CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 31 Jul 1896, p. 1

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__ I~uuî4g ~ufrpe: Vol. IV. No. 42. Libertyville, Lake County, Illinois, Friday, July 31, 1896. $1.50. in Advi gaturdaYacf euch moath. Vlltlng brethern eOrdlallY vclomeId. W. M. IIRATU, M. W. P. H. BROWN, Sem Dr. Charles Calloway. Office over LovellsDrug Store NOUES PROI TO 3 AMI) 6 TOCFM P. X. Libertyville, - llinois. Office over Triggs & Taylor's. -Horus- 7 te 10 a. Mn. 2 te 4 and & .te 8 p. m. Resîdence on lireadway opposite Park Dr. E. H. SMITH, DENTIST. Office over Loveli's DrugStore ]ROU&8 t12 a.m. and to ;P. m. DAIL?. Libertyvîlle, Illinois. Dr. A. L. TRAVIS. BOV18 TlL S A. M 1 TO 3 AND 7 TO 8 P. M. speclai attention paid 10 the treatmnt of Chroejo bumatisim. Rocke1ýeIler, - Illinois. 0. F. Butterfield M. D. C. JVETEtINARY SURGEON AND LiENTIST. Mies LuLu M. S. PrNNilmAN. VOCAL ANDS ALSO OCLIMARTE INOTUNNTA. .SYSTEMIOF. ,..muoic... I.ELOCUT ON. am METBOs, MOS? ERASORABLE PRICEL Lbertyvtlle. Ilinois. MISS M. ALICE DAVIS. radmae of Americes Cemwwetorg S et Jiuaie. ' VOICE CULTURE AND NARMONYe Lîbertyville. llînole. Dr. E. V, HARVEY, DCNTIST. f Crown, Bridge ad Ph". W.rk a sp..,îaity b - OPCIOURSh G rayslake - Illinois PAUL MAC GUFFIN. Attomuty iîd Councellor at Law, NOTARYPUBLIC. is'ulattuton giecu to Ie i<asaaand OffIce with Lakce Courîty 82« k. Libertyville, Illinois. For a few days rakre I)argaifa. i ui ll,.usr auce. L.oR114Etc Will <ld~ouîr N.îturv pliliv W(,ak ilu geu0I isty le - ilîil.. 3 l u i t.- (,ive John J. Longabaugh Birîu's,, . Grayslake Illinois. H. P. EWING M. D. Rockefeller, Ili., llî'sidenepaut j. E. llcUi'. Otllve - )îîîî.ite lhe1it. 11et r-4 9 A.l.Al. 1Iot 2 1'. M. Afis.r 1W. M. UNION HOTEL. WIIEELING - ILLINOIS. FIRST CLASS HOTEL. .. . HaIf-way House. . . Belweeni Chicago sud the Labos Cyclists Headqluarters. Good accoeuaodetioias for trcvelers. John Behm - - - Prop. LAÀKE COUNTY BANK .... Wright, Parkhurst & Co. Libexilyville, Minois. -- Issues lnterest.EBearing Certificates Payable on Demand. NOW IS THE TIME TO NVEST IN LAP DUSTEIIS. ALIGHT HARNESS?ý Yon vii 500D n eed FIy Nets and oreCovers. Iyou travei and nieed a Truuk, or e, Valie, o amy atAgl = -i )y it r Robbaie Tii.I. M. B. Colby & Ço'8. store ws broken loto Tuesduy Uight and the robber or robbers seeured tbree or four dollars tu change for their pains. Noies were bore<l iu the top pu»of the back door andl a plece rernoved vl>ielà admîitted oft a bar being liftftd aud the door opened. Once inside it vas an easy matter to break the nioney tilla, but fortunately a tili (intainiiug about twenty dollars waà ioverlook4.d, the two tillo that vere bjreken iute holding but littie change. Tlîeite petty roliberles seenui tu oeur at fre- qîlent Intervals, sud mercliauts voult do veillk> keep their money lu theli safea, as the crude metiîods used 1> the lutruders indictes tlieir ability tc extend no further Iban breaking open frait money dravers. Marrleti aI Waukeaha. Last Wednesday Jnly 22, ai Wankeaba, Wie., occured tbe marriage o! Dean Aynsley, oniy sou ot Mr. and tirs. John Aynsley, of Dianiond Lake, Ii., sud Cors A. Burdick, youugest dangbter of Mr. aud Mrs. H. L. Burdlck, o! Rockefeller, 