CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 3 Jul 1896, p. 6

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le 0 T E Arounds, naid as 1fnty sttre tise Dn' crroose-pow<jer lu your pocket. R tbrteyivos, thed ow rtd thirteen Dos' aua ' th ffI e dekrum la he hay OFT TOLO STORY 0F AMEUIA rStts hehfrmdth nin Don't forget you were a boy once your. 140W OUR FOREFAT14!RS CELE- MADIl FftMEiç DoW.ta" for the. Fourth. l. BRATED THE DAY. Don' tak plites.Don't begin ceiebrating the renfita on eDOu.iludre su 'fwe~TU5~ * Dont run 10 everyi. the B. on gndeden Tolu op AV" Don't depton tor ire.toLDont throw firecrockers at passion bi- Thert o W.. 1 Nosle thasNow, but ti.Don't dconisiea t itorana.cyclsas. More wqatmg .end »aneing-Two Gauntisitn Millier Don't set Ira e thhe onne.Donlt take any chne ihacakd Typical ColebratioUs tu the KarlY T epu lcW ei 30 Don't drink pliai lemoiado.i cannon. Part of the Century. I 1 dependOilce for Ait. .- 6.-u-- .~- Orated sud FVe.sted., One hundred and twel YYIRs ago, Our forefathers of three generattons namely, on heEut fJty 3l these P -*â- ago had a maîch more plensatt fi of was born In the wetern world a Xnae celehrating the glorious Fo'urtli thon the tion-the lttepubll fth nte tte. .advanced orehin of sto-day, with bis bye- utefusing to py the taxation imp gd ý trical vortex or booming, snapping, thun- onte tth Pht Of the b9Yo et b the dering, cracking aud crashing gonde. deBritish crown.; failing te filli the king Contrasted with the violent celebration of 'kjgt ii.rýket yuiaY h hr this up-to-date age, the Uýourth of July hîuht t.dre i oi oundthe - L el- of fifty or 100 yeara ago prcsents a pence- teen A&meican Conetod hmleW fui picture of hearty patriotism more i -IT keeping with the Teal sentiment ot the mission or of arinod tiistAiiOO.- A)ITC4y vent than the preaent biusterinig faâhion. s. there had flasihq1 throtighoflt the coutntry l'or instance, bore ici the way the peoph, the electrie wordrof Patrick IHenry: We ) f Germantown, l'a., celebrated tle e mnuetfighlt!Aliappeal to arm~a d to the MNFosrth cf July fIIR. Thero were Ibre' (bdof Hosto is all that la left US." cation in the littie toile whieh hic! dcc. The sons of liberty shouted their t evc r.-nteReouiu adi l. sposiv aclai tethi maalYstiulosWccr of 1812. Several d.cys lx-fore the. .r Fpursponhe ladiesof thetplace büin s and, ie the sound of -inuiwaters, thel-pthtelde ttc'paeb:t spirit of nationftltndepentieRce whlch Ibains rousfed sucking pig~s whios bake'c thugsp9sessaed the people came ripou the -.-p..ý es by the dozen alîd btccecits t' lletc~ Corktinentai Congresg. thentin s ession lu- -hnndred. ocode ait maicer oft cake gercer- wh a e th se aple ut t eeo ia . Ilew IIE N lu the cohurse f hum ain eflts. Il à jurtudiction toreigin ta cr cnstituton end on sly filledl w ith jftni, nul p i Ilhe mccrcccccg beoO5uesSl oco.vo l aOAs -07-41-ASdgd b 00*Iw, ¶s, uýt u u ra ay dt-pOSit(ed tise good thc:rgî assitnga nbe-A agethlogis- mille -the rtIraI bande wtch a aheir sts 0of paton I~ ~ ~ l -aiv boy sth wrd eaer aathat cociied, ti!ehw th anather. 