CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 31 Jul 1896, p. 6

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CHAPTEP XXUI.-(Canlîno.t.) Tie day tiavned upon the plateau; a tev etra#gglig raya of the sunalînigninal- ed the grat glacier ahane andt urned iiU dueati gw »sov anal le. 1.10 a pure, vanl vwhite, wvile e .mlta reliaitiavay tramn th ibli ntalns keping valc h ane; &adti leqw.og the .1.51erglacier, anti ut the etigeotia nantn crevasse, lar the Tv.wo oeroetin ven the. pags te meel- & ý'of af-floutain clunhrs, re , teaa~>-uIB*et Idava, anti alîlln dowiT. i D-e.tlweante estca l pece ai brec&»isâ,a dranght oi coiti coffee, aairZ e 4h: jin haide l. 1 *ik auIt "enTIý lb. one ai ta thie otheÊr "«Il meaba deti,"bis campmanne- plieti, "th.' railhng lalinoken1 Saie nen bas falleun2' Siovhy and cnreiuilly, anti eacl bolirg ta one af lie upriglil postalier pe.reti aven anti davn on thie glacier, andt dere tiey sav vial vas iyhug hlav. A vhisperet vocal auflieti, a direcion givenhy oeotlathie oher, anal these hardy uotntaîneers ver. desceudifir the moraine, dlgglng their sticks decpyi m lie tones, anti gradually vorkifir their var kiifuliy ta the glacier. "Ilaebcicuti, Cari?" the an. asked ai bis trient, via aloopeti aner d'o prastrale for mand feit af bis heurt. "No: bliens. now bas lie enor fallen ber. anlîhont instant dealli? Bot ho muet tic! Sep, bisa boues are ahI braken!" anti as le apokie f i iteti Smcnti'u arn aund taucieti one oa i ls r. "Whal siraii uc do vill i hm?" tic atbem àgakot. "W. nmust ramone bg. Even thh le ie ion lhe rondi, it la htten tien t louve hlmg heme. Let us take lima ta the bonse of Palier Neumann. Itlai.bul la tIc foot ai lb. glacier." Veny gently these mon litteoti hm lu them ansm, thongi not no gcntly butthlaI they vrung a groan of agany tram hlm as li.y dia! s, anti bore hbu don-n lie gacier ta vier. l enteredthe'o nller; anti tien, iavlug lautied ighlmta the pricat, via liveti ln viat w vute 1e haîen liai a but. thoy leil lin. LaIethbt aflernoan lie dyluir-un open- ed Ils oyez, anti looke uraunti the noont la whicb b. lar. AItishie etile be saw a table viti cross lad upan i, anti t the. vintiaw af hie roin an aget intesmt reading i Bneviary. aaWhere amnI" lieaketi lu Engliali. Thei ntosoe anti came totahIe bcd andt ten spoke ta lign lni German. "Ily son," le saad, "vint u-snt ai youna eau I suppir?" "Tell me viiere I am," Smortion an- avered in the saine language, "anti iow long I have ta liv." "Yon are lu my banns.,lbe bouse ai tia Cure af Sasîruts, For lie open of yaur lits noue cax anaven but Cati. But, my san. I shoulti do ii if 1 tidti uallel you tiaI yaur heure are nuinlerci. The toc- ton itoin St. Clinstophbabs seen rau." "(bine me paper anti lnk- ..My son, yau cannat vnile, ant-" "'I vili vite," himerton sait faintly, **enen thongli 1 die lui tie altempt." The Cure felt bis rigil arn, vbicb vas net broken lke d'e otier, andt len ie brouaght i hlmpaper anti ink, anti holding the, oamer up on biu Beiary befone 1he dring iman, lie put tie peu lu lis band. Anti alovjy anti paufulir, anti viti eyas thaI occaslauaiiî cloact, Suertan n-rata: "I am i ng ut lie hanse of the Cure cf BastratIs, nean tle Scbvanxn'eias Pan frnm a fitî. Tel ervase Ibat I aloie inuntereti Walter Cundali. If le vil cin. ho me anti 1 am s1111 live, I vil tell hum au. PILIP SMERDON." Then be pal the lelter in au efivelor anti adaresaca lt ta Ida Rangitan. And ene he once mare lapset luila uncanacions nom, he.4ufist4ie prieat te vnite analhui for hlm teoÉbis maher, anti tea adresa ht t mn htel aI Zurich. "Tiey viii ha seul ah auce?" ho aske faînthy. ".