"Thon listen. I e-sa bora lu Honduras, tie chili ai s Spenish lady aud ai a irisai oi thse aid Englishman, Cunail, him.ftram 'e-oti yuur hnotker'a eealtb e-s e riveit. Thbat tieni trams ascounirei, a man e-ho (nrickeit m malien intoa smarriage villi bLm- union a fais. nenie. Wlien blie>'bai Iioouniau'nidfor some te- >eaI'5 sud -'uenouee cild, ni>'sisten, bai been Isoru@ie founi ontthIe decepio, ai- eih@lalleit hlm." "*Kifllitr' Peulyn exelalmoit. "TYs, dei! W. lipselanis nover shhee- a erang tepas unavenget. lShe shaveit hblm tht evidence ai bit faisebedInluonue iaitsud eitblb.eallier se abatui deai upon lis eva verais.Bshe e-as <nriai sud Lutanti>' acqumîbsi, ani, la con- aidenatlon aif<the wrolsg me bai anfferei, a is- e-su maie censitutiug ber legslm>' Ibis e-ie. Bal the dagrsee e-sa ta br-a Ibig-made, nob.eona-toc ma ch; &lie feli l11sudd ieoi. Tbeu <b.eh ni an, Cuniali, seeig tint t e-us bis filen's evil-dtoiig ht bi maitaounr bolus or- Chans, seM idtaI lencetoth weeshouii ho bis cure. Boa eegrv ap, ait I b.d anat ,to look upon myseliani>' sulsterase is beirs, e-heu anc day ttene came enalier e-li f eas esy ta se., bail suppiaiiîed ce. Il vus the English lad, Wallon Cua- "I begîn tluse," Penlyn »aI. "AI firt," Senor Gaffants weet on, "I bsâted hlm for spolilus our chance., but et h I coumi lisehlm aulanger. Grai- ual>, bis gpull. disposition, bise-s>' af ktereiting fan me e-Its hie uncle, vien :[ bai oet. s, bove aml ius <oderutesa te an>' ponsulstere-ho e-a slck and ieianxn- ei, e-euni>' love. Haitlho beecs ni>broth- er 1 enhit uat have lavai hlma mone. Tien -then, as yesne vrent o, 1 cammilloit s atandesud 1h.aId nasut nie off ion- ir0!'. Anoblier mua triai ta stippiant nit le-Itth b.e-oaisa1loeit-eo e-se e-ath no0 mari'& love; but-ao mater lioe-- aveugoit myseli. Bott rambiaI de>'the oli man tumei agalast me, ait voulc <eier e non heur ot me agalu, A Year on te-a passeit suitthon 'I ieand irait Waltelotr imyuter and I1lied lofttLos Tonna. (tbhe-n webre veebat!ail lirai) aud b.d gane elaewhero. that lie hi man 'e-as dei. 'H. bas loft everyting taeuse,' Waltoerte. 'sud tlere isnu mention of yenunrJusnae, but b. assurai neither of yaa shaîl ever t'eut for enythiug.' " "Stop." Lord Peuiyn saii, *"yoo aced tlli zne no more. I kaa e .roi."- *'Ta n uhe h ret?" Seor Guffauta sai, iig heur aIt hlm, "You huas tlie rsI*." "Yeu. Ton si-e Conal." CHAPTER XIL A beviliereitlook came aven the Span- lards face, and thon, ator a second'a panse, h. sai: "Te. 1amn Carot. Il vas lie nani given me b>' the moiizos amengt e-bar I played us a boy, anditI kepitoeme. It in yau, then, Lord Penhyn. e-ho hue set tibis Duosi laelook for me?" "TYee; wee fa your lettons la hi., asu tramt on.etfthem weebelieveit you ta te ta Euglni. IS'.thouglt that-Ilit-" "That I kilied bum?" "Yen threatenei hlm Ia au. ai yaîr lettons. W. nere"iastified in uthinhing "He, at least, diiint thinh se. lien thi.", He took rtrmihapocket s lettone-nit tou b>' Wallen Cunisil dning the ei tays ho bad baca bock in Engîai, aie ,ive iltaei'eulYu. Il rau: u . "M>' Dean Crt: "-I arnieigiîoi la ber n uare in En. laid. and have gtaInau PPolatmont a' agent for Dan Itadniguez la Londan. Pcr Lanps, uav. I sbali bave snie roupite frou t<jase rtoanful Ilreals ehlcb, -aI interralq tram yaur baylioion hou ave burleda nie, aI Juttîtîa, sud oser>'one Yeu rosil love. Coanud se. meue-he oau only camte us iste as possible. as I arnou rauc; suit eewvIIIhave a Iaik about tIl nid place sad limtes. - ."ver y ours Inlate, W. C. "P. -I ieli paon Juana cauli hav lîvrei la knov ai yaur goat fortune.". 