___4q n*pAL-f Vol. IV. No. 43. Libertyville,. Lake County,1 Illinois, Friday, August, 7, 1896. in50 h Advan4 L IRIIYVI.LPLODE, o.492., F. & Sbturdaym o! eauhmtn'ntb. Vtsting bt-thern sOqrdiully wclomned. W. M. HEATS. M. W. M . BROWN. 8OC. Ô~ IarIes Galloway. Office over LoveII'sDrug Store BOtXE5 Faon t TO 3 ANDO a Te 8P. X. Libertyville.- - Illinois. DÏr. 'J. ÉL. -TAÀY LO0R. Office over Trlggs & TayIor's. -"Vous- itOi. .M. 2 tc,4and ILteo8p. M. Reuldence on Broadway opposite Park Libertyville, Illinois. Dr. E. H. SMITH, DENTrIST. Officeover Lovel's DrugStore U&a tona. m. and 1 to a.m.DAILT. Libertyville, Illinois. Dr. A. L. TRAYIS. MOUDS 'TILL M A.. M. t TO 3 AND 7 TO 8 P. IL Speclal attention paid teo the treatuient of Chronie Ehenmatism. Rockefeller. - Illinois. 0. F. Butte rfield M. D. C. VETEIIINARY SUREON AND l>ENTIST. LiBERTyxiLtE - - - ILIJNItot1 Miss LULU M. S. PENNIMAN. VOCAL AND A£180 DELSARTIC iNSTRUNENTAL .SYSTEN 0OF ..munie.. I ELOCUTION.. S? IMETEODI. 3908T EABONAISLE ECS Libertyvlie. Illinole. MISS M. ALICE DAVIS. graduai* of 4AmericaConser,,agorp >f umeM. TACEE or VOICE CULTURE ANDHARMONY Libertyville. lilr.ct Dr. E. V, HAF EV, Cros nr. B,-i4m lg A l'lt - N ý ai y - ( E H 1 ;, t.t, 12L . .lt,5 1wt-., 8 '. l Grayslake - Illinois. PAUL MAC GUFFIN. Attorncy and Councellor ut Law, NOTARYPUBLIC. sp,,..L.l atteaLton givça tb colctons and Office wlth Lakeo County 3arak. Libertyville,' Illinois. For a few days I cii l )fer sotîte rare Icagai is Ii R U, ;(1 E. il. t eu11 r- Wil do voutr N.t arr Puiv wo ~..rk iii inu a a. John J. Longabaugh Bk îr*Grayslake Illinois. H. P. EWING M. D. Rockefeller, INI., (tltice - t->rti sit- Depot. Ilofirn 9 A. M. 1Io l 1' . M. Afier 611. 31. UNION HOTEL. WIIEELING - ILLINOIS. FIRST CLASS HOTEL. ... Half-way House ... Llpî,aatwe lî(lcia-go ad te Laies S Cyclists Headquarters. (Jood accoamoaiionn for travelers. John Behm - - Prop. LAKE COUINTY BANK .... Wright, Parkhurst & Co. Libertyville, Illinois. issues lnterest-Bearing Certificates Payable on Demand. NOW IS THETIME 170 I2'lVST IN LAP DUS1TERS. Do you wantt 'A LIGHT HARNESS? Yt vill soon ueed Fly Nets and Hcrge Covers. Il youi travel and ueed a Trunk, or a ,Valite, or anythinlg lu My Une, t GIVE XE A CALL. eýqpt>A0" r-Fqfflsnptlyad Je «-ty!j PLEAD GUILTY "Dave"' Fîsher Admts Havlngw Buralarlzed Colby & Co's Store. Marshal Mari Fresbniau arrested I eFlsher at 146 North Pauina etreet, Chicago, Mtînday afternoon, on a warrant sworu ont b)y m. IB. colby. Tuesday niglit, 71îly 28, Flsher foreed an outrance Vo M. B. Cobly & Cck. store, tbrough a rear door and tholili e secured littlee mouey, let took a bicycle, tte prôperty of Jay Morse, (one of the clerks, ant i rdlug saine Vo Lake Forest sold ib for $12 to the nîglit operator a i tat place, wtto waa slightly acquainted witit Fisher, and It wBI, this clue tbnt led to Fbaher'si capture. At a hearing before Justice Davis Tnesday morulng Fisher plead guilty and was beld 10 the Grand Jury lu one tliousand dollar bond, lu defanit of wbicls le was sent to the couuty laul. lied Mbeen expected Ibai Flither would "equeal" wben a saîficient pressure