Rugs Mattlmîg L iuolei 75 difoereut seul- pies of Carpets tut sielect froui. Carpeta euit to rnecch and seweci on short nicie. Picture Framnes lhall Racks ONLY $11.75. it above combination Book Case is one of my iwâny bargains. The only cheap thing about it is the PRICE. [VE JUST ItECEINYD -.m AFLL LINE 0F CROCKERY (et riy prices before yoi biiy. Undertaking a Specialty. .VLL KN IGGE, Rockefeller, 111. WRIGHT& SON'S, Libertyville, Ill., THEBESI PLACE -IN LAKE COIUNTY,- TO BUY r Lumber, Coal, MiI-Feed, Farmn Wagons, Buggies, LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. We are always prepared Sto supply your wants in .. Agricultuirat Implements, LGrain, Seeds, Lime, Drain Tile, Etc. S Always get Our Estimate Before 'Buying Your Building Material. WRIGHT& SON'S, Libertyville, MI. Farm I mplements, H.MS CHANCK __ON, ~J. CHANCK & ON,' I'BERTY VI LLE, ILLINOIS. -O--o 0- t uckeye Mower.t Clipper or Triumph Mower. ~ Triumph Binder. Key Stone Side Delivery Rake. t ýr&dley Horse Rakse.t Ish Bro's., Wagons and Trucks. Staver and Abbott Buggies andSurries.t ,ombination and three sp ring Wagons. t Drain Tile, Lime and Cernent. ,umber, Lath and Shingles. MBINATION SOFFER FOR A SHORT TIME ONLY THE CHICAGO INTER OCEAN AND SLAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT ... àlowlug releflirkaltiy lîw Ilîgilte wleu '~'îbîd rodrdttîgitler: ..... .... ....ý $1 'X yInter Oteitît îand lutIeimîailt'ui ly-ear..... ........... 6 35 Inter Ocean Ls Ja Most Ioptiar RepUbIiCan Newopaper el the West and Ilas lte Largest Circulation. »Y =770IL ...........$4 .00per year ...............S......r.. ea Whýing 8; Roiikt.fté1itr ACii03t2 48 (isusys Lake alo 12 82 56 5M Ti Itîllilss Iii 18 8 005M27 Lake Villa 910 24 3 0S6 0:33 GOiSe SOUTD. y uliexi]eiit uuiay. qs top orly on signal. &.ni.5.tD. ILUI. P.n fako Villa Ruilut 0Ora 's lake RUAkelekr Ltithtîtu Prariii View Aptakisie Wheudixuu (Jleago M. P.rn. amn. 7 24 Il129 4<45 9 05 7 21. 4 5 7 34 Il 401 4 77)9 141 7 4 4 11 ritt5 (0strA 2 5 13 5 23 5630 9 nu 110 s 010 4i Fr0. il lu Il 4G 12 2a l'à m0 12 87 1 ou 1 14 Around the County. -ROCKEFELLER. Frank KnIgge ahlpped a carioad of sbeep last Monday. Br. EwIng and tamfly are nov istay. ing at the Central botel. Mrs. Frank ShaddIe ha been ai home huers, very il wltb a oold and sore throat. mies s aura Jonas is entertainjug two lady friends from Deeriteld and Highland Park. Lotti e iarden spent last Sssnday with lier parents aud returned te Chicago Moaday. Miss Gleason, of Barrington, ie spending à fev days wtbh ler cousin Mrs. L. Litchfleld. Henry Lltchlield is now lu Mr. fitzenthaler's enlploy. Began wnrk abouist a week ago. mixall izi' but greet lu resuitsi. lteWittt's Little Early itisers att gentiyblit thoroughly, <'ring lu. dilgestion, lycîîtpill aiconstipatiouni. Sinai! 