,WE LAÈtÀN FOR GOLD -flUIDEP4T EXHORTS DEMOC- - UAOY TO 1BEWARE SILVER. 3 y ra Cinage Wui Dring Die- - ém Upon Doth Cunry sud PartyV ~.EUTrus&t Preprinif tu put ou the *«rev a Little Barder. Grover te Bis Fol!owers- Km repli' lotarequest from the Nov York ~ for t statemntutconcertibtg te 1,tc itation Precident Clevelaund &y ight gent tit folowitt lt ~IMAnpejier: "Irefuse le blieve taI vien ~tme a rriv*es for doiberato action titore V& ib engratted upon our Democriltid qsmd &demmisd for te. free, unimited Uait ladepeudent coinage oftclIver, bW- E iseIknow te Dentocralie ptrty in -aste ufftriotie nor toolisit aud ha- il soeIl seo 0cleer tu mec litat alicita qMsee iii inflict a i-ri' greal îjury 'Iffleveri' iterest ot ou? country wvîicit le b» beau the mission of DemocrucY IP *15n0, and vili reenîl lu the laeling dis- ggfer le ou? part! orianimalîon. Titere as ltIle hope taot, as a mrtus of auccesa, *- th ree-silver proposition, sfIc? ils teor- ,glfIsussion dnring te political cnut- vii sttmact te uajorîli' ot lie ehs t t1Wcountry'. My attaetmeat 10 16» Democraci' le 50 slrong Ihat I cou- odWIts succema as ideolical vit thlie Pro- qVAen et the ceunbry's good. Tiis ougil -gggleutitii0accoune for mi' aunie' tbtn itake be made t our parti' con- i#rnlOtInluMy pinion ne effort »situh bi1 wssd le secure cucit action oetttete li- iq>tcs as yull overt party demoralization. lu t a piace for consultation and dom- lealsea et vi-lev, and Ihose Demetmale Îêbo beWe- l Inte cause et aound MOney 16"14t here W iteard snd bW conasutlYi U es-idence. A cause vontt flgiting for kW ymrth flgiting for te the end. If aountd- ueaey emorato suppose titere la danger et a misînke being made, sncb danger « boumd stîmul-te titir eclivil'y lu averting t inalead o! creating discouragemeat. I «* vrmi'far- frout rrogaliug tou Dy$ceif a .Mreiniiunfluence -,upea te polici' ot mypaaty, but as au nnfIlucitg DemOrat *bo bas iteen bouorod by bis parti' sud .vie desIres bei-after ne grenier Poliicai1 Pli-loges titan 10 occttpy lhe place ot pri- qmeo I ilsanias, I hope I nîny net ha %mmcd for sxying tiis muait nt titis lime SR te iterest, as il reculs te me, o!ftae graMd oid organization, so richin luhouer- c*ie traditions, so uisu prend of ils mbelvemeuts, and alunys so Iudaîted mai brave ln ils batlks for te îs)oîl's NAIL TRUST'S BONANZA. lKov Nulle Bave Conne le Cot MOrO titan Floxîr. U thW nei pool auceces lu goititiugu « e ite nailmakiug maîchinesansd pet-i ilcals ln tihe country', aîd enxn tern an ahli- Sie vitt te maciteri' mo, as lb nov * jetempiatas, Il willh conttintue as et ires- -eslt.If il fails te 1poo1 lacertainlu 10col-t * - bis, as doniseillunn lu aanufacbiinilig ta gp#lng$tilt 0n1 ven' Ibsnd, antd t Uel la luheWrada aglîai ite combinte je -. M buvitteor. Nails wiicb sold iu Pttabnrg Jeyar ago lu aarload lots at 85 Cents are oeilln nov et $25, base rates. Thse bt- t fterm la intply a lecituical one, go fam OS the consuming bayer o! nails iinoit -40«ed. To tis i-e mutat addad aîîy- âVrce front 50 eeubs ler keg for aIl sizes .*-se ixty-peuny 10 leit-pexiiy, and t(t) jouta le 32.50 for ies raugiug to te tmadl. lu Inless hum î-nniond lots thare ic 10 cents per ki-g t iii b be addi-d, se 3' ltaetinte il bisjas ,dthioughi the ban& oetfte etafierlii o te bauds ofte 4osunner te liie ii-lhidiy siff. Thse Otdinantlen-peuîxy iii iiîd b hlte f2ii- jr te build a "ciarutcoda 325eta Pittahuri-. lu Chictigo lb cot8, wlita h 10legit $ 2.70. Wîit the sddiîional 50> 4m«s, asnelte nail exrd, te pri-e l 8J9, aud te tie Must le idded anter » déats, viticit lite r-tuiler pays wheu Inêla lun les titan cariead lot. NWost ef ths Mississippi ier a tweîîty-five bushel Oa&r'S vagoa 1usd of corn uiflijust pai' fe a single keg o!ruail, providiug te re- tail dealer Pins iimef don-n te e 10 per 'eut Profit.Tise retili grocer naît door te 'MW hardwvare store wiIsli se it arrel o! 0 lif i BUfor ma trille loestan te ý'àdWare tan eaunat-i a kcg o!nauls, lieugh the nils veigit but 100 pouadi &"'te fleur 196 Pouuds. Nais for ex. ,îPsit are crffercd w-itin a wek for $1W MMgu kaf, free ou board New York, or lois 101011%ie hit te price lu Pittsbumg, viticit S the market trom witiit allters are '~a~.Acerdiug te te latent quetations i]J trit-ad papers, te pico aI Anlwerp eîf~ 76 perkeg. ~'Staxding etof'Natonal Lealgue. Vellovlag le te standing et the clubs 40 «» icNational BasebalLeagno: W.Ln W. U 401Mv S'od ... 