vas bronglit to bear ou hlm eud implîcate other parties, but witl e cdld not deny varlous charges muade, accuitlng hlm o! having ceux- mltbed other robberles lu hls vlciuity he woulut fot admît Vhe trutl o! the accusations, aud malatalued vigorouis- ]y ibat whatb le .adld lere" be tadone alune.'le tnwltiugly ruade replies to Inqtires by bleu Justice thai vere practicai adhulsalon of other hîîrglaries ha huih committeul lu Libertyville. Ficher n-as ratIer inditierent Vo) bbe charges plied up againmt hAli bil seerueul suîpiised at tle arucant o! Information poasessed by bis accuseare, and waz curionîs to kuow the soaurce White the authorities fael certain le le responsible for numerous burglariesà committed here te pst year, bbey1 have no positive prou!, sud are more tban saiuied that t hey bave succeedeul lu tacklnjg otne charge on Mlux blt wlil stick, sud send hblux o te peni- entlaiy for a terux of years. RACE TRACK DEAL. Roby People Wisi Locate ln Wis Don- sin. Station et Russell. The ilaikiris andl Burkecrcowd wito operateul tbe lamons Rolay iaeetrack at ltoby. md., bave purchaseu te Diek Thtomas larru tacar Rlussell, andl will erect stables sud iaild a truck, n iich n-ilbe iieltied ant IIla cpera- îlot> by September i. Thc-y have e coîtîetV sibli te C. M. .1,st.1P. hili- road Company, whereluvth[lac'faruer îîgree to uîuke a rtate ocfs -tîiat- for the rouand triplansd ta> c-usver thae dis§- tance frou their dc-pu ota>bie tra,"k in (,ce hotir. Thiti ta' tri-It att-c-i itidlt- a-boi uti farti acres, is luc'utcd 'd1athea C. M.& st. 1'. raiît'au, 'nMlit Ntiii,iu ai l tsct lluasured.4 (af tat-n >%sil] la, pat t.. crtk inîneuiitely, and se hIie tht- ent-rprise lis a maruthtitut, the iara.îctorbar-aae nct,rioîa for erouaked rtaces andt titir litge ganbliaag scittine lbas taarred ti.n frîtan calerati ag lia Ilii i is attd I itliliia, wn l ar~aeatt afaur tie i r . a catiig ut' i4 ac.julat cas-cr the Sttt4.- lille ilài Wiscotasiu. Grand Woodrnen Picflac. X,-it (amp, No. 17f;, Ma. W. cf A., laa atIa stp atacltIeir au>aitii Il itaie iantli litti5.153', Atigimi 29)t .lbssll ttc belîl li t îaaî,ui attI k e, ai be' clat- cf te big cfays cal Lake cuiniy Vt'tctîuact. Gtott Sptaakiaag by prcaatinet-u ncn. Al kinds o! siblctieaprts atd aîl nseing. A Chicago orchestra liaas t-en eîtgacged be furulaha xticdaîriuag aft-riloaaa sil u eveniug. A guod gaune oh bath nidllie an inber.,stlîg fettre oh ilie prugraul. Lota o! ftu asued ail who abtend. Forestur. Plonie. A grand pienie anti balsvil l e gîven hy St. Patrick's Court, No. 81, i'nbli.i Ordei o! Furesters, Saturîiay, Aragist 15, nt Foresteî's Pavillon, at Shields. A flne prograxu lies beeu arraaîgc'd atic] excellen uîîiie ugaaged hon tliiidanice. jrepare bu attend. Many peuple supapose taitclIver dollars are tan longer coiaucd. l'lie neceut report o! the aireebor of h ie rint shows tînt 7,1600,822 silver diollars lave beeti comnied for tIhe fiscaîl year cuciiag Julae 1, 1896. Titis im alnat as muany as weie vcitined atltogetiterj by tlie United Statea uip to tie tinte1 sliver uas demonetized iii 1873, ttc total 1aîIa1ber then beiug 8,041,236. 