> FR011 THE SKY. U1 VIRGIIA SOAKED BY A CLOUDOUR8T. ~.$ookOnt et Bank', Houa$* andi v1etbritua-caugbt la anuiFIevator- et.. umz tI> euer U Grant. clouMbus'.t i. Wt Irgisis. A alci-speul laiihelitenlor of Ohio 4", Marshsall coane, W. N'a., causei ffl u tass(opropent>' aud a suspension at5.li-ad (rallie out of Wheeing OU Ive FlbndSuaiunight lie rainisil lu &tlotr wu vu oiy hear>', sud about OeIs c ito ay nsoiing tien. vas ne ibbratsaI il %approachesl a clonsi- b$r4t in volume. The varions erebas, ia- u10adjg BIS asid ttie WieiugCreeba, I.ttte Grave C'eck, Jinss Rua, on lbe 1Suit Vhsginia aideofaitic river, and = eelins Creek, Wegce Cieci andi other riutnes on the Ohi. aide, seul ot au imbouËassona - et vater. The valer !liau ssecdly ouI of ha nia. Famm ouses wSa, vauies irons taundatiaus, stock tm*.ved, grovtng enapa destroye s uds ,,amy narrov esapes frein dealh-im (h. -Ulng waters. Whc.llsig creb put ot b.te the Ohio no forionsi>' that upbaund Ïiebosta vere unuahe te atems thse tde W baid to île up iciow the cit>'. Tie ,Udlm an d Obioa bridge extenda over oue mauti of tiecréen nei isi as sass mica .to ho lu danger, as tic valer vas e.s-rylug awa>'tie founulatban ai the pier *4 thie sorti aide. AIl cars anss propent>' Aliavlue ver. (sien away ansi peuple sVàued of lthe danger. AI 1120 a. ns, 11kê easpm- vent d>w-n asd carrieti ~Iffiltihe raillrad bridge ta the. vesl. sas toroptise eeei, lie tresie vovi ar WielgTerminal ronsi waî carniesi 5w.>' sud J. N1. Rosenberg, an agesi con- A900br vas carriesi down viii tie wreck. v-i as reicuos b>' îpectatorm. Twelvé isallea ilov tise edm, ah Moundmvilie, tie smae wvs. site sencre. lie steel buges et th, Ohio River ansi Baltimsore s indÜilo ruade ver.e arrlcd Ly>, tie *Uliet l lg so ivifi tsaI lthe Ohia River b«dM wovs sent Ca tic mididle of tic Ohio. Up,1 Little Grave ces-ek a hotel in (heoail Ssii vas oarried off i iouud'tious, but *s lire, ver, lent. HIC &aVUti>GRANT'S LlFP. VlUIss m. nu., Who SpoliIe&" As. e*suinte AuI lead. *Wlllar I. OnndiedsinluNewport, Ky., lmay icbcame fusmous umnrl> tWMaty yearsasgo b>' sacing General 48eU*t tram an asaasballet. "bis ,*Pegrmd on lic day the geuirat annlvcdl Y 1rauciaco irons bis (oui- arauud ~-.l.UPon tIse arrivai of the Toblo, ~'** *».(M people vere rss vsitiug ta lacqe thes enersi, and upan bis reaci- !pont viser.an adulnesa vas ta h. Unioped Gnu, vh& wsclose la Grant, w is onul-be assassin drav a ie- *IV«, *Bd juil as i. vas lu tie net ai = aIg l h. %truck tie feiiow's ai-ns knoek.d lie veapon fvom h-s lsand. -M< late Yemu Gunu b.d beon a ticutricai U*endls gof l'ationaî League, br"inlg la flic standing aitie clubs lbMi National Basebali Leugue: - W. L. W 101velaad - .41 1i9tlldeItshia .33 3 ..ILtlmore .41 21 Wahington .30 30 Umc(alaati .45 24Broaklyn-..1 34 3ott . 8 25 New York ..261 36 *ltburg -'.34 298t. ILouiv4î -.-.15 51 ijileago .. ..37 3L1ouiliville" .1-1 48 Western Leucue. *Foltola laI the standinuitich clubs h the Western Leagne: W. 1-W. L. Aa<lanapolis .40 208t. Psuli..M 2l) I»Utsoit .. ..Ù5 2flmilwaike ..29) 38 »G1m»apolle .110 27TG'd Rlapids .24 42 UtmuaCilty .35 2SColiubu . -.22 44 - Sous et Tenu perace Assemble. -Thse fift>-second annual convention ai 0»i Bons ai Tenspenane of North Amer- les bieza in Washingtotn Tucsday aI Na- Ilisial Rifles Hall, s'iici vas tastefnlly ,4sorated vti Americnunansi Englisi Sg.Tieconavenstionwasaopeucd vitis ý,votloalexercises, cenuoctosi by lie ;*f0rmau ai the local comusttee oi an- tifflents, citer a-hie MI. NM. Escenson e Piladelpiia enliei tic business ses- j" te orden sud tise ntionsl divisions . eAncia. îieuuthe euuxuitee e.ocee<lulla suinsittes] its repart. Roui- Sbusiness accnpiod Cie emainder of da>' _dey., -U-evs Mari'Aiale wu Experlence. WitIi ber ltit lcg icîsi sith vise-luke ý- àÈ%t etveen thi ran ails ofau anelevator and