0 OFF BiY A BULLI orfo" APISTOL. -ET >1 e t bit Wtv Vamna Sominolent sud si ?uciiOparahieeU - Low y b'speculaîlon. t Oe'~Wrbrnc Extrsordinary. nJohu Harvey, of Sioux tI leva, lied a thrilling cxgerieuccee g atàmatiambullel a tew aigInleage. wniIt eorv2xch . bsta lock of 441barely ussictilosiag his lite. a wtt., thc beroiue et tic tale, nereti extremal>' nrveus b>' andi, lu anticipaticn ot a viit reeentlyiprevitedIcrerselt vit-h '*ýa revolver. Harvey'hidjuet fi,=s i beat, anti vasunu- lla te roxuadjeiinug lhie wite'e &utdeul, lthe crack cf a ravel-t - frmtintic liner apmrfmneît, hiroixgh tic ficer's bai, seo te Iide bea th tix.the lnvounîýriIyj close toe ilier, andte leeick k b ae hearti as the hannanr et rose for a second «Lot. Be- -gne Harvq ibai reacicti hie vite tise revolver frein beheati. v s .1111sleepng, anti ne itIle vas ,xperleaced lu rouslng lhe. icilet penetrateti a thick partiteon, After trlmming Bary>" hair, bur- in a ïieav>' oantei teeor. Q PPOSE!> AT HOMI. pbarlainte Veneeaan esigaxei '.- cheeked in Guiana. OI 4 egching Washington tom Bril- *,itlana indilcates othalt ceLegisiatume ~jb elesi>' hincline.! ta resialtich *lltuofttie4lcon unuhlema cennactat thse Venesoalan boundiary trouble. ~al Minster Chemberiuiu'a polici becu treugthen the colonial mil- dlfflcnty in securiuug tic -uns, anti e hlgIn curt ha passe.! a resein- Narespectfully urging the bonne geceru- = teredoce iiitary expioxses. NM. 10, te, 'a'lo ltrodacceti the reaouîtion, ~MIn suppoe-ing iltiat thxe Venezuela ,bnise>' trouble batl reRu!tibtlunaoa'liixg eust0. ofthle poice frin $ .00te 1.0.Tiey ocre, ha suit, simptly sent S-tcVenezuela bouixiary te bc nmade ýèg=e" o. et. a uyxrstout a nuxhar *We seul liera fuli amie.!te prOte't l: bouader>', anti if tbe texny aPrffnci- il tise>' ere te gas! bo<î,' anti retire. ,CLottter.) Mr. Huntrs fîrther strie- 1,s ou the militan anti poLce enusei uýtIiugoeta sensation. He a osa sp- »nted b>' a number of mc.nnhra, au.! nie ,lutlon calling for retrencbmunl pus isOWNFALL F MOORES Ulwe of »iamond Match bMagnatea a surprime. ade thuudenhuolt ont of a clear ekY 1 IE th aunouncemeut froiu Oicago te Moore brothers, the gianta he- iIthe great Ditimonti Match and New Ib* Bicit deeas, b.d failed. The sen- pvodueed ln "the treet"-that ilu terniusati to deacribe Uteurnks, 1 EsEI offices and*tie business places of me ufinance without regard tt lftIation-Y*55 mot profound. Trhe Woosehave lbtthe!r n'li and they have Éhmya beeu counted by the public as bc- lè acng Chivago'g miflionires. VIle the effecta eorî:o, failure wîll h. treadilsg andi widespred, there will %soa penie. The reaîi business situation et the Diaanond Mlatch CompanuY !0Pot #ÀIWeted by the tailure ,of the oorca; *e forcin uegtidtions are still Peniding *Mit in sald there is no renson why tii *es e f the company Phould uot sell yet id the 300 mark whic4i bas been predicted î« thlexuupon tic coslng of corne ot the $megngucontracta. IWKLL NO? AFFE.CT REVENUEP. 4.*vecuuent OfiRciae Plea-d with Bbut-Down ot Disatileries. latmral' revenue officiais are uuch loq&ed wltlxthe actionl ofthe Kentucky V,*Wlcr8 in agrceing to shut down thei ÀtkilUerle. The officiais blieve that tif qecnre distilrc iI sotlle .ti& lTi eshutting down ot the distil ksa se t la saiti utthe Treasury De t, wil l nowis(e affect the rev .1for the whisky uow lunibondi wii b4 -t ta supply tic trade uxtil the dis open up again. uT h httixil will bencdt flie toverîxînent, asf muteialiy reduce tic cost ot collec lrerallvoa people propose to test the right of PautuasterGenerlWiluson te ptobbit tiens froni carrylng thefr own nil the latter. of other roas. The Lake bOre lra*>oad wlI nmke a test Ita 'u- erlWtndent has lseued an order to ail et he road'à employez toecarry mail per- talolng te the business of the rend. aid ltters for other roads relatlng to Joint >nen- affaire. MaJ. Stuart of the VUci- eago postal Inspection departmnlft te whom the enforcemeut of thie postal Yawl talse, laid that b. had bot heard of anY agreement té test the law, but If the Lake Shore deslred te make a test of It the gev- erinent would b. Ifery apt