27 161Breoklya ... .25 23 IMtimore -.. .29 l8Pîttaburg -..3M2: Baîl . 30 20Cbbcago-.-..i.25-2 a.... W lt)Xew York... ZO _.i ,..,.phia. 28 218t. Louis- 13 xi1 'Wsmtlgwea 2-i 201ouisville ..10 361 Veeterft Leagrue standing. SWIoIgla thc Standing et te cuta mnLeague: . 28 148t. Paul - 2....2 . .25 l7Mihvaukee . .Zi 25 -25 20Cehumbus ... 18 301 Qt.25 t20G'ud itapide.1iI 31 10 rsMIietrsohd, vas kilhex baet INevark, Ohio. boet trucighi.temple. Atter amoen »J4 ian le firsI base. l emeMflacieous, diing 1 T#Am sW(cî a Cross. paof thea lrmet Audrens ' Bed-Pasti, Ruagar', pro- -i eebrted Hunnaid Janos valer, ha* been deceret- 11pk, empeerretfAns- of sgri', vit thbie cross Orieroth ie Titrd. Georg --a e bt7U r'i.**sfOrt uuul Ut*4 ~ ~ è V evm beWpeutitted te te- lisra tegavaiL The Doe Gotermeut la very macht cxlled over the report, but 4et président of the 1111e republic la pur- suint a coservative course ln dcaling wlit Uic malter. Thte news of Eugland's demand origlnaled lu Wasblngton, and wra torwarded in privale correpoudeuce te a Hawaiien paper and seveza private concerks. Thte situation a sald te ho Iht Great Britalu bas modela amter sharp d- nd"x upon tisi. oîehnment nu bebsifet Col. V. V AsotflThte "requcat" la sýtid as a suggosliom, lu dplomsatic sen- fonce, thet a pardon W lissued te Asit. foée »ad that bho W pet'mitted 10 ýreture te Hawafil ithout conditions of any sert. Thse Honolulu Star aya te repnblic de- éliines t accept tite Ilrltipit foelgu oflice's View of thie case, and refusez te grant the Pardon, or remove the ban. There la a llkellhood of H(#wali calllng open the Untied States te exlcnd lis offices lu te dispute. Co. V. V. Asittord waa convict- cd by Uic military commission of mis- priaien of tresoes. The evidsde vas i taI h. bad &Advance knowledgç of thte ont- break. His sentence vas Imprisoument for a year and a fine ef $i,fOQ. In lettons te Hawaii on Britishi subjects mlxed up lu the révolution and tried, té queeq's forelgu oBce gavete opinion ltaI court martial iras uneoastltutionai and titat there couid bW ne objection te any of te cases excepl Asittord. It vas laimed the évidence againal hlm vas insufilenl. Il tesshat Col. Asittord bas folowed up this point. 1 PLAN A PIRZWORKS TRUST. uangingg a Combine. Thte six leadlug amufacturers of lire- worka In te United States are planning a trust-le save themselves from muin,- tier say, itocause.prices have gene helow cuit. Three of ltes, are lu Nev York- Uic Consolldated, Pain and Delvîner & Street. The oters are the Rocitester Firewomks Company, te St. Louis Fire- vorks Company and the Due company of Cinecluat. G reaI secrecy Ie obsemved concerning te combination. The sacre- Iary of oeofe te Inlerested corporations said: "Tite negeliations so fer bave*been entlrely of an Informai nature between lte presidenîs. Even 1 bave not iteen let ln. But voe ai know titat soute sort of agreement must bW recbed. Thte princi- pal questfln la whetbar an incorporated compaay should be tormed or teé compan- les retaîn Ibeir iudividunI existence aud We iound by au agreemeut conceruing priées.. ___ 111W FAVORS FOR TUE WEST. Ouy Four Btabes Buccecdinl Gelîlue New Public Buildîniga. Excepting te case of Savantiai, Ga., te Western Coagreasmen fronthlie four nov States-Idaho, Montana, Wyoming sud Uaht-are te euh' deegations vltici bave scceeded in secxiug putblie build- Ing bis froint tiis sessieaontofOngreas. Tite Hooce poici' bas been 10 report ne bis for uev buildings, and atter exitaust- lng teir efforts l intaI hody'te Western men urned titir attention to te Seuite. Tbei secured ameudments leatesuadri' cvil illl, and tose items were te bardesl tougitt halveen te Iwo itones sud titrealcued te prolong the session for some day». Senalor Dubois, Whbo engineered te cxtmpaigu lunte Senate, was impor- tuned lu ceusent le drap te nmeudmnts, but te Western Senetors sud Rapraseul- atives ratused to capitulalo on nuni condi- tions, aud italli te House accepted tiem viten Mr. WVlisono! Idahto made tIse mu- lion bt tat affect. Fteud iu s Women'a Forus. Mrs. Anmie Dycr, te baby tunmer, vito was arreslad