tie car lins. Ensma A. Mar- etc 1130 IWest Harrison street, CLIi- W&vascompeliesi Manda>' nouanta ,Il ta lie amputation aifsenfot b>' '4 .prgeon.iecause ofithonececsaaily -*wkvand operatian a second amputation :," made vica ube hasi been rensavesita **"oMe. On aceounsîof!ber age, wvilc $910 years, lInfemi-es tiat lins. Martin ý *0 âol survive lie ahack. Yale la lBouton. Tale vas dofeatasi, but net <îiacesi, la tic third trial heat for tic Challenge eup aI Heule>'-on- Leander wan hy oansd tiree- lenglis, la 7:14. lbe recard ln The. race vas anc of lie mant ever rovesi, ansithie vaut crowd 110,000 Efglishmen vaa baud in eitich pluci>' Anseieu men. r BIs ooku b;.rt $297,So0. 89r1tabnU-g it>' audîtor, have finish- exalîalnatlau aof tie boks aor ex- Atre'MoreisiansidiMe asusitant, -ad nPot 829,000 unaccauntesi the books. Tic examhnuîiou vas aiment s year ago. Ft!Wd àt ber tome a lii tUord, CoàD., Wedae.day, wlthout regalnlng conuolons- nens. Bhepasseti peaefullYaW&Yaua tbougb Itutu a deep ideep. By ber bedalde jat the. tîme Were ber son, Ber. Charles Bdward 8towe of lmsabury; ber two ,daugbters, Elim and Harriet; ber ulster, IsalieDa Bfecher.flooker: lXoin Hooker; Or. Edwsrd ko. Hookez, ber aepbew, who ;vas als ber tueldis attendant, and oth. Ir lvêt, 31. litowe began to fait- OÏs i - The Irut alarmlng symptomi of tw Wrnag up et ber taeultles, nidntal ab&Lpysc$ lowed Itteif et Sas Har- bof Lsi.i, e*ahber, 1M&8.Herliti- lotte friendsanmd; famiiy knew wbere the. trouble isy, but Mm. Stow.'s condition was sucb tbqt It was thougbt advlaable to kep It a secret, and It was not outil the failowing year tint the. trutb was told tihei publice press, and was then' flot denied by the fansiiy. ELECTROCUTIO2XIN 0HZO. New Law Regardinst Executiosis 00«. lut*. Kgect Consmencing Mednesday tbe executiots of tbe death penalty by bonfasgn uOh1o becoine. a tblng of the peut, and tbe Bickeye State, fallowing tbe lead of New York, will substitut, electrocution. ecpigsa far ai relates ta persona ai- ready onder sentence of deuti by tbe noose. The change hous been bronght about hy a bilIl tMouced ln the. upper hanne hy Senater.jÔléei and ebampioned In the. AssemblyI h' 1ePreientative Reed.' It provides that ail Mnrdevers convlctedl atter .luly 1 and sentenced to the. deatb penalty shall ho elecirocnted, and induie- lon or the. p2nslty must take place h.- fore aunrise on the day met by the sen- tence iu court. The death chamber must b. in the penltentlary. Ther. ia no otiier change In the proviaions of the present law relatlng to death sentences. Aerial ahi,, with PeaseageraSweepe Faut Over Winnipeg. A mysterlous ballooiî, wlth occupants, paaaed over Winnipeg, Man., Wednesday ,vening. It was at a great height and traveling no faut tint t wsns on ont of sight. A month or se ugo the JIodion Bay cifficers were requpsted by the Eng- lIai (joverament to uatify tie chiet fac- to sut their varioua nortbern posta ro- gardlng the north'polo balloon expedition of the explorer Audreo. This notification, wldely publithed, and the appearauce of the mysterious balloon caosed people to speculate whether thi,, wa Andre'i bal- boon. It was golng due west. Local pu- persbave ment dîspetches to all western and nortiieru printsund hope (o get smre information regarding the balloon sud its occupants. More tii.. 03,000 Raceived. The Cuban army santary corps In New York hbai receivcd in subacriptioni up) to date more than IK3,000, and 90 per cent. of this amount wR. donated in 2-cent stamps. A sî-.'eudid showing tibs in of American gencrosity aud practical sym- patiy iu four weeks' time. Th. Coban army ianitary corps was ,,rgsuîzed to ilt the place of a Red Cross society on Cu- ban soit. Thc Spaniards have their hon- pîtals comparatively well looked atter by corps of nurses trous Spain. Up to the tîme that the Coban