CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 17 Jul 1896, p. 1

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iYo , No0. 40. Libertyyville, Lake County, Illinois, Friday, iuly 17, 1896. $1.50, in Et~~JpTzviiL wwu.No. 402. IF 01 eh Monti. TIoktlngbrethar vseoed. W KilgMIvu.W am~uw. am Ùr. Charlès Oalloway. B~,ousamon1iTO Sa » ô "O8SP. IL lbertyill-. Illinois. 2~Dr. J. L. TAYLqOR. Office over Triage & Taylor'e. 'rtc a a. m. 2 to 4 sMd &s. W8S1).m. Usslence on Brosdway opposite Park Libertyville, Illinois-. Dr. A. L. TRAVS. »vu =,& L aa. X. 1 oTSa 3 > D7 TO 8 P. M. ope"lalattention pald An the tre«tmont of Chronice heuma&iam. Rockefeller. - Illinois. :..F. Butterf ield M. D. C. ~ETEENÂEYSURiGEON AND DE!4TIST. OMS- TrIm»e& TaylorB11k. Miss LULU M. 8. PENNIMAN. VOCAL AND ASODELO^ATE 11118UMENTAL *SYSVTM or MUBIO £LOCUTION.. Imm mmUnoma. mmO»s! SABAL% lEIS Uib.rtwvillle.Milnage. Dr. E. H. SMITH, Ofilcover LoveiI's Drug8tore EaOUE8a$0 a . Md I o p. ILDAILI. Libertyville, Illinois. - !SAOEEE Or - voe CULTURE AND HARMONV PAUL MAC GUFFIN. A&ttorney and CoucoUor et Law, NOTARY PUBLIC. Offce wth Lake Cosrnty Bar.k. Lbortyville; Illinois. STORES vAU o«Me. -viada vili biow, Thon FOUT bouse or beru ay gW). if Bot by ivinl, perimps by lire, Thaa rou're 10<1 <deep la the mire. Go maure vAtLonpbaugb, And dont be left te aleeP On sirsv. John J. Longabaugh Grayslake --Illinois. H. P. EWING M. D. Rockefeller, 111.1 Realdence ai J. E. Holcomb's. Oofce . Opposite Depoi. Kora 9 A. M. 1 to 2 P. M. Affer 6F. M. UNION HOTEL. WHEEI NG - ILLINOIS.. FLRST CLASS HOTEL. ... HaIf-way House ... Beivea Chieflansd the Laiea Cycliste Headquarters. Good accommaodations for tragslea. John Bohrn Pro p.1 LAKE COUNTY 'SANK . .. wrlght, Parkhurst & Co. Liboriyv, iU. nois. isàues Interest-Bearing Certflcates Payable o n Demnand. NOW IS THE TIME -Do you vaut &ALIGHT HARNESS? Ton vilwon neodIl y Nets and Xor"e Covera. -fl Yeu Irevel a»d nesI a Trunit, or a Ciertrude Bilan GrIldlew. Gertrude lla OrtdlY, dauihtien of j&. and UMn.G". Gridloy, of1 Prairie Vew, died et Wauksgan SUD- day inorang, aud wvilte ber deth vas not unexpected, te blov Sa ber rela-1 tilansd many finonda ia none tihe lesm sud. Deceasel vas t!geniy.aeVen o f âge, having graduated fret Il waukegau igit Beiool in 1M9, sud for scveraI yesra puat bas boon Seaci-1 ing AunteWauhegan public achool, laiteniy Ain the Nortit Ochool, vitere te vas grossir belove by ie-euer sud scholara. *'Gertie," as ber friends werm vont1 An oel ber vas of a peculianlY lovabie disposition, sud ber tacS and aveei vinning manener made ber a universal favorite.lan the to4oin. Wth ber friands site vas $m acknoviedged leader, sud n the icturcb an ardent, vorker. Theo funensi services vere blid ai ibm borne, la Wauhegau snd the romainS s taen luDiamond Lakei cemetery for interment. 1ev. James1 Fnoiigham, a former pator of te Preabylerian churcli- at Waukegau, and a sAcere frienil of decesed preacb- el te funerai germon. Kie personal aequaintance ensbled hlm te psy many tritbitea lu ber exceptloual Christian lite and he feelingiY extoiied the. virtue otthat Young tcancer, g ahrnptly ended. The Lake Counly Teacher.' Inbtitute lu session ut Waukegau vas adjourned to attend the tuners). Before the adjourument Prof. Hall aipoke of the decmees aying in Part: liany of you, I presumne vere uua- quainted i At iai Gidiey sud it in qui"e proper for me ku uay Ihat ibm vas oneof tfheb mont patient, faithfni, con- aclantious sud effiient itenes wvus wbom it bas ever beun my privilege An bo ansolaed. Rer achool vas 1km a lelmst borne lan vhicb mach mamber vas wiug te do hia portion 0f lte vork aud tu bear bis share of thc hurlons. Fault.