ïureir, my son." CHAPTER XXIV. Lt vas laIe an lb. eveniug ai lie ffi day after the ietten bai bren sent ta Idi Raugiban, liaI e mule, ieaning upan t batck Lord Penlyn anti escatetl by a guide sioppet at lhe bouse ai h, Cure oi Sas tratz. . The young man hait trancieti tram Lan alon au faut as lie expresses caulti car': blun, anti bai came sîraîgit ta> -le vilhag, lut aIhhd eutrance aifIthe Schvarxveis Pas, la indtit'afran here be cunitiouan continue bis journiey an foot ar hi mule. He chose lie latter as lb. avif test an, essiest cours-for h. vas very ired uai vomu vihtraveling-anti I lant lie ai rivet abils destination. Wien tb. irat feeling aifbrar ha, been upon 1dm on meailng tle letter Smar don bad vrhtlen, cknavhedgiug Ihath vasthIe murderer, lie bai toiti 1daRangt ton liaI le voulti nal go te ope hlm n v onsbils eahi led; liaIbils revuisiono feeling vouli ha sncb liaI he siaud anhr mble ta crs. hlm for bis crime. But abs, vils liaI genîleneas oai het thit neyer faleti ber, ple4tid ' o vlth hi ta have pity an tie min, wbo, bowvEa deep l inl bil Isinueti alan. for bhlm, ah aige lidaeed hm te go. "Remeunler," th. saiti, "liaI eve itiangi i. bas dose tuis avfil deeol, head it for reux suie; l vas flt tone tla houa !blessait Ba anal wicked as il vas,1 leat ibat ea be pleadeti for hlm."l "Yeis," hec laver aniveret, *"I se. i-oson nO. He tbhnn laI Walter ha camne beveen m7 iappi8ess anti mefi eve, anti ln a moment of pty fan me1 tidthte dd. &Ha-w ltIle lie kue me, lie Ibaugit I viahet hlm tdeatir But even as be spoie lie remomber: lhitI b. at anc. canred bia bralier, a 4àint usethlie nrv yards "I vlahIle wê *0 "Yes," I'euîru sit, speakifir 10w laian- sver ta lie aigu for ilence. "lie amlli linos 7" "Hie linos; but bis houri trav ta a lose Hati rau ual came nov ra ulnt a have taunt un m liv." "~Let me aehlm aI once." "Came. His maîber 4 vill ihm." He fliove th te Cure Int a roan sparselr fi4sbeti, anti oi unpliiiiei pin.evot; a room on vhieli lier. vau no carpel mut but Rthle funilure; andt d'oi lie samythe tying farun ai Philip Bier- don. Kureilur y lthe efude, anti prarini vileeaie sobet bilterly, vas a lady anhoun Lord Peuiyn knev ta ho Sinendan'5 mother. Sh. rose aI lia enîrunce, anti buslei tic leurs finalnhor es. "Yaur iiend bas came, Philip,"' &ho souti. A light came luto hlm ores as lie saw Penlyn standing heore hi, andt hen lu a bllowvovice ho askectberhem leane thou alone. "1 have sometilu ta say lu hlm" hs laid. "mudthlb, ime la short." . "Yen," lie sit anhan ev as gano, sud spemkiug fulutir lunavof tta Penlyn, vba saithlalid camle as qnlckiy as pos- sible, "'yes, I kuon- il. I oxpectet yau. Aud non-It an o are here eau you Ining roorseif la say thut yau forgive me?" 1 1 For anc manient lieetior beitated, thon le sait: "I turgive you. May bean' u ta d sa Ihevisie." 1 "Ai! that ula ilais d't tint makes deatb terrible! 1Bu1 liten! I muat apeal et once. 1 lua-e but a short lime mare. This la my tet heur, 1 f001 it, 1 kuon itl!' L "De nult iutres oursei viti speek- lng. Do net Ihinie ai t non." "Nol thînie ai Iii Wben have I eno: fongtton il! Came cioser, listeul I tlaugît ho lad canie htucen yon ana iMisa Raugliton forener. I nover tireemed tai tho magnaulmlty lie ahovot lu that let 1ton. TIen 1I teemînedte lakillh un-. cIlouglit I couit ta lit vithoutltil hing 1kiiovu. I dii nol go tu the 'Chaae' au ,tint marning, but, 'inaleati, tmeeket i li 2train one place la anaîber, diguset lu i suit aitanokman's clties thal I ha -bourbî snoe time ago for a iancy tires a hall I liauglit le wulud neyer leave hil club liaI fighI; but ut lest be came ouI a and thn-tieni I gnov voaker!-I dld r 1t."1 a Peulyn luntet bils beatiln bis bande ai ho listenedte t Iis recitl, sut once hb matie a sîgai as though hopging Sunerdoi ta staop, but be til t l eet i hm. "I bail viithme a tiaggan I bhnis aTunis, a long, sharp kutte ai lie kind use by lie Araba, anti I loaseneul iltfrain lù - heuau vo w entenodthle park, be val r mg a ten- sleps ahesai ot me, andi, en teutir, lhinkiug ti4ply. Betanren tia tlampa 1 qnhckoneti unrpuce anti passe( irhlm, anti thon, lumulur round sutitenl Y I seiet hlm by the coat and staîbet i i uta the hennti, il vs but lie wonk oai ,,oment aaatibclC f011inluly, exciain, auiy as le dii su, 'Mordorer!' Tien t, rive it the uppeannuceofa a monter coin milIeu! for theft, I stoopeti aven hlm uni vaencieti bis watch avay. anti as I tac! il I suiv Ihal hie