111. At the saine lime and place Jesse Porteous sud Mabel Hulibard, o! Ivanboe, Ili., were uniled lunhmriage. These youxig people left Itockefeller on1 the 10) o'clock train Wedluesdav merning sud at 6 ueck ln lb. evenlng tbey entered the liaricrs of the 11ev. Webster Miller, pastor e!fIte M. E. churcit, Wankesba, where a very pretby ceremony was performîed Tii. bride of the formîer couple bis !o<r the Paàt tbree yeare been a resîdeut of Rockefeller and during that tirnie his beeome a great favorite ot the people of thal village. Sbe tis been un ardent vorkem lu the eburch liaîd hel an office mn the 1. O. G. T. Dean Aynsley ié St pressaI euuployed ini the gmocery store tif F. A. Brewit, St R<ockefeiler. HIe i., a yourig iîîîaîîo! leafsing a<ldres ansd la likedl aud ('SteeDle< by al] who kiî.w and Mrs Aynsley vill for the pîrescrit ie aI home vith the lrl-va part-lts, Rtockefeller. The seconud bride has for years been a resideut 4il Ivaîhue as s R180 the groom. They are botfl îiglily eoteemed lîy Iheir uiny frîcudi, aud priomiaunt memabers <iof the Cea gregationl ebchof .!tlat place. MIr andî Mrs J'urt-eeas -xiil niake their homne ut l',aziloe. Knats Tled by Machilner>,. Ilinaavenitions o)liti nla F i~ii li l pi t the pressiet rate. tlt,' day uuîuy slîeelly coane M heu rimai a III hive . l% i ti, !eldvd armswhle lus î%iîrk uiiui i-ieu bis pleasures are tuuruv.d ,fitul I r iîiînj by nickel lunlthe slî, t i.iîu, e i. e, liasi ah' giveun1as a Msr. eIliuthe i luape <if a icsrd-eî iumi a ugmula iwe if ithe tuuust iiutuvstiiîg alittiilaat îîImN Mlurli îîg %wil iiai tlie limitusailfthe 1.In1ile.d States a lre îîa)e uss'4d by the govermi ilat for uluuulu iii g aund ty ing postal cari s ii tuî 41u1"]lI imuuî<les. These raahiaies îere umadie in Cîîuneclicut, sud tIilt two ire cedPaLale îf V0aaiiting 5F00,000 viarî s iii tel) heurs anad îrappiaig anu« tyiaîg tile saie inîu akiîge.u o! 25 meil. lu tlis uipvraltil tIiepaper lî lilleuloffult diru milI <y t o 10119)alg 'lîugrs' wh ii-I coul unieup frein lIf lv, auî i l îuît lier tliigvr -ýilpainiiluî >at ofut mu'ilage aî ilPPlies itseif <>the Mraîijîiiig pilier ii Fexàfîlv tberiglit bluot. (itller parts et the nîîiaetuitîe thie paper anîîaîaîd tIie paek of cards snd tiau a t.tlliiîib, presses lîver tbe sieot v lire the nînciLige is, anîd the packade l.4 lirevui uPoil a carry bell ready for îillvery.- Ex. Notice. Thene wili h. noe ecliuive igluts let fîr tlue Dining Hall or tue Creain Privileges ou the LaIke Cotaty Fair Grounds Ibis comnig fain. On the con- Irary auyouo can have s pris ileguet nunuuing au eating stanid or sahîivilege of Rellig ile. ream sud soda vater,sanie plan as other privileges. Oui Satuir- daRy August 8, 1896, ut 1 o'clcck sharp at lbe fair grounds, Warren YI. Heatb yl iI. Rocelve bids fur celiice i tocs tien o! priviicged durfng tlie tain. 2aid. ill aielet the exelliie riglit o! clîecking bicycles. 3rd. The exclusive iglît (et alling score cards o! the races. Bide on lb. Jol privilege iulîsI be sealcd sud i ltIhe laud8 of île secretary betorert h. above date anîl hour. Bide vii lie for cash, cona muission or hotu together, sud privilegi. Will biet 10 lte u highe8l responsîble bidder. The rlghî is reserved t.