CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 7 Aug 1896, p. 10

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wAIN.i a Cota. an wi inaow Shades. ai Djning Chairs. ro &Pd Sohool Suîepies., 1 ad Brussels Carpets. C i1~hina ware. o f &H1 kindB. ori Wool, and Hair Mnttres Ws mn& Tnenks. Mb ad Matting. Wu1ion Book-cases. z~ ad Conter Tables. 1q "ltes and Hat Racks. MrUo;s and Comforters. and Hanimocks. Cr oucheoe and Chairs. éi of ail kinks. bd=n Tables. bw is this for a Stylish Rocker? ONLY$2.85 JoUM the ting for general une. Strong, Comfortable, an d Sbewy. bock ut thse band werk on tihe baek. Wortb $4.00. My price $2.85. AGENT FOR HIGH GRA1I& HOUSEROLD SEWING MACHINES. Undertaking_ a Specialty. LL K I "YE Rockefeller, Ill. 4ay be Low BUT OUR PRfCES The 'Lowest. Gream etc box.......... .05 B6ys sud Girls Stran Mats > 00 10 Yb.................. .25 Men's andi Boys FeIt Mats.. .j ulRai" per lb .......... .05 Boy's and glrl's stiocs.. 0 aaper lb.............. .7j Me's vonking shirts .. .... *Iov«enLeaf"Élbo poil per pail.35e Nice Lineofo Negligee Shirts at M Caubies and Cigars. that are riglit. L. H. LITCI-FIELD, .LER ..5 S 25c pances ILLINOIS. Th, Best Stock of Groceries in the Town and Prices the Low- est. A New Line of Fresh Nice G oods, just purchased, no sheif ôck In our Store. 'W. dlon't ask you to buy a lot of OId Goods in dr to znake space for New Stock. We have the bods8 now. OId Goods are dear at any Price. Buy Good Goods and get your money's worth ere where you get them. F. A. Brown, ELLER - - - ILLINOIS.1 WRIGHT & SON'SII Libertyvi.lie, Ill., THE BEST PLACE Il ~~-IN LAR!E CtN Lumber, Coal, MiII-Feed, Farm Wagons, Buggies, ,I LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. rare always prepared SUPply your wants in .. Agricultural Implements, Grain, Seeds, Lime, Drain Tile, Etc. AIwAys get Our Estimate Before Buying Your Building Material. WRIGHT& SONS, Libertyville, Ili. ,MIL.LBU RN. s. Belle Wauon la visltîng ait imres. cf Chicagao, is visitlng S$ . Taylor'@. 5 ~Se pet pant Of the n'eek Roberts, of Chicago, sperit r.jannlesons. IlOntieth, of Montana, Is duanti relatives bore. RHamis are entertining frorn the southern part o! 0f Chicago, was enter- yMbu. C. B. caîmmlngs the 3. Otewart returneti Satan. ter a mont's visît vitb T. Anderson, o! Iois, ~Uh4,0U115peulple attend- Lu e, dtne8dtay, Bn eMCliery on rstuM~ed to ber *ee, lIns The M. S. andi L. Clubhebl'd their senil-annual meeting Saturday nigut. The following oMcers were elccted: Precldent, Nehl Trotter; Vieê.prefi.- Aent. 'arrie Bater; Becretary andi TreJsurer, ,Jessie, Strang. The even- 'Jing waas pent Pleasantly. Refresli- mnl>its were l)inealpple andi cakes. Six weeks ago 1 suffered witb a veryj severe cold; waa almoat unable to apeak.1 My frIenda ail advlsed me to consuit a physician. Noticlng Chamberlain's 1Cough Rlemedy advertlsed ln the St. 1Pauil Voiks Zeltung I procured a bottie aicd atter taking it, a short 'wbule wa" cntirely well. I nov mlost beartlly re<.omrnend this remedy to anynne suftering witb s colti Wm. Keil, 678 Sait»' Ave., et. Paul, Mîinu, l'or