saitary corps was organized the only traiued nurses ccv icen ini the insurgent hopitals, improv- lsed in sonte old, damp chnfch, or hid aÀWî aMôns the. laisatic vapors ofthei LApaita &isnpo, or eoncealed in the tor- rld recenses ui' a mountain gorge, were tiose patient and ever îacritlcing augets of Mercy whose lives have Ween sedded to the eciiveiand tie nleviation of hu- man suffering. M'hile the Silters of Cbarlty are doing ail tiiey Ceau for the îick nd itIe injured lu the Cuban camps, their work hbasflot been thc niost suceastoul, b"canse nof the lRck or the praper ensodipisud appliances, and the almost total absence of surgcal lnstru- menti. Surgeons have been few, and thc Wounsled nsany, and supplies scRrce, and tic sick ever îlcrensing. The CubRn war organizRtion knowu as the jouta, though correctly ealled the *'delcgacion," wns tormed to provide material ta prosccute the wur, and noma nch ot its time and ut- tention weve talpen up In the puvchaiiug and sendiug of arma sud ammunition ta Cuba tht hosptal stores were over- looked and negleetesi. The bcadquartcrs of thc society, wiiilà ire kuowu as the Cuban Army Sanitary Corps, are at 81 New street, New York Raines La w la Worlclng Well. The actual Dnumlber of excise usermts lssued iiy Dcpu ty Curnuijsioner Hilliard of New York up to WVdnesday is 7i,421. About l'lm 0dinking places lnro been wiped eut hy th3 RIaines law. The loger beer salons are thlievin-est losers tiy the lnw, being unuble to psy the $800 tax. fHandredg acre miot up, îaud so wero Mst of the littie Italian, French and ilungariau nfeu in tie quarters wbere there are colonies or those nationalties. It la ssid to heouoly a question of lime wben they wili ail close, for ubeiv ens- tomers wil' not tRke their meais wiere they cannot get wine. lu Brooklyn and Coucy Island, *where tic tax ts $(1150, a Try imali proportion af liquor dealers have dropped ont. A venRt ijority of the liqoior deniers have ne-, able to pay tii. anijler tRx. The Law aud Order Society people have bçen disappoinîed. Mma.Flemssing secures Riche.. Mrs. Alce Fleming, who was recentil nequittesi ut New York of the charge aof poisoning ber mother, bai received froni the. cit.y chamberîsîn I800,428.34, the ba- ciHICAgo CiTizPUs>ROANizE A TheyJffavo Ropee R.ady for "Long" andi "âhiort' Men-Au-otber Star Su the. Fleg-Victimae ofPovdar and Patriotlssa. Chicagoa eAre Deaperate. iu Chicaga, si-Coat>'Commissionen T. 8. Albigit aud the. We@t Sîdens are anganizing a White Cap sogiet>' to prOteet tiienselves agalftzt tic "long" and "short' ustu sud h, thugs oi the cil>'. Tai-, etesnsand lynchiugs vili figure lu tie prograus and lthe cit>' la pronssed a dupli- ct. oi the fanious regulatîon %caýmnittee tint made Sou Francisco respectable b>' trnorizing (ho thugs. "Thec business of Chicago in beosg ruinos b>' lies, hold- ups," saisi Mr. Aibigilta a reparler. ".New Yari, SI, Louis, Cincmnnati sud atier citiez ai-sen their travelIng menu ta go nlghîtirosigi the.city and Dot ta astop; people are afrald ho cous, ber. ta buy. On the West tilde tien. la an organisation ai voluntoons vio wIll fraisa nov on paînal tie streets even>' nigt sud vien we flusi mca contînnalîy iouhlug arouasi vo viii varu tiensanusiIf (bat varsiing l ale ohoyesi sonething yl bappen. It may be anly tan andI teatiiena, on il may be liaI tbe lings vili disappear farever irons bus favorite bannis; aur familles muet sud saoil bcproteclesi; w, vîsh ta ho law-ahid- lng, but thia iriolesale nobbery musC b. stoppesi.Ounr men vili be Lt lh. police courts la figil lie aldermen wbao maie a buiness ot lnterternug sud standing bc- *tveen the law aud ti. lav-breabcns of thein varda; a-e wyl tensch aldermen tint (bey are net electesi ta promale halsi-ups. Every day uev men are slgning vti sua andi soan eveny block on lie West $ide iilll b. paînollesi, day ad aigbl. W. have the moue>' te bine men ton tiie day tise, sud aur men are ual paticular iov tho> hattdle a mia cangist trylng to rab on ioid up. W. meau te break up the vani- ans gangsoai hieveî andi drive lie men via are knavnto have basi roputatiani out of tovn." THE FOR'IY-FiIFTH STAR. *Old Gloryl'" Bin e lid Ha* a Nev Star Added. Saturdty, foi (ho firgt tins,, tic flng et tic UnitedStaBltes wa.