9 R Iural preachers are tnt alwasys vermed ul faim lare. IV l8 said blet ag PlaluIlc'id divinie, a fen-ulys ugo, ealu-, ed uto co uneel a neighbif'lng lady Vo) tell bloc why nu potaboee w-oie tartiiug on lis potato vinles, when they îaéa houa in bloom for soie Ame. a1Wiua iafasai1atAb~ufriW'rP*W onu ILI I ------ ________________ sisters also survive lin>. Intian wu a thietber o!fitie Royal Arc-an uni sud übîci orgsuizatiua.aana l ataialarge ctI., eo! acq(uainiiences. A Campalign of Education. If utirersal iciataei.au su utentale te peuple lu svotei ntclligeaîtly u11lte money qutaionttahtcy n'lt certalnly do go hs yc-tr. Neyer have te peuple cI'own eucb intense itterestiAn any issue as they are niow shou>itig in the mnoney qutîuion. t)rdinaarily lb is ,.tal the. poltielans nito gunÀe1rallY diseuse the isetac o!fte National eîîmîîaigia, baut non librally escrybody is dis- ducaiaîg mliver andî if bte naatîlcr cof peoeîaî ..liac>are aa Iii ot ltaias Vaa is ithiler tlicy oppoatse otrtfaîvc r lit-frc'- ctcimige of ,ilv cr aî' and care eking iniftormiula atio ion ite si iljeti8lapro-, poutbacaately as large aitl ote-cithe ccTUtiy uasila'Iltiaois, i i. perfectl3' clear itat tbit ev'csicaia litt thc- îesî-îît Vln, laaagiiig aii tae baancîe, ie iV weî'e, aand tîati t- ia aj.îiby icyet t bce convinceil one may or lte ticr Tite catiajtatte lîeatlqtîartîaîs o! ailthtie parties ire consatly llaiaatged wltlu Peuple wbO xnaltlculaiea cf lVIte documenta iaated btitorcanird agiliiet free oultauge. AIl tiht loccal papers are condutiag open (Iiicuctins on te eubject, and es'en te caattbaeks are asklug ltei patroans the irutauiiug o! free coiluage a! silver ut a ratilo of 16 bu 1. Ilaiquieti fanîily gutiertîugs the sein e eiluaî le aaküd und itdseussed, sud îane is constantly Siprimeul bu learo how ruibante w.tmnî. lavse rend on the subljecV. Thte ressua, foai ti great interest le uct bgd but get ut. Other natiotnal .tîions, hcawever importanat they niay lie, tdc> îat peaeoally alpeail lt te ave'rage nîia Or WOruIM, bUt svlC'n it etanes ici roney eveiybody le at unce lntc-iested, ]ata uuly lu how il>ey are bu get lb. butt At Abs Pîîrcitasang powcer alter lkey gct it. The teruaa a.îunaagn o! edncaVinaî" lias become ataaîewhat 'laackteyc-d oh laVe years, itît i lacertain Vbat lb le bbc only correct naine for te lueseltt condition o! affaira. Bot golul andl silver men profese tn belleve tat thîs edication o! the ruasses on the mioney question le 901111g bu result lu their 'winnuing. IV wil eettainly rasait Au people kuowing nmûre ou Vhe siibject Vlan tiey ever kùnew1iei)re.----- HAS A GRIEVANCE 1A Citizen Who ThInks It a Snap 1 Convention. >EnhTOnLA LANE Coi-STY INDFPtENDENT: As a Citizen o! LaîkeaCoutby sud a ItepIb)ican I a8n iniereted ilu'the 1 Iouinlatious for C-'atty 'tficers and -oldt like te cee tfiee clvsetilon at a date wlaen a full expressionfth le willl t1!ofithe vasers could hlac aecuredl. 1I scee hat te calla 0ont for the >Convention Atgust 15, wblclî briugs Il 1 t a tUniet.wbcn farmners nilIlac luinthe Lnideht a,! uic-Ar fbacking antdireshlg andtaiui lt icîlord bo lcave their work tc, attenîd ite priauaries. 