CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 7 Aug 1896, p. 4

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0IS l . StIRIAN. L.cO Euifr. ai ,eb naunos.. ysoîf asna eu fr the office of circuit clerk,- te the deoision of the Lake _e > %*.uElgn Bonvd onrdeMn . >te vas steady. Bde opened 14le, albuiug aS 110 rany re!nsiug 4w 400rap31,M8 lbe; sales, S,48 dé Aî* oli 'lb at 1410. P]Ses 0?irRO200. JI0ým,*iIcawçÇauous. TM " bUia votera of Liberty- q"bynétfled 10 meet ut Ma"11UinluLibertyvalle, Priday 1996Li, te elet eight dole- d thse County Couvntlo. the noulAm o! 0coun*y oflters ààdttlutmO ay otiser busines s ta jasy popw1y corne before fthe méat- 4U. «MngM becalled te order 0. E. OauaRCmL, Taon. COBLETT, J. E. HoLCOMB. Townuhip Commlittee. County Convention. Thse republicans of Lake connty are roquested te senti delegates te the Re- pugbUicn Convention, te b. held lui the c EU Bi, la the village O! Lberty- ville, lu said conuty, on r5atnrday, 1UXUhS 15th. ï., 18",. atI1-30 o'clock p, m.s, for the piirpone of nomiating esuddatea for»eis#'ollwlng offices. Cirdmit cdork, stbte'5 aâtorney, coroner 6 cunty surveyor, and for the transaet- tou of any other business that may properly cone belore the convention. Thse mveral towus o! the county wlll b. autifModte delegates as tollows: Bantou .......................... 2 il"Ot..................... 5 tte..................... Il cie"t ........................ .. 2 Avs............. I.......6 Waaeu.... ............... 5 ..u...a..................... 31 ablelde ................. 1.... ... 6 lIberSyrile .... .......... .......8 1rMoât .........................S .Wauconda, ....................... 6 Cab&a........................... 4 m ....... .. .............. 5 Teraon .......... ............... 5 Wffeorield .................. 3 Biaistowu larecommended te hold iao cal cua at the naa tinie and liace on lriday, Auguat i4th, A. D., 1896. EXULCNEXECUTIVE Cea. W. C. UipTroN, Chairutan. 8. D. TALcoTT, Sec'y. The politiclans,;are. Voxdering viiether that dry proclamation which prenident ClevechindlsÙed bat week j~vauingAmercanate strietly observe 4be*ntrlit lasta al lie wiU hbave te say on*(Itban affaira betore Congres', Ineetz. The neceasity of this atl * proclamation was fot realiy apparen 10 ordinary folk, as a slmilar proclama. flou .d been lssued asat year. Itlah understood that the continuns pro. tests made by the Spaniab minister aaluot &id extended te Cuban 1111. buste"s bykm1erican citizens was whal brought out the proclamation. ÂcUnig Sectetary Tunuer, vbo la lun temprary 13harge of' the National ,IPopullaf Headquarteins anys the deinoeratlc andi pepulist National Cocmutfeea vil sefie lise Wat son- Levai business, andi that It wii lie doceldtinluthe lutereat of te parties, - lthos tiso! ofcther of the men. 'ne smego id: "«« division o! the electoma, leasing Watsonanti Sevail ou tbelm respeclive tickets viii bo a very easy motteril U ltise Southermu tewhere lise election lava are net se aftlngout as4 lu nme of the' other states. No' U&M aSlthe South requbeatfbhat the hie ofaà candidate shall appear but Oum ou tietickt, bouse If viii net reMte auy con! usios or injure Byran 1! thse electora Le divideti sud bai! of thoeu presenteti under the capS Ion et Byran anti Sewall anti the other bal stmtaig for Byran anti Watson. Tise vols luneainstance would .ob- eounted fer Byran." Secret ary Mercer -o!fishe BepubUIcan Congressienai eosmttee, tias a nemewisat different >view of thee matter. He said. --The 4- irer men are gong te experionce * hoir tiret aerious net béwak when