sale by F. B. Loveil, Llbertyvlle and G. C. Roberts, Wauconda. SECO. If yoîî have ever swen a lttle child la the a.gony of sumnraur coînplahtt you en realize the danger of the Strouble aad appreclate the valie of! instantaneotis relief always aftorded by D e l t le C h o l e r a C u r e . F r 1 Ysentery andi diarrboea a rellbe emd. We cnnld not asftowd1li eowsnd this as a cure t, 1 rolOSalbyF Cbla Mo . p. m p. m. '3" 0 35 1 25* 800 A8ari 9 49 Liclthton 958 82 4l RcktolI.r asic os 82 4 (irassLake 510 13 62 56 86 23 R<llris; "in 18 S3 4(Xi18627 LDto Vlla 510 24 3 (W, 6 33 eOINç SOUTH. -l,tyxeept sunday. s Sta ,offly on signal. arn. a.m. ari,. p. m Lak- Villd 7 (4 7 24* Il 29 4 45 R,lIlin.4 7 10 7 29 4 5i (lrayjsLaleth 7 14 7 34 il 40 4 57 734 7 44lil 60 5 08 Luiaîît,tr 7 4) Prarif, Vlew 7 m, s il Ciiio 9.35 a. 0.p ml Frt. 0 9 10 &oc 9 2614 06 9 52 4 08 1005 41n 10 20 4 20 10 s45 41 4.36 il129 4 48 U.plt. 901 179 14 M 21 5 20 fi23 90ou 110 a 010 45 ROCKEFELLER. Lester l3rdick entertained friendsi fromn the city Bunday. Mary Lltchflold bas a cousin visit- ing ber at present writing. Missi Georgla Erarner iu entertaai- îrrg a Young lady friend fi-cm Chicago. WilI Knigge te receiving new farni- turc very near every day. Hie han a good trade. Quite a flamber from this place attended the M. W. of A. picujie beid àt W'auconda Tbarsday. If you arc In need of a sewing muachine Calilat WilI Knlggc's and get thie higli grade fHonsebold on trial. Miss Lillie Morse, of Libertyville. si.4itetd at the homie o!flier brother. W'. IL. Morse, a few days last week. Mr. F. Berghorn, of Lake Zurich, bas veine to stay with bis son, W. L. Berghorn of this place for a short tinie. A number of our yonng people attended eburcli at lvanhoe Sunday evening to iisten to the report of the convention at Washington by Miss Alice Smith. We arc sorry to report Mr. E. B. Hlartlen no better. Owing to bie weak conditionl and bi@ residlng s0 close to tihe chapel It was thonghit best flot to have services last Sunday morning and evenlng. Mr. Gorhami and family have return- cd home, havinig speut three montbs ini travelling tbrough the west. Tbey wcre well satisileti itb their trip but were glad to get bomne, as constant travel grows tiresome as 'well as every thing ehie. Snll size but great in resuits. DeWitt't'is Little Early B.isers act gently bunt tboroughly, cnring ln- digestion, dyspepiftansd constipation. Small piles, safe pili. beét pili. For sale by F. B. Loveil. Libertyville. and G. C. Rioberts, Wanconda. Our factory bas been s'eU inbabited thse past tbrue week's. Mr. Lindeman, of Çhilcago, owner of the factory and famniy camne ont to 8pend a feiw week's wakloug that tbefr beadquarters. They are a lively crowd and enjoyed themselves very much durlng their short stay. They returneti homo Monday with the promise to come again next ,nontb to attend the coninty £air. IVANHOE. lins. Maynard lasnmre better. Mr. Richard Dutidlen la now oit the gain. Bessie Wilngton speut a fen' dasys at Mr. Dykes lest veek. There was a blackberry soîcial ut Mr. L. Bryants laut veek Tuesday cveuîing. Lewis