te accomnio- date It by prauecutIng the. violators. "If the Lake Shore violatea the law and It ooui. te my knowledge," aaid the lu. spector, "1lvil niakç a report on the calle to the Postniaster General and de wbat- ever he luctructa." DieB&OTEOUS BAlIN NJAPAN. r.v,, @vepî Ava>' sd It la Fearad Maux Liven Are Lout. Rulnun.raielushavc ee idtu JAPau'f disesters. The dfootis bave nearl>' desîro>'- ai the tevu et Toyanna, vhlch comnprises 12,000 bouses anti 60,000 people. Toya- mna le outheJogyvan-JI River. Tic bagks cf thie river vexe carrieti ava>'b>' the Bood. andtihticwhole levu vms cvamP- ati one-glxth ertIhe tovu being entirel>' ander vatcr. As the disalef happeneti jut previous te tic mniitng ofthle steamn- er, bultave telegrams vere reccîveti. Il là Unought liaI as lie river rose eleven teet, anti mani aeltlcmauts elong tie baub arc lover than tie river, lic dam- age muet b. appalllng, anti man>' lives mnt have been lest. ACCIDENTSe ON RAILLWAYC. Ire, rld dur luti oul Fn rat a M nei lim Ob te ki, tbi la op t' th th bk th ti hi ti, re tc tc t( il ti 0 IL e t, Il le 4e- t National Lenaue. Fowlag le tic standing of tie clubs t tie iaional Basciali Langue: W L. W. L Xtînntit .62 2tiPliibadclîxla .30 47 Ubitioae .57 27B1rooklyn .-39 47 and .57 31'sev York - .36 50 ..63 4îjWaiehinngton .34 49 .g48 39)Sf. Lous. .28 W0 .o . 46 JULoxisvilla ...22 63 -gâovng le lie standing et tic clubs SWestern Le.-aue: W. Lý W. L. .M5 IiDutroit . 46 i19 5~nDIi 11 32Miio-auxkee ..42 52 mczspoIs .50 37Cx'd Rapuds .%«i1W 3bee Vit>'.40 S8Coumus .80 W1 -.- ug Vanderbilt 'ede. liaValitiemblt, Jr., anti Mitas u. eme maree~d ut New York Modey', aoithe Wilson reuidleîe, WlimH. Pott, aittant raler hoai' Oburci. The oedug t )leaCity lu Dan-Ter. et tie Miseourm ivefot- 8..D., has coumaxîrvil *à fdtanboum ara ttxmblinj rsanà ti xrcet.areafunqessq a be dom. to dieck ftxe a- oas*met litIVeimilleis o-hI , ol w Ileet Douat Whou the Nnmnber or Passeugere la ConaldCed. LTher. *are 107,42,362 passen gars car- d ou the raiiways ot the Uuited States aring the year covereti by the report of linteratate commerce commission Just ued. That equals about seven raiiftad ,e fer every man , woman andi chilti in ye wbole country. And out of this vast umber oniy 170 were killed andi 2,375 iured. The number of men employed athe railroads wae 785,034, and of these ,811 were kiliad and 25,6W0 injureti. 'rom these statistica it wold eppear that allroati riding la eue ot the safeet thimgi man can de, while ra ilroading as a huai- as le a bazardons occupation. AucurauCcete Spain. Président Cleveland haî issuetl unethar mportaut proclamation en>oing strict àservauce et ueutrality iaws lu relation oCuba. The bast proclamation eftht!@ ud walasut lu nJone, 1l«. Ever Bint! .e Wiborg deêision waa handed down by he Supreme Court the Président bas had acontemplation a proclamation calixxi ipccial attention te that decision. It il Ilevad that haedcluxyad issoing it unti fi tume in order te permit the feeling ir ils country regarding thc Cubau rebel ou te bçcoe calmauad the axcitemen' tnat was naturxxlly caused by Cuhan de bte@ lu the Senate te posa ae'ny. Theri ave beau ne recenît filibustering expedi on. or other acta te terce the Cubai question jute premineîtce. It le halievei thut Mr. Clevcland hue given Spain thi rnewed assurance of his intention rigidi; ao entorce neutrality luw-s partlY lu ortie ao strengthen Borne claimon ef the Unité, States now panding againat that couutrY He desires elpain te understand thal whule this geveruimeut will do its ulmes eo enterce its laws raquiring neutral treal ment of frientily powere, it expecta cour tries wîth which it le at peace te do thle! utmost te afferd protection tQ Americazn and te meet the juat daims et this ceux try. ___ Epoch in Railroadin-r. The tremeudousB specti of ove, ninet, four miles an heur was réocheti at tt trial et the Holman triction-geared loc moetive drawing a train ever the traci of the South Jersey Rallroad Wedxîesdie itternoon ai Cape Nlay, N. J. The speE did net, however, meet the expe(tatexi ot Inventer Hoiman, who la hent up< scndiug the englue