they emtmptl to tenu thelr fusion vitis th. »à>quItim s0peblahly in tise South. I d t w eUèvû the populisttslit that viii consent f0 vote for demo- »o o lectors.,uniestbey are à f ebreinthe state office., '«Mtfîe démocrate wyul net feel MW fdt give. 1 beileve tha4 of peso!the SothomraStates viu j verepublicma" uaorities, and thet ~ pepelusavIe ast lu hrlngiug *b saI resuil." Othera- are ex- l0tevMr positive opinion 'a4" eof.te-road" populists ~**l4utialticket e! Sheir esapaigu grovs mach aGRAYSLAICE SOCI ETI lES. R IO u N Lodue Ne. us A. F. & A. M.. lareomnoeUn taturdar evnn Sno eore tL y eR. W.M.1 trU.D. Order Eastern Ors and tv. t.eà,hird Tuefilsy oVen 1 NuE."B. 8aaaXj&; GRAYLAKCamnp No.î. W. A. m"tý- fiftadthird Saturday evenIngs of each Month. GEcoxox; KàPPLP., V. C. Gucues BaceiRs. Clork. Mus.Sxxw.a.1A". W. MàaSTEr. Onrjlo. <ONGËUGATIONAL OhnrcI, Sunday ser- %Vl...5 las a. m. agd 7:3@ pm. Prayer neet- tg Wednesaday eveiinga. . P. 8. C. E. meet ~ndar evehinge at 6:46 P.-M. Quit. a number ef Druce Lake co)ttagèes ave .returned teto icity. Miss Cloa Furet antd Master William Furet, Of. Chicago, are viking 'with Mra. lSherman. Mfr.. Nelson and daughtor, of Chica- go, came out lent Sunday :to visit lber d4ngbter Julia, who la wltli Mrs. Backes at Druce Lake. Thirty dolars cash vili buy a good second, band combination wheei G. and J. tires. For particulars isîquire of E. B. Shermnan, the jeweler. Rave yen hati auy deaths, birtha (or marriages lu your family lately? If au let the oditor knew -it and we il se that others 'aho are sîterested il1 aise kuew it. Thge veather man iunst have a grn<fige against conimon h urnaîity, judglng froni the weather of the paat week. Severai of our eitizes were overcoute wth the lieat it mine were dangerously ill. The membera of the Coîigregatinal churcb at this place wiil give a bars est efferlng ln the cburcli grove next FrIday, Aîsg. 14, ail day am(I evening eveuîng. Good spseakers wiii be there also geed singersanad a generai good time ls anticipated. Corne onie, corne aIl and assist in the goed work. The lawn fete at Mr. Wayne Harveyas last Thursday, given by the Ladies Aid Society waas a grand sucesai every particular. Between 300 îud 400> people were lii tteîîdînce ami every- body Lad a good tinte. The exercisea coiisistlngef songa and reeitations were very gooti. Aboit $30 net'iss ealizeti by the Ladies Aid Society 'ahicli waa apent for a gtiod cause. Thins oclety la indeed doing a noble workt and shouidbe euicouraged. Mr. alud lrs. W. B. IIigley were called to Chicago last Thtîrsdoày by tîte death of their iiter. lIrs. Jennie Morganu t the Presbyt eni Hospital ln thatt s-ity. The burilIse-victes were beld la the Liliertyville cometory ,Siattrrdiîy altere site waa laid te refit beaide the iove.d oilefî gone before. Mîr. andi lra. HiglcY as weuli as tlie other' relatives have siîr heartfeit sympatty; but vitat la theym bas is lier gain andi we must reuîeini,-r îLot God deth ail thinga veli. Tuenday evonng 'aas gel letter day for Serosis Chapter O. E 8S. as o4 ihai evening about tonty nienthera -(if Waukognn Chapter, f ouir of Queeit Esther Chepter, Chiis-giî, anidule tsf Beihel Cliapter, Elil, 'acre their guesta ln the CLapier roota 'sucre Mr. Converse roceived the- degrees. Ater letige mneeting th-y aili repainesi tethe dining hall cf Gaylke otel wliere the Inuer mi'a- as sîtisfIed ti the banquet table. isrt- were short talks by Mrm a.iuglit, lira. Brown, Messra. S. 1). Talesti and C. T. Heydecker, which wve nà nueit cxeyed. At abiout 12:30 the compsuy tiiaperaed, mach