-fkud- lng sud Impatienice veresaeidom exhi- bilaI hy cubher toucher or pupiis.-' The emmrest sYmp&&'y 0f Mll uho knav ber la oxenlddibmesorroviug parentsand relaives. ChristianI EndeavOr Rally. Tbe'Ctnlsin Endeavun rIY bail ut huiburn, Salurdar, July 11, vas a aucces luevery vuy. Tboataleudance cousIdenluIg the sultnineas of the weaiber, sud business of the seasun, vas gond. A paper by W- S. Welsit on Christian CllizeLl--p" avokel a gool Irai of discussion. Some of ihe Endeavorers fuaemed An question tbe expediency ofthebm Society -glviug it8 attention tAn mnApulilical maliens. One tiinawas evident bovaver. thal te bulh Ofte audience believed luleusaly in tbm social characten of chrlstianity, notahly tbm 11ev. Harris, ut Muiliburu, snd 11ev. MofYsI, of Antioch. Thte Libertyvlie socletr vas repreeuted by Wirt Wright sud BeY. Reuver, easetof vitom renI a paper. The paper by WiV rt Wright on tte "-Present Opportuaitles uf Young People," vas speclaliy vell raceived sud comnwnded. H. D. Hughes, ut Antluet, reul ma original poun "Is At Betler ln Live l inte Wunld To-day, Thon Ever i Was Befure," ubicit woxld have done cradit lu Longfellow or Huinses. 'i ha Miliburu People Weil ausisinel Ibeir reputatAun for hospi- taity and ability tAn mtisty the Auner vante of man from a physical stand. point. A diapalcit irom Canton brngs tise suring information thst -"Mr. Mc- Kinley anose ibis mornw~g aI ite unnal t our, sud'aller taking a bath, aIe bis breakfast.,, AI a casual glance ona doms nol absorit ail tbe informailon, aerled and infeyred, that As coniuined lunltA.s telegram. lu lteIlirai place i eclares liaIt Mr. McKinley urus., Shueaauniiig us Ibal tte prospective presideul Asn t ul I sohon, but also able 10 ha up sud about. Ha arosa ."ut the usuel itaur," wich in equivalant tu siating ltait e did nul overaleep. Il declares talt e 500k a bath. This l a uimportant tacS, asitil eari upon lbe habit of ltemam. Tiien AS convmys ta ns lte informa- tion Ihat Ibme'apostle ot protection rains bis appetite, despAlete .veater sud te f$«e. And ëlasirIÏtebOva tliha ockbis batb sud ste bis breebfaaslAuleal of éïahing bis hroshfsa sd eating hiabatla. . lain uêpfu1 1bpV muet fifarma. lion S& cobmd Aua à5ew brieS taie. N«gWbm l So*a. TEACHERS' INSTrITUTE intereetinir S.eelon at TiIs WmkI. Thea achool masser, eu h siool uaWumafrom s&l over tee cOuy have possesson 0f Wanhogsu titsm itM Tb*e annual couuly Inostute la ","lo ai te Central Sciool, la tecause of ibis influx t te lake ciy. The nsructors are Prof. Frankt B. Hall,- of Waukegau, iss Lottit E. Joue@, of Danville, publisben of a teaciterS journal; bMiss JenniaA. Wright, principal 0f achools ai Havan§, 111., sud C. Vicor Campbelofl.theib Chticago University of Extension. ETte program for tbe veek le as fol. lova: a oa9ee-Openiug. q 0>9M un AL, il 10-il 0-.Cuffelatiou ot itesdIug sud Geog- raphy. 3 158 tâ..Lorelaton of teadng and Mits- tory. MISS JO'NER. 10 0-103-Na&ture Itudy. 1 so.2 0e-Primsry Work. 3 ôo-s S-Prlmany Work. ]Mgs vaxos. Io11 -Ile-Physiulogy. 2 00-2 S-Boany. a .I.-Cbld Btudy. 