~LAkÉ bEPAIfl~Ml a .oasmatter. GRAYSLAK9 SOCIMTES. deed. The chidren acqutted them. 7 & RISINQ SUN lode No. , L A.. 1. &A~.. selves adnnfrably, theo singers did veli, ".RUEoWNOn APPLI- hoid roguar omfflde"tous Saturday and atogether It vas au occasion mucli eveuilg o or . Lrrvnza-W.M. enjoyed. _______________A. Tkoupeoq. Seccv. Theo Ladies! Aid Society met vlthL ltCIerk. SORO8î8 Chapter. U.J. Order Ea8týrn Mr». R. N. liickey, of Kineevifle, ~sreU1tStar meet firai and& , day.,venI 11 àü) ifas a cau- Ma.E . ea.; ey Vdneuday, instead of ,witb liii. b ~ ~ ~ ~ Mx B. B. crui iek No. u ". S. aieetDazey, as vau annonnced lu lest veelCa ~eiain et he Lae G d Camp1>uNo. euiNs o. esc= paper, and the day being very beauti- = cqs onvention, monti. UOO KP.L fui, a very large number were in at- lawla 0. BaOCK'WAl. Gom1r-,Y -B Onoues Beouis. Oaok. tendance. stcre 11 teLeglolature. RIPÂ he»No 2w6E.N. A.meet second Teloonteoihetcoere ~eu.e ysif n n- V1udfourt iTu enIffle«imfnth luseer St. and Maple Ave. changed <l dsm14tfer the, Leglaea.- x mu5851MB e hande the peut eek, Mr. Leonard W Ose. C. ROGERs. h Sunday mer- havng oned itandMr. Albert Boyes *inM P rmeet- ý lngWeassayeyTna. . . SC.E.meet purching lt. 'Mr. Leonard ba, nov on board of irade Monday 0*un<ay eegnasat1:41 P.IM. but very faw iots t t tof the original k. u#ao vere nnusuallY ffl~ding opened ai Many people from hero have attend- Leonerd addition. .4odte 150, at vhieh cd the camp-meeting t Gages Lake The part! given iu Batteîahafl's Hal pI.Later 840 Ibe soid the pat veek. by the Sarlight bin.au band liai ýSaill- ~MG> b.ai140,market lie. A. j. Leonerd and son Paui day evening val- muai .njoyed by Lý'ute estwek 1l55i; vlated viii relatives In Chicago sev- thonsO ho pariicipeted, itnugimon ral daya of lust veek. thought the svening flot Y«7p propiti Misa Barbare Hicks, of Aurore, 9 noua, a the deys mai eaie 00aOpi m j40;ý Iu f-them, apending a ev veeka vlth lier mother ngt n h a.bign og Sad uaiUic SflOE3rtICsnd rotersJoh andGeoge. givas very Utile urne to get acqutleiSd M*à tht thbn i mais udbo as Jh adGorend ono y the dancing. '0'$e4y tbeesule hed as Miss ollivette Morrili vin bave _____________ li ueaday for a ivo veeks' vis ît ih B". WSTATTRANZIPERS. ~ ~~ds o Oel. 0.. C.friands Iu Chicago and Beloit, Win. OMWtKEÂROiT. bËç"u hr urgeâ hlmx Fred C. Paulin and w tu Ada L Kon u.anid.pedeni Mi. L. . itta lies buit a nov barnn lts 29 4 41 and &3 1>k 87 JICag legaltue. ndemto i osuho .C ibra spring Bluff add w d...............$10 th gslaur The o i oauhofF .Wlu .Edvard i Skidiiore to Allen G Cleuunttt brjneai He expeots te bulld e house this 1ai.1. W 1 ft, e100 fitloti 1k sia lglànd _ ýof the j"est demo- ~Park 1 d ... ..................... 20 e dbe#iui, and 'ahi gai Env. Dazey, Mesurs. Huson and Bar- Mary Btohr and h to Wm and Jos deucat. in ettoCiag usdtt I'tsit piniler W I45 acreS of e w % 5017 tWp ronveu teChiag Tusda tevist r 1w d ........................ the hospital of Dr. Dovia and vile. Emil Rudolph and w toquttoC Buta lot 51 go Highland &dd to Highland Park W@ noiiosd iliai M. Wilson and son , d..................... ......... 25 ny vited frienda of Long Lake, teok in "Buffalo BiUi'19 Frank N Tomluson to Frankli *W sho lai Sturay.Mia W.B. ig- Usnse lot 29 blk 121go WaukrOmnW d. 280 sho lat Bturay.Mrs W.B- ig-Harry R linyder and w toeseme lot 25 of Fort gheridan, loy .180 vent the naBne y. blk 54iot41 blk 46 So Waukegn w d... iceS relaiveshaie jj~Dase iu~ted he Uile rie arlotFESpars tu saine lot 10 1>k 73 and .,,rlaties hre. ». Dzey nvitd th litle fien Marot14 1k 77 180 Waukeffli.......... "0 ad e Chicago rilk ýf Lulu Woolovorinlu lasi WadlesdaY Marta L Loonois et ai to Fredarick with hie i....................................... wd........................................ IO0 o m ongnen attend- day, and a jolly good tinie they had. Karl T M Sandberg and w te John Ont ungwilllson 14 lunes subdsec 14 9w 4d1IWO .A. pjonie ai Janenville, Ms sdJfeaaauti o a- wm Eliot Furnes&aned v to MmI] Mis mad jffes aainlef fo V l iodolplnl Pt,35arkd..........hlan - base W]na ine paraiso isi veek to finish the siilIUfer addtoRilleand 5180 ........... 75 ofe Fort Sheridan ternio! achool. Sha had bau»at home Annie C Russell et ai to Carl E Saylor ihe Xerthapk.sevoit ees n bailtofinb l h otU b106 g o Waukegan W Id...... 275 park sovralveek on ccoint ! 131 h Al.Abert J Leonard and w totCh" aa We- of tan cents viii be Mm. John Morrili viii tart next bumnjot i bik 2 (irayslake w d........ 150 ~ Le* bse Tesdy fo Sunuer loa, weresheWilliam Partridge to Jsnette E Whte Lsbaebail fie o udyforSme Ioawer lot 1 aW à 7,4312Iq 0............ chalege ay in 'h i ait lier brother, Mr. B. F. Heu- joseph Deliartbyd admr te WnLebeck menbrs under tweuty dee. She expecis to be gone about aÂierJLondedwtoAerBye feçr a purse and torty month. Its 1, 2 bik i rayolake w d............50a let of gaie receiptas. E9wlest et aiW John26W 45. luec...4 la ndncee tomanager M. Cyrus Harvey made_ hie sou, C.E eprteet aw i to John W3,nle.4 bahl teani, Evereti, . Harvey, a premoni o! a hall-acre lot C Frank Wrght and w toflobt J Prootor bein siuatd o etal artIl 9 bik 8 C Frank Wrlght'a reoantly, saId lot belndstuetedon tyvlilevd..............s., -~lO4and the Vaugin (Conter sreêt nazi te the onu owned Frank L Sprlng tuThomas 8FaunUleroy -to complete a piece Mr rakFrtch t Lk....doIt.... .. .. A.... 0 Le eoppoite the îorrnetis by Fr.ontnkqF0 .....h....L.....ubd.ofIt.48.sd.c.L.. F. ass Louse MrriagO LioOOsOS. joa y r th. Mis Bekus anid Miss Fouis , Fred D. Umnver 0rayslake ........ ......2 e,0 v> . b c n e ooaaary o f C h icag o , v o ie v lsito i't et D ru ceis M ary ÏuselV o o . . . . . .................... 2 uloulng palnted inail Lake eand in Grayglake Ttiesa-ily £e Fred bhaddl-, IRockefellh&................i vaytrea ron fome lay 'il a a (raee Cronkite ltookefelh>'r ............ thp le sd-a pere r Dfor ladywilltake acottage atWllam Spoor Wankeran ...............3 t efore the LaR forthesunaer.Mary Worth,. Waukupii..................2 ~~le.Fred 0(llsfýki , Fort Bilas. Texas .......3 eptux balplaTurs watched M. sud Uris.* B. B. Sherman 'aure Miss Mar>' T. Hpoidel. LaeuFkoret....... -1mbean tesam, of Chicago, cale e-Serx»ervillo liai week on1 Smaîal ize bat great in reSultsi edHighland Park niae eceount o! the severe ilinesa of thei DeWitt't's Little Ealy Bisersa ai ah goWldcendsaut yo fther, Mr. Sterling Suerme». Mrs. geutly but thoîoughly, curing in- o'ac teentr urnoestd Serifan erniild pveri dys. digestion, dyspepsa a nd constipation. ad e ueterut covr oala hemban re»'Às ayexrcidass tesmaillpiles, sale pill. best p111. Fur . 94 quÇ'tbutcleer Oab TheChilrena dy eercssin he aibe by F. B. Loveli. Libertyville, àpq&4fflbaggers," if you'd but lh biai Sunday vecre ver! good in- andl G. C. Roberts, ,Wanconda. osesa"enel cheer for the 31 43111* et Beed. 'anich vas quite *W ilNi -#âme advance lIL be blazes badl befllen bie vocabuilil', Ralph Darby's Barber Shor oîoi hat the Parka could net by the aid of!-an un- that h ,abould play hlm nci prankï3. -la nov located on Sprague S- Iuniplie, 'abicin achae N*. .t door osai W. C. Triggs SInne Stoe 04,but ail lu vain, and as the Taz Bembler han in mind a good Wbere Yeu ean alwas get your 4à%n e' losed. The Coabahneiebraott sol rqet Shavlflg, Haîr Cuttins and Dressins Oiaetrain bvith everyeaonDoueo l uretuetLatent Style of the *98ita lu the gaine. ty clled upon te serve substenltial ToNsonIAL ATirriT. - Doc MCGOWAN. et reshmnnuta to veaiy girls waho (ilve me a trial. 1 I viiI lease You. proraligate freim place to place on Ralph D.rby,- Libertyville, Il - Ramrblerl Notes. bicycles and vear bloomers, '96 ~ Umz4~baber and gei1era go0d pattern, with poekete in 'arn. Wheu H .H P g o 'J etucptiionll! galhints, on the the eforeaald ovuars o! the bloomners .* ,H P g o ýWl a$tm on the stop lu front of haveestisfted their .'manly" appetites beehepbeveei lnaeathe. hey innocenti! dive down n lu ierBrick-layer, e dffl aud uinpirs dog fights, pockets for the necosanir! 'aherewith. Plasterer, igi yItteinoon a lady drove Theo expression on ihe landadys face Stone-mnason 31ý.Or&e becoring unnianagable at ibis stage o! theo proceedîngs would and opite Bill's camping maelt Put Lovell'a ice creain, but your ~ u i op lu e etn a bloomeir girl ls of different stufi. ONT RACTO R .* cenugh. The borse azed Sila ingeuerally much auu u * filaiid Miler and tock e as phe.passas out the door ,'ainks the... RASNABLE PRiICES ..... tM-b ciéalmnvith hbsletottier eye" at-a modesi bourder, 'alo Mi ref rnpl teddt 0141ýe h oould tget aayblushea and a"ys "terrible, avtul, Oetc = murmuriiug . oftly tihe and thon lyl! huailes np tovwn th Yo o itjnd smeal "MOORlLS" iba2orneala amule.