vasdeual. The Watt' 8la at Occlene Chasen, n the ian-est druvu le ai my vniling tesi." kg "Tell me nu mare,"* 'cnîîn suli, "ta le me na mar." d- "Tiere la ne iur-onlr thhs, that Laam gladt l i. My ite lias hoon a cura m: ince tlat day, I sun lnnietul itlisa ats 04 ont. Est Cuffunta ual hunloti me ont ; tle glacier belov, I tbinie I must hay le tuken l viti nu avu huds.' " l .G uffanta!" Peulyn exciaimeti, "la il i ilu lion vho ia dan. 111?" "Itlaisbh! He foloveti me train Eul PIO land hoe-luaame sirange vay le v. Ida vituesa la tle mrter-vo met upu k9 lte pas anti fougît, he imxing me vit en holug a murdoen anti a lhiei, anti-anti Sah;tliAs la liee cuti" Bis ,you claseul, anti Penlyn aw 1hi edbis 1551 moment vas t haut. He callti goqtl' ta Mmm.Smentiu, au sellecame ina.tuatrowîng lienseit Ir h ite o tle bcd, loak lis haut eut kisaE il us slceanopt. 'h The Cure outeneat thlb.saine lime a: houtentaven tiura, anti tainlurthbcruelf te, train is aide, heitilit np before bis oyeq.. C,- Once tlI er ee fluet open Ponhyn vii an implorngu glauce, anti ance d'oyrneâ et on lis motion, andt len hhe clus( in fanever. -ry "He ie dont!" the prient alt, "li .pe prar for tle repose aihi@a seul.' sa Il aas a iev dasmienvandtIhat L ly Rangîban, vben uaiking up and dov îlte pallis aI Blmoul, herthde sounti adt canniage vicelsin tle noa! oulaie, ai id knev tat lier laver vai caming back a- he. ad H. bati vrhtten froun Syllxenlentisu 'r- lur Iliat Snention vas tieut, andt laI leshoulti vattaese, hlm loriot lni I -b- churcirurd ai St. Chritaph-wlene mai rnoller Engiels is via batperisbed ai lie nounulmns-unt he hai liaI moint ha tleegraphoti tram Paria la tell ber that vas comingir lite tmail, anti abouti art vith ber lu the eveuhun. mi Shie alaket i saily ta lie bouse er mool hlm, luI hefare mile couti reachi ltie ha! came Ibrougli the.Frenchli vndo et the monning roain, anti advancedi ve arda he. it ý'You bave hourdtliI h. le teati, Ida efthe sait, u'hen lebl kisseti ber. "It oi at remains for me ta tell ron tint le di peniteut anti regretling lAs crime. IIIb bI& velgieti leavily upan lin, anti lieq utd niadtelago." an-ý "Anal you fonguve hlm, Gevase?"à ho aiketi. if "Yes. I forguve lin. I couidt a rmmehr-ms I saavhlm trelciedthli real crumbeti anti dylu-liat, thliagh h. 1 anal obet me ofam ratien-ban I muâtihh ýea camle tahave, ho huti sinneti for ne.Y if furgîvones hlongietalume. I iorgi %zr~ PREAOHEi48n PftOCIVITES oi> TO) ANCESTRY. 13at, No Mater Wbat Our- Births-ight May Be, W. CanDe FaontsuantiDaugh. tocsre oti danti Helca o! Immetatily -à Gloiousa Iuh.ianc Power oifliesedity, This sermon by Rer, Dr. Talmage on beredity wyul brng ai ltamiy recordai 1810 equlitian aud leuti people ta stndy their ova praclivity lovant gond or eni, The. leat ciosen vas I. Samnuel, xvii, 58., "Whbos son art lion, thonayauang man?"' Neyer vas there a more unequai int tan liat htweu Davidi anti Goiath; Danidi 5 fret higi, Goiath 10-. Davi à aiepherti boy broaabt up anuid rural somnea, Goliath a vanrior by profession: Giollah a monlain af iraggadoclo, Du. id a manvel ai iumiity; Goiathi armoal wilh an Iran spear, Davi armet viti aalag vili sinootb atones fraun tic bm'ook But you are net ta despie liese latter vespana. A Miochîr Weauon. Tiere vas a egimeut of alîngena lui tb, Aaayt'in armi, anti a regiment ai uing- ers lb.the Egyptian nrub, andthiey matie terrible execulion, andt hey toulti cant a atone vltb as much accuracy anti fore,- as nov can hoieulenabaht or ahail. The Greeks lu theîr mnmy huti alingons anho- vouidt Iron- leaden pîniniels inscnlbeul viii the imitating vords. "Takre tliial" Baolaas a uighby n-capon Davidi cm- played ln that femons combat. A Jovial -rabbi snys d'ut lhe prabability la that Goliah vas lu sudca ntempt for Davidi -that iu a paxysiu of iaugbten hoe thmew bils beati hack ant ishi beiniet teil off. andi Davii suivthe uncovereti ioelead, anti bis opjotunity had corne, andt aking tbis slar anti svînging Il arount isi bond tva ai d'nee limes and aulning Il aI athat uncavereul