Rltty liedsa bceast Tesdlay to tiraw stone for is nen' bouse. ia (irayslake. John Dykes lest a vaînale horse beaglit of Ge. Bchim a few mionths ego with conéiamptitan. lIrs. Anthony Putnam, ait ld >. resi- dent of thus placse, tiieti Tuesday, Alng- ust 4. The remnaitia vil! bu interrrd ia the Ivanhoe ceinetery, Fritiay Aumg ast 7. It deesut matter maceh wbether siick headache, bilionsncss, indigestion sud constipation are caused by iieglect or by unavoitiable circumstances; De- Witt's Little Eerhy Rixers wil! speed(ily cure theru ail. For saule by F. hB. Levell, Libertyville andi 0. C. Rober-ts, Wattronda. DIAMOND LAKE. Darby Bros'. larit is naarhy caam- pleteti. Mr. A. Beek wnt te Chicrîgo lht Tunday. 1 Dont forget the pia.nic ut Waaconda next Tbairsday Aug. 6, given by tlae Ma. W. of A. The roof o! the creamery is under- golng a otof paint. M. Anidrews A& Co., are doing tie work. H. Ost la going te resiga is posi- tion with the Diarnonti Lake creemery. We presuine H. la pretty volt lixeti. Tise Diamonti Lake base baIl cluib vrill play the Wauconda nine et the picnle given by the Modern Woodman niant Thnnada5r. ' - The dance given by thel Diamnonti Lake Pleaure Club lest Thnrsday vas a grand aucces anti was one of the greetest of dances ever knovn ln the hlstony o! our little burg. Dlaniond Lake la blookadeti witb summier boanderu, Wr.Lemkerlo stand la kept quite busy day and niglit. (tee. Ray's bote!liead .evonty-tliree for dinuer anti ut the Mazhum bouse the saune numben. Evorybody la going te tise plcnice t Wankegan given by the Indepeudent Order of Odti FeUows of Lake county. The 15th Inft. Fort Shieridan bandi vil! furnisht music turing the occasion. Remomber the date Baturtiay, Aug. 8. LEITHTON. Qulte bot bene the last of the veek. John Blarber vont te thoe ity hast Sunday, returnlng wltb is sieter Sunday niglit. B. R. Duatin returned from Hollanti, Michigan, vbere lie lied been engageti in an eleeftrleUglt plant. -B. B. Dustin wesit te Waukeslss, Wls., te acoopt à position wvlthes car department of thse. wluons Centà£' , , - ý '. '71, ,: Un. Fred SfhU addan« hter Anna have gone on a trip te <ierrnany. J., Clark and Âugnst Bidinger, of Wankegan, spent Sunday wth frienda, bore. Miss Kittie Casserly lias returneti to Chicago alter a two month's visit witb relatives here.1 0. Throstie and friendt, of Waukegan, passed tlirongb here 'on their whels enroute to the lakes. Mr. andi Mrs. Ohas. Thayer, of Waukegan, spent Thurstiay with friands lin tbis vieinity. A baud of gypoies are encamped ln Bowle's land near the corner. Buying, sellngl trading andi the usa! employ- niants engaged ln by gypsies are on oriler. The fortune teller bowever ls absent. Anotber large baid is 4-amî>ed near the river. The vîsole sy8tem is draineti and udormined b1»'Indolent aleers and open sores. DeWtt's Wltch ilazel Salve speedily beals them. It las tse beat pile cure kuovu. For sale by F, B. Lovei, Libertyville eaid G. C. Rtoberts, Wauconda. HAIN ESWILLE. Cleo L. Sherman lis loft for thecvity. The reins of late have delatyed strack- ing oats. Geo. Cleveland Jr., lm