aieng at the rate 4 100 miles au heur. Ha derlares that Lr gooti, weil-built englue cou lbc made te 1 at the rate et nearly two miles a minut If equippet I wth tic friction gearing. I englue drew a tender anti twe erdinai passenger coaches. The cars were fili wlth luterested parsons anti newsmpap men. The speati duriuî the mun ias tQ rifle, and thc wind whistled through tý cars Like a cyclone. The angine work, amoothly aud starteti aud steppeti witho .hock. These iu charge ot the mun clai, cd that the distance covercd was tee ashc for the locomotive t e gt talrly startE It was -clulmadti tit the friction geari: was just gattiug into running shape Wh Uic eteam bati te haechut dowu prepl, tory te etopping. ____ She Took Recklens Chances. Mlisa Francs Pcrkips wna oeeof part! that, wheu eut waiking near CI Springs, Colo., aud noticati a pacullai tormeti rock. One ot the number hec off a fragment ot the rock anti a belli was revealet i OUed with clear tvnter. 31 Perkins drank the water, sud inlufte minutes atter ahe wos deuil. Blp for Cuhaus. Pas8engare trom Hnviina by thc sten cr NMapcotte report a rumor et the a casatul lnnding et a filibusterinig exple tien lu the vicinity of Cienftuegos. '1 expédition la halieveti te haeu"der commandi ot Capt. Cabrera. Anothar pedition is sali telie orgauizlag ut 1 West, Fia. ____ Murderonci Attack on a Bride. Massillon, 0., la greuily excited ove murderous asault by Jezl;e Wlsaon hontman, whoecut the tbrent ot bis b, ot three weeks. lHa ascapeti, hut vas c tured later. He came from lMancfleldi marriati Ella (.. Lloyd et canton. woumu courut recovar. Killed by Msseé dRobbera. About mldilght"Thuretiay two mes men wxlked Into Gecorge 'Hatzter'î cMI et, 1219 West Sixtx street, Cili and deinandeti Hetzter's mouey. Ret refuaexl. The inne3keti meni ogcned andi ahgt Hetzter four timies, ktillng 1 Box Coaxpany'e Plant B arned. The Delta Veneer anxui e Compa plant vas hurneti ut Friar's PoInùt, N. Les$ $100,000; partiaily insureti. plant waa e.wned hy the Chicago Nati, Bank. fleIàe tu a CIqerk W.ELBurt, a mmrbr Neoetkveet ~etg~t LJI ~Igbt Wb.. J - Grajg In ?~sambai. T,. 4K. ,.,,id,~,, .5 Rt Pan) mat, wha are .-~ .,r-.-------------- ~n. luapo*Itlou te bue w, tiiecryefpeerctopi ~ ~'~'"'~~ ~ -- ..-. ~- ~ *~oeln ifS ai s.. I OFFICIAL STATEMEtIT 0F THE! PUSLIO DEU3T. Uncle SBa,*As»ta endLiabiitie- Pýittshura I>octors Have a Lival! Tlie-The Bootht Apprei;enaive for the suath of the Cotten Cr09, Public Debt StateuseaS. The lrensiry atatemeât ofthle Public I ebt leaued Saturday, shows the publie ebt, laescanhkluntth. treafenry, at lb. close et lic month te have been $966,154,512, en increase for the. moulnt $10,857,11M. The. debt lneclassifieti as follewts Interast- bearlng debt, 8$M,864.2510, deit on vhich Iiterest bas ceaset Insice maturtty, $1.- 633,M4; debt bearlng ne Intereat $8780. 315,094; total, 111,222,a12,984, vhlch doe net inelutie W55,212,973 lu certificat«s anti treaaxirr notes offset by an aqual ameu t ocash lu lb. IreasurY. The treasury' cash la clabSiflet i as ollevs: Gold, $150,012.224; silver, $514,6104i1 paper, $160,97%,190; bonds, dlebiiintu officeri' balances, etc., $1T,263,184, agminel vhlchthere are tiemand habI1-ý lice amouuliug te $595,70W.274, Icaving a cash balance in lie treasury oe $250,'- 108,472. ___ PHYSICIANS 111011391) yatal isurgical Opération inPltu burg Aroumes the Italiens- 1. p. Orr, A. W. Wallace sud Thomas IL Eldridge vent te lie home Ot Mm. Qusart Masrcl lun pittsburg te perform au opération. It resullad! lu ber death. A .rovti jtmped at the threc physiciane sweariug vengeance. oue Sirihlan, a tel- ative eft ho vounau, pulleti a long ]suite. The tioctors fled roni the houge, pursueti b>'th Unelfuriateti Italiars8. Up Wash- ington mîreet liai rau vîi tic heshoutiug anti gaallculatiug crowé bebindti hem. B>' the lime Wylle avenue vms reache t h. bonditoi cf Itallans hat i ncrease t tea tmeb of ever 200. Tic>' thraw stoee at Uich fleeiug physiclans, vie 100k refuge lu oa drog store, trom wvicih they ver. re.