'and to assurne Fer quarttriig loge badineofarmted ~~troupe with thle proprietor of the iesit tac-rn inM suiebd s h ol vr ar btaont the plvers or the sentistheaole &d aanttustow~n. larly on thse Fourtb thse ,'cing RcadHenry Lee introduced ia resolu- a t twlt.1 w inasssd Fr otciithee.. .ydaictât tra, enru oftthe, place fired off thse enntbscccs tu o on ne - f~on, 776decarig.o stur' ctitn heu, adorntrespe«.It puutnshetfor assy muadon rs .chthey should nliŽ tion, on the O to fJrs176 elr" t ie optnions oft uanklld requires thst theY commit uthe inhabtabltsoft hose .1515E tor three tices, ne officiai tcti'e On thie 'That the United Colonies are and ensilt shoald déclare the cause whicknaelth w or llul off Dur traisewth &Il parts Of the Futirtis ot July hoid corne agnin. At thec %Ve bl thec,. trute b. seif-seldont: That For luposisI taxseonuas vwitbaut aur casent;noon hour thse whole econiicincîct! oe ivt o ho frocFor andn- ortepeelde-tte reetheai5 thration. u bhat tiseir politîcai counection wth Great ait mer am rceated esatit; th-t har.en ro -in cse Brtan0a od - edisoce." r ;by tudr creator sith ecertain uîsai ua ae.a tebn1te g-.-i bsd is tal-l u Brtan a n ought to d isole t hbe;et sinon ties arelite.-liberty andl1For raDio tOi s us hyODag setstabe trird for tables. There were speeches unda apn tcasrealtin perfebn sath t .arui tsbarell iaedio bna Frscih , tir te.s ysouet Kglisï lar.prayer. and then the wurk of tic. day he- once an riarnéathsud pstwprweretreia the cauen tin a0uelghlcorItgpuisc, e@talihug ihereingan. Benches iwere lt-et etc cl iii iii.()f wius opposcd, princýpaliY. on thse grotind the governed; tint whebeverr &DY tari Of go1- .n arbItrarygavrunet, snd eniargluglils houan- thal it was promnaturo. Isfitse o-tiserigil af the ceaidle ta ale rt boiglit Instrumnt for itooletssm ~oaeî osbe sidraclo o s ncodiigtypotp ledun- snd toinstitut@ a aa vrmaent.lityluIts ri ot ts.clnes: eiertso asacodigy oiaoe sudatlonon ausc-hprinciples. sed a in Frc o ws ur echarters. taolaiist O ur Noue of the ladie sldnesl o ýiîhthe mocn. tl ithere was n prospect of grenter unau- cts ,.plu snuet, forai.uasta tier se, nnotands 15-.s teri.tondtmdiestally. I 'vis-nt-onadrd "-r.Te îmity. On the 1itis or June, a comnittee ost liket.y ta edfcc their5saIety sud happInce. lepesut1rgvraetcL ws cnthrdpoc-r ay c draf n frmatDec r u-deure. ludced l, Ili ctate tiat gaverameuts Frssedu u wllgu ansd drear in groupa near tise taveru, go%% ucciic i ter was appointed t rn1a0 omi eclrloug estlllehed shauld Dot lhe chaged fr list at heseve iretcd5lI .cr a eschtien nd making poèite comment@ on the tn.This oominittce conaeistesd ot Ben- andUtroaient causes; iaud acrOrdtnsly. elxc- isie tsauslliail caes tussaev Franlin Joh Adnis Thenaslorenc,1bath sioccu that inkind aeMo"e lslia.