pieased iith thi-r evenituga eutertalument. Sonnais Clapter ex- tenid&a te evisitons îu <ordi invita- tion te come agîiuîi. The Grayssiake itotel arrivais fer tLe week vere: C. A. Kimbli, ot Mcflenry; H. L. Brooks, et Wanceuda; P. J. Blooti.ofElinl; Jewetiî Balmtow and iIfs, Wonkegau; lioss Wiibur, et w aukesha; . W. Ilo anti vits, ef Waukegau; Adali(ls Conners, ot Waukegatu; Ciattie E. Sniith. o! Elgini, J. F. Kîthutanud 'if-, BEama Hoyt, Wiiuie Palmemr, Dr. Beau, Vn. B. C. Kolding, P. Branoutidîti ite, C. F". Hteysît-ckei'ant i Vfe, Hx. AlbrecLt, ot Waîikoian, anud W. (1. Stephen andt ehldron, H. Mitelisl, A. B. Vernonu, N.H eruson, W. L. Lsntie's F. Mitchell, Lasle (isîilerz, Mr@ Foy, Paysou Fay. E. Busselle, L. D. Joues, Lillie Santison, Mre BotisSb3i4e anti son, Idia White, Chas. 1alies, G. Anderson, F. Brune, A. CIýes-w5 andt son C. Whltmore, Lida'hir&te, and' Agnea Browu, o! Chicago. - My litile boy a-hon ' t"=, 9 e, vas taSen very O Ib.- fux. 1F vas ativisietite o ha acele, Choiera anti Diarrboe - nt luckily procureti part 0eti-j, caretuihy rend the diret ton a" fgav acordlngly. ne vas venri .lo'1,-but slowiy anti anrely Iliebega l l1 i prove, gradually rec-evre4 d, anov ua tout ant istreng as oves. - I belsuire lf aavoti bis itfe. I cAu, Uffl5 graine the Bemeiy liauit îl .e 1t Iam asrry every oeen lu V fflno .know bw got; DRUCE'S LAKE., Hotel de Maiiory and Cedar Baiy are crowded. Misa Heel anud Miss Kennedy have retuirned te Dixon. The MIigses Gillespie, of Chicago, are ut 1Mr. Baliwinkle's. Mga. Sharp, o! Michigan, ia with lier daugliter, Mrs. White. Mrm. Wblteway bati a qujilting b>eç. Fiftjen ladies were preaextt. Mr. Charles Harper la spendiag hîs vacation WIth bis mother. A new flag and polo wili beonee of the features of Powevoli' Park. Mrs. Bsglwlnkle fias a bouse f ull o! lads andi lasios frorn Chicago. Aunt Llzzle Snow bas a bouse fulli, amoug the guests a lMlra. Foley. Mr. (Charles Lutz, ai" lsermauy,,' is vlsltiug bis ister, lIrse. ackna. 1Miss Mager, a Chicago scbool teaclier la vsiting Mr. John Brewer's family. Mine Tena Bugle ha# been the gîjeat ef Miss Aggle Brown for several ditym. The weather ia cliarning cou- soquntly the wooals are fisAI of lty folk$. Mr. and lIrs.a.BcSus, or Chicago, apent Snnday witlî Mr. and lIra. I. C. Harper. Dont Iisa the dance at Druee Lake Saturday oveaiag. There wiii be good musile. The Cedar Beys beat the I)ruce Lake boys lu a mont sxcitiag gaine o! base bail. Mr. and Mrs. Carl leaek ne, of Chicago, are oceeppisîg the Naw cottage titis> siluinier. The Eliisassîhiai clhlsise is alanys oecsspied b)y picissasit peopiletmosi neighiboî-a. Misses Mlaud antd Tot andd Air. lia~rry Sinale, of ('iicgO "re visitirig their tsrother (harlesi. Miss Nellie Hoit anid Mi.-; Alilssy Pratt, sf LaîkeForest, ws-re Irsîî Lodge glists this> week. llite Waîîkegan club lîssi-.4 OcCt'i5.d l.y a gay party o! ysuîîlg pecople, iiiiberiiîg twaenty. Luîsk orchestra, inciudinglharli. a Iii furnisli nusic St Drîte Lake pasiioi Satîtrdsy. Corne and have a good thne. There wiis neverbefore sncb a crowd at the litho as luat Sunday sud ail aeemed to enjoy the beautif nI restttl day. Mr. sind Mlra. Hammond sud Miss ftallam. of Chicago, and Master Richard Preston, o1 Evauston are summering at Sleepy Hollow. J. Frank Rtînesey witli bis boys Richatrd, Josephi and Morris, of Lae Forest, wete visîtors at the aSe recently The beys cstught a lot of fleb and said Briice Lakte 'ans the place for fun. Mr. Clark, oi Gagea8 Lake and Mlsr., Aggle huila iikie spent Siday ai Grass Lakte. On their rettiru tilev