2 40.3 i5..Cblid IStudy.. *2U-tloeiig. Supervlsors ln Session. The regular quanleniy meeting of ibm Lake Conuuy Board of Ilupervisona te in session te presenit iWek. A sharp conieai for chairman ai tha openAng session resuiimd in Geo. Wate ne. ceiving ton votes and C. B. Esin moYe. Citairman Wale appolnted commilttees as tllous: Equali ation of Land-Nevilla, 8Svayer, Anderson. Equallsaiion of Los-Miler, Car. mani, Lamey. Equallretlon of Personal Propety-- Thomas, Sirang, Paddock. Poor sud Poor Fan»- Cooke. Adams, Holije. Cam-Huntigton, Paddock, Bas- ton. 81ate Chaities-Carman, Lainer, HOItje. Finance- Anderson, Fletcher, Dady. Educsion-Lamey, Svayer, Thomas. Public Buildings- Dar, Miler, Neville. Foesasd Salarieti-Adama, Holîje, Huatingion. Tai Befuning-Fletcher, Lammey, Coite. Poor Farm Âuditiug Commnlîle- Sirang. Carman, Swayen. Licenfe-Easlon. Thomas, Rouije. Swamp Landa-Paddock, Fletcher. Straug. Full proceedings viilhocprinled n nelt veekB ISSUe Of the INDEPEI>ENT. The Chicago Crontcle, lte urgan of tbe Democracysasys: -Thte commun commrneuSary ot the theatrical man uwou te convention las Iai lte delagates are a prmty citaap crovd. A lalegale from a greai stata usikel up to lte lox office t McVicker's recentlirsud laying lovu 30 cents, said wtt greal diguity: -GAva me thnee ut yonr bhts ats." We rmcelved a communication from une ofounr readers recentir asking for a metod vbeneby lte cuuld axtermi- ua. the chnch bug. To tome auuoyed by Ibis insect va vould say: Write to Prof. 9. A. Forbea, of lte Illinois Bisie University. ai Chamn- paign, Ill., und request hlm lu aend you s fev inocîîiated chincit bugs. Thon vten you bave eceiva tem, caltchsomns nyourficld sud put n s hotie wvAuthebmdlseused oues, luru temraio lte fel sud n a evdaya Ibm diseaso iii spread amongte bugs as small-pox among tumn hoingoi, killing tem by thousands. Ttc "ýcarl of Ibauka" wiicb folova, sud vtict vas clppaI from au ex- change, shows the sorrovlng vidov An ha ahbla labo cane uf hensmîf: ,"1 de- ire t tanklbahie friands sud uigbbors mus a tnily u Ibis manner for them united i sud co-upratiln dningte llms and leatof my recent busbsul, vto escapel from me by lte itaudor Icatrecenlî wtilm caiinghtas breakfast. To Ibm friands sud ail who conîihutel 50 villingy Anvard making tbe laoI momentsandsud tnoral of my huaband a bowling succeai, I desire An ho remèmbered mnt hindly, boplug Ibese 1ev Unes mar OIndyon enjoying the aime hleaing. 1I&acs hav" a gool milcit cow sud a roan géldting torse viticit 1 viii oei cieup. 001 noves ila amymielous var bis fçIffeste Petlunm. ne placte bis boot"qw Ma te sesa"mthries upon teobaAlecM a bluemalMdvtile V07 4OeJ-P. lIinOis Bute piremene Aaa»oiBWOO. On July 28, 29, 30, The SM@ te-n mens Touasamani vii hobell 55à Napevile, lui., vihin te tova u#&it cf wbich plmai.Buniingtcnr ut on.c cflteaoutbeautif nI reecriatu te Stase . Thte program wviiobau beeu-oulined for titi meeting la oas cf temoeS sttractive tititebu 0 been. arrauged for the fireme a mal everyting points tSatibm meeting bmlng a grand encese. Alrendy Mfy or aftty tesma bave been mene*&f1 te various contsetit are te ta»o place. Witile vo cannoigAve mau tu det4hlofutêibisprogram, te prineipa aenis wblcb viiiitae place durftg te tree laya are te noveliy boa» aud itooit sud lalder races vbici tâtub pis.. on ibm irai day;te free for &U hose race sud froc for