April 9 on te charge o! murderiug munyinfuants tutrusted 10 ber came, -was lîenged lun Newgste prison, Lon- don, ut 19 o'leck Wadnesdui' morning. Mr@. Dyar w-as one efthlie most ezîrsor- dinar' erminals of the aga, a wvitreala, cold-bhoodcxl nunderass. Thte police irst becante suspicions of ber and lier son-lu- iav, Arthtur E. PeInter, enri>' lu April, vilen te bodies o! e dunhabr o! chitidrcn, appareutlli stranglefi le destit, wcre recov- ered fronthlie River Thantea, where titai hafi been lbrrsvu, velghted down n -itit bricks, etc. Au investigation led ite arrest et Mrs. Dyer aud Palmtar. Letters fonnd la hem bouse sitowed Iliat mani' et te parents witit vitentasitend ber se- complice itsd deasilga vore aware of te fate intended for te infants. Titese lt- tors w-ce front personala lual raxîks ot socieli'. It vas proccd Ihat siitee Christ- ntaa nt least Iventi' cildran lied Leait iulusted le birs. Dyer's kceping, sud ef lhis nuber oui' four were titan living. Iu addition, prier le Chrisîtas, niy obier chiidreu taI itd been piaced lxx te vemtu's charge were unaccouuted tom sud are admtted lu bave beau umur- dered. A coser-ative etietate pnces lte number et ciildreu kilad îîl fort', but oter estintes bave il taI as uiany as 100 Mnantsenere elîher trangied er drowued hi' lra. Dyer. Couri'Revenue. Boeuse ho was nol paid hie wages au Xmployeofu Wood Brus.' circus lit Chicago, eut une of te main gui' mpes etrte -big lent Wednesdai' nlgit. Tite lot t> center polo svung te eue aide, tae lent parîly collapoing. Titree trapeze lirfortuers tell thirti' feet and Ivo gasoline tank ligitti drepped et te sente lime, explodig &a tbei' slmck teground: Titere vite a stlempede smen i te 1,100 hperans wtt filled te seats about.lte ireus riuu.1 iChtarles Canm,. 8 years old, ot 708 West Oio treet.vite was hurmed about lt tead, vas teeau' yperon Injure-I. GoliIa Smth hla Urcesaîc, Prof. GoliiaSmlit bas vrittena leter le te senate of te Toronto Uni-ai, s11', deeiîuîug thse proffered degr«et LL. D. Ho saya W iecd ne ideste coo- I errlag et au honorr' degree vould bh Mhîed viit poiticai mnecor sud taI 1e r viii resI cOuetned viitite degree b ha tafrointOxford'Unicersiti'. Sei-anty i flirous Saustreka. A spechialdispalthlu Londen trou Bombai'sYOite Briticit second-chais twbvn-screw- cruiser Bonventure, fiagbiv of o!te Pt Isuifnsu îtdren, dfl'ig lbe 'a iag o! Rear Admirai Edmund C. Dromn t- moud, lest savent' men iii' untroke -hl btaoit fa voyage front Colombo ta pou. Cdîcbermy. te Cougreas adjourned et 4 p. t., et cend othlng oceurred le make i qth moretia sn-g FIARFut AFFuMR RIpoirTED FROM ALABAMA. The Maca t fa Political Quarront -Troubl, for the Commander of Fort Sherîdan-Cubse Insurgent& Camua Explosions. - - Peadly Work of Dualiat*. At Hartiello, Ale., a desperate duel tenir place Saturdai' nigitt betuoeen Monroe Jackson sud J. W. Vent rétaillng lunlthe deatetfitotit men, wto vere promninent Populisl politiciens holding opposite vlews. Jackson and anotiter man were driklng Ln Veste'sasloon andI expressed views offensive le Vernt, vite rdered them, out On reaciting lte strcet -Jackson atil bis friend hecame lnvolved lu a difficulti' and Veat vent out te part tem. Ast a re- suit hoanad Jackson hocama hivolved Ia nevordi' qnarrel. Final' Jackson drew a kalfe and Vent a pialel and a terrile figitt ensuod. Vent vas cutlalu Use abdo- mcm Ive or ltre. rimes anld Jaekson vas sitot Ibrougi lte lunge, lu thc Uiigh and la Uie kidneys. Bot comnbatamu efngtt until they couid stand ne longer, andI bled te death souri afler frieuds bcd- cariled tem home. V4et biad a vite and ceven ebldren, afid Jackson leavos a wldow. and six chlldren. ____ DAVANA BICSIEGEDX lnunents Attack Water Supp1îr and Bridge Aups0.cbs. Havane, wcs startIed Saturday nigit by Ivo explosions. Il vas toon tound that lthe stond bridges et ChAii{ta and Coucha and lte aqueduel et Fernando Septima were lte points ltaI hed suffered tront te dynamite. Ttc bridges vere partialli' destreyed, and lthe pipes cumlte aqueduot upen vicithelite di'la dependeul for lse waler suppli', vere mucit damaged. Il cannol yet bW sleted boy extensive lesthe damage donc or bey long il vili require té> remedi' Il. Tite dynamite was placed hi' agents et the insurgents. Thte greal- est