- t ati by thc police. jCOTTON DAllAGE>. iUanuguliy ilgh Temerature Bert- t insI>' Afferla the Couthera Crep. Tic montunprejudiceti observers con- cor lu raporting thnt tbe collen bac sustalueti' Irréparable damnage trem ax- trame Ibeat antýi dougil during lie pasi few tiaye. Texs applies te au immense ansa on bolh aides et tic Mississippi river, !t havlng Vicksburg ton il. ceular. Tht nvealiar iis the hotetea ever kuowu ant ili eS imply parrhing np vexetation. Colleur la i actualhi dying andtihti amount of asced- ,y ding lauprecetanleti. The condition o1 d cropa le mapitihi growing vomie, andti ler. glai ne prospect et main. Gooti Crepe tn Slght R. G. Due & Co.'s Weakly Reviav 01 -Trade gays: "Business conditions havi ýt clearly tmpreved, thougi buainess ha' e- net. It is nov the torpiti seaccu Rut ha bttar prospectc8 have littie effect as yet - The aignlng et a compftct le centrel for ta aigu exciauge by a syndicate, pletigini Id lie ose ot $750,000,000 for thut pumpese lamay rentier il onueesaury teouse the goid IY anti bas given some stocka a lgit ut er vance. (bld exporte have beau stoppe, ed and toreigu trade is more premicing et n 7-carhy demanti fer our pretuct. The prox Lt parts for large crope et cetton anti con t are stili excellent.-" a- Quesn a >'Abicate. ir The rumer tiat Qucen Victoria inteuti ne te retire la tavor oethle Prince etf'aall M- le egaîn carrentlu Lontien, ant iLt la ati edti tit court rirclea are greathi IreuilE regardlng thc condition et the quacu y- healti. Such reporte have traqucntiy al e peareti et recent yeara. euly te ha Fera CO . efficially rontradicted lofaer. But il ne *sseame tiat liera mai be$osea xctu. to funiatien for lic statemanta matie. )ni en Costa Ricna advicea euy lie govarnmerl oi ha% passeti a lav prohihiiting the impormt xiy lion oet toreign silcer. Ail uow un Il go possession et privote parties must be di e, poseti et vithin thirly dis, afler wvi ne ime lie govermmnt wilI requme that ýr>' be saut le the mint anti excbonged t ld Costa Rican rurmency. The meusure h per cansleti n big rail in gelti. r- - the EChot Ber Traducer. cd William Haw-kins teîl a Clark andtiV ut Buren streate, Chicao, Frîdai aflernor im- vili four bulleta lu igbody. Nal art Engisi, a girl et 20 years, nvbem 1e h rti. Iratiocat, liredtwo sietsaut hil. Jese ing F. EngliaIn, ber brolier, four yaars oIt, cun eloot b>' te encourage hem work anti La. fine Iv siets on hie ove accouxît. Broker'BsFon te Wear StrîPe@6 George T. (ondens, Jr.; who forge.! t ra name ef V. L. Itice on a check for 1 ,Ieo au tie Colenial Bank, p!eatiet guilty r171 New York. (ladena' ceensel saiti t ke prîsonar vas tue con et a vealthy Q IOv Francrisco broker. Recorder Goff seul l19 es Gadena t e e yaa' imprisouili rau» in ing Sing. ____ ?vo Mea Kilad by Ltsrhtninc. Ar a reu.lnioet ticbtrtietb (cor a u- Regiment nt Orciart illII, a istorie h nue- tlefieldtinluSpalduîxg Cont>, toeolt c *di fedralces ere killeti anti tour oh The aeriously sbocked b>' a terrifie boit tie lightnlng. Tic four vie vera sheck .'x. but net tatally, are lu a cnitical coudi Ky Olpposedti taFeaae Racine. Iu the rueieg boaîrd bulletin iasueti r a Toronto, Ont., tie Canadiain board c $3.510 te $475; hoga. abippîiug grade@, AcrT ramp s 1 b. ardied an.egh $6.00 te $3.715; siaap, fuir te choice, $250 Acro etrmabarularegt te $3.50; whaat, Na. 2 rat, 58e te 59c; train going te 'aatertown, S. D., anti aId cern, No. 2, 23e le'25c; entq. No. 2, 18e Junction the trainnen put tiçu al off. te 19c; rye, Ne. 2, 380e te 31c; butter, Wbila doing roe or thIe traxmpsa' tabiati ebeice cmamcry, 13e te 15c; agge, tres11, Brakeman Charles Gatch Luntie ucck, ii,-d 10c te 12c; ueo- potatües, par bushal, 20e flicting a daugerona o-ound anti nuimowly ' te 30e; broux cern, cemmenn short te maissieg tic.ixigular vain. Sieriff Lints- cheice to-art, $25 te $60 par tee. kog arrestadtheic tramp. Indiisnipolia-Cattla, shipplng, $3.00 te Wo l, eaUdr $45; og, cole igll,$300te $3.7r5; Tic veol commission 6firraet W. D. w ie e . 