a&U tooitmal Isider race on te second day; lte champion bons sud itook snd ladel races on the ihird day. Vauin" prime. viii ho given for ail oftase eveuts. On the lirai day ofte mmeet- lag tare vill ho a grand parade of tiremon n uuilorin sud in ibm evenlug a grand illuminated parade of vWstin< liremeuvwili tksplace ai Aurons&fl- afler the parade a compUimentery dance vill ho given n te pavillointa Burlingion Park. On ibm evening of July 29, a grand bail viii ho tendarel te visiting irema» sud ibeir tiends ai Bunington Park, sud ou titis occasion te Park mantagement have arrauged lu Illuminate ibm grounde ittree thonsaud Woaded Island fairy lampeansd other lights. Titis vill ho a scene of greai beauSy long teý ho nemembered by ihem visitera. After te hall a magniicient display of tire. vonhu wii hbe given, lte coei 0f wbicit le estimated at $2,5W.00. This viii be te gals nigLt. Pleuîy of music viii ho on band. On te hird day popular -concerto viii ho given by iOve connolidaled banda. Ouni"isday ac au atletic contentai iiiait. place. )Prises viii ho avardal An te vine of oach avant. It la fully expooel ltat Ibis meeting viii be one of thc langeai ever teid nte Bisse; certain. F ly Ibe arrangements ltai bave beau made- au far have been more tita sailstaclory Sutonso nterostmd. Oving 10 ltù Importance of lte occasion m&U of the railroada n tSt Be o f Illnois bave annonced a rate An Naperville aud return of one fare for the round trip. __________ A veny airange accident occnrred ai Rockford- receniiy. Wbiia David Turner vas diving tu tAn u itb a load of bey te friction of the vbmel agamn8t teity sol lire lu lthe load. The team raut away wththeb lire departmedt cbasing ibm ruusvry con. fiagralion. Oua iorse vas bnrned An deatsudte oter va8su obadiy scorcbedtatIt vas ahut. To saytat a man la wesrlng te stripes' duos nu bave lte sîgnilficance lu Ibis section that Il once did. Ttc uev penitentiary grab vas put lutc use aI Ibe Joliet penltentary on lte Fount utJuIr. Ai tbm tour ut cou- Oinng the 1,293 men Antein celsa Vu Friday nigiti nigbt a&l vona Ibm despîsel stripea. Cloemted wAthlm for Ibm uighi acit man bal a nmv sud dlean suit a gray-bîne colon, coal, trovaers, and cap wtt s vison ot icaîber. By 9 oclock on lb. mornlng of tihe Fourtt,breshfast bal bson aervad sud the conviets vote droaiad *lu iheir nov gsrh, ltae oeil doora ume unlockel, sud lte men marchel, ont lu tte regular loch stop. Aurora'a celebralion causal a litle finrry thai ia more ltannatilonal iAuit. sigullicance. A Grock aubjeci vas running a peanut stand sud in bis patriotiesm tad ralsed a Grock liag, sunîounding il by Amertica lags. Borne parson, vito viahel te sdveria. bis patriullam, like a tallelujait aboul- er n a Salvation Army, reported lte mailer lu lite mayor sud a policeman vas oderel tu isalte Greekfliag duwu. It nov appea s tst te Greoh vats volatAng no international 1mw lu naising te lalig as teld d ibth anthoitias viii nov be commmdded Sa apolugize ltrougi ltae<Grck consu general. The Grok vas aloo aresiol unI lahen from bissanauda,luate abRence of anyone 10 guard i, about $40 wot 0of alufvas stolon. It le estimaieltat Store are Au Ameicu 4,000,000 bicycle rider% vio have invealod 130,000,000 ltuPiteela, $10,000,000 Anu biycle lotbt" ansd 1 200,000,000 n suadries sMd i.pbln. iTvo buudred simd fMy blinenana. factuters, Sl szg Un Wüo* a ad M faa obvn enaof »çe11O *» tu aceri asdn WARREW .erin the.deratays Yes4, vo itatd deim bellil. Mrha Bandmnsua*iin suPred San d~.