toreheati cuabeti i lnl k1k. an eggsblli. The batlle aven, hoald tise tableau: King Saul sitllug;, littia Davidi standing, bis dungers clutchet loto- thebaaii ofdocapitateti Goliath. Au Saut msc Danidi sta ding there holding lu hi% S.baud the glialfy, nccking, staningr trophy, evitience ai the complote victary anai d od's cuomios, tle kinagvantions via: t.parentage n-sa bonometi by sncb lenaisun -Iandilin y taxI lie asks Davii liA poia gree, "Wose sou art thon, thon Young î TIie king sain vinttrau anti I sec, that this question ut henedity la a migbty ques- d tian. The langer 1 lino tle mare I heliona sa ln blootigooti bloati, lid blooti. praud l, ng blooti, beroic huaid, con-urtly blooti Tlii. tendeucy mur skip a genratian oa tva, but itle lurie ta comne ont, us lu i titille chilal 500 sanatimes sec a similerity lata a geat-gradiather vlase picturE Sbengs ou thec watt. That lie plysicai a mental anti moral qualities are luienllahl ktainpatent tae nan n-lu okeepa hls eyei open. Tic siniiiarity le se trikiug aune lg imes as lu lie amtîsung. tîreat familles k_ opeal or itemamy, are apitoeliane th( ,-clisnacteristics ait don-n tîrougli tie get ie crations, and whn-la smore perceptible i- tsncb familltinmy ha accu ou a smaiici acale n ail tamillesa. A thoussuti yeari h, ave no pou-en ta ubliterale tle diffenenci m aThe lange lip ai the bouse of Austia fi ]gseen iii all e generationsansd le calet ta te Hauînhurg lip. The balise ot Stuai la lvsîs menus in ai gouerataous crueitj Idandi ligotny anal senauality. wiIueu k Queen-onf Scots, waneusu Chanles I. an( h Charles IL., ainieRaJatis I. anti Jant rIL. and i al the allier scoundrels ofthtI Ue. Seatislh looti menspersusteuca *»Englishblooai neana roverenre for lih ancient, Wl»lh blooti mens religiosity Dunisb bloati meanm tontina-sfor tle sen seIndian blond measnos ring disposition an elie cblooti meana femniitui, Ranisi ta biood meaus conqaiest. Thue Jen-wihfueil ve 117 fon accumulation ynrau OY trace ce back ta Abraam, of vhom the Bibi lie seys "lie vus rici in silvor ndutgrad an cattlc," andtetaIssuaac t! Jacob, ahe ha i d te saune characteristics. Sanie familla ,as are ciarsceeixeti hy longeniry, analthe bn ave a Ienîîcity of lre positineir Mlethti lb eilali. Olienu une characteri"dti y Go. lathian stature, aud rae au sec iltfron o generutian, lana geueratuuus, ive gi--fer. ut tiona-uaait the ge-neraliaus. Vigomans theoiogy nons donn lutie lin Bdt ai tbe Alexanaicrs. Tragealy nons oni ýhe lie iumily ofthte Keimbies. Lileralut cd rus an in the uofthle Trollopes. Ph iantbropyr aus on lu tihe ut oftic W' ati berionces. Sltatsmunaiip nrus oh lu il hzUe aird'aeAdemus. Yon s(ec theso pecc L iarlties in ail generationaq. Henry au ibCatherine ai Navarre religions, ail tIi st- familles religious. Tic celebruted rtami' et oi tie Casini, ail matbematiclana. TI celebruteul taînîl! of the Melici, graul rallier, son anti Catherine,.ailiremaakab us for keen intelect. Thecelebrateti ta: is oiy anustai Aioîphua, aIl vumiar Idas Thi In f eu edity aserts itmeiiwithoi utd far yan sametiuies tindth de ignoble iii lii 10 place andthie hooablehin lobscure pia- A descendant ai Inhulard MI. s daankou or. A descendant of the LJuke of Nont 'ay umbprluntiaa lmnkuiuker. Saine a!t t lie raightlot familiesaoai Ilgantiare a the ine, whle omeof Iliase maul houai In in the peeruge go buc'n ta an aucestry an hard knuckles anti rougli exterlor. lg Whass Son Ast Thon? ho Thia law ai bcnctity la entireir Ina lependent of aocial an polilical *cautitiar ta Tien yom in-aIavarice anti Joalousy ai i~ i senutalty anti meut huvlug flsu-I aWs t ta saineilles. Th'e violent lemper ta- Pcetenick- William la the lulicitane Pfreerlck lhe Great. Itl i anIicu ta?