2,mo 57e p i i , 2 0te $3 .50* Eaton & C ., et B oston .nm ade an ssig u- s wbextNo.2, 7cta5e; cern, Ne. 1 ment. Joseph W. Spnniding la tic us- vhite, 261e tu 27c; oats, No. 2 white, 20e sîgue aud thne lunlilities arc î,ixxed aI te 20-c. $240,0ýÔ0.Ne atatamnnut of the assaI. St. Lonis-Cttle, $350 te $450; itigs, has beau gliren eut. Tise fuxlure la atînib-i $3l.00 te $U.50; w-leut, Ne. 2, 56c te uteti te thc peor condition of tle veel 58c; cern, No. 2 yelloo-, 22e te 23c; ente. market. No. 2 wvhite, 16e te 20c; rya, Ne. 2, 8 te 30C. Eight Personas Are lxInurexi. 1 Cincinati-Cattie, $370 te $450; hoge, At Baltimore, igit perseus- o-are lu-9 $3.00 te $3.715; siacp, $2.50 te $3.715; Jiiret y hiecrcasiiag tegether eft I- vient, No. 2, (Uc te (13c; corn, No. 2 trolley cors. The huntirats et elecîrir mixeti, 26e te 28c; oaîa, Ne. 2 mixet, 22e ligit bue h umaI viti a noise oiicb gavet te 23c; nie, No. 2, 29e te 31c.'- risc te a report liaI an explosion bat Detro!t-Cattle, $2.50 te $4.50;, bega, taken place. $3.00 te $3.110; sieep, $2.00 te $.5 vhaat, Ne. 2 mcd, 63e te 65e; cernNo. 2 Arrested b>' Mîstaka for Hie Brother.i yellev, 24c te 26c;e s, Ne. 2 vitea 23a At New-ark, O., Heur>' Long secureti le 24cj rye, 3lc te 32e. tic arreat et Policemen Hazlett anti Kel- Toledo-Wieat, No. 2 mcd, 63e te 65e; leuberger for coseult, but tic casaeo-as cotu, No. 2 yellev, 26e te 27c; oese, No. contînuati. Long dlaims be vans appra- 2 vile, 19e le 21c; rye, No. 2, 32e te 34c; bendeti for o-ltc beaîing, but lanumor-i choyer secat, $4.451 te $4.155. rîcti. The police xustoek hlm for h4e . .ilwauke-Wheat, Ne. 2 îpring, 59c brether, "Bunt." 2 hte , 20e 0dra o . ,2 b r e N 2, 2e te . Fre ght Goes I rough e Brid gre. 2 out, 2c e 2c;berle, o.2, 2e10 A frelgit train on tic Oxford andi 34c; ye, Ne. 1, Sic te 33e; pork, mess, Clarbaville *Ralmeati veut thnoîîgh a $600 te $6.110.;h bridge lo-elce miles f rom Durham, N. C. Buffalo--Caitle, $2.150 te $4.751 ()9 Snt131gt Tcagîuarat ~ea $3.00 te $3.751; sheap,%3.25 te$3' n;are thegit Te etatii n ur and.Èe whxet, No. 2 mcd, 63e te 6,5c; cernNo. e _____t___ftalyinurd 2 yellow, 3lc te 33c; easa, No. 2 wite, Epidauic of suicida lu Butte. 24e te 2(W-. There vera three suicides in Butté, New TOrlr-CattIe, $300 te $4.75-- bogs. )Mont., Fritia>. Lillie (umlue, l1e -,88.00 te $4.251; aleep, e200 te $3.75-,; club 14.yeai',olti irl, siot hratq kkd*.t i.3ra e 0O09,ýO':aintaelv aSst.A» jIel»tu vhich bas beau going op throughout the GAR MEN. northbest vili hie proveti untrue viien the- grain le thrasheti. Wbu cempareti vith lest year's vield tihe creps will loobkenait '&il Claim% Were Pro-Ratai aI 94 Pas r but lu.t year vas the best ever kuovu lu oent.-IIew Criai@ Prezeutai lanCiev. Lt the nerth*esl, and tinlu ardly tairtute lad Laber Trouble- Dynamilte Ont- Dc compar th. cropi eft tus year wth these raea eraOhIi ef last. Froni the presant outicok bila- CLo neoaandi the lwo Daketas vill bave at KiPySgr oui. leaat average crops. It la very early yet T a ue ouin te estîmate Uic yleld, but vient men la Tii. warranta for tic payment efthlie genralar ettheopnio tht he ota sgar beunties carued la 1894 (exrept l hnera cre olfUnthe inontat tihartotlymaple sugar), tne paymant etfichich vas r wfeât belov 100,000,00 btatseîî, ad emaprevideti for lu the appropriation et $5,- of et tii. estixuetes run as bigh as 1201000.- 000,000 lu the deficiency asIet 188lmv 000 bushels. Col. G. D. Rogers, serre- ver. Issueti Monday at Washington. The tory ot the IMinneapolis Chamber et Coux- tact. ln connectien vitb tic refusalî01 Ne nmerce, aud oeef et acknowletigcd crop the Comptrollcr te pans these dlaims and me experts, sali that the rrep voulti be me the long liligation wvilc resultad lu the 07O average. decision et thc Suprema Court orderini e PIRE LOU S r0V *0.0- e heir paîxucut are familier te the publie. b The proveti daim, vwere pro-rateti, eacb - claimannI rcceivingugnxer Vtha $5,10,000 e GreIerPorionet ousrea Exibl appropriation 84 per cent et bis cllmn. tien Building. s ruci. The number and amount of the beet ngard The greater part et the Mentreal exhil. lalsnc paiti are insignificaut; in ail terly- billon buildinugs were dcstroyed by lire laine warrants vera isoueti. Three war- V Thursday. The Ire starteti lu tie power rants, amounting te $11ff4. ver. wllh- d hougcet the Mentreal Park and Island belti makiug the total amont et the 490 b; Railway, north of the exhibition builti- warrantai isue $.988.036. d legs, vile the fire brigade fron tîxat por- 811 tion et tic city wae eut lu respouse te a CLEVELAND SFikKit RENBWED.a third alarm tor a bat i fre lu the pramise l0 ut Hewxlen. Starkey & Ce.. vioeaalo Probabittty that Others W'Éi INo GO. &a hardware. Consequeutiy Ni-lieu thc ira Ont îla Pympaîhi.eci apparatus reacheti the accue the main Tie repertati sctllcmsnt et tie Cleve- in building anti many smxllcr eues wara land strtke vas arr, neous. At ticBrowu es bumncd te tie grouxit. A uxxîîber ot bolsting worka the men axc eut lu as greatT electric cars ware tictroyati. The lois terce as ever, cîaîming tiat tiec ompanYtu wiii lie about $1W0,000. vielateti its agreement. In addition, near- k Indlna CoviI. Trilld. 100 employes et tic Van Walgoucr & Indiaa Crwl laTbriied. William. Company quit work. Tie proh- f An elactrical torm, whici struck abillty la that il in solaly a syîupathetic el Grcaneliurg, Ind., about 3 o'ciock Frid.xi etrike. Workman iu Kliby touadries Nos. atterneen.n causeti mach titage anti 1 anti 2 aise express an intenxtion et quit- struck terrer te the hearts oethte resi- ting. li that case hiait a diozen big @hop@ fi dents. Severul herses were killed by will have te close beauscet inabîlity te lightning anti a large nunîter of ipeoplie get ca.tiuge. A meeting eftIhe Brown thecked, semae quite acrioosly. Thie lght- stribers vas helti Monday atternoonli, aitb ning @truck eue corner of the grand stand, vhlcb Maiter Womkmau Jantes O'l3ennell il, which wemc 1,5S0lpeple witchiîîg >l matie a speech, lu which hae declarati that cycle races. The fluid plxyed tioNvu aloxxg th. agreament hatween the Brewn Coin- the vira, shockiug Jec Wilsonx, et ludian- pinandithe trikers bal beea uiunder- apolis, lhe haitg uicousciue sfer aoixxc *too;tit it il as interpretati eue way lîy lima. Several tiers ocre reixteratioun- hIe rempany and a diffamant wuy by the conacieus, anti haifthtic Icele iu thc men. lie is raperteti te have sait that grand tand teit tic shock. Louis Edwaumithie battie nov on would lie vatcheti by was itting lunxa buggy, tic herse attaci- the laber vorld with Interest. "Th:IrMai- a cd baing illet, tlîruîvixg hiixîte the or, police andt in sol&Iuero," lhaeeclared, grounti. Ouaetrtihe umaca skilieti vas '«have armet te cmnah ia. 'ae haveaa Blanche W., owueti by J. NV. Wiite Wllxe tity te promm-îaî t osieit-presarva- haed ratuacti $S,Oai for lier. Two large tien.". barns' beionging ta lenry NMca vere bururd. Several head ot stock were cre- SUICIDE IHEORX S-COUTE!>. mnted anti aIl the contents lest. Tic lus wiii hae about $10,(«0. Bunker Walter Craott of CoIurnbue, . _____Ohio, Fonnd Deafi nt Pttmbaru. 9 Cuban biens Touo. A private tck-gra o (darubus Ohio,9 The axvana police hbave capturaI a Col. fremt Pittaburg gays Waoter Crafttavas1 lectien ot maps ot tic isiaud, liglxl coi- teunti deotiin ta-I lu o hetel Mouday9 oreti, showlng tise sipîica insuirgenit meming in doit citY. îlesvas pralsideut headquartera iin Cubitas, tie rebal ig. et the Commnercial Nationu1 Batnk et Co- sud pictuing varions chiefs oft tic ia- lnbu.C lD. 'restoue, et the (oium- surrectin. 'rie uxîiaitberhie iu:urinx. et bus Buggy Comiinny, vlî t e I dSlr o Barcena tirmi. Tic Hîvana station- day, la o director anti asl teckholder Pr, Den Beixaro Fernaldez, ilu wui0e e lis- in ticbaiuk. Cashier Albamy, wiau si- session tbcy were founti, Oas arrestel. et wheticr it wixs a Casaet suicide, saiti _________marks ot violenxce wera net feunti, uer Iterd et jersey Co-@' Crematexi. vas thare any eidence et a drug iaviug Lightuing set ire toe tcbarn on tic becu taken. Nlr.(' rafis' standing in Ce- tain tfarrn etWilliamNle;regor, west ot lumbus fer uprightiuest; as unsurpacati. Findiai, Ohio, TlxurUdlay atteriv',eî, anti Tic report et hic death le heard viti pro- the strueflire ws s taoyeti. h containu- founti regret anti great publie Intarest. eut twcxty-tlve ina Jersey cows. andl al Tic bank officesgay the buggy Cempany -efforts te cave lia ii5.