-' beating heert, aud sees the divinîe H ALF DAY, ILLINOIS creature go sfpinilng put, 'alun e gay om unir eitr i, lke lllaugh sud saucy loeR. Thon hIL i he junir eiio le lio ~recollecte mhat bloomers are awful t becomneathe dnty and bloomer-girls teiribe-he alwata cri oienel th oan dlook theo other vay hein tey goRO T vliwich ootirred aibt jat fWaukeae. The BAcn-C4i'PING--Tha expression is asn s1qteyeung lady and bus in-elogaut as appropriata. At varions ý( triMndo 'ho have heoil un-nanimud places lu LIbertyville con- Wiyla rlhvinlg'aagregae tluae select, up-to-date da0 isposition, as u hasll îiban(la, of! baek-ceppors. IL la ha, ehurch work. Mi. their profession, end tho task la mU. la e iltof meklng friands, *.» ne, Twe0 iltlvi iz, aunnr and roaily w t 00 o fo every paaaor-by and lma lfor1lM manY lest !irendsi, eu pick a 11ev in bis or ber mode of -'Young 1soan oofchaiseter, eitec.It vould lie îefreshing te ~n4Induniry. Mr. sud Ira. ainos sno me mber o! tllaband hou- *W P" *sk thoi lhomne lu estly deteet on commendable quality ,sud the Ramubl'r viehea in some unouspeting îndividnai sud anUeesd prosperlti'. candid! aunounea to is less foitu. nate brothers bis dlscovory. "Ne 2,ç. 'abpOlimployed by Not lu a hundred Yesrs. Hoe would ha ut tisa stU begnr the ostized. bu 'aold lmmediately ja mm 0of "muel iIdes devolve upon elich and evemy in- -d.vioe.'r Hoeina bsn, dividUal Pissant te vigorou8ly proeUnt and hspy--end am offset, aud theo unspectiin iflded. Bob mnet a listoner would eaU ht criminal carelous. Uh8L>IS . 11156&tU7, msste lotncb a bing as tbeir« uu>jeSte ito p sllawg run tops. Soithl, voail gti I,»ýM 'a »p c U fl d indidorent. The to 'aud â & lrbm 5a4whuYour 4.#oru Grabiar & "Morton TriItAfIPOTATION Co. epeiatug ticuperb aide-vheet steamers City of Chicago ANS City of Milwaukee ppd the ne'aly rebuhi piopoiler ..-CITT 0F LOIBVLL- an& Benton Harber, Mibom ga... 1 13A1LY EXCURSIONS swin zocler où rn enirestock of IIILLINERYOO DS. I wiiseillforoneweek commenci ng Monday, June 22,11896. Ladies trimmied hats -that sold for 7 5c, $1.00, $1.50 and $2.25, go at the extraordlnary Iow prices 285Y0 5.and 45 cents'. loirs Ghimondla 'Il....080Ladies nutrinrned Sallor hats ...15o Boyre shoem tiliat voee31.40 novç..90e wis trlîurned bats.............. 150 Ldie'a tiford Tien per pair... 65o iLadle's shirt waita ............. 390 aieen Gage Pluma par cen ....9e No. 2 & 3 Bl1k rîibon ri yd ....10e White cherries ".... ..07e lilsae.D!l&harc ......47 DLWAYS TH E MOST FO R T HE LEAST MON EVAT'i THE BRICK STORE. Fe He Kuet Brick Store- - foi pickles. Gdl y=mi cd- an d contractata M. B. Càlby' & Co's. 40 cents a bushel is the prie iis year. If you intcnd to plant get your eed and ontraci ai once before you are te late. 81-88 B. W. STApFoD, Libertyville Iii. The Cyclone Woven Wlre Pence IR the bet faim fence on earth. Yen can a m1.le!it ait the County Farm, àke r, le We vent te emplo! vwo Grayslake, Illinois.,lier information, omit on ---i 0 A. PZ.Libertyville, M THERE ARE OTHER BUT NONE 80 Ral Estate AND RENTINO P-o-P Ular AGENCY, As the Cyclist who rides the WAVERLEY or Lisi your property with. me and Chicago IDEAL. Hes as ahead. I wM ind yon a cutomer a. alwaysreanonable rate. 1 seil ail kinds of wheels, watch cases full of wheels Among numerous choice bar- that un adAý_gains, 1 have ithe following: Th ree acres. 