*' foundeti by voridly pblasopby, buI nydivine atiorAîr. Do rau ual rememi ai lie geRlan ai npera an n ona tiosto ervil- «ah i.eusM.o!Aaron Dui'Cthe. libertine, vita bai for tather1 Preeldent Bm-r, tb. catiaccralmil; as lu the eas. of Flerrepant 2tiwards, tlb. ocaurgeaofNew Yorkt saciety eighty years âgo, wbo band a Chbristian ascetry-vhlle,j on the. aller baud, sarnie ai the hst mien anti vameu oi IbIs day are those vha bave caine of an aucestry af vhieb it woant alb. caurteana ta speakinlutheir presence. The practîcal anti usefui eb- ject of thus5sermon là ta ahow you thal, If yan have camte of a Christian auceatry, tien yon are soieinniy hennt ta preserve anti develop the giarlu inberîtauce, or, If yon have came af depraveti anceetry, then it la yanr daty ta bac. yaurseif agaînat lie evilitendency by &U prayer and Chistian deteMiniation. Andi You areta inti aut the famlly frailtiesu amdI la amuinrlie castie put the. stSogeet guard ai the. veakest gale. With the»se soolli atanes iram the break 1 hope ta strike. Yau, nt vhere iDavli strucit Goliath, lu the beiud, but wiere Nathan struck Da- vid, ln tie heart. '*Wiose son art thora, thon Young man T' There la sauaethlng ln U aintiaer hall- tisys ta bring ap the aid folles. I think niany af aur lhoîîgbta at sncb times are @et ta tbe lune ai "Aulti Lanig Iyne." Tbe aId fok» vere so busy at sncb Unes li makinguns happy, andi perhaps an leus resource matie their sans.anti danglters liappier t'au youoan larger resources are elle ta nire yaur sous anti daughlena. The sav lay twa feet above their graves, but they sbaok off the white blankets anti ming'et inluthe boiday ietivites-lbe sanie wriuklca, the samne slaop of shoulder tuntier the wigbt oi age, the sanie alid 1style aoftiresor coat, the samne suule, the samne toue of voire. 1 hope you reincrber thoin hotore îbey aent awny. If uat, 1 hope there are those who have reciteti ta Yeu viat they were, anti that t.hene may ahe in your bouge sanie article aoftiress or tfurniture wltb icli yau associale their rueinorke. 1 vent ta arause the moat sa- acred memorîr. ai your beart whie I miae the impasalonet iInierrogatary in regard1 ta your pedigree, -Whosé aon art d'au, thon Young nian*t" Ancentry. Final, 1Iasceont lice. who are descenatet ai a Christian aucestry. i do uat soir if r oni parents were pertect. hrue are nu tperfect people naw, anti i do ual suppose tier. were any perfect people thon. Per- *haps liere vwai sometie toa muci bloot inl their eye wben thcy chastiseti yau. But froun ahat 1 kuav ai Yeu. Yeu Igot no mare Ihan Yeu deserveil, said pen- * lips a lttle morne cliastisenieut would' h ave been salutary. But yon are, wiling d ta acknow4edge, 1 think, thAt they wauted -ta do riglit. Froni vIat yau overbeard iu -conversatious, sud train wbst Yeu saw at cr the tumlly mtai anti ut neighborboi a abeequies, yau kuow tbat îhey hai invited Y Goai jta themi eart aud lIeu lite. Ther-. Ce aas soniething tînt sustsined those aid ýd people supernsturslly. lau have nu, ledoubt about their tiestiny. Yon expect ao y ru ever gelto heaven ta meot theni as yau expect ta mccl the I.ord Jlesns Christ. . That eariy association ha Lacera a charîn oe for yoli. Thare wias a tinie nheu yenu a-gut riglil ut tronat a bou@e of iniauiiy andl flwalked out into the treali air inecaîne youi rthonglit your mother waus iooking at yî.. rs Yeua bave never heen very happay jin ii e.beeaose ait a suwc-t old tare that womli- in presa-t itself. 'Ireenulotis voire@ fruru '1 tie past accosteal you util ther va-rt t seemingîr audible, sud you loçokasrouuud tY ta sen-ho spokre. Thera n-as un etat lm nul meubloniedinjrthe lestai n-uand testa- Id iant, a vamt estate et prayar anal io:y es exam[p! anud bChristian eutreaty and giori- il oasmemony. The sunvîvors ofthle fanii! .1, gathcred to heur the wiii real. uund tha, e wa ta be kept sud tînt aas ta lie solai Y, and il aas -ahane anal sharp alike."' ,a, Bot thère naasenunwritton viii Ibmt n, mciii something like tuaq: -Iu the Dame af ID God, amen. I1,haing ut aoud mind, toe- i-qucath toanîr chladren al my prayers ft tor theïr sa:vatiion. I1tacquath ta theni le ali lhe resuits ut a ietiies tbu. 1ibho adi qneath to thou theChUlristianrelrogioau ad anhicli bas liaen au muel conitart ta me. es aud 1 hopeniay b ho uiue fr tlem. 1I ho 'y queti ta theni a hope of reainion