î releel any or ail bide. And 10 Irasactelncb othcr blia- nasa as Mnay PmoefFly lie doue et Ibi> NELSON THE VICTOR Wlns Waukçeaan Road Race. Ai. r lath. o! Chicago. Geta Time. . Fred Nelson et the iudepeudeut 1Cycliîîg <Clob, of Chicago, WonI the 1Waiîkegau road lýac 'e lu 32:45; Bert [Lanyeu, cf Noirthî Clieago, second, Ltinie -'12:5i2; Iluftus Kellogg, t)iJrd,time 3'2:15j; Ell lunian, tourth, time 30:49. AI. Flalli, of Chicago, secutred the time prize, goiog the, coursp lu 30:16. The day wax fair. Thîe rain the niglit betuîre lîad net put thje readas in such shape but that scraping sud a littIe work maude theui good. The city wax tbronged witl CYc'lfiats Whe came lu on tiieir wllîelx and the trains. The race va8 givemi under thie direction of the Waukegau wheelmeri sud Ihose who bave liadt the race ln charge aud te viloniall tlhe credit la (tue are: lteferee-S. D. Talcott. Judgeii-F. C. Bullock, Wm. Wbyte, M. Bruce Itagan, Fred Badismu. Timers-O. H. Heath>, Bus Woodl- ward. Assistaut Timiers -J. L. Brewster, B. G. Biowney. Starter- W. F. Weiss. Ilandicali1îer-C.- P. Root, Chicago. Chairnian Raeiug Board-A. M. Wbit- couil. W. F. Wviss, F. C. Builock, B. G. Blowney. Chairnan l'rize t<enîmitteeW. 1 Lyon, it. M. Imîgaîl.s, Cal. Reid. What DO You Thlnkc? Wlille on ail sidesi we hear 16 to 1; free co)ilage of silver, and other per- plexiug expressimois, uny flot aok our- Lselves a few qlu'stions? We are a sililfle People. W.. waut plain facta. LWlî.îî me go to the. polls we want to kneow what wve are voting for and not us'ý tlhe peDcll 1111<er the direction of mollie politival bes.4. If silver, colned frec vîll lie goed fer lus, ve vant it. If it will lie a detriluent, we don't walit it. At the presielit time a silver idollar lx worth 53 vents taken at the niarkt vaile et the metali t contains, whlil Molild inaike the ratio about 31J te 1. If gohi and ailver '<tre accepted by the Ullited States iiinIs ait their true mnarket vailles, wî' %()nid have 31j Onpes oft ilivcr takcî ii lbth. me Price as eue ounice of goid. By a lîmiited coulage et the metal the Goerniiielit bas maiuhîînced the ratio 16; tel1. Thîe truc ratio being 31J k> 1, with lulllnited I ree coinage eofilver enu v maintain the 16 te 1 ratio? If goeM is geod euough for Englarld Gerniauy, France, Spain and Anatria, ils il iot good for us? Or do we waut te be piaced on ani etqoal swith the free silver countries, Ilidia, China and ilexcie? Wolildlîît it be a good plan to, iay up e WARRENTON GROVE. ceiliIIgepeopie vin, liuy buliioni take y M.Tooey i viitin fijend init tlte i milut and double your pile. H .arvaerldl 111.îîe s10 If J"1111 P. Atgeld thluks sîlver good P. L. BengS lîttîle aîîu î wh bas be"u enougi tir bbc vag.earner, and quite iii le luwly recuiveriug. aivis-m thent le accepl il, svliy does J. Sebastian, o! Chiiago, spent a lhe itake the~ tenants lu bis bîuilding few days bere w 11h E. Gibbons. in Chicago aigu a leas e 10puy hlm lu *Miss Mamie RYai speut a feu' days geld' 1 n Waukegan wibh lier sint, Mrs. F. Free slver advoeales say -the prie. 1Lodesky. e! everytIîiug vuuld double." ouid 1tir. aid Mnb. J. Smoith, eif Chicago> are ÉaPcnding a fkw uceka witb relu>.. gesidubiile? tives hert. Iltew long would a silver dollar lie Died-July 2o, lizabeth Irene, wurtil a dlollar if yen eould buy the infant daughter uf Mr. sud Mrs. billion for 53 cents sud have l minled Frank Burke. fre, Mi. aud Mns. Everett Marsh arc elitertaiuliug a large nimuer of trienîlsMIL U N froni Evanjuleai. ILU N Mr. and Mný. Wni. HnI.chinsonî arte Mis-s .