appreitension la toit ou account etflthe secreci' and effecliveneca vitit viici thUe lusurgeots have been able le carry ont ite pieu. Fever and smalipox have brok- en out, vitîcl, lunlte unvitolesome stale of affaira, tirtialns le hecome epldemic. Mani' are sufferiug tromn messies, and titare la muchItuestinal trouble emong lte inhabitants owing te pour and insuffi- dient food. Tfie faliaure ofthlie water sup- 1ply under titese conditions la a dire eu- i amlty. ____ SAY CROFIO14 15 UN FIT. Commander ef Fort diteridan Physi- cally Iucc1sacitatesl. Col. I. E. A. Crotton, lu command of lte Fifteeutit infauntri' at Fort Sberidun, item teen prononced pitysicalhi' onfiited for active service it' lte post trgeon, rMajor Heury' Lippincott, and hic assist- aut surgeon, captain Char-les E. WVood- ruif. Acting upon thte report ofthlie post surgeon, Major Generai Merritt, cenm- mander o!flthe Depertmeot o!flthe Mis- souri, han teiwarded a recommendation o lthe Secretary otf Var that lte colonel be ordered befome a retiring board for ex- amnmation. For a long lime mattere aI t te pont have not beau running amootbiy. Col. Crotton bacsben ilu severai sbeoting acrapes viith bis cubordinatec. Ho de- clares ho lea. phycicaly souuie as ever. aud sayc thic latest move is lte work of itis enemies. BAD A PREMONITION 0F DEATH. Formesr John Tenir@ Disposes ef Busi- neesAffaireand fDie$. John Tours, a Burlingbam, N. Y., tsrm- er, vite lest year rented tite 1-lliday 0farm, vitere the triple murders were dem- fmitled lhroe years aigu, dlad Thursday, as hobc led predicted. Early honlthe moruing i-Mm. Tears aroce froni bed sud slartled bis rfamily hi' saying ltaI be had recel-ad a P-premonition ot bis destit lu ocur before lthe close ofthlie day. Hic wife tried lu ýtvain le convince hlm lthatil waa a hallu- 1cination, but lte man contcnded ite vas net inistakren, and gave directions regard- ing bis business affaira. About noon lbe iveol te bed and soon dled. h Trade Shows No Gain. e IR. G. Don & Co.'s lVeekly Reviev of .1Trede sayc: "Speculalive reactionihba 1,0 lu itfli least changed lte business outlook. :Th ietictioius prices made for viteat and ce olton meaul no good except for individu- t-als, and lte change bo prices more neariy lu i accord witit actuel relation. o! demand t-uad.suppli' only conforma te, couditions vitiIci have heen veli kuowu for months. ofThe nllsck on stocke w as su plainly arli- e.ficiailtaI ls influence pasced wlîb lite Yday, and cithor lu foreigu relations ner lu ildomealia business w-as there unythlng te ýjustity sien. Tite Goverumeul report r- as te vitoat indicaled a mucit smahlei I9 ylek hjtian anyhodi' realhy expects, bol Vthat bas beceme se machthlie mule ltaI th( [Yreport had nu reai Influence, sud lte pria )r cîpel effeat vas lte serions depresaloi caused by large sales tnanaticipation et ttc report, wviiciseemed t10 W tuemougis ly kuovu lu advunce 1e some speculalors.' 01 Chance for Americau Factorise. g Tite Argentine Rouge of Depulles bai arpessed a lev cxemptlag from duty ma [ychiner' et aIl classes, doslined for mminl fi pumposes, tor a term ef lau years. Tho tg bilhla certain te paealte Sonate. Il vil %a gi-e great advantage te faclories lu titi aUnited Stsates if th ch iooso te compele. 9-. Grecin Goode Gang Captured. t G. R. Bell, T. A. Robins and M. A âe MeGinnis are arrested at Neosho, Ma. chlarged vIi ettempting te tell greei goeas sud for naug lte mails for fraudu lentbp-res .1el «ld h. vassu agn I SM pU5 II ijcethe Dem- ocratsse fa i4n onveion ut 1ai- timore Welumdsayed theaela against the Ot 141e0 lngsêv1t Thé supporters et the free silver plank, althougit 1la àdeci4!ed mlnorlty, wert given à fair hearing in open convention, but lte sentiment for a gold standard Ivan unalterably flxed. Major Stewart of Tal- bot wraa the ,pokesman of the silverites lu urglng te adoption of a minority plank, but lte convention, after voting It down, adopted lte foing by a vivil voco vote: u"lievlng that the 'truc Inter- et. of lte péople require that ltee ar- Itiga of agriculture and trade and thte wages ef labor should ho pald lu moudY that la intrianscaiiy vorthIn luail te Mar- kets of the'vworld what It purports te hé worth, we demand lte maintenance ofthei existlng 1014! standard