('h. st lgoveruaeut licre.bdctrdne. uheli:tt ocoli-at aicn Fki nJhn cum hoa liota seilasaer. -ile ievils are Rssfermble, tionitu as u' of anf lisprtcon s tging war the cen had enten tiseir uiil. there ia a -* Jefferson, Rogar Sherian and Robert R. ta rigit Ileinslves hY &bouillesi tie formnat Itandegspotectio ,î-tc- tc ac scataud.But w 5 a ng te hss piuclOeur Ras@. rgeci sur rosntshall ln tise public bouse, undit Iwens hec-e 21 Lvîngton. On he 2Stb etJune tisecom - trtu or s ea t ut iloratias, pursulid stnca- huruesii ur tasus, sud destroycd ta*e ilves f 00* tist t htie ladies reniiy enjoyesd the dciv. mnlttec made tlier report. and presenited iabll the siea c, eastuces & deit la re- p ai whch heyhaddrauidussthet u ts dentelios. It la their ssa hsune tranprtint large armiez They dariced rg m erriiy outil weil nri Oublie ~~~~right. it la thier duty, ta tlirow et sinchgar-l ifirnrela155ho aun lt ticariut tua-ad i-cndnigist. irben the cansilc-s, the saurty Mchha henli atiu afeac lth circo.taucZ 0fcrelty tam pcrhdy ucrc-icusicians nnd te dacc-rs ucrt cliu~ mom ntus pa er w aih Iatd eai! ,hch cosetals ho t t etlr frierbsce -I l -fa.ti h cs i .ai cililesi teus- moienou paer wie latc j . s of goerainlt- The isticof h presciht le baousieia ur feton, ciens. tee l the '30's there was a chcange in t-cc three days, aud -ias ext remeiy eirneut. knleoS a t rt llis ahlirlurputtan~Ile n tic i anmss, ta b- a rme :a &ant mto fc Il -eas known throughotlt tise city that Iiies i"sud u Iceatinas ail hace l drect ob- 'udr rouatr bortait, metic ex.-ca anc c r hd o clebiatlng tise rcurth. Thse jecitihestabiiisu ia tslt*lEfIienda aad rthrc,.or ta faeltheuleivel by country -as more prosperottm l -t -' the greut oyant on ah ctrlcubtovr cs t t ape t us. lel ftat, b.u.tcand liansis. tiacoaddos tCoe eeelned ttc aorsntled luatc- a povworltitis. lfiles ie ,H les aarted donmestîr insurrectionsam nsist r-Otsm had taen a more vaicgiuriuus t icelias refoueta bis aStaetmtatnO, andi ha. endeavoresi ta brio auticslutcshmbi-tutrei. crie town of -Newhurg-o)rc îl,--Ilicd- populace. FrouinIllehout whon Congres wiolnaace auncesery for the publieua. t fa ur froatiere the mer, Cve ir s indisu ofas,-clesra camp ogeter intiseforenon al bus 5lie lisz urbldensi hcovernoolita pesatours &ges, woeskuae-O rost .rfure lanaonutilsongve gea1"r) t yccer coulinineter Inthe osudon pressiinin rencc uli luhd destruction of ail secs, slle.sudni ton in the yenr 1831. nesw'is su.pendod tiscouuisot tise city. sospuendsla0their oatiu r sstu t à ld candiâu.tieo b Ralth ldbllnesteadtly remained et lie abistalc d; ns wsnsesspndd.h.l as b eID@", stage Oft tic,. pp nos 5-c have The ladies began tise iori weeos hefcre bis oillu -ii.steeleprepredte snuduttrli argI.ectes in oattend tla thainud. letition for rediree« lu themnhumble temei. -Cnsite eea~cit-l hic ostin he etesspl, pepird t sond e han refend ta pasailier lasfort'nle Mr repenaitd pttiauss be su nauwere'l oeil forth te tise walting multiudes tis epeet- .nccondottIê ai or ds csa opl.ln rpaleili~ A pine. wîasecharacter and cacismembe r as to cati upon a cc,- Ics iae cecile.010rlîsqulali the rîgit utho nre t,, evsry srt w.iiclits ddu an ubr of ber frienda for contrcbuc cd iadtidnus Tie bllmnnfatured rpreitst t.oalucl egaitu elIat-ue-a tyrat, la mDon letb. otrier out ioesions. Powder wapurcisnsed ty an a.Nlu Enuland, bore upon ils ample carrce tise tiushde ta tiena sud farmiaclble ta tyrents Oaty. peocple. Ile ben calte,1 togethier iegisiativs bidles ai Noahve wc beeu wattIat tention tacaur ambitions politician, and tisa village- rail- fnow propbettc Inscription, "Proctaiînib- hpscris uonsaan ufortab.le. aosi distant fatrou lirtisi irelireu.We hals war.ielItien, trounn-rssoaf u eua usviîu erty througbout ail tise tond until tise idepfflioloft hieir publie records, for eticue.ns tais, t ttempts e essh liir lestbas on m soornt rgFariIl 11 d- inabîliants therecf." 