~] . N. Olobon, of Milvaukee, vlalted Sandinsu, Salonâa udmp relatives boe .lest veek. Mayii4IiUi ud OUES» baud- Olive âiore. ne. On Mit. Axi1ur Whtmure, of Nebraaka, sud bbiarlea Bai-more. ber bi viatel relatives bote luti veek. detendants. 1. CWseuee N. Dura.d. &du Ms. altes lualap enteriainal ibm saidestate. vili onaurdat. th W. C. T. V. luaS Fday aternoon. August. A. D. 159. et Tvoo atterncoofut lddsal J. L. Svayer, aur nmv Supervisor, thme court bouse Aln &e#& th la ou duty luaVeuiegan Ibis veek. Cu f>-otLake sd 8 tai.1cf rubile vendue 5tbmbo ha lira. SHcrWilhur vill enteniain t thaj i lf. tti te W. 0. 0. Weluesday afternuon, hedaîlubm1ij JaIr 15. msatie. t: ltsub=thovever Chus. Tusher &id O. B. Whtmnore r tho~Fed Bamabe vae n u bleago ]net weok wtt a car- =-n2nan sd hacESurn 1ousd 0oom n2daughter. decnibal as tolown: a0ain i a oIton tSI AmQ;U itCMago visilors recenlj ilwukeAvenu * deatas1 ver.e erRose, Roy Bracher sud sudTvny.nefeî* Lynn Woollay. ie One.alfnst) de 'wv~t Theo'W. <C.T. 1V. utf(urueeat Etirs nb. M . u meI vit M» Cbe. ilbr Tureay i- ownship Fortr- Inur("é1 tt Mo, Il. Cita. Wlu Ttrda <leen <11)Anla 2 Counl tenuco, JmIy30. aoya by lthe plat tbh 971l W. F. 010v sud J. J. Freezer ach oRbe oft 5511 Lake COuny Il bava a ftew top buggy. Thomson ae on rtI nt-four Brotens, 01 Onaylahe, made te sale, lu ee Avenue sud ot course.roa r = n lias <ors Wmd, of Miuburn, Wo1v oato ndth u m> vai ner almartial Sa Mr. Harlov ut elt M h Côms,0* sategnba maur friands rodttothe N 0~no15d An titis lolI17 v0 ino iibasten Sa ex- rCnaleK una~S tend co > olou ISt lrio.10'QeMrIA neaIa "» badjust inisbd a Slb.r landt otth portunnly. St a ui liie o OacI or deedvaIIbot years te&obb n urntacbooi vAt eber or pure1u ua. mankel aseu. e a n prec ROLLINS. îeediefarb IVillie mry visutel eatvs t39 Guruelest vseb. rltvs mrs. C. T. Loriug sud son Bay, ara aNITATJ* .BAL vAsAlngaI ia.O. oaiill'm. court utfLaeoCouty. Pa The Wgfllsansd Cailello circus hbhy yien Ibat by vIt. passaI brougb Rollins Tuemday. ~dr aa dI a The Jenhsa inlly viso bave beau y are A. D. ne@.,.lan sm visitiug aitBlas »returned An the eAsy ng ter: peudini, v 1Mondar. bme aiate Nof Mir. sud lMr&. White, of Chicago , esieId, r 55Denler.iIMd1 have been sunueing at RaDlius for éer My .4 -- y~m te pasl Ivo voits. Ara H.ray ne. Bertha A 0oCe lins. Cuomblagasd famiîr, Of sud Rlumui l Hinadale, are spendng te sumer 1 Cimaan4 viltlira. Wm. D4 itm.slIotiewllou si lira. W. Y. lLoblan, mon Allen torenonolsilsr 0@ sud danghtor lreieglcka, of Chicago, ult o t are arulding thé aumuor vitt lMr. H. rulluvOn junedlnAuhis oye. ba neaniy recoveno vt& bis slgbi. w Neva reates nse InoluPrutesisul ià s onpilal aeue-*W* Utlouis, ltai Roy ami e *Ibb lieas ve11iWM #1liphoileSvon. % 1 WAUCONDA. A. U. MulIen vas a Wsukegan visitor .Xouday. 1Frankt iGreen, 0f Nunda, Bundayed aà bomne. FW. EvaUnnWu a Wauconia viâitor . xV uhes %-a a Chicago Vit§itor on Titurady ia". M.5.Eugit, o1Barrington. vas tu Sows Suuday evening. J. .W. glbert vas on the treets o C*ieago, Moaday lent. *W ebella Orace le visiting ln lte dwS US preuosi vrillug. Un SbII ok f Elgin, inte guest IL A. Goding and P. H. Malmnan tRatIfteod business AnuAniiocit Wed. ne4ylutS lira Arthur Kirvin. Fox Lako, vas té»eguesof bot siothet, lira. Mille on UmnOMM.. Eoyold, of Engievuod, la avsuding tbesunmer wiit ber unle, ýs.. Reeuolda. 