of v -lue, and fur- ther, titat the (3overament shall koep ail Il. obligations at ail times rodeem&blê and payable ln money of the grelt tIn- trlnaie vaine and of thc higheat standard adopted by the lvilized nations of thOa earth, and we theretore resolve teoOppose theo fireeand unlimlted. coinage of alvr et Uic ratio er 16 te 1V' The resolutIona aise favor a tariff for revenne oniy and ln- dorme **lite vîgorous policiy of President Cleveland." ONE1 KILLED, SIX FATALLY HURT lrghtf ci Explosion of Dynamite tear 1.111y, Pa. One hundred and clghty cana of dyua- mita expioded about a milesitelow LIIy, Pc.,Tunday aflernoon with frigittfni re- nuits. One man wais kilod and @ix fatal- ly 4njured. The men were et work for Conlimtor MeManus on the Penusyl- vania ltnliway and wero getling ready le mke a biaI wheu there was a premna- turc explosion, lowing ni, 180 cans of dynamite and burying te seven mien bte- necth a manssef sand and rock. Thte sîeam shtovel, wvicit tood on the truck, was huried twonly feet away. Minera Lose thse Strike. Newa from Globe, A. T., announcos that the mines of the oid Dominion Minlng and Smeiting Company have loscd down, throwing 250 men out or empioyment. The shut-down i. thte resuit of trouble be. tween minera and the auperintendenl, who reduced the wages ofthtie cerinen trom $250 to $2.25 per day. The miuera took Up the grierance of the men affected snd doînanded $3 per day for ail men, nonle but union mien to bc employed, and ail Mexicans to bc diochargedl. The superin- tendent was warned that if he did onot c- cede t tese demanda he would bc marcit- ed out o! toWvn. Under these threats he aceeded 10 lthe demanda. The matter va. rcported t0 the Boston offce and thte mine was ordercd ahat down. The Old Domin- ion in oae of the best in Arizonsud iwcs recently purchased by Len isohu Broa. of New York, thte price being $2.OWJ,000. Confeunes Thot lHe Kilild Shottuser. John O'Meara gaçe iniselifni at Cln- cinnati and coufessed lu sbooting George Shottmer Tuesday nigbt. They were drivlng tenasanad quarreied wbi~e trying 10 pas. chctother. Shottmer bit OM.eara with a whip andi O'Meara tired. 8hott- mer died the neil day. Sullivan Voent Need Slecp. John Sullivan, of Philadck-hia, issued a challenge t0 nny man in uthe world ta en- gage vitit hlm lun asîcepiers content for titirty daya. Suilivnn worka ln the Swede. iron furusce, aud for exactly one mentit ha eer siept. Ile waa in perfect beaitit and worked regulariy every day. Murderai Bis Brother-lu-Lsv. Ban Dice, a mancher near Visaia, Cal., kilied bis brether-in-luw, Grant Smilit, hn a quarrai ahout n-star in au irrigation dilcit. Dico surreudered. Dic's w-flui a tistar etflita mundered mai). Bad blond bud existed halu-can lte Io families ou acconut o! w-nIer, 'aridet OfItExploded. Au cari' ridi'marniug fine in aslttue- mextl bouse in Allegiteny, Ps., resîxhîed lu the killing eft1w-o pensonaud serious injuries tot w-ni xier-i heVite n-was cous- cd b>' te xp!oalunof tanbarrai o! ou la the cahian. Kilis Hie fSwetheurt and Hunself. Thomas White, of Citillicotite, 0.. atter a brie! tinarnel viit Miss Editit McKel- vey, hie svcetitamt, sitot ber tatally aud thon killed imseit. Botit vore young sud favorabli' knowi-n. Free Maseons Are Burned AAh-e. Iuntae Indian revoit in Oaxaca, Mexice, Free Masons vere attacked, paricularli' ut Jaquila, w-ene te Indiana couunitted awful* atrodities, buranug promneut Ma- sous alice. IdAMEET g-UOTATIONS. Chiicgo-Culîle, commen le prime, ~I5~te $4.75; ite, siipping grades, $3.00 le $375; siteep, tain te citoica, $250 lu $4.50; w-eat, No. 2 red, 57e te 58c. cern, No. 2Z 27e te 23e; outa, Ne. 2, 17e te 18c; n'a, No. 2, 32ecte 33c; butter, citoico creameri', 14e te 15c; eggs, f resit, Ùc le lle; potatoes, per tusitai, 15e te 25c; iroont cern, comunon te choice, 3$M te $W0 uer Ion. Indianapolis-Cattle, shipping, 13.00 te $4.50; hoep, choice lightI, 33.00 te $3.50; sbeep, common le prime, $2.00 te $3.75; viteat, No. 2, 58e be 00c. cern, No. 1 whtite, 27e 1.29e; ots, No. 2 vwhite, 21. bo 22e. St. Loui&-Catble, 33.00 le 34.50;,itogs, 33.00 le 33.50; vbett, Ne. 2 mcd, Oic te -03c; corn, No. 2 i'eliow, 2Ue le 27e; outs. No. 2 vite, 17e le 18c; ii'O, No. 2, Bic te 88C. Ciieinati-Cattle, 33.50 te $4M5; itogs, e3.00 