'Do yau tblnk Ie-oukll'i xînlr<b iman, Lard Penlyn?" Senar Guffala sasi et quiebl>'. "TIat mae-ho, we h loeurd et mi godfortune, ecalithinko boy happy' it vould have maie >' beoi oit sister-sie e-liain uaw lu hon grave." Lord Penlyn nticei thte seii-constrair ed calaietfthe mnand nitold imnielit th b. uspohe viti suci an air of certaint that t e-as impossible ta daublinsi. For one nmomenb the tianglit camet bis mini lihaI Iis apparent caunuesu, <i certaâttof ainfding the murderer. niij 4e a oie assumed b>' Gaffants te prover suspicion felling upan hlm. But onV jlection tIet thougit tank fliglit. Haitlle boon <lie mundener hoe e-ai eiever lave eveset liaiehi. eoune ui biave alovodIt 1hta ho hoovu hat1 li Carot, lie nman againe e-boini circai stances hait lochai se black. And Cundal'. bIeter e-sm sufficet1 ehov that wbs< the Seor haito<ad hit about tlie frlendahip <at bat! existai (teen hemn, e-arue. "Teu muet kaow more than any ofai Sonr a..t. 4afi idb< yen do- Pc:.!yu, I !:'iiDw anc thf!ng. Wlon tht iuan unit 1 once more stand face la face, Waslter Cuaitail, e-ha ahlelded me trams hie uucbe' erti, e-h a e-as aealler ta ini>'blovoit Juenua, vili ho avoago." "WhV iat el or ta?" Poulyn ssked in an aiment awe-struck e-hisper. "Tou viii nul taiehe .lla Ie ylotr ava bande sud kiil hlm?" ".Na; il mal b. net. Bal villi thee bande lan.," and le hou <them ont ex- leaideit ta Peulyn se he spoke, Ie-II drag bu ta a prison vhli ho eshail aul>' ieve fon s scaffahi. Drag hlm <bore, I suol, unles ni> blaod gels the hben ut o ni>'maeson, sud I tinotîle hlm like s tog b>' the e-a>." Ho, fou, baiirsnlu i excitemeat, aud as lie shoot towerenng In bis heiglit, wliicb vue great, ahane lise alier, ait extendeit bis long, siuewy bands lu front ai ibm, ehi, ils deep bravu alkia turnuei te au aiment danken liae, Penlyn feu tisaI liais ma hfore hlm veudb. tb. avenger of hieu bnetbr's deabi. Su terrible di elkbah <at <lie tien vendered hw b at lilmunderen e-ouiifeel e-heu ho ishoali b. lubie gnasp. Be stoppai tore-erd ta Gaffants sud held aut bis baud ta bii. "Sir," li esai, III theukhehoven tbut yen sud I haro met. But eu eo do uolhlug ta asist yon la yonr seencli? Me>' I nut tell the doloclivos e-bat lour hnow?" "You mn>'thol lie. oventhing I lave ttoIt yen; i il i!net enable <hem la b. lu my e-s>. But e-bat I have ta do 1 muat do b>' myself." Be pause! a moment; lion ho sai: "l-*ma> b. <brat ebn leu do thol thirerstise>' e-utill thiah bist I amnthebmn-" "No, no!"' "Tes, 1< ma e>'. s.Weil, il thoe-suat le spy liploisMy actions. if bbc>' vaut te kuow e-bat 1 do anuit ehrsI go, 1 s. te c be touai t lie Hatl!Lepetto-tiat l, Wen 1 am ual bore in this hanse, tor I muet soir you-I have a reason-to let nime came ta yen as 1I;vaut." d Peulyn bhavaianui ssulemo vriata r the effect tint lie shouit sie-sys be free aio the bouse, anuithle tier continuai: "My' business beno as agent ion Dan hlodiguera e esithtmercbanl of Boas- Idunes, yl ual occuît> me mach et pres- eut. the mrof iMn>' ime e-UI ho ioroled rta the ane pupose oa infding t11.1mn." r:"I pray>' laI yoo nMa>' hosuccesinl." "I shah b.àunccaessuIu," tie Speniard i saseonc quloti>'. *And nov," i. sali, '"I vibI ash rau ta ado au. lhing." ":Ash nie anythiag and I vill do it." "Y(uuhavesa gardon lichit yon bouse,' Spor Guffanha smu, 'hboe-la admission obtainodtahoil?"' Lard Peulyn staned et hlm e-oudernag- 1, rnaithnoeiug vint Iis quetion imgi' mien, and thon b. uni: "There is au Otranceinn. theickachf letus bouse, sand satier tram an imonsgaIe i uInte aite treet. Balte-b>'do lyei moll Irno anc ever goes inta il. Irlais amp, ad et evon he ortés aeeparti>' overgnova vitI wecos.", id"Tiiore are koys b ta s. cutranec?" "Andinl youn possiessiotn?"'sud, as hf spolie, lis iarh oyes nere fixai ver>' in r teah>' ou the yoang ian. gx "Tho>' are somet-hene about tie boust but lie>' are nover usai." "d*I we-le l.. oui. Thon, wen tie are touai, 1 mut sli;'au ta givo nit it. youn e-on aof hnon tht no living crea