-,îînie Thon>lis enîtertaiîîîîg s visting their daugliter et W-,i3tert"fi end titis week. union Junctien, W. dl1,,s N4Barrie Bradley, o! Somersq, jm H. Dietnieycr, eif NVatkegan, sud il sîng relatives ber.. Frank MeG;ueni.%s, e! Ghlcago, sîp-ît Mr. Ed lamteson. of Lake Forest, Tuesday here vith G. chevalier. alielt Sanday ut Miliburu. Mrs. E. Reartiey, et Chicago, Mr. andl M"r. W. Ji. Rose spelit SUn.! spending s fev uvek's lîcre asth Rdy with !iedds at Gages Lake. guest ef ier cousin Mrs. H. Mccaumi. Ms E. T. Taylor bave __________g-U.tolumichigai oun a bicycle leur. LEITHTON. Missi Mahel Butiner eultcrtaiued s Ilunuîter of fricaîds Tuîesday atterîîuou. rlopa regtî uteIUili SeVeral froiî Ibis place attended the arouîîi lire. licYele race ut Wankegiun Isat satur- luiecar us~tI sllsîîty ar.rivcd day. liere latit Saturday.Mc.JuuBuîr setraig Ageuit F. E. Glaseoeu1%,a4 inî llecke ier aiJohnlio"e isees Do go tîeler lust îeek ou blili". s. l'er infla. teMsssDdgu MIra. .John li. Of Chicago, vi8iLîul lIrs. Iisrry Eusden and chîldreu, o! lier sîlu, lRobert Lill, and faly lust Marnie, la., are viiting bler nother, week. 1Mci. James Bomîner. Mn. IH E- Firsteiiî uaid faiily, of! Mis Blauclid Yle rtturuled t> ber Ccagpl 01 aei si'daIls tote rilr' tnlu inSoujers, alter s)euding suume cuuaîîlv etdays.tuiîe viaiîîug relatives sud frîeuds C. F. Nullta 5peut Siiuîdy in i Wua e. gaum i tli F. E. Stewart, iià.pet-toi. t,- ý Amuiuag (Chicago visitors Ibis w.'ek the E. J. & E. litIliat polit. Nlr. Cummitngs snd larence(, Misses frans n te eltroa ar (ela(.,! atie Vandevere, Addle Pollock sud quille badly cin acciîîult i..(simîkilugKL.Sih of thue resu bed ut Lake Zurich. 1 Illie M.- S. andu L. Clubs social, wlîlcb Mr. Jts lm.N atigiel.Supt. Of Cars *8 Maste lbave. been given the 24111 tif Ou the ciceiiu entraIl lailroad , .1uml. ast Postpoucd lidetiiteiy. called luuîi Crlii.euý(tor C. F. N uaui uî frfture date. last .Meilay. IMirs. lcAlister, o! Waukegamu, av- Mias Eîî. W eysiuî unsie gaicauet ,f! cuuiulaaied lîy Mrs. G. B. Wheelec, 1ev. Misas Mittju uliGrace UluithLS. %N. Clîldester sud kir. J. E. Baggett week, nîtîîîriu lau g t te rliebulîe ili vusited Mîliîrîi fricude Meaîday. Chicago last I lumrstay. ElO' "lue lie% lau ted < uc-k i ug planit of tiun. E. Jî. & E. nauîwav it îîîls place is eii N. E. LIBERTyviLLE. pietedt. This muikes qbile aiiaUprov. .'Mr. andi Mrs. Sage visiled frieî,in i nient to cuir little, village. Libertyvillu batI Sunday, Mr. IL. E. Jeiikiuis, operater for tîî. Mn. Ilerman Elfering vilqîteil tricaida E. J. & IE.. ia, lîeuu tnalsfua'ned te Cli-. i)NerîlhChîicago Sunday. is noIw sîorkiiig mightuî bure ua ;a pieusaut cailer Tbursday. Thie ladies Ot the Diaaaond Lake Mn. anîd Mrs. C. Hemel enlertîîiued CellletmrY Asaeuiatieuu Wifl meet at the tniemids fromu Chicago, lbe latter part home ot tra. Hemnry 08t, aIDiamoud <f at weck. Lake, %Vedues3dumy, Aug. 