whean th tcpartinga ai lite are aven. Sharp aina :lshure like' naay ther jiuherit eternal ne rida--s. 1 hequili ta them thten-lishthat a-tbey maya avoad my ernors sud eopy any- thing tiat msy have heen wortîr. luIn h ne Diame oai at, n-ho ma-le me. and the in Christ, n-ho redeenici me, and the flo:y tr Ohost, vho sanctities me, I maire this ni. i- lass nill and testament. Waitîiss ail yon il- hasts ot icaven. NWitn-ue t imîe; aituesn ,he oegemity. Sigucd, sealPd said deliverealin -- this anur lying houm, i'atben anal Mother.' ad Yoaualli nul gel that wiii pro)veýIl t th ir sarraîgate's office, but i taike il ont Io-1.,i iy said I eai il ta yaîî. 1 take it outtof the 'h aicoras ut saur ieert. i shako the dii.. ad- off il. i esk it Jon viila-capt that il- be heritauco, or vili yonî break the aili? mu- Reaponsibility. n.X. Oh, yeatf Christian aucestry! Yaîtîhave )ut a reponsiblity vast leYondal al mea-qure- o, ment. God nuil or let yo off nilh juin igh bing as good as oralînary peuple n-hti ce. Jou a islsueli extraordinary sdvsntiuge 't>- Oniglt nut Juil. uiy brother, ta be htter 11 having lad Christian nutrture, than tW lie man vhoe au tmniy ay this iornin. ex- "The fiast nord i remeunhor ny failla ret' speakuug to me n-us an athl; the irat tini( of 1 remnember nay tather taklng bol ut n vus lu viali: I neyer aaw a Bible tili n-us 10 be aio age, andt ten I vas tali i. vas a pack utflen; lie tireIt wnfty year ,no. ai my lite I1n-as asaciateaf vith tiq In vicions; 1 scenied ta ho vaiicd lu by-sh ng sud tdeatli " ai Nov-, my brother. oughtut ynoua-I ionv ai l as a mutton ut taimuetsu vîth jon--augl my yau net ta ho htter than Iliase n-ho bug hI nlo earir Christisa influence? Stautinu ber as you do hotw-cen the generatian that ýr- past sud the generation tînt is ta coul and le 4like - lisp' laUste lhiit- lune and the evetitsting outram* 8gned. seled andi deliveroti in thie prmeseeof Uad andi men andi angels and devils, antd ait the geerations of eartb andi heaven aud b.1l, Jnly, 18UtL" The Bleie.edMather. Oh, ye of hlghly favored ancety, wakt up this mornlag ta a senne of your oppoe tunlty and reeponsibilityl 1 think ltere mult be an oid cradie or a fragment of a cradle semewbere that coulti tell a story of midnight supplication In your bebaîf. Where le the. olti rocklng chair In whicb yau were sung te sleep witb the. hai nursery rhyue? Wiiere ia the aid clock that ticketi sway the moments of that sieknes on hbat awfui nîgit when tiie were but liii.. af you awake-you and Ucti andi mother? la lier. fnot an aid staff lInie cnelet? W. beg youn te tain avef ae new leat this very day., . 4the, Power et ancestral pletY, vell illutrated by a young mn o f New York vito attentiet a prayer meeting one nlght and asket for prayer andt leu weut home andi 'wrate down these varda: "Tveuti- ive yeremi go my millir vent ta heaven, my beautitul, blesaed mather, andi 1 bave been alane, losseti up andi doWD apan the billaws of lifiez tempestD- 'eue ocean. Shall 1 ever go ta heaven? Bbc tld me I muet meet ber lu beaven. When she taak niy band lu hersand turued iher gentie, lavlng cyez on me, mand gazrd emrfl estiY landi long luto my face, and then lifted thein to heuven iu thattlant prayer. elhe prayeti that 1 miglit meet lier inubinai- en. 1 wonder If i ever salli? My math. cr's prayers! Oh, my sweet, blesseti rnotboer's prayers! Di.d ever a boy baie sncb a mather as 1 ladt? For twenty-five years i have not hearti ber pray until ta- uight. 1 bave heard ail ber prayers over again. '1liey bave had, lu tact, a terrible resuirrection. Oh, bow ahe won vont ta pray! $lie prayed as they prayeti to-night -30 caueut, 80 importunate. so heleviug. Shall 1 ever bc a Christian? She vas a Christian. Oh, han- briglit and pure anal bappy was lber lite! She wuft a cheerful and happy Chistian. There lan m mth- er's Bible. 