD. SRainresqua> ty 6sacriflced ln thie effort to give big quantity for littie mrney. m. No dobt abou tta But once la a whIfle It lant For Instance, therets «BAT UA- The pieu is biggethan you ever uaw before fe5 cenits. And thi qualty b4am l=y a man has uald, " nWhty good. A Thft' i es woekin tSswaenmt WYoucan vrove ltby nvesting 5 cents "COleanliness Is Nae Pride,. Dirt's 'Nj Honesty." Common Sense Qieu tates the Use of

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