-,lasted viti fort>'- fivo stars an ils bne fieldi ndieatlng the sdusission ai Utah ta the sistenhoasi ot Sitates. Geuscuai ordens mmcud by lhe IVar andsiNucy Depanlusents prepanesi the way for tic change, and ton sevoral menthe past tiec dagmaiers have Wsen bîssy lu placing a ucw star on lie fBaga isu stock. Fi-meuoconamical consisierathons (ho olsi army flagi vii l honolei-es i u once, but aill be nepiacesi anly au tiey ave wamu eut lu senvice b>' 1h. nov en- signes. Iu tie case of tic naval lings tise chunge vas mcv. easiy made, fovrnl ot tics. lags are made aIticheNew York sud giane Islsnd navy yards, wii (hase on bandsonau hipboand usa>' horeadily alteres b>' tho expent sulmakens. GEIS 030,000 IN DAMAGES. Mien Casey la Avardas Thii. Suas froma the West Chicago Company. At Chicago, Misa Margaret Case', 'u)se ai the victime ai Cie Harrison stre.t bridge dissater af Juiy 29, 1893. vas giv- eu a verdict ai $30,000 troui tho West Chicago Street Italîrousi Company lu Jugge Freemnn's court. Miss Casoy was ais a Taylor atreet car geiîsg vemi over lb, Harrisons street bridge on tie day ot (ho accident, wien a polo about twîenty !eot lang, umcd ton tunnng tic bridge, îtruck tic car, killing a Missnlliendou r.:nd tcmibly injoriug Miss Casey. The paie struck Mise Casey lu the abdomen, mai- Inn a trnnsverse ceut fitteen luches long ansd teaning uway sut the muscles on tic left aide. _____ Chicasa'. Patrlotie Victimes. Summarlzed police reports in Chiiago show lie folle» iug resuits of tie gioriaus Faurth: Kýitieul. Cannon ...... ..............1 Cniciers ..... .... ....... .. Povdern....... .... ....... ... Stra>' hubbts----------------i Revolvern...... ........ .... In- juresi. 4 7 4 4 DJ Total------------------ 2 28 Injuries classifies]: Face------------------------------..8 Hand ........ ........ ..............6 Fingevs tore off--------------------..4 Eyes burnosi-----------------------... Leg------------------------------(... Brenst-----------------------------... Neci ......... ........... .........i Baci-------------------------*0...1 To lie abace lust miglut ho asidesi lie nains iof sverui thausunsi putriotie Amenîcans iciose hurla veve fnot repart- ed l ie epolice. Wrapped iu tise Rebel FVian. Tise tauerai o! tic ale Gen. Aloi. M. Las-Ion took pliace ut Savannah, Un., viti full militan>' honora. Fiteca miii- ary coripsa iewrn line ansitise coi-e- manies wei'e et an unumuali>' Impressulvo nature. lhe cafin vas buniesi vithitie CanfL-derate lag vrupped aient it. fIg FIre nt Galveston, Texan. Galveston, Texa,, hud a $150,000 fine Thunisa> aftennoan. lie Muilor>' lint> shedu, extrndhthg irons pler 24 te pion 28, burcd, togethen wivîl contents. A Ciais, e! lvcnty-ulx empty freigit cars on tie rack weve consumesi. MsjorNoflord Breakasa Lee. Major E. W. HsIford, via vas Preel- dent Hannlsou'i private secrelar>' andi la nav payusante.r ai the.Unitedi States arm>',stathoises nt Denver, anstainesi a consponquf fracture oa isiiiigit leg b>' talling irons a bicycle. Lent la the, Red Sea. A sîleelal dspaîci irons Csire gays Ihut lie Egypîlan Gaverumnct- packel Rai- mauihb, irons Suakîn taeSez, han bvobeu lier uift andsibeca vrecbcsi an arnec!. Tic dispalci aIds tiat t in feunedsi ahI> peopleo vet> inuesi. Big ConventIon of Teachers Tic thînty-tfiuîi&ansnal sessions ai lb. National Educatioai Association oupeni- cd In Buffalo on Satunsiay mnornlng vili thc finituesion ai lie