1 have flot opened il for years. Did @lie believe 1 coulai ever neglect lber precious Bible? Bbc aurely thought .1 would reand it mucli and aiten. How often bas @she read it ta me! Hav did the cause me ta kueei by my little beti and put unr 11111e bands np in tbe attitude af prayer! How -bas elle knelt by me and aver nie, andi I have feit bier vari nar raining dawn upon uny bande and facel ".Blesseti mother, dii you pray lu vain for yaur boy? Il shall ot lie lu vain. Ah, no, no; it *hallflot bo lu valtI vil pray for myseif. WNho bas sinueti againsi sa much instruction as I have-againsi 80 uan! preciana prayers put up la hear- eni for nie by one of the unost lovely, ten- der, pious, couliding. trusting aofunotheru in ber hemveniy Father's rare and grâce? She neyer doubteti. Slip believed. She aiways prayeti as if elle di. My Bible, EMy rnother's lBie and nMy consciene teach what I am and wwhst I. have made niyse&f. (.Pb. the bittpr pangs of an accus- ing conâsece! i need a Saviour luigiîty ta sava'. i Muat eeek birn. 1 vii. i aim an thi e a ofutciLstpitc. sand i vaun eer gel off fronui L. 1 am aafluat. Noanachor, nu rudder, nu compIa, no book of instruc- itons,, for i have put thienia nil uay frorn mie. 8aiviour oft he periihiur. save or1 j>cri-ýh. 1 ) you wonder tiat the nert day ho arooqe la rsyèr meeting aud sa id: ..My br,-thra-îi. I atit;il ha-tare you a Mon- lnuieut ot C iiinuazing nierc-y and good- na-as. 1-orcyr bla-ssa-d lm, bis huiy usmel Ail i bave andait ah i 1 cI nseerntp ta Jesa's.aMy Savi -oiau sd ny od.' Oh, thec pawcvr off aucestral praya-r! ileer itl lier it! * Heire onimlnnrtslity. But i turn.f-.r a nianient ta thame vi, ,f liadtevil parentage. andi1i want ta tellyou that the highest throiles in heaven sud the m1ggiest triumplis saidthe brigltest crowns viii b.e for thoiçe uho hadtcvil -pareutage but Whîo hy the grave of Go. eonquercd --conquered. As good, as use- *fui, as sp!iendid a gentleman as 1 ever *kae% ad for-a father a manr who d-ed blaspheiig God unilithe neiglhors hae tg put their jinga-ra in the!r cars tu ahat ont. the horror. One -t the Moist conne- itcrata-i aand usaiuil Christiain ministers of -toae was the son of a drunken barse jockey. Tii-e ofetvilinistreniendous in molrnoe faillies. Il hi like Niagara rnpids yandt Mcînéo have tiung tb a rock aud y beeu relliued. M t this woruti is ever 10 lue l-'denlzed- 59andl t nii E ai:illae ili fefct a mulie () f thue earth are ilu erogenerateal. and ther wil sone ne aisein échtamily le lne aad oîa na uewgeneal.ivai table, kllIer ViI.' auf 0tlie Jus'pi touadrisle iluth le :iiie iti reverse theevilinfiluienc of R. Uarise ini the lincansd èrayv-iacthe cvilini hluetîce tai Buthslba. L'îrhspéthie t, oft bao,, May point do-a iî lu Jour manger i'er!iapà yoii are te lac the hero, or- il ne hi-roue tliut i ta lîuSd>wuithe brakes ai( stop thai long Une ofutgatacaloglea1 tel 't aeiic-Aceanal aitl btoi! on another tract Sfront thut ou avhlht hbaitbeaii unmnil i for a cenltury. Yon do tliet, anal 1 wi re promise yoi ais fiaile a palliereus the areti t ecîs ut heaveti eau build, the arcbvsy in 'g écribed wltiî the words "Ilore than cou er quror.' But whutever roui heredity, le ni te say you mar lic sous and daugliterso ne to Lord Uod Almighty. Estraugjeti chi 1dren tram the honieîtejsi. camle bà41 ît hrffgh-th&open gate of adoption. l'ber lie e roal loo ainaur veine. There ar lu crowns oon-our'escutcheon. Our Fatbe in king; our.Bratlier in kng.;; oaveayb veking& aniauee u lt to d rxbeCoi uud ait deva outhie bcory benMb af th ad, pil e.Came sud wash in the taunitain ng that faluluto the basins of crystai sud a'i bumter. Camle andi look ont ar the tl haisteret i vidow nian gardenis of anaie REFLEOYION. A pîeasan tinte5'UIinUUaUd It00 ive Lesas, anti W"" lt 74 Vaund-A L e an& mdConadlme vlew al thsee.. Leeson for Auguist 2. Golden Tet.-"ýBe kiutiiy afectiOM1. one teaanother vili bratherly lv, nom. 12-. 10. Davîi's kindues s Obtheaubject O! losson, toud lu '2 dain., 9: 1-13. 