te $3.50; sbeep, $2.50. te $3.50; vheut, No. 2; 62e le 04c; corn, No. 2 uinai, 28e le 29c; ocîs, No. 2 ntlîed, 19e te 21c; ryc, No. 2, 35e le 37ec. Detroit-Oatthe, $2,50 le 34.50, hepi, 13.00 le 33.50; siteep, $2.00 le $3.5: vhest, No. 2 red, 64e le 05e: corn, No. 2 reliev, 2(k te 28c, nets, No. 2 wite, 21c le 22c; ri'e. 32e te 33e. Toheode-Nheat,, Ne. 2 mcd, 613e le <(Me: coi-, No. 2 yelow,-,20é le 28e;;eot&, No. 2 vitel, 19e le 21c; n'a, No. 2, 34e le 36c: dloyen seed, 34.45 te $4.80. Miwsukee-Witcat, No. 2 spriug, 57ée te 58c; corn, No. 3, 26e te 27c; anIs, No. 2 whtite, 19e te 20e;, barley, No. 2, 30e le 32c. r>-e, No. 1, 33e le 85e; pork, mess, $7.00 te 37.50. Bufuale-Cattie, 32.50 te $4.75; buogs, 33.qO le 33.75; sheep, $325 te 34.00; viteet, No. 2 red, 67e te 09e; corn, No. 2 i'elhew-, 31le 2e; e.stNo, 2 vwhite, 2k te 24e. Nei o Y -Cattle, 33.00103 4»-. hiouo, "- t00 ý9t cheal si.S ot i pAfIlI RIN 1Ne WITH srom"IE 0F ZOL.A'S SHAME. Sie la Cbargced wlt thl. Rnkeat of IPIaglarlsm-Counteae Russell Loses Ber Git-Ç5,000,000 BDama Dintrib- uted te Sothera Bugar Plantera Noted Author Under a Couct A Paris dispalcit says: Emile /5012,'@ latent book, "Rome," on viî cithorelied1 te gelt intute Frencht Aeademi', bida fair te become lte rin of his reputalion. It bas been proved beoda d jt litIho derlvcd mani'ortbhlm-mout brehlnt Ideas and mout strtklag expressions imom a vol- ume on te vatican, publisitod ln Frencht ln titis cily last year. Se carees vas ho la bislilterari' piraci', sudln sucit a hurri' te get bis booekeut hefore lteé election of a auccosser 10 Alexandre Dumas lu Uic academiy',ltaI ho borrewed vitele pas- Siages frem titis vork without laklng lte trouble, lu mani' instances, le change lte language. Titese astounding revelelieus are lte discovery oft'M. Gaston Des- champs,ne etfte bcd lerari' crltici ln Paris, Ihoug thlie ideas and sentences sîolen are se mani' and se strikbng taI lte fraud couid nul long have remaiited undetected. PAYING BERT BUGAR DOUNTIES. Treasury Departtint lUas Nearly Cnaed the A ppropadatIed. Tte Tesnry Departmenî bas nearli' completed thte paymcnls oet bcd and meple augsr cigima Ws&ter the honnI' appropria- tien et $ý2, an sd is inexpeçted ltaI warranta covering lte witoie amenat wW bave been lsaned hi' Juiy 1. viten work viii begin on lte $5.000,000 appropriation fer cane auge?. The hait dozan cdaims wviic bave beau lu proacsef adjusîment durlug lte lat evemal monlts viii W readi' for transmission le lite Auditer fer final examinnîlon cri' la July, viten lte total amenat oetthe appropriation will We premsîrd among te claimants and paid as rapldly as possible. it la expected tat tbe percentaqe ot paymeuls 10 ciaimanta viii We betwaeu 05 sud -à0. 1. LIDELIID BT A COUNTESS. judaenot Given for lte Maber et lte Bath Colieve. lunte quei's bandiote ithigit court et justice, before Baron Pollook, in Lon- don, beering o!fte libel action bhreugitl hi' H. A. Rtoberts, master o!fte Bath College, against Counli-saItussell, £L,t0 damngea beixîg ciaixîîîd. Came "P. The suit ie anuigrowlhi o!fteaction brou git b>' lte coil lita a cii itI En nl îasliî, hem itushaud, foîr juitiiai si-jînmuion, lu wliich sitockiiig plilcattiilla o! ixîtîornliti w re madîe. 'Te di-fi-ise is itit e statemelitîs ivere maie in goisl faitit and ilbohut nmai- ice. Juxigîent was rexîdered infî cor o! lte plaitîtit!, wit co-t. Counti-salRois- sell, il v-agstslaîî-inu court, bai imade a vmitteu witrawalotfte citarges axnd itadutai te lime îcndered an apulogy. RAIDERS COMMITTED FOR TRIAL. Dr. Jauseson and Bie Aseoclales Ar- rîtged ln Police Court. AI Boy sîreet police court, Londlon, Dr. J. S. Jameson, Majom Sir John Willought- hi', Col. IL. Orci, Major IL. White-. Col. R. F. WhiteansdIlien. henni' V. C'iei- lai', lteprimte mocers u inte Transvaal raid, w-re commîitted for trial. 