2b r. cr us . iehv rnnelthoet othe crrlng tise m annge1tiby of the F tccWc.i HorIls.d an ea e ta lae ne bais=oveireprésenttive houmes repeat- constauce s m cnttian andi settieineni fv ml hnet h oso h sw Her asdonaleu b sl uSfr i ihmnu iruuseshie La-liere. ire bave aspesal d a their native justice aud tlis eas u.Sed it obty pepprmiint ca- _- the places of hope lu mauy a bart; even loe on 0 rigide of tic People. and nsgnauniity, andse@w.bave ronuresi thon. 1,7 f ~ -tise ,enerab@ and lw-iyshsrfi-ttbell- He bass rtud. fr a long lune &fier sari dis- the ien ai Oser commnina ludresi. la disavs aWlise dyand glngerisread. Firecrackers woc- lo is, t caevote tacre e t;ent unurpten sf~ . hich pere ld wvlably I j) mie wuovrherd n is esçndnt o-the iegiistive 8 wers,icspabis of annihilation,. aur conne5ctiont orspauduce. Tiert0v crcd -tietinsten n wby iloqtiyi have rclumdasd the psu se tilarge far thoir tevs tires dee t tcvoire of justice and cou. 10 teinditîge In tise luxury oit using / "Tbe milneyr doit! ise mli no er *cde the @tais resuinu. lu tic meua- suguuty. WiR ut hrfc. acqluesce inaîîeut, erenifîcy aitsejcnii "The wil nevr doil!theywillneve une. eipoeed ta ail lic dan qer outinasiaon train lie whtch daioles aur Rseparation,1 o. wthol su rovuliono5-i ".sut iaid then, sas we hoid lie reat 0f naniusi, le-ftl. tibo. lic .edtapie From ecrly satirises yonng ladies ancd Fiptly atibot 2o'cockho ha fle- a Iee natuasaioruihtlO!segere rfuain r.ctuesiStates et Aierlas. in sgelerai rongrees young men w-ci-cbnsy maklng and lietting notsiu oo fth yneiu hl 4omta '5 :hesta encourages kherinlgmeiaon ither aseubiesi. appealîng ta tice upreus Judg oaf the rude alatie, an lc o is e eo-tng opien, and a -roice cxcluimed: amarligte coudtions oainnsr appropriations tice tri for the rectitude ut aur Intentions. duloapaefrteoa t 17 "Pssuoclndin tisese meansi by tics aoîîarl i tis t cdtoi-o e aday. Tise latter isad been in- He o satruclod tic administratlaionaf jun-pepeftia ciiisatnuypbîias -i- tmanigoiî oobcuu-t- ,\ ', Pssd t-lt bas§ pasaredl" ut.nde, Tisa word o-as cougit up hy tan thson-. ieh enss saa ta lacs for estabilli- dciIr thte colunies olomnies are ansirn a0fgbrigtonbe. u o Ien gautoitrl ad te tcoe a re. t .listlritoghlu us, iressand losependent stales: bis widcŽ relcute tor eloqucice. lis- -as a- basma Je-esd ia l n l .1 uit hel are asoeavesi tramn ail apuauce 1ta ic yetngumari, oWho woro bis hiur long, and now.