îuiils were unavuii- Laed oniy $10.000 efthne ban's uieey; xng anti they wcre crenîxteul. hance tic theory et suicide is icouted. Couple Marrie! by Teleuraph. CHARGE!> TO STRIKERP. 11ev. Mr. Baldwvin, ef Setlixi, S. D., recenti>' performati a uniqueac.irrage Bouse of a Grocer at Beres, Ohio, ceremoîîy, about 700 miles yiniu tixug 'lie Wrecked by Dynamite. contracting parties. Tie bride wac at At 1 o'cieek Monday memulng the peo- Setiai andthle gro.niuwas at a pint in ple of Berea, Or., were awxkeued by a Inidiana. tthe cereuxy enliing tuirformeti terrifce, explosion. l'Port investgation il Sby trlegapi. waa toundti tnthre residence ot Charles A. Selbemt, a grecer, hati beau partiahhi * Science Conquera Blintinese. wreckati b! dynamite, a charge otfviich v Aspecial voile frontx radin ote iNe5w lidbeau placet uutar tic bouse by nome ai York Journal gays tint Irt Deutmcix- uaknewn person. Fortuiuoteiylinof matin, ao Hemburg oculist. bas cuireti sev- lel îao i buevsiîuei cmi ales oetlihixduens caînel hy tic Seihamlt iait e yxpathize viti the quar- los, oethtle rtflua iv suisiuiutin.- tix coir- ryman lu their laie trika anti refuse.! ntrespoxxdiiug parts truie <ha eyes et liv-ing many oft tlem credit. It is genemnily.be- - ruibits. ______liavcul huit ticuynamite wuxs piaceî-un- ie . Big Fire nt Nistanra Fallu.,ont. iier tic bouse 1-y sirikerg. S- At Nixcara F'alls, Ont., tie stureounse kle rti ubni il etf the Cenitral Miliiiig Conipanys fleur At Blinnoa rut xals M. adesvn rt plant, tic elevaloranid a quaiitity et grain Ahome lmoretua J g ada bur e« eti and fleur were destroyed tuy f meast igit.%vite Annie, o-ho. beconsixgtttrgitaned. Los, $100,000. ______rau ie tichesîreet nul coîletifor assit- Harrison la Keepinir Muna. ance. J. Hansoxi Andrews, an engiucer, Ex-Presideut Harr*son refuses te di-s' aget 29, voluutccrî-d protectit>n and wcul n Ouethtepolitical sitîuation ictore tic viti Mmc. Dada tote cdeer oe iebuse. n, opening ot tic campaigu. lie will make Deets opeucd tic toor, anti aeiug Au- ie speeches Ibrougieut lIdiana. drewa bagan striking hlm. Andrews RO wippell eut a kuife and stabiet Deets plh JARET (JU0TATIONSt. te tic beart, kiiling iini insîannli. An- drews waa arreted. ot .8; ag lie ,et ed he ky eh lif 3 w til. )e- RY. ý4 lis ,ec 1-2 CAMPAIGN LITERATURE. lte'qxrters of Itotla Parties. lihbi wilh tirders. It o-o s toteul at tic Dimocru*te cots.- gressio nul canujaign beht-nîrureln Wasbinitoa Wateiieday that lie entire teree oas bruriati under thcei,-uaude nadte tom literatune te ha useti in tiec cn, puxigu. lu repiy tona question me te vieli- er requeste ocre tomiivar literatane, the. ufficiai in charge respoutict: "Entirlyl ttc get ne ethar requesta." 'Tie commit- tee ia for behinti Ifs orters le thea;nalter of documents anti a larger torve o ml be empleye4luIntie mailing anti folduuî de- parmue n te. At the hentiquortera et thc Repuliian congressienal campaigu committea liere stems t e ha nlorger force emplayet anda sIrcat>' tons et documenta are >.iiig ment out. Vice-Ciairman AplesIa ays tint lié teianxini.for linaucial hiterîsîur ud na iariif literatune. Tic cumuxitîee le nov iuppljyiuug .1ct-ny large atuxeuxt er tarif! dcumxenuts toeavery section fuetlc our>'. Tic- civer terces are innking arrange. 'ýeru for t-mnporary Li-tiquarters. 'Cies. luu-idquarxters yul lia mointainauxumil lie L)u'u.îcratic national heoiqinarters art imnvaiiexxtly astablisiei andtihlia lver !iu:tulqiitrtrs woI ha e etablsieti u thle saine pince. WATSON SPEAKS OUT. Will Net Resigu Hie Place on the Poputint Ticket Tiujmas Watson la eut Ila a lrong cdi. tonial lu bis paper stmting his grounds ftee sceepting tie nominatien for Vice-Pai. diett£rom the I'opulisî national cenven. tien.le ratera te Mr. Savali ae an lu. tividual et standing, anti a trae-ilvel' I)amoc#at, but adopta lie argument elab. oratet ou at St. Louis, liat t-ha nouina. tientn aPoplast tom second place o-a neeasar>' te precer*e tic auteneiy etfIb. Pepnhist organization, capadiall inluthe Sqiutb. The editenlal ia accepleti net nir, as a leltar cf acceplauce, but aIse au o. chah