5, inatead of Mr. and Mrs. Wacbeîîfeld sud Miss Alig. ';, ounuccOluit Oftlte WO"dmn Augusta vislted at Mm. and Mrs. Epkcr plcnte it %Wuiucouuia. one day Ilack. Chas. -loues, imterlocking ilispector Mr. Eligman, e! Mo., a former for tlie E. J. & E., had the misforluaîc reident, o! Lake county, le vlsltiug o! loiiaîg îetb of bis luxes hit Week. fnleaîds lu Ibis vlcimîty.E They escaped by gnasvlag a bide lu thein cage. One et theni wîîs killed by Messrs. Laiuk sud Brinieken, of tb. 7.49 passengen tiaiîî. Clucinuati,were visiting frieuda Ilutbtis Theorica o! cure nîay lie discussedîlvillity bhe fore part of the veek. At leugthb ly phYsieians, huit the H. Finuciibbn sd W. Speliniant sullerets vant qîîiclî relief; sud oui. attüniued the dance at the pavillon at Minue Couigl Cure wll give ilte N ortit Chicaigo boi Saturday ulghb. tilheul. A rate cure fer chidren. Il la *Dent trille avay tinte viten yen '4the oîly liarîtiîless eîiedy thlat have choiera niorbusl or dlarrnboea. produces imniediate result.' l'er sale, Figlît thiî uIi bgulgv lîyF.B. Lovell, Libertyville sud G CinWts îîl t. ho ia ure.Yuit Bolirtal'.Viotîîda.dont bave t<î watt for resuits lisey are inistintaiitucots sad lb leaves tue hovels t 300 iuîndr,.d Clippuer(Dow calleu l laibtltliy condition. For sale liy Iniauiih No. 4 Ilowurs) have been i tl F. B. Lovell, Libertyville sud G. C.t by G. H. Scliaiek lu Lake County lie)trt4, %"aucondla. the average coi lîeixîg less Ihan tel, cents each, per year, for repairm. Important Notice.v rliey are simple aîd (ilirable. Bny WmiviM. Heabb, aecretary of the One. G. H. 5î'HANCK SON, Liberty. Laike Ciuaity Agriculural Society, ville. wilI acceivo bie for bras baud ser- ______ _____vice lit the Lake County Faim, Sept. 16, t Fuor lbe National Conîvention, 17 aîuîil 18, aise blde for one iay'a Bot. Republican League tu e lie ld utaice.Ai.proposilous muaItlie la bie a ï-lïïvake" Augut 25, tu 27, th C. M.* bauds- by Auig. 8. ~&b P, . I. Ce., ylsoit excursion s..., 2,ah OnRe Ie a d a cle ,ýi n ttsm",.h a'i vors lis t uaed by lndigeatl t t I WAIJCONDA. L. Price vuas sclty visitor Tuesdai Lewis Grovenor, of Grayelake. vs lu lovu last Wednesdey. Arthur Cook speut a fev dayB i Waukegan lait veek. 5, W. Gilbert and mother were il the colty one day laut veek. Wni. Skinner and daughter Allie, c 1vanhoe,W.ere in1 town Snnday. Win B&con4 0f McHenry, vas l tovn on business Thursday last. 8. Goodvlnu bas been apeudlug thi week vfth IL B. Duers and family. Geo. IF.]Pratt vas on the etreels o Chicago, the fore part of lst eek. Migia Spencer, of Avoudale, li the guest of ber frlend Rosini Reynolds. Mrs. Eavson, of Waukegau bau beer npeuding a fev days willi friends ir our village. Mr& Brigge, of Rockefeller, speni lest veek visiling with ber daugbter, Mrs. J. E. Gainer. Misa Ada Butierfieî.j, o! Beividere, im spendlng the veek as the guesi of E. Green and faily. lng ber asmer, Mrs. Chapnian,from the city lte past veek. Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Welle and son Dean ver. the guesîs of E. Green sud temliy on Wednsedsy. Mrs. Sanford snd son, of Englewood, are vlslllng vlth the former'@ parents Mr. snd Mro. J. S. Reynold's. Miss Laura Conrtney vho bas be attendlng the teacher' lustltute at Waukegan reburned Weduesdsy. There vas a lavu social at Mr. S. Wlaon's on st Wednesday evenlng for tbe benefit of the Rosevilie Sunday achool. The. many frieuds of Mrs. Peter Johnson vililibe shocked to heer of ber death, ici occurred aI ber home on Sunday mornlng J uly 26, 1896. Mine Irene Roney and ber frieudB, the Misses Wuft bave been speudlng th pust week vllh lb. former's parente, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Itoney. What la the cause of J. W. joýoksh amllng countennce"? Wby a 11111e »... yd Mouday nlght and o! course bis face cant belp but look auuuy. The St. John Episcopal choir arrlved lut Wednesday aud la nov camping on the banks of oui lake. Tbey spent aLt sunimer here sud enjoyed tbem. slveas O mucb Ibai this sprlng tbey purehased a lot aud viii make Ibis their mumumer resort. Mrs. Wlllieniaon, of Chicago, bas geled s aclam lu elocution, delsarte, bhysical culture and volce culture. ell ia an able teacher and it vould be wonil fOur young people Iook ad. matage o! Ibis opportunity to improve;thier talents. The Royal Neigbbore viii f umuish meaug for the M. W. A. plculc, Thurs- lay Aug. 6. Arrangements are. belug nade 10 Inake tus oun.eof tbe largeât ýInIe ever held lu tbe county. The Foreaters from Pebble camp vho !apluredlte prise at Jsuesville ai the W.W. A. picnlo aI that place vii lib iere and give an exhibition. Don't li" the pieutc. Garlandes greve la LANGENHEIM. bad, Olive sud 'harles Don'& forget the Woodmau picolo aI defeudanta. 1,Clarnue Wancouda Aug. 6. .11estate. w 1Il1fr. Carey Frck made a business Aagiit. A, 1 tripto B ingon tis wek.aftcruooaî of tnp > Brrlgto Ibs vek.the court hoi Mr. sud Mmm. Frank Kelmey vislted Coanty of La] the latter% Parents lent Suuday. ul ent Mr. L. Clifford in Iuskiug hay rieur w'li ad mi the FOX River. Have you good tines, of er deah i i Lute? estate, tu-via: LuiLSrljitso! Fre' Mr. Strohback, o! Ibis place, b1 as Baînan ai nioved 10 Banrington lote 1h. Hilîs daughter. île( bouse. Comuiencîri Milwaukee .A Min Laura Pederson attended a sud Tveaaty-1 Party Bear Barrington st Wednes- eue-hall <sua>i day eveung. Eutcorner4 day venug.ButIon's Subi Mi« Cota Daviu vîll beach the Townihp Fý Flinut Creek achool next imter. W. Eleveu (fi) 1 shovu by the are glati 01lt, Coma. oMlue o!fsaid Mr. G. Kioitm, e! Arlington Heiglite thuennrti Nursery, and frieud, nmade s pleaure Milwaee ram trip 1o0 GaaLake Shuday. rode: thenee thnaorth line Mr- J. Gale gave a Party b bhis (8) roda to tIhe !nieude snd nelghbors last Satunîlay IB oteN8111 veing. Ail repr a good tîie aodsa.ideaà te CarolineJ LAKE ZURICH. lnteN J ehunl11e Porb I nlaable k> be out again. g No dood ora F Mrs. Selp Vliled aI Palatine Salur- paschmar or ap day.Counyurt.g Campera are fumerons about lte. Dated Wauk lake-CLÂRANCJ lakc-the estateof!Il Wiil Hall, o! (lmer, calied bers Bunday.394 H. Reru vas item. fron> Lîbertyville Ssturday. A DMINISTI Chas- Meyer vasb hre fromu Hunley 1Ilinois Co this eek.Court of ILai Ibis eek.hereby givon Teddy Ficke la visitlug lunCcao orden of sale ut prsent.h ca o ainty court ily pfresent. Auguel Bergman called beme le~ aýtIg hip week Satuiday. s . Cim a There va s tP sty g ven o u Dym ond'a en. Mat r. la w u S a