-clappcd Itis bands and asue bsto i enr fIrdcoafic-e, au l lesBrtishi rrowu. sanithul ail pucîcical connectcch munut ansi paueu or thi aar iezc. he-ealen t andi ihetle fr ico t rtain là, in ordinary conversrlitinused uotirg but '5 ~~~~~~~~Itingt Ring!" Seizlng the iren ongue lie lbas ecteil a multitude utoc.soffice.,sudsu chtahttaidsecc;asiha. iemotonrosargcg.t tai- iof tise bollI hiçh iiehabail long fs-t suc-hsethbaisser s.ra o ni ouets ta hurasa ur freean ud sepensis at aes, liel haveraili po.r psierdaet otlat csr ustancer. ta tel, ~wsr. concude peace, rontract alliances. gardei as one of the coiing met orthei a profesional pide, th electrtied ol pot- -.1ehano keAnsionfoanstn simsupportaeaiest s deciaratercenand doait oAtrmisidsud tisey Illeiemmgnthand d at tisf ri-ot rung toi-lbsguc-h a joyoun peat as iras standing armiez, cîthoultiche conseut ur aur tiags chic-h Indelcensient stoles mnuîof riit (do. sou ~~~ ~ ~ . uevr tîsardbs-toi-e, nuc-c ceed ta hi i-ît fla. c ta rendier the mltai-y Inde- Andr te suportaftic hicateclo ut 1)1, we Prai- tburi fa te gapoc ess. a th hcckward and toi-word tilt eci-y roice pendent or. asupr rtac t hecivil pe-ar. modeflia.,@ 5 utusily phýg e ieasadi thet udt lices. si'h5di isnte f ldf n ti e lias conthinedsikh icotuers ta soh1'ect ua our frtunes. ansiaur sac-ced hoa. -copoead et Young men of tise village led 7/ ucîcs. Tse ami ut iciuetsandtritte way, tollowed hy tthrlce incot j ttssfruni sivercabuseon d tilui- s-<euipagaa ta bc had, lu whlch mt tise aged e. bocao hlilon~-~-s'~ Ievolutionary iseroes. Tise 1812 -eteraits s -'--~~ adtded lu these denonsrations ot univer- -\--.. n-hdnzadttncteli id t!. s 55 (jc:riic~-~~, c c.- eisicles, trom tis a suy tarin wsicuttc __ Washington iîaiied tise drecturulan stilb tc tise ligih buggy, containin-ç the cisilcre:c JOY, for At put an end te fcli thase tempor- - andthlie very otd folks. 'ris orator orthtie P laing l'ope of recoteiliatioli whieh ha 'f îay', of course, tuai as bis t.heme pal-lot- r y,. loggcd tisa uilitary action oEthtis cous- 9. sin anthtie greal and growing country. 1< /'~, hiy. On tise ti of Jutyliec cnsed ilte Her si- is an exanVle ot bis style. ht retes bc read at the bead of cacis brigade of tiseltiste signera of thse Declaration oft Lido- c- artîy. Tha-troops listetced te tisa reading brsioke forth lu tumultuons aplluee. with daunileas valoir, and enca.wecinlu fTise excitable populace ef New Yoriaol htn ufa oc ol ht isets. iser vs a lscln eqestiante, cnd in recidineas for baille, stcilk ho'.I statue of cGteorge ~Tiird in Bowling Pn tauela vibrtn tt«hairersc i-rostea Gresen, lu front of tisa tort., Around tiste bpso c-lse vban t uniesllenienurse kiigiy s-ffigy the excited muiltitude sargcd, -ee -Y ri cas, u .7/j ~ ' nt!, Pun t bdown, broke it itoofrag- Tim a co."ac mt tertai / 1monta, which o-ci-e mftai-wrd moided Lalo tisa toug-hai-ad youn a lir akn bula aud smade te do service againat frt e-rtîesofa ot Inse d airai JJ bis maety's troope. edtie e g oeouecet _ o . o&fr is nBsota tae trdical meuh- Don't overioad îour tomach. IlDon't blair dow tise moutisof o ad tirs d te<os1 qec on flIia. uo on a ci-uwdeugexainsioPboyud hall. ent, bthilecis ould attus-eed, andy oruintionhate ahiepasd ic an teleublie on't clbae ihwie ann spari a lis strete, wiîc nv rap ont e ashnad 10bepatiolic Don' put -,r--so tea rocit atîi-ftie-aveega sall by ofio-day

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