1Piles, sîife Ipill. Lest pill. Foîr saleiy F. Bi. Lttv,.]iliertyviile. îtnd G. C. Itîîberts, Waneouda. ()air aîw barber is kept tînite busny. Gi ventfhlle acalI you 'xii 111lihe lias plexly el roosu, if yîîs t Ihaive on nuit. I)eWi.ait lrauîer antd iife niovod t1icir gîttits tei Autitîc l ast Moimday where tbey e'qteît to nijake tîxeir hiome. 1ev. Coemnan, tof Lakte Forest enter- taiuîed the auidienice iust Sundny inrnuug witht a very ilixtt'resting sermon. .Mr. and Mrs. Wil l nigge, Alfred Brandon audCora sud Luela Herseli- berger spent asat Stiudsy vitb Mr. anîd Mrs. Lewis Jî4igge, of McHeury. Wili Knlgge in still selinig furititure as elxeap as you eau buy it iii the clty aud wiul at leat sîîve yon the freigbt, breakage, sud deliver tMie goods tu yoar place' anywhere lu Lake eonuty. FOX LAKE. Miss Belle Caine is borne on a vaca- tion.1 Mrs. T. J. Holhînian, of Fort Hill, iii visitlug, relatives ut Antiocli. Mr. liobert Tweed, o! Wootlstoek, visitt'ii ut lisuncle.,Mn. A. Tweeýds' Mn. Viilliasu Nelson (Jftiis place eîîîtt-mp1iatùs nîukug a visit tii the hometiof hbi ehildhood. the 1Isie (if Mmîm in the ucar future. Jut neiduy tîe halise helongiîig toa Il.Dîuulo!Fox Lake, vas burued tgi the grousîd. The furnitître andî ]îrîîviiaiosîs acre ncariy eh hîîrued. "lut' Moden Woodrnen, of Lake \ la, aud the Surronndlng comîxtry are miaking extensive preparittinis (tir îelehrating the 4th otf .sl.v in tite "rive near the village. \%' are auxinus t.. do a littie .goîîd in t lixt s <ritîtsud (at'a iîîk tif sit il'iattror better n'ay ta doi ilttas by ret'iimendiuug Unse Minxute Ctnglu ('une as a preveutive oif pueixiiiia, viîîstinption andtiotler seriontiiî îng tri îîiîes that fotiitw ueglt-.tted raidlîs. Fm- m ale by F'. B. Loveli, lilîtàrtyv'iii., . t.I oiîrts, N4'uetisda. HALF DAY iii. Boceks ne'..'hitise î iîiiiasly voipleted. î' iis baud. C'. C. Gerbert lias trt'ated hiuî inuiut(i i:' roat of paisît. Peter Mowers lias rnmtedth le iiitt'i t-i a îîîrty frointPt. Sheridanî. M'ur. F. Hlertel iluteuda Lt> build e uîew tarît in thie ucar future oit lis plate. ,Jat'ob Wolf is lbuildinug a mew barni. Te fosundatioun was laid tiy J. î'giow. Nir. L. Hertel anud wife, of Clieagtt, '.îsted at Mr. F. T. Htrteism this week. Franuk Foote is maaliîtg great liii- îînîîVemeuts on11bis (arni 1)3' nêpturing lis barns. ipriry EnglAberry lias theeositnart lîîr building titree haru.s fîîr E. l)iekinsofl. Miss Jennie Wiganî lias returned (romi Vaiparaiso te spend thefourtt of Juiy bore. Runer ays thit Markiîs Gleason im is golng to Iova to work at the carpeflier trade. S. T. Focte bas btîught the eoruem it wbere the old cetie factor3 stands, of Fred Hellmnan. persons vho have a cougÈhng spet. every night, on account of a ticklilu sensation in the tbroat, rnay overconiî it ai once by a dose o!f(Une Minute Congb Cure. For sale by P. B. LovelI, Libertyvilie, 0. 