educalloual council e! thc association et tie Peopie'i Cini-ci, Niagara square. port of. CleralaniL . OoWilited rloilg t the. works -ctf e iBro*, Uelutoega" Conveylag Company on lb.part of tic itrlkers led ta the. klllng of on. citizen Thursdsy atternoon. A nonunlon work- man, Albert U. llaucders, dld the. bih- ing. The man killesi wan William Rett- ger, a strîker. He.wvashebt tlirouth the, beart. H. wan latly employed by the. Brown compuny, and joined the. mi.. tiaundera wsn on a bi2ycle and waz. near the. Brown warks. go fan as cau b. learn.d a mob ai stnukers were yeliing *,$cab"' t hlm when bit iuddenly drew a plîtol and liretI loto their ranki. Rett- gen receivesi the hullet and dl.d initantiY. But for po'ice protection Saunders would have heen lynchd by the mob. Tii. Mayer ut once caiied upen the. Governor for troopi, and the. loeal companies ver. orderesi ont. Durlng the. day the police charged the crowd sevenai limes, sud cracked niany bonds. ]PIGHT A PILTCHEKD BATTLE. Qusirymen mad Deputy Aherif. tin Conliet Neui Wet Vlev, Ohio. Over one huudned @bhts were ex- chiinged by deputy shérifs andi strikors at the B.rca atone quai ries, near Wesît Vlew, Ohio. No on, as. killetI se tar as known. One striker hast bis leg broken lu two pinces aud many have soreneiad as h Ciesvomt 0t innd-to-iiund coufilet. The. strikers approachesi the quarry thnough a woods with the nvawed inten- tion of driving aut the, non-union men at work. Tiiey were met hy theo ueriff andi forty doputios, who commandosi thons to stop. For an uswer tic strikers begau fdring sud (ho ight sononbecuni, genoral. In a few moments (b.' strikers ver. re- puised andi fellback to thé> voods. Tiie mon in the quarries are quittiug through toar snd becauise of lhe lmportunities ef their w>vcc. Baby Oranted Wealth in Court. Margaretia Mayer, 10 montha oid, wan present lu Surrogate Abbots'i court in Brooklyn Tiuraday whn mie was de- claresi an heiresi ta $45,000 lu real es- tate ansi cash iu bank. Tii. baby cooesl and lîîughed andi was tii. reelpieut of lu- numevabje bisses aud enibi-aces by the. fri-ends of Ms. 3Mayer, who hcld up the. little one for admiration. Sue w-ns bora eight monýhs sud two days afler thé. deati of ber father. Pavie Monnument Boson. The closiug day oi' the grand ençamp- meut of the Uuited Coufederate Veter- ans n Rtichmond, NVS.. was devotes ta the. laying vitîs impoming cercmonies ai the eorner-stoeo of (lie proposed monument te Jeffersons Davis. An immense throng particiîiatcd in tho exorcises, every Sentbi-rr Statp being rcîrescnted. Entertains lu Royal style. The 'ocnless Castellane, fovmonly Miss Anna (ïould of New York, gave an eluborate tete Thuîrsdayut lParis. it wan mnmnewlsat ussrred Iby n heary rain. Liree tiionand invitations were issued for tic sfair, and it i3> mid $100000 was speut for tie entertajumeut of tie guesta. General Lawtou la V.ery Ili. News*iras received tint (>en. Alexander R. Lawton of Savaînnah, On., la iu s very preenriens condition at Cjitton Springs, N. Y. Gen. Lawtou iras promincut ln the. Confederate nrrny, aud under Preai- dent ('Iî-ri-ln's first administration was minister to Austris. Big (Jas Wel I n Tennessee. A flow of gas stimuted nt 1,000,000 cubic feot a day-was struck by tiie Burt Ohl Company of Hurrnmau, Tonua., wbo were siuksug for ou lu Overton Connty. Exciteinent is vouniug bun in tiheail iie:41s et nos-tiiaud middle Teunesee coun- t ien. Caugzht Muny Viçtîmo. Mine. Zuteycii, operatîug unnd.r numer- oui susases, is o'sder arreat nt Joplin, Mo., cliargcd nîthi nsing the nmails te defrand. The prisouer la raid to have cuugiit peu- pIe lu ait parts eft he eouutry by a siirewd scbcwsi te dispose of ictitious lcad mines. luterlar Custonîs Abollsbed. "lise abloitioîn ai Mexican custois- bouses in tiie interior went iute effect Wednesdny, sud iiereafter tiiese estab- lismentossî iii exist euly on tie trontier and anticheports. lkas.acres lu South Afines. Massacres of cOite people iluNMatabele- land continue. 