tu rd ay . to nenM a y' . < Manrlou H. G A et ehoeit Snday morulg for MationA. MiC bbc ~ ~ ~ n vemn.sdRomuusld1 John Deekson le vachng ightu eai1. Clarenceo the R. R. treile. e! Austte il tI s-ra . C. B i o h ua sse, o ! C bi 'sg e, la fore noon of am vis tig he m parents. t2urt bu se Ja A nov barbetrslop in blg ftted up ion uuveueh I Now evcrybody oan gelaihtàvod. whi..imaslWs The R. R. comapny are bvlug greal rsl.u or hi. L trouble ut the big treshle, vork. Th,~ west fon H. Swcranbau gene s<îutli L e nll,mt searclî ot s position lu a creauiery. (1î#ee5t ut tIi. Vou n uev lati ljla not te eux y10 o hLakeIl& 7. t g et ead y for t b. L b ç rty ,Ii . w 'b 'a , Don't forget b te o& làMe eting for REAL ESTATE TRANS" Y. Pnom VAUREGAN AdaDBAdaMoste Thoan M4la lots 1, 2 sd 3, blk 67 Southwas4 ,~gawdeb~si~s............ James B NOUbS trustse toe41 t Is 41 and 42 bil 10Bo-th Wsuke d e e d J u n e ii.2% B . . . . . . . 8 âl mad w te JohU JeVteHolmes to Nevell C Kuiglît n 86 South Waukeg"w l........ FW Ganse et elto Maria L Aralsos It 13B 35SouthbWaukeMauw d. e James B O«NeU guardian te JohRV. Lonaleul< uvi< 184812W...«.ý Ch Cle E$immons andwto BenlL, w ......... ........ ........ ... a roline E (iruber to Andrev Pi a Johnson panrt l2îblk 1and 9 ft It VoIianY'asubit of It 2 bik 1mxe 2nd add te IAttie Fort w d ...... Q James T Mia nd v to IRobert lBay i PartIt 4 14-44Ilw d ....... Elizabeth MeMananan t ngella1 Howard Part ît 6bik 4M4caY % MO~ t add to.Ltte Frt wd ............. James E Holeolmh and w te WlilaM - Stuckel Srl2blkt4town ofHoloceMb (nov Bockefeller> ................ Harveat Excurlohm. lu order te give everyon. opportnully lteme tbe grand eoü the Western lstes sud ehabw,4 intending Botter te secure a h. Chicago, Milvauke. <&St 1Pauil Q ~ arrangd teo mn a serins 0fI 1excursion@ te Sonuth sud North MI and 10 other states lu vest, norJ. ad souh-wesl ou the followng i Juy 21, Agut 4 sd 18, eplembe 15, 29 sud Oclober 6 and 20, at the rate 0f Ivo dollars more Ibm oqer for te round trip. Ticket@ vig, good for return on auj Tn«esI Friday vitItin tweuty-one dan~ date of sale. For rates, ime 01 and further detaila appy te any agent of the (Chicago, Milvauke. Paul Ry. Mr@. Rhodie Noah, o1 thus place, takeu ln the n g t ihi or a palis sud the next day dlarrhMe. lu. Sh. 100k half a baIlle of bl lerry cordial but got no relief. then et 10 me te see If 1 "d thlug that vouid help ber. 1 sent a botte of OamberMln's 0 Choera sd Dlarrhoa emedy. the lirai dose relleved ber. AJo; o! ouir neighbors had been .1*t abot a week and bd tried d q remnedieas for dlerrhoea but kepg varie. 1 ent buIbim ai OnlY foui doses cf1l vetreque cure hlm. He sas be oves b covery te Ibis vonderfial ru4 Mrs. Mary, Sidney, Midi. For si P. B, Loveil, Libertyville, snd G,ý Roberts, Wanconda. ADMINISTRATOR-8SBALE: Biais û A "I ru County of Lake. a& ta la l Pulie utioels hereby giVen thèt by i tue of a dedretal 0ore of "o and entered by the ounty !f Lake County..on the ireit av .of Z sl Ake sud Bate etthe là h e Kariba Badml an the follola IL subect boy d adman. I ie o ueseftda IATOR-8S ALe-. iuntyaof Labkea% la t le Couty. bIl le aboe an eo pendin 'hersin onSld d ý 1 0

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