ýw lune, ual evea you yourselt, iii enter the d ganden vilthutMy kaoe-ingIL. Wil l>ot do tuis?" "J viii do il," I'eulya ssii. "Bal e-îsh yen e-ould tll me Yuur reason." g- "I viii tell yaau othiug more et pret as eut. Bat rememnben that 1 bure a tankh I r- penionni sud tint 1 shail do i." ni Thon ho lelI hini, sud e-aihed sa>' t, 9, the uigbohrood ut Leicester square. et "WlatI Ibave seau la day," lic uali b b>' buisaeit, "e-ou haie baffIei man>' aniai a, Bat yen. Miguel, are differeat tram othe ut men. Tou are net baffi; >'an are oni. he sîilli marcdelormnledtah do e-bat yc buvo ta do. But wo e-iisb?-ola ish Ho is ual Lord Peulyn." ýv. CHAPTER XIV. at "The star>' about Ibis Spaniand, Gua k- faute, la a strange on.," Phiiip Smeprdi lic erte tramt Occlove Clise te Lord P.i ai lyn, ebh itd inforidhlm ai tie vis y- liehait, roceived anid bhe evelsîlons acd Ilb>'tie Seor, "but I me>' as we.Iitell1 > i- ah once tisat I da't b.iievo 11, slthaug àa1 you me>. thal the me-ions, ase elI t>' Btnat and Dobsan, are inclinei te do s My owu opinion Io tial, Ihougi ie ni ta not bave hîle Mr. Cuadaîl, boise sîlli tel bils iug yu a lie-ianrsanienmason ai is ov glt as te tle iienthilp laI exstot otwee eul <b.., and lie proab hi itehaat b>' pu re' teuding la ho able ta Ilni the mn, be e- get @sani eroey'tramt ieu. Witli nogal ui ta bis baving heen lace ta face e-th t ver ninideren, e-hyi f se. doe. b. set «y ( ue e-balocenslon sud wehn? Tu kuov i i- face us<tirai fthe ninnierer, la te sn e-bt In plainer e-ardu' vouldil@ ho, <b1 l a lorait hlen knawa he va s bouttaecama ýim, the net, un liat h. bai llnued lit. lie- sémits ut no allier lalerpretatlon, an coasqucaitl>', vînt bhomes of bis avul as, od ièe for OCunai, iIf ltékncý* ort]t -to conutpaleit deset d iii ut preveul PmÎrva a h reasi omisletter 110* MM* Purin thie two or three -deys tuat ad elapsed between writing ta, Smerdom and receiving hie answer, hiehliedbeen buoyed up with the hope that lD Guffants the mfn had been discovered who would be the means of bringing the assassin ta justice, and this hope had been sliared by ail the ather men interested ln the sanie cause. But hee bac cone, in the course of hie long friendsbip with Phillip Smerdon, te place such reliance upon his jadgrnent, and toa acpt so thoronghly bie Idens, that tLie verY flt otf, bis douting the Scur's stateinent, sud looklug upon It as a mere sttempt to extort money tram hlm, almost led 1dm aiea ta doubt whether, after ail, hoe had flot too rendily belleved tihe Speu. lard. Yet, hie reflected, bis actions, as lie stood befare hlm foretellng the certain doom af that assassin when once they sliouid agaîn be face to face, and bMs cals certalaîy that mch weuld unCoubtediy happen, bore upan theni the Ji uVrgsai truth. And bis irtory lied earned the beilef of the ther-that, surely, was ln tavor or It being truc. Stusrt b.d seen hlm, bai listeued ta what ho bai to say, andbi t.rrned the. opinian that lie was nether lyig nçir acting, Dobson alsa, the man wba ta the Se- nors mind wns ridiculous and incapable, bied heen tlid everythlng, and lhe, too, bidcamte ta the conclusion that Guf- fanta',s tory wassan iomnt eSe, and that, af all other mea, lie who, in saine myste- viens manner, knew the murderer's face, would bce the abast likeiy ta evontuailly bring him ta justice, and lie was alâa very aions ta kiîow what the secret wss that led ta bis desiring Lord Penlyn ta have the gardon secureiy ciosci and locked. lie cauld lInd in bie own mind no con- neeting hitk baIn-en the place ai death in the park and Lard Penlyn's garden (sîthaughlieh renîcabered that, strangeiy enougli, bis iardshlp was the deai man's brother), and lie trae desiraus that the Boîter .bould canfide in hil But the latcr wouid tell hlm nnthing mere than lie