ultimatum that Pieýusitionset ofli- tirawal vill inot be conaitiereti b>'Mn. Wat. sou or lie Popnuits, anti tintthnc cac ueo- recta wlth Mr. Sewaîl., Keep Out of Politien. Pesîmoster (encraI Wilson hin usuel an onuler le ail railvay mail rlerks directe Ing tbam nef le taik. an active inîcreat la the potitical rampaigu surIn as venîti W ixîvoivet inlu Ie*r attending pollîlcal cou. vantions ae dalegates, makiug politica speeches er assicllug lu the management of political rarupalgus. Tic largestsavnnlU 14Dulthtibas abat 4vasthe tuI.tseaho (,ix Ropost r.evu b elquo fo.uM ~I illi ai es thwM4WA ,th brInS.W1ngs et unuenalli'110I wea*br. Followlnt lea aeample Of tha. mperature lu, varions partse01th. e ol» ry Wedncadayr: Ittie Rock... 10Ojacbsenville, Fuago eOdge City ... loOhexphls ..9 ilanapoîls . ... U6Atlant......NI 3luclanati... 9UNew Orleans... nmaa City.. ..ou6chicato ........- W - If a line ver. rua trom Canada dovaM rough, the. western boundary of N- wnska te the uît otMexire, tue .ema Il vt ould iRe that porti ofet i.couatriq bher. thceniercnry bheertiail, day lu tii «s. The cooleat spots ver.: Boston. Sii iw York and Ualvecton. UB& ID t"s nonlng lth. center of lhe bot wacvaSW 'er Duluthn. Lasit ught it bmd aneabel oLake Huron. In Cincinnati many men were overcaim q the beat. St Louis reporte tbirtY-fouP rsons prostrated by best, andi mn"et hem wilI probably die. Thirty-six horse IlU deati on the atreets, and score@ 02 lge wer. driven mad by the. higli tan- >erature. Tic thermemeter unarbel 9M lgrees, and the suffcrlng was lucreasUt rj the humitiity lu the atmosphere. Tv. Satbs ver. reported-Fredercb Toue mînt a taller lu the Southeru Hotel, a" lchard Tiasell, a laborer. Martin TAY- or, a street cleaner ln Cincinnati, dla4, and M. Kobalti, a baker, is lu a criticsl aundition. À number or herses tel1 aerni La lb. street lu Louievil-e the bot we&tt. or record for titîcen years was broben. The tharmemeter reg'stared US degrees tu the shade. Txvo laharero dieti trou keSt prostration. la Illinois thare wai great taiffertug from Uic heut. lun(Jutncy tbe bov -at dau, et the year was ragiaterati, thae!x4trcur, marklug 100 dagrees lu the shade. Tiers rare num*oum prostrations, bu-. i ne of them sarlous. Therinometers ou xtii. otreeta lu Chicago registarei as ligh as 101 dagraca ut il e'c.ock lu thc cc,-nln5 but tie instrument lu the tuner rft»Ui Aud.itorium mxrkad 92 se thelxîgheet Many prostrations but neoticathis vere reperteti. Wabssh, mnd., sweltered, un- der 09 lu the sheads. anti a siotvcr dtl ual heip matt-ms at aIll.1jI Toî,eka, Kan., they hadt winds, but thIF w.n1s "cre lika watts troua a biuet turuace. Ulie e. waa a burden te mnu anti baa. [,'t thlb sera crop leasate. STORMS IN INDIANA. Bad Devasltlton le Ca,.ed-Boe5e .Wrecked andi Crope utenled. Tuesday utteruon lie cutira atiPart et Weils Ueunity, ladinna a. s 5 by.,t g a hsan-y hailsorm. 1x.duedvxi..rnooa et the saine hour a evot nie swo,,!a.l 1,)" on territery exil> a tee îhe urn. ca,- Ing ce(rxthiîîg i ,,it. t4.., aweme deatroe--d and a anu14,ieugi-x lu, lt,,ee Gariu. one o et îa :rzest in tîi.cou uxy, woc :w do-no, l,un-I!g,- ¶. u bersos in ixe deiria. At l.ît-rty leuter. a nunlter et reattlelces y.ere bilw n OIFI andl the Nlet1xolîst Uurch wus uIreoted. À noî. t ltuxîn nas t> ,wu te piaces. Tie CI,,ver Lent xlilailie. tw-cxx Iluffton andi l.tîrty Ceir rwas coverel with taleu tracsý. lu Ii.,' inoUy ot ýVNa.nw the . :of tcropw is !t,.dtul and ltt:e nul l ia vaed. ,.'trn. î.'atoS and iutirnahati wiat anditats arc rnift. ed. Ne,rWab.ahic the vn . w ir.et extraorlitnary aite anti baly 1-Il nhet steck ex1,oxed te tie atorm. The 4,irn la mary laces WU$ 1M hippati t, !.t'bon& There Î. et a greýit <Irai etwhent iu tic *bock, sud aill uf t is munxg or Aprout- lug and i,rnellcnuly wrthlcss at Crmv- tortavilie. Tic downpour was lîcen- panied lîy îerrific ligitaing andl thunder, borna, trecs snd lieus,@ ere tr i,, Ik wlthm ont number. anti mauy anitnais kî>ed. A wasbeut ounftha Vatdalia ttrew î.unc:îglfl* anti live muen inoa valîiut Fer ra . Tweotftic Oive werc iusîautiy ký:1ed snd otherd injurcd.