9-room modern bouse. gond weIl. clateru. bara. fruit trees. e"e Primtmme. 0RU N RJG H T. Hall ars oWt lt rflmmodern hou"e 0 good well. cleternshade and fruit treeacheap Also agent for for ctah, or on reasonable terms. For sale. new building 22140 feet, ceea» or (ileason & Shaff sewing machines. Cboie ots 50i5o fetet tfonIMo io The Darby property-large buse, lot and »Complete stock Qif bicycle andi sewing machine barn on Divsion Stfolr " or relt 90repairs always on hand at. Hem'y Wells prolwrty at HainenvIlle; hait aerelothoUe. brn,2 WM1h,. igtern. fruit E. B SHE MAN',.ThJeweerand shade trees, vineyard. sbop 22141 two E. B SHEMANS.ThJeweer, 4t(rj8,prle$Ir0 mGraysiake - - - - linoiS. At Gmysakp, lot 71177 op F. D. Battpr- n Farm Property. For Sage C. M. SCH ER M ER HOR N inu aer on Mlwauke cmu.luo aw berne. good fenees. 2 gcoo!d well". Kgood e- O ...SEÊ-TMETùjT71 frÀKE. tern, 2o aefflUêmber. l'ri," Sa p.r pe.îart cash. halantNe on lime at 4 j"er e.,t. ý DEALEft litiw waees. half way betw.su iWamrr.',-n 12MILK CANS, FURNACES, STOVE REPAIRS (irove anld (raYelako- four mnll-e north , f .30 Tin and Steel Ro9fing, Plain and Corrugated mteor eultlvation. no wwite land. gocd .%I Si ding, Tin and Galvanized Iron Eave Trough Flstock or dairy farm. never falling '4pring anld .e and Conductors, Wind. Milîs, Pumps and f If you ant to buy or rent Lake bot Il Tanks. -- - - I County real estate, be sure to cal REPAIRING OF ALL KINDS NEATLY DONE. onl SDAIRYWRKA SPECIALTY. ~H .PDOK MAIL ORDERS WI LL RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION. Libertyville, I-lilinois. PRAIRIE -VIEW - ILLINO IS UNSYSTEM.ATICiLL»Y 1 Cail attention to the fact that .1 will a gooci stock Carrlages, on Mlwaukee Avenue, Libertyville, and hope Farmers and others willl if in need of such goods, cali and namne their wants. Gay & Sons' Carrnages, Wagons and Surries. D. M. Osborn & Co's, CORN and Grain Binders, Mowers and Rakes. Daisy 8 and 10 foot hay rakes. Systematic and other makes ýof Ladies and WAGONS Cents Bikes. Gale No. 10, MOWERS Wauconçla No. 12 Cultivators. These cuitivators are the BEST on the market as they leave the ground after cultlvatnj as It wl.. befor*.you com- mericed, and Just as the rain drops laili fronfi thes clouds, or nearly so, and in that condition the soli absorbs nearly or qulte ail rain faîl and your corn -criboverfflowV.' My advice is to PULVERIZE your CORN no*'pîow1It. C) "i rri o "i o z s- Remmember tliat we are net wbolly lu the -MA&CUNE and CARRIAGE Inu8iiens for the ALMIGHTY DOLLAR, but party for oqr IEELTI and unsysteniàtic coin- plexion. UOUR BREAb ANJP B e, la hinged on the salon 'ae 1 79ý .&~bA anfl4i ,* 4 ide~.5 'i f v v * 'e v v v v 'g v v t * f * v 'e v q. * 't i 'e q * v 'v q v v * * v 1. * * v v v 't * v v f 't v q v i - . . - - . ý ýl