had aitreai>' made known, and Dubtion, who lbai alwnys la bis miîid's e3@the vision ai tbe large rewards tthat would came ta the man who foad the mordorer, wax forcecita lie content and ta work, as hoe termed il, "lu tb. dark." 1 "Tou muet 'Walt, My good Dobson. yen tmuet wait," the Spaniard sai, "until I tell you that 1 e-nul your assistance, )tboîmgh I da not tbink it probable that 1 cshahl ever wanl il. Yon coli not fini out that I wax Corat, yan knaw, nthougli I hait mac>' times the plessareofa lunch- -ing At the neit table ta you; I do flot -think that you w-ilbc able an>' thebetiter 1ta iai the mia I seek. Bat when 1t uni boa, Dobqon, I promise yoa that yau shall bave the pieare af arrosting hini, so, Ibid 1 the reward shail came ta you. That la, il 1 do not have ta errent bim suddeniy upon o tbe moment, myseîf, sa as ta prevont i eacaping." "Anide-bat are yen dToing aow, Signor?' *Dobson askeit, giving hlm a tit:e mare a fanjiliar ta hii i its pronuinciation thaz the Spaniali ane; *'wbat are you doiag tu -fini him!" it "I am practicing a virtue, my friend, that I have practiced mucl inla y life i 1 arn waitiag." e "I do't see that waitiag lta mach giaid ? ignar. There le not mudli goai ove. d donc by waiting." ýh "The grealest good la the world. Doli son, the ver>' greatest. And you do nol se. now, Dobson, because you do nol know e-bat I knoe-. So yuu, tua, nmust hi te virtuons, and vrait." 2- It e-as oui>'witb hanterofan alight1j concealed nature sucd ne ibis that Sonoi e, Guffanta would answee Dobson. buit, ligl as bis answers were, lie laed sîit man. aY ged ta impress the detective with th4 leidea tbat. sooner or later, lice-coul e. achieve the task lie bai cowed ta per Itforai. ou "But," as tbe ma said ta one of hii Uhetbrea, "e-by can'I le gelta e-work. -hi don't li do souiething? lie wox't iný theman ib at Hotel Lepanto, wlien hoe site smoking eigareges liaitlte day noion yet la Lord Peýnlyna sbouse, e-lianeih goes ever>' niglt." to "Pehap hthirtk: bis iordship didi i to watcbiag hlm.", "No," Dobson said, "he don't Ibmn erthat. But I cun't make out wlio Il ý douce lie does anspect."* Du <Ta b. continvied.1 eThe Guli' Strategy. Allen C. Mason la telling a star>' tll would probably ruin sny repulattoti h i-May have for trutli and vcnactty wee on e flot as wecil ktiown as tic la in Tac( Mma, says te Ledgcr of Ibat Cil>'. Il il says lie doe not absoiutely voîich fo de Its trulli, but belleves It to ta true.1 ou e-as told hilm by some of the men Wh gb work ou a boat runialng tram Itie oces au ta Quarterniaster Harbor. 30 The>' sa> tniat la stormy iveathel ý>' wen the sen, galls fiud il dîthelntt Al- a, get their tood tram its uscîni sourcesc ensuppl>', the>' aliglit an tho legs lying0 .e- the beach along the share of the h& rii bar unili as MaaY Of tlîcm are perdhe nid an a log as eau gel on il, and thon, ai lie pagrenti>' iV direction of onf he u an namber, tbeéy begin tn rock back an bils forth until theY tara theo109og e-r a" <li ten ecd one grabs off a hamac] lie ai and eas Il, snd tbcy repeat the oper. at lion. Ne-w Style or Sleeping Car. j A nov sleeping car lau bolag Intro- ituceit ehdla5resnathi>'certain te "quil a ong-felI aant." B>' s simple meebalcal device <lie berthe are be-' eret beloe- the fluor of the car, eh, wehoudoue, transformas <ho same Into a roani> parlor car. Vihen tle benlbu are ralsed lie chairs are placet la <lie haieg eil vacant b>' tho berthe. Largo windows ru ainosl < ite rouf, tlius giving ventilation lao, acih erîli. Tbeu'e ls also three or four inches mure epace btween the berthe than Ihone la iu <lie Pullman or the VWagner. The car lu s vory haad..ame affair, sud lu mah- lng a tour oi <ho country ionrthe Iuspec- lion ai railroad omcla.-The General Manager'.