1 anm realisbty itfra-t that a iunoriiy caf Ite exectîtive c<ammitbee calleul thc convention anti btat bhe comilitice naiect Convesacal to Con- Bitter ite advisabiliiy cof calliaîg t. Miuoritiîe sitould noui licperaiitteul o rule eveai in coruanittees, alaîd a ittlng rebuike .abonîci te administered te hs menmbers n io calleu te convention. HOwever ittle figure te fariner cub$ An the liepîsblicata pititics o! Lake couîîty, lie does not cure to b. slilhted. Let majorities rîtle. Yours for fair play, A CITIZEN. Harveet Excursion. In crder V> give eveîyone su opporiuiiyto sec bbc grand crape lu thie Western States aud enalale the Intetadiug setiler bu secure a ho.te, l Cbirag.a, Milwauîkee & t 'Paul lty. lian .1 WAUCONDA. L. C. 1'rlce was a clîy visitor Mon. day. Eddie Johnson returît.a.l rcar tte city Tuesday. A party hum liavicrtswood n cre'livre the ir8t o! the, week. MitstiAdn Hicks retitrnc.î te Palatinie the fiîst of the week. Mbiss Daisy G-rot,s-rla peîaditg a few days in Gtay8lake. A party froux Barringtota caniuîiditi Garlatid'sgrovu lusi waack. Miss Sitb.lu Iit reburned lest week front a !eiv n-eks visit in the c-A!y. Mr. andi Mrs. Il. Mairian weytre Chicago visittîrs Tuesday. P. IH. Mairuan, of Watakcgaîa, la npendittg a few days itere. W. H. Latupiere, of Nlclieiiry was ou our streetta Sturday litht. Miss Morse, o!f"lilmer, catled c-on Wauconda friends rc-cectly. E. 0. Payne, o! Rttckt-frllc.r, aaa Wancoiida visîtor la-t veek. C. B. W~ells acnd fatrity entgrtnined fionde hrotu tte city ta4ti wek. Louis Groveitor, oif Grayelakeý, laitl hie motiter a shoti iit recently. Mesdames E. Cook and J. ieilty were Mcilenry calters Mouelay. Mr. and Mr@. Lataîthere avere giieaba 01 Mr. sud Mrs. H. Filler reventîy. *Mr. and Mrat. J. S. Reynttld etiter- talaed relatives Iroru the ciby Stînday. Mr A. Steveno, of CIilcago, spent Iast Snuday witb triude ina tiis Ittace. Miss Godfry, of Grayalake, is thte gilest of Litait Golding ai present writilug. Wm. ilagan, tAi Waiikt.gat, Sta pleasant caller int iis plave Saturdlay ie te ' Cut FUS Throat Wlth a Boer Bottle David E. Inmacî, o! Hîigbiand Park reuded his lie lu a mogt Vraglc mannel larit Satîtrday afternoon. lie startei 1t'O go t'O work Hilo<rtly paNt noon. H4 rode a bieycle, andl stopped at Cliarl Caaey's saloon <on bis way Into the yard a young muan nanied Oison haci jitt driveti bis one-horst spring wagon. l'o6psesed by oomi gludden iinîptîs., lairan rushed upot Oison anad witit a bloc cf bis flot felleÉ hlm Vo the grountl. iîatheleaplng lut( bhe vebice le torted Vhe lîorse'n hea, to te street suîd hlashed im Iu tos gallop. Wben thie Marshal caugli BJ91L to!fIuman bce was still lashing titi herse, whicb watt on a dead run, anc the man was givin)g every evideuce o1 wlldest freuzy. Tite marnbal, who wwa monnted, put sî,urs to bis horse, anc lxavlng thie advaubage of bthe fugitive began V-o gain on him. Inunan seemed to comprühlend that lie was being ptrsuecl, snd at fuelt eeemed. to think OI)ly of eluding arresb. lHe lid, however, well-nîigb exhiutel the âtrengtb o! Olson's horse, and It wao