1'owevtîîl chiefs are join- iug Ci.e insurgouts. Premier Spviggs pri-dicts a risiug of the natives lu the colony. IIAIKET QUOTATION8. Chicago-Cattie, common to prime, $3.540 to $475; ions, shipping grades, 83.00 to $375; sieep, fair ta ciaice, $2.ri0 ta $4(K; viieai, No. 2 red, 54e te 55c; corn, No. 2, 26c e t 27c;ena, No. 2, 15c ta 16c; rye, No. 2. 29e ta 31c; butter, cioce crcîîmery, 14e to 15c; oggs, tresi, 10e te 12c; uew potatues, per bushel, 25e ta 40c; b oon, corn, commun tue hoice, $25 tea -pcr ton. Indianapols-Cattte, ahîppn, $300 to $4.75; iicgs, choice light, $3.00 te e375; sheep, common ta prime, $2.003 te $400; wient, Ne. 2, 53e to 55c; corn, Ne. i wite, 26te ta28c;e; nts, No. 2 wile, 19e ta 20C. lit. lýouigs-Cattle, $3.00 te $4.503; iogs, $3.030 ta $3.75; viient, No. 2 rosi, 59c ta 111Ie; corn, No. 2 yeiiow, 24e te 26ce;oas, %o. 2 witue, 15e to 1lle; rye, No. 2, 27c ta 29e. Cincinnai-Cattie, $3.501ot $4.50;huile, e.00 ta 84.00; siiee5,, $2.50) ta $4.003; wicst, No. 2, W e t6(0c; cora. No. 2 VE<AR IN PRISN. FOR A BRuTA lktq*erui .t~ w MAZER. I7tsthseuty, ýle utseim~ 8WmrnorueeX - oe 1W gi uaIW Have FmitaryEffeeforonntmRea arnebut It la sa lmo Wtw4, MayRv 7i r fec nA-whlcb forma oily lu tbesprla eof napotta cadets--Oklahomua Bad Men year, when t2laws and raînfail pry4pde-- Break Ont of jai-lvai Lovera lis en ovemandanca of wat.r, snyi s a Fatal Duel lunhKano" ,NîchoInevili. ornepondcnt iluhe u - Ci elnnatt Enqufrer. The. formaÜbomet mk leavyr Sentence for Hazini. lakoe orerlng *ver 200 acres of U11.0 Secetrosy lerbei.î hus just beets nati- &Bd 001boiOtl,8 var 00 ces «with t66' liedl et a mrions cause of huzing nt the. auddennafs of a ris. la thse MIasiamppi Ausapiols Naval Academs5. lRobert River. Cherry Foy, s cadet trous AlbfiM, haThse laie la tormed la a hoUaw entire- bee roseie-s tacae cufneî~.t orly surroundcd b>' gradualiy inchling one yeur for tie offense, sud the a.teiîce bisaifbine grau.fielssad madova. bas rect.lred lic approvalai oene nu vy Thèse bille ire at i es Ilmpeuce#l* e departusisit. Tl'a hi (lie imont severe senîtence cri-r isîîioged ahiîthe acasicmy thse e>'. on accouaI of the graduai aBd for tuiniig. It la expected leadiscanunage aven sbope ai the. surnounng couinty>. thc tvsctWîe ini future. Tic offeuder wus A closer examinallon ai thie éounlry a me'îubev o e i-"yca»rliug" elums. ands bisl for miles arouud t amli gratluaUly la-, victinu was a ItJ-yeav-.jld y.,uoh naniesi lînes te thse place wiere the springtim.e Pretisls, froiii w-'ter-î New Yorsk.Th lis.lke forme, boltich place ttseif la mere- iiaziing ceeiîiedt-d ai' ttiîig i'vonties y a allgbîly rolling tract ai landi, ov.w- tinougis tic, iatiguing exercise knowsî as whlch sarloua fences, Inees, aud abrub- tie "asiresîd eagoP. whiiconsCiis5te; ofberle»-are seen. As lii. lak. depeuge hobting 1u1)andliowa-usqulcklY as' Il'.- on lie relataitfor lits mppiy aofalsw site. kei.î,iîg ail the muesof-.atihe 9 i" sud body stiff ansdi bissing oniy lthe itîces. Il la langer some, yeara tha n otbcs's, and It la aie exorcise Oth ilegiven 011YlyuOsbas been bnown la covior3W0acres of Iloilieteiîstbie (loges ly1,yth,. luit %ituus, a band, and tic vaten al hie w.>' ira. minute lus'ig coisideved zuîifcientiy fa- Live te thlrty fel decp. Tii. body ofe tiîàriiuig for suy cadet. Lie-utenunt Dy- water ls a vrntable bleeca for dock Pr, oue outhe ic lutruclers, waa nquietbounter.aIet hetime of thie year wberà slwcttur efthOe jîroeeeinugs. lie vas ducis poua thvongb Kennuck-y on their oit(lth- set-no tforsalrief perilusebn "ubas-y a> la thse Nortieru a-e.. cl naisd lîard Foy lazily orden (lic '1IbeeThcre Ino autiot aliovire e Peth là ta vriy bis pîîcfrmuancc îii t q'uîîiick-* sep 'ns u ~ î-isaly i n5,exer the wv.