__________ paetty WeilI Woru Ont Wesrnnss we-lU sao<iee nahe a ma" gulame. 1Whart'mlexuallon, Unele Rufcar saktMl'.Hirdand, tsetiouaiy', su tise TAMM&G' THE PREACHER DISCU8SES THE STAR IDF WORMWOOD. Another Unique Tcxt Taken to Enfarce a N'eeded Leason-Conduct, Influence and Opportunitiy-Tbe Free Natton of the ZEarthhand Ite Baivatton. -, Detiay of Nations.K It vas apprapria'te <bat Ibis sermon on Ct sn iesliay ai nations shauld ho preached 1 e-bhat bas uong been called the Pnesu- «r enta' ebureli, because Presidenta Jack- Il Dan mPierce ac! Polk sud Clevelad>yo avo attended it. Dr. Talmsge chose ion .8 sa texlRibevelation viii., 10, 11, "Thon. lt Ul s groat alan front hearcu, bnrning aC t ers s ismp, sud it tell upon the <bird t ,ar et the riv'era and apoa the feiu-talus ai e-aators, and thb. usme 0f Ithe star la â liai Wonrwoad." i Ms.>'y smoentatons, tike 13.trick andi e-wtb, Thomas Scott, Matbee- Heury>' in Albient Bannes, sgreo la sa'inut lat n e-star Wonulreod, snutiedinla-love- u tien, oauàmtls.hjin ai the Hiuns. Be rs su m»led -bosuse b.ce-as brîllsnt s Sstar, snd. 11ke varnivoit.. l mbittored w 'onrytblag b.e touched. W. bave aluietai e sMar er Betleher, amué-the niorning CI tar ai the4 Berelation, aid <ho stan ai Y( *ace, but Sy proessi aecl calls us te ,âme at the star et Wonme-ooi, and n>'y berne miglil ho cafleit "Brilliant Bitter- w le." aî Thse- K4e- of the-mue. a A mare extraordluarT eburtene histor>'w [es ual iumuisb<lien Ibis anathas ne- ý -moie to-AÀttila, the king ai the Hune.w ne day a wounded bhouer Came linpiag a] dong Ilireagi tbe lields, sud a hendumn n, loe-ed lils blood>' truck on tho grass te c ce weoe b.heifeit'e- as wandetlansud weut on liack fanther sud fanther utIl ic !rne ho a se-onftaut un tihenrtb, t0e >inI dovavanit, au <baugb i ai inoPPoitâ 'o. the beavena, snd against tb. edges 0 ) this se-ord the boiter Isad been cnt. The I àeisman putlled up that se-onsund pre- t tnIadiilta oAttila. Attila sali thil se-ond't4 Eaupt have irappeit ironi the beavena tram e te gnasp oi the ýgai Mars, sud Its beiag givea ta hlm meant <bal Alla ahouli O roaquer and gavera, theo ble earth. Othen miglit>'mou Tfave boes deliglite i Rt heing caileit lihenalers, or the morelle!,0 nr the gooit, but Attila caiied bîniohf sndb lniaaded that aliers eall hi. the SSoungo ir Gai, At the bettY ef 700,000 tnoapsb motnled on Cappsiociuuns, ho ae-eptd everythiug tramincheAitniatie ta the Blaek0 ses. Ho put bis iran hool aceifacedania J nud Greece and ThnLce. Ho maie Milan I ni Parla uni Painsa sud Venona b.gb anr monc', e-hidi ho bostovei sot. The1 Byzautine castles, te tacet bis ruinoue lery, put hp rit auction mussaive aIer ha- bles asîd vases of saut gaid. A cit>' Cap- tured b>'bll, the inhabitants veno brouglit out and paltmbibt re. ciass- t lie lirst chaes, Ibos.e-Wha coul! heur arms,e wbo musI immedietely eshietunden Attila or b. butchorci; the second clsans, <ho beautiu amen, e-ho vere maie captives o the Huas; Ithe Ihin clans, thoe.gei mont ni e-amen, n-liavore robbei ai over>'- bhing sud let go back la theeut>' toa py bear>'tai. Il e-s a common saying tbat thie gras@ lever grow agiain wee the. bout of At-t ,ila's hane aid Irai. Huaarmies reiden- ed the waters ai the Seine sud the Muselle ad tlee ile e-itb carnage sud tonght ta the Catalonian plains th. fiencest batIle mince tbewe-ani sooi-300.000 deai leit ou the lield! On uni an unlililM<boree Whbo couhit not appose bim vith arma la>' prostnate ou their laces in prayer, and, a '.iani of dus el culibte distance, a blsbap cried, "Il is thie aid oi Gai!" snd aIl the people took up tlie cry, "Itlulathe ahi ai Golad" As the clouit et dust e-s hava asido the hanns ai rcinlorciag suies marchai lainta lelp against Attila, the Scourge ai God. The tuost uniaipontant occurrenaces lie ausa a