now lu Hain esvilla. Geo. B. Battertiball is closlug out itis stock of geeds. Frank fi. ltickey wbo 15 now with bis nuele IR. N. RIlckey is goiag tw leave us the llrst of fient week. Bertha Wells, (irace Battershiall, Manie andi Katie Goranan anti Mac Cleveland went te Roundl Lake lut week. They report a good tinie. DEERFIELD. Miss Smiltb vbe bas been visitlng Lanra Mublke for s few weeks bas retnmned to ber home in Cicago. Quite a number of Deerfielti folks attended a picnic at Highland P'ark Taiesday. Ahi report a gooti tine. The St. l'an! chuncli beld their Chiltiren Day exercises hast Sîînday. The children deserve great credit for their work as do sîso tbose whîo trained themi. ,Ichîn hneebt fornerly ef this place sîho bas for some year8 been livin)g ini Chicago, bas moved bis faiiy eut bere ta regide for the future. Olur town may bc small but for ail that everyone who beaves seems gladt uga.t baeek again. Tbe Y. P. S. C. E., cf Preshytérian chaîrcla gave a hawn social et L. P. Todd's lest Tharsiday evening. Trhe eveuing baing qulte pleasiit aibout tlfty attencied supper, consisting o~f lCS crean ansd cake w hidi n'essers cd crithe lit-in, and inuch to their satitilactian the coinnîlttee suwnnarly live gallons of creami disaippear. Everyonc lîrescaît dcclured the bocial a deciduti saccetis ln every n'ay, G1LM ER. M1iss Viola Jones bas rettoriu'limn to Elgin. MiUsa Louis Becs lias ,returaii'fronai bier trip to Chicago. Twenty pound8 o! granulated suger for $1 et Scbvernian's. A. G. Schnerni munnade a biisiiics trip te the city Tncesday. Ed. J. Joncs diti busiiess et lMe- Henry onc day bost week. Mr. and tIrs. Frank l'lrieli reucice ovaýr the arnival (if a baby boy. Boy Jouas4 took a leuti cf lay ta lus father ut Elgin, Ili., lust Friday. Mns. Join lW<ses nd ebilaren frima Chicaigo are visiting relatives here. Jolia Siuiiiaoerffeld, Jlr., of Algaanajaaiin, Ill., is hîlîing is ifrienida tack oath. 11ev. anda Mrs. L. (iresse'ns ana) visît- ing lier paarenats, A agalet E muggc tintd wife. Misses L. Classerîs atnd A. Haka'r arc 8pentlit i afaw weeks satong friils hene. Miss A imaa Se lawerriaaai ra-ta> ried Tiiesday froii Lombharda, Ili., v.hara. she liamis hu nstay imîgfaor ri .il rue) leariaiîig the art o! dra.ssmakiiig. W. IF. Mi11 uand !anîily aîterald lb. citammeeinig ut LaikelBlufft lest Siin ulîy. Qaîlle a inunuaier frotua here at. tendeal ltee aîmpnsaa.atiîg at Des. plaines recently. EVERETT. J. Jil. RodInoni vimitmsd frieids here lesit Sunday. E. L. MeLauîglii apenat Sun(lti witlî iniends livre. Mrs. Tag, cf Cliaago, le viting lier sister, tIrs. F. M. Zerver. Mr. L. R. Fiuk sîlent Fridsay evemaiimg et bis ol home ln Somers, W'ls, Lest Menalay e f4anr-ypar-ohti danlgla- ter of Peter Davsaîn's dieti, after a ion' duîys ilîneiiia. Mn. Blakce anti vife, of Chicego, were the guests o!ftMr. James O'Connor snd wlfe, tlie past veek. On Augnîst 23, the Everett base ball nine viii play the Etigars, e flrat-elass tes= froan the clty, on tlie nortb-vcst city leagne grounde. A fev of our boys etta'naed the hal geme between Mighlanad rark anti Rose Mi, played