8 containea a uminulyof lhe chie ai the firâI port oaiMDVWIti' auti matiebitm master ai a tervitoir. limes as large as lhe orignal tie nation. He brogit nein bb lie Pilistines, lie Moabite%, theé suid tie udamutes, 1Ilv, I lions ver. ln later tîne.o OU niait nmies oi lartel.Ha. f liabet islempire oves t-48s great of laund, extenting perbape la lthé pirates oau b6e aorhb,-.Dmvli bad iM thlnk once mare about doanestic maU, He tgok tie appertnaitY la do a ve gracefnl dëedetitathe crippli sM ali0 M frlcuti Janatnhan. Fiaugetions for' BInai, 1. Reand chapter elghtbi. 2. 'flic atary ai lhe lesson la simPb i neod tIC îe comment bore. Itl 5a mlt tram t3hronic".s doubtiris beeguiu dopes nletcnaera, the religion s lattg4 Davlds reigu. Leessn Outlile. i . David tseeka ont bMepbibouieth. V& 2. eihbasieti'sfuture provided fait, 1. The lame ai tII. incidenttilaOut el 4k nitltixeal. ilnmathlane beenaoumboel' oi retiaria-ftr tiheogtuung at Davb"U rega. bécatse ! W&î!vMW osle ye a ra oh at t b eat là oi Joua hmai, au&4id lie tume aoflb- lesson lie la grown ami bols a youiig uo.-i nre yet ani, b las loti;" Itlisu uat surprlsiug thal D4W4 vas not arquiainta-d nîth the hlatoryW d'e ilnie bey n-ho bid ben living 13 cînsion foir cight or bine YeotresIBAn0111l death of bis -ni-le Iabbt.-ugdj Jonathan'a saké-;*' ,01 oulY iccau»e09 the fmiei'dshiî but a-so lu amvondaue wI* the cavenant rîý-didl. idam. 20:14 '17. 4:!. 3. ,ZThe kintineas aif(od s ec L ion. 2 Uii: 14». th i knusus Gati shows le *men.-"*Lanie un bis teet." ses %We'«W contât of lhe ceause of bis laineneas, 4. -a t4. "IMaelir:" le wasaa iong thse pr.mî inent meii that vaieouM D Iavid et I*-, *hanai. u, n bis lightt rain AbsaiaM, 1TS (I. 'Feil on lia face andi diii reverems.i. * fot uîuialrstadauatpurhaias. viti%* a ita-nI lie bail beeti sent ton. - c, 7. "Ail the lai-Iof Sault ty fahtb1r e 4itla extatea at t»its-hbid bren iortfif ea-ai ta L)aav;d a i las cýession. 12:8&' - i'a'i*ttlitr" la ha-nie lg f -yr graudisthho. y . "A aleaui dog;- a ta-mm ai grcster e0p a teilapt iii Illea- enat Élain a t!hi isà. 1,. ttwe,iig frotu ibis verse poal V uit Ziba lnadl h cen acting as steward M ovarai-ar ai ah,-eAtile. lie la now jaW nstruiietl turu aver the revenues te lii. "Shail oit taeadalwa-y aItuMr ta- hIe.' û amark aeataaiisia- oa. i. 20 tarn as eau ho e wn there vos %-, 0 uliieili motive fuir th!#kaul iet t«e, 1 DLavhul. it nasismple.a.kanduesa towas?, tithe- sonoftbils fria-ud Cuninsat tistIs vl' thea- ainlutry treaauat ait survi ing U- len,;-ut a ival h-aij niseaaînciet tU a. g...lehuý s aughttr of the famuv 'u 2. Davidl vent oui ai bis w4y te de*', Ce kid net. It is flot aivays the li sfl liae rght li aur pati talaI neeti Most 10 ,ddoe Somet imes vo muet look rouxdsa d ua otit -ba t e eau do for othetu. Mioý e-tlangltfulnest eau ha cuitivateti. Lr . Davhal kue o boyeda o nd th .lu the bout vay. He titi nat apail is ind Iccl y s eoudescendiug demeoax. A i.saau lu conrtosq. e- 4. Han- mall n tbing it vus siter tl Dt u camparison viii the lave ai1(boul in sendiug laisson taeticlivon umen. Tu vu a ocovenant tiene vbui abligeu Ia show nieeryta lhe undeserving, id lieseuilsfon the auteat anti vreteb.. eartb sud brnuga theminte hieb- h-M- '5Made tasrLove.2 id Tue heurt vas matie to lave-t ly aud bu- la according 10o W.nos aiftlhngs lIaI l ahouldib b poaitony aif(lot'. lave "shedi abo o Otun héarts by the Hoiy Glioot givesa te tamu." Itlha 115 riattrai action tta ur Hlm liecatuse H. -firaI hoveti us." W. proaf ai the higliest and puneat ie 'te make love the educal mile of Id tiin cantineltaoti antiudman. ln saat love the Lord tir (loti h rk thy heurt." "Ile that Iovetb Dol ,il brother alildella ln dealli."a Thi 'rKinagdousof (lad on Barth., in- Seeking liraI the klngdom a of Wê- lelits nlgbteooaness, we lien finiE of lie bountiful goaduess vils w...4 ,il. Heaveniy Fathen fillae wIW ick providea for lie wNats ai Hi* neo Laylug up ti'easure ln beaven, wo ret tint hem yen anti eai'tb are ane, aad» ier tie Ileavenly Father la luatlium hit anti provities happineua for RIl- ne tedres. lu bath open the condtinqos nue lie Lord anti beavea b. levei I~ a- the world lie loyed i t her p. Bo. John Worcester._

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