supleratunal ne- source, and aller Iliree monîlis aifallure In capture <lie cil>' ai Aquileis unil bis amm> bai gîvon ap the siego, the flight oi a slark uni ber >-oung tram <he oee ot the City weas takea b>' hlm us a aIgu thal hoe-was ta capture tlie cil>', ami léi amyui>,isplred b>' the siue occurrence, ne- sumed the elege aai laok the e-als 51t s point frani ehidi Ithe atork bai emerged. Bo brilliant e-ns ftic conqueroir lu attire Ihat his euemiee couli lot loah ath hm, but sladed their cyci or lunoit<hein beais. A Pecuilan Star. Siain an lb. evcuiug ai hie niamniage b>' his bride,ldica, e-ho aa hlred ior the assassination, bis flloecrs te-ali l ii not e-ith - ears, but e-ith blond, cnltlag lhemseivc wnith kaives nad lances. Be e-s put Ia othrao couins-lb. finit ai mrou, the second ai silver andtihie third or Soli. He e-as bunici b>' niglit, andiuto hua grave ee.pourei the muaI valuable cala and preclous stoîtes, aaîounting le the vealth af a kingiom. The gravedug- gens sud ail those n-ho assisted itathlie hurili er. massacrci, so tuat it vouLld pcter ha kuavu were sa mueh vesitt we-saeuonbeit. The Roman emipire con- qnerei the weont, but Attila couqaered the Romsan empire. He e-au night in caii. iag huisoeli s sCourge, but litaof ai lg the Seourge ai Gai ie n-as the scauî'ge ai beIl.Because ai bis bnillianco sud bit- <ennesth. commbeetalurs vere rîglit lu bellevîng hila ta ho tie star Wormn'aud. As tlie regieus b.citevnstated wee parte mont ep«leat e-itb iaantaius snd sînoanis aud rivera, yen scie bew graphIe in ttus relerence lu Rovelelian, "Thene f ell s &Tueat aanrons beaven, baruing as lit iee a-lspp, snd it i.hi opon tbe thwn part 0f <he rivers sud apon tic ltataius of waters, snd tie uame oi the star la cslied Wonme-ooi." Havre yen even Ibengit boy man> lin- billoreti lires thon. are ail about us-mis-- antrople, niorbld, seni, satunine? The Earapesn pleuttiralle-hici e-ontwoai le extracted, Anlemisia absiniuin, lu a pen- onulal pleut, sud ail the yeur rotnul itlia rosi>' taoiexeits 0<1. Andin lumin>' li- n ilIes <bore ls a penennial distillation ot seni emperieaces. Teu, lier. are soute we-be -ble work in ta shed a haletaI in- fluence on othere. Thon. are Altilas ai <ho home, or Attilas et the social circlo. or art snuaks the question, le. your,11 ÙMo beneietion te others, or an Imbittr- vet, ient a blessing or a curas, a balsa., or Iug ho, * i rrmwood,? te fM8*"tàW Borne ai yan, I knav, are mornlng stars, fauntains tbat wd eé* id you are rnaking the dawning of lite ofaice aur ebuîdren brigbt with gracloas Inla- Wliat is <rue of nces, and yon are beaming upon al lb.h nations. Godnets < eaing enterpnises of philanthropie sud stars, bat tliy m> a bristian endeavar, sud yen are beraids Tyre, the etsohe.d ,thal day of gaspelization wbîcb viii yet grant e-li spics, loid allthe moantalas sud valle» 0f aur ber fire, luasdot in carseit eantb. Bail, moriiin str! keels ai ber laien m eep an shiaing willi encouragement &Bd kets rlch witb hors..ý hisian hope! Togarmali, her basasrz doine of you are evening stars, aud Yaeu ster>' tram Dedaa, wvt re cheeriag tbe lant daya ai aid peuple, and agate tram Syria, Ld tbongli a Claud sometimnes cames aver Heihan, vith lianbroiez4 ta Ibhroagli the querulouanees or unrea- Ashur and Chlmd' enabieneassaf your nid tather sud matiier gleam of ber levers, wiii2* lai oaiy içr s moment, and the star soan chariots, where the *i imes out clear again andinlaseen ira. .11 Lett<he fisltermen wlie le balconiesai thes neigliborbooi. Tihe vere unes.