ou tie former's groundis lest Sturday. Rose Hill won by alcore o! 12 tu 3. Lest Sanntay evenlang e hep vas given lu the Forester's pavillon, anti about twenty couple dianeti to suçb intoxieating meloios as OldiTobin, Kate l'ennoyer anti other pleces.o! recent orîgin. We are anxaous to do a little geod lu this vont andi enu tblnk o! no pleasanter or better way te do it than byreoommending One Minute Cougli Cure as a preventive o! pnenmonle, consuînption anti other serions lung troubles that follow neglecteti colds. For sale by F. B. LovelI, Libertyville, G. C. Boborts, Wanconda. Lest Snnday the Everett's defeateti the Glesview basebafl nine on the lut. ten's groundInlusavon inIinge, by a =oore of 12 te 13. BoUs olubs playei [gfflbail omda! id U6,= .IM ndil*. tâin w4tt l b s.1, . te 1A.&.&s. An earnest, lionoat effort to inerease our business. We go about it it ini a quiet way that benefits our customers, knowiug it to ho tthé surest plan to keéep them ceming our way. It is not otîr policy to throw away one article as Lait anîd then make it up tw'ice over on somcthug cise wlien you are not watching. Tlîat's thse reason our's isa a sfe place to have yoîîr wants mupplied rieglarly. (yoiî kîaow we we eau supply nearIy ail your ants.). Try us on a güneral ill11 of inerchandiate -onuaîeything-- Your money baek if the prie and qeîality of our goodat are not satis. factory. Yours for Traîde, V. Sauer & Bro., LONG GROVE, ILL. I.... e e ee* DRINK~.. CHERRY RIPE, ROYAL CABINET, GOLDEN FIZZ, . UIT ECG PHOSPHATE. QI8 TîHESE AND) M tv OTHEII DELIIOUS* RINKS.. AT THE FOIVTI N OF LOVELL THE DRUGGISTo Libertyville --Illinois. WE ARE IN OUR NEW STORE. Our Next Week's Ad WILL INTEREST YOU. SANBORN & CROKER, Libertyville Mi ois. FOR SALE. ýA FINE LUNE For I":tIISowing .1 Complete Stock of 'iniîothy, Alfal fit aund 'E( UY STOCE AT AL LT INES ovrScl. FJ1>~ teýe aalita CokE,1l Sieepy Eye Millis, cokSiev CREAM and PILLSBURY allpeloees, XXXX BEST FLOU R. Par otrs Book cases, t bum.î i Ima laaa sili iaIîl ' enîter tables, b lait a hiet we Say i s raie. bal'j, iiýICI',sG bAitAN'IEED auI,,(slfT E, xtension tah's, CHAS. STE MPE L, I iniîmg (e1mirs, Long Grove, Lâke Co., 11.III h-r W. H. MILLER, ug, TaJNSOhIIAL AIL'I'STi, Chamber suits. W litia yoaa valit a dean shas a ar a. gaînti Iiair caut ail on -Bll .- Raînrai inni',lir Paints, Ois, Vanaiisbes, C lass, 1utty, Brusiaus, Mirraîrs, Madtresses, Cota, Springs Etc., Etc. .. T.. CHOIVE JIJANDOP 0F <iAilS. ISSAC HEATH & SONS N,-xt elîar tb W. C. Trig*rs HîS H', Libertyville, Illinois. '4n~wHt. Nhop Oca-s ev.ry dav. -,V0 ii ngsanod Sunday mornina Farm I mpleme nts, 1 Hýw 14 CIANCK & ON, GoIl SICIANCK 1 JONI LU BERTY VILLE, Ij.L1 NOUSI Buckeye Mower. - Clipper or Triumnph Mower. Triumph Binçler. Key Stone SîdeDelivery Rake. Bradley Horse Rakes. Fish Bro's., Wagons and Trucks. Staver and Abbott Buggie!à andSurri es. Combination and three spring Wagons.. Drain Tile, Lime'Und Cernent. ~1~nbrLath a ci.Shin«, es ~6' fi f * i f f i i f i f f f.'. f. rieMre r rames Rooui mouldinu "a

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