> of a creek or lsollosv. Tiere la cisu', the 111.11uboinîgta li tbi bacc ai- ~cr naihi naya'tei tcviîsîs-ly and a s quickly ae posshîe ta wblic stucoveresi by vuter tirangh, tic hicughttorailis srist, like a prsusî-iiîg viîci tise vater usssy em&npe. Yet horse. Tic strouigegt msan canisi hardi>' vithin ou@ monthi (liImmenge amount keeli thiu up fuirusore tisu ire minutes of vater disuppenam. Atter the disait- witiiout extre-uîse ptysheal fatigue. Wlson pearance.lhe earti, a-lil la covred,, Lieutenant D>-or bail accu thîs continue insteasi of belu, a vol, usansiy place for ss'veral mnuites a gane ntt hi.a s athe cas, ai n ovdinary aprlng- ".pleh'î" face bold blns it was tise tu m iel ael euiuafr interfere. As tic enterosi tie (eut vicre tn tlelgru vae, Isa esatif l, fdr the. huuing sut, inprogrsss Fy spvang i.bugasrieavnvchbodl -taward hns andi thon f011 tin a faint t Kentlucky stock roam durlng the. nom- the gfon. Water vit nsdaiiedinl bis face, mer menthe andi fatten on tie rîci pas- but as ho disi ust revire lho vas ennie-d tilrage. No appetirunce of a marsb or la his quarters fon treatinent. F-oy was vale eeds, etc., la foonsi afler the. lmmcdistely pîbîecd unsier arr--st. Itwans laie bas gone. n.sriy un heur Isifone Pveustiésregaine-si Exactiy vint en uses t le '"slnking" eof ful1 coniciloOus-iis, and ors-n ticu bie sas tise lai. bas nover been determlncd, al- lucoierent lu bis nt(evauum's. togh vanlona geologlits bave visited ______ths cene. Il1laa voh-knovu mect that DALTON MIEN BREAK LOOB. quickilven tlîvown Into a pond or llk* Bill Doolin andi "Dynamite Dickll vIlcanae htaeseau ai, and If lis Meadi a Revoit ai' Prisanere. clalmed tuithtIe vater fovmlng tii. At Gistivie, 0. T., teurteen prisaunrslae. s t la drulnesl soyatramn the overpoweros tise gunvda lun(tie United surrouldlng illus, brnugs witi l a cons- States joli late Saturda>' night nl irake Dotl» af-some klud simbiar ta mer'- out. Bibi Doolin sud Dynamsite Dick, thc eury or qulekuliver lua is-cion on sini- lest survivons oi the Dalton gang. vie Ing a laie. andi tial Ibis la (i.he vere ehargesi aith tic mundens commiît- te thse mystery or shuklng Creeb. ted in tic lugnlse fight, ah wbich fouir __________ deput>' marsisis wene killed,. vs-vothe PERSIA'S ROYAL HAREM.L principal actons. Fuurtcen out oft hiity -__ aine prisonens escapesi. Tii-y is re ail *.seudnce et Wlve. and ConubIn.. despenste chavactes-v. They guitie of the . Resplenîi.nt Shah. guards' revolvrsnud saWinchester b>' Tcbrn itc hha ,sma a rush aut et tIse cages s-n heu iegats Tehrmo h Sa fPrl i vas openesi. Tus-y knoced one af lthe Teheran, lie capital ofthle country, le guards dowu sieu thon places] (ho otier a magnîficent palace, andi enboies fia tva guards lu the stee-l cages, ompelliug lias architecture many muodernIdes&. l tiens ta go in nt the points af (hein ne- vaivrns. Hsî-iug the guards suie, the ningloadens enlictI for ecry anc of the pisaners ta escaipe if lis-y vuntei ta. Ouly fourteeu faliowesi. William Beck. one af lie oscapiesiprisanensi, returnesi ansi sai] UaiDoolun vas go veak tient he @itby (ho aide oi tie rond, eut ofthte ctty, wonderng how l4c voulsi escape. Later (he outlaws masde à a sn rnamou Sciaiield aud bisi girl net aut or a buggy sud give itta tiens. A passe ot deput marsliale vont lu pursuit of the escaped priseners. _____ . i MURDEROUS RIVAL IILLED. - saccensful Sultar n luKnngss Wlpc Ont Mis Oppont. Satîirday eveuiuug Ale-xansder Coctia, a veii-kuîea-us tarins-r ans] stockniaîn, ve- midiug fleur Fort Scott, Kan., iit andi instuntl>' killesi J. Il. Vuuhovuu, a bunîse- mau n authe Missosuri Pacifie bstveeus KausaCit>' quît (hawntoinie. Coeiran tire aceis ana usurries n vounan via hasi rejecies i ioru, a-ho nithue tise tireateaesi ia bih