'Theodore Wells and family, of Chics. r, bave beet visiting vit old friands 0bthepas woeit. Dum Taylor, of Misaouri, bas been An VauMoabfor the paut veek vlalting vift old miaula. ' ils. Jesulo Wright accompanled by ber &%UILMr licCoiuMin A apnding a lev dffs ln Cbicago. M iss Dulay (rovenor bau been ai Avondalo, for te peSt feu days as the «mesS of lMr. Spencers family. Mir. MoGity and famiiy, of Engle. y od açbosrding wtt MineaMary Olyoi e ber summe home, Meadow Albert Ileynolds, who bas been apendilR tbepast week ai home rtsrmel Mosday to resume bis work et Vain.. 1 iss Alice Eoney le spanding ber stiarner vuac tio ihome itaviag apent te lest yesr atieading achool An Mn. &id lMra.B. A. Goldiug sud lMr. aq4 » lira. a.Golding vers cllel An Upua, Thurd lubt An sec teir MusaiMlr. Blnner Who le very il. t.e M. 'W. A. piae i i b.beld ho" . Evoryona corne sud teip ebis lb.largest gatherlng te WOQMbave ever ba lAn te coouty. Ct barles BMer and iss Cara le.yvute uitel Anmarriage ai Wslotâ, bWin., $une 28,. 1696. Mr. -Ad àlk speni a ev days n Mioâ4 «Au r viob Sbey reiurned Sa Swur a seoos on Wedne& sd gave a pieuSela John Ecitertoon'a grove ei LAite Zurlei. The day sud sunround- Anga belno s plemsst a lerge numben Oeu» mm«esotansd enjoyed SbBlvss am oftiY Pienicers a a. lu te afinaooua gaîne of base bal vas P al btm a SteBarringion aud Wauofle Somma. Ttey onlu played ivo tarniage Sitescore bain# 12 An 2 in faYor oS Waucouda. Dr. Kaumk a in ânMg *je dore qmoda malea Iv doe letsc. u F m Edmi alt. formerly of D~ apeuiles" Fndy Witb ohi bore. Seey fou n g miFImu Wankegau Shia vomIt.i Mma.W. a. Inust as rotumu Maywood mter a 1ew da"u vift uq ber fotiter Mr.. L. P. Todd. Thte Y. P. S.8. ., of Ste ter")huh * gvea lbu L. P.Tod& Frie ening. 1Our barber meS rut a serions dent lest Wedaosda. Wb"i g~ uandor a feues ho abulued bihm s bsdly es te cause an operasio noeeuusy. He vas taou te a bospital, mud la getting idalo el " Pus e s icd Word &lm# Stel Pilec séa b. quiokir oured withub M operaticu by Siey qplylng ]DWÈ Witch Em eSlve. for smie by Y. » Loveil, LIbSet7l@4 ,G. C. EobugSN Waueonda. lira. luhde bah,09 Ibis plae,1,W rta heu In the nigit vth.r- r nahn@sd t ahé a 1050 bberry cordial but goS 1IBOe ef tian amunt tome' toe scIf 11184 thiug lthat would belp ber. 1 a botle f Obamberiaius Oo0= Cholera and Dlanrboes B erd the firaS dose reUeèved ber. A4etk of our nelghbors bail. boom di aboutsnt a mail@Bdba M U"l*u remaedies for dlarbos but kePioS worse. 1 sent hlm iisMaM re i Only four doseof 15 weremfqure cure hlm. He mye b. oves bis rqà rcovery t tis"1vonderfui rsei7e tlKra. Mary, Sidney, Mii. Foriasb F. B. Loveil, Libertyvile, sud 0.O Roberts, Wauoa REAL UTAT TRANSPEES AdfAdsr-O *À"dBrune. a a butk?0SothWae a ........ à WIiatober au<vt ltss~Lpe C hft IWk 1.andxt N uI C F Liuiman sud w te HaraiOe P~usLet IL4J wka e -M c charlotte fM Oribb pt ai SeC mhs Jh son1t8Cribbs au2 Othe 1sa4 nw54 824410q 0.................. . 13oaentdGe Prt... ChIasseTitis &bTrut c. e i~~ louer Il masu"d aSuIr? asesui deed ............................. marriag Lones rCharles TtirIlMnT*o.. Lena c Bab aodae.... ADMINIBRnTOt3SA= Orm-, <DI ublie no la by giventhabw! tue of doetlondicfsep "(t entred -bY-Abe ioay~ US

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