apparent btai bis capture was bthe matter of but a few minutes. Preoently the fugitive beeîued to give up. Thie apeed o! the boise stackened and the omecer approaicied Vo place Inanan under airest, lu the wagon there bappenecl Vo be an empty beer bottle. Ininau seized te bottle by the neck. antd il a fuyions blow broke it upon bte tire of a wheel. Broken glass tien in every direction, and a large> îagged piecýe remailled lu Iuxaus b aud. Wititott a moment's besitation lie ruade weith thiâ a savage jab at bis titroat. Thtis was; followed by further Jabs, atid asth te marsbal approached hc eaw blood gnsliing from Ininans juguler vein, dyeiug bis cloth- lut and stsinlug the flour o! the buggy. By thetinie the wagon was reached the mat w itiiin had fallen backward sud was breauiug bis lest. Iuman was formerly entployed as a neses agent, but recetitly eiubarked iu the bottlitig business Nith hisý brother Walter Il. Itian, in the tOwsan wtere Saturday's traagedy oceurcd. Thte body watt taken tu)Vthe hume ti the matis brother ini )cigitwtod. A Coroner'n jury rendered a verdict o! suicide due to insanjty. The man vas tirty-six years of age and bad a wlfe and lotir ebjîdren. A father, mother and seven brotherh and 1 -- - - - --f -- - -- - -- - -r=2ý k arat ...t v ,-an a ssoafaarvest Dr. Iiutteiîieldl, o! Bieiidere, Iras excaticatis Vo Soaut and 'North Dakotat, the guesb o! E. Green ant fianily hast Aud to otiier States iin'West, norîîa-n est week. sud souib-weet oaa te ollowing dates: Rev. Mr. sud Mrs. W.- Il.lPierce July 21, Ariguet 4 sud 18, Septeruber 1 returneul to thcir borne at PIînio lest 1 aturchay. 15, 29 andI tcttobei16 sud 20. et tht lcw Z. H. Osmaen, o! Naaiiî, wasaa rate o! bwo dollars more blan mtie foire pleasaut caller int> iis ilace Saîbîrtlay for tce rouand trip. Tickets will be lutb. good for reburu on any Tnesday or E. A. Golding, Ang. lala, J. Coock Friley sa-thiti tnenty-one days§ froru snd J. Bauer were vity r-liaatht date of sale. For iate4, time oif trains firet of the week. Mr. sud Mis. McChesîaey snd moat sn unrilser details apply bu any ticket Hmry, of Edgerbon, i., are sîaend- agent 'f lI(- Chticago, Milwaukee & St. iug a feu' dityta nit irlientîssu inhis Paul Ry. 39-4m. place. The St. Johnticitour peotple took« Lord A'ttr rnaiy 'aund welî bo stîtie charge o!fte serv ices irn te laîptia4t pOcc1lta. but il et donlat if nId John .JIe-ob chtsrcb luet Sîtncay ù-rcning. Tite Asior, the fotînder oflthte iarily t(!ftitat hr wniiualyeltled nain in hiscounry ouldbav givn RWateb loi early fall gooda altt Mia,.F. naie ii tti COiuirywoulihae gs e Egle's millinery storti. 3Miss; a pic.ayune le itave posse8sed sîcit a Rîaggle'a ha@ mae uan exteitded vslit tille. Titis hc>weveî la saidt]tbc un easteru cAties andl macle atni speciail te ambition ( ! William Wa1,iorf study o! ful mllinery. Astor %vito lias reptidiated itis ,ost.ii Tlieores o! cure may buictai-ct conuryinord'rto osas t.Accrdai leugiliby physiciaria, bt tit- counry n oderte ose.,,it.Arcrd-stilterers vaut qîtick relie!; aai t t ing tb laie reporta if Mr. Ast",r t(anî Minuîte CouagitCnrce wilI give- i t . tiunes