brouglit isny beatiful samlles frssîî the renevned Lolts bedai. Tht writ-ei was the recipielit of three of theu. The lawu fete at Wayne Harvs±y's is3 the Grayslake seclety 'sas a greai success lu every way. It la a dehight- fui place fer an eut door party, beautif ni lawn, and shade trees sid everytbing la arranged lu the beai manuer. Mr. Water Taylor atter s two week's Bojourfi rettîrna te Chicago greîitly resteti and Improved la heaitli. Hiâ dally nuccens lu landlug linge pickerci, base andi crepples iasadded mucl to bis muscle. A genial, joily, gos- natureti Young mai', lho wiliibe iissed by each and ai. Btoy. Mr. Huanîltou atînotincesl bo the Gages Lake cosîgregation Ssadsîy moring that it waa isW8 ast Suîadiay witît them, lie havisîg us-en calhed tis work iu Kas. lie preaeidai] choquent andti upressive !arewehl sermon. He bas dense a grand wssnk ut Gageas churcli ant is lashoved aiîl aimired by ail. Esucli cottagE on the haSe ontiFridiîîy aiglit vas bîvaded by a party <it yosusig foiksa on e foraging expedition. Everythiag lu slgbf aiud out o! siglît wansoalzed, after vhl<rh a ioyîg tir (dance or jig vas lndrshged min. Hiharlty anti atnd aeclabilhty and 1un standng on Ceremeny, go baud inlu'iand, sud et present relgu suprenie. Sheepy Halhew on the notit shore la oeeof the liliest places on the iake noivitistausding ita u no. The cottages are occuipis-siby the tamilies tf Messnrs. Stewart Titylor, Hi. M. 1sulinkle anti A. IF. Brown, ot Chicago. Nlght afier nàight tIse woeda et-lit anti re-eu-io. wlth the soanda tsf sweet miisiefreut the throats of lads anti lassies wbo are eujeylug a few veeksesSt roua tli rush anti turmofl ef eltylilfe. Hity rack rides are iusat the tlii»g. Everybody young and olti gos-s bas a rsssrag time aud ceaies hiome "stiffeuet up" front cresupeti quartera svhihbmakes Iheni loch as thougli "O0ld Father Tinte" isai stolon narnarcb and siatitet a fev extra yoars te theïr )ives. Bongo sud yells are Indulgeti la until everyoue la bourse anti insteati et -Tliame's Oiy One Girl,' s'Oh Uncle Josins, etc., a laDl sets lu for a few mituntes, wblch la suddeuiy lnterroptsd by Zip boomi Zlp boom! Zîp boom! Bah!! Drice Lake! Druce Lake! Bah! lilif ah! One o! tlie mest lntsrestiug pinces on tise north sabeso!flhc laketslM "S8tarve Ont Cottage"î allase -The 1 rge."~ The boya, a joly set froni Waukgau viii treat you reyalhy andi alfiiongl your physical vanta may not lie grsêfied, yen viilevel repalti by liotening te tthese eet music wblch 'ematates iromi a violin lu the bauds o! MIr., ChalesLindsay. Hs is the Oie Bull o!f laisb aite, nature haviugl eutiuswed his iax tis reuarkable musical abiiity. Visitors aivays veloute'anti visie waiting the other boys wiii chartu y on wltb their 4"Peverty low,' &$We'I1 Be Angela By anti By5' etc. PeOPt e BIIe whsat thcy rea #, Q$Iiod'eae, 'to ni List your.psopqrly wu"" that makes the prIces on Bicycles 1 iliî d- n as oua so low? Now is tne time to buy'a rasonable, rars IIW H EEL. Among numeronau choiii* ID gains, I have tbe 2olwn 1l can suit you in price and mak e. Lb.tvîêîyrp~ ilPal!srstlot vltlselghtrSloem I0eI Bicycle Sundries Watch and Clock gOw'"Lm"bd n ri and Repairing.,. Repairing Y--F)ralc. newl)uiljs 22Mftest, ebea l E. B. SHERNAN, JEwELERt, Cbolis> Lotim exl:îoft44 at tron &M tu » Grayslake, 111. . Thie arhy Propsrty-iarge bouse. lactM _______________________________baro n DIIvi8ton lit for saior rget. - - - - - - esry Wells prop-srty at RalaeawtUub4 aeelot. h ousse. barn, 2 Wells. clitera. à« Town Hall, Libertyville,an htetrjveyd.