0. Roberts, Wsueîîuda. LEITHTON. Last Bunday 'wau quhte a day fi cnyClist4g etDiarnond Lake. C. F. N4ulta vas in Joliet iast 8Stnday to spesid the day wlth frlends. ,o Mr. Jno. KrackxMan, W. D. Griffith ,5 antd Wm. 1avison vere lu Chicago os 6business laat Tuesday. Mr. Frank Geger sud Mr. Geo. Wakefield paiuters fur the E. J. & K vere borne lu Joliet laut Suuday. The festival given bY tbe Ladiek Cerntery Association vas quIt. s fuceosa. A large crovd vas present, Ail report lavlng a good tîsue. It would be bard te eonvinee a mau sufering tram binlious 06Octhat fil$ a tylud e m liwlevt nu proioui.e nomne. But o4e d 41i ie Witts 0Colle A Choieracu O l opoIvnce Mtm,@!ofispOwer $m, anoxd & *,.14..# lie f4ima. -7 ama . . Imm*A *waa*ng thé Chicago vliton Tue4day. Misses Mary Hook ansd Lily T'urner vislted Wankegau ffliday. Geo. Wlsner afid dauight4er Ethlv were Grayblake visitors Saturday. Mimses Lora C(rernin antd Masîdle Ldwards spent Sunclay et Gages Lake. Miss Lily Turner, otAntioeh, riit- ed ber consifi, Miss Mary llook iîîst week. Mrs. H. Doolittle( and ftîuily. if Watikegait, visitud re'lativeîs litre last week. Miss Bertha Wells, of Haillesville, le staying 'witb ber sunt, Mrs. Saînsîci Litviler. Mrs. Mary Palimer, wvho lies iteei visiting ber mnothor rîttiirucîlt.i Waukegan Friday. Mr.. Frank Taylor aiid fanilly areî entertainlng bis nmotier antdiîrotbt.r from isoutheru Illinois. 10 17 )2 14 Lawrence Doolittie, of Wankegaii, cerne ont ou is wlieei andssîtsnt 650 Foot StrictI. several days ai Roolis lest week.60 FotM nl Quite aunexclting trne was calnsed60 FotM nl bore Baturday night by Lewyer Standard. Milera' horse runnimng avay. i4ightQ ALT Th bett damage vas doue. U LT -Th beth There seesus toble Romne pett3' thief PRIC ES - Lowest consi ln our ueighborhood, as ouu of our nmeilbors bas lost a large ninmhîér of spring cbi.hens andstnothier atiuiitity Long Crove, 111 V of nats. îFrom senothtîr CorresgpîidentJ A liglit rairniiast Siinday witiî tijl V/hen in Towvn tbe conîlgoiîd. W i n . W l to îî e n te r ta i i î u îi tw u i < h TVivre are' aliot tw uit;' gu-tsat i the' Foliîrlixl ake hîii.ét (iî'iirgî t> l l'îi g.uv I ii . i ct of pIDliit last i '. k. lice Creai Soda Thisis Niîee tus'I-r lii, ii everytiig tise l.ote 4- Mtrs. C. i)iîiîittie itiiliîîit tt gaietts inithtet t.ty ii.t 'î'k Mrs. Btlter, tif liîLilii tOi..i visitiirg liter cist(îr M rm. C.MW. il tii tii Lt ii. _____________ Mr. Hail, if (raclti , it.aî"ît.i lookiîug itier i '.îiatta lii'iî.îsatnd week. Wi. (;irîliiif'r ani Mu. Jt*tîsiî f (irsysliakg, nini î,easaiut î:lîr' iii PHOSPHATES. Mrs. Striiik's ast Ttsdity. Herlbert lat'ttis, Eriiest andîlM'alter Cirse.01atefli lie igtiisig L O V EL L 'TI M'oiiave two newspaper litym frime . (;iinitýe e sliîug paliers ever 5nîîîl.u . ýL.iUe rtyville go toimoîi vsu e.