'Te olter accused persans were discharged. Sir Richard Webtster, te Attorney Gextamal, askcd ltaIlte six prisouersunsmed ha committed for triai axtd viitdrew lte charge against lte etier uine. The men cmiitld for trial were admitbed lu $10,- 000 personsi hallinluencit case. axtîl.iut ad- dition, tai' w ire al reijuiraîl b furulih eue sorety for *5,Ui0. INDUCE CHILI>REN To GAMBLE. Charge Made hi' Clevelad AglasltW. C. T. U. Fountahus,. The Cleanauitiorities bacc ondered the drinklng fonntanixs titrougit sciethct ie Womau's Chtristian Teamperance Union bas beau dislwasiug wild cherry phtosphtle remoced. Ilta shi-id lthaIttheyarc Imîdue- lng newsboys and olter chidran to play' ltaI lte>' are driîîkiîîg been, te Ineal, and ci-en le ganîble for lthe itaniesa hiquid. Anoher srgumtnt l istaIt themacines are lteé prolierti' o! a corporation, sud ltaIbite FrieudlyIn'in receives a p:ercent- age frointhbie profits. Thte ladies o!fbtae W. C. T. U. une indignant. Ber Honesti' Weil Revarded. As a rew-ard for itonecty, Mlies Mamtie Vale, ot Wa rren, hbas rceived $1,00t). Iu Februari' Migs Vaie tound a vailel con- tainiug $800 on lthe cîneet, sud retxîned il te ls evuer, 11ev. H. H. Ogdon, of Nev York. 11ev. Mn. Ogdou rocenîl>' feih tai? le e large fortuîne, and ite made Miss Vaile a présent ot $1.000O. Witn cn tlest the mouey te vas eu route front Paluescille le Columbus. Moudai' Wing lthe snîversani o!flte deulh of Empemr raderick, ftîer o! EmperrWililamt ut Genmsu>', lte m- pomor and omproas visitcd bte deeaaed moaarcb's mausoleun atPotsdamt sud laid a vreath, upon viticit vere iuscribed their majestic nainas, upen lthe tonti. Tbei' spent somte lime la prayer. Fever and 1Bpalppx. Iu Rai-ana ltere lan uet oi-r, sud etmallpox bas broken -eut, - and Ibreitteus le hecente epîidentic. Mani' une sufferlug fret measies, and there ln muet Intestinal trouhle among Uie Iluihtanîs, ovlng le poor sud lu£ufienl food!. Thte tailure ot lte vater muppli' under these conditions le a dire calamîti'. Lt>vewa'Quarreud laisluDeatb. Miss Claudia Antiten,et Paris, 0., eommillod suicide hi' bloving ber ha ad off vîith a abolgun. Site phaced lthe nixtzie et the veesopIn luber moutand diacitarg- cd lthe sheolI hi pressing on bte brigger .wlit ber foot. Site vas despoudent on accounl of a quarrel viti Wer lui-em. Deaî t fRainar i'nka. Rodney i'nk it wo vas once a million- tire, aud wvitenet bis aillu Wall sîneel, diefi Suadai' et a iodging bouse lu South Boston. Tvo or btreiears cge bis bauk aceount vas gond for $1,200,000. -Bualas Rob a eUsas Dank. Tiabe »Uk et Pelmer, Kan, vas brokrez RÉENT SEMONTMESI8O00" FOR T+UiRTY YEARS. Billie tiat Have Become Lawsl-Nci Mesnres Iotroduced, but 1mw,4 Iumportance Added ta the Loa the Country-Pendlflg LeglslttiO Donc et Wnmhlugttof Thte it'ty-fourtit Cengreus wvasthe sitorteigt ,long session" lulntirti' ie&MS sud oeeof lthe shoriact inlthe tistori' tOf te (ovomument. Of lthe mesuros Ivitbel have bocomo isys, lthe mont importel, - front au International slsndpolntvals- lthe bill croaîiag lthe commission "le detef- mine lte truc divisienni lina belveen Van- esuela sud British Guiaua,' 0f scarceli' imas genemal interest vare lte bille pro- blbitlug prise figitIug lu lthe tariîl permitlug appolulmneuts lunltae armi' navi' of former United States efficera liai served lui the rebeilion, and makid one year's resîdeuce lu a territory a pro- requisile le eblalniog a divorce there. , Excepliug ltoese, itowver, lthe'remaludar ef lte 225 bisl and restitutions whiet reei-ed the President's approval vere net of a characlor te warrant spetia mention. Z Tite more Important vere lthe bis lu- corporating the National Suciety' et Uic Dangitterso et it evolutien; opealng tite forent reser-atieus ln Co!orado for the location ef mlning chuinta; regnhating pmoof et deatinlupension caces; providîaig fer a navahlmaining station lu Son Fran- cisceoitarbor; makiug il uniavtnl le shboot et ani' ralasi train or ani' person lter. ooel totrow missiles lotosuc t train. and repealing clause 61 et the lariff 1mw, provlding for a rebute un uicoitol usai ha thte arts. Theo session, itowever ceuspieu- euls hi'reason oe t is ireviti', resuited lui lte Introduction ot a larger number of bis ha the Houce titan durlng ani' situla? period for a quarter ot a century. Thte total number ef bisll ntroduaed dnrlug lthe entire Fifly-titird Ceugreassvas 8,, of viic 4,405 vere introdncedl duriug thte fret session, wviîcitcorresponds etlte aesse ustalclose-I. and lunviicit latter lthe aggregate is swolleu te 9,500. Statue or Caban Leffialstion. Thte popuhur laîrrest luntthe Cubait reve- lotton vas show n in lthe large number et resohulons-more ttaon fSfty ln al-titt vas inlmoduced and reterred b lite Cein- milIce ou Foreigu Affaira. Aflar caretai concideralion a concurrent resolution vas meporîed, fr wbch wias aubseillautiy tub- stiluted, lit cot-,reue, lthe -k-nate mesolut- lion expressiunglthe ,vuîl,:atiy of ltae Unit- ed States w ith th(binsu iirgeais, r-cogiiizing temiis-elligereîîey. anul al!ing upon lthe l'residé-l i Ise Ùh:- i-i offices te secure te lieilitie f , x- ilanidx.leing a concurrent anul uit ia j-uit ri'eoulioa, il dld îlot cati for the l'r- h-ta signature, sud ils oiily -ff.