&o2za SATU RDAY'EVENING, AUG. 8, AT 8 P. M. At ray1aký, ot 7oI,110F. il. BM - Farm Prop.rty. For Sale 1luie l-s raçrovîsl tar n onbaitis ofet0s I NA 1s4) sari ,nsrv'-sî ar a .îaeSnt teu n# L LIhoraltl'ans. Dramatic and Humorous Programn, Lr..aMlwaukete rui. os.15 (2onclsting vitlî ht Famsît baros. gooil 1 -à.55. c'od wsIlq. gocti Colûltililg iththeFanoli - rn. s sgstînitbr. Pre g$tupir srs.,0 cash. halaa"i 'ou' tins, aiEalier 's-at. 1-11 Ham iet M onologue. tflr'- siihm( ay twàtks-tîsR asiesliseu Tickets 25 Cents. Reserved Seats 3OetsLlryvllndis'. ll lnugrmlsst stade . Tickets on Sale at Loveti 's. ~ ~ ktr ~ tsis pî )Woi ngtnitiîsn. T. rostit),îrîi. WHAT OES IT MEAN'? WH.?L If yeni want te 1uy or rent Làk Iîly gs.oingt, couity rehîil estate, lie sare te ci yousr 'surit: Suis-e 1illifd, illy at iipjrovenieut oit ,isy r>ý- atillg a hjee, 1 will dig sîindbrick a it mtn srrs tize weil Irra! 30 [t. 7.5 euslispe foot, next 11) ft. $1-00, an19i for sîs-epecr ands larger ws-lia at niy ial prieu. ansI lssard ijny- aslt on jsîls i near hoîsie. jobsa ssusuiib-r .tlou eadcah à.esagV ssi tei 37f; 1,1 îrese-ult. fW'r fti- [sîr tCc@O lîarticîîlars. tt J. Il. WiLitMS rmo efur pue=hnqts sessd siiod wis or plisse, ultb duMîp. For Sale. doen. Wi4. ise l patensabie or not, fre. ci Tanks sîîitoîlîl.for 'aaterniîg Iîslrptsis.4 tbame. Ou froso t e. tinlmcM tir tornusriss ud is.tergis; lsi.4afti Hu ssgZ. f IpIIlie-ya, teoitaund %aliter pidîs, ~t, s enttzm LAiidrso Can i.e aeu at lii,clîîîftîîtî A SN 0 Inqsîire at the homeitý(f sfl»oyC A S O & Gro. F. 1Sop.'ssMF met NmoI % 0 C iH. H. Peglow.' Brick-layer, Plasterer, Stone-mason alil 'CONTRACTOR. Mai res iriiii Fou i lfis-'i M sa .js sul,ý H.- C.,.Paddoc* Libertyville, --Illinol F. BAIRSTOW, A. B. LEWIS @*-t.Photographer-qwo P ORTIIAITS"COPIE D AND ENLAIu;ED. BABY PICTURES A SPECIALTY. Liiisn fVL L tF - -- lL 1lN,) 18 LI I Yi'J 155555 l, L.L.INLIb Marbie and Granite 300 haadlrs'd clipper inowt-alidjFte Nti-i - (,ýv M ON UM EN TS. Triumph No. 4 3foner.ý) hav'e î.ee' aiui o r ue Na-iiýlCîuvitiiis by G H.Schlle inLak C epublii'ais Leagiie tf0 lis. bs-Iisst (EMETER!Y WOiIK OP EVE19Y the average cost belng lesa tiîan ýt-o1 b si . I st -Il o 7.te C.-ilr.i cents eitsh, per year, for repaira, tickets Aligqsat 2.3, 21, isîiffl 2, ut sii. srrexpoidencc 6olicited. They arc silipie and al :e. Isyfart for tiîî. ronis tril> 'sit rtuns £2i.leeceS. N A 1KO N o . G.H S-i NE& Sx Là er - irnnt ts .iitgitt 2ýs. àr-ui vile.j 1 C liattention to the fact that I will b carry bb * a good stock j b CARRIAGES of Farm Machinery and BUGGIES bb Carrnages, on Milwaukeg Avenue, Libertyvitte, and hope Farmers and others wilI if in need of such goodis, catI and name their wants b Gay & Sons'Carrnages, Wagons and Surries. D. M. Osbsorn b &Co'sî CORN and Grain Binders, Mowers and Rakes. b Daisy 8 and 10 foot hay rakes. Systematic b and other makes of Ladies and bb WAGONS Cents Bikes. Gale No. 10, MOWERS 1 WaucondaNo. 12 b Cultivators. b Thesericutivators are the BEST on the market as they teave the ground after cuttivatng as it was before you corn- bmenced, and just as the nain drops fait from the clouds or b nearly so, and in that condition the soit absorbs nearly or, 4 b quite ait nain fali and your corn crib overftows. My advice is- b to PULVERIZE your CORN not Dtlow it. .- Reminember that we are net wholly ini the MALCHINE su Aml AEhuue- j fur the ALMIGHTY DOLLAIR, but pgrtly for our ILEALTI1 alla uusysiteniaiéctoin- . n -àke. There-wae GOLD in Celinifa mutialogfr it was diseovered, go «

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