îs to go a ithit ta pîalier. A nu îîîg tht ut w ýarri vîuî ut I rlu Lake iotei uare Mr. andi Mrii. Quirk asiti your, anti Mrs. Iikesantddangliter, irs. pctersoii ajut ilitreiu. VOLO. Walter Gale, of Elgin, vi.itet loî, frieuds over Suîlay. Mr. lleury Wagnetr i.c tisi%'. img Iuîns ler frn Grayulake foîr a on I unji f4r lis son. M r. C. (0. Bugoilaux ilfamil i si tetI frieîttîii Vî,idtoeýk and Iruîkl uil le huit Suturday anud Sunday. Twb i lidinig for the i,~tnl t.onueîtitîn wth titi Partwb iai l iit li Volo, in progressiug uielv. Farusers i tliius metiiîîiari' 'ery l.îsy harvi'stiisg their rye and îtiîîttilîg lty':ii ii' h enrl ier thi n Iii iuwr yeurs. 1ev. ',Ir. Claîrk gave aitîî îv4eilitt ,termn i nti te M. E. chiure hi I;t.t S iii- day atiriiu. 15 H st'ervites aren 4t'tviri*i (tr tie ni mjalluth r 'if t lies viàsftreiîe yt-ar. lie 'Ai lit'-0-iii tIi. every t4inniay aftrerioiii. Titi' iistits' Rtev. Mr. Coiok, is i v'ry' pr ui'walih. ThIe Gt uîî t esilttt i iiýtiy-iiit w it b M rs. t l ssit "t. i wsîii l ust i r i i ay. " '4iîty fîiuîîieu anti sit' rs were lîrestilt. Ii t.4'as vo iry 1îiii'aca iii metetinsg. Ni- i 1e Shetrwoii iii if Lake Villa, n us tîtîri' îîîîîtgave iti( laulies ast i itîe retiiug tLuik î'î ii rt iiig lie'r pîsîli r Itî u i b ltitrs iii î ilîiîghters. It 'sits tîîraiigedt1fitrMi Sherwooti ti ig1vi' a p il i h luvtiîrt' i the Fort Il 1iix un lu ii'x t Wi t'.li. afteruiîî is.ily M, ut 2 p.iim. tiiîiitl antI tiamgitî'i's iiily. i 'iuiiliie andi ahi,ypoiiiw il I ilevil' regre't t hie Lime speiit in liste ii i g tii il letu tiof i tu tili lih i m tîu e. EVERETT. Misa Rosa Vi ni sîîeît Si'. 'liv 'îi ti relativesIirt. M r. .1J. B .'diiit tutti n ticein mitIhe bl aiiîîrk lîst Sîiiluy. Mr. Lasreîie e iîîlî'y peîtt parît of astit weok witit nilativt's tîrî'. Mr. T. F. Y'tîe, tif 'h iiagii v iit fri,'uî s ahn '1110aivis Itire hast"ii- îtay. tMr. ihleiteul ltt'îIiîoîîi, if h iglîliîuti Park, spîsut S5 i iýtit n i tii ii s parentts hiere. I Mr. Join ît ole' is '.'ry i i tht itypboid psixititia. Tii ho doctjr sa3 bis recovery is douhtf i. t T. B. Betisusi am severeil bis ecouneetlîîî witlî Zmrwer & Co: Mis place is iîting aiîiy tliied lîby Jce rLaCoste. 'xlii wax fîrmerly esuplityci y by M. Mtlody. T'le Forestra 'xil l od Lier anuîîuu I pIeute ut l"îresters pavillon, .1 îly g fomth. A sptiialîi ittre 'xiii iii'the " bail gine ittneuthe Evervttsan(] "Hurtfords, o! Cliiigi). t, A nuxater tif îîîr ytiiititg pit ilili attended Lte Wot'iuiîlii5 piî-iivuit peera"lI lasL satiirdlay eveiixg. A slîower of rein lutwtsvîr, dasttpemxed ir their erdor and alsi t teit eiîîtluisg. and tbey wvtre îîhîigî.