Vo be a goccul bocy, anti spaulîeIli,ei. A sale cure fo)r clildr,-i.. taL money-freely aiong te Britimi an', iie aly litaîmieta -ta,-a[Y iatt taîcy ie ayIn imebeccae la . a lrad(uces Immediate rctýst.l'I-r alc- toray le ma Intioe beoni aiiEti-l'y F. B. Loveti, Lilierl5 silead (. t'. iisb Lord, Itlbaisto e li opedt tat ff %Ic-asl,i)trbi Vauctlneia. Atucricane wonid ]le nillixig to iiake s5Wit a scrifie for sa empîty titi,-. POX LAKE. Mr. sud Mis. M. L. Gîiligc-r wec VOLO. (irayetake V141tors Frldaîy. Mirs. Git], tof Fiait Lakte, 'tilt ]ta%(. Newa h as jo-at reactîed here o!fte tîjis 'accck foi ati extencb(-d visit t.' jlic-r 'l'uat of Lyman Palmer, o! Waukegani. hîster ia SonttîtDakoa. Et.geue sud Simon Galiger attendeul Sers ies ut tte Volo M.1.:. alticlaait Rcat GagemLake Sunudsy evenlng. ev.rY Stîday ai2:3f111 . ru., llla-Iilagý Grain is nesrly alitarveste(a îd the las- lits. Clark, o1 Waucontla. Saai t-r tise ispuin sus ia- )Ir. andl Mrs. Cites. liatîgiat. ad l1'rair Galig6lr and csier Aiaiie alatý ttaatiglit-r Nellie, ca)f MWaukcgaiî, cali'ary Coseman, oifiRollinsa, visite-t tiat Sttî(aaa3 witb itetir 1it-î,a-. ,.Lttis lieds at Grass, Lake ýSinday. I r~s m.îettiria i ng iboule aata Mrs. Walter Atwe11 aîlaao Mrs. Ilalit tiiing. C(titenden andl danigitcr ssiilIvlara- tai cer. war-i >wt-tlîer sitla tnt ai a-nti Wucnesday for a vicit wititrelatisves eîatsvers, lias stuewht iioda-real theini- Englanul. farmnra lu abacking ilacir grain.- A 'aissos Jeunie anti Etiara McWillny, ftbrcoflthefamu si ti.h 'aua..ýi St.Louis, Mo., arc visitiuig, tlacîr t1iexhng.grattîmotiter, Mis. Qtielenf(.-tai and Mr4. Grneîtcr, oai Chicago, si as ait theitr relatives lu titis v(iiiiy. tiat-ir,4tata>uiIttaule et Fiait Lalît - '1 atatys thte tore pair t ofti. tiv-t'ia11-, Ianay a day'e n'ork il4 hast ty aik at-range Icor a nes bain wnitlt 'vili aîaele aîted by iniîgetit aîaadu socu b blîtonlitlrplae.',taiiialatroubles. 1DeWitt'a Little 8ooubc uil on hei plce.Early lilsers are bhe iost eff ectuai Lasi week Mrs. Gieorge Waiie ,-tait- pllIfer aver coaaing suit difllàicilies. taiiedlie neeeandhiibad wthtý%il ýr .sale by F. B.L elibr childreua; alolier siater, Mms. (iaîaîta, tik G. C. Robeitm, Wauconda. vle cf Ratveauwood, ietirnltig t'a tiair hut me tilsi o! titis week.- ___ Tite social toit week lu bbe M. E. RONDOUT. ubtîrcli passed off vcry pieîîauîtaitly. iîaaIie Morie le on thettslaek liai. Maîay titunkeo te frietîde for the Niiitie Cross bas pttîahituasc- a riit. fitasucial etcse. IV lelped ica pay 'a. 1. Itev. Cook'@ salary for te yeeî. oita arie Jentitge lias i tarae o accnunt cf bis pour heultit lie bas itot Iiag. benîu abolermon.lu ay. ic te lie-îry Hutchitison nias ceeta here a illemrial8erion i May ti s week. Dcan't trifie aweay inae wbeu youî %I-e Cari liase ptitasiet a barana1 htave cltera rutrbîts cor diarihuva. Fighitieml bite leglnnlug wit aie-n tarriage. DeüWlhu Colle & ChoIera Cure. Ycata jlhn t>Cotiaell cailedi tn fi itaud eat dont have bo walb for îesuîbt tey art' ev4-îiltg latet week. in8atauaeouanti a t leaves the i>nwels 3laia Caine, o! Ratine, la visitiiag iun bc-lthy