@a )Id people wlll forgive yeur oceeslonal of ail nations; lel ho îaortcaminge, for they tbuus»leeeral their rade tente wI.i' mes lent Iheir ustiesee- *hei» yen vere glittered--answer th. rung sud siappodioe bei yen dii not a star, but by lier own da lserve il. Bail, evening atari Bang vwooud a atallem t 1 he slarkeaiag ah>' yourdIamond cura- et! Batylen vita bei Wornweod. rm gts"d w« But are any of you Ibe star Of WorM- splnd LSof t e rh. wood? Do you seau saii growl troa tbée 5P1, bafer h ezt troues paternal or maternai? Are jOur Neliuciaiuezar to pissas, ehidren everlaslingiy pecked et? Are il,. who h blen blioud you always cryiag *"Bush!" ta the merry tainous countryan coi l oices and se-ut i..t, sud their laughton, lm.ctr oui Bb whicli occasioniaiiy tric"@ ,hnougb at lug garnt iabuSe oes wroug limes and la sappressei b>' tIi. tw et thse heigàlit et atil the>' cau hold it no longer, sud ail iWoods e-avine st lhe liarniers haret lula unlimuteti gaffeur eninre, 'th*follagm., tii. and cachination, as in bîgli weather th. if s nantalu vemmeonuis rater lias trickled Ibrougli a sliglit openi- tlptop s king vsUklug vl ag la tbe lildani, bal aiterwari makes s... statues saovy-wIq wider sud wider breneli antil it carriez at bisai e ugt rot Ill before il with irresistible freshot? Do* 4rinkig eut oet lunds'u( not ke 100 mach offeaded at th. noise yul? lookijsgoff over rivéea"u bhldren now make. Il iVill ho stili tiens subdued and nR enougli eheu one ai them la dead. TIen net tlii great Baiylua you woald gîve yaur niglit baud te bear builîr one ahout [rom thein silent voicos or oae Wa atna s step tram the stiil foot. Yan wIilot as>' What plowahare upture& if Yuhave toiail vm ylong baioe. >olir What arnaysbatsma thse bouse la stller tih" yon waut lb Aie&, Wbet Ion& force blaet . tbut Ihere are so nian>' homes Dot kuavu <bis lb e-Ih iRlust ae the Society for the Preventian et --U What aah ef disedri WY City ta (iudren, we-bre children are put nmusie ît. poured item on the limita, sud vbacked ad cuffeda ansd gaiýden groav sud Can pull.d sud meniajesi cailed ta order ers ta tlseir revel -amidt*" and anse-ereti sbtand su ppressed, un- fee I 1wW 00nes ,. 1W til it in a irander that under sacli pro- ta land an anaver snd cosses they do ual ail tara out Modocsand bituma. snd brick suad Nana Sahibs! <lie remette et B4bylol*,1a Whsî la yoar influence upon the aeigh- lence aof<lie nlglil I besl' b.rbood, the tue-n or th.e t t>'iyann nemi- 1ha1 billue- of demblatloa leneo? Ivill suppose Ibat yen are a star lbhe an, 1 heur the vili of vit Wbst kini ai rays do yen shoot -"Dabylos e-as prend. forth? Do >'ou use thal spIendid incuil>' pure Babylon aes ar ae irradiaI. the o om or ta raukle il? 1 tnrned ta wenniv an sdLs biens ail the aposlolle college ai loians. Prom tho persecutious et,. The iSsu that maires me laugli la ni> e- fathers and th. Huguenots h eisetor. 1 do ual tlisuk anybody ta make Gai set upon these @bome me crY. I eau do that vithoat au>' as- cacl i res of the sbo sistance. We ail cry enaugli sud have lan<tie grester ligbt eof ao enougb la cry about. God biens ahi kili- The sand of tbe wanvbeop. lui punsters, aill eparteeists, ail propauud- ai for the tiiousani viiemIa trs et ingenlous conanrami, ai those sud progness. The mi l te irbo mirthinl>' surprise ns e-itb unususi fni summers, thie heaithfni juxtasition ot verdi. The>' &tir into tram other lands a race etof r the aeid beverage ar lite lbe saccharine, lovai Gai sud vantai te .- The' niake lb. cap ai esnthly existence, the voodman'a ai fiiress-W whicli js sonetîimes stale',effervesce sud egain mb shhps'masteand lihie. The>' placate aulmosities, The>' Iar. Citiee n theboko!) ftenrauogevlty. Tbey s>' itailles sud ta rivai citiez b>'the ss absudities vhicb aIl the sermons aifaIl l i <he rush oft<ho r acr~ tbe palpite cannot reacli. ena are cbarned e-bite wtb' But e-bat use are yeu maklng ai yaur e-heel, Fabulants hlels et e-lt? In il b.sniirched villi proienit>' snd meet un *ae vs>'fabulonst«oOý uncleannous?