ît ttîrettîr nt e y early. The Everett hase Ibal iiie tefeatti h the Ft Bleriilani'tion thte hointe grossnds last Sundsy lîy a score tof twelve tii eigbteen. Theu gante onAm tmerits n'as a sorry exhibition tir liti «0er n'unis botiî clubs phuyeti 'uyeihow" hall, vlxlcb vas. however, intermixeti witlt a fev brilliaut plusys, chief of wlich W att J. Tores Catchx lit short rhght. a Ttilpperpttçhetl lU (air gaine liut wax. t.practieaîli tmsulportei, mnt an iiulild tlti belug handled cleanly StuOiîd a base running aud clunisy sides vert stheir common stock iu traite. Batteries, X. verett.-Tnspper aud Moran. ,Fort Iherldsn-Fisher. SchelîenbmT y and P aIl»er. UznDire 'Tom" Boach. Pald I aeadm.nce. -4wbundred sud t.wo. ï 4'fmabufai*m d*A hmémA sto it, ly Pure Manilla,- la, hat can be produced. stent with good goods. 3AUER & BROU E ÔRUGisrT" - Illinois. Summer suit %4-E al Fred Croker' s. Hie can fit you, and your purse.' Ai Derfect fit guaranteed. Cali and see my samples. Repairinq VR AK Cleanînýg OE A Dyeing Libertyville, Illinois. WEIDNER'S, Handie the BEST-oglo- 15, ~~a N e n l)IM:TH i;ND)EII 'rfNE. sa, ndlur ?lsàllà- Eî ery Immu rJ rit ntet o give tisaction uor lut.u.y reu nn tet. LWALiTRA. NwOOD, bowerm amiîtlciakes. i' ,ek I mIa n i l . t4tlerst. biii iii. -harvestA'rs al tI fi ndutrs arc :LIivertjieI iy e. te ntedil armterm whl îîî .i ui ig tlienii. 1 SSi'ECIAI, - FOR1 SALE - Two secnd d luail Sigle Aluroot iii.etr ini Prime gooti .îîîiititut. for tin Ii:tlf %% luitit utttst t. îuîima i, ttu e mn. lIi. ietiig Mai e i ls ut Whliesiie andI l tt:ul . Si n g e anmi DoubleittFiy Ndeti lu larget variety. JCAO WE- IDNER& SON -S APTAKISIC PR BUFFALO GROVE. FOR SALE,. A FINE LUNE, Pure Manilla 0- PLYMOUTH and StkSALI F R T R . Binding Twines, .U NT R , ilineiialîly the best gradest ti. Earels, Pietuire Framew. For Fali Sowing a Complete Clock Shcelves, Room moulding: Stock of Timothy, Alfalfa Walpct, Pat, meii mcloyer Seeds. Paper iîolderg, Ouas, Book caises, Varlislles, WE CARRY IN STOCK{ AT ALI, TIMES fli eeei.rut.dCenter tables, (nass, lepy Eyàirae Mlis, i Extenusion tah's, I'utty, CREAM and PILLSBURYIilighiM rais XXXX BEST FLOU R. ,Rocers~, Mro couchses, NMuttresses, A~ triai oftiic .abtîve wiill colivyl"ce Y"Io Lounlges, Cots, Springs tiiet wiit we 4ay is true. Chrhrsis. EcEc CHAS. STEMPEL, ..A T. Long Grove, Lake Co., 111. ISSAC HEATH& SONS *Corrtispondene oolketedt. Libertyville, Illinois. Fon SA LE-Star tlirc-sitîig mjachinle, 300 hu r tI(I j î a iiw ilît el, gille, tanuk and ou1ttit 'roieplete, at a 'l'rîîîxîîlîl No. 4 Mii1liii'.', ltet'n sîtid barguîii. FREPD uoiLPe, Long Grove. by GJ. Il. Si1îiiiiiitk ini Lake Ct.unty 36-4 the auveraîge comt 1hîting«les,. than ten ceents eaeli, li year, for repairs. Buypeople have nto tusue, and1 7hey are. almple snd durable. Buy senîsible people have no inclnation tp-om O. 0. ;SCRAWCK & 80È, Liberty. use »,,slow rernedy. One minudBe ville. Ride a VARSITY, a CO)URIER or an ABELARD. Vît 'e afutriilsb the se BlcYcley Oun shnrt ls)iî,e. Tliey are Strong, - ight - and - handsome. BINDER TWINE We have a loriglit iîu.w stock olm oceai) ami ,1. ia 35 (MÀ