su>' manu sic sanniesi. lie startesi ton the Cocivun tferrs Saton- day, it ls tsougit. te carry Oui bis tireats, bot m-as met (<y Mv. Cocliuau, a-ts ordevesi is totehbvea up bis meuds. Vauulorsî drew bis revolver, wsi-iCo clîvan ires], killhing uns lustauîtîy. Thc covancr's jury lecides lic s'ioatiîg a-as doue lu self- deteuse. Cretuns tly (ha Turku. lie Crelan insurgeuuts deteatesi tic Turns Wednegday beiveen Kisunso, on tie nenliweatenn coust of the isiansi o! Crete ansi Setine on tic sautien ceit, kiliing 200 et theni aussicuptirng tice ai ticir caunnen. Tic Tonks aen, adrane- Ing ta nuise tIese iegeofaiKaudnnp, ln ici 1,(M0 Turkisb troolus are besiegesi b>' thc noei. Oldest Msrried Niantan Deasi. lins. Mahal- trCane, wrisacIaimed ta bave n longer munvied ife (ian sus>'olier woman lnthi, Unites States, sites] ai ForL Scott, Kan., ages IX)>. Sie sud ben bus- baud, whvi til lies a-oeemannies ser- cuty-lwo years ugo uts New Yari. lie>' ver. tie smarnet>ansi ver. narriesi at 18. Sie diesi af paralysie. Goosi Luci ofta Canductar, B>' the deatu of a veaith> ncle In- 0h10ioFrank Wallace, a sîveet car con- ductor oai Lexinglon, Ky'., has talion bol- ho W3,000. Yousng Wallace tubeshils viadiali ver>' piosophlcaily. Hie ta- lier andsi litr Inherit sinsilan ansouns. Kîllesi by à Prenuature Blail, In tise New Erie mine lu Nevada 0Guicb, Soti Dakota, Ansfrev Hauson, tic avu- ci-o a anumben oi valuaile cdaims au tie ailleicoarc bot,wviii, iaudlng a nomber oi hales lu thie face ot the tunnel, was lustanil>' blilesib>' a premnînre explosion oi a qoantit>' ai dynamite. Explosion of Natural Gao. B>' tb. explosian oi naturel gas eallhe Evergreen Hotel, sevcu mfleu nnti of Allegheny, Pa., sau perioansereamare on leus lajuresi, lire., lIin caresi, iatil>'. Dvidende for Bank Credîtosa. Tic comptroli- of the. curree>bas declared ilmen& a lufavor of the. ,i-iît- " e,.,gtscss5.t amQ a41-hs.da o.]A la delighini>' elloatos ainmd mostagnee- able surroundlngu, ansila, as fan as the. resourVes ai alusastunuboundesi vcalth eau maie, a venîtabie paradîme. Tasiahi a Dojg ho song. Johun Porter, a New York Central en- glacer, bas a do.- tint i. la ehlnglt sing. Rager, lie dog, hia, been tnsitl te peniorm ever>' lme a menbeï - f tise Ponter fausl>' apens the plana, lu siavîag off tise atien day b, icpt lime t. thse aceompanînsent. Hie styl, of slnglng vu. b>' yelpîng lu limetla ths* note playet ou tise Instrument. Wiea lI; - rau soit and loy, ila Vole.sBank ai- most ta a gravI; vien lie notes rao» lus baudt traîns Roger poluted is nos. ta thie celling and sang a ild, long watt ai Patios lu îuci troble as î-aa neyer icard. WieU il vas ail aven au'> thelnne asOlaihi. muie bis autded. ho waggcd istaiandi wali.d araunsi t. each ane of lth, compan>' for con- gratulatioas. Il wai ieveral mantisi ugo liaI l.,> Porter. finet leanned litse>' by a,] siel- tered ttus muaical pri-m>, anjti tby- andi thi nelgibors bave been Lavhuîg lafialle amjpement vith i bis.e' Un&Bi 1h o a h. pi-aece.tiy ha. gIven film, Roger bas, Improvesi vasti>', Hc han learned sangs andieaun distlngulah iroinsthictiret few notes or thse aceompunîmenî visaI seleetian la expeced oa i-î, and hc stage tisem vthi ail the feeling- tisa a dog coul') have,, and vastl>' niai-ctbat @amoe co- PIe seern capable ai. Tien, la an!>' an* ting Ibat vîlI stop hlm lantheic nlde ai a sang, and tisaI la ta be langiesi at. If ise lu laugbed Lt ho stops aient, goe" baci ufider tIhe plana ansi lIares cou- femptu9usI>' L t hie lî-mannered peo- pi. unt heyti> go awa>' and louve bisa. --Bt.Louis Globe-Democm-at Ravoto Go noe.. The Sultan of TurkO>', la lie dise>, polutincut Of Maiy 7yeUng men, bas tauuai an lzade ealllns hbee41 Tnrka no t>dylllg Lt fibteiguunivaratwe gt the xp.naof tthe aeverrnejltTIt riMisgivis la fle toQdeêcy et t ~~nt. 9erfMb la grlu.sau..â..,