- Do yon eniplo>' it lu amuse- cah. ars tram <he oroue nient eaI p W d«Octs faor Wb"th le vic- river$ fruits fr0. <the oUhu4 lima are net«rosiponeiblo?7,Ar e or pov' lu the sniems aket la 1MabeIi ers ai mimicry, used ta put religion la Con- sud Souh iCarolins tise -Um, tajnpt? Io It s bunci of neltlesome la- (Ohie fermr andi Alaska t vective? Is Il a boit aiUnJust searu? ls churclies snd achoals sud aa'I il tua at othens' musiortune? la Il glee at iigbt, sud love, and merey, ma thoîr isappolulmeat sud defeat? 15Il ýon 60,000,000 ai peopla. bitternesa put drap b>' drop Into e cup? laARoke sur il like tlie squeezing of Artemisis absin- ARc tSfU tIm, mtosadreit aireai>' ilstasteull>' 1 pra>' <batur nation XMaY s pangout? Thon yen are the star oi crimes eftIhe ustios. hhat b"~ Wanme-aod. Tours la tbe fun oi s rallie- sudur cap at bleaslng, uis' suake trylug bey vellItil au sting. I1118-wood, and like theni we gsedIW the tun ot a bavk trylng boy qailki Iîby nature and bhl <raSeR13,00 eau strike ontt h. eye ai s dove. I expect that Ibis country' e-Bir Worhdiy iprooersty. ivance untilChit49M But 1 vii change thieand suppose yon Bat b. net decevedl Our OuM une a star ai vard>l repni>.Thon lan ighleounss tee-an God yan bave large opportuaity. Ton cau en- te-and man. If e-e fanget tii courage Ibat arlîst b>' buyiug bis picture. air<lie Lord ta Ibis lndsi,&MI Tau eau imprave lb. fields, the stables, Sslibath, and improve net bY ti tae bigle-a>, b>' Ltraduclng higlier style asters tbat bave agalu sud Ae ai tue-i sud borne sud cov sud sbeep. YToneus a snation, sud ve iear a M eau biestbe vorid vill Pomalagical neither iran i cviile-ar sar rais aeblovenient la the orcharda, Yoa cen le non droaglil uer niuiiev e* advauco arboriculture sud arresl Ibis lacast and greshapper nerz-q dealhful icouocnam ai tbe Ametlesu ion- oartquake; if the POlltloe87 est&. Tou eau put s piece of sculpture m e -hich lias POlauaed the iouae the niche aifItat pubulieacademy, yon iic.virlue sud liesliiied thb.e eau eniov a colirg. Ton eau stacking anthanit>', naklng ires gbv5d 1,000 bar. teelt ram the e-inter frost, Yan limes s hîssînt and a byverd coa buihi s churcli. Xou eau put a mis. cartli; Ifthe drunheauesa il* sionan>' ai Christ au <bat foreigu shore. nets liaI stagger sud blooaÎ Tu an ubelp rnsuom s vonli. A nicli streets oi aur gvent cillez a#tA mian villi bis heart niglt-Can Yeu tellme vere neachiug ai 1er lhe aM< boy mach goad a James Lenouaia s nan sd a WIodai*>a» NoSr tiearge Peabot> or a Peter Cooper or a e e iii yet se <le asmo tot William B. Doige did e-hile living or lu nain, <ho pilar ai our natleMM ding nov lhst ho la deai? Thon. is net Capitole vili f511 more iete s Cilty, <0e-n an eighbonhood Ihat lis net e-heu Samsoan Pulled Igivu X glanions specimnlioraiconsecrstei vosllh. future histoensn WUli M00M But suppose Yaa grini lb. face oi the page bedeved e-lh lerbW pour. Suppose e-heu s muan'. e-ges are star>' <bat the iree uati«W due yauunieke lii. eail ion theni because arase lu spiendor vlicisma ho canuel help hlismelt. Snppoue <bat, be- stars 1< liail --ltu tt cause bis iamilY is slck sud lie bas liai ex- It fongol Gai. It batedJs4 tra expeuses, lie siouid poitel>' soiryen ta gediIts crime. Il halei o0&W rais. bis vages for Ibis Year, ani yen l reeied union the biov Lg ronghl>' tell imI. f he vsantéa botter place fell. And as il vs. te-go ani gel IL Suppose b>' yunmon- despotisme e t h itrees Mer Yeu sel ss theugli lie erea olhlug and Ibroues began tlaeeu yen ere everything. Suppose Yap are vo bave Il," e-bile sne*- k~ aeliai devenbeun ansd amngaàt. oit people iéokei eut e tour liraI nDame onght te b. Attila and vits teas »ànoU511 your lant Dame Attile, beesuse Yuu are agoni, <lieseOn Ofetà$@es sestsnar ofWormnooi, snd you bave îm- these unil Slun<lie ,,