-i-twma. to e-xpresslthe acti- lutent o!fitle A xii- ,i 'i, i-îîluik. as rt-lect, iu the two itoux,î-îf Cîxîgrx-s. beasur-, for vitici thlre bas be,-iia n iîiîspread dama nd ilxxiuic the,- i:k uptriy bii.l th licCali bill, lîrorid :îg ;i iduca t ionite.eir" fer immigranîts; rt-lr~~thei !n aid lslor arhibrati,,ubills. n xi 1the- Wtl] situ. phifyiug theix ,- ueof tlle,- bîneion ilii.s.,» ais te facîlîtîxte the ad.jîîsiuit of iîricxte ptnsion $tiîes. Thte Fitince Cnîtiîe-,bwhicit nas refer.red i105',difTerexut nutasures, succe-i ed lu gettixîg ttruîgli the Senate butl Ilree et slix lportnte tixt atve becomeiwc -the filid citeese bil1.l,-heamxendatent lu lthe adutiniitrntire fi-atlire of te tarit! sa-I peruîitting express coxupnxs lu un! bthe dut>' ou packnges vnilti.-d t -tot uxor,' titon $Ztj) axnd delivî-r ilte lthe rnînlîlîuce of the impîiorter lir-el.tsand lthe bii1i, meen-a btle free i cîxlila time of tue la rit! 1mw. Thte Dingle « yUbtii u xt o! coul- milnte w-ilh a fr-e ciii nge namendauie-nt wiiciprevauil-d la ltthS-itv,-î alosdi x:s Propîosition w as ri-jcbed b>'th liteuone. Bille. Ptaccd aonlte Caicnur. Rloule o! the most imtpoîrtant tilla ire- plired lii'the coin xii itecis w ere îlot giveni a ben rixig in i-itiîer boai"' or pamse-d bu t oeelis,anlii iililii onIt lie i-i h-îdnr tir considi'mationttdnnxîxg tue short seasiýou if their su uiuor;i-ms lrahn-nb!cIo as-cure b inuit for thor. luioth be xîî -t iîiîîortl t if litote are the Lîtlgc--Il Aliiill ifor auil-il- Ilcaliolîn i test ftiliiigraile, wiîb lthe Geniies ami-aduieteto ru rvî-îîit te inva- sion o!f(îiîadian it iy inhori-rs; xte rPii- lps ixîdîxatrixil Coliiisiotî bill; bte Curtis bill lu letsî-ubile ititii-ý.r o!crimîes for vitici the îh-ntli bpenalty i-nbclie ioscîh hi' United -tiategtcourt%;: lthe îaukmuîît bll, sud the Pi l'u ctr pensieon bllI, nil o! viic were uînesed b> bthe Ilouse. Antoîtg Ihuse itasseu by nî-iti,îr bouse are ltîe elabelîood bille fur Ani-roua, New Mexîi-o and tikiabaîtta; Ilînt for a territorial forîti et govemnîtiexîl tir Alaska; lthe Pacifie raihroad txtsdiiîg bill: the Nicaragua cnali sud Pacifie catIe bis; lthe tlan for lte rreergunization ioflthe lullian rriîory gev- ornaient, for wich the Datwes comnis- slun aud llepreseîbali,-e Curtis o! Kau- sas are joint sptonsors; lthe Loand bill te reduce lthescolie o!flthetoxtrlt-class mail matter, and bille bu ri-organizo lthe reve- nue marine personnel, le increase îte salaries o! salivai'mail clerks, le revie thc grade o!fleutenant gexterai for Gea. Miles. A large fraction o!rbtaeaseus, business relaled telite Public lands, sud important amenduteuts were mtade to lthe public land haws. Ameng lte tlscellaneous neta îîasscd dumig bte ossen ere lte tollowing: For lte delsil et revenue cutteeslu in- force order ai regallas anud yacht races and lasure lte lafeti o!fte spectalers and participants. To ecouveno lte United States dole- gales te lte international marine conter. ence for lte destrucion o!rlte Income tan etumus. For lte depttation etfrot ugea Cndian Creek Indians front Montana. T edetablisi lte goveauntutfetGroom CeunI' as a eulnet fOklaitoma (after te decislon hi'lte Suprente Court taI Greer CeunI' vas net a part et Texas). Forhiddlng divorce% lirn ttenles unleW. lte parties upplylng bai-e beeu realdents tor one year betore lte applications. Anthorlzing lte Secetar etflte Troas- uni' le distribute medals sud dipionta averSed b>'lte World'o Cohunthian Cent m lanion. Autorizing the Secrebari etflte Trans uni' le remit ites, penalties and forfeit- ares lu iavs rclaling le vessels and te dis. continue promecutions. Glv-lng the unseof ltae White lot andI Washligteu monument te ttc Ciritu 5h4cêm~eo ticRe tiP