condition. For sale by fr-id tigsinhis place.a F. B. Lavcal, Libertyville snd 0. C. )Ir Flyun, brother o! Mis Lanacastera Rtoberts, Walîconclu. i4 r-îorîed veiy Ili. Thee uaaay Lakes conby frienuls ofD aaîtîie Moran vlaaibed frienîts lu the Mrs. (Charles H. Williamxs, o! Nen-port, ciîy (,li day lest veek. (aregaît], will hear with deep regret tao 'af hs eu uVtedul rc bear deatti, 'huit took place Judly 21,' Woklit egn nth J.bl tuc 1896. Sho was born in te ton o tf ]5 lt eE .&E. ioed. Hilittule, Otitumbia, Co., N. Y., Dcc. '[tIist li-ut maires every onec sciaIt tley (;, 18*26 and maried H. Williamse in wtt-c' ait aisatmoer rofoît., 1849. Tlaey came to Lake connty, Ili., II. .aaiester called onaa ienîls ilu iu 1856 sud moveul to thei presexat tii ocaliiy on Tuusday tigliti. homie iti Xeswpoit, Oregon lu 18i)6. M1r. Capetanul sud Mis Devine weîet vimitia-g Irietuds lu bbc cotliFî:dayt For Sale. ladN. h lave a full leather carr' eto uPhi li îeridan sud Neltie (Janu surro-y wn-h osa!ts, îpol,sidectrbaJis v nfins nLk oe etic., 'ai lhi I wll sell cieap for cash. slfiaiii3 ftcit>c>I. Titi sureyis aine -nw -iliid I have -Ed. Mîrta lua Ptin to vîtrute lut, good reasons foi seling. stare aiatwie tanleretanul MisLancasLterî ELi Tuxoos, Libertyvlle, 11. o! Chiiago, il,4 bc tako posuesaign wbeu ahe leaves4. f6~ o~pr8M~<aU~ Thos. Carli'f W»sa~ 14 xpm<seeon REAL ESTATE TRAN ElloM wÂUKUAN Me =2ý- Lc'vl E Latimer and il 10 Ma' Miarshalil Ils13 14 and 17 ClarkmàI Littlmnr'sut, it 51i etc Lake posi Wd ....il ................» p WIlliani 8 Con-, to Alvah 0 Bîclî" tif5 21til 5,1 Leitox subd ln 83 4s 12a... ClarkG Corser and w to Wollam M Fi-cli [t5W!4 27 4612Wd .... Htnr IOantIw te John 1 ary p 80!4 ne3i 26 4312W d... Saraht E Lenox te Nets Pearson lot We~ 1,1k t5Letox sîabd l ln28-46-12 w dl. Sarah E Letiox te Charles Malcolm lot 2 tlAk c Li.nox Bnhd ln 28-45-12 wd. Mary Ant i mlh aud Il te Jane W FI,5'mlg it ms 1 tMeakins saui ln ýs. 45-12 w (il. ............................ lteG KiErchner and w t Phlli pP Brandt n 31) fie itog ftt illk3 L=t4& Oc-o)rwges dd to Waukegan w d... Starah Jano Wright and h to Jitha ï e Itishap idblk3M 0 T Litile Fort W d... jl'atrlek Moran land w to MIcisi Miklaa4sgewuy lait6 blk 4 Hutebtusk Ut,,.. sahal w dl.................. CA N.-WecMbte tolitana Sileuer. nattai la ta and t> hlk 7911o0Waukeg wd .............................. lna. taEmm&t Jileuerian nits 12 and t3 1,1k 79 l4outli Waukeuan w ....... JilliaOtJ'ooe te JosapIhîn l Rwelsen- hlurg tl12 antI iblk27 Cbliagolirng 4 Blil faîddcl........................__ ElvlraaCLong teAda VLong.lb 9 bll 1068ot Soal aukegan wd .... ......... iiiii Carolina C Oraber te Ancfrew P Johns e son lttili8 Catroline E voeUeysajub atciW i .... ...................... JuIl05EKnox and W to Adriu AC Seb,.1pendp2lt8 Y sud 28 sal tîuet.Lake Forent e John 8t Praîl and w to Tbomss Noolon. [,art loi 15 blk t J a pral'aaport Sherildan sub)d w il.............. Ann Shea io Catherini Ahes loti l 4"ltlanY'ssdd to UtleFort wd.. Ca.AittctE tiruber te ToblsJuras» lot 6 la Caroline E Voeltuey's isubd w d.. Sani,' i. Jacobi Peterson part lot 2 blk 1 M-lay's 2 adInLUMFort w i .... Marriage Lcn Char laes 0. ranger Wankegan ..... Ediih Van Nebta, Watipouda ....... ...... Atiaust i orklund, Waugfan..... lltlita Wllbeltnena amaulà. Waukeea. Dwlglii N. llchuiso, Kalis" City .... Garedla Hll llad Park ........ COU NCIL PROCLEDINCS. Board met lu regular session l'remidetît AverU lui the chair. boardt present ezcept Oh Min ites tof Jnly read and on motios'q Gatllway sud Colby vere approe andaa llacetl onefile. Shtermnt then came inl sud took b seui. Finance comuitte. Uubmitted e& rcctxnruendecl the payment of 'i floi.sig blls sud ou motion et conq~ and 1) iBols amounts vere allowed 4 warranta ordered drawn huom t» respective funds. X. B. Colby & Co.............fiè M.Ftrrshmun.......................... a i The village Tie«eeg .va epo*wr the ulOton io! July vaU res, sho*ïnVr- autolunt on iaid ilst or July 1779.«5. Iteceived fhom Uc.uM. $10, frc Ga., H. Sctîanck, $12-94 frolin delinquent tu ~tt. .Ditiburaemente for July wMt ýl3I 51, leaviug balance uow ln Vthe otîaatf t., Treautrer $M6.88. on- raa'aîio,,i of.1 alloway sud DuBo5a - Tr,-tsrt-ir( s report ws ccepbed and ltlaîced tialitie. Thfite cident appolnbed Dr. Cho.. SIL Gaaltaway as a rgember of Vthe Boad of Hlealt anatd W. C. Sauborn su elerk. Matreal ly Gallovay and McGregur thata l parties preselstlug bis aglnsV, the "illagu over the amounit of $6 muet awear to aane before village Cark.t Muved by DîtBlols sud Sherman thMt- perm-îaission bu given to F. Clark sand H. Morseto bile and lII i dtch on osai si(kc tieir properîy under the saupervi. cionait thelîc street commissloner. Caîrrît-a. Mttred l.y (illoway aud DuBois that tentais cîtlub b permitted te rei4ove truc titat Anterferes wlth. thelr cour, ltrovided ihuy plaut as agreed, Vis,.. truc, foîrfbie one, removed. Cared.- Mos'et by Gailoway aud Eger Visai pîlat of Bîa1iler's addition Vo Liberty.' ville b lie îerred te commlittee on sireets. Carried. Moava'ilby tialloway sud Eger Vth%# ordinance No. 83, atiual appropiation bill, bu passed. Ayes-Eger,Galloway, Shermnî, Cc.lby sud MoGregor. lp- Dulloia. Duelared passed. Mîîved by DuBols sud Eger thstJ. C. MeGregor bc glven permissim ont raie bis sidewalk ou Broadway under the supervision of streeb commis. âioncýre. Carried. Moveti by Galioway sud Cobly tisali ordinance No. 94, aunual tai Ievy ordinance, lie paased. Carrled, aU- voiug aye. Moved by McGregor sud Colby al Chtas. Woolridge bc given pïiý to remove diut froue driveway toi u and replace wsrth graTuit underc supervision of the street alouers. Caried.- Moved by DixBols and Colby 15! boar~d relurx to finance bustape ; Carried. 13111 o! JusV sud Woodman fesu i 45'3 wai, presented sud unmoluV )aaBlois sud MeGregor billvasa lUWs and warrants ordered drava. Moved by DuBolsabd 8ber» 81 adjouru. Cairied.-s W. C. SAN»uosy, Village C1lrk. Or dî1nana. No. 8. An ortîluance lnsklng Vile app)ropriationis for the cuitenul~ - year. SECTION 1. Be At ordaltedi Presdet snd Board of Tr 1ee lie village of Libertyvlle, Ui.